r/Humansbeingbros · *happy steve irwin noises*

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lawnmower dude left flowers for bees because when the bees are happy the world's happy we love to see it we're live we're recording great how's it going everyone welcome back to easy peasy i'm your host david the baker and today we're gonna be taking a look on into r slash humans being bros you know everybody says dog is man's best friend but you know who's really man's best friend uh well man i i guess anyways on with the video i lost my wallet in new york city and the same bus driver recognized me later along the route and gave it to me he even refused money for helping me new york city is great hey well i'm not sure that would have happened everywhere in new york city but i'm glad it happened where you were i went to my first physics lecture this quarter and the professor literally told us i wrote the textbook for this course but i'm going to pirate it for you guys because i hate my publishers ah yes a true people's hero inn is a five-year-old girl i told her the other day that i liked her little popper toy she made her mom send me one for my birthday a gift from you in thought you needed this that is so sweet a security man in egypt decided to cover the dog's paws to protect him from the hot pavement aw so not only is the dog safe from the pavement but now it's pretty stylish as well oh look at that smile because of the heat i can't live in the barn where i teach free mechanics class to teens i had to find a room these awesome people took me in and made a plate of food for me each night i can't wait to repay them for their kindness big things coming soon you know some people would call that karma you educate people for free and in turn you get some free meals maybe this is the universe's way of saying thank you bruce aryans just told his staff that if they ever miss one of their kids recitals or games he'd fire them saying you can always make up that time at work okay now that seems like a cool boss the boss is here they tell me i'm not allowed to leave until all the memes are red and i ask them well how many memes are there left to read and they tell me all of them and then you know i cry silently and then divert to a tangent in one of the videos and then you know we just casually move on to the next meme it's actually kind of crazy we are in a terrible heat wave people are selling used ac units for 1 000 plus online our neighbors just installed central air so they gave us these cooling beauties i guess you could say these ac units are pretty cool no not funny okay yep we're moving on 70 boys shaved their head in support of female classmates with cancer ah yes this does put a smile on mr clean's face remember narayan reddy the man who used to feed many orphaned children and was also known for his youtube channel grandpa kitchen well after his passing away his family is now feeding orphans and keeping his channel alive he must be smiling from heaven hey well i certainly hope so hey rest in peace surah morocco began in 2007 with one person who wanted to make a change in the lives of their country strays today as a self-funded refuge we have around 1 100 animals from dogs to cats to donkeys and birds all rescued from the streets or abandoned and now they are loved safe and cared for and you see this this right here we love to see it although it does look like she's getting robbed by a bunch of animals hey lady what's in that bag is it fools the free what the [ __ ] oh gosh leave me alone the sign reads this shield is protecting a turtle's nest from predators do not disturb uh okay so you better not move it alright the turtle needs a safe place to live alright please respect its privacy an estate is bequesting 92 thousand dollars to the fairbanks north star bureau animal shelter somebody just comes in and donates 92 thousand dollars that's some mr beast level type donations all right that's beautiful a few days ago a customer called in to say that she accidentally threw away two pairs of prescription glasses right in the trash can in front of my store i put on gloves and fished them out for her she came in today and tipped me fifty dollars thank you so much you saved my favorite glasses heart emoji oh today is a special day here at the gala county sheriff's office today we needed some assistance for the 4th of july parade today we have assisting us deputy zack deputy zack has always dreamed of becoming a law enforcement professional and today deputy zack's dream came true when you see deputy zach on the parade route give him a big shout and wave oh yeah i built this to give away excess vegetables from the garden ah so now when the garden has too many vegetables to bear you can just put them out here people can walk by they can be like maybe i do need some peppers and i mean it's so nice i'm guessing you're giving them out for free too what a stand up person 10 broccolies out of 10. michelle merrigan says today i got a taxi to radiotherapy by fluke the same guy was at a rank that took me home we chatted and i told him i have 2.5 weeks left of daily radiotherapy so he said for a fraction of what he usually cost he'd bring me to the hospital every day and wait for me to bring me home ah yes humans being bros all right that's what we need we need more of this folks we need more of this i also just like clapping my hands i have a lot of fun with this wouldn't it be fun if radiotherapy wasn't like a medical procedure like you know they just sit you down in a chair they tell you to close your eyes and they're like let these sounds soothe you away welcome back to wkyn we're going to play the latest hits from the 1930s wait what do you mean that's not radiotherapy carlos traveled 180 miles from london to wales to give monty one final adventure before leukemia gets the better of him monty had battled for 18 months hey well what a way to go out this definitely makes for a beautiful sight to see saint petersburg metro everyone keeping to the right to let people in a hurry pass through wow everybody's doing that not a single person is selfish and is like yeah well i want the entire escalator to myself no people are actually being courteous that's so awesome after a wildfire destroyed my family's home these firefighters save these animals that were left behind by bringing them food and water i'm just glad that they're being fed and i'm really glad they're okay i still don't have alaska hey buddy i just went through my coin jar and i found alaska i can mail it to you if you like you see those awards you earned them thank you for being a hero showie otani received 150 000 for participating in the home run derby after he received that money he handed out checks to 30 angels employees to thank them for their work yo what an awesome way to thank somebody for their work that is some expert level tipping right there band director protects band from sprinklers on football field so that the performance is not interrupted yo that's really nice and really considerate but like in theory couldn't you know put your jacket over the sprinkler so that it doesn't spray on anyone no no you know what it's a good deed all right i'll just i'll leave it at that guy in my neighborhood started sharing his harvest now others are bringing things to share too you see now this is the true meaning of thanksgiving what do you mean it's not november okay well we can pretend as if it is my girlfriend had a customer that would come in daily to her job she was always polite and even offered a discount once in a while it turned out that that person was the manager of a deli we recently visited and they comped our meal ah that is so cool up top it says compt vip that's that's next level i love that istanbul july 2006 it was hot and the cat is so grateful it's like ah yes thank you human sustenance shall keep me alive a few weeks ago my dog died i was very sad as i had him for 15 years today i heard a knock at my door it was my 90 year old neighbor she had crocheted a little dog toy that looked exactly like mine collar and all i burst into tears on the spot and gave her a hug she is truly the best neighbor ever in 2014 a california 7th grader named subham built a braille printer out of lego building blocks since regular braille printers are too expensive for low-income families the teenager wanted to create a cheaper solution his design which he called brego brought down the cost for more than two thousand dollars to less than 500 he also decided to give away the design and software for free because it's not about the money it is truly about making the world a better place and i'm glad he was able to do so xi jiang is a chinese buddhist who has rescued over 8 000 dogs and found them new homes oh that's so sweet hey kudos to you every thursday this little girl gets so excited to stand out on the sidewalk and wave to her favorite trashman a few weeks back she decided she wanted to make him a homemade muffin to her great surprise it just so happened that the thursday she picked was his birthday he said it was the only gift he received the smile on both of their faces is priceless oh it's so beautiful i might actually cry that is that is so sweet what a coincidence joe jonas bought pizzas to the families of those who got injured in the miami building collapse and who are waiting at the hospital uh you see now that's cool oh and somebody also bought krispy kreme nice diablo southwest grill our burritos are such a smash hit we've got people breaking in at 4 am for their fix so if you see our door looking hurricane fabulous at wheeler road this is why to the would-be robber who is clearly struggling with life decisions or having money issues please swing by for a job application there are better opportunities out there than this path you've chosen my personal cell is this number no police no questions let's sit down and talk about how we could help you fix the road you're on sincerely carl you see even when they're raw they have the heart to do something good that's beautiful a friend of mine set up a free water station in her yard for our homeless neighbors equipped with dog service and hose to turn on and rinse off it's in the 100 degrees over here very kind not only could this make someone's day but it could potentially save someone's life it's super inventive super creative and on hot days like these i mean it's just a brilliant thing to have oh the humanity but in a good way english football hooligans defaced the mural of a black player that missed in the final so real english fans came out in droves and covered it until it can get repainted midnight in whittington quiet peaceful and powerful random acts of kindness my friend and i were sitting outside today we saw a boy in a motorized wheelchair and walking behind him was a domino's employee carrying pizzas we then saw the employee returning back towards the store i went over to learn more about the good deed that he appeared to be doing he told us that he volunteered to help him carry his pizzas home is he because that is what heroes do domino's for the win hey bro this is the guy that lost his phone i got it back i hope and pray your interview went great thank you so much for lending a hand hey man i'm stoked you got your phone back that's amazing i totally got the job too thank you for reaching out for lending a hand sometimes we're too anti-social to ask for help and i appreciated the opportunity and they all lived happily ever after women in india knit sweaters to keep elephants warm i did not know this was a hobby people did but you know what i just might jump into the trade oh no that elephant smile is just infectious people in a small german town gathering goods for the now homeless victims of the flood people giving everything that they can to people who really wouldn't have it otherwise this is definitely doing a lot of good for the community jalen hurts when everyone thinks your kid's name is jalen hurts because he loves at jalen hurts so badly that he had to have a backpack with his name on it jalen hurts says that's lit alexander i had to get me a backpack with your name on it too hashtag twins ah that's so cool japan has appointed a minister of loneliness after seeing suicide rates in the country increase for the first time in 11 years hey well i'm glad the country saw the issue and decided to tackle it head-on i hope this brings some real good to japan we broke our jeep on an off-roading trip four random jeeps full of people and tools pulled up and fixed it for us for free right on the trail yeah well you know what they say if you jeep together you fix a jeep together that didn't make sense yeah well you know what they say you drive a jeep together and you gotta sleep together that's no that is not right either hold up you know what they say when you drive a jeep you get other people to fix your jeep i don't know what they say man just leave me alone it's really cool that they fixed the jeep okay that's all i was trying to say your feel good for the day pull up to the hardware store and i saw this go down dude literally in the pouring rain coming out to his suv sees these two hooligans one pushing a broken bike the guy stops everything he is doing and spent five minutes getting drenched fixing it for the little man they wrote off happy af and he just left with a smile on his face definitely gave me one too high five to you hashtag good samaritan i told my sister i have trouble remembering to take my pills so she did this oh that's so sweet you know how back in the day like your mom would write notes on your lunch well this is kind of the same thing except for instead of hope you have a great day at lunch it's more stuff like oh yeah you are that take that pill you know what i love it so much a letter one of my students wrote to me after i spoke to my class about the recent passing of my dog very proud teacher moment look this message is very heartfelt it covers the pain that comes with losing a loved one not to mention it talks about the student's rough year if you want to pause to read it it is very heartfelt it might actually make you cry feel free to pause the video and read it at your discretion but for the sake of the duration of this video we're gonna keep going my friend's dog got spooked by fireworks and escaped he then ran to a local bar where they took him in and texted her she arrived to find him happy as could be getting love from all the bar patrons and drinking water from a pint glass hey we have your dog here at whiskey daves i bet you were super relieved to have that text but you're probably also thinking ah seriously rex we told you we only drink on the weekends and with that everyone that's going to conclude this episode of r slash humans being bros if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like down below and don't forget to press the subscribe button and hit the notification bell to be notified of all of our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i can't wait to see you in the next video so till then peace out and three thumbs up see ya [Music]
Channel: EzPz
Views: 41,400
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories
Id: A8zuj0z5yRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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