RG35XX Series - Doom, DOS, and Ports in Garlic OS

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foreign today's video is all about three things Doom dos and ports on the rg35 double x now there's a good reason why I'm putting these three consoles together for instance Doom is a Dos game and some of these ports were also originally dos games but in garlic OS Doom has its own console icon because it actually uses PR boom software I guess designed specifically to run Doom and ports similarly have their own console icon and will often be optimized to run on this system or at least the code's been brought over to this system however for the majority of old computer games that don't have ports we've got the Dos console now this video is intended to get you up and running with these consoles I'm not going to go into too much detail because if I go on controller mapping and dos emulation options it's going to get overwhelming quick but um enough with the intro let's get right into it first on the docket we're gonna get Doom running now on the computer I'm going to go to the SD card I'm going to open my ROMs folder and since Doom doesn't have a folder yet I'm going to create a new folder and I'm going to name it Doom with all capital letters now the Doom emulator requires WOD or wad files and you can find them by searching online I'm not going to get into where you can find them but go ahead get the doomwod files copy them over to the Doom folder you created should be all set there now switching over to the old rg35 double X we're going to go to consoles and you can see Doom now has its own icon and when we click on it you can see all the Doom wads that we copied over I'm gonna go ahead and launch Doom give it a second and there you go we're playing Doom I'm seeing this game full screen yeah I was playing it on the Amber Nick and I was like oh man this this game holds up but playing it full screen the graphics really do show their age but you know what this is something I've been noticing while playing games on the Amber Nick a lot of these older games especially PlayStation 1 games have kind of aged into being on a handheld like the graphics tend to look better like they've aged better playing on a handheld and when you play them on a TV obviously the graphics look like they've aged poorly but I don't know it's kind of a strength of playing these old games on the uh handheld I don't know just something I've noticed but anyway you can see Doom's running another thing we got running on this console now we're gonna talk dos games now just like the last time we're going to need to go to the ROMs folder on our SD card we're going to open the Dos folder and you want to copy all your dos games I've got uh some dos games on my library on the right and one thing to note your dos Games should be in a single zip file at least that's what I've run into if your dos game is a folder or a CD image I suggest putting together into a single zip file and for the example in this video I'm going to copy over what is this Crystal Caves I've got a commander keen and Jazz jackrabbit I know those are some classic popular dos games but now that I've copied them over let's swap back over to the Amber neck we're gonna go to consoles and you can see now Microsoft DOS has its own logo now I'm running a custom skin so your dos logo might be different than what I have here still click on it you can see the zip files that we copied are here in the games list now first I'm going to launch Commander Keen okay this starts right up and we can see an old style menu some device options I'm just going to assume everything's fine click the button to continue and look at that the game launches this one was easy since I believe the zip file only contained a single exe file now we're going to show you most dos games won't actually launch that easy so let's hit menu to exit the game and try launching Jazz jackrabbit now this is a Dos game you can see here we have a list of files we have to actually choose the exe that we want to launch the game with now I'm going to scroll down to jazz.exe press the V button to launch it and here we get a setup prompt um go ahead click through I'm going to pick Sound Blaster 16 is the sound option pretty sure Sam Lester 16 is the standard for this generation um I'm not going to pick the highest quality sound I've read that high quality sound can cause stutters in these Dosa emulator games but go ahead pick whatever you want and game launches speaking of sound stutters I don't like that look at that stuttering here in the menu Let's uh let's hope it's not in the game all right loading the level and oh look at that sounds good that's nice and there we are which has Jackrabbit is running but we need to show you some things related to that list in the beginning so let's exit the game go back in and see here when we relaunch it it brings us back to the list and if we scroll down launch the game it starts over from the main menu instead of most of the time on garlic OS they'll resume where you left off so we need to fix both of that now hit menu we're going to exit the game relaunch it so you can see here's the list again but when we navigate to the exe file to start the game we want to hit the right arrow button the right arrow button will set it for auto start once it's set for auto start Press B and you start the game and now here if I hit menu to leave the game and then come back for one it skips the file list and two it resumes where it left off so you know those save states and resumes are actually working now we're good to go that's that's some of the basics of Dos games that should get you up and running and this setup experience I imagine is going to be typical for most of your dos games foreign now before we end this dos game section I'm going to cover one last thing and that's something you might find in games like Crystal Caves now if we open Crystal Caves you'll see first I labeled It episode one but if we look at the file list there's actually three volumes Crystal Cave one two and three now each of those exes is a different game or volume or episode of the game and if we pick one as an auto launch we won't be able to get to the other two so in order to fix that I'm actually going to switch back to the computer we're gonna go to our ROMs folder our dos folder and to address this particular issue we're gonna make three copies of the Crystal Caves file now you can see the Crystal Caves file is actually really small it's less than a Meg so it's not going to matter having multiple copies on this SD card but we make copies and then I'm going to rename them for episodes two and episodes three switching back to the rg35 double x you can see we have three entries for Crystal Caves I'm going to go ahead launch episode one and from the file list I'm going to set the auto launch to cc1.exe so this makes this ZIP file Auto launch to Crystal Caves one which makes sense because that's what we named it then I'm going to go to Crystal Caves episode 2. similarly I'm going to go ahead Set uh cc2 as the auto launch for that then you know what's happening on an episode three same deal auto launch cc3 and there we go we have uh Auto launch on each of them even though there's three games in one file simple as that and the final thing we're going to cover on dos is what happens if you mess up the auto launch settings now for that we're going to put the card back in the computer I apologize for the visual incongruity in the video because I switched to dark mode but anyway back on the computer we're gonna go to your ROMs partition we're going to go to the saves folder then current profile then the saves again and then dosbox pure here you're going to see a list of zip files for all of your dos games simply delete the file for the game that you want to reset and you're all set next time you launch that game on the Amber Nick the game will relaunch the file list and you'll be able to pick uh correct Auto launch and finally we're going to cover ports now one big note up front here at the time this video is being published there was a change in garlic OS regarding how ports see the controls or the devices controller this change required ports to be reconfigured to work with the new controller settings and at this time not all ports have changed their settings to work with this update and due to this change that creates a threshold in the garlic OS versions black serif has actually kept the last version of garlic which supports the old controller scheme this is version one three four which should be highlighted right here now in time the ports should update to work with the new controller scheme but for now you might need to use version 134 to get the ported game working and if you are reinstalling garlic OS remember to get file one and two uh otherwise it won't extract but enough with those details let's download some ports we're going to go to the website rg35xx.com this is a really good resource for everything rg35xx but we're just going to go to the port section here you can see we got various ports available for this console for this example I'm going to download Mario 64 Port see it links to somebody's Dropbox go ahead download it I'm also going to download blood seems to be semi-popular and it's really easy to get started at this point in the video you know the deal we're gonna download the files we're going to extract them uh on our SD card in the ROMs folder we should have a ports folder go ahead copy the files that you downloaded to the ports folder although you do have to extract them they can't just be in zip files and another thing some ports will have special instructions for instance this Mario 64 emulator requires a copy of the original Mario 64 ROM and it needs to be renamed to baserom.us.z64 it's all in the readme but you gotta get that file from the internet and put it in the sm64 folder once the card's ready we're going to switch over to the old ambernik fire up the New Ports icon the icon is vaguely reminiscent of a command prompt at least it is with the default icon you can see the ports listed here we're gonna head launch Mario 64. let it do its thing and there we go Mario 64. it actually runs fairly well in this device considering it's not supposed to support anything beyond PlayStation one uh you know 32-bit console but there you go and if we exit Mario 64 you can launch blood we see blood launches looks uh very Doom like you know I can imagine that this might be built off of some engine from Doom something like that something similar maybe Quake who knows but there you go we have ports running and uh there's a lot of opportunity there there's a Diablo Port I haven't tried yet there's Cave Story which if you haven't played is a great game and uh yeah can have a lot of fun with ports so there you have it that's uh the port section and while I'm wrapping up honestly that's the video as well hope you learned a little and now uh go have fun
Channel: HenryNox
Views: 25,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8zOS1dyXN8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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