r/IDontWorkHereLady - Headphone

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all names and some details have been changed to protect the innocent last night Oscar and I were talking about the incident I had with a Karen at the local store last year and how his former coworker Lilla saved me before the situation got worse he had his own story to share and has granted me permission to post it here cast Oscar manager Joseph helpful guest stocking shelves penny Josef's mom George jerkies customer back before he joined the company we both now work for Oscar was doing his rounds around the department store he worked at talking to customers and employees and making sure everything was running smoothly it was a slower than usual Monday so Oscar was able to enjoy a stroll he came upon a teenaged guests reorganizing the stuffed animals and making everything look neat under the supervision of his mom Oscar noticed the guest was wearing noise-canceling headphones Oscar thank you so much for making everything look neat you've got an eye for detail penny a bit embarrassed he likes to organize and clean up as it helps come him when he gets overstimulated I can get him to start if it's being a problem Oscar nodding my son does the same thing and as long as it helps him then you're more than welcome to to Joseph you're doing a great job he left Oscar decided to get some paperwork done when they heard a loud clattering in the cry Oscar ran back to see this huge man who looked like he had eaten one Thanksgiving dinner too many and his button-up shirt was about ready to bust open standing over Joseph Joseph had his hands over his ears now sans headphones and looking like a proverbial deer in the headlights the guest was pointing at him George now that you aren't listening to your music are you going to help me penny walked up to him penny sir my son is not an employee and has autism George looks at penny with narrowed eyes don't lie he was wearing headphones realizing the situation needed to be desk elated Oscar walked up customer service smile on his face although he was seething inside Oscar may I help you sir George no mrs. Oscar thank god you're here you really need to tell your employees here points at Joseph and Penny to not wear headphones on the job and to stop covering for each other I can't believe that you hire insert seven-letter insults that begins with an R ends with the rest and is considered the best way to get your butt kicked at least six ways to Sunday in all 50 states now the important thing to know about Oscar is this while he's a kind man who will give you the last dollar in his pocket if you needed it he really doesn't take kindly to someone being treated badly especially if it's a person with disabilities as his younger son has autism Oscar looks the customer down with a dad glare sir I'm going to have to ask you to watch your language and your actions I can verify that these are a pair of guests and that he was rearranging the shelves because he wanted to and even if they did work here that doesn't give you the right to harass them just then a security guard walked over apparently attracted by the commotion George went from tomato red to bedsheet white Oscar turned back to penny Oscar if you want to press charges we can help you with that penny crying at this point no I think it would be best if we just left Oscar okay if you think that is best George now realizing that this would be the best time to left walked away Oscar picked up the headphones and returned it to Joseph penny had Joseph penny thank you sir Oscar you're welcome I apologize that you had to endure that is there anything I can do to make the situation better penny no but we greatly appreciate it Oscar I'll let the staff know to watch out for that man and if there's any problems don't hesitate to contact us George never stepped into the store again from then on Joseph and Penny would come into the department store to say hello and organize the shelves every Monday with Oscar occasionally bringing out some extra toys for Joseph to put away if he wanted my boss is a nice guy but sometimes get a bit aggravated and I'll be honest doesn't run things the way I would run things to the story a couple of people have left the job due to not being paid for overtime and being overworked anyway so the people left including me have been doing six or seven days a week to keep the place running it's a small business and money is money about two weeks of this and we ask the boss man when are you people being hired oh you guys seem to be getting on fine as you are and that was the end of that convo being a bit rundown and young and fed up of no social life I booked off my nice four-day weekend and bought tickets for a band I liked Holliday was accepted noise Friday comes and I wake up nice and late get a couple of tenors in with the mates on the way up the Big Smoke and proceeded to get hammered - punk music and throughly enjoying my night of sticking it to the man in the smokers area right get a phone call from bossman VIII my big G we have a kind of casual relationship that whilst just me being immoral hey angry girl any chance you can worked on it in the weekend we are understaffed and name would have to work 16 hours sorry bossman I'm in London and also pretty sloshed right so you going to make name not go home to his kids cos you wanna have fun then Dutch courage kicked in look we all are overworked and you don't want new people we all told you this would happen so no / Hicks / I'm not coming in well don't bother turning up tomorrow then that's the plan but he hung up went back to work and Tuesday and he acted like nothing happened turns out bossman did the shift himself because name just got in his car after hearing the convo over the phone started the job search again costs still nunu being hired because of course we seem to be managing fine this has basically been just a bit of a rant boss is a nice guy but his corner-cutting to make money is just basically treating his staff like poo backstory I'm a high school senior at a magnet technical school meaning it's filled with smart kids who don't want to try I got a position as an intern at the schools in Department for over the summer and for the last hour and a half of each school day that counted as technical credits needed six of them to graduate got a lot work based learning also three years ago almost all of our administrators got fired for embezzlement this will be important this happened on Thursday and I thought this would fit here story time I was doing my job installing new printer cartridges in color printers in classrooms in the 400 saw commonly known as the science hallway and was having a chat with my chemistry teacher from last year who happened to have a planning period and wanted to know about the events I was looking into for this year's Science Olympiad my team's won County for the last four years running very proud it's important to note that I'm not dressed like teachers are supposed to be the teacher dress code meant no sweats no tank tops no jeans except on Fridays basically just dress generally put together my boss in the it office was wear clothes and shoes that weren't open-toed the clothes part could probably have been negotiated love my boss this particular Thursday I was wearing joggers and a flannel over a tank top the only thing I had going for me and the category of looking like a teacher was my ID badge a student ID in the school issued plastic sleeve on a retractable land guard the same that are issued to teachers that I only got because the box of them lives in one of the full-time it guys his desk drawer and he gave all four interns them when we first started in June and my badge while it had an NFC in it to let me in and out of the school the it office server rooms ect is obviously different from teacher IDs even on a first glance I also had a radio clipped on to my pants waistband note the only people who have radio are admins department heads and maintenance people not teachers while I was talking to mild chemical teacher an older looking lady walked pass to us she didn't say anything at the time but clearly was giving us the sight I I didn't think much of her since she was obviously a sub my school has only a little over a thousand students so not that big and while I don't know all the substitutes you tend to catch on to the regulars and she didn't say anything when she walked past I didn't think anything of it finished my conversation and start to head back to the office I get a call over the radio from another intern asking me to pick up a spare monitor from one of the storage rooms casually known as idfc not my idea because my direct boss had stabbed another monitor with a knife long story probably will post the story to rot Alice from tech support one of these days but I literally just made her a dit account but a the door to idfc was clearly labeled authorized personnel only and needed a valid keycard not physical keys in order to get in my ID has clearance for this door regular teachers ID cards won't let you in I'm about to let myself in texting the other intern to get her to send me a picture of that stamped monitor so I know what type I need to pick up then suddenly here comes a substitute teacher around the corner spotting my with my phone in one hand and ID in the other she comes storming over to me from here on out me will be me as will be annoying substitute CB will be my Childers our will be my favorite administrator and if will be my intern friend as WH at do you think you are doing me what as that door CL early says that teachers are NT allowed why would you think that you could geo into her off limits room when you look like Eve at me visibly confused look I don't know what your problem is I'm just doing my job is there something I can help you with as you can start by not dressing like a gang member what sort of influency you being to impressionable children you should be far d me I don't understand I'm just trying to work nothing I'm wearing is against dress code I'm assuming she might have seen a slip of gasp shout or if my flannel had slipped a little as I will report you to the principal what are you think you are doing wearing sweet pants what sort of teacher are you me finally in the standing of wait I'm not a teacher I'm an intern we don't have a dress code other than the school dress code as don't lie to me you're just trying to not get fired give me that walkie-talkie I need to call the principal me nope I don't need this please let me do my job teachers aren't allowed to use a radio unless it's an emergency as give me that as grabs the radio out of my hand and hits the call button the radio is pre tuned to channel 3 via channel admins are on channel 11 as screeching into my radio I need the principal outside room 4 xx there's a teacher trying to break into a room over the radio my boss responds confused CB wot a B what's going on I managed to wrestle back the radio and call for my boss miss EB can you come down to idfc I need a hand really soon please at this point as throws my radio across the hallway and because the intern radios are always the crappiest ones available the battery pops out so I have no way of knowing if help is coming and as is still screaming in my face unfortunately and three feet down from the door that only I will be able to get into and as is still forcing me farther away screeching at me it seems hopeless until here comes far turning the corner attracted by the yelling a note about far after an embellishment scandal mid-year that led to only like to admin still standing a science teacher that just so happened to have another degree that qualified him for the admin job this man was a fabulous teacher and while I never had him if did and I knew him well by association with if even before I got the job working during the summer he was one of the admins that was there pretty consistently and since he's always been pretty friendly to me so far turns the corner like an avenging angel and sees me obviously trying to do my job and this is loosing her mind in front of me he immediately comes over and tries to see what is wrong and B see she's an actual employee goes to these first far what is going on here as this teacher is acting inappropriately in front of impressionable students she's trying to break into and steal things from the off-limits rooms far a B what are you trying to do me oh thank God mr. Farr I'm just trying to get him on at a four C be out of idfc far idfc did little highest level a guy in the district who works in the same officer CB if and me come up with that never mind as errant you supposed to be in a class right now op is just doing her job she's an intern her it's not like she is skipping class or anything as suddenly gets calm and collected to try to explain too far that I was a disgrace of a teacher which in not and I was a bad influence debatable and I should be fired I would like to go home all the time and was totally down for this CB and if only just now round the corner onto the scene just in time to watch me get down on my hands and knees to put the radio back together Wallace tries to defend herself too far if makes sure him okay and then gets the monitor to actually finish the ticket we were working on CB helps me fix my radio and starts defending me to the Ayers I was a little shaken up and don't remember that much about the following conversation but the gist of it was as was upset that I was except from the dress code rules for teachers and employees and that I had access to rooms that she didn't have but then a security guard comes around the corner apparently as had left her class o freshmen to go to the bathroom and when a student had an emergency dismissal and the classroom was called they realized she had left unattended students hella not allowed the security guard had gone down to the classroom to investigate founded t chalice and had checked the security cameras the result has ended up getting fired the far apologized to me on her behalf to me my CB gave me some Jolly Ranchers and let me chill for the rest of the workday BC I was pretty shaken up and then let me stab the broken the nighter I haven't seen that substance and I'm glad thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: LroalvjIl2I
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Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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