RIDDLES that will MESS with your MIND

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hello friends it's me today I'm here sipping tea today we're gonna be doing some more riddles once it oh I almost filled my tea so today's riddles are gonna be a test of brain power how strong is your brain glasses on ponytail turn make sure you guys play this along with me and comment below your answers how many holes does this t-shirt have okay I'm gonna give you guys a second to look at this while I count got your answer because I got eight eight holes we've got the two sleeves up the neck hole you got the front hole back hole other front hold back hold because when you make a hole in a t-shirt and you can see through it that means there's a hole on the right of it and on the back of it so that's four holes on the front of the shirt and then you got the bottom hole so that's eight this is how you show your work I didn't need 20 seconds for that so the right answer is eight they are the neckline two sleeves the bottom of the t-shirt and four holes in the middle two in the front and two in the back because we can see the background through them okay that was way too easy I want some hard riddle something that's really gonna make me think how would you name this tree let me get some hard riddles and then you give me this what the hell is this how would you name this tree the really messed up tree the spider looking tree aha that's a frickin bird there is a bird on the street you see this when you mean how would I name this tree there is a freaking camouflaged bird I'm pretty sure it's like a hawk like blended in tell me you guys see that I don't understand the question name this tree there's a bird on this tree I can't name it but I guess you didn't see the bird because you were so distracted trying to find a name for the tree I'm gonna call him bill cuz he look like a bill the actual challenge was to notice the camouflaged bird on the trick if you did well Don see my thoughts exactly I looked at that what am I gonna call it there's no wrong answer but is a trick question comment below did you see the bird or not who is the biggest fool both of these guys won for walking the plank - because he'll probably go down with one I think they're both idiots Wow there's no answer dog who's gonna leave me like that take a very close look at these two photographs what is the mistake they have in common okay I'm looking at this picture and already I noticed it's not a perfectly flipped image because their eyes are normal their eyes are not flipped along with the rest of their face eyes are up see the eyelashes are here they're normal yeah both of them I notice that right away one got a wig on one got some real hair also her lips are flipped so the lips and the eyes are right side up and then everything else is flipped upside down I got this if you still can't figure it out let's turn the photos upside down it looks horrible right the eyes and lips of both women are upside down but your brain doesn't recognize that immediately yes see I knew it I like something doesn't look right people can turn their tongues upside down if you can do it and touch the left side of your tongue it will sense the touch from the opposite side because evolution never taught the brain to read the sensations on the tongue in that position wait you could flip your tongue upside down am I doing this right as much as I can go that's not much at all I can't do it man I was having a good day and now you come along and be like people could flip their tongue upside down you know suddenly I'm having a horrible day because it's one more thing I can't do it's not like I wanted to anyway comment below can you flip your tongue because I can't I didn't even know that was the thing can you manage this one in five seconds I'll give you twenty seconds but try to solve it as fast as possible spot-on mistake one two three four five six seven eight nine can you spot a mistake one mistake I'm freaking out because I'm looking here I even have to pause it beyond 20 seconds I feel like I'm over evaluating this aha only one of the numbers is poop brown and piss yellow is that it is that what I'm looking for Oh I'm dumb Wow can you spot spot and mistake here I have to look twice at that freaking got him it took over 20 seconds but can you spot spot and mistake yeah I don't know how I didn't see that like at first you and your freaking mind tricks you that's actually pretty good it's like when they read it and when you look at it you're like oh yeah it looks legit seems legit totally legit the numbers are only here for a distraction and they succeeded bested yet again the mistake is not in the numbers or their colors the mistake is that the word spot appears twice your brain doesn't always show you the reality it often shows what it is used to some people get that in five seconds I wasn't expecting that why is this correct eight equals that of T it's not a one oh it says eight Wow one four nine one three more like eight if you see it the three is an e y'all reach in really hard you guys see it yes flip it yes oh my goodness is eight not just random numbers y'all thought you could bamboozle me with this one nah damn the top comment a true genius doesn't click on Kulik bay Oh roasted wait do you see a hidden baby yeah that's not mine either do you see a hidden baby why do you think that's not mine either do the narrator hi this baby okay there's a lot to look at in the trees whatever is this hidden baby you say can I just say no I do not see a hidden baby oh yeah out there in the ocean yes throughout history one person has threw their baby in that ocean I don't know I'm not seeing it absolutely not if you follow the thin branches of the tree you will see the outline of a baby in the fetal position its feet and toes are on the right side of the picture arms are in the middle and head is on the left this is literally foetus shape like is its neck and back have not formed together yet I want a refund on this one I wasn't seeing it but now I kind of see it's like this its eyes nose mouth yeah I was looking at was like that is a funky tree it's got to be like with the outline but I didn't like see the hole I was like nah it can't be that y'all really stretching I've never seen a baby look like that should have been like do you see the feed that's on do you see the baby because I not ain't no baby that ain't no baby he's not a human baby which line is longer okay this done messes me up all the time which line is longer this is some optical illusion type thing I forget how you're supposed to like figure this out I'm gonna go with B because this seems like a trick question of course line a is longer that's so obvious right well not for everybody four of the tested people were asked to law I am so confused right now this reminds me of the whole thing Oh like this which one of these glasses contain more liquids so you look at this and like B obviously B has more liquid in it but no it's the same amount of liquid it's just a low think so it's wider but it's just like playing mind tricks which glass has more water okay so whatever is heavier I don't know whatever is lighter is more water so whatever's lighter the paper clip I think it's the paper clip at first I was like wait wait wait what is this animation I was right for a second and then they're all leveled to the same amount of water no no no no you can't tell me a paper clip waves of the same as scissors yeah that's right I was right how many triangles do you see okay like I'm trying to count but you guys keep adding some more okay is this it the timer has began let's count our triangle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 might be more I counted 27 so within the triangle there's mini triangles you can add two together and make bigger triangles as long as you have the points much like if you see them 10 Oh for some reason I was counting each section oh my god scream out with my brain right now I'm like that's a lot of triangles how much triangles did you guys get comment below I need some food okay my brain can't function at maximum capacity and only tea can you spot Mike Wazowski good but what if I did not know who Mike Wazowski was what if I have never watched Toy Story before or Monsters Inc you know I actually don't think oh I just saw him Bobby's way in the back right there I found him that's weird I just like looked off the camera and then as soon as I like oh wow this is your final test I am severely disappointed there is green but still very different now if it took you more than 20 seconds to answer each question it means that you have the brain of a mature person if you answered each question correctly in less than five seconds your brain is very young and flexible wow I thought they were gonna be like if you answered less than five seconds get yourself checked ASAP cuz you might be a genius no your brain is young oh so this is a test of who has the younger brain well then that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below did you get any of these rights you get any wrong do you guys have more original videos make sure you that'll like fine number hay and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,343,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, riddles, brain teasers, confusing, mystery, riddle, brain, dumb, brain teasers with answers, riddles with answers, sssniperwolf riddles
Id: KPxRy_Z1cg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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