r/entitledparents - EM throws ring away

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I have seen a lot of crazy people in my life but my potential FM il is the absolute worst person I have ever met i thirty-eighth have been with my boyfriend 31 meters for 8 months now for the first few months everything was amazing he is the sweetest and most caring man I have ever been with he likes to surprise me with fun dates and flowers for no apparent reason the biggest surprise of all though was when I met his mother I met his parents for the first time a few months ago the first thing FM il said to me when I walked in the door was au Jewish I'm not and I'm not particularly religious but I was raised Catholic once I told her this it was the beginning of the madness she immediately stopped talking to me and acted as if I didn't exist I was extremely nervous about meeting my boyfriend's parents so this broke my heart I was determined to make a good impression so I kept trying to connect with her this was a huge mistake and I should have just let it go once we were all seated for dinner she finally decided to try and make conversation I have naturally red hair and she asked me if my parents have the same color I told that I have the same hair as my mother she even had the audacity to ask me does the carpet match the drapes I had no idea how to respond and just sat there stunned seeing my reaction she said don't worry I will just ask my son about it later I looked over at my boyfriend who seemed equally as shocked but he didn't say anything she then started to go on about my hair being too curly she told me that I really need to learn how to run a brush through my hair and think about my appearance more when I'm out with her son then when I didn't eat much at dinner she gave me her version of a compliment I was told it was good that I'm watching what I eat because it would be a shame if I got any bigger this was just my first meeting with this woman as soon as I got into my car I burst into tears until I got home my boyfriend was texting me and apologizing for his mother's behavior but the damage was done and I told him I needed time to think he went into apology overload after this and started sending flowers to my office every day and leaving me messages begging me to talk to him I finally agreed and we went out to dinner he told me he spoke with his mother about her inappropriate comments and he swore it would never happen again with this reassurance I decided to give it another chance fast forward two weeks - when he invited me to come to a family birthday party this time I would also be meeting his sisters and grandparents his grandparents and sisters are awesome people they asked me normal questions about my job family and friends his mother seemed to be avoiding me throughout the evening and honestly I was okay with that I went to grab something from my purse and noticed that it was not where I left it I looked everywhere but I could not find it I went and asked my boyfriend and he began to help me look he even got a strange look on his face and he quickly went upstairs I couldn't hear a lot of yelling begin upstairs he came back down holding my purse after a few minutes and told me that we were leaving once we got in the car I asked him what was going on his mother had taken my purse so that she could see my driver's license she intended to try and run a background check on me he told me she had told him this earlier but honestly had thought she was joking I thought that it was best if I avoided any of his family functions for the time being this worked out great for a while and he went to any of his family parties alone he would ask me each time before leaving if I was sure that I didn't want to go but I always declined last week his family had their family reunion and he asked me to please come with him I was very reluctant but considering there would be so many people present I didn't think she would pull anything when we got there everything was going great I met his extended family and got to catch up with his sisters his mother did seem to be shooting me death glares all night but I brushed it off soon she came over and joined a table I was seated at with his sisters and some cousins the conversation was pleasant as we were talking about his sister's children his sister has a daughter who is 12 and is the same age as my niece I then showed his sister a picture of my niece on my phone his mother took a look at the screen and began to laugh she told me she hopes that if me and her son ever have children that they don't look like my niece my niece is beautiful by the way and she is only 12 years old what kind of monster attacks a 12 year old child's appearance this was my breaking point and I went off like a volcano I started to scream at her and told her she is the most evil person I have ever had two disadvantage to meet I told her as I ever did have children with her son she can be certain she will never meet them because hell is too far to travel to I'm not 100% certain exactly everything that I said but from what his younger sister later said it was epic she began to play the victim and wailed that I had just misunderstood her joke my boyfriend came rushing over at this point and she threw herself into his arms telling him I'm a horrible woman and he needed to throw me out right now he told her that wasn't going to happen and to stop making a fool of herself she seemed to accept this for a moment and sat back down she just kept solving that I just didn't understand how to take a joke then something in her snapped as she noticed something that my boyfriend was holding in his hand and began to have another metal gown I didn't understand what was happening at this point and just stood there watching a grown woman pitch a fit like a toddler Nana what she was saying made any sense to me as it was mostly just incoherent screaming but I did pick up on many derogatory comments directed my way my boyfriend then told me we were leaving and told me to grab my things as I started to get ready FM i l made a lunge for my boyfriend's hand and grabbed the small box he was holding she then looked me dead in the eyes and said you will never have this ring you little Beach she ran outside and threw the box down a storm drain turns out that my boyfriend was intending on proposing to me he had just obtained his grandmother's ring while we were at the Reunion his grandmother is completely heartbroken because now hurring is down a storm drain instead of continuing on in the family as she had always wanted I don't know where to go from here I'm devastated used and exhausted can I ask him to never see his mother again is that my place to say something like that I'm sorry that my story is so long but I really needed get this rant off my chest this event took place a few years ago when my little sister was turning five she wanted to have a party at the local Chucky Cheese with our small cousins and a few friends unbeknownst to us Chucky Cheese is the stomping ground of countless entitled parents and their hell spawn the cast me amazing Big Brother 16 at the time of the story motton mom M the star of the show ech Eames little Hellspawn he was around 10 I think semicolon the scene opens on a typical Chucky Cheese it was a Saturday late morning not too busy yet this particular Chucky Cheese has two small party rooms and our party was in one of those rooms the other party room was empty we were the only birthday party happening at the particular time we arrived with my sister about 30 minutes early to set up and make sure we were there before guests arrived my mom had purchased the best birthday party package they had lots of choices of food a huge bucket of tokens and a large cake the room looked great with decorations and balloons the large token bucket was sitting in the middle of the table near the cake my sister was sooo excited for her party she took a few tokens and went with my mom to play a few games before her friends and our cousins arrived she was approached by a calmest immediately and he asked her and my mom if he could have a few tokens my sister was learning to share in preschool so she immediately handed him a token with a huge smile at the same time that my mom was opening her mouth to tell the kid no we had a lot of guests coming and she wanted to save a tokens for them egg took the token with a frown and said that's it one freaking token my sister looked confused thought she had done something wrong and went to hand him the rest of the tokens in her hand about ten altogether my mom stopped her and told deck to be happy with what he was given eclipse her off kids these days and took off to play a game while my mom just shook her head in annoyance she's been to chuck-e-cheese before with my sister and she knows kids can be little butt heads when it comes to tokens she told my sister not to give him any more tokens and they played some games end of story right wrong the party guests had started to arrive so they're headed back to the party room to greet everyone in total we had five of our little cousins and five kids from preschool a total of ten guests I knew all of the kids at the party pretty well so I was surprised when a kid I didn't know egg walked into the party room and took a seat at the end of the table my mom immediately looked pissed and walked over to confront the kid motton this is a private birthday party you cannot be in here eck my mom said I could come and join the party so that's what I'm doing can I have some tokens motton sighs heavily you mom is not in charge of this party and we didn't invite you you cannot have any tokens please go back to your mom Ecch she left she said I should join the party and she will come back for me later my mom has this little vein on the side of her forehead that pops out when she's getting really angry that bad boy was popping hard when ex said that mom she left another sigh listen this party is private you were not invited leave this room now or I will go and have a talk with your mom ech gonna be kind of hard with her not being here he smoked when he said this and I was starting to get angry at the way he was talking to my mom I walked over to him and leaned down near his ear so that only he could hear me me listen kid this is my sister's party and we do not want you here get the hell out heck you all are racist you don't want the black kid at your party yeah he was back and we are white me pointing at another guest who is black and my sister's friend yeah dude we are racist Ecch she's an Uncle Tom just give me some frickin tokens so I can go play games if he reaches for the bucket a few quickly and take 0ff my mom starts to go after him but then shakes her head and changes her mind he only got a few tokens and he's gone so she tries to calm down and move on you can feel some tension in the room as everyone watches the kid leave but luckily my sister is having too much fun greeting guests and eyeing her presence that she doesn't seem to notice an employee enters the room with pizzas and sandwich platters in the mood lightens as the kids start to eat food and chat I stopped stealing about the a-hole kid and I'm watching my sister enjoy her party while I stuffed my face with questionable pizza I see someone enter the room out of the corner of my eye and my temper flares as icx has returned and is reaching for a sandwich from the platter I reach out and slap his hand away me dude what the heck get away from our food Ecch my mom said I can join this party I'm hungry he pushes an actual party guests aside and continues to reach for food me listen kid your mom does not get to say you can join this party get out X starts to respond but an employee walks in to see how the food is tasting X sees her and runs from the room mom to employee that kid keeps trying to join our party would you be able to find his parent and get it to stop employee absolutely I will take care of it she leaves the room after informing us that Chucky will be arriving shortly to dance with the birthday girl the huge creepy mouth shows up shortly after the employee leaves and everyone but me leaves the party room to go dance by the stage I could hear happy birthday being sung while I played on my phone thinking the room was empty a cannon and grabbed a piece of pizza and a handful of tokens me dude what the hell I told you to get the hell out of here egg turned around shocked to see me gave me the finger and ran out with pizza and tokens I had had enough I called my mom back into the room and told her that ik had stolen from us again she was pissed she motioned for the same employee while I stalked out of the room to find X mom there were about 10 families in the restaurant that time and I asked each one if they had a son that was bothering our party no one claimed they're thinking that was odd and unable to find AK I headed back to the party room to my mom and the employee employee we cannot seem to locate the voice parent and he cannot leave without an adult my manager called the police we have a problem with parents leaving their young kids here unattended for us to babysit because they know kids can't leave without matching hand stamps I started to tell my mom that I couldn't find egg but then I saw him on the dance floor pushing my sister away from Chucky so he could dance next to him my sister fell on her butt and started crying son of a bee I'm extremely protective of my sister and I run over there and grabbed the kid by the arm to yell at him for hurting her as soon as I touched him a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around M had returned in time to see me grab her kid M what the hell do you think you're doing don't grab my kid my mom and the employee ran over mop don't grab my kid your kid has been disturbing our birthday party this entire time stealing food and tokens from us M haft I told him he could join the party what's one more kid you racist people are all the same not wanting the little black kid around your party the employee and creepy Mouse tried to intervene stepping between the moms employee ma'am you are not supposed to leave your child unattended here you can't just leave the building he's been disturbing other guests and now he's pushed this little girl M my son is the one who is being abused here I saw this big kid assault him I will sue this entire place for harassment if you don't give me some kind of compensation racist freaking restaurant you all are racist black people have a right to be here the same as you all employee ma'am you can be here but you have to stay with your child my manager had to call the police because we couldn't find you and your son was left here alone M you all call the police seriously he wasn't even alone for that long he was with the birthday party it's not like Lee wasn't being watched mom he was not with our party he was disturbing our party and stealing from us employee trying to defuse the situation listen I will tell my manager to cancel the police and you all can stay as long as you reimburse these people for the stolen items and do not leave your son alone again em I ain't giving them crap they have a lot they can spare some for my kid he's been good all week and he deserves some fun my mom just wanted them to go away so that we could get back to our party listen she doesn't have to reimburse us just stay away from the party room so we can get back to my daughter's birthday em scowl did my mom your party is stupid and racist anyway she grabbed her kid and walked away the employee apologized and came back with another bucket of tokens to compensate us for the ones that were stolen and we assumed the issue was resolved my sister perked up when my mom started to hand tokens out to the kids and soon everyone scattered to play games we were halfway through the party and I was looking forward to going home I cannot tolerate a whole kids for very long 15 minutes passed quietly with no further interaction from their core em so I grabbed some tokens and headed off to play a zombie shooting game that I like gotta love killing zombies I saw wreck bugging the party kids for tokens but the parents were with their children as they played games and they all told him to buzz off minutes later while I'm battling the undead air currents by with a brightly wrapped box and joins his monitor booth by the window that little effort had actually stolen one of my sister's frickin presents and he was starting to open it while his mom sat and watched I ran over to him and by then he had the package unwrapped and was scowling at the contents egg it's a freaking doll I don't want this I want something better M go and get another one then I reached them and snatched the doll from Ecch this is my sister's present how the hell do you think you can go in there and open her presents em there are a lot of presents in there and you all have been very rude to Eric he can have a present if he wants one go and get another one Eck you don't want a stupid ol me no he cannot go and get another one these do not belong to him egg takes off towards the party room and I look at the mom before taking off after him seriously you are seriously going to let him go grab another one believable believable I ran after the kid while M continued to call me a racist and found him grabbing a present that wasn't the worst part though my sister's cake had been tossed on the floor by the table and was a chocolate heap of mess I grabbed the present from egg pushed him out of the room and panicked my sister was going to be so upset to see her cake on the floor forgetting it for a second I flagged down the employee told her what happened and she promised to have another cake on the table before the party guests came back another employee quickly came in to clean up the mess and true to her word another cake was on the table before my sister returned the employee said she was going to kick ekend em out and left my sister and friends returned to the room ten minutes later for cake and presents I was still fuming and so was my mom when I told her what egg had just done but they were being kicked out so we decided to let it go my sister had no idea what had happened and even though the doll was not wrapped she was thrilled to receive it she opened her presents and everyone ate cake without incident and the party was finally winding down there was only one more thing for her to do this chuck-e-cheese had a ticket blaster a tube the kid stands in and blasts of air shoot tickets in the air around the kid and they get to keep whatever they can grab in a certain amount of time this was part of our party package in my sister was really looking forward to it we all gathered by the blaster and my sister was going in when a condemned showed up out of nowhere Eck went to push my sister aside and tried to get into the tube M my kid gets to go in there first since you all have been so damn mean to him employee ma'am you were told to leave this is for the birthday kid only I'm going to have to alert my manager if you do not take your kid and leave immediately egg start this thing up I want some tickets he tried to close the door while my sister stood just in the doorway confused my mom grabbed her as the kid tried to shut the door on her em started up right now so he can get some tickets you will laugh some serious racists here we are going to sue all of you ech start the F Iying machine up already I want some tickets no he didn't say a fine the employee radioed for her manager to come and help her we are going to call the police again ma'am if you don't leave you are trespassing em like hell I am I'm a customer same as these people my kid deserves to get tickets it's not fair that the girl gets to do it and he doesn't she doesn't even look old enough to be in there finally the manager shows up and tells em that he has called the police again and they are on their way Eck refused to exit the ticket blaster tube and was yelling obscenities at everyone including the small kids the parents of those kids took their kids back to the party room to get away from the scene and my sister went with them crying again me and my mom stared down em telling her to get her brat and leave which just made her madder em go ahead and call the damn police she called us a few choice names before deciding to grab her kid and leave before the cops arrived Eck was screaming at her calling her name's because she was making him leave without going in the ticket blaster the manager followed behind them to make sure they left and they were finally gone mom about damn time my sister came back out had a blast in the ticket blaster and managed to grab a special ticket worth 2000 tickets that made her happy and all past issues were quickly forgotten by her and her party guests they picked out overpriced toys at the ticket counter we packed up the food and presents and got ready to leave all in all the kids managed to have a good time me and my mom not so much the manager returned to our group and was angry as he told us that someone wonder who had smeared poop on the walls of the boys bathroom and an employee had to clean it up disgusting Chuckie Cheese was kind enough to reimburse us for the total cost of the party food cake and tokens they apologized for not handling the situation better and said that Emma and her bratty kid were permanently banned from the location it would have been satisfying to watch em get arrested but oh well we went back to that location a few times over the years and never had another problem thanks for reading thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video a like and a comment would mean a lot in YouTube's world share with us if you would have done things differently and don't forget to support the original authors with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 27,184
Rating: 4.9132009 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Id: 1u_DaoP32C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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