Ricky Gervais THUG LIFE moments Compilation - Part 1

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you probably know me as the creator of the office no you don't do you you think steve corral did it all oh he's brilliant isn't he steve corral he's amazing as the bumbling office manager where does he get his ideas from let's play i've been to a lot of award ceremonies here um and someone always gets up and says oh oh i haven't prepared a speech i didn't think i would win well i knew i'd won and i didn't prepare a speech that shows you the contempt i have for this award and this town in general um you look pumped buffed and cut you i mean you are ready to go thank you when did this happen for god's sakes um it's been a gradual process yeah well what is your goal about 50 years uh-huh started off really small yeah and now what's better with your voice i've got sore throat that's that's it how long have we had the sore throat just a couple of days see now i had a sore throat and around the holidays [Applause] jennifer lawrence made the news when she demanded equal pay for women in hollywood and she received yeah overwhelming support from people everywhere there were marches on the street with nurses and factory workers saying how the hell can a 25 year old live on 52 million this is but there were plumbers around the world going poor girl in town lucky now so [Applause] right listen this is shush just shut up really seriously right a few years ago on this show i made a joke about mal gibson getting a bit drunk and saying a few unsavory things we've all done it i wasn't judging him but now i find myself in the awkward position of having to introduce him again listen i'm sure it's embarrassing for both of us okay and i blame nbc for this terrible situation mal blames we know melbourne's listen i still feel a bit bad for it right mel's forgotten all about it apparently that's what drinking does no i want to say something nice about mal before he comes out um so oh yeah okay here you go i'd rather have a drink with him in his hotel room tonight than with bill cosby please malcolm mel gibson [Music] yeah i love seeing ricky once every three years because it reminds me to get a colonoscopy well if you left your drink you don't need to leave your drink here i'll put you to sleep in other ways listen yes can i ask you a question go ahead i think we all want the answer for this i don't know that's the guy that said it it wasn't me i say i'm gonna be nice tonight i've changed not as much as bruce jenner obviously now caitlyn jenner of course what a year she's had she became a role model for trans people everywhere showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes she didn't do a lot for women drivers but mainly star trek memorabilia because i love star trek oh such a nerd wow i've never been in a stream now i've never been in a star trek but i love the original series so i have like i have the gorn head from the original series from the episode arena world no one i know i have squad what channel are we on that what is this again where are you now we are now we're on tbs right i've never i've never heard of that yeah no it's it's a growing concern it's really in in 30 years we're gonna be watching what number on the dialogue well if it depends uh what medium you're using yeah directv would be uh 247. 247 247. who finds it they they're definitely they're definitely looking for porn if they find this there's no way you go through that and then but when they get here they go oh they should do i'm too tired anyway other celebrity scandal justin bieber nearly had to take a paternity test what a waste of a test that would have been no he's not the father the only way that he could have impregnated a girl was if he borrowed one of martha stewart's old turkey basters open white um the town in minnesota has cancelled plans to change the name of a street called stoner avenue it's a weird street instead of saying stop all the signs say chill bro sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry um yeah you're not you're still you're not giving them you know they come out they park their cars they've got babies that they haven't paid why would you that'd be mental but but if i was you i'd be going thank you so much these people and giving them you know what i mean but i'm not doing it it was um i mean you know you didn't write it and that's but do it like but do it like it's your do it like you were clever enough to come up with this joke yourself on a serious note just looking at all the faces here reminds me of some of the great work that's been done this year by cosmetic surgeons you all look great i've had a little bit of work done i've had cheek implants they've put them there which is annoying i never knew you were this weird really because you kept doing we would work together for a couple of days absolutely mental in a i haven't offended anyone i didn't mean it's not my fault it's a lot of powerful people here so if i said it's honestly i like a drink as much as the next man unless the next man is mel gibson if we're out or something i i sort of like lag behind and get jane by herself with no no and i take a picture of her and i tweet jane with all her friends yeah so this is always so like imagine so so here's one you tweeted of jane jane thinking about making new friends [Laughter] but it was just a shadow which is the next one just found this photo of jane when she was little there had to be a gift you must have given her a gift after that yeah well there you go that's what being a relationship for 30 years jane is looking so happy because her new friend hasn't walked away yet the golden globes is shown all over the world it is oblivious to color or creed it doesn't just celebrate talent it celebrates difference it crushes prejudice and stereotype one stereotype i hate is that all irishmen are just drunk sweary hellraisers please welcome colin farrell why didn't you do more than 12 episodes because i was tired i'm tired i need to lie down i get i got the attention span of a toddler i can't believe you've done this show this long i can't believe it i can't believe it i can tell your heart's not in it anymore [Laughter] [Applause] you see what i'm doing there yeah are you trying no i can't come on it's the only this will get ready sorry how is this not a breakdown what are you doing what are you doing i'm trying to help you that's amazing but available for streaming i've never seen you so animated yeah that was amazing thank you on netflix i thought you were giving up okay no i i honestly just thought you were seeing this out wait behind the timer i was thinking of i wouldn't be long till i was there you think maybe i should no you've got a second win to go for it why would you but actors aren't just loved here in hollywood they are loved the world over because they're recognizable you can be anywhere you could be in the third world okay and you get a glimpse of a hollywood star and it makes you feel better okay you could be a little a little child a little asian child with no possessions and no money but you get a you see a picture of angelina jolie and you think mummy you're 65 this thursday that's correct yes you can't use this till thursday this is official i got you a bus pass and senior citizens oh it's a metrocard there it is [Applause] no i want to say something nice about mao before he comes out um so oh yeah okay here you go i'd rather have a drink with him in his hotel room tonight than with bill cosby please malcolm mel gibson ricky gervais has a new game show here on abc called child support and he really wanted to be here to promote it in person but he's very busy not being here to promote in person so he made a video he sent a video and i don't know exactly what the nature of the video is yeah hi jimmy um sorry i'm not there in person but you know um i can't be bothered to be honest but i've seen the show i get the gist of it how could you replace kiefer sutherland in 24 i'd love to see a real anti-terrorist agent trying to fuse a bomb in a busy train station in one hour some of those scenes by the way where kefir grabs on and beats them to a pulp they weren't even in the script um the director just said keep rolling we're working into them you
Channel: Podcast Devotee
Views: 1,756,119
Rating: 4.875607 out of 5
Id: jKQ2pMVkTC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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