r/entitledparents - MY place at the funeral

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I remember this super vividly lots of tears were shed this day as my family had lost our matriarch my great-grandmother of 104 the family was torn to shreds last weekend WK indi of the 8th of november 2019 so nonsense like this wasn't expected a bit of backstory my dad's family is full of many different ethnic groups my aunts and uncles live all over the world so they've married accordingly however this salmon deck about in their mid-forties and late 10s respectively forget their emotions were more important than that of my own I've always been close to my grandparents on my dad's side and that hasn't changed even when my mom 52 and that 61 divorced and I moved to Texas setting of the story is in my hometown of Wichita Kansas we've gone through a ton of losers since I was little my great grandmother as of late her daughter my dad's mother back on February 8th of 2017 and my gramps who I wasn't old enough to remember I've had my fair share of funerals and if it wasn't seen as disrespectful I would much rather mourn in secret yet every funeral I've gone to my father has always saved me a seat in the front peels near him so that I'm not lost in the sea that is my dad's side of the family mostly also since I usually call myself being a soldier when he finally breaks down it helps that I'm there to comfort him last funeral his mom's was the worst of these he didn't even want to go back to his resident State TN but instead wanted to live in their old house with his little sister my arms for the rest of his days because that's where she last was needless to say knowing his parents and now grandparents were both gone he was sputtering and bawling and just would not stop that's jumping a bit too far so let's take it back to when everyone was filing into the chapel I naturally took my spot next to my father and the first row of pews preparing for tons of Tears I was taking a moment to myself to breathe calming myself down was getting anxious and was about to have an anxiety attack when M Eck and the grudgingly nd nice dad one of my married in uncle's walk up to me I stand to give them a hug and some blessings as normal then go to sit down suddenly though in grabs my arm and holds me in suspension her nails are cutting into me a bit but I don't say very much about it I was an adventurous kid a few scrapes and bruises never hurt so her cat claws for damn sure weren't going to do a thing M uhm excuse me where do you think you're going in direct family sits toward the back I was appalled multiple scenarios of me hanging about my great grandmother's from now on his big granny house and playing with LEGOs until my dad came home from work filling my mind I clear my throat this was helping none with my anxiety attack by the way M sorry I don't think I understand I'm big granny's first generation of great grandbabies this is my seat same as my dad but when baby is reserved this seat M scoffing I don't see your name on it kit move out of the way don't you know to respect your elders em stammering an anxious rebuttal acting like this doesn't make you any more of an elder as it makes me you don't see me telling big grin as great-great-great-grandchildren not to chew gum or play on their mom and dad's phones instead do you M baffled by my talking back trying her best not to raise her voice I've known big granny for years you've never around there's no way as lot spawn like you was reserved a seat here I doubt she even remembered you I'm nearly to tears at this point not only did she insult me but she tried to tack on some guilt to make me feel even worse for having to live with my mother under custody my mom didn't even want me to come to the funeral I look over and they are carrying big granion preparing to start I begin to whisper fighting the tears of confrontation as well as seeing big granite coffin M I'm sure that granny wouldn't want someone calling her great grandchild a [ __ ] spawn it's time to be respectful Egberts in trying to put in her own two heck accusingly she's right you know big granny loved me more cause I was around we deserved to see her first now move jerk em in classic black mom fashion gives the back of her head a small smack huh sharp stay out of grown folks conversation turning back to me but she's right we've been around more so these are our seats move it my dad turning from his wife to TuneIn stands up his light-skinned face turning beet red in anger he looked as if he was going to pop his eyeballs out D and D take your wife to the back big granny is here there's no time to be disrespectful M excuse me I have as much right to be here with it to honor our great grandmother as much a CD my dad was having none of it D get out M what D leave the chapel go away you're bringing negative energy to a serious situation leave now his outburst brought a ton of attention I was nearly to tears and it wasn't even because they'd opened her casket for viewing m and n d start to walk out and the deck RB bed and bowling I grabbed an D and shake my head M you deserve to see her you weren't a part of this nd that's nice I've been trying to turn her out for a while now lawyer said to be cordial at all my dad smiled knowingly d you'd better hope you get a can train her right it seems her mother isn't there for her rather just to flaunt relevance over everyone else it's not the way to go come sit let's scoot over Calypso Eclipse though I obliged and everything goes as normal the funeral service was amazing it wasn't depressing the pastor made some nice points some good laughs and brought back some really fond memories one thing from the funeral I was told to repeat for anything in the future let not your heart be troubled thanks for reading Sunrise December 18th 1915 sunset November 2nd 2019 got but never forgotten she watched the world changed before her eyes and brought up a family worthy of continuing her legacy may she rest in peace reunited with her family now past say hello to Gramps little granny Grammy and pawpaw and kelan missus Johnson for me we miss you all back story in the 32 meters who is about 50 pounds overweight I tried posting this before but my comment karma was too low so I was going for a morning jog in my local park as I went past the playground this kid cut right in front of me I immediately came to a stop but accidentally knocked the kid over me I'm so sorry little guy are you okay I helped the kid up at this point app starts running over em get the F away from my child you pervert she screams at the top of her lungs and surrounded by kids everybody in the park is staring at us M this fattest hit my son me I'm sorry he ran in front of me it was an accident and then proceeds to scream at me for another three minutes while her son looks down at the ground silently eventually I get tired of trying to explain myself and decide to leave as I turn away in grabs me by the arm and digs in M where the F do you think you are going i yank away she then grabs a can of pepper spray from her person sprays me directly in my eyes I fall to the ground in pain at this point bystanders are stepping in to calm her down as I slowly regain my vision I see two police officers walking over to the scene they start asking what happened M this sick freak ran up to my son and threw him on the ground this is where it gets good the cops - ken was recording the whole thing from down the road after reviewing the footage they put N in handcuffs and took her away screaming they asked me if I needed an ambulance but I told them it was okay whatever pepper spray she used was weak as hell little backstory my husband and I have been best friends since middle school we officially went out in eighth grade but his M couldn't stand another woman having his attention he's the baby of the family so she told him to break up with me and disobedient kids go to hell she's very religious he was emotionally manipulated since then and it ended when we got married my husband has always been obedient to his parents never a belt grew up singing in church and always helped out at home and always got away and is a show-off to her brothers and sisters because she'll emotionally manipulate my now husband to buy her designer things not gonna lie he makes great money and has worked his way up his company he gets it for her because he believed he's a bad son for not complying he paid for 90% of her bills bought her a new RV despite of having a mortgage and four cars because in her own words it's always been her dream that we go camping as a family he also paid for her credit card debt and bought a $2,000 couch when it was almost paid off by my husband she also used the same credit card that my husband is paying off to have a vacation to Canada she believes that because she is his mother who birthed him and now he owes her it got so bad that he still had a curfew at 22 despite of paying almost all the bills in the house we missed out on so much things because he had to be home at a certain time so when we announced that my husband and I were getting married she disapproved because she knows she's no longer able to emotionally manipulate him if he doesn't live in her home the day before our wedding he tried to convince her again and she said no he still went on with our wedding and we got our own place away from both parents when we got married I explained to him how he's being emotionally manipulated and he doesn't know her for being born he woke up and realized all the things he has done for her and told her he's no longer giving her money because he's got his own family now and is still hurt that she didn't show up for our wedding he subtly blames me because she had to get a second job to pay for the things my husband would usually pay for and that my husband would never visit her he also had panic attacks because he would get yelled at for staying late at work past his curfew we are both in a great state mentally now despite the fact his mom still tries to stir drama he gives her money here and there when she really needs it but that's about it thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: B87f9_1g7OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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