RG35XX Series - PS1 Multi Disc (m3u files)

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foreign welcome back and today we're going to be talking about multi-disc games plenty of PlayStation games happen to be on multiple discs and setting them up can be a little bit confusing so we're going to be covering that and the biggest thing to cover on that is the m3u file so we're going to cover creating the m3u file and organizing your games in general and finally we're going to cover something that I don't see mentioned that often which is how to actually swap disks because what's the point in setting up your multi-disc games if you don't know how to swap so we're going to cover that too and let's begin multiple discs what's the big deal huh well let's show you first things first I'm gonna go to my Playstation folder my SD card PlayStation and make a copy of a multi-disc game over fear effect four discs and it doesn't take forever to get from one disk to another so it's going to be a good example but first things first I'm copying fear effect over to the drive and now let's cut over to the ambernik once it loads up we're gonna go to consoles PlayStation and you can see here's the problem fear effect is listed four times at the very least this causes clutter in the menu but when you're swapping disks it can also be a lot easier when you put them all together so let's get into that okay going back to the computer we want to go back to the PlayStation folder on your SD card and first things first you can see that garlic disregards everything after the parentheses so parentheses USA parentheses disk one none of that was showing up in the console menu just fear effect fear effect fear effect so everything beyond the parentheses is going to be ignored first thing you're going to want to do is create a folder and to keep it organized I'm just going to copy the first part of the disk name Fairfax parentheses USA I'm just going to paste that in as the name of the folder and we're going to cut and paste or move all of these files into that folder there we go now that's the first part now we get into m3u territory we're going to go back to our PS folder and copy this file name folder name just just for organization's sake we're going to create a text document now if you don't see the txt extension you want to go into view show file name extensions there we go Dot txt and then we are going to rename it fear effectusa Dot m3u now it's going to ask you if you want to change the extension go ahead click ok and the thing to remember here is keeping everything organized so the name of the disk file the name of the folder and the name of the m3u all makes sense so it helps to just have the same name on all three and don't underestimate copy and paste because if you're typing it by hand you get one character off and the whole thing stops working next we're going to edit this m3u file and you can use any text editor you see I have notepad plus plus there but for the sake of what most people are probably going to be looking at I'm going to open this in Notepad and the key to the m3u file as you'll see is basically the path to the disks but to show you we're going to open that folder and let's go side by side so this can see everything on the same screen there we go now important thing to remember here you've got folder name then file name okay folder name then file name now one trick in Windows if I hold shift while I right click I get the option to copy as path then paste this here is the full path to the disk we don't need the full path but this gives you an idea of what we're doing so we don't need the PS or the ROMs or the drive letter so you can see delete that fear fact parentheses USA slash fear effect parentheses USA parentheses disk1.chd but we're going to change those slashes as well you can see here that we need to change it from the backslash which is Windows slash to the forward slash which you'll see on the internet and every other file system so forward slash fear effect parentheses USA slash fearfect parentheses USA parentheses disk1.chd big thing to remember we've got slash folder name slash file name and we're going to go ahead copy this four times four disks so copy paste then we're going to go ahead rename it so that disk 2 disk 3 disk 4 these match the file names of the discs and now the dots some people say to put the dot in front of the slash I've tried it both ways works both ways whatever you want dot no dot you're fine and I'm going to take a moment to say if you have a bin in a q file my first recommendation would be try to just download a new version download the CHD version you can probably go to Archive org and find the CHD version if for some reason you can't there are ways to convert a bin and a queue to a CHD but if you insist on using a bin and a queue then put the Q file in the path in the m3u so just the queue files need to be referenced by the m3u okay once that's done we're gonna go back to the ambernik check out PlayStation and there we are one entry fear effect and you can see if we click on it which is actually clicking on the m3u voila game launches no problems there now let's talk about swapping disks here we are fear effect got to the point where it asked to switch disks I'm going to go ahead Hit menu X that's going to bring up the quick menu we're going to go down to disk control we're going to pick eject disk that brings up this second little menu we're going to use the left and right arrows to change the disk index to 2 Disc 2 then we're going to pick insert disk once we click insert disk you'll see the little message disk drive is open then loads up no problem there we go and that's about it but one thing you might ask now that we're on index two is that going to cause any trouble well I'm gonna go ahead re-enter the game and kind of restart it so the game starts fresh you can see here if I load the game my save game is for disk one but I load it it's gonna tell me hey wrong disc idiot you gotta switch to disk one so once again menu X to go into the quick menu we want to go down to disk control we want to pick eject disk apparently the other one load new disk is Legacy so forget that but eject disk left and right to change the current disk index back to one insert disk and there you have it disk swapping was never easier it certainly was not as easy on the original PlayStation man I had a pro Action Replay at the time and man disk swaps with that was no fun so I was going to end the video there but I've been seeing a lot of confusion around extensions showing up in the garlic OS menu some questions around parentheses um probably even questions about how to put your single disc games but I figured I'd take a little bit of time to look at that and we're going to look at just adding a single disk game taking out parentheses and even just taking out parentheses on m3u files just to see if we can see the extensions I'm not sure how it works but why don't we find out so back to the ROMs card I'm gonna go to my Playstation folder there it is and let's copy a game over so on the right side I've got my games Frogger why don't we copy Frogger over now you can see all my games already have a parentheses in there and none of my games had extensions in the list so um I'm gonna copy a separate game over there we are HotShots golf why not copy that over now I'm going to go ahead and take the parentheses out of the name HotShots golf 2. take out the parentheses USA in the space so let's see if Frogger shows up as just Frogger and Hot Shots Golf 2 shows up as hot stuff's golf2.chd so back to the Amber Nick we're going to go to consoles PlayStation huh no extension so you don't need the parentheses to hide the extension because the extension is not shown by default so imagine if you're seeing an extension like dot CHD in garlic that means you have dot CHD in the name of the file so you probably need to show extensions but just for the heck of it let's see yep HotShots Golf 2 looks like it starts no problem there's a golf ball all right let's go back and check out Frogger of course Frogger should just work yeah all right Frogger works so let's go back to the file system for a second let's try something else um I'm gonna copy over something that uses an m3u yeah Chrono cross why not I copy the disk files over um while that's going let's go ahead and I'm going to rename Chrono cross USA m3u I'm going to take out the parentheses USA there as well and you can see that means actually that the Chrono cross m3u doesn't match the name of the folder but that shouldn't matter because the path is the same but I'm curious if the m3u file extension will show up in garlic um you know I'm going to copy over another m3u just for the heck of it this one even has some characters in there you know it's got the VII which I guess are just letters but either way let's go ahead get rid of that parentheses now this I'm not even going to copy over the disk files I'm just copying over the m3u so back to the Amber Nick and nothing's showing up Dot m3u taking out the parentheses on Chrono Cross or Dragon Warrior nothing nothing's showing up as dot m3u in the file name so I don't know why anybody's talking about seeing dot Chu or seeing dot m3u I mean obviously Dragon Warrior doesn't launch there's no discs but Chrono cross Chrono cross launch is just fine so if you're seeing file extensions like dot m3u or dot CHD in garlic you probably are doubling up on those extensions and on your Explorer on your computer you need to show file extensions so that you can see that you're creating like double extensions and just get rid of them so hopefully that helps and there you have it PS1 multi-disc games made if not simple you know possible functional you know is sometimes seeing a bunch of text describing what it is is difficult but actually seeing it is well believing but hope you enjoyed it and uh hey stay tuned for the next videos in the series and remember to have fun later
Channel: HenryNox
Views: 23,428
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Id: bCc5fZ0kXDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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