RG35XX Plus | 10 Tips for New Owners

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hey guys welcome back to play retro in today's video I want to share with you guys 10 tips for brand new owners of the RG 35xx plus I know there's a lot of you out there who this is probably your first retro handheld and I want to give you guys some tips that'll help you out and hopefully get you up and running so tip number zero uh it's usually we start with tip number one but this is tip number zero cuz it's technically not a tip but it's something I want you to do if this you just got this thing I want you to go boot up your device and I want you to head into into settings and I want you to go all the way down to IO test and then in here I just want you to test all your inputs every last thing check the d-pad make sure everything's being registered you got nice full circles do it the other way looks pretty good now check the action buttons a b x y do it multiple times a BX y L1 L2 r R1 R2 make sure everything's good make sure it works start select start select start select menu menu menu menu menu okay volume up volume up volume up volume down volume down volume down volume down make sure everything works every last thing and then also check the buttons that are not included so you've just tested the power button by powering this off now I want you to click this button right here this is known as your reset button I want you to click this and this should reboot your device and then if that's good now I want you to to check the other ports I want you to check this check if it charges plug this into a charger and see if you get if you get charging and then I want you to test this right here your audio jack make sure everything works so let's get out of this I want you to press start and select to exit test and then I want you to check for sound the speaker and the 345 mm headphone jack so so in this example I'm going use this game right here ghost and goblins for GBC let's go ahead and get into this game so right now make sure the volume is up so see speaker sounds pretty good and now I want you to grab your headphones if you already have a pair of headphones and just insert that in here and just check if it sounds the way it's supposed to so unpause [Music] this so yeah once you made sure everything is good just exit out the game after you exit out the game The Box this comes with I want you to hold on to this just in case anything goes wrong just keep this in a safe spot and just hold it till the return period is over so if I I hope you bought this like off a reputable seller something like Amazon they give you 30 days to return something if something goes wrong or if you have warranty if anything goes wrong you you can just bring it back and you still have the box you can just put everything back in and just send it back and get another unit if you want to so now on to tip number one getting familiar with your handheld so when you're in the main menu I want you to just look through all the options you have first is your game rooms then is RA game these are your main two game rooms where you're actually go into games then you have a favorites list that looks something like this and then you have a history this is created automatically depending whatever game you play so if you can see here here uh you'll also have a search area where you can just look for games let's say um you like Mega Man and then you'll get all these options right here whatever's included on your device of course and then you have a settings menu this is important as well there's some nice things you can do in here I will go into it uh a little bit later in this video the main two things you really want to be worried about is your games room there all your different systems pick your system pick your game whatever that is for this example we're going to use this game Advanced Wars 1 and then I want to show you this real quick is your actual um menu but your actual in-game menu and you have what options you have you have exit Game you have save game you have load game you have restart game and then you have a few things you might want to change in here um first I would definitely recommend you change it to aspect and then this is a display effect it's basically a video filter I personally have it to dot matrix but it it should be set to HD by default I don't like HD it basically erases pixels and kind of Smooths things so if you don't like pixels you should leave it at HD but I I like dot matrix and then this is your the the aspect ratio of the screen for for GBA um this is better because it's the correct ratio it's supposed to be versus how it is defaulted is actually full screen and it stretches the image a little bit so it's really peral personal preference but do what you want you know and then you do have brightness controls in here if you want you can change that as well which is nice but you can do that with a shortcut which I'll show you here you can just press menu plus volume up and volume down tip number two is not actually on the Hound held but it's in this paper that is actually inside your box which is the game manual I want you to actually go through this game manual and read the whole thing it goes over a lot of important things the main interface what everything does um let's see here all the buttons it shows you how to do a two card setup if you're interested in doing that I do have a tutorial on how to do this if this is these instructions are a little bit confusing uh it also has it shows you what the um LED indicators mean green means working red means low power and yellow means charging and then you have your retroarc or ra game shortcuts these are hotey combos so you press the menu plus this combination and you'll you do an action most important are safe State load State fast forward and probably quit pause and quit most important ones and then obviously the brightness the brightness I think I already showed you that press the menu and then up or down for the volume keys and also shows you how to do online play with two consoles if you if you happen to have a friend who has the same device it's relatively easy hear the instructions so yeah I just want you to hold on to this um ideally I I would like you to take pictures of this just in case you lose this paper it's just nice to have and just keep that in a safe spot so you don't lose this this is pretty valuable at least for the stock firmware tip number three use the correct charger inside your box you will find this little box and this will have a USBC to usba cable and I'm really not a fan of this cable like yeah it works but it's kind of cheap it smells bad and it's pretty short so this is about I would say 3 feet it's definitely not going to charge from like your desk to like your outlet oh this is really designed to be charged on from like a a PC or like a laptop which is pretty good but um I personally would not use this um I would use my own USBC cable so I do have an example here I just have a 6- foot cable a quality cable that can is actually able to do data transfer and stuff like that and then I have the appropriate charging brick this is so so so important um I can't tell you how many people actually destroy the devices by using the wrong charger I want to give you guys a very Stern warning do not plug this into a fast charger you will destroy your device so please do not do that unless you're intentionally trying to destroy your device do not plug this into a fast charger you will destroy the battery these devices are not smart enough to tell the charger the correct um voltage and ampage it needs needs to to charge use the correct charger from emck directly they recommend a 5V 1.5 amp uh charger I actually use a 5V 1amp charger which is actually a little bit lower it's even slower charger and these are easier to find than the 1.5 so I will leave links in the description below for for both Chargers you can also use an old Apple charger the little little cubes those are perfect those are 1 amp 5 volts they'll work fine but yeah please use the correct charger the next tip I have for you is to flash your own SD card so the SD card this actually comes with will look something like this a generic 64 gig or 128 gig SD card and these micro SD cards are very very prone to failure that means they're very likely to die on you out of nowhere you can't really trust these cards so at the very least I would back up this SD card and have an image on your computer just in case something happens to this one but I do highly recommend you flash your own SD card it does require a little bit of tinkering you have to do some stuff on the computer it's really not that hard I do have a tutorial on my channel on how to do that this is the card I have in my device it's a Samsung Pro endurance 128 GB uh micro SD card and this card is a probably a million times more reliable than this generic card right here so yeah this should be one of the first things you actually do for your device make sure you flash and new SD card I know it's a process I know you people just most people just want to plug and play I understand that but if you want to have fun long term consider doing this it's it's pretty important so you don't run into any issues and also I do want to mention this the orientation of how this is actually inserted first of all uh you'll see here you have two slots on your device you have tf1 int that means inter internal and this is where your operating system goes and then TF2 external this is where your where your games will go if you're using a two card setup for this example I just use a one card setup it's 128 gigs and this is more than enough space for my needs so yeah I do want to note the orientation of how this goes It goes like this with the pins facing you so it is uh inverted so tip number five is to customize your handheld I do have a guide on my video on how you can actually change the boot logo if you don't like this am bernick which you'll see right now you can change this little splash screen if you don't like this you can't change the second one but you can change the first one U if you don't like that you can I have a guide them on on my channel how to change the boot logo so you guys can have a different um boot image it's really not that hard so if you want to customize your handheld I I do want you to go into settings and then there's two options you can change in here to customize your your handheld there's first is icon settings I want you to click that and you're going to see a bunch of different options you have nine different options in here I do like the default I think it looks good but there's definitely a few other different options in here I do like um number four as well is nice some Angry Birds in here this is kind of confusing I don't know how you're going to even tell which one's which but um yeah if you like any of of these other ones you can definitely change them they're not all that pretty but but you know some people might like this one some people might like the other one um you also can change your background you have four options in here you have this one has like creatures in the back you can have all black you can have this kind of like Airship over like some sort of city or uh area and you have this green kind of bamboo I don't I don't I don't know I I personally like the default is fine but yeah that's that's what you can change plus the boot logo tip number six is if these menu sounds bother you you don't like this it sounds like a droplet I know it's not for everybody but you can actually turn them off you want to go into your settings menu go down to button Sound by default it's going to be set to open you're going to click it and just set it to close then once you exit out of that it's quiet so yeah I personally like it open but for the people that don't like this you can turn it off so tip number seven is to actually just add your own favorite games so you can see in here you might see a bunch of games that are not pre-installed on the default SD card so yeah just add your own games add your favorite games in here um use this device to its full potential relive your childhood add the games that you've always wanted to play into this device It's relatively easy all you have to do is turn this off off take out the SD card put it on your computer using a Micro SD card reader and then inside you'll find folders um labeled ROMs go into the ROMs and you'll see um every single system in here and then go into that system and just add your games so for my next tip I would like you to consider getting a case so these devices are pretty fragile and you want to protect them I know you spend a good amount of money on this you probably don't want it to to break so I do recommend you pick up a case um this is the actual one you get from am bernick directly this is for an RG 35xx but this will work fine for a RG 35xx plus as you can see in here and then you have nice space you have a little pocket here you can put your headphones um you know microfiber cloth to clean the screen maybe a SD card SD card reader anything you want you can put in here I do also want you guys to consider applying the screen protector it will help from like prevent scratches and stuff I personally don't like the way it fits but you can find correct screen protectors online for a 4x3 screen so look into that if you want but yeah protect your device for my next tip it's not so much tip as as it is a warning please do not mess with retroarch too much if you go into here and you start messing with retroarc you are very likely to break something so just please don't mess with retroarc so much especially on this system just leave leave things alone the less settings you change in my opinion the better because from what I've seen retroarch is very easy to break so please do not change too much settings my next tip is related to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth it's just a reminder to turn these settings off um Bluetooth if you turn this on by default when you power this device on it will stay on so it's going to be draining your battery if you're not using it I would recommend just remember to turn it off the same thing applies for Wi-Fi so please remember to do that stuff my next tip is to just stick to the current firmware I know there's other firmwares available right now um we're I'm using the very first one to 2023 1108 um November 8th firmware the very first one honestly from what I've seen from the the things I'm hearing this is still the best version the best firmware available right now um even though annick has released um newer versions I still wouldn't recommend them newer does not always mean better they might fix a couple things but they'll break break other things so please in my opinion just stick to the first firmware and you should be all right but for my next tip um I want you to know the best way to actually use these devices so these will be come pre-loaded with lots of games even if you put your own games you're going to have a lot of games create a favorites list in here on games you really want to focus on that way you're not overwhelmed with that many options of of of playing so one of the first things you should do is just go into these games you know pick out some games you want to play um you know favorite the ones you want to play I would do maybe like 10 or even less than 10 and just focus on those games cuz it's very easy to just be overwhelmed with the amount of games you have in here use the favorites menu that way you can focus on the games you actually want to play one last bonus tip I want to share with you guys is this does have a sleep functionality if you do press the power button here you'll see the light is on but the screen is off and this is your sleep mode however I highly recommend you do not use this because all this sleep mode does is just it just turns off the display it's not really like throttling the CPU or anything so it's going to drain your battery pretty fast you'll notice if you leave this in sleep mode the the next time you try to use it there's a good chance this thing's going to be dead so in my opinion just don't use the sleep mode whatsoever when you're done using it save and just power off the device that's that's my advice for you guys so yeah my last tip is to just consider getting a Bluetooth controller and a mini HDMI cable to HDMI to really experience this thing at its full potential playing this on the big screen here I have Street Fighter third strike for the Dreamcast I'm going to show you how that [Music] looks this is too crazy too much fun and yeah all those systems that are not handhelds are going to look so much better on the big screen the way they were meant to be [Music] played so yeah guys I'm going just stop it right here uh this is just to show a little demo what this thing is actually cap of and it's just how fun this thing really is at its full potential using this little controller playing all your all your console games on the big screen even the the handhelds but I do recommend you play the actual consoles on the big screen that may the way they were meant to be played so yeah that's that's going to wrap up this video 10 tips for you um new owners and maybe some tips for the you guys that um already have had this for a little while but I want to hear from you guys though uh let me know in the comments section below what tips I might have missed your tips for other people and stuff like that if this video helped you out definitely consider dropping a like subscribe for more content uh I'll see you in the next video as always thank you for watching
Channel: Javi Play Retro
Views: 71,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, retro gaming handheld, rg35xx plus, boxart rg35xx, box art, Anbernic, retro handheld tutorial, emulation, emulation boxart, new rg35xx plus, rg35xx plus starter, rg35xx, stock os boxart, rg35xx stock os, rg35xx plus boxart tutorial, retro game corps, nintendo, gameboy, modern gameboy
Id: A9M3-br29dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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