r/ProRevenge - Drunk dude pees in bed

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during my freshman year of college I lived in a large dormitory filled with unruly people who would come home drunk and wreak havoc it was not uncommon to see broken exit signs courtesy of drunk a-holes slamming them down bathroom trash cans deliberately knocked over with trash spilling into the hallway and stalls ripped from the wall it was 3:00 a.m. on a Thursday and I was home using the computer while my roommate who lived in the same room as me was sleeping at his girlfriend's place suddenly a random blatantly intoxicated student barged into the room this caught me by surprise I typically know what nights to expect the drunken dude abreast to start pouring in and this was not one of them nobody partied or went to bars on Wednesday night at this school once he gets in the room he immediately whips his dick out and takes aim at the bed and there I was staring at this full and his floppy [ __ ] trying to talk him out of what he was about to do unfortunately he was too drunk to comprehend anything I said and proceeded to cover my roommates bedsheets yellow in the conclusion of this poor saps still a night he then stumbled out of my room stripped down to his underwear and passed out in the lounge none of the stores that sell alcohol near me really check IDs all but the worst of fakes are accepted without a second glance knowing that he might bought alcohol using a fake I fished through his wallet to check and sure enough he's got one before calling campus security not the police to pick him up I took both his IDs and placed them on display in the transparent front compartment of his wallet of course when they came and found him unconscious they checked his wallet for his ID and noticed he had effect to as was my goal this compounded his situation because both urinating on someone else's property and fake IDs are taken very seriously by the school I later found out from someone else that he was suspended for the rest of the semester and prohibited from returning until after the following one being drunk is not an excuse for actions that have a significantly negative effect on others what he did cause a lot of trouble for my roommates the cleaning staff and myself with his utterly laughable lack of self-control revenge was not the motive of his actions because my room had told me he had never even met the guy before it was completely random and without reason honestly this is a type of sad pathetic crap I never expected to see outside of movies some background I work at a company that primarily supports hotel whiffy and taking calls from guests needing help connecting is part of that part of my job at the time of this happening was being an escalation point for unresolved guest problems one time roughly two years ago there was some huge hurricane going through Florida so a lot of our hotels in Alabama and northern Florida were packed with people evacuating their homes most people staying at these hotels were bringing most of their possessions as well anyways I got a message from the guests support team asking me to take a call from one of these guests from Florida so I could help him connect the dozen or so devices they had to the whiffy for some reason they were refusing to connect and Tier one support couldent resolved it I start talking to the guy and he is immediately hostile towards me and gave the whole I know what I'm doing in tech savvy shtick I shrugged it off and after about thirty minutes I was able to get every single one of his devices connected after that he was still incredibly pissed off and started ranting about how incompetent the employees he had been previously talking to her and being upset at me that I took so long to get his crap connected to I forget most of the profanity he was spewing at me but LLL never forget him saying your texts are worthless you should hang them from their effing intestines at this point i sholde just hung up on him that i froze up a little and let him continue he ended up insisting that I help him set up his plex server which is against the hotel's toss since he could potentially be using it to stream movies illegally I finally got my manager involved and we called the GM of the hotel and brought her up to speed while the guest was on hold I got her conferenced into the call and immediately she began chewing him out and telling him he cannot talk to their support staff this way and that we had other more considerate guests to be assisting he tried defending himself telling her how long we took but she was not having it and told him he had two hours to get all of his belongings and leave or she would call the police I'm not sure why she let me stay on the call for this long but this guy begged her to let him stay since he had just finished lugging everything he owned into his room and every other hotel around was booked she didn't budge however and after scolding the guy some more she told me I could disconnect never in my life had I seen justice delivered so swiftly this is the story I always tell people when talking about crazy support calls please remember this the next time you consider blowing up a tech support staff I used to work in an office what kind of work I sent particularly important to the story so just picture a basic office job every January HR would send an email to all employees with the employee handbook this included job descriptions office policies etc every year since the PDF handbook had been established it would be named with the year following it to establish it was different than the original and all of the years any changes would have updated next to the section and the table of contents so you could see what had changed from the previous year and familiarize yourself with anything new now with that background we will introduce Karen Karen had been with the company a pretty long time about ten years I believe she was fine at her job just fine she would get things done but not without making everyone else miserable in the process she would ask questions that had already been answered and basically just waste every owns time for fun she was just plain nasty to people and tried as hard as she could to make everyone stay far away from her the worst thing about her was she always seemed to be looking for a fight or looking for a reason to complain she had threatened lawsuits a few times over any small thing but would always just get over it and drop it Lisi she knew no laws had been broken and it would never go anywhere she'd comment on how she should sue basically every business she ever went to because she could live off the settlement and retire early over the smallest issues you can imagine she did her job and we never had a valid reason to fire her especially knowing how lawsuit happy she was so she stayed Karen's job description as per the handbook called for a bachelor's degree Karen did not have a bachelor's degree but had been hired prior to that being a requirement so she was grandfathered in one day a position above hers became open a guy who we will call Terry had recently completed his master's degree after taking night classes for a few years and since an internal promotion is typically better than an outside hire he was chosen for the promotion Terry had been at the company about four point five years and was well liked and great at his job the new job required a master's degree in its job description and in being a recent grad it was a perfect fit and everyone was happy for him everyone but Karen since she was constantly looking for something to sue about she took it as a direct insult that she had not been considered for this promotion that she was not at all qualified for she immediately cried discrimination and told our boss her lawyer would be in touch we were all perplexed since it was very clear that this position required a master's degree and given that she didn't even have a bachelor's degree there is no way she could have been hired for the role what we soon realized was that Karen had saved the original company handbook named company handbook and had not bothered to open or save any new additions that were sent in the following eight years she just assumed no changes had been made and that it was just sent every year to ensure all employees had it if she has bothered to open the file she would have seen the sections that say updated in the table of contents since Karen cried lawsuit a lot no one expected much of this since it was ridiculous claim but sure enough Karen gives her resignation letter via email and it is scathing about how she can't bear to work in such a discriminatory environment that would only promote men when any higher-ups try to speak to her about this and clear up the confusion she basically tells them to f off and to read the damn nao I don't know any more of an explanation she basically goes full Karen not long after a letter comes in from her lawyer asking for a settlement to avoid a discrimination case what Karen hadn't realized was that our boss sister-in-law owned a law firm she didn't really take on clients herself anymore and mostly just managed the other lawyers of her firm she was basically semi-retired what this meant was she had plenty of time to review any letters from Karen's lawyer and advised us since Karen didn't bother to read any of the updated handbooks she was unaware that this position had required a master's degree for many years now I believe about six years she supplied her lawyer with the original company handbook from nine years ago and he used that as reference in his settlement demand this was when we realized she hadn't read any new handbooks in years since Karen rubbed a lot of people the wrong way boss's sister-in-law decided to personally take on the case every letter Karen's lawyer sent she sent back one three times in length some of it would would even really say anything just word in US but it would certainly take Karen's lawyer a while to read it and he did not come cheap after several of these letters they realize no settlement is going to happen they want to take it to court it's a pretty cut and dry case boss's sister-in-law shows evidence that Karen has received all updates via email after the change was made and the handbook sent out vows even sent an email to Karen specifically letting her know that she was grandfathered in and doesn't need to worry - which Karen replied okay thank you confirming receipt of it the best part was when boss's SIL said that they couldn't break company rules to give Karen a job she was totally unqualified for while neglecting another employee who went above and beyond to get his master's degree to advance as that would be unfair to all other employees Karen now had a huge seriously huge bill from her lawyer for all of these letters and filing the case etc no job no one she could list as a positive nation and no degree in the time she had been at the company it had become industry standard to require a bachelor's degree so she was effectively shut out of her career it would also be hard to explain how you work somewhere for a decade and don't have a letter of recommendation from anyone there if she had only read her damn emails thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video a like and a comment would mean a lot of youtubes world share with us if you would have done things differently and don't forget to support the original authors with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 5,778
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: iNmyoKRVqDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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