r/entitledparents - Savage dad

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this happened a few years ago at a local big chain hardware store like every one of these stores they have a small playground and a calf next to it parents will get a coffee and sit around while their kids have a play I was not directly involved in the action just a keen observer the cast here is an entitled mother en Ches entitled mothers kids a boy about four and a girl about seven Cole concerned old lady sdb savage dad bystander I came into the scene after getting my coffee and sitting down my two kids had already entered the playground which is contained behind pool fencing and childproof at the fence were en Ches the little boy crying and the little girl calling for EM who was nowhere to be seen clearly having dumped her kids in the playground to go about her business in-store call approached the MKS and asked if they were okay eeehm k's daughter said my brother need to go to the toilet Cole then took upon herself to let emk son out to go to the toilet nearby wait for him then let him back into the playground as he was being let into the playground and modeled back into the scene in a half speaking rudely to her own kids what is going on I told you to stay in here giving poisonous stares to everyone around the kids settled down and off she went again despite some breath but audible comments from other parents by now the six to ten adults who witnessed this were glancing at one another incredulously shaking heads and wondering at the audacity of some people peace for about 60 more seconds eeehm k's little boy returns to the fence and starts crying again bystander parents start looking about to see if em can be seen enter SD b s BD says something to his teenage son probably to keep an eye on his little one in the playground gets up from his coffee and newspaper and walks to a spot nearby where you can see down the center aisle of the store he sees them halfway across the store and the following dialogue ensues I will bold not because he was yelling that his voice was really commanding and his forcefulness was unmistakable SD be raising his finger and pointing to M about 20 meters away you come here now M marching over with attitude what is the problem now what's going on directing her question more towards the MKS SDB you are the problem this is not a daycare center kids are not to be left unattended sit down and watch them or leave em it has nothing to do with you they are okay they are in there plenty of times she was feasting and looking at him with contempt sdb they are clearly not okay if you're not prepared to watch them don't leave them here they're gonna remember the way you treat them and so far you're not doing well then he got serious it was beautiful to watch STV with a hard edge to his voice and his finger pointing at her and don't you dare ever pull that face with me wipe that smug look off this instant and deflated like a punctured tire she immediately got her kids and scarpered the witnesses applauded stb and he grinned as he walked back to his coffee just saying had to do something his persona changed instantly to casual and stress-free he must have been a school principal or an army officer awesome position of authority the way he toggled the savage switch on and off so easily so this happened over the summer I had worked at the local park knee in my house it has a campsite a lake and two beaches I had worked on the general maintenance crew so there are those spinning things at one of the playgrounds and due to safety reasons you aren't allowed to have picnic tables under them but lazy parents use the picnic tables so that their younger kids can get up without their help so when I was doing my rounds I saw the infraction so naturally I went over and asked the kids to get off the picnic table enter entitled mom M what are you doing me oh I have to move all picnic tables off of the gravel around the play structures it's a safety hazard M while we are watching them so it's fine me sorry miss but rules are rules at this point I had already pulled the picnic table out of the gravel and was about to leave M well we are just gonna put it back when you leave I had had a long day already it was hot and sweaty and I was dealing with her BS so I decided to hook up the picnic table to my vehicle and pulled it 150 yards away at least and went on my merry way so some background I was in eighth grade when this happened I was semi good at digital art and I sometimes did Commission's for like dollar sign 5-10 cast M entitled mom Jimmy entitled kid me take a goddamn guess t teacher F friend so I was just drawing something in advisory probably some sort of Percy Jackson X Nicole DeAngelo fan art F was sitting next to me probably watching him him then Jimmy came along Jimmy hi there do you do commissions me a sometimes what do you want Jimmy could you please draw me some Kirito X Asuna gente me first or all were in eighth grade second of all I don't draw that crap and third of all I don't even watch that Anam so i whould know what to do jimmy but i would even pay you name your price me dude no means now jimmy you don't have to be a beach about it I'm not even gonna pay you anymore and now i wonderful jiff over sooner coming all over the place and Kirito giving her anal me dude we are in school i will not draw that for you let alone do it for free now get away from me Effy a man when op gets mad you should get away you don't want to mess with her also why TF do you want goddamn gente Jimmy you will hear from my mother she will make you draw my gente so then me and F just laughed it over constantly getting glares from Jimmy but when I got home it was a complete different story somehow M got my phone number and called me here was the dialog M hello are you op me yes what would you like and my son Jimmy said that he won't do a commission for him me yes I didn't do a commission for him he asked for an erotic artwork from me which I don't do and yes he told me what asked for M just asking since this is your job you have to do this now I don't want to sue you so I just want you to do the work for free and we don't have to talk about this again me no and no you will not sue me I have no legal obligation to do this for you and since I'm in eighth grade this is not my job I barley do Commission's because I have homework and other stuff to do unless you have something else to talk to me about don't contact me again mu silt I hope you burn in hell I just want my son to be happy now did the work or else I then hung up and blocked her number okay so here we go him a volleyball coach and a few years ago we went to a national tournament in San Francisco one of the moms couldn't make it and paid me $500 to babysit her kid I was 15 at the time but it was okay because we were and gonna do anything just the tournament and then go back to the hotel I would have been fine doing the babysitting for any other girl on the team but her mom just really irked me I ended up doing it cause I needed money here's where it gets so full three months before the trip my boss arranged the flight for me and the girl we flew Spirit Airlines and the flight was dirt cheap but they Nicole and I'm you for every little thing so when my boss bought the tickets she bought one checked bag $30 and stressed to the both of us that we can't have a care I'm a backpack was fine but a Karen would cost us $40 at the gate in completely fine with this and my mother lets me borrow her giant suitcase for the next to 12 months every time I see the girl and her mom I bring something up about how we should get together a day or two before the trip because I left a bunch of room in my suitcase for her I wanted to get the suitcase squared away before the day of the flight because our flight was at 6:30 a.m. and went be driving to the airport at 3:00 a.m. well I show up to the girl's house and you'll never believe what she has she walks out with a Karen and oh my goodness I'm still trying I gave her one last opportunity and say hey you know that Karen is gonna be extra I've left your daughter a lot of space in my bag the mom just cuts me off and tells me it'll be fine there was a two hour car ride where I just bit my tongue and she lectured me on the danger of allergy California doesn't even have alligators well surprise surprise fast forward to me and her daughter boarding the plane and they want to charge us for the Quran they will only expect card payment her mother didn't give her a credit card only gave her $100 for food for her five days in San Francisco one of the most expensive cities in the country I ended up on the phone with the mother for 30 minutes talking about how she's gonna pay for this she was shocked and asked me if I could sneak on the Quran I ended paying for her daughter with my card but how would I possibly sneak a carry-on suitcase onto a plane it was not a small bag the total amount of money the more mode me afterwards was dollar sign 700 class because her daughter couldent afford things with cash and I needed to pay for her what kind of example is that to be setting for her kid this was my first time traveling alone and I was already nervous to begin with hugs on my team again this year because her daughter is not insane a great player and an overall sweetheart I don't even know how she came from this woman if she wasn't a spitting image of her I would guess she was adopted thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video a like and a comment would mean a lot in YouTube's world share with us if you would have done things differently and don't forget to support the original authors with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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