r/Iamverybadass · this is so scary!!

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i call this look i could destroy every man in the city with my bare hands and still look perfect doing it uh look perfect how's it going over and welcome back to easy peasy my name is zach and today we're gonna be taking a look at r slash i am very badass man if that was my truck dog dog they would be fictional or i would drive it right through their plant what what's the context for this lisbon lisbon lisbon to me closely never run away like that again i am to be respected i am the predator and you are my quarry i will catch you what what's wrong with you everyone at school hates me but it's because i am the alpha wolf and they're just little sheep that i can eat up in one second you sure don't act like you're an alpha i was 17 and an owner of brass knuckles this happened to me trying to buy booze it didn't go well for the guy trying to rip me off not bragging just saying probably not a good idea yeah i like how it's just zero no points for you your wife has been kidnapped and is being held in a location 30 minutes away you're driving to rescue her it's a warm night and your windows are down do you listen to music on the drive there yes or no no stealth is an optimal requirement nothing or no one should see or hear me coming only the carnage left behind will be audible and visible all right man go go write this down in a a book or something i get an email like this almost every week here's an email i recently received sgt vulcan i work out every day and i get straight a's in school my fear about basic training isn't about my capabilities to fail my fear is that i will get booted for being too tough if the drill sergeants try bossing me around i fear my subconscious fighting skills in karate i'm a black belt will take over and i will strike an injury drill sergeant how can i control the fighting force that has been instilled in me since i have straight a's and i'm already a fighting force can i get a wafer from my recruiter so i don't have to attend basic training no this is not a joke this is an actual email that i have to read and respond to my response is below name withheld to preserve an anime dear ex you can't get a waiver for being such an awesome person the fact that you would ask that question shows you have no idea what you're getting yourself into you will get yelled at by your drill sergeants and judging by your personality probably many times a day not only will you not strike them you will probably pee in your pants the first time you get yelled at my advice to you is to not be overconfident your ego might be your worst enemy best of luck i am not cute i'm fierce fiery and fearless i'll burn your house down and you won't even try to stop me i think that's a crime if i if i'm not mistaken stop pissing me off i can play god and cut off yo oxygen i play cod on a broken controller and my jump shot crazy i could probably smoke everyone here alright well do it then i guess on a post saying katanas aren't that great you only say that because you only see americans or non-japanese dudes wielding and dumbly waving it i once fought four guys i have katana they have a military knife axe metal bat and a machete imagine the ending edit sure european double-edged sword can maybe break a katana in a clash but that's not how you use a katana it is a blade that cuts the body not clashes and overpowers enemy weapons there is a katana technique called a one draw sword something okay glad to see you're very knowledgeable on this topic uh the idea is to draw the katana from the scabbard at the fastest time to kill assassinate the enemy i don't think this guy knows what he's talking about at all my name is landon hi landon don't give a rat's ass who you are okay what you're talking about or anything about you but you trying to have a good talk in snapchat is completely fine with that but don't be a boring ass no cap if you want my snap ask for it don't be petty and i guess because this is important i'm a single i can tell you're single landon i watched a lot of horror movies when i was a kid so stuff like demons gangsters guns anything that makes people scare i'm immune to debt well i'm not you must be scared of something girls perhaps if i was scared of chicks i wouldn't have 200 chicks on my phone f-o-n-e i'm not scared of girls i'm just smart of how i approach girls there's a difference so ending up being an [ __ ] exactly well at least he knows call me a puppy and i'll make you cry why are you bleeding though that that doesn't have any correlation with the the caption i can't mute people in real life just break their job it's easy i've done it before i can't deafen people in real life just scream into their ears i can't kick people in real life just use your foot i can't ban people in real life just kill them i know from experience sure you do dancing shark anyone want to ask something i'll answer which of the seven deadly sins do you vibe with the most the obvious answer would be gluttony because i love food but i don't do things in excess wrath is the real answer and though i hide it well wrath is constantly present don't make me mad kitten what i i don't even know how to respond to this even without a gun alaska's representative young tells congressional committee his hands can kill yeah sure second dude loki hit an ankle sprain i sprained my ankle in a similar way when roundhouse kicking a gangster that had disrespected my girl and negative 14 downvotes don't ever attack my gathering troops why not attack my turf i messaged your leader as a warning the [ __ ] that even mean you think my current alliance leader is my daddy i will burn everyone in your clan to your horses kid no kid here oh whoa no it's a video game man lmfao right knock knock who's there amish hank i'm a shank who i'm gonna shank you motherfu flow my god even my smile is kind of intimidating lol just think of that being the last thing you see before you die lol like me choking someone and just smiling about it like that dude cold chills that r slash i am very badass you're reddit gold luke i would have jumped right on the crocodile's head if it were my dog nobody and nothing will mess with my dog i black out and go into demon mode demon mode hey hey you like trump he's the godfather you worship him no he's in the mafia i'm in his mafia that's just sad and we will kill jill biden good luck with that luck we don't need any luck what was the point of this scene i have never seen this movie see the movie i actually own a multi-million dollar company so i don't have time to waste two hours to watch a movie sorry buddy yeah i don't think anyone asked i'll deliver doordash into the projects at 10 pm on a saturday night i have no fear i don't give a [ __ ] come at me bruh i'm italian goodfellas is accurate okay shut before you get slapped little child wtf bro through a screen lab r slash i am very badass i swear i wish i could see y'all in real life i live in cali drip your adi or where we should meet i'll show you the difference between a man and a woman and i'll pull up with a gun for safety this guy's getting down voted into the ground i'm just like her i'm blackpilled i'm misunderstood i'm a gamer i'm what they know as incel i'm kind of a big deal around the internet don't mess with me or you'll regret it yeah i'm sure oh i'm so scared there are several people walking amongst me that are only alive because i'm deathly afraid of prison true story sure buddy you don't even want to know when i was in the army i was so bad asset and basic training they just let me do what i want uh-huh i was the toughest guy in the platoon i could run faster shoot better and do everything better than anyone the di just let me go to the barracks and read playboys i became a sniper in the army and did all kinds of secret missions all classified let's just say i was a part of some major events you won't read my name in history books but i was there and you can thank me for making your country safer anytime that's just that that's so sad just can you imagine not having anything going on in your life so you have to be like oh yeah i was badass at freaking basic training okay okay man tattoos that say evil lol why you are not an evil paint you ain't seen the bad side of me what your ass i'm pretty quirky i don't watch anything that doesn't teach me something i enjoy combat i have been in hundreds of fights now and the thrill doesn't wear off i'm an amateur archaeologist the thing that i'm most passionate about is the period before we invented writing by the way no one has ever hit me in the face because my head isn't where my opponent expects it to be i love combat because i don't lose aside from kim she hit me in the face once i hit her in the ribs by reflex and she folded up on the floor that was the first and last time i ever hit a woman largely because i thought i had killed her the strength disparity between the sexes is not to be ignored by men god this this guy i i don't think he interacts with any women if i'm being honest i'm not scared of the cartels i laugh at them in the face my older brother is a retired seal my dad is a retired marine i'm in the army all armed whoa they just sent me a letter i don't take threats lightly i will find you you safe praying for you and your family's safety i learned about operation talon today it made me cry because i thought we were done with this you gonna run over 100 plus bikes and dodge 1 000 plus rounds of lead we got a superhero here as somebody who is part of this life you won't do it you will sit in your car and you will wait the cops can't help you the cops fear us so sit down keyboard warrior and mumble into the void or you could be the next victim please tell me this is a troll otherwise i'm screenshotting this to look at when i'm feeling down knowing i'll never be as cringy and pathetic as you r slash i am very badass you don't know me but i highly advise you to read this thoroughly and in its entirety you are to cease any and all communication with blank effective immediately you are not to contact her for any reason whatsoever you are not to answer her calls texts etc is that understood it's not in your best interest to ignore me i have a very bad temper and you do not want to see it get away from me you will send me some sort of confirmation that you were receiving my messages and that you will comply fully i have a tour browser plenty of disposable income and all the free time in the world kiddo oh kiddo do not test me it is remarkably easy to make someone disappear this is your last chance to respond before you end up in a red room never let it be said that i am not fair you had your chance kiddo but you've chosen to ignore all of my generous warnings and you'll soon learn the lanes i'm willing to go for my soulmate expect company boy wow guess who's trying to live life right but will knock every single tooth out of your ass mouth if you step out of pocket uh dude i think if one guy barely slaps you on the nose you'll just drop to your knees crying man that's what it looks like to me kill enough i bet they stop trying not me mate i live in america and live in a reality not a scared society fact store my house and you will get shot go live or go live i don't know my anger people freaking me over that was first hit la mao dude if if you punch a hole like that in your door jesus man i don't think anyone would want to even get close to you and not because you're ooh scary and angry but just because you're what's wrong with you man before anybody asks nothing has been stolen bomb squad blank area anybody know what's been going on i've been told it's a hand grenade been there done that so i'm not concerned just had to throw in that last little bit to make yourself look all cool any son of a [ __ ] that sells my wife a new filter will be beaten senseless thanks wait what it's an air filter dude these kids in stevens green called us racial slurs surrounded and threatened us with their weapons which were bicycle scraps i'd give them one glare and they would run sure for some reason when i was 16 i had a fight with four people they punched me in the face over and over again but i didn't collapse or do anything i ended up knocking them all out knocking without a k but i taken so many blows in the face without collap collapsing or doing anything really i think i'm made of rock or something i never knew i could do that i'm still impressed and i'm 36 now 20 years ago you don't need to lie you forgot to mention they were special ed fourth graders being a lone wolf ain't so bad anybody get too close just snarl adam it does wonders social distancing dude if you snarl at me i i'm not gonna be very happy okay get your mfn brothers here lmfao i got my dad that went to jail for almost killing his friend my mom with her friend that know how to beat ass my grandpa that has a gun also my grandmother that have two guns and my cousin that has been in a gang before and me i know how to knock someone out uppercut and use a gun and i know how to drop kick and i also have my sister that will beat ass so girl bye and me i like how they corrected or attempted to correct one part of that this just sounds like a like a robot wrote it i didn't before i don't know and i sure as [ __ ] hell will forever continue to never give about your feelings hey snowflakes feeling butt hurt today good for me your torture is my entertainment don't dish if you can't receive and don't bark if you can't bite you know what just don't open your mouth period unless it's to my face show some guts and balls maybe you'll get some respect after i'm done knocking your worthless ass out into a permanent vegetative comatose state who hurt you are you okay are you good you're gonna cry not literal mommy gf uh i'm not reading all those i want to be someone's mommy gf so badly but then i remember i'd probably stab the living out of my partners for no reason so like never mind y'all la mao what's wrong with you masks and lockdown wait locks downs have been proven by science to work no discussion otherwise none i see these redneck tex ass morons doing this denying science and it makes my blood boil i wish i just wish i was there oh yeah trust me those hillbilly science deniers would be wishing their backwards state was frozen again and they were trapped indoors where they belong anyway one look at me and my rage and they would regret their idiocy i am not someone to mess with trust me look i'm on science's side as well you know i hate people that deny sciences as much as the next guy but this is not this is not the way to go about it and so just like that it appears we've reached the end of our slash i am very badass thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time he's busy uploads if you want to hear more from me my personal channel zackx fuller's linked in the description below thanks again for watching and until next time i'll see you around
Channel: EzPz
Views: 46,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, iamverybadass
Id: k2B3DrlYsgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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