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one of imelda's children bongbong has become one of the most high-profile politicians in the country the philippines remains a country where power lies in the hands of a few rich families who bask in privilege and luxury meanwhile almost half the population lives on less than two dollars a day it doesn't mean that if you're poor you cannot be beautiful i told the people in the provinces i said how come our country is a paradise your houses are so ugly and can't you do something about it then the people said oh mrs marcos i said we are so poor all we have is coconuts and bamboo you know what i did i did a bamboo mansion and a coconut palace can i reject a paternity test as the mother of the child my ex-husband wants a paternity test for our daughter i have a couple of reasons for not wanting this to happen firstly it's my child and i don't want anyone taking her dna without my consent and i don't want to give that consent secondly the money that my ex-husband provides in child support is vital to my daughter and i having a safe stable place to live if it turns out that a certain someone was the father my daughter and i would be thrust into poverty is it possible to reject a dna test of my daughter is it possible to mandate my ex-husband continue to pay child support even if he's not the father given that he undertook a fatherly role for five years before he left us even if the dude gets a paternity test which he can it's well within his rights that he can get a paternity test she can't do anything to stop him the fact that they were married when the child was born or at least when the child was around makes him the de facto father it doesn't matter if he's biologically connected to the child or not the state doesn't care the state will consider you a father if you are married to the woman with a child or if you're the biological you know father of the child he can try to sue and try to take it to court but you're not gonna get far with that i'm sorry bro you're gonna be paying money forever and this woman just dipped you out of thousands a teacher who used her husband's sperm to season cupcakes for her students faces jail time you know what i genuinely wish this was rare this has happened before it wasn't a couple it was just another teacher who ejaculated onto cookies and then served them to his class his class didn't eat them because somebody in the class noticed that the cookies were covered in glaze that was runny it was awful it was awful and i wonder how the how did people find out this happened you know was it because someone looked at the cupcakes and saw some extremely runny glaze i want to know and don't want to know at the same time to be honest because this is just awful i don't even want to know what grade these students were something bad is going to happen to your dog if you don't get its barking under control it's crazy how this person went out of his way to make sure the letter was anonymous but we all know that it's just the neighbor if this was me if i got this letter i would just go to the neighbors to my left and right and see who sent the letter and when i find out there's going to be a fist fight you're going to threaten my animal because it's barking outside i get how that might be annoying and maybe i would make the effort to kind of curb my dog's behavior but to come at someone sideways like this in my opinion i'd say don't stop your dog from barking be petty about it call their bluff i doubt that anybody's really gonna follow through with a statement like this because this is cowardly okay so take a look at this woman's mug shot real fast i want you guys to really think what she did anything that you're thinking of right now i'm certain pales in comparison to what she actually did she stomped on a five-year-old boy killing him and i bet you wouldn't believe me if i told you it was her child because it certainly was it was her kid i have nothing else to add here just to just to share with you that there's monsters in the world who will have children and then go out of their way to gruesomely take them out of this world and i don't know if this is a true correlation but every time i read these stories there seems to be a reoccurring pattern of parents just simply wanting to be fun wanting to have fun or wanting to be free from parenting or responsibility these type of people will go out of their way to end a life just so they can go to the club on the weekend hi everyone retweet if your profile is safe for none of no none of y'all are safe not a single one of y'all are safe that's why you're online you have to hide yourself you have to hide behind a profile picture because god forbid anybody beat you in person god forbid you have some sort of rally or some sort of protest to support your degenerate acts because i can promise you i guarantee it i give you my seal of approval that violence will occur i can guarantee you that no one's trying to have a conversation or make sure that you're safe if anything you're public enemy number one you have a target on your head and people are waiting to shoot my friend called me hysterically sobbing because she found out that her kiddos my god child teacher took her hearing aid away because she wasn't listening anyways the school quietly sent the teacher home and didn't say anything to us i'm gonna catch a charge over this it's crazy how teachers who are absolute menaces to society are protected by school boards and teachers unions and the greater public just has to deal with it the community has to be fearful and deal with the fact that there's a predator teacher just being shifted from school to school from district to district instead of being fired and why can't he or she be fired it's because they're a part of the teachers union and they're guaranteed a job in this specific teaching district and that's only one example of crappy public school corruption it's terrible it gets even worse with teachers who are physically abusive verbally abusive or straight up useless and neglectful of their roles as a teacher they won't go out of their way to teach anything because they just want a paycheck i could write a book about just how terrible that stuff is because i grew up in a city where that was pervasive it's just terrible you wonder why you still can't get a ps5 even after a year this is why and you guys wonder why you can't find any of these in the store god forbid yo this is like the second time this week this kid's been here you know what yeah she looks like the tight she looks insane like seriously crazy and i don't really know how to articulate what i'm seeing here it's just in the eyes something about her eyes really freaks me out man i seriously wonder where that comes from that ability to really discern whether or not somebody is a danger by looking at their eyes it's a genuine mystery at least for me as to what i'm seeing in her eyes that freaks me out so much you ever go out of your way to just verbally abuse women for content you wasting time in the city offending a lot of out-of-reach thoughts hey i have a question you think i can get your number no thank you go [ __ ] yourself kindly go for yourself please just die like just please just die and just put a gun in your head and just blow your brains out please just die i have so much hatred towards you women already i can't stand you rejected me all my [ __ ] life all my life i've seen this article literally everywhere the title is not lying and going into detail with the article is even worse apparently assaulting three teens was his first ever offense and he was looking at four years in prison because in the state of oregon that is as much time as you are going to be in prison for your first sex offense and after that there's 14 months of being on the sex offender registry seems like a pretty tame sentence am i right let's just say that you weren't mr lucky right here and you got your full four years and 14 months it still seems pretty small for assaulting three teens who probably will never forget this event ever this colors their lives forever so i bet a bunch of you guys are wondering how this guy managed to get 14 months instead of 4 years in prison like all cases that end like this he had a phenomenal lawyer that argued that he should only serve the 14 months of being on the sex offender registry and he even argued that he shouldn't even be on house arrest the dude is serving 14 months of community service and it's all because the lawyer made the argument that the dude was sorry and that he promises to never do it again there is seriously something wrong with the justice system in oregon man it's ridiculous i mean i understand why it's like that i mean portland is there but still they need to really sort this out this next clip shows you how to get kicked out of an uber within less than 10 seconds don't be racist just give us a destination please excuse me just get us to our destination please what you just said to the destination please no before that as soon as possible thank you yeah please leave my vehicle say that again please leave my vehicle i have no business with you he canceled before i call the cops please call them [ __ ] call them look here i don't care former substitute teacher charged with assaulting 8th grader in kentucky and for a heads up for everybody who's outside of the united states an 8th grader is 13 years old we've definitely encountered stories like this before in this video series but i have noticed a very very gross and disturbing trend when articles talk about male predators attacking children and harming children they almost never show the dude's face or if they do have a picture they show the ugly you know mug shot you know something to show that this guy is a monster makes sense nearly and i mean nearly every single article about a woman assaulting a young boy or young girl in school because she's a predator always uses a photo that is appealing or attractive if it's an attractive mug shot they'll use it if they can't find an attractive mug shot they'll go to her instagram or her twitter and find some thirst trap or find some selfie that's very appealing i don't understand why they do that i don't understand why journalists go out of their way to do that and when i say i don't understand i'm not saying i don't understand the motives behind it i'm saying i don't understand why we're continuing to do it when so many people have been very vocal and very explicit about how this should not be a fantasy something that young boys should not want no you should not want a relationship with a older woman a woman 10 years your senior i remember being in high school and everybody would talk about that yo my girlfriend's 19 and i'm 14 years old yeah that was most likely bs but the fact that all of us would dab this dude up after he would say that is disturbing i remember an article shared this image in order to depict a predator this woman is a predator but they chose this image to depict her why are we using attractive photos to obfuscate the fact that this creature stole the innocence of a child when are we going to change man when is something going to change you ever go out of your way to assault your teacher because she told you to stand outside [Music] someone has been killing the domestic ducks at springfield park if anyone has any information please let one at the local dallas county game wardens know pictures or video will be helpful as would license plate info i know the recent kills have not been coyotes or bobcats one of the ducks was beheaded and its head left floating the second bird was left with only the breast removed and yesterday our resident chinese goose has gone missing this doesn't sound like just someone throwing rocks at birds this sounds like a duck serial killer this next clip shows a bunch of upstanding civilians stealing from a san francisco store all right i try to support him i do my very best for him seriously like when you drugged him and took his car for a joyride while drunk or when you threatened to leave the relationship because he didn't sell his dog well we all have bad pass i only didn't drug him i gave him a hypno to make him relax because he was very stressed about work that's still highly illegal it isn't illegal because he's my boyfriend i have the right to do what's in my boyfriend's best interest well your boyfriend doesn't want to see you until next week this next clip shows a child predator getting caught get a victory meal because you're a changed man where would you go maybe me play blow and get the um somebody's at the door probably the pickle order you can open it oh god what's going on hey how's it going sir this man you wanna have a seat on the couch [Music] [Applause] woman fires off gunshots at drive-thru because her order was taking too long would you be surprised if i told you this took place in ohio this woman was prepared to kill someone or at least critically injured them all over some french fries man all over some french fries i wish this was not the case but no this happens all the time usually at popeyes then this clip is just plain racism plain anti-white racism it's crazy how she genuinely thinks she's the good person in the situation just be prepared for what you're about to hear how does it feel to be like genetically affected by all the barbaric things that your ancestors have done how does it feel you know how does it feel to be afraid of black skin like when you see black skin you have fear right because you genetically are predispositioned to probably be afraid of us i don't know if you heard there was a study of rats um come comparing the rats to white people you know they're very close rats and white people you guys share a lot of the same characteristics um so there was a study of rats where every time they exposed them to cherry blossom smell they would shock them so much so that just seeing or smelling cherry blossoms the rats would be fearful and that fear passed down generations without the the children rats you know the children rats even having that exact trauma the trauma got passed down through their genetics so when their children and their children's children the rats right not white people were built white people later i know very similar so when the children and grandchildren of the rats smelled cherry blossom they were afraid even though they never really experienced the trauma so you guys are probably really afraid of black people right like just looking at me right now that probably is really scaring you is that scaring you but it's yo okay so rather than answer 500 different pms i'll just tell you what's going on look first my life is changing i have set up a deal with the state of california to get free of my 157 000 in past due child support this means i won't have to pay 850 a month in child support this means i can take a normal job i can have days off even maybe go on vacation or go visit my grandkids wouldn't that be nice this also means i get to have a driver's license bank accounts all that wonderful stuff everyone takes for granted maybe just maybe even own a house again who knows then the business we are failing we aren't even making enough to keep afloat at all we are sinking quickly plus living in the shitty little town is horrid so i want to get out so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna move everything we own to the shop and vacate the house that is costing us way way way too much money then we will sell everything we can and get out of here so to all the haters go screw yourself you win but everyone else loses to all the people who have supported our efforts i'm sorry we tried i just don't have the strength to carry on where do i even start screw your business troubles you had a hundred and fifty seven thousand dollars in back child support it looks like the state did everything to literally limit your life took away your ability to have bank accounts took away your ability to have a driver's license and you still didn't pay and you have the audacity to ask this child to introduce their children into your life so you can see your grandkids no and to be honest i bet you're lying about that you don't want to see your grandkids you're going out of your way to advantage you want to sell everything you want to just leave you have no responsibility you have no character you don't want to be in their lives you just want to seem like a good guy you want to seem like the winner in this situation even though you deprived your children of 150 000 that they're entitled to because you're the father this establishment is uh not black owned by using you're stealing black culture is this not black culture trap tea the boba plug no you're thief asian asian people stealing black black culture once again once again it's okay you'll be exposed though you're not black owned you're stealing black future black culture no i came here because i thought it was black owned that's why i came here to my friends i'm supporting a black business this is not black owned you're not this is not black owned asian stealing stealing black culture once again don't talk oh my god this is every keyboard at best buy and micro center people pop the keys off for no reason or just to take a key home because they lost one and they happen to have the same board the whole point of the display is to show that the board is good that the keyboard is nice but who can test their keystrokes if there's no keys to press their track too dummies tick-tock star 22 and her mother 45 are charged with murder along with a third woman after two men are killed in crash on dual carriageway drunk drivers man drunk drivers seem to always survive but they just take people out and they're unremorseful it was a mistake i thought i was okay to drive it's crazy how these guys have excuses for murder you killed people because you're irresponsible and to be honest i'm glad you're alive because maybe just maybe you'll live with the guilt if you don't understand human beings i can't physically move she's not going to move georgia passed her wife charged with false imprisonment after people found locked in the basement investigators determined that eight people in the basement all with mental or physical disabilities or both were essentially imprisoned against their will why my family are my life and it shocked me that even i had to start to think like that work is important but don't let it rule you no one will remember you missing that meeting but you will remember for the rest of your life about what was in your head at such a time i love you and you're all that matters i'm not gonna show the full photo because the dude went out of his way to take a picture of him with his sick child for attention on the internet instead of being a companion and attending to his child he chose to go out of his way to just take a picture with the kid who's suffering on a table it's ridiculous you're not gonna give me my food sir uber driver you're not gonna give my food yeah you can't even drive you gonna give me my food or i'm gonna submit this to uber there's my food right there this guy you gave me my food and i'll delete this you give me my food and i'll delete the video oh what's her name sir my name is justin i'm not uber that's literally my food right there that is mine it's mine that you just picked up if the person isn't black they can't be considered a top rapper hip-hop artist i don't make the rules non-black opinions on rap hip-hop and other black genres don't matter either you all need to learn how to shut the [ __ ] up y'all who's y'all wait i think you mean yourself you need to shut up it's crazy how people like her go out of the way to gate keep hip-hop right but god forbid anybody do the same thing if there was a black country artist or a black rock artist comments like this just cause strife for no reason it starts fights for no reason everybody is allowed to make whatever music they want to make regardless of where that music came from and our final post of the day is a daily mail article grooming gang that systematically assaulted 14 year old girl and robbed her of her childhood and west yorkshire is jailed in the united kingdom specifically london there's a giant issue with grooming gangs many of these men commit their crimes freely police officers are told not to pursue them or to publicize any event where these men are jailed the reason being is that many police departments in many major cities in the united kingdom want to be sensitive about this situation in the past five to six years where this has been occurring there is a correlation between new migrants from the middle east and north africa and the growth of grooming gangs there are tons of different political opinions and arguments being had about this problem that i'm not going to get into in this video what i do want to point out is the fact that young girls are being harmed by the fact that people want to be sensitive that the fact that people don't want to be seen as discriminatory or racist leads to young girls and boys being groomed and assaulted by monsters at some point these police officers need to ask themselves what's more important public perception or protecting the safety and well-being of the youngest among us and most vulnerable among us what's up everyone it's your boy aleris aka panda daddy and i hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did let me know in the comments down below and leave a like if you liked the video and if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe fam what you doing watching videos and not subscribing and if you're old make sure that bells to get these notifications every time the yard competition has nearly 300 contestants isn't that something i want it to be a thousand i want so many people to sign up because it's just gonna be fantastic and if you haven't go ahead go 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Channel: Ailurus
Views: 434,379
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Keywords: iamatotalpieceofshit, r/, reddit, reddit posts, #1 reddit posts, Top posts, top, posts, top posts of all time, reddit reading, Ailurus reddit, Ailurus, r/iamatotalpieceofshit, mlm, make your own business, sales, online sales, r/Kidsarestupid, Ailurus kids, Ailurus Fatlogic, r/Fatlogic, ailurus panda, ailurus kidsarestupid
Id: C0F1Nj3lHrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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