r/MorbidReality {5}

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the internet is a vast place nearly any question that comes to mind can be answered with a simple keystroke any curiosity can be quelled with a simple search term and yet when we hit enter and look upon the very answer we sought out to find many of us experience a very peculiar kind of cognitive dissonance the answer you sought out is grotesque and disturbing and yet you can't look away and you don't know why it's almost like coming to grips with our morbid reality is a task fit for no one this is an image of sergeant ken kazakowicz crying as he learns the identity of the soldier in the bodybag next to him it's twenty-year-old private andy allen is he was a close friend of kazakhowicz's during the gulf war in 1991. this image was taken by david c turnley entitled the face of war he would be approached by parade magazine and this image would run on the front cover this image embarrassed sergeant kazakowitz he would attempt to avoid all interviews and interest that this image brought to him he quietly faded into the background and he never wanted to speak to private allen as his widow 24 years later he would be approached by the buffalo news to ask about his life and ultimately set up a meeting between him and private alan as his family the article provides new detail into what happened after and before the image was taken he read the name on the dead soldier's identification card looked away from the bloody bag and wailed kazakowitz his broken left hand in a sling had been guided into a medical evacuation helicopter after the jalib airfield route february 27 1991. the battle was among the final objectives of a dominant campaign to expel iraq dictator saddam hussein's army from the neighboring kuwait kazakowitz and corporal mike singarigus were about to be whisked away then a body bag was loaded onto the helicopter floor kazakowitz demanded the dead soldier's name a medic reluctantly handed kazakowicz the id for 20-year-old private andy allen is in the center of the photo sangaricus lifted his head bandages to glimpse the sack at his feet i was just dumbfounded kazakowitz recalled friday i said you've got to be kidding me he just got married there's no way then it hit me like a ton of bricks the article then pivots to an interview of catherine alanis simmons the wife of private andy alanis she had this to say i don't see my husband in a body bag i see a man crying i see my husband surrounded by people that loved him this picture shows the true meaning of war not everybody came home this is tony kurz born on january 13th 1913 in bavaria germany tony and his childhood friend andreas would garner national notoriety for being avid mountain climbers together they would attempt some of the most difficult climbs at the time one of those challenging ascents being right or out a challenging mountain range located on the german austrian border in july of 1936 kurtz and andreas sought out a new challenge they wanted to ascend the north face of iger one of many mountains on the bernese alps located in switzerland while on the mountain they met up with two austrian climbers eddie reiner and willie argenter the group of four chose to ascend the mountain together unfortunately halfway through the ascent willie argenter was injured the heat of the sun had loosened rocks on the north face of the mountain making it hard for him to climb up the side the rock struck him and his injuries were critical as a result the team decided to descend the mountain this would prove to be difficult the group of four lost their route they weren't sure which direction was the safest to descend the mountain gaining any visibility was a challenge as well at some point during their descent an avalanche was triggered sweeping andreas off the side of the mountain and disconnecting him from the group the subsequent fall killed him instantly after watching his childhood friend get thrown off the mountain tony kurtz willie argoner and eddie reiner attempted to get off the mountain as quickly as possible to limit further casualties willie argoner was climbing below kurtz and during the avalanche that swept andreas off the mountain was picked up by the wind and moving snow and smashed against the side of the mountain killing him instantly eddie reiner was above tony kurz and while everyone else below him were being tossed around by the avalanche he was being slowly pressed against the mountain leaving him with no room to breathe and he would die minutes later of expiation tony kurz was the only one left alive and was fortunately spotted by mountain guides unfortunately they couldn't reach kers due to the severity of the storm and they were forced to leave him dangling unprotected and exposed to the elements for the entire night the next day mountain guides attempted to effect a rescue and kurz himself made the effort despite having a frozen hand due to losing a glove to accomplish his own rescue he had to cut loose the dead body of willy argonner who hung lifeless below him then he had to climb up to cut loose eddie reiner he tied additional rope to himself in order to lower himself down the mountain guides could only speak to him during the five hours it took to set himself up properly so he could be rescued the mountain guides attempted to climb up to reiner and grab the extra rope that he tied to himself unfortunately when he made a sudden movement the rope dropped leaving the team with less to work with and as a result the mountain guides had to combine two shorter ropes in order to reach the required length needed to save tony tony reached for their rope fixed it to himself and began to descend he stopped a mere couple of meters before the rescuers not because he didn't have enough strength he had to release the tension of his own knot so it could pass through his gear to reach the mountain guides he tried his hardest to move through the knot but he exhausted himself facing the futility of his situation he said only i can't go on anymore and he died his body was later recovered by a german team if you saw someone getting attacked would you step in to stop it would you try to get help or would you just stand on the sidelines and watch isis hassan was born in 1998 in pakistan and on january 6 2014 izas was outside of his school's gate he was standing with two other schoolmates and izas was not allowed to attend morning assembly due to his tardiness that day while standing outside he was allegedly approached by a 20 to 25 year old man who stated that he was there to take admission one of the two students standing around him noticed a detonator on the man's chest wherein's upon aziz schoolmates ran inside while aziz confronted the suicide bomber who then detonated his vest aziz hassan sacrificed his life for more than 2 000 students who were attending classes at that time the school was renamed after him the isis hassan shahid high school and the anniversary of his death is observed annually in pakistan during the aftermath of the tragedy many news organizations picked up perspectives from different people who witnessed the event according to other accounts isaz was on his way to school when he spotted a suspicious person when izzaz tried to stop him he started walking faster towards the school in an attempt to stop the bomber azaz threw a stone which failed to hit him then he ran towards the suicide bomber prompting the suicide bomber to detonate his explosive laden vest even though perspectives vary all of them draw the same conclusion that aziz hazan was a hero and when his cousin was approached by media organizations to speak on his eyes he had this to say my cousin sacrificed his life saving his school and hundreds of students and school fellows the suicide bomber wanted to destroy the school and school students it was my cousin who stopped him from this destruction isaiah's hassan was 15 years old the battle of manila otherwise known as the manila massacre took place on the philippine islands and involved atrocities committed against filipino citizens in the city of manila the battle of manila was a conflict between american soldiers and japanese soldiers the massacre began on february 3rd 1945 and ended march 3rd 1945. the united states army was tasked in pushing japan out of the islands and capturing the city of manila was a priority during this month-long conflict the u.s army made lots of progress in capturing the city and during the lulls of battle japanese soldiers took out their frustrations on civilians of the city violent mutilations sexual assault and massacres occurred in schools hospitals and convents this is an image of a filipino survivor of the manila massacre this image shows where a japanese officer tried to behead this man his neck is permanently scarred and his head is forever left in a forward hunch an everlasting reminder of the scariest and worst moment of this man's life and it's a pensive thought that this man is one of the lucky ones between 100 000 and 500 000 innocent people died as a result of this conflict this is tiffany ann cole born december 3rd 1981. she was a friendly neighbor to carol and reggie summer an elderly couple who at the time no longer needed their car so they chose to sell it to their friendly neighbor tiffany cole tiffany would repay their courtesy in july of 2005 when she and her boyfriend michael were staying at the summer's home early before they were just finishing up the paperwork to transfer the car into tiffany's name while that conversation was being had her boyfriend was hatching a plan to rob the couple early the next month in july 2005 the plan was put into action tiffany cole michael and two other men alan wade and bruce nixon drove to the summer's home wade and nixon went to the door and asked to use the phone once inside wade and nixon attacked the summers were bound and gagged with duct tape they were then placed inside the trunk of tiffany's car then driven across state borders into georgia once there the summers were forced to reveal their personal identification numbers to their bank accounts the couple blindfolded and bound were then pushed into a pre-dug grave and buried alive by wade and nixon tiffany would subsequently pawn off all jewelry and other stolen items from the summer's home and the atm card was used to obtain more than a thousand dollars in cash the group of three were traced back to a hotel in south carolina by the use of the atm card and arrested there after being arrested nixon willingly led the police to the summer's grave revealing that both victims had managed to free themselves of their bonds but could only manage to hug each other in their final moments before they died this shows tiffany cole and her two co-conspirators celebrating after robbing carol and reggie summers she's pictured drinking champagne and posing with the money that she and her boyfriend stole from the summer's bank account they took this picture moments after they buried carol and richie summers alive five months after being arrested tiffany cole would be handed two death sentences for the murders and the kidnappings all co-conspirators except for nixon receive death sentences they are currently awaiting execution at the loyal correction institution in annex in this video series we encounter a lot of disturbing and unsettling images and a picture of a man smiling hardly falls into either category i'm curious what comes to your mind when you look at an image like this do you see a man acting in polite courtesy just someone sharing their joy with another person maybe a candid photo of a funny moment that this man is having with someone just beyond the camera lens this photo was taken by alfred eisenstadt in the fall of 1933 the subject of the photo is joseph goebbels the minister of propaganda in germany it was alfred's job to take candid or personal photos of all political figures that were attending the league of nation session that day joseph goebbels was meant to be a sit-in for the chancellor of germany and throughout the day alfred took pictures of him joseph goebbels was unaware or unacquainted with alfred so he treated him like any other photographer that day letting him capture as many images as he wanted alfred shadowed goebbels that day following him and his bodyguards to each table and conversation making sure to capture the best moments the final image alfred took of yosef goebbels is the most infamous it was taken at the exact moment he found out that alfred was jewish alfred einstein would go into detail in his 1985 book einstein on einstein a self-portrait about the encounter with joseph goebbels i found him sitting alone at a folding table on the lawn of the hotel i photographed him from a distance without him being aware of it as a documentary reported the picture may have some value it suggests his aloofness later i found him at the same table surrounded by aisles and bodyguards goebbels seemed so small while his bodyguards were huge i walked up close and photographed goebbels it was horrible he looked up at me with an expression full of hate the result however was a much stronger photograph there was no substitute for close personal contact and involvement with a subject no matter how unpleasant it may be he looked at me with hateful eyes and waited for me to wither but i didn't wither if i have a camera in my hand i don't know fear hello hello everyone i hope you enjoyed today's video a lot of you guys like this series so i want to take my time on it making sure we got some really good stories and really good posts sorry for the long wait for content i know it's been like two weeks so we're gonna put out a whole bunch this week and that was always going to thank the patreon supporters that make content like this possible a big thank you to light 1636 broke into asters jackson the business lady lapse a lot brett mina the swift issa with zuku destroyer trey muffey luhu noah vermont john robinson eva catherine taylor origen hannah keith myers will billy dustin and hosmar thank you so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and if you want to help support the channel there is two links in the description one on my patreon and one on my merch store both funds go directly to the channel so we can maintain what's happening here and as always stay zesty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Ailurus
Views: 779,391
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Keywords: r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid, true crime, history, images, r/MorbidReality
Id: 7hnMN_Zpitg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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