The Wolf Who Would Be King

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[Music] so we've talked about animals that have beef but these animals have a whole three-way situation going on so you might know that ravens and wolves have a business arrangement where ravens will lead them to food whether it's fresh kills or prey and in return the ravens get to eat the wolves leftovers not only that but it seems like the ravens will also form relationships with individual wolves in a pack and will even be seen playing with wolf pups and that's where the coyotes come in coyotes are opportunists that can hunt but they'll also try to score a free meal whenever they get the chance wolves hate coyotes because they'll steal their kills and will even delete any unprotected wolf pups coyotes hate wolves because wolves are everything they are but better in every way and wolves will often murk them on sight in rare cases packs of coyotes will attempt to harass and bully lone injured or old wolves ravens don't mess with coyotes because they're competition so here's what happens coyotes will often attempt to finesse some of the wolves kill when they're not looking which can result in ravens basically calling for a hit on them by making these loud alarm calls these alarm calls get the attention of the wolves who will then attempt to chase the coyote off sometimes they won't stop at just chasing you're looking at about five wolves and one less coyote and somewhere in the desert roadrunner smoking a wily pack and since ravens are scavengers they get to eat what's left of the now life-cancelled coyote so basically the ravens will snitch on the coyotes to their big brother wolves and if you know about ravens they're 100 smart enough to do that but keep in mind coyotes will sometimes put ravens on a meal prep too moral of this video nature really hates coyotes wolves and ravens aren't the only ones to work out an arrangement like that coyotes and badgers have every reason to hate each other with coyotes sometimes turning on badgers and badgers occasionally flatlining coyote pups but they'll put aside their differences because between the coyotes speed and the badgers burrowing they make life infinitely more difficult for prairie dogs when they hunt together tarantulas will adopt humming frogs to protect their eggs from insects and in return the tarantula protects the frog from the rest of the world even ants have allies you see ants and acacia trees have a business arrangement where the ants live inside the thorns of the acacia the ants pay rent by attacking anything that attempts to eat from the acacia that can include other insects like crickets all the way to herbivores like giraffes and even elephants and this partnership starts when the acacia produces a smell that attracts a queen and the same way the smell of pie causes a cartoon character to defy gravity and these ants aren't pushovers if an animal like a draft threatens their home then they'll swarm out and mass thing to the point where they can fend off animals millions of times their size like i said ants are about that action and if they were the same size as humans they would end the entire world in one weekend the ants underground kingdom lets you see exactly what a motivated ant colony is capable of it's a simulation strategy game that's gained over 35 million players worldwide in just its first year that's almost an entire canada and this game lets you experience life as an end in a natural world by pretty much having you do as real ants do you can hatch and develop your own ant army including a class of special ants with special abilities you're free to design and explore ant nests for your aunt melissa to live in and when you're not doing that you can run fades with lizards frogs scorpions and more while also joining forces and squatting up with allies like the mantis you can rally your ants into battle through pvp alliance battles and even crossover battles with players from all around the world it was awarded the best game changer in 2021 not because of its stunning graphics or enticing battles but because this game has wrecked my sleep and work schedule more than once so to play the world's first ant simulation strategy mobile game download the ants underground kingdom using the link in the description and use my code to get more fun little surprises unless you're a youtuber has to make a video promoting it because apparently playing this game until the birds wake up isn't a valid excuse for that video being two days late and with a special summer carnival coming there is no better time to download other than yesterday have you ever heard the story of the druid pack if not pause this video get you some food get comfortable because this is a whole movie the droods were a famous wolf pack that pretty much dominated over in yellowstone at one point the pack was 37 wolves strong and yeah that's a lot of wolves at the time it was one of the largest wolf packs ever recorded the druid pack were the rulers of lamar valley in yellowstone which was one of the most valuable hunting grounds in the entire area thanks to the thousands of elked out pasu lamar each year and as a top pack the jewels got full control of all that real estate there was also a coyote couple that would scavenge the wolves leftovers and the wolves for the most part would tolerate them as long as they weren't too pressed for food remember them they're going to be important later so for years the druid pack would live comfortably off the elk they'd catch as the dominant predators in lamar valley but in life and especially in the wild one thing is definitely true nothing worth having is easy to keep remember when i said there was 37 of them at one point while two years later the druid pekka hit with a severe disease that did a number on them severely weakening the adults and even murking some of the pups but everything changed when the slew pack attacked the sloughs were their rivals named after the slu creek where they originated from and as the druids lost members and got weakened by disease the slew slowly but surely started moving onto their home territory that escalated to the point where one of the adult female druids got jumped and turned into a chalk outline by some slews later on another female got erased and after a winter where no pups survived the once dominant druid pack suffered severe layoffs the pack that once boasted 37 members got cut down to just four one of them was a young black male who had only recently joined the pack he was a lover who made moves on all the females in a pack while also being submissive to all the males since he was clearly more of a lover than a fighter researchers nicknamed him casanova don't forget him he's going to be important later at this point they were clearly outnumbered and after nearly getting turned into past tense by this lose what was left of the druids basically got evicted from lamar valley and they were forced to move to an area known as cash creek leaving the wolves from slough creek as a new top pack in the valley now remember that coyote couple i told you about what i didn't tell you is that they were actually expecting pups in the spring and with groceries low with pups on the way that's probably why the father ended up doing what he did next viewer discretion warning this might hurt your feelings now remember how i also said the druids would somewhat tolerated coyote scavenging yeah the sloughs were not about to let that slide when the father kaio tried picking off their food as usual the new landlords wasted no time and jumped him the slew pack chased him down and proceeded to maul him into a hashtag all while his pregnant mate could only watch from a distance with the sloughs being very much anti-coyote the now single mother had no choice but to abandon the valley and find a new place to have her pups because having them in the valley with the sloughs in charge would just be abortion with extra steps but don't worry this isn't the last we're gonna see her but yeah with no druids or coyotes the slews were not fully in charge of lamar valley but like i said nothing worth having is easy to keep an unknown disease believed to be either parvo or distemper rock the sloo creek pack and rock them hard like to the point we're out of like 15 pups i think only like three lived and it wouldn't help when the slus would soon get a taste of their own medicine when they were attacked by another pack not only did this mysterious pack delete some of the slews they actively kept them from feeding their pups by blocking them from the den as a result of that and the virus none of the slew pups made it and with the slough's numbers dropping the way at which gas prices would they had no choice but to retrieve back to their original territory and with no wolves in the valley guess who stepped up for a short while coyotes actually became the dominant predators in the valley with no wolves to check them speaking of coyotes you remember that pregnant mother coyoty who watched her partner die in front of her before getting run out the valley herself well that story actually has a happy ending she actually ended up successfully raising all three of her pups after she was evicted from the valley and she did it as a single mother whatever happened to the druid pack well remember casanova the flirt of the group while in exile casanova actually helped rebuild the pack with some of the daughters like i said roe was a lover and since they were forced out the valley that means they didn't get hit with the same disease that rocked the sloughs with the druids strong again the sloughs now hanging by a threat the druids return to take back the valley led by casanova battered and beaten the sloughs didn't even put up a fight they just left allowing it to all come full circle as the druid pack reclaimed the valley they had lost with the help of newcomer casanova so long story short line came with wolves long live the druids i went to a wolf farm this weekend so naturally here's some facts about wolves they're born with blue eyes that become some shade of yellow after a couple months wolves are born blind and deaf and are held in color to the world around them for the first two weeks there is no such thing as an alpha wolf since a wolf pack is really just two mating goals in a couple generations of their children and despite what we used to think the older siblings will actually look after and defend the babies of the pack here you got a father wolf and a couple of his oldest children distracting a black bear and leading it away from a den to protect the pups inside since more pups means more mouths to feed the parents will actively knock block their own children to keep their babies from making more babies wolves will howl to mark their territory but they can also change the picture they're hell to make it sound like there's more of them than there really are this way two or three wolves can really sound like 10 which can scare off a predator or another pack this is thor i like thor when resources are high wolf packs will sometimes temporarily join together in 2011 a super pack of 400 wolves ran through russia and allegedly murked 30 horses in only 4 days there's never been a case of a healthy wolf murking a human in north america like ever you're more likely to get crossed off the census by a squirrel also i went to howling wolves farm in new jersey no sponsor i just love them that much oh yeah coy wolves are a thing they're taking over and that could be a problem now normally coyotes and wolves hate each other with every kind of prejudice but with the wolf population nearly getting put into gulag by a certain hairless primate some wolves decided that a coyote was their last option to be fair weirder things have happened just ask the roller this wolf coyote collab resulted in a candid with both parents dna which is why we now have koi wolves and most coy wolves have some dog in them and that i can't even explain now here's why it could be a problem wolves are fluffy tanks but they're naturally afraid of people coyotes are born given less but they're not really big enough to really be a threat unless you're like somebody's cat mixing them together is like playing jurassic park with puppies so what you have now is an animal that isn't as afraid of people as wolves and can live around people while also being bigger than a normal coyote to be fair they're not really that dangerous to people would still rather avoid you than fight you your pets are a different story with a worse ending but in their defense the only reason they existed because we drained the wolves dating pool to the point where they had to start piping coyotes one thing about nature she bites back don't act like you didn't hear me yes grola bears are real they're coming and they might just be getting started and yeah that's exactly what it sounds like grizzlies and polar bears piping each other and producing a grolar bear or pisley it depends basically if the father's a grizzly bear and a mother's a polar bear then you'd call the cubic roller bear but if the daddy's a polar bear then you'd call it a pisley and just like with the koi wolf in america this one's on us too basically as temperatures keep rising grizzly bears keep wandering further up north at the same time polar bears have to travel further south for groceries since the sea ice depend on the hunt seals is becoming just c so as the two bears end up in each other's area codes the more they collab and create these hybrids now this hybrid is usually bigger than a grizzly but smaller than a polar bear and despite being a hybrid it seems these mixed bears act more like polar bears yeah that might not be a good thing now normally grizzlies and polar bears are on site with each other like to the point where one might attempt to eat the other but just like how coyotes and wolves hooked up and created the coy wolf again because of us grizzlies and polar bears might end up making a whole new bear we have to round and now we finna find out we've all had this question at one point if you say you haven't you're a liar that question being if we weren't here what animal would run the world you know what this might be a hot take but i really think we are one thanos snap away from seeing crows in a driver's seat pros ravens corvids in general they're all too smart for anyone else's good and one day they're gonna turn on us and it's gonna be bad i'm not gonna talk about the fact that ravens are low-key domesticating wolves the same way we did or that crows have the intelligence and a problem-solving ability of a seven-year-old and you probably already know that crows are smart enough to drop nuts on crosswalks pause let a car run over and then wait for the walk sign to go claim their price not only are crows smart enough to use tools some scientists say the caledonian crow has entered its own stone age and while crows can't recognize their own reflection they do understand how mirrors work basically in an experiment crows are able to find an object not in their direct line of sight by using its reflection in a nearby mirror not only can crows and ravens remember faces for years but they'll go on to teach their kids not to mess with you both ravens and crows can hold grudges especially if they feel like they've been wronged when a crow sees another dead crow it'll call out to its other crow bros and they'll investigate the cause of its death to make sure the area is still safe for them they're even smart enough to have self-control in another experiment crows were willing to deny a piece of food if doing so meant they got a bigger reward down the line and i'm just realizing this but that also means crows and ravens can plan for the future yeah that's not normal and we've already seen what happens when crows turn on people crows in tokyo have gotten bold enough to straight up attack people for food for territory or just for the sport of it they'll even go as far as to purposely take aim and drop deuces on people those same tokyo crows that memorize the garbage schedules of different parts of the city so when crows pull up it's not by accident there's a reason why rick chose crows one day we're gonna get real life hitchcock and it's not gonna be good i just realized something kind of interesting we all know parrots can talk it's not exactly groundbreaking but way less people know that ravens can do the exact same thing and probably do it better like other corvettes ravens can mimic a bunch of sounds including human speech and are more likely to do it when they're in constant close contact with people you don't even need to listen to me talk just listen to the raven so ravens are excellent at mimicking sounds they hear mischief can you say hello hello good bird he does all sorts of voices she said hi hi good job what's up what's up with you what's up no much what's up who's your good bird i wonder how many people got put in mental hospitals because nobody would believe the voices in their heads were actually a bird matter of fact at one point i'll probably get you a lobotomy
Channel: Casual Geographic
Views: 1,322,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video, Sharing, Video phone, Camera phone, Free, Upload
Id: zZiMXaJ-pyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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