RG35XX Series - Install Garlic OS

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foreign thank you for watching this is the first part in a series about setting up configuring running the ambernik rg35xx look at it that's it right there and we're going to be covering a lot of the basics in this video so first things first installing garlic OS this is actually well covered ground but I'm going to throw in a few tidbits that aren't in all the other videos so part one obviously we're going to install garlic OS next part we're going to cover updating garlic OS you're going to have that a lot garlic OS undergoes lots of updates frequent updates next we're going to do a dual SD card setup a lot of people have questions about that it's actually pretty easy but we're going to go ahead and cover it we're also going to cover how to install a custom skin and boot logo so you can have it looking all cool and Custom and finally we're going to cover how to start fresh what happens if your SD card is just you know failed an image or just screwed up Beyond any recognition we're going to cover that as well so thanks for watching hope you enjoy now first thing you want to do is go to retrogamecorps.com this website has a lot of good information and it has the guide we're actually going to be following another website to go to rg35xx.com this website has a lot of good resources for the rg35xx including links to the firmware we're going to be getting so you can see garlic OS click download and it'll bring us to black serif's patreon page now this is where you can download garlic OS if you scroll down to the bottom of this post you'll find the links to download it now you're actually going to find two links down here one the micro SD card image this is the full image but if you're upgrading you would get copy and paste on top of stock but for the first time installers we're going to go ahead and get the SD card image next you want to go back to retrogamecorps.com this website has all the links to the tools that we're going to need and if you scroll down to the recommended software tools first bellina etcher we're going to want to download the portable version just because it's easier the installer would work fine but just grab the portable no install needed next we're going to need this mini tool Partition Wizard any partition manager should be fine the guide for the guide's sake we're just going to use this one let's extract these I have seven zip already installed on this computer if you need to install 7-Zip Google 7-zip in 7-Zip I'm going to choose the extract 2 folder option it's going to make a new folder with the image in it contains the image and the readme we're going to go ahead open up bellina etcher Flash from file browse to the downloads there's that folder the garlic image Target should be the SD card plugged in you can see I've got a 16 gig here go ahead and select it flash it and thanks to fast forwarding techniques this is going a lot faster than it will be on your computer but once it's done go ahead close bolina and I wasn't seeing those drives so I've ejected the card put it back in and putting it back in you're going to get these messages at least in Windows you can go ahead cancel we're going to go ahead check this PC g h i and J first partition G and the second partition would be J although you can see here J although having files is only 3.15 gig so we're gonna have to go and fix that that's where we use Partition Wizard so we downloaded that go ahead install Partition Wizard go ahead make sure we use the free edition don't call home next next next and partition Wizards installed you can see down here at the bottom that's my SD card fourth partition down there that's what we want to extend because we're not seeing the entire capacity of the SD card so extend on this I'm just going to basically slide that slider all the way to the right maximum size which is on this guard 11.11 if you've got a bigger card for instance you know this is only a 16 gig card so most cards are probably going to have a lot more free space go ahead we're going to apply that down at the bottom left speed this up done and there we go we've now extended it so we're using the whole capacity of the card which in this case is only 14.2 gig but while we're still here let's go ahead rename this partition first partition is going to be m-i-s-c um just to keep it in mind when you're upgrading it this is the misc partition and for convenience we're going to name that last partition ROMs because that's what we're doing with that that's the ROMs partition now let's get out of Partition Wizard while we're here we're gonna go into this first partition we're going to create this wait for USB file this enables controller support so copy wait for USB I'm going to go ahead right click in the partition and make a new text file now one thing I need to see this extension so I'm going to go to view file name extensions now I can see the text and go ahead rename it to wait for USB no extension it'll give you a warning go ahead click yes now we're going to open up that second partition and we're going to add a game just to make sure everything works so ROMs we're going to do a Nintendo game so FC famicom this is original Nintendo putting in the classic Alfred chicken here we switch over to the rg35 double x booting up there we go and here's the menu pretty simple we're going to want to go to consoles and because we've only added one game in one console it's only going to be one in there it's going to be the original NES or famicom L for chicken go ahead click to launch it and here we go classic game Retro Gaming on the rg35 double x we'll have a few seconds of Alfred chicken for you I'm sure everybody loves the classic platformer Alfred chicken when we're done we can go ahead Hit menu brings us back to the main menu and there we are we just installed garlic OS now we're going to cover something you're going to be doing probably a lot updating garlic OS now we're going to want to get the copy and paste on top of stock remember the beginning we need to get to Black serif's patreon Page but download copy and paste on top of stock go ahead and extract that we're going to need that extracted and in here instead of an image you can see that there's actually two folders named m-i-s-c and ROMs now the misc folder should go in the misc partition you might have named it that and basically we just go to copy and replace all these files now one thing to note in Windows at least if you try to just copy and paste these in here you're going to get an error about free space not enough free space some windows thing what you want to do is delete the biggest file UL image delete that file now there's enough space go ahead copy paste it's going to ask if you want to rewrite go ahead rewrite done now we can do the same for the ROMs partition although really the important thing here is actually that CFW custom firmware but there shouldn't be any harm in copying the whole thing so copy paste same after it finishes calculating it'll figure out oh you want to replace all these files go ahead and replace them we're going to speed that up overwrites all the files once it's done you're on the newest version of garlic OS congratulations one small note here if you happen to be on a two card setup you're still following the same process because the CFW partition will be on your first SD card so same process now we're going to talk about the dual SD card setup now this is actually pretty straightforward on the left you can see I have my personal second SD card it's 128 gig card formatted FAT32 that's very important it must be formatted FAT32 but I'll have more on that later but inside this card you can see there's only two folders bios and ROMs those are the only two folders you need on the copy and paste on top of stock download you just need to go into the ROMs folder copy the BIOS and ROMs folders from that you're all set from there you can you know copy all your bios files ROM files have fun with your second SD card and the big thing to remember here we need to format this SD card in FAT32 now you can see here I'm downloading this utility in order to format an SD card in FAT32 Windows doesn't want to format big cards in FAT32 so you want to use something like this although I found that mini partition tool also does the same thing so just remember the second SD card needs to be FAT32 no matter how big it is okay now we're gonna get custom installing a custom skin and boot logo now we're going to want to go to rg35xx.com this has plenty of themes skins both the same thing and boot logos we're going to go on the themes now any of these themes will work if anything catches your eye go ahead I'm going to install Tico dark because I like the Simplicity of the theme and I really like the console icons the stock console icons aren't very descriptive but Tico dark actually has the console names and logos so I can tell what I'm clicking on to open not just guessing based on the controller but go ahead download that ticodark.zip and if we go back to rg35xx.com you can see we can find boot logos same here go ahead find a boot logo if you want I'm going to download this one that looks kind of retro but also isn't saying it's a Game Boy I like the fact that it says yep Amber Nick rg35xx running garlic OS but I'm gonna go ahead download that and we're gonna have to go and unzip these files so go ahead right click I'm using 7-Zip to extract each of them to their own folder one then the other you can see they're both extracted we're going to go to side by side mode in Windows here first thing we're gonna do the boot image or boot logo you can see here boologo.bmp.gz that's in your misc misc folder we're going to copy our new boot logo over replace the file there we go and you can see we can actually click into this archive and you can actually see the image it's just a bitmap nothing special but there it is this is going to be on your primary SD card and same with the skin even if you're using a two SD card setup this is going to be on your first or primary SD card you can see we're going to this Tico dark skin folder and we're going to take a minute and actually take a look inside this folder so you can see what's in there let's see these icons and you can see basically it's all the icons they're just changed a little bit you know we've got some slightly different power meter icons slightly different charging icons but the real difference in this skin is here in the consoles now once it refreshes you'll be able to see instead of the controllers are kind of just a graphical representation of the system the skin we downloaded actually has the official logos and oftentimes the names of the console so you can tell what it is some of these are hard on the original console because these famicom controllers look the same a lot of the Genesis controllers look the same and there's a handful of systems that are just a keyboard so I like these icons but anyway in order to copy this skin over you basically just copy this skin folder over the skin folder see copy paste and remember this is the ROMs partition but on your primary SD card so if you're on a 2 SD card setup this is still your primary SD card next we're going to switch to the HDMI feed from our ampernick rg35xx you can see here our custom boot logo we applied and once it boots up you can see the custom skin this Tico dark isn't a world apart from the original skin here but you can see all the cool console icons now on this I populated a lot of these folders so that you can see the icons but you can see that these icons are pretty cool that's all there is to it have fun installing new skins now before we go I'm going to take a moment to talk about fixing a failed SD card now what if your SD card you know an image failed something like that or you just kind of want to start from scratch you've got an SD card that has a bunch of different partitions you can see here I'm going into mini partition tool and I'm just going to delete all the partitions from that SD card just delete them click them delete them now we have one one line so I'm going to go ahead create a new Partition go ahead Call It Whatever name it whatever if you're going to re-image it re-image it you can see here's a good example if I was going to turn that into a second SD card name it ROMs but if you are having trouble and your SD cards is just completely screwed up this is a good way to start from scratch you know give your SD card a fresh start sometimes this can fix a lot of weird issues you might be having if you just you know need to start from scratch so there you go all right that brings us to the end of the video This is the first part in the series I'm going to be doing a lot more of these and honestly this setting up Garlic OS video is just kind of perfunctory because there's a lot of garlic OS set of videos I feel like everybody that wanted to do an instructional video regarding this device made a garlic OS setup video but just for the sake of having it in the series I figured I'd make it plus I included a few other tips you know fixing your SD card dual card sometimes it just helps to see these things well hopefully you learned something and have a good evening
Channel: HenryNox
Views: 50,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0rege6Pwfs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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