RimWorld Wendigos - Priority of Intellect // EP52

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greetings fellow sea ice monsters rodman here thank you for tuning in to episode 52 of wendigos which originally streamed live on twitch so the quick recap of last stream i guess uh what did happen uh we had a very funny meet scarcity because i made a lot of chem feel so shame on me for not paying attention to that uh we have been pushing the wendigo englave questline a little bit further so if we take a look at the relic of the one to go uh we actually have three of these done or four of these done but only three info but that's fine um we have been expanding the base so here we go we have a larger barracks it's not yet done but a larger barracks and trying to get that nice and comfortable and we have a biosculptor pod but we realize that bioregeneration is not going to help viper so we're going to have to find an ai chip i think matt nitz quirozilla glitch thank you for the bits and byrons for the gifted subs death on xbox and fang face the resub and shield for gifted subs as well oh man well what a way to start so uh has anyone spotted my mod yet i don't i haven't seen anyone necessarily spot it yet uh so the goal of this stream will be very much left up to you uh currently my focus description is clear the mech cluster which i have done so vote on a priority is gonna be the new one uh there was a mech cluster here and as you can see there's remnants of my crude uh planning not to walk into its proximity and we cleared this mech cluster uh with flying colors it was very easy and now i can actually remove the avoid zone don't need it anymore there's nothing to avoid [Music] he'll max serum would work right yes he'll make serum would work uh he'll make serum is a little bit hard to obtain uh another way to do it would be to chop off his head and then resurrect him that would also work all right let's let's get rolling is the wendigo symbol top right in the text background uh you mean this thing right here that simple glitch thanks for the bits again zero for 26 months and uh the yorkl for a sub cheers another thing that we're hoping to do is to have the moisture pumps keep pumping and remove all this uh shallow water that is sort of messing up our base design um actually we had a moisture pump destroyed so i'm not gonna rebuild it where it was i'm gonna rebuild it where i want it to be because we missed one lancer and one lancer came in uh this lancer came in and uh busted up our base a little bit not a problem not a problem so the current quests that we have here um let's choose from them what should we work on normally i ask about 10 minutes in for people to filter into the stream but i'm going to ask you guys you early birds so we have stash of fortune which as you can see has a doomsday launcher it's guarded by 11 imperials and maybe an unknown threat camasia thanks for the bits have the names of my pets been extended what by extended what do you mean uh then we have hunting work sites so clear a temple whoa all caps temporary site [Music] hey lb mayan thanks three sub [Music] sorry not watching to avoid spoilers that's okay i know that there's a lot of content and it's hard to keep up and i have a lot of series running pin currently despite the fact that you feel like i should put out more room world content i saw those youtube comments uh work on the when to go glaive or user uh go trading i always include that or user submitted ideas or rather suggestions and then i would open up that box there so boom there we go there is the pole very straightforward the stash of fortune is uh down south east and it has 11 enemies and possibly another threat we have two work sites not a whole lot of time to hit them three days and change and then we have uh the hidden complex hacking and cryptodrone intel hack which would be about the wendiglave the one to go glaive medge thanks for the resub as well and thanks for all the gifted subs that you've given to this channel cheers to you zero and t sang as well t sing i was actually just reminiscing about uh the lord of the rings and the origins of magic where of course you played a role hope to have more epics like that coming up so here is our lovely uh you know i probably can prop open these doors now i don't necessarily need to let them close so here's our lovely barracks our insanely flammable barracks i realize if there was ever a mortar with incendiaries or something like that this would be a bit of a problem um so fire foams might want to be researched at some point currently we're researching recon armor to unlock the feral exosuit which is the sort of next tier armor i'm not really sure that the feral ex suit is going to beat thrombopher especially if i add um flak vest to the thrombopher um one thing that we might want to do is to uh try to get recon helmets and then get flak vests and that would offer us a really good amount of protection hey a masterwork duster good for you t-sync thanks for the gifted subs emmy hunter for the gifted sub repo for the bits oh all right you fully deserve the the pink light here the love light it really does make my office look strange i can tell you that duh well i won't get into that okay so here's the mechs that we need to shred viper's hauling them in with half his brain power which has not been cured um because i don't really know of a viable way to cure viper i can't really put that as a priority except for possibly uh where would it be actually i don't know if you can ever make well you could do brain surgery for a brain stimulator which um uh would help with his brain damage i suppose so we could go down the tissue printer brain surgery and the advanced brain surgery tree if you all us sought to to vote for it brain stimulator caps at 65 yes i know that and uh currently he is hovering at 50 50 so like it would help increase it it's a thought late hipster and camassia and randall thor thanks for the bits even more oh a balkan's trader oh that's real good i am happy about that glitch get down here what were you doing you were praying and stuff throwing your clothing on the ground um has anyone spotted the mod i made yet whoa just just curious uh one of the things i probably gonna do is do away with some of these bison i'm sorry if you're a bison but i have too many the jade medge noticed yeah i made this mod in like 10 seconds but i will show it off in just a second what am i doing here smoke leaf joints gonna go go go let's buy the steel how is my steel i don't uh 400 yeah i need to buy steel maybe even by the blast deal they have blocks oh lord they have blocks let me buy 1500 of your finest stone and then and then let's hope that i have clothing i can sell them back actually oddly i don't what is going on here why don't where is all of my wonderful things that i wanted to trade away hmm i'm curious about that i mean i can afford this trade but obviously i feel like there is some hauling of of of clothing and the like that needs to occur because for some reason or other i am paying out the nose so here you can see blood soaked jade i basically renamed jade the jade that we get we soak in blood there's no actual soaking in a blood but i i refactored it so that it would be a color uh that we would appreciate and not like the christmas theme that we had going on yeah i guess we have sold off our dusters so i just spent a whole lot of silver but that's fine that is enough uh limestone block for whatever we want essentially so yeah if you select it you can see blood-soaked jade wall and that way it sort of matches of course the beds are still green so it's still slightly christmas themed and you guys think i should go to the stash of fortune okay let me update that stash of fortune hunting now with any luck some of these imperials that we're gonna kill will have um implants that maybe we believe in a steel that would be the ideal shell bell is pregnant again oh um yeah about that i did mention that i was going to sell off some some bison because we have such a absurd amount of bison so sorry i'm just not even really checking who's who i'm gonna keep a bunch of male bison so that i don't get a gillian uh offspring and there's a lot of bison that are just gonna go so now we're down to just a few because it honestly was becoming absurd just a truly absurd amount and number shield thanks for gifting out even more subs and hemping way for the resub like the red themed look of the base i do too with the flesh colored everything else so if i'm gonna head to squish some imperials uh clearly we are going to need to pod over it's kind of far and then maybe walk home now the problem is it's december uh which means that to flutie and tiburon are going to simply be too cold to walk why aren't we hauling the meals okay let's hold the meals out so they can actually eat and with any luck uh someone like truetter will i think the issue max actually might be oh boy we have so many stone blocks uh the issue actually might be that um here i'm gonna super hall i'm gonna basically tell everyone to haul right now except for tretter yeah taking a look around the map oh okay great they're punching one another taking a look around the map um yeah we have way too many things that don't belong in these stockpiles in the stockpiles and now whoa you came close to death ash or mallet nearly melted you to death that would have been bad glad that didn't happen but he had uh eight fortieths of his torso left torso went from eight to f to forty or forty to eight rather don't do that guys don't beat each other to death it really makes everything a little bit more difficult to deal with death by social fight i mean i've had it happen it's absurd when it does but hey age the mage whoa shell bell with 20 gifted subs this one's for you shell here i'll even here i'll switch over to the yoda cam and give him a treat the true sign of appreciation [Music] use work drive on the crafter that's a good idea let me hit work drive on treader so that he can uh work a little bit harder we are of course collectivists oh no we're not collectivists so it's a shorter work drive we probably should be collectivist but i think it wasn't voted on so we stuck with the vote and all of this hauling we're definitely freeing up some room here um where is truetter why are you still hauling just taylor taylor my friend i just gave you work drive [Music] all right we still have a lot of cloth left over it looks like most of the barracks is all tiled up um do i not even have the granite for that corner i do just raptor hasn't done it we are busy hauling the super hall here is now backfiring because uh my haulers are now running all the way out to the mac cluster that we destroyed so let me reduce this again and let them work on sensible tasks but pulling all of the blocks and steel out of here frees up a bit more room for things to be sold and then glitch let's try to recoup another duster let's try to recoup some of our um our money so in order to do that that's pretty straightforward [Music] let's search for duster i think at this point how much i have enough rumble fur that i'm actually going to sell the thrombo for dusters that i have that are just good quality and there we go 4k coming my way splashdown and what we'll end up doing is we'll end up replacing those thermal for dusters i i have it on pretty good confidence that we will get more uh thrombophere i i can't imagine that we wouldn't because i get attacked by thrombos regularly oh man ash you are in a bad way so as soon as glitch maxes out his side focus which should be pretty soon i'm gonna have him don his casting gear and we will go out to the uh whatever their names are the uh the royals the shattered empire and clear out their little merry band of idiots you love it when money rains down from the sky reminds me of that common misconception of like throwing a penny off the empire state building to kill people it's like do you not know what terminal velocity is because that's not how those things work as cool as that might sound it's just not how terminal velocity works actually have a very strange story about that all right now it's not a pink dog that was on mythbusters oh it doesn't even be on mythbusters that's not even mythbuster work uh worthy in my opinion the terminal velocity of a penny is very obviously not that high all right there let's preach health to ash because he got his her ash kicked [Music] i know i hate me too sometimes am i able to feast some time uh yeah we could actually kick off a window and feast now um let me ask everybody should i feast yes or no so a feast has a chance to bring in a random person as a recruit that follows our ideology um doesn't necessarily mean they're going to meet the requirements so we might end up just killing them anyway in in all reality but you know i'll figure i could vote on that anyway so glitch here is just about it is max sci focus which means that uh i'm gonna hit this item stash now what's kind of unfortunate is i don't have far skip yet i really wish i had first skip because that would make uh these attacks just a lot better a lot more functional here here's a weird uh little factoid about terminal velocity um the terminal velocity of a lot of small animals like cats or raccoons tends to be lower than what kills them which means that cats could hypothetically fall from any height where they wouldn't asphyxiate and land safely because the terminal velocity or rather the velocity the maximum speed that they'll reach given air resistance is not fatal i don't know maybe you don't find that interesting but i do whereas the terminal velocity for human is about 110 miles an hour so unless you're you know bucky barnes jumping out of a helicopter made of mostly cyborg uh terminal velocity for humans not so good not so good all right i don't know why oh i don't want to flick that i don't know why we're uh low on power but let's turn on backup power yeah you can survive jumping out of planes with no parachute if you break your fall through like pine tree limbs that are pretty flexible or landing in mud or something like that and it has happened but it's very rare i wouldn't count on it i wouldn't jump out of a plane without a parachute unless you know your chance of surviving the crash itself is probably lower so i don't know maybe not but here we go we have our extremely impressive barracks and i'm hoping to make it more impressive over time [Music] uh you guys pretty clearly say you want a feast so i'm gonna kick off a feast in right now actually let's kick this feast off carry a bucket of water rim world's leaking xenothermia thank you for the sub and a pet yoda that i missed my bad [Music] so a successful feast here has a 50 chance of a random person joining that believes in our ideology is everyone oh everybody but ash is feasting ash says he's attending but um no not not really and it was fun but no one joined oh well well i will just go ahead and make another feast platter while they tidy up the room and then i think it's about time to go on the raid for the doomsday so i'm going to have glitch do a quick gear swap and clearly the clothing that he's wearing is dyed wrong but i'll fix that later on uh what else does he need he needs a shield belt which is something i almost always always always forget and then the other worry is really get too cold because that's a really that's that's a that's a pretty devastating possibility but negative 25 he should be okay for a little bit all right let's uh let's dye him proper i keep changing the color of this uh of his clothing and he always changes back it doesn't look like we got a random person joining so when we're raiding against the imperials uh we're definitely not going to find anyone uh worthy of keeping that's just not going to happen i'm not gonna take the other relic weapon i don't need it well well i'm gonna have slast grab it why not slash is one of my uh dedicated stalkers slash and cowley are both stalkers as you can see they're little icons up here all right so now glitch is the caster in black what is his sensitivity 377 my lord is that ridiculous with a heat of 300 holy moly all right well uh let's get a group underway i'm just gonna make sure that all of my brawlers have shield belts before i send them out uh and they do so the initial team that i'm gonna be sending is just a team to smush them a bit so slashed and oh you know slash shouldn't go slast is my other backup um researcher though so if glitch is going slash should stay so slashed and cowley are going to switch weapons so that i have a researcher at home sorry slast your your brain is needed all right let's fix that again so launching mallet glitch uh eli zeleb marauders and cali oh i have uh let's send uh ash should stay because she's so um beat to a pulp maybe a raptor that's a big raid i could even fit one more fang face okay there we are uh bringing 28 meals and i can always ship over more meals if i need to uh some spare luciferium a go juice a wake up uh let's grab some tea and that's it i think oh maybe some meds meds are always useful case of injury all right 5 59 out of 600 not full but close my uh my raiders have stuff like lances on them already shield belts and lances and the like so i don't i don't really need that so much i i don't think it's going to be that hard of a fight to be honest unless the unknown um the unknown danger is particularly dangerous we'll see about that and then depending on what there is to raid i'm going to want to send over some of the um the bison now i three of the bison three the adult bison i kept are male and that way they don't get pregnant and you know pregnancy slows down bison so i was thinking about that uh it says they're all ready to launch so let's go [Music] drop at edge shall bell compels me to drink coffee oh yes cheer shield [Music] gonna run out at this rate [Music] there's not a lot of people left home there's treader with his little work drive just grinding out the uh dusters all right so if we take a look at them uh we they are not well geared i mean not at all i'm actually really surprised there's some recon armor but most of them are in parkas due to the temperature so cool i guess i'm just gonna have people just pick things up so that it's not laying on the ground here yeah this isn't going to be much of a fight i don't think it's weird that hillard is growing here seems a bit cold for that [Music] oh bye bye shuttle hey i already seen l oh it's awful quality but some ltx uh before we start let's have cali hit the marksman command because i use work drive i can't do combat command but marksman command will be good uh have my brawlers go in front now what is their longest range weapons a charge lance all right so if the charge lands as long as cali's uh long stalker is going to outrange it and i'll punch it considerably and we will march forward there's not a lot of cover to be had oh what are you shooting oh you're shooting at a turret i think there's not a lot of cover to be had so we're just gonna have to make do using shield belters wow it bounced that is uh super surprising i'll explain why the long stalker that cowley has if you take a look the armor pen is 79 and the damage is 52. if you're wondering how strong 52 is uh let me put it in reference a charge lance here has a damage of 30 so it is like what not nearly twice as much well actually compared to the armor penetration i would say the long stalker is oh there it is whoop yep right through the heart what a heartbreaker he is no i don't want to be close enough to be shot at by automated turrets so let me back up just a little bit [Music] oh i think we just iced another one holy crap another heart shot oh cowley jesus dude leave some for the rest of us man now another thing i'm gonna want to do is to back up to not allow them to use their own sandbags because sandbags offer a pretty decent amount of coverage and i want to draw them out of their cover so i'm going to line up a little bit further back another thing i could do which would really throw them into a tizzy would be to berserk the ones that have really good melee weapons and to have them just murder themselves because if i can get away from this fight with literally not a single um hit point of damage uh that would that would be great all right so marauder he's slightly out of range and i'm gonna berserk mr blunt weapon there so not only have i not taken damage um here let me let me skip these guys out of cover you don't get to shoot at me like that not only have i not taken a point of damage that mallet has healed since which is kind of funny i am net positive for health uh my shield belts we're all pretty good glitch you want to keep grabbing them yeah grab this dukas guy brawlers don't worry i'll give you something to do and now they're fleeing oh ducas you survived uh i am going to quickly strip you so we got some recon armor to that we could sell unfortunately these guys uh all have death acid fires so most of their gear is just going poof yep more poof anastasia what do you have you have jut the death of death instead of i what are you even doing you're fleeing in panic i love it all right brawlers forward are you bloodlust who's bloodlust here besides mallet mel how many people have you killed just two oh poor are you let's get that up to three i don't know what anastasia is doing she seems uh extraordinarily broken to me just sort of standing there um disabled or something i i don't know what it is but it is pretty funny no glitch maybe you shouldn't bash it with your relic lance and there uh we've cleared the site i don't think that there was a random danger splat there goes another one yeah so site is cleared no one got hurt totally dominated uh let's claim everything and leave i doubt there's gonna be enough for me to warrant bisoning over uh meaning that i won't send the animals to help unless actually the animals might help speed up the return home which wouldn't be a bad idea because i only have five people home and with no automated weapons that is a bit of disadvantage we do have oh a psychic fog um okay so we have a kill focused uh psychic fog weapon which is kind of unfortunate and it kind of um counteracts one another if you're if you're wondering so the kill focus means that when you get a kill you gain side focus but the cyclist fog lowers your uh sensitivity so it it works against itself and uh yeah i'm going to be uh butchering these guys for their meet and there's my doomsday launcher and my side trainer flash storm which i will use on glitch and let's get let's get butchering and then get home so speaking of home i want to get these uh pods going so that i can send over some bison to help with the meat load what a silly little uh throne room they have here it's like a toilet it's like the the porcelain throne room hey whatever makes them happy right all right strip the whole facility [Music] and everybody now will be allowed to do construction except for of course the stalker [Music] so the zone is cleared and the next thing i'm going to do to ask you all is uh what to do next what to focus on next so we will have the relic quests [Music] improving the base because now i have a ton of stone to be able to do perimeter walling in the like trade clearing settlements um more bionics or user submitted ideas all right there's the vote a masterwork thrown before duster ah you shouldn't have so the butcher table let's butcher human likes and drop them on the floor and we'll help raptor out by hauling the corpses here this map tile was um a raid map tile so it's not gonna have any resources you can see it's just all limestone everywhere as far as the eye can see ex-gamer and repo thanks repo thank you for the sub one of my newest patrons not only a patron on patreon but now subbing here and you're not even you don't even know what's going on in rimworld so not only that but you're supporting me playing a game you have no pre-knowledge of which is incredible cheers to you next gamer as well the last time you watched me was the two world series man that's a throwback two world series was a lot of fun though i gotta say that was challenging and the the safalu clan was very amusing for those that do not know the tomb world series just randomly had a bunch of family members all of the same family show up i have no idea why there was no rhyme or reason to it but they did and uh we had a good time [Music] so relic quests look to be the priority man we are really bad at getting this rice moles what are you doing oh cause i told you to do art there is no art to be done so just get the rice do i have a happen to have a favorite list of mods for quality of type or do i go only vanilla um my mod list for the architects which is a uh youtube series only has a mod list which is what i would consider my like go to default mods which is very very very vanilla i want to add uh but it includes stuff like um show drafty weapons to see the weapons that people have equipped which i honestly i could play without but it why play without it it's so amazing and then you know numbers and some of the other months that actually people in this community have made like lb mayan who just resub not too long ago uh made a mod that i use all the time and uh we've got some other modders that do stuff like that so that's really really cool that i use mods from the community we do have a new quest yes so the buckley's breakout it's a prisoner held by the colonies steal a radio they're a 47 year old evangelist they're definitely not uh it's guarded by 11 turrets and one outlander so there's no meat and this dude will not join oh it's tempting it's not tempting it's not tempting at all um yep so yeah that would be my my go-to list of mods is uh in the description here so if you actually type out mods there you can actually see the list that i'm currently using and of that list i would say show draft use weapons block unwanted minutiae um numbers begone message uh color-coded moo bar it's funny not that i meant to but actually a lot of the mods that i use are made by um supporters of my channel so you know we have block unwanted minutiae uh color-coded move bar and um begone message all for some of my patreon patrons and twitch subscribers which is very very cool and just to shout them out that would be uh that would obviously be crash em with the color coded woodbar and jordan and lb mayan for uh minutia and begone message um and what those do is they sort of remove some of the more annoying aspects of room world so that you're not constantly bothered i guess is the easiest way to explain it so glitch here is having a little bit of um he's getting cold uh so i think what i'm gonna need to do is to send a uh a parka when i send the animals send a parker for him to wear otherwise he's gonna get frostbite on his way home uh in the interim what it could do is throw a campfire in this little uh nook or whatever you want to call it and then heat them up that way so let's go ahead and launch the adult male bison i will send a bunch of packet survival meals and pemmican oh you know what i could probably do this with three pods not four [Music] if i'm careful about carry weight all right so let's send a masterwork megaslothful parka no one will get cold wearing that it's just about impossible and the meals all right and high prioritize hauling so we can get those guys sent out quick all right so now we have a little heated room that will keep glitch warm we have most of the corpses uh butchered [Music] just a few left [Music] and i'm gonna have glitch just draft and stand in that room [Music] oh and of course these guys immediately put um things in the doorway there we go so now this room is warming up that'll warm up [Music] taking a look at the poll results uh let's go with relic quests relic quests or user submitted ideas so what i'm gonna do is actually open up the user submitted idea box briefly and collect about six or seven suggestions to put in the poll on for next time so the suggestion box is open and feel free to suggest oh hi tusky yeah puppy come here come here there there's a carrot alright so the transport pods have been loaded we will launch and then they have to do the march home so it's going to take a little bit to get home because glitch does not have a far skip yet reforming the caravan uh i'm actually gonna start marching towards another enemy colony on my my way home i'm not certain i'm gonna hit it but we might and let's go ahead and take the resources that we have here uh maybe not the blocks because i just got so many blocks i guess i never learned the side trainer for flashstorm i must have canceled that the altx helmet the recon armor and maybe that's it am i missing anything we have sadie the persona hammer already so i don't oh uh the parka and the shirt oh good i almost forgot that all right i think that's everything we need send one thing i should have done before i left was to put everyone on travel food priorities so that they have a much wider uh range of food that they're uh willing to eat oh all of them but one was already on travel in fact that means that people here are set up incorrectly i do need someone to start cooking here so ash i know that you've had the snot kicked out of you but i need you to start cooking [Music] okay one more use this midi and i'm gonna close that in box [Music] there we are so the current focus is relic quests and user submitted i'll try to do both so let me write up user it is what extra goal to work on so we've got uh work on research to fix viper [Music] submitted by viper [Music] head towards feral uh exoskeleton armor so get exo skeleton research i like that one too uh submitted by cargon uh talk more said another research bench build more uh research build another research room to double the amount of researchers that i have a very fine idea cali submitted work on better weapons i like that [Music] it would be cool if uh the cannibal window goes hebonic jaws um what is that under [Music] okay yeah um add bionic jaws for wendigos by b dude tipsy says um try to get better cycass i think is what you're trying to say get better cycass the way to do that would be to raid the shattered empire um settlements hoping that they had cycast trainers in their settlements it's possible and uh randall thor yours is a duplicate so i'm gonna refund you starting the poll there it is six items your choice as per the usual i definitely have enough people for two researchers yeah you're absolutely right i i don't deny that and i can definitely get another research bench up no problem if uh if you also choose so here is uh thy her which is a colony that we can swing by on our way home because why not uh glitch doesn't seem to be getting i'm gonna switch out his robe anyway but he doesn't seem to be getting hypothermia out on the caravan anyway which is interesting i'm not sure why he wasn't you know yoda yoda does not know either and moles with a go frenzy moles what are you working on oh because i did okay yeah that's my fault i did put the uh high priority hauling and she sort of ignored the the kitchen there or the uh the farm oh another thing i need to do is to move the heaters around or to add a uh a light source in there because we are researching in the dark which is stupid to do so i will fix that [Music] actually let me put the uh them over on this side all right standing land just noticed we've been penalizing ourselves the whole time all right another research room and fix viper okay well they kind of go together so relic quests and research for brain ai is what i'll summarize it so thank you for that uh if i want another research room uh the way to do this would be i don't want to multi-analyzers it doesn't make sense so i'm going to want just like another research bench uh maybe here or something which obviously i'm going to need to change the form factor of the room a bit so let's do that so this is a 2x5 and that means that the this floor here should all be torn up and then everything moved sort of northward and maybe put the research room entrance uh on this edge here so we'll get that underway and the research light is off yeah of course it is of course it's all right there we go i'm gonna slowly move some of the beds around as well i think what i'm going to do is send everybody home i'm not going to stop at thigher now i should stop it by her but i can't do the relic quests with only five people or i shouldn't i should say it's not really all that safe and more masterworks lovely so the people that are still home moles and torretta are the only constructors and moles will get to it when she gets to it basically i sent my constructors like marauder and raptor out on caravan so we can't do a whole lot of building but i can do planning so i'm planning to replace the marble walls with the blood soaked jade uh as it will fit better and then oh we have a raid of the fleshless coming in uh it is a rather large raid for the amount of people what is it 12 bots yeah 12 flush lists that are breachers versus my five people that are home rude all right what do i have at my disposal so i have viper with a shot glance ash with a shock glance so i have multiple shot glances i have triple launchers i think it is too cold to call in uh backup yeah it's it's too too much of a bad temperature to call in anyone to help so that's not a not a uh not a solution a viable solution so we're just gonna have to fight this out probably um using some of these specialty weapons that we have at our disposal so what i'm gonna do is send uh we have so many brain dead people us last on caravan so celeste is a uh is a stalker and in being a stalker uh slash will be able to buff people's range and then speaking of range tretter i want you who is the best shooter probably treader i want treader to get [Music] the um the sniper rifle now viper's a little brain dead so it's a little sketchy to use viper in any significant way but we'll do what we can uh one viable way to do this would be to try to hit them with like emps but emps are sort of temporary they do wear off pretty quickly i don't have any available to me right now so we're going to do this the fun and hard way by trying to shoot them down and then ash despite your injuries you're also going to have to actually you know what audible here remove you from caravan uh ash you're injured but i'm gonna have you load up the triples and the feral into your inventory and then viper um i'll try not to risk you too too much although you've got less than a full brain to work with so we're going to want to try to isolate the termite and and take the termite out as fast as we can because the termite's going to burrow into the base which is not good celeste what are you doing i told you to grab a sniper rifle come on down edges and stormy and rest in peace thanks three subs research is for nerds can you use my kill box no they're breachers breachers just blast through your walls they don't care about kill boxes kill boxes don't work against breach never do so we have three sniper rifles oh ash you should also grab a sniper rifle as well and then grab a chocolates a backup shot glance so i'll probably end up shock lancing a whole lot of them uh just because we're outnumbered five to twelve and i don't wanna lose anyone if it can help it so that termites about to be in range [Music] and treaders a sniper rifle oh let's last hit the marksman command trader sniper rifle does a lot of damage so there's there's that as soon as i'm in range of this stuff i'm gonna need a back pedal yeah so let's start backpedaling let's get back here and do my best to try to isolate the enemies and take them out all right that termites uh brink of death we'll just keep going kazan thanks for the follow all right termites gone uh now even with the termite gun it doesn't necessarily mean the uh breachers are not gonna breach they're still gonna breach they're just not going to breach quickly they're just going to be shooting my walls so now i'm targeting the lancers because the lancers do a heck of a lot of range damage which would be catastrophic if they hit me because i don't have flak fest or anything like that but with uh treaders super so so the reason let me explain the reason why i gave to redder the legendary sniper rifle not slashed is the last marksman command is now affecting charetta and trader gets the shooting accuracy plus 4 aiming time minus 40 percent from the uh the marksman command which means that the legendary sniper rifle is now more accurate and shooting faster which is why i'm absolutely ripping these uh mechanoids up so very quickly it's actually possible i'm not even gonna need any um specialty lances or anything like that all right let's back up again just some good micromanagement smart planning and we should be okay so the pikeman is still shooting at me but the pikeman's dps is really low so i'm not that worried about the pikeman and i'm gonna make this easier on myself so i'm not done i'm not stuck fighting this fight forever i'm gonna knock the two centipedes out with a with a shock glance i think it's worth it and then we just have one left to deal with okay aim better looks like this one is aiming at me i'm gonna back up again because i don't get shot by pikes pike's down all right the last one's in range good now i'm going to let's start working on the uh centis so let's group up no ash where you going that's not grouping up holy heck that's not where i even told him to walk [Music] yeah i think this will be just fine who is tattered apparel celeb i can't help you celeb where is lead anyway on caravan yeah i can't help you [Music] all right so moles is starting to just bash these centipedes down that one's dead one left and then we'll be clear clear no problem ash no more caravanning i didn't end up using the triple launchers or the feral rocket launcher i didn't need it uh these guys are half a day away from hitting that uh let me switch the weapons back because we're supposed to be using feral rifles when we can i just needed the sniper rifles temporarily and then moles is um smashing the already unconscious centipedes so that we don't have to deal with them sweet 12 versus five and we barely broke a sweat oh it got up um so one of the interesting things when you shock lance a centipede is they become weaponless so as you can see here this centipede doesn't have a weapon uh unlike this one which does well it had a weapon i guess it died so we can actually finish off um this centipede with our ranged people which i'm gonna do just for the shooting practice because it's unarmed that way we don't even take damage because if i if i kept um brawling it with moles it could headbutt me and it's gone easy peasy keep it as a pet it it's still hostile so it's still going to want to try to kill me slowly by like head butting my walls because it's a breacher so i'd rather just disable it and not have to deal with a a stupid head-butting centipede [Music] all right i am moving uh the bulk of our beds uh north a bit are these guys resting yet they're not resting yet so we might actually attack fire at night which will be interesting i could dig it looks like moles wow we chewed through that much uh let me check the simple meals here so for simple meals i'm no longer going to make simple meals uh out of anything but just animal meat because i think we're using up no it's all made of thrombo meat we're just having a trouble sourcing the vegetables for our fine meals but yeah whatever that's fine [Music] so i'm moving the beds uh up a bit so that i can have a larger uh research room so here we are oh the anarchist uh at the thigh her outpost or settlement i should call it it's a settlement uh their weapons are short-ranged mixed mostly some really good short-range weapons and then another thing i'm going to want to look at is if they have any precious metals in their mountains i'm gonna do that real quick before i kick this off no i don't see any plastic or uranium or anything like that nothing popping out at me just compact machinery which i don't really need all right so we're gonna head in from the east take them out thank you for tuning in to wendigos which originally streamed live on twitch october 17th if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you'd like to do it in real time rodomont.com in the description of this video have links to discord if you'd like to catch a live stream rodomont.com also has my countdown timers to upcoming streams which is going to be increasingly useful as daylight savings will mess with the schedule and also the schedule for video release thank you so very much for watching and a special thank you to all of my twitch subscribers and patreon patrons for supporting the channel farewell everybody
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 3,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch, Ideology, 1.3, Lore, Mythology, Evil
Id: O-DyUX8mImM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 29sec (3809 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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