Star Wars - A RimWorld Tale | I "A New Hope"

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kyouda guys gals and Legionnaires rikon here and welcome back to rim world except rim world as you've not seen it before on the channel this is Star Wars a rim world tail as you can tell from the title this is going to be a Star Wars inspired playthrough so we're using a whole heap of different mods a whole host of different mods that are going to modify rim world to make it part of the wider Star Wars Galaxies so to speak and those mods can be found in the description I've put together a mod collection which is on Steam so you can just download the whole thing if you want to be playing using this and essentially if you want to be on the same kind of planet style to what I've done it's a hundred percent coverage 100% rainfall and the seed for that is Rikon role-plays now the actual crash site itself has differed i've done a few different test sites but we have landed here in a tropical jungle it's the first time that for myself playing in a tropical jungle so it's gonna be interesting to see how that affects our playstyle but i'm looking forward to trying it out and as you can see we have three characters starting off some of them with familiar names we have myself rikon over here and triton as you can see we're kind of wearing robes of a sort and that is because we are force users you know we are apprentices I know it says night here that's just kind of because of the background that you have to give them but the way that I see the story evolving and going is that we have crash-landed here myself Triton and Pia and and in peer or pyre pyre actually we'll go for pyah pyah we're gonna talk about in a little bit here but myself and Triton both force users potentially hunted down by the Empire we've crashed landed here and I think what we're going to be doing from this point on is trying to create a sanctuary of sorts because as we can see down here flashing in the corner there is something of a war going on the Rebel Alliance has declared war on the Galactic Empire in fighting may occur on your territory so that's not just things attacking us but it's two factions attacking each other where we are so there's going to be a whole heap of things going on we're going to be trying to be as passive as possible being from the I guess you'd say more Jedi mind set than the set of see we because we are apprentices we don't know what we're doing we don't really know anything we are we are learning over time and as we can see I think my capsule here still hasn't opened my drop pod but we are accompanied by paya and paya is a Twi'lek so we have different races in this series which is going to be quite cool to play around with and and and and paya is a mercenary and a pretty damn good mercenary at that I animation that's probably one of the main reasons that myself and Triton are still alive after our ship came crashing down onto this planet and pyre has decided to essentially dedicate her life to protecting us for whatever reason maybe she had an oath beforehand to see that we survived or at least to protect us and and take us away from some facility perhaps that were being kept at who knows who knows we'll explore those possibilities as we continue this but to get things started off let's explore the map a little bit here and as you can see we do have one long river flowing the whole way through and if we jump out to the world map here we can see that we are situated on a river the reason I like to be by rivers is purely just for the hygiene more than anything because we still have the hygiene modern stalled and that's gonna be a thing you know we're gonna need stuff to go somewhere but it's also you know noted that we are quite close to one of the main highways that kind of flow throughout the planet and zooming out a little bit further you can see that there are a host of different icons here so there is actually a rebel base that is just to the north of us we have a kind of neutral faction of this way we also have what look like could be some mental ourian's or some raiders over this side here and there are also some some Twi'lek encampments that are around the place in caves of all things so that's actually really cool kiz' caves are a new thing in beta 18 unfortunately I couldn't find caves on this but we might find that when we start exploring and and that's why I wanted it to be kind of close to a road as well because eventually we are going to want to try and trade with other colonies and don't kind of grow but we are gonna be trying to survive here this is this is where we're gonna be staying for now we don't know of a name the name will pop eventually but as you can see we've got a whole host of really interesting things around us that I haven't really had to play with in rimworld yet we've got we've got a whole heap of boom boats just down from us and we've got a big herd of monkeys as well so before we get any further ahead and I would just suggest skipping ahead if you're not so interested in these bits and pieces here but I just want to show you a little bit about our characters let's just advance time a little bit so I pop on out of there but as you can see this is myself and we have two different tabs here as you can see we have force and as you can see here something is awakening and there is a little bar that's advancing here and as you can see rikon can feel something stirring within utilize their skills and watch them grow we have actually started off I've given us lightsabers to start off with because I you know I felt it was right for us to have that kind of protection to start with we are very small and there are some big enemies out there so we'll see how that kind of goes we've obviously been trained over time prepared over time for this eventualities we we're still learning we don't have access to any force powers as of yet and this here is new for us as well at least on the channel this is psyche so I have gone ahead and installed the psychology mode for rimworld which essentially adds a whole heap of different factors to your colonists personality so it just kind of it deepens what they're I guess you know what they're built off more than just a few traits so there's a whole heap of they're there but if I want to jump in not combat combat is new in beta 18 so whenever we do do combat we're gonna see a breakdown of things that are kind of appearing along the way there but if we go into character here we can see our skills so both myself and Trident we are very skilled when it comes to melee we're not very good at shooting though that's the thing we're not very very good at that and as you can see we are we both of us we are force apprentices so myself I'm going to be focusing more on the social aspect and growing I am also the doctor at the moment but I'm also going to be involved in mining and getting stone is gonna be a big thing because I think we are gonna want to make this temple out of stone because in the first there is a good chance of fire being a massive massive head hazard and and we don't want that and jumping and having a look at try sin here we can see that he he's actually better and melee than me but he's also great at cooking caring for animals and growing food as well which i think is going to be important but really there is so much food around us and this is gonna be something that's different like I'm used to the seasons playing out but being in a tropical rainforest we're gonna have a lot of food all the time so let me need to watch out for though is the diseases tropical diseases are going to be something that we need to concern ourselves with so watch out for that and hopefully we will have a decent harvest of medicine to kind of prepare for those things when they come along or even be able to stop them altogether and finally we have paya and paya as you can see is very very good when it comes to shooting and the these are the way I see them is that these aren't like starting off characters they have been surviving they have been existing in this violent galaxy for a while now so they are prepared now everyone that does come on from this point they probably not gonna be as good as them but I feel like the first founding three core members they really should be you know able to make it through this first this first initial stage but what we're gonna do as we're getting started off we definitely want to have paya grabbing this t21 blaster rifle that is gonna be the main weapon that she is using and as for myself and triton this should be if I just allow us to move around a little bit here yeah they're actually really really hidden we have these prototype plasteel lightsabers and they are actually without crystals right now so we're gonna go ahead and equip one of those each and once they're equipped we can go ahead and slot a crystal into them and I have checked with Triton and he's gone for yellow a little orange but we don't have any orange available to us at the start that are kind of basic crystals so it's gonna have to be yellow for now Triton so there we go boom so we're gonna go ahead and get those done but as we can see colonists need bids and we need to start getting things constructed so what I'm gonna do now is that I'm going to cut away for a moment as I kind of outline a basic starter base for us to just get started and I'll be seeing you all in a moment okay I have returned and so we're gonna start advancing time I have built us a little bit of a temporary setup so this is what we're going to be surviving in while we're here and as we can see we did actually put those crystals into our lightsabers there and Triton's being kind enough to bring so that would along with them same thing with Piatt here who is looks like she's throwing up that's probably from the sickness more than anything so you do get cryo slave sickness and we're gonna go ahead and we gonna get rid of this now so there is a war going on we no doubt ibly are going to be called into there at some point I have set up a basic stockpile for us here we were going to be able to keep some of our Goods it looks like I have decided to go ahead and take my robe off right away which I hope that isn't a mistake and it looks like I've still got it on weirdly enough so maybe coats are being yeah coats are being removed once you're actually inside so I'm actually kind of okay with that yeah I'm okay with there and we are hauling some things over here as well so that's good to see the debt is happening and it looks like a pyre is gonna be doing most of the construction here just to kind of get us started off but this is a really basic setup for us I have asked for a stone cutters table to be placed down as well because primarily the temple is going to be made from stone so that's what we're working towards you know this Jedi Temple that we want to try and make together as a colony we're going to be making out of stone but there is also a lot of wood around as well so I feel like it's going to be a combination of the two I feel like inside we'll be using a lot of wood not only just for like you know tables chairs etc but probably floors as well even though I feel like it would be good it'd be more thematic to have it all be stone but I feel like that would just take it would take up too much it would take up far too much and we just don't we don't have access to that much but yeah I kind of like that we do take our bits and pieces off when we go inside like that um nice little nice little touch now I'm wondering if supposedly some of the races have different I guess you'd say different organs like I know there's a practice I meant to have like two hearts etc and stuff like that I don't know how we'd be able to see that down here with a lot UT that something is enhanced but for the twilights it doesn't seem like anything is so you know that's that's okay what we want to do now and which I'm actually really happy we're seeing happen is having so much of the stuff hauled back we don't want that to be outside so we need to get the medicine back inside as fast as possible and same thing the food I actually you know what I feel like that's going to be good for a little bit longer but things like the components we definitely want those to come back ASAP giant raffle raffle saya interesting interesting there are a lot of things that are gonna be strange to me that I haven't seen before so yeah we'll see how that plays out they definitely aren't any caves on here which is a little little disappointing I was hoping we might come across one cave but unfortunately there is nothing here that's okay there are plenty of animals and we need to be wary because the jungle does have animals that are gonna be dangerous to us Panthers but also things like snakes as well we need to be very very mindful of snakes come close to our encampment because they can they can do some pretty serious damage to us and we don't want that that's the last thing that we want to happen and it looks like you Triton are going to be bringing that over there fantastic and I am going in getting those components bring them back to the main pile which is fantastic we are using a whole plus to be able to do that so when I tell someone to urgently haul something they're gonna haul it no matter what there are since you're gonna drop everything and get that done these are some very basic hygiene items for us that I've just got set up outside so we have a little wash bucket and then we also have a latrine as well that I assume paya is going to get constructing rather soon I would hope and once we have these up and running I'm probably going to ask her to work on this we're gonna put a bill in now for stone blocks and you know what I'm just gonna say any right now I'm not gonna be picky about what the stone blocks are although maybe it's actually worth us having a look and seeing what we have primarily around this we have a lot of limestone it looks like a really decent amount of limestone and a pretty decent amount of sandstone as well it looks like this primarily sandstone and limestone that is around here there's a whole heap of it down there but just what's it are she failed it sucks okay that's it's gonna happen at the lower level that's unfortunate but it can and it will happen occasionally but it seems that limestone is the primary chunk that's around us and it's gonna be the easiest thing for us to use so we're actually gonna change it over to limestone and it looks like we'll be building the temple primarily out of limestone so we're just gonna say right now we're probably going to do forever and I'll just stop and start there as we go we do have a battery up and running which is nice I think the power conduit has been built there as well unfortunately there was another failed construction I'm almost tempted to take pyar off construction although having a look at that for construction and then what is my self only fight so only one little higher you know what we're gonna take the risk right now we're gonna roll the dice on that we should have enough resources to be able to do this there's about a thousand pieces of Steel just scattered across the map I did a check of the start so that is good and nice Triton's just gonna go do some cloud watching now something that we do want to try and build pretty soon is the actual little announcement under misc flower arch that's that's nice now under furniture we can see meditation pared Jedi we want to try and construct one of those and although we need cloth to be able to do it so I think it's worth us getting some patches down now for growing and I don't see any amazingly fertile soil around us which is kind of surprising for a jungle I mean this is marshy or yeah it's mushy soil so the fertility isn't as good there so we definitely want to try and do it in these areas out just out the front of us it's gonna be the easiest place for us to do those things so let's go ahead and create a growing space there and a growing space via so I think this one here we we want this to be cloth and as you can see there's a whole heap of different trees down there that we can check on even just regular grass I think we're okay with it I think what we're gonna do Alti as well it's very tempting but no we are going to go for the cloth so we're looking for where are you where are you where are you part of the tree why am i a cotton plant there we go I don't know why it was so hard for me to see and as for you here we are probably going to want to go let's just go potatoes for now because potatoes last for a long time we could go rice but rice is very picky as to where it's grown and I feel like we'd want to do that on fertile soil and I think this is five now and triton is getting those planted down very nice I'm jumping in on that as well I just want to check and see how we're doing temperature-wise at the moment and where am I gonna see that actually a couple rings is 24 to 62 so it's actually well we can actually go up quite a bit for us to still be comfortable it's 38 degree Celsius outside which is very very hot for me personally but they seem to be doing fine hopefully pyre is going to succeed this time and making the stove I have gone and made an electric stove just because obviously we have a lot of wood around us but if we have access to electricity like those we might as using it and going off there we should probably look at just getting a basic light popped in here as well so let's just go for a standing lamp and let's just chuck it over here in the corner just so it's gonna light up their area more than over there and yes we have that done and so we just need some more steel to be hauled over there it looks like this stuff is working which is good it's obviously out in the open so it's not the most private but we are starting off at the moment things aren't can be glamorous for us for this first little phase but we'll be looking we'll be looking good eventually we have a lot of trees around us here so we've got peach trees we've got I think they're all peach trees so they look like apple trees to me cuz it's green but maybe they're just not ripe I don't know I'm not certain about that the packaged survival meals seem to be doing fine I think they can actually survive it's it does say they're deteriorating but doesn't really look like they are we did we have asked that they get moved over here so hopefully we will see that happen but I don't know if it's gonna happen right away um it looks like Piatt is getting straight into working on the stone and I'm kind of okay with there what I do want to do though we're just gonna pause real quick and we're gonna go into this and I want them to be just dropped on the ground so just drop on the floor will be fine because it's just gonna be nice and easy that way ah and then you take it to the stockpile anyway because you're hauling priority is above that not sure what I actually know I think the reason she took that there was because she's going that way anyway so that's one of our mods that's working as intended there which is kind of nice I do like that we have a lot of animals around us so we can do hunting and aspire that's primarily gonna be doing hunting for us yeah good stuff I want to see if this is going up naturally at all it is oh it is slowly going up over time so I'm gonna intrigued to see how the force develops in this or at least how our own force powers develop we'll be cool to see alright what I'll be constructing here looks like I'm trying to get that light up and running that would be nice if we could get it going I'd really like that to be built first because obviously that's actually going to give us power whether or not that happens who knows we can go ahead and get rid of these bits because the other ones have been constructed in time you can see that we also have Ferguson's here and that's because I am running with the hospitality mod because it'll be nice to be able to house some people in our temple as we get it constructed now I have to be careful that I don't go overboard with the construction of the temple I don't try to make it too big or too grand to start off with so we're just going to be taking baby steps as we kind of build it and it looks like we actually have some bamboo here as well so that's cool I haven't had bamboo as a construction material before so I am excited to see how we're gonna be able to use it and I think that's going to be really quite you cool to use for the floors as well it's gonna give us a good feel I have also got this Zen garden modern stored so I feel like that's gonna work really well with the aesthetic that we're going for the with the with the Jedi Temple so yeah going for a walk that's okay I don't have any time designated for joy right now I have it just people can do whatever they want when they want to do it and we'll see how that kind of works out just for the first store phase but we are all going to sleep in our little barracks and that's the first night done and dusted we managed to get the kind of basics up and running which I'm happy with it would be good to have some more food coming in though because obviously we have a lot around us so we could be creating meals and I mean like we've got a lot of bananas etc we're aren't 68 percent grown over there so we don't want things to go to waste so we do want to be harvesting them but at the same time I feel like fruit does decay quite quickly so we want to leave them on for as long as we can I think the cherry trees are really cool though I like the cherry trees there's a nice touch I mean this this feels slightly alien but not completely alien and I think that's some Wi-Fi that's kind of Star Wars isn't it crabapple tree growing not okay out of season okay so even though it's permanent summer I wonder if that will change or whether or not they will not fruit at all which is kind of interesting mmm I don't know how they're surviving the earth they're not but yeah so there's deeply enough still around it's just not close enough for us to grab right now I mean like this 205 just sitting right there so hopefully someone is going to get working on that you start washing that's perfectly fine try some getting stuff planted for us which is excellent the sooner the cloth is up and running the better just because well it's it's gonna take a while for it to grow and it'll make me happy and I'm actually glad that we do have some more cloth getting a cloth stone stone blocks rather okay I would I'm hoping that okay we've got some more growing going on but there isn't like we're very close so I'm not gonna change the priorities right now I just want this to get finished and then hopefully one of us is actually jumping and just undoing the destruction there we go Triton's doing it fantastic brilliant thank you my friend and pirate is just going for a walk so yeah that's cool we'll let her do that I haven't worried about building any tables or anything in here perhaps there might be something that we want to do we've got some mushroom here as well so ideally that's going to get up and running soon so that we can get some meals put down there as well also because the sun is shining we want to be getting some of that and now if we can ah look at that we even doing some cleaning nice we don't need to have a massive table because we don't seem to eat at the same time so I think we're just gonna go for I 1 by 2 and we might just go for two stools just buy it like that and we'll see if that does work out for us I'm assuming yeah myself is gonna get I'm trying not to say rikon because that would just sound weird I'm selling you know I'm talking a third person but it looks like I'm taking things over there and if I'm not incorrect I feel like the wood texture has changed here for some reason which I kind of like it looks different so that's kind of cool yeah all right well we are gonna get that constructed and Piatt thank you very much nice so we are so close so close but not quite there unfortunately um Tritan what happened with this buddy you're not going to finish that off well I have the most construction so I feel like all too low to build the generator really that sucks that's a thing oh dear oh well that's that's that's really shot us in the foot too low to build it cannot construct building construction construction skills too low I've never had that happen before that's really quite interesting and so I wonder if that does tell us that when we move to try and put it down because I didn't see it well I wasn't thinking to look for it Construction needed six ah bugger construction u24 so when turbine is going to be better for us and if we are at a place a wind turbine down we probably want to try and place it where we are growing our food because then it's not going to be blocked by anything that sucks okay well I guess how close am I to getting level six let's have a look character where she not there farm we're not that far so a little bit more significant familiarity so a little bit more construction will get us there so I think if I start constructing the temple that will get us going so if you go to structure we're to go to wall limestone blocks and we need to start constructing this thing and I'm looking at the space that we have here and I feel like this is probably where we want to do it we have a little bit of a choke point there and there and kind of around the corner there so I feel like that's going to be a good spot for us to go for it doesn't look like we can build on there marshy soil though I checked before me can place items on it but doesn't look like we can build walls so my question then is can we build floors on it it looks like you can there's nothing stopping me yo no the Train can not support this okay so that's not a good idea we need to avoid that where we can so we're gonna have to look for an area that doesn't have that kind of Martian soil and hmm this isn't a swamp so it's not a swamp map but it does seem that that occurs in a lot of places around here unfortunately so making a larger structure is gonna be a little bit more difficult but looking down here there is a little bit more open so perhaps we will be able to construct at least some of it here hmm where is gonna be the best spot for that and that's a pretty open area it is far away though this is the only issue from where we're starting off here but I did see that originally as well but unfortunately it is pretty hmm we have some there as well so unless I restricts the construction well looking at this space here that's actually not too bad and it is very close to base so maybe we are just gonna have to go with it being close to here and it's certainly gonna make construction a little easier and starting off I do feel like we want to go for something of a pyramid type look to it but I think just looking for an entranceway I think we are going to want to have the entrance kind of over this side here hmm I think it might be easier if I do this with planning so what I'm gonna do is I am gonna put another cut in here before the end of the episode I'm just gonna plan the basic layer of this so I can kind of know going ahead what I want this thing to look like so I will see you all again in a moment all right I have returned and as you can see there is a decent amount of instruction that has been placed down for us to work on that's just been hauled to the mail pile the main pile for now the mail pile we don't have mail here looks like we're having a little bit of a chat here but this is the temple at least the basic layout of it starting off we do have some bedrooms that have been placed down I have tried to keep it as limited as possible but obviously I have gone probably a little bit further than I should have at this stage but I still think it's gonna look pretty good for us once we're actually done you did see that that cherry tree pot popped up there we can actually chuck down orchard zones now as well although it says that it's out of season at the moment it says that a gross during spring and summer and because this is perhaps a permanent summer some of those things aren't going to grow which is unfortunate but it's not the end of the world for us it looks like yeah yeah it looks like Piatt is gonna get stuck into this which is gonna get her construction school up a little bit as well but really all I need is just to get a little bit more and then I won't be able to finish constructing these solar generator and right now that isn't gonna help us obviously because we are going in tonight we are going through our food at the moment which is unfortunate but it's not the end of the world for us it's going to take a while to get this constructed so I think that's why it's good that we have at least a basic barracks up and running for the time being because it's gonna it's just gonna take time unfortunates gonna take time I might be considered yeah I might consider trying to get some animals I mean even the birds here might be worthless trainer team so I'm gonna ask training very nicely to try and tame them although the only problem with that though is that we don't have much food that's just on standby right now so it's actually just go orders and go harvest and I'll see what we can harvest around us and it looks like there is actually a fair amount of things that can be harvested I might look at Oh Tritan is gonna go ahead and take the mushroom art and he's trying to tame them with the mushroom which is great I'd much rather he did that then use our food I think that's what he's primarily gonna try and do first let's have a look I probably should have checked this before though to see what the chances are of us actually recruiting them I don't know if I could tell that right away so yeah oh wow it is what it is try and you keep on doing what you're doing but at the same time we do need to have some of that done at the same time he looks like he's using the mushrooms at the moment so that's okay 4% chance yeah it's not a very high chance so that will get more over time they will become less wild but right now I think yeah I think it's gonna take us a while to kind of try and do that so we're gonna let them go to sleep for now pyres do mean doing a decent under construction as have myself and what I do actually have Construction six now so come the morning once the Sun rises the first thing that I'm gonna force myself to do is get that up and running before I eat before I do anything else because we need the energy coming in for us to be able to well have light and also to have the power to cook things and that's going to keep Triton pretty busy as well he doesn't have many things to cook right now so what I might have a look at doing is changing his schedule a little bit to make him a little bit more on the plant cutting side of things before he does any cooking although at the moment he's gonna be cooking up what he cuts so I think we'll balloon it is we're just gonna put that on to for now so he's gonna cut up everything and then he's gonna have some food to actually you know produce some meals worth and I don't know how these new things how the bananas coconuts etc will kind of work into it but I'll be intrigued to see what kind of meals we can make or that I'm imagining it's just the stock standard simple meals they should be able to substitute for other vegetables and things like that that we'd usually have in them so I guess the one thing about living in the jungle is that we really just jump straight to it that's fantastic we we don't have to worry about food as much as you would usually yes we do need some defenses we are pretty defendable in terms of our abilities I mean we have lightsabers and we have a pretty damn decent long-range rifle so the idea would be to try and shoot them to you know enjoy our enemies at a distance or all right kill them potentially and then I have myself and Triton finish off anyone that might remain but we are but as yet pacifists will avoid combat where we can and just like that we have power coming in which is fantastic so we're going to go ahead you can see we can make coffee garden teas which is awesome we can even cook batch cook meals which is kind of interesting but I think for now we just want to be cooking simple meals and we will say do until we have and we probably want to do until we have probably 10 not more than that just because we don't have a freezer at the moment so they will they will decay very very quickly and we don't want to see that happen bamboo floor okay but what is that actually it's a pineapple plant nice I'm hoping that we are gonna be able to plant some of those things I would enjoy that and Triton yeah he's going to go harvest some mushrooms which is perfect so we should have you know a decent amount of food available to us here and it looks like yeah we are great fantastic now he's not actually cutting down the trees which is great you can see that they just go back to being yellow so it means that we're pretty much gonna constantly be able to get food from these banana trees and things around us so really food isn't gonna be as much a problem for us and I thought hunting would be something that we do a hell of a lot of but we probably don't even need to hunt there much the only hunting I kind of foresee us doing will be trying to protect ourselves almost from animals that might be able to do us harm eg Panthers and snakes etc but hopefully the Panthers in the race they'll they'll stay pretty well fed so they shouldn't need to worry about us as much at least that's the idea them going with so in this little area here we do have this unrated limestone that were chucking down that we're actually going to be able to rake into a shape and turn it into a zine garden of sorts which I think I think it's going to be quite cool this is gonna be like a little bit of a dining but it's also gonna be the area where they hang out and relax and yeah my constructions a lot faster there castaway revenge oh crap because Triton was trying to tame it okay so look looks like they're a little bit wilder than I fought so let's go ahead and take them off that because that sucks and Triton we're gonna have to see a display of your lightsaber for the very first time so there we go he fires it up and he would like to avoid killing this thing but unfortunately it has decided that it wants to attack us and so if we jump into combat we can actually see a a log of things here so we can see that Triton skewered the cassowary with the lightsaber prototype piercing its Nick left leg and tail without emotion but the cassowary chomped Triton tearing his torso while smirking oh okay how injured did you get there buddy cuz that sounds like a pretty decent hit we'll jump across the health it's a pretty it's it's it's a subpar one right now we had pie fail unfortunately come on Triton you've got this there we go there we go how how was that finished off as we can see Triton stabbed the catcher in the neck leaving a horrific wound that is so he did get injured there but go ahead and turn off our lightsaber and we do have some meat there that we would be able to turn into a meal however we don't actually have a butcher's station right now something that we probably do want to look at constructing so let's see if we can find some room for it in here there isn't a hell of a lot of room in this room right now but it doesn't need to be perfect because this is a temporary place for us we're just going to deconstruct this it's intially the first chance that we get we could just have it under cover here outside we're going to get a speed penalty for a being outside though so yeah what can you do what can you do well what we can do you start shifting some things across the air now I think we're gonna be surviving in here for a little bit longer but at the same time I don't want that to go to waste so we're probably gonna look at chucking that right about there which isn't ideal it's not the best place for it to be but it could be a lot worse so let's see how bad this is he's in no danger but I think we still want to at least at the very least give them some kind of treatment so I'm gonna ask for him to go and rest after this so we're gonna change that over to medical it's gonna say that he doesn't have a beard but we're gonna get him to just go and rest for now and I'm gonna go over there and give him some treatment it looks like we're gonna be tending to him we probably don't need to use the really good medicine I think just getting basic doctors treatment should be fine so I'm just gonna grab my lightsaber out for a second but no we are just going to go over and give them some basic treatment I don't think we need to go anything too severe or we might be dealing with infections here I'm not a hundred percent rainforests can be deadly so we're gonna allow Triton just to kind of rest up and yeah unfortunately that was a bit of a waste because he's gonna be out of it for a little bit here which is unfortunate but nothing we can do about that I have asked for bamboo flooring to be placed around here I don't know whether or not we are going to have enough to do that but we are getting a few things constructed here and at a pretty quick pace as well so I'm happy about that it's gonna take a while to clear all the trees etc out of here but we're getting there and we haven't had any interest from the Empire as of yet so that's good they haven't found us they haven't discovered us but I'm sure before long they will and it looks like we can eat oh we've got some visitors though visitors from the Galactic Empire well I guess we're neutral interesting oh okay ah and they have a few items to trade okay um it looks like they were coming up from this direction here yeah so we have two people we have we have Lolita and we have zu Nadia okay so this is a tax inspector of the Galactic Empire okay and a tax officer oh this is not good they're coming here to see whether or not we are paying our taxes perhaps I don't know how much that will you know affect us but I think it's gonna be fine we're good we don't have any hospitality set up yet we have no way to really take care of them we won't be doing that but guys and gals that's where we can do wrapping up the first episode of this series I hope you enjoyed it is something slightly different and yeah we'll see where there goes now those of you who are patrons please do oh okay interesting I'm gonna have a look at this in a second they are actually tax collectors okay so what I was going to say was if you are a patron even a $1 patron police do check out the patreon posts because that's where the link for their names for this series are I know a number of you have already submitted names so please go there and submit your names if you haven't already the reason I'm doing this is because in the last season and the last series we had like over a thousand names that were there was submitted and that's a lot of names so this is gonna have you know you'll essentially have a bit of chance of having your name into the series there so head on over there and do leave your name for me but yeah as we can see that margarita Swanson here extends a declaration on behalf of the Empire as an unauthorized settlement our colony is hereby required to pay a registration fee of 100 silver to be entitled land usage rights as per the Imperial Revenue codes under the Imperial taxation bureau a yearly income tax of 20% of all silver must be paid failure to adhere to any of these demands will mark all colonists in violation of imperial land as enemies of the empress so are we gonna pay the taxes right now well we do have some silver we don't have a hell of a lot of silver but I feel like are we going to do it for now well like I said we do want to keep the peace as much as possible and we haven't we haven't made ourselves enemies of the Empire as of yet now whether or not this makes us an enemy of the rebellion that remains to be seen but surely they couldn't you know you think too harshly of us for at the very least paying this so that we're not on their bad side we're gonna pay taxes for now we're gonna have to pay taxes unfortunately let's see if that does affect us though if we go to factions let's see how we kind of stand at the moment the rebels okay the rebels were looking at okay Matthew Poe is the leader of the rebels and we are studying at a 11 with them right now and that will act again pyre oh my god his name is dank man daniel ganc man man is the leader of the Galactic Empire on this planet so this he's not the Emperor but dank man is the leader of the Galactic Empire on the planet which is interesting to say the least but yeah as we can see there are some very hostile factions to us a wretched hive of scum and villainy and we also have a pirate band and we've also got a tribe that is against us as well so I think at the very least having the Empire not be against us for now is okay yeah however much I you know I don't agree with the Empire we're just gonna have to live with it and it looks like Triton is I wanted him to get up and about and you know what that's actually okay he should recover from that pretty quickly and as you can see we paid 100 silver in taxes to the Galactic Empire now the silver that we did have was over here so it's still got 700 so that's not too bad we probably do want to get there back before a raid comes because that's going to be one of the first things that they go for and I don't think I want a halt urgently there though just because we have so much work to be done here now I don't have anywhere for these limestone chunks to go right now so I want I might want to cry and try and create somewhere for them to go but I'm just gonna allow them to keep them working on the construction in here for now because it's a big job it's a big job it's gonna take them a while to get it all done but they are gonna get it done I am confident of that so thank you all for joining me for the first episode I have been rikon you have all been awesome and until next time may the force be with you you
Channel: Rycon Roleplays
Views: 67,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Indie, Modded, Early Access, Simulation, Rimworld, Rimworld Review, Rimworld Tutorial, Rimworld Tips, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Walkthrough, Rimworld Game, Rimworld Download, Survival, Survivor, Raid, Let's Relax, Rivers, Roads, Beta 18, Alpha 18, Mods, Star Wars, Lightsabers, Rebels, The Last Jedi, The Force Awakens, RimWorld Star Wars, A New Hope, Star Wars Mods
Id: irTahDNuzBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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