r/Ihadastroke 路 WHICH WAY DO I TURN??

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emo do you wouldn't feel that mom you're could not but room do yes you think oh sorry you think how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at r slash i had a stroke aru macgdonals because can i have a double cheeseburger big mac 10 chicken nugget ice cream oreos pizza chicken sandwich ketchup napkin french fries fork tomato i i don't think they have oreo pizza at mcdonald's i don't think they have oreos at mcdonald's that's that's a lie they have the mcflurry i'm i'm stupid i'm uncultured no tamales may tamales rest in england um india what did you know deaf children perhaps children born with death parental babble the hand not the mouth noises oh you learned some new every day oh look at that cat me after he like is doing he with wile me i agree did you know a man of areth said apparently after a man was falling onto kaif in 40 times to kill to kill yo mama so mama she is is our mama yes oh epicness this is valve have now gary's mod a game who have the half-life 2 source and have valve game map if we got the game like cs go or half-life 2. i had a stroke reading this yeah same i drank certainly loquid it's not poor monet mamby why the do you are about membing ability excuse me 60 day of their lived build water what please i need advice if boyfriend fiance yours is cheated was yuan but love was still him to their what go do that must be uh [Music] beats me troll facing glasses he wasn't a fake watching him watching his fake the fake troll of a day [Music] kentucky fried kirk zack what's up dude like duck and guy doom kirk hero had a strong boots we cap what the hell huh when will pick us up yes rat loop dude mom are you okay did you know the word q is silence in eu you baby bilingual hingis bingus lo as long as it doesn't have taste stinky no stinky did you watch the tim tom tim tom tim tom tick two tick tick tick tick tick tokyo tick tick tick tock holy shut oh my god conquer faster choose happy on day or day one you decide uh if the earth is flat do the moon and all other planets are flat no there doesn't let me get this straight aren't them wasn't yo mama is so hot when she went to mexico the mexica is the ho hottest country ever what watch and video ads will remove ads from the it will play about 5 to 20 seconds watch video ads no thanks weenie ass can't handle the sand dunes did you know do have a car cars do play some treacherous book game eliminate bad memories is this trying to say if you get in a car crash just play tetris and all your worries will be gone thanks tiktok2010 have a normal kid 2020. she buildings other and i'm don't log into my before account and i hate trends ah that's cool james me the when a was well he's a man of truth i'm sure he's saying something factual did you know motor seek a woman but was illusions unsafe name tag from fishing name tags are considered treasure from fishing did you know as not to cry when our onion cutting do eat some uh you know uh thanks for the offer thanks for the suggestion but i'm gonna have to pass on this one if you don't show love to don't love dogs uh wanna try that again nice bro you don't is a human well you're a goose it seems i have to run to sam's do you need anything some spar killing ice i did not get my check yay okay it will come relax okay i ned summoned wing to f x thai chair in my rom blue why the computer why the computer biting my my birthday party hey coming to my birthday party can my birthday party i think you have the wrong number okay sorry is that a goat i mean what's it called again the nemo thing what's it called it's that one cat swims fish sorry that is a brilliant screenshot no can yes well our how guys can you marry a woman who she is did not she that hershey when is for and them day important why men uh falcon mouth perfect size for put baby into nap inside very soft in comfort baby sleep soundly put baby in pelican mouth put baby in pelican mouth no problems ever in pelican mouth because good shape and support for baby neck week of big baby head a pelican mouth yes a place for a baby put baby in pelican mouth can trust pelican for giving good love to baby friend pelican this was written by a pelican words my not working i where how holy relieved or envious not me yes you win a pound what's the first thing you buy how many pounds and it looked so ridiculous ridiculous freddie dickie ridiculous how do you spell it ridiculous you're starting to name harry potter spells now ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous oh yes yes oh yes i love lewis who has me too what color am i more of my more of uh ah man you know what i wish i could answer i very but much cried at 12. yeah i cried at 12 as well hold on i'm my packet of human i need to find uh you have a packet of human excuse me never assume in life don't think that carrot big because carrot big leaf because small sleeve carrot big not leaf's big size what he flipped tubal tableau tonio tuba help tubal at the ball table there we go i'm proud of you you got it turn live this image messes me up wow too okay i think it's orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange yellow yellow orange or green orange orange yellow yellow orange green orange orange green orange orange autocorrect are you okay honestly i don't think i'm okay after uh reading that one take though not too bad do i have plasma fuzz huh flasmer hey phasma phibia phasmaphobia qqs what koi the getting asked bursary dude type slowly baboon i know but there wasn't can be a sometimes and lasagna but nothing and i see it but there isn't grilled cheese is the best idea but i remember you had another one but if nothing was there then maybe we could go home and see the swimming pool stop drinking go to bed mike attention students you aren't allowed not to take hour to help trolleys you move what what is dog if rat is dead rip johnny you served your sentence what yeah me too man i can't verbs can't go a step like i can't stop laughing at this cat i think that's what they're trying to say i'm not i'm not the best uh stroke translator ah yes this text from minecraft that is um actually impossible to read unless it isn't unless it is possible but as far as i'm aware uh it's not ratings and reviews well this is a five-star review well bananas will allen he minecraft minecraft thanks need one as so what do presents do pardon me what is this from what what is this social media platform or i don't know what this is jay i want to yes crunchyroll for attack on titan would your progress be skipped if i did use not yes uh english please elon musk is now richer than jeff beeps pesos nessus bezos jeff beeps is killing me trying to describe pringles while high give me sex sec wtf you omfg la mao i hate text messages come here get crispy with kermit what i'm trying to eat chips but showing feels insane i'm just cracking the chips with my tongue then crushing the chip oh my god what kind of chips the arches the wheel what the the seat oh my god i'm calling the hospital i know them what is it the seat because i want you to alive live lik live hokey holy don't do school eat your dr stay in vegetables i feel like this isn't even a stroke moment it's just someone trying to be low xd funny you are half panics uh i have a p a penis pee pee uh what's a panis i can't i'll choke on a biner winner bone a what a what god dammit and well ladies and gentlemen that brings us to the end of our slash i had a stroke thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time you use pc uploads and if you want to hear more of me my personal channel zachxfuller is linked in the description below thanks again for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 43,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Ihadastroke
Id: qOWGkHdxno4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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