Anbernic RG35XX beginner's guide START HERE

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hey everyone this is an ultimate setup guide for the rg35xx this channel is dedicated to Retro handles getting them set up reviews so if that is something that you're into please consider subscribing to my channel let's get into it [Music] firstly the stock versus Garlic OS so the stock firmware the firmware that comes with this device runs great it's a it's a great firmware when I did my initial review it was running all the games that have that were loaded onto it very very well but after the recent updates with garlic OS I'm confident that we are at a point where the user experience plus the performance of garlic OS is now better than the stock firmware however if you are not one for fiddling with flashing SD cards Etc the stock firmware is perfectly adequate but at this stage my official recommendation is to move to garlic OS as soon as your rg35xx arrives so what is garlic OS collar case is an homage to anyone s which is on the Miu mini but garlic OS is far simpler which is a benefit in my opinion especially if this device is designed for beginners and so let's jump straight into it the first thing I'm going to do is show you how to install garlic OS firstly I just wanted to mention that I do have have a garlic s review video where I look at it in detail this was before a lot of the recent updates so I think it'll be useful to watch that video and this video sort of as companion pieces to each other but anything that you can't find about garlic is in this video is probably in that other video of mine so what you will need you'll need two SD cards possibly two SD card readers we're gonna see how that works out later you'll need a 16 gigabyte card for the operating system and a 64 gigabyte card for the ROMs and then obviously you're going to need a computer with a decent internet connection so the first link I'm going to need you to click in the description below or in my written notes on my websites is to Black serif's patreon so we're going to scroll down you can see here his changelog he's made quite a few changes over the past month and we just scroll down to here you'll see on the left is copy paste on top of stock this we're going to use later to show you how to update garlic OS but we want gonna download this one the micro SD card image so you click on that while that's downloading just to note the link is also in my article on my website you're going to need to download 7-Zip so you just go here and you download the latest version of 7-Zip see there's also a version for Mac OS okay now that it's downloaded you just click on the folder or edit however your computer works if you're using a Mac open it up and we want to extract this so no I've already got sevensup installed and if I double click it's just going to open that file in 7-Zip if it doesn't just right click and just say open with 7-Zip so here I'm just going to click on the garlic image and say extract and here you'll see where it's going to extract to so if you want to change that download folder you can change it mine's going to go to my downloads folder which is I'm happy with that so I'm just going to say okay it'd be a good good idea just to delete or clear the folder that you're downloading this to so you don't get confused with other files so for the purpose of this video I just deleted everything at my downloads folder so here you can see my downloads folder there's the downloaded zip file and there's the garlic OS image okay the next thing you're going to need to do is just download an app called Berliner etcher I do believe this also works for Mac let's just double check download etcher see where it's got you yeah so it's Mac OS as well but we're going to do the windows one mine's already installed so you just download this and install this into your computer so here I'm going to go straight to bellina etcher I'm going to say Flash from file so that's the first step so now we know if if it doesn't open the downloads folder just navigate to whichever folder you save the garlic OS image file to so obviously mine was in downloads I'm in downloads garlic OS image it's only going to pick up on image files so you just click on the image file and you say open now we want to select targets so grab your SD card make sure that no other hard drives are plugged into your computer because you will run the risk of you know accidentally flashing those you know hard drive with all your hard-earned files on it so you want to avoid that so I'm plugging in the 16 gigabytes card into my computer now and then you'll see 16 gigabytes so I know that that's the the SD card that I just plugged in so I'm just going to select it if there are any other drives make 100 sure you aren't you know flashing those drives just say select so now I'm going to say flash so what this is going to do is get it's going to put Garlic OS onto this SD card so we say Flash say yep I don't know if that those pop-ups don't seem to come up on my screen recorder but it just asked me a bunch of questions so I just said yes all right and it's going to take some time so I'll speed this up in the edit the next part seems a little pointless but I learned the hardware that you need this for future updates when you do update this it needs this partition to be expanded so another little tool that I have downloaded is the mini tool Partition Wizard so I've put the link in my article on my websites so we just open mini tool petition wizard so this bottom disk three you'll see there's little fats partition and ext4 partition another ext4 partitions Linux partitions then it's a FAT32 partition what we want to do is expand this FAT32 partition into the unallocated area but the only way to do that is to delete it and then make it bigger and then recreate a FAT32 partition well there you can you can try expand it but you run the risk of losing the information so the first step that you need to do so go into your browser and just look for so this for some reason it's not showing up in the names of the partitions here at the moment but this is your main drive with all the the this is where the operating system is this is all information that needs to run garlic as and then just look through the side here to say no we don't want to format anything just say cancel it usually shows the ROMs partition here but for some reason it's not showing the name so I've just got a search so yeah this is the ROMs partition and you'll see the BIOS folder the CFW which is the custom firmware folder and then the ROMs folder now we want to retain all this information and so I'm going to make a little folder on my desktop called garlic backup okay and then I'm going to drag and drop all these files into garlic backup it's not a huge amount of files so it's quite quick once we've backed this up um this is just in case when we do the formats um when we extend the partition it it deletes the information so we just back that information up now we go to the mini tool Partition Wizard you'll see here's this FAT32 drive this is where the the ROMs are kept and we want to extend that drive so we want to go up here we right click and we say extend now you'll see there's two bits of unallocated space we want the larger bits that that eight megabytes is actually required that's this eight megabytes over here that's required for this whole thing to work so we want to not do that when we want to grab this unallocated 11 gigabytes over here and then we just drag this all the way and we say yes we want 11.11 or whatever that size is if you used a smaller card or a bigger card um that number will be different but you want to use all of that and you say okay now for some reason it didn't call it ROMs and it's it could confuse you in the future so just say okay give the partition a label ROM so that you know which partition that is and I'm just going to say apply we strongly um just make sure all the other apps are closed okay so now we go back into the Explorer and just to find that ROMs partition now we've extended it and it looks like everything's remained intact so we don't have any drama there that is just something that you have to do it's a bit of a pain in the ass but it's something you have to do to maintain the Integrity of updates and all sorts of things okay so that is done okay so now I'm just going to eject this card from my computer get it out here and I'm going to insert this now into the device and start it up so I don't have an SD card for the ROMs in right now I just want to be safe and I just want to make sure that it's booting nicely yep and so there it is uh that is garlic OS there's obviously nothing in here now here's your retro Arch that's it all right so we're going to switch off and then remove that SD card again okay so now what you want to do is put your 64 gigabytes or whatever you decided to use for your ROMs plug that into the computer then you want to go to Mini tool Partition Wizard again so if you've got a new card it's going to be formatted to xfat so you'll see here's an expat partition that is my new SD card what we want to do is we want to format that FAT32 and we want to give it the Red Label ROMs we say okay and at the bottom left all you do is just say apply and it's going to format that 64 gigabyte card to FAT32 okay so this is where that little backup we did earlier is actually going to come in handy so now let's just exit this mini partition with a tool thingy when I open a Explorer navigate to your new ROMs drive now there's nothing in there if we open our garlic back up we can now drag all of this stuff over to here so now we've created our ROMs SD card that we can put ROMs on all right once your ROMs SD card is prepared now you'll see there's a spot for your bios files so you just open up there and you copy all your buyers files onto there if you don't understand bios files on my written article I've put the table with all the information you need for all the different ROMs and what the ROM folders mean so when you go into ROMs here you'll see all these different folders it explains which folder is for which type of game and then it also tells you which bias files go according you know which bars files you need to play all those games and then you just Google them find them and put them in here and then um you just drag all your ROMs into the corresponding folders and again on my written notes I explained to you which ROM is going to which folders and then also just remember just a top tip um Neo Geo the ROM sorry the the BIOS file needs to go in the Neo Geo folder so just grab that bar as far from near Geo and pop that into here that's Neo you'll also find a bunch of tips for garlic OS in my video my other video for garlic OS so go check that one out and that's it you're done your garlic OS is set up um but I quickly want to dive into how to update garlic so remember I said to you we need to download this particular garlic OS over here if you want to update you click on this garlic is the copy and paste on top of stock and uh yeah let's just wait for it to download this will open in 7-Zip and uh let's just go back to our downloads folder and delete that other stuff so we don't get confused so I'm just going to delete all of this and then I'm just going to say extract all of these goodies all right so here's all the goodies that we just downloaded now let's open another Explorer window and we want to go to so we still have the the second SD card the ROMs SD card plugged in so here it says ROMs so it this is for the ROMs partition so all these folders need to be copied and pasted over onto here and so you'll just do that and you'll say replace so we say replace files in the destination yes okay once that's done I'm actually going to eject this ROMs SD card and we won't need to look at that now for a few seconds and then I'm going to plug in the smaller SD card the tf1 with the firmware installed on it okay we just say continue without scanning so that's a good sign open up another file explorer and then just navigate to so we're going to go back here to my downloads folder and you'll see it downloaded something called the misc folder now usually it it would create a partition called misc but it hasn't done that now for this installation but you need to look for this part of the SD card so it's broken the SD card up into these little partitions and you have to look for this one where there's modules charger Ram disk all that sort of thing so now open the misc folder and you'll see there's similar things there's a modules folder there's a boot logo zip folder there we go so we want to just grab all this copy it over to our small SD card now I've noticed recently it's given me this error and I'm not 100 sure why because it's only two megabytes of of space that it's missing I'm not sure why it's doing this but so what I did was I just grabbed everything individually it might just be an issue with my computer but if you are having this issue say replace and that'll replace the modules so do this for current items boom then we do the boot logo grab that over say replace say yes and then let's grab all these maybe a little titties on that and perhaps he's over I don't know what the deal is with us let's grab that one place say yes so I'm just doing all of these individually replace yep so here's where it's weird so I'm gonna delete this UL image off the SD card and then drag the new UL image over say yes I don't know why it's doing that it's weird but I've gotten it done alright so now we eject and that was how you update golica is bit of a work around there but we got it done there should have been significant performance improvements recently so you should have very little issues all the way from Atari to PS1 you know the the recent overclocking has made it possible to put filters and shaders and it doesn't really hamper the performance that much the recent updates are what prompted this setup guide because I can now confidently recommend this as a nice looking operating system and an overall easy to use operating system Playstation is still only working with DOT CHD files very important notes and then maim 2003 is just the support for that has just been added so there might be of interest to you HDMI audio now goes to your TV so the audio comes out your TV not at the device which is nice and then black serif has improved the battery indicator at the top so you know there's a battery indicator here but he said he I think he said he's he's probably going to struggle to get that perfect um he thinks it's never really going to get it working 100 okay so moving on to album Arts now I just want to preface this by saying that I'm not a huge fan of how the album art works on here right now I really like the the clinical sort of simple look of just the games list and then you know when you are in the recents it's got these screenshots I really like that I really like the way it looks there but let's take you through the album art setup if you like it it's something you can use all right so in my notes if you know the written guide on my website you can go to the link and you can go to downloads and you can download your version which is Windows now it downloads all the stuff you need for this onto your computer so what I would recommend once a download is done creating a full there's somewhere on your computer so you'll see here I've created my documents I've created a scraper folder so I've actually made this scraper folder here and then whatever that gets downloaded to your computer drag it all into this folder and then scroll down to scraper.ui and double click and it should just load and run on your computer alright so this process where it's loading here usually takes quite long I've had this now on my computer so once it's done it goes quite quickly for the sake of time I could load this all on my computer but it's going to take incredibly long it's going to take you know it took me last time like almost 40 minutes for that to load so what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna tell you what to do so um you click on that scraper.ui then you say I don't have an account I don't want to register then say yes I am sure and then just wait um I said I actually changed this I I haven't been doing this up until now but I said select generic emulation and then I said select inspect subfolders and then the next step is to unplug your your ROMs SD card from your device and then plug it into your computer so we're going to do that now and uh always just say continue without scanning otherwise it messes up that partition and so in that intro phase of using scraper.ui it's actually going to ask you where to find the ROMs from so what I'm going to do we for this example I'm going to use Gameboy Advance so I'm going to select Game Boy Advance here and I'm going to click on here and then I'm going to navigate here's that ROMs partition then I'm going to go to ROMs and I'm going to navigate down to GBA so that's the folder that we want to use for for scraping now so this is where it's going to actually scrape those ROMs and then find the the matching artwork then at the top right we're going to say media then over here you want to say use specific configuration for Game Boy Advance if you see any other artwork here just select it and then press this minus button deleted off the the thing because we don't want to scrape unnecessary stuff and then I'm using title screens because of how busy this artwork thing gets usually what I I recommend is this internal mix because it looks really nice with all the little bits and pieces but for this use case I'm going to say image and on the right hand side here Select Title screenshots it's just simpler and it's going to look cleaner now we want to select our output folder so you might recall in the beginning of the video I said you might need an additional SD card reader so I'm based using this multi-card read over here this transcend one and so I'm using this SD card adapter because it does actually have a big SD card slot and a Micro SD card slot so I'm going to put the firmware card the card that has my firmware on it I'm going to put onto this SD card and I'll plug it into here I've tested this multiple times for some reason the artwork is only reading off my firmware card I don't know in in subsequent updates if it's if it's it's going to be corrected but for now you need to put the artwork on your firmware card so this is a little bit confusing but just to clarify this is my ROMs SD card I'm scraping the ROMs from here so the ROMs that I have I'm scraping from here and then I'm putting the artwork on here you see so that's why I say I don't really do this because I feel like it's more trouble than it's worth but if you really do want artwork I'm going through this process for the people who want to do this okay so now here is where it gets a little bit tricky we need to export our our artwork to the firmware code and so I've taken the firmware card out of my device and I've plugged it into the computer now we just need to confirm because there's two now two ROMs partitions there's the ROMs partition from the 64 gigabyte card the TF2 which is this romsd I've I've checked is this romsy if I go in here there are my ROMs so this is definitely the the ROMs SD card where I'm keeping all my all my ROMs now I've inserted the the tf1 the firmware card so there will be another ROMs partition I know it's very confusing but so here's another ROMs partition ROM's eye if we double check yeah I haven't put any ROMs on my firmware card there's nothing here okay so that's how we know now what we need to do is we need to create an images folder in the GBA folder on the firmware code yeah it is quite um confusing so now we right click we say new we say folder we say IMG S capital i m g s we say enter now we have created a place to keep our artwork on the firmware code on tf1 our 16 gigabyte card okay so now we go back here we want to export our artwork to rum's eye your drive number is going to be different on a computer so you've just got to confirm that you're using the correct partition for the artwork and for scraping going to ROMs now we've created the images folder here in the ROMs folder I say yes I say okay and now we are nearly there I like to say cleanup output folder before generating new Medias what it's going to do is delete everything and put my new stuff on there now I've already selected this so what you need to do is say resize width to 640 resize height to 480 don't say keep aspect ratio I don't like to create a games list especially for this rg35xx so say no link store one media per game per ROM and now we can say play so I just want to go over that one more time because I know this is a little bit confusing so on the games front end we need to select the ROMs partition where we are keeping our ROMs so that is our external TF2 64 gigabyte card and we've gone ahead and we've selected GBA for the purposes of this tutorial then when we go to Media we need to export to the firmware card the tf1 our 16 gigabyte card and so we have made certain that we know that it's the iDrive ROMs GBA images so once you've confirmed that and you press play everything should work correctly so now it's going to scrape and it's going to find your artwork let's see if I got that right we're going to put both SD cards in so the 16 gig goes over here in the first slot 64 gig goes into TF2 let's start it up let's have a look uh GBA okay so it worked so you see after a lot of testing I try to put the artwork in all sorts of places it only works on the tf1 card so you've got to have your ROMs on your external card but your artwork on the tf1 card and as you can see I'm not convinced yet I would like if we are going to do artwork on this OS I'd like for the artwork to be here and the the games is to be here or I don't know some kind of other way of doing it but uh at the moment I'm not a huge fan um I think it's more trouble than it's worth to be honest but it is what it is if you like it it's there I've given you now the guide to do it so it is available what I want to do next is take you through my system settings so for each game system the settings that I recommend for just the nicest look and feel it's not necessarily for performance it's just for you know the way that I like to tweet my games to look so let's go through it's uh Atari 7800 so I like to turn full screen mode off so menu X gets you into Retro Arch I go back here I go to settings I go to video I go to full screen mode I like to turn that off and then I like to do integer scaling on and once you're done with these settings what you do is you go to overrides and there's a few little quirks and I'll guide you through it but for this one you can say save call override so press a resume and as you can see integer scaling on this I'm not sure if it is true integer scaling but it works really nicely so that's Atari PC engine let's go into box revenge for PC engine so menu X to set it we go back we're going to settings we go to video Turn full screen mode off and scaling we say integer scaling I've already tested these so I'm you know kind of just firing through these overrides they're core override say yes quick menu resume and then it's going to give you that sort of square screen like PC engine okay so NES there we go I tried a little bit of the album art but it stretches the album Arts across the whole thing which again I don't know I'm not a fan anyway menu X we go into settings we go into video we save full screen mode off and then this particularly I'm really impressed with integer scaling on the screen uh let's just say override safe core overrides it really looks good you might have to take my word for it but it really is scaling this NES very very well and it looks exceptional on the screen is absolutely no screen tearing which we've had problem with in the past with the system so yeah I highly recommend integer scaling funnies then we go to Sega Master systems so we're going to Alex the kid most of these you'll notice a trend for integer scaling but Master systems are actually just recommend leaving it in full screen mode it looks exceptional that it really looks really good if you are into Master systems this is from my my day and uh yeah quite enjoy playing Alex the kid and stuff like that okay this is where I do get quite picky is Game Boy so Game Boy I'm very particular about how I want it to look and so we say menu and x and we go into obviously we're going to switch full screen mode off we're going to go to scaling we're going to switch into just scaling on go to video filters and we're going to put a filter on and the one that I've tested that I really like is Game Boy 3x DMG there we go now it's going to look all crappy and old so I'm going to go to overrides I'm going to say save content directory overrides gonna go to resume there we go now it looks sufficiently messed up I just I like it I have tested this out so Game Gear and um Sega Genesis look really good with integer scaling on but for some reason there's a little bit of a glitch between these two platforms if I mess with integer scaling that the screen jumps around and that's so integer scaling is not quite 100 with those two so I would wait on that but I do recommend integer scaling for those two I would say leave SNES for now because there's been a bunch of weird sort of glitches with SNES and so I wouldn't mess around with SNES just yet but I mean as you can see here it is looking really good it kind of looks like integer scaling it's so nice really looks good on the screen so you know if we don't get anything better than this this is more than acceptable it's it's really nice okay moving on and the last system PS1 I just leave full screen on uh just because it looks nice you know so if you want to add Gamepad support by plugging a Gamepad into the bottom here I've put instructions on my written article about how to create a wait for USB file with no file extension so just go check the written article and you'll be able to add Gamepad supports so we're going to remove the shoulder button rattle the guys at retro handles did do a bit of a tutorial on this but I'm going to do it for the purposes of this video so you need one of these screwdrivers I'm not sure of the name of these things but they're specifically for electronics okay so we just got to take these screws out [Music] thank you kind of just gotta pry at some just get digging my nails in there and giving a little tug just got to be very careful I'm not sure I've select screen ribbons or anything like that so I'm just being cautious so there we've got the battery cable running there I don't think I need to fiddle too much there so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to add a piece of electrical tape on top of here so just sticking it down I think it's probably going to wear off over time because what happens is this clip is clipped into here and that's where your rattle comes from I mean you could pair put padding in here and all that sort of thing and there's probably a bit of a rattle here but I'm just going to put a couple of pieces of tape here and see what happens so I just kind of did a rough guess I'm just going to put it over the ends and then kind of just get it sticky on that section and then hopefully that part isn't going to Rattle anymore you know it's creating a bit of dampening there and same story just gonna put it there stick it on I'm already hearing less rattle so aesthetically I now have that so I could have been a bit more careful so maybe in your application you can trim it a little bit so in testing the shake I knocked this uh the power and reset button so I just had to put it back in there so just be careful of that that's loose and I'm guessing the volume button is the same all right so I'm not going to fiddle too much around with that I'm just going to do that and I've done a little Shake test and it seems like it's already a little bit better and for my purposes that is absolutely fine just make sure you don't crimp this wire here you don't want to crush the wire and then break it and so now we just clip it all back into place see a bit of a crunch all right and I'm going to put the screws back in well the mic is just off camera here it's right next to it and if you watch my check test uh you'll know that this was a very rattly device and now it is no longer a rattly device that actually adds a lot of sort of Premium feel to it so the only sort of review I would give of that is you know I was maybe rushing a little bit for this video so I would recommend just trimming into little bits and use using smaller pieces because all you really need is a bit of stickiness over those little Clips I now have a non-shaker device that is really cool glad I did that okay and then I'm going to direct you on my written article to a video that Shane Craig made he picked up on an issue with this d-pad so I have mentioned in my review of the rg35xx that I'm not 100 satisfied with this d-pad it it just doesn't feel natural it does feel a little bit forced a bit rigid and you know like doing um Fireballs for um Street Fighter and that sort of thing it's just not perfect and he picked up on an issue with old Pokemon games where I think you couldn't do diagonal presses or if you press this way you went up or something I don't know I've never done it but you can go check if you having the same issue if you are playing old Pokemon games and the d-pad isn't playing along with you um Shane Craig has got a fix for that I've put a link to his video in my written notes the HDMI port is here and my TV actually has a one-to-one pixel rendering and so that works quite nice it's not all the way to the borders of the TV but it looks quite nice and audio now goes through into your TV it used to come out the speaker which wasn't ideal but now you get your audio and everything going into your TV so for a device this price to have HDMI out is great the HDMI artworks with stock firmware as well but now garlic is has that and then mods I'm going to put pictures on the screen now while I speak when I was researching a thingiverse file popped up that you can make custom curved buttons up the side here so I'll put that picture up on the screen now that has now made its way onto Etsy so someone because it's quite a difficult thing to 3D print you need a special resin 3D print and has to be very high resolution that is now up on Etsy so I would love for someone to buy that and do a little video for us to see what that looks like and how it feels I'm considering maybe getting it as soon as I get a bit of money from the channel to get that because I think that's a fun little mod there are other face buttons on Etsy but they just don't look great so they're weird colors so I don't recommend those but those shoulder buttons I think are worth the look so I'll put the link in the description as well so that's it I think there's not much more you need to know to set up Garlic OS to get your rg35xx running perfectly there are one or two small glitches you know like the rendering that I showed you for the Sega systems but overall just follow this guide have it up and running like this and then in a month's time do an update on garlic OS it's going to be really really great um and it it's a it's a quality of life thing it makes your device feel more premium than it actually is and that I think that is the the whole benefit of the custom firmware and getting your rg35xx looking and feeling fantastic
Channel: Adin Walls
Views: 136,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro handheld, anbernic, rg35xx, RG35xx setup guide, rg35xx button mods, better rg35xx shoulder buttons, rg35xx firmware, how to install garlic os, what are the best settings for the rg35xx, which games play on the rg35xx, anbernic rg35xx, anbernic rg35xx setup guide, beginners guide to the rg35xx, beginners guide to retro gaming, shane craig rg35xx dpad
Id: E8sdHf1MNrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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