Reviewing the WORST FNaF Mobile Games

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It's a bit of a stretch to say that they "insulted" FNAF the Musical here...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/NatemareOnElmStreet 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

Not really an insult. Just saying that the designs look similar, and aren't scary. That's not an insult if the RE puppets aren't meant to be scary in the first place.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Michael-J-Foxtrot 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

😱😱😱 Blasphemy!! 😦😦They must be burned🔥🔥🔥🔥

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PhoenixWrongChanna 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2023 🗫︎ replies

I wouldn't say she insulted the Musical. However if I remember correctly she did credit Markiplier for it instead of RE.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cat_and_Books 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2023 🗫︎ replies
I can't believe I got to do a collab with taco let's check the comments again doc oh slowly becoming a critic Andy mission complete oh my gosh yes 13:50 on the right i drew my version arrow points left and on the left I drew wait no there's no way I'd make a mistake like that right bro she thought that comment with shocking check this out can you make a video playing surprise eggs Freddy toys in that very moment I begun to write this video when you see a title as glorious as this and then find out it's actually real it's like winning the lottery of laughter there's no way I could pass this up and upon further investigation I found many many more disturbingly amazing titles in the wild wild west of the Google Playstore eight horror nights at school hungry evil nights at cube moon pizzeria and best of all Freddy Pony memory game so many travesties so little time let's not hesitate to download the first chunk of moldy pizza onto my innocent tablet I'm sorry buddy well that's downloading let's download 50 more on my adventure in the realm of crappy fun afghans i started to discover a pattern into which many of these games fell into you had your minecraft your ponies your face morphing which I guess just replaces your selfie with a screenshot of a character groundbreaking stuff guys but then you have the interesting games the ones that will surely be the meat of this video ones that seemed to be fan games or cash grabs and to get us off on the right start let's try out one of those will save surprise eggs for a bit later and in case you haven't noticed this isn't going to be about some of the better fan games such as candies and pop goes no today we are scraping the crusty gunky bottom of the barrel my favorite let's load up our first bad boy zu lacks one three oh boy the screenshots for this game are everything if you're scared of clowns and you came to the wrong channel click yours go ahead now I did mention that this video won't be including any good Finn afghans but in all actuality we might just find one by accident though I'm not sure Zoo Lacs is going to fit that description what the heck does Zoo lacks even mean is it where all the animals in the zoo are given laxatives if that's the case this is going to be the poopy us game I have ever played but surprisingly this game has an insane amount of five-star reviews but King Michael says I think it's the best game ever and it should maybe be the new five nights at Freddy's to be honest this one is better right well guess there's only one thing left to do now allow Sewell x13 to take pictures and record a video what I guess it's so the spooky clowns can spy on me while I jam out to music cleaning the bath I guess we live in a world without privacy anyway so what the heck [Applause] oh boy nothing scarier than some horror stock music coming through an iPad speaker let's turn out the lights and boot up a brand new game [Music] [Music] [Music] and now that I've started playing the game I'm disappointed I was even slightly interested the gameplay is absolutely boring with no sense of fear despite it being something I've never played and I was absolutely terrified to play any of the fine Afghans before I tried them and even then it took a long time to be as chill as I am with them now okay even now I'm not really chill the environment is stupidly over the top according to the fake phone guy this place is supposed to be an antique shop which is absolute BS there's catacombs under the darn place and overall this looks more like a museum and I get that maybe the guy is supposed to be lying to you about it being an antique shop but it's so unbelievable that it's just dumb and then you have the blatant horror tropes of oh this picture needs some times we don't really know why and when it does bad things happen for some reason so ya fix it if the dolls feel you are not checking on them horrible things can happen oh that's a shame great and then you got your blood smears all over the place specifically the toilet which isn't scary cuz you know human biology and to top off the tropes you got the typical ear-bleeding jump scares which I don't judge too much being a fan of five nights at freddys but these are on another level of stupidity as for the characters I personally didn't find their design to be scary or unnerving anything of that sort so as you can tell heck no is this game better than five nights at Freddy's 1 or any of the games in that matter banal world was hated by many and I bet most of those haters would still rate this game 10 times lower for a horror game this is quite the snooze fest oh and did I mention you can pay to get an ad list version I'm actually shocked this hasn't been taken down as Scott has clearly stated in the past that he would not allow paid for fan games of any kind I guess they've just flown under the radar for now as for the ridiculous amount of reviews about this game being 5 stars if I had to guess I'd say many of them are fake and/or kids who really want to play five nights at freddys and are willing to take any kind of free bootleg version they can get their hands on kids can find enjoyment in basically anything now that we played what I thought was going to be the more interesting of these apps let's try one that looks the least promising maybe we'll be surprised five nights at flappy's yeah you heard me right remember that one game flappy bird burly 2010's yeah I thought I'd made it out good without having ever played it but now we got to play what I presume it's horribly mutilated clone yay okay I hate to say it but I was right the game I had the least expectations for is actually the better one good in fact you know for a flappy birds clone but the design of this game overall is quite appealing when you die there's a goofy little jump scare that I think was wonderfully drawn and hilarious looking at the character roster it seems like you couldn't unlock many more characters to play which is really neat I'd show you the unlocked characters but as you can tell I'm not but aside from all the praises there is one thing that really bothers me can you spot it yeah it's awkwardly quiet there's no music which isn't a big deal as most people play mobile games with the sound off but it's strange because there was such an inviting title screen with great music only to drop you into a weirdly silent game a minor nitpick yes but other than that this is a pretty cute game for those of you who enjoy flappy bird alright who's our next victim how about run run Freddy which is apparently run run Freddy 5 where are the other four and judging by the name of this app you would assume maybe you're looking at another clone of let's say temple runner but you'd be wrong I love the description explain you like Freddy and run our type of games this is an amazing game for you so let's just give it a try [Music] [Music] [Music] next up similar to zu Lacs is your run-of-the-mill five nights clone you've got your nightshift guard position your cameras and your spooky characters but in this games case even the name is lacking any creativity five nights at pizzeria woo scary and scary it was horrifyingly boring which I've come to realize most of these games are like I mentioned before this is just your typical fat ass clone but the worst part is this game is soulless unlike zoo acts which at least tried to have its own story and unique characters this game did none of that you've got your cookie cutter restaurant layout and lame office and for your one and only enemy a fat yellow cartoon rabbit who just makes you want to laugh rather than scream who was also probably inspired by spring-trap once again solidifying the idea that this game's creator had zero creativity and similar to some of the other games I'm quite offended by the sound design or the lack of it now I'm not gonna bash my boy Kevin it's not his fault that the game designer just looped one of his horror themes and clocked out for the night yeah no click sound effects no light or door sound effects the single sound effect the game designer did make however may convince you it was for the best that he did none otherwise enjoy can you guess where that was used in game yep I didn't know that that and that was five nights at pizzeria the most soulless clone I've met yet let's play a more unique game next hopefully not one like run run Freddy 5 how about Freddy horror fake call I'm in the mood for some real spooks ah that's depressing guess this one's a dud maybe the next best thing will be Freddy evolution okay I guess I'm just supposed to figure out what's going on here this is the weirdest game I've ever played I'm just supposed to open a bunch of boxes when they appear and apparently you can combine them to become something better this is just the stupidest thing I've ever seen and here I thought humans were smarter than this okay let's take a break and play something a bit more down-to-earth something my brain can process properly how about some trivia so this game isn't that bad you know - the sound effects that might blow out your small child's ears the game is really at a kindergarten level your kid can spell they're going to know most if not all the answers to these questions how's this even this isn't trivia so if you're older than six don't waste your time because most of it will be spent waiting for the ads to finish anyway so without further ado let's get to the app that made this video yes you heard me correct it's time for some surprise eggs Freddy toys [Music] okay well that was extremely underwhelming a theme of this video although the music seems to think otherwise I mean I can't really say I had the biggest expectations for this game I was prepared to laugh at it but surprisingly there's nothing to laugh at it's just boring and dumb you click what you think might be inside the egg you're about to open and you basically have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it correct then whatever you get correct goes into your collection which just from that explanation I can see why maybe some of our younger fanat fans may feel this game is addictive as it's triggering our completionist need and hey I get that I'm not saying I would become addicted to collecting random images of finesse the main reason why is the method a one-in-four dice roll isn't exciting especially when you're listening to these sound effects for hours while you do it one thing I can't appreciate this game for however is its inclusion of some of the very very obscure F&F characters and some mildly interesting fan characters and of course for making this video happen therefore I rate this game a solid 2 out of 10 Hey look at that at least you're not entirely a failure ok let's play a few more games tonight we still have basically a full screen of apps to play how about another classic clone night set cube pizzeria for most likely a Minecraft version of five nights at Freddy's [Music] Wow that was actually not that bad and by that I mean judging by today's standards so it's not bad compared to the other garbage we've played of course this game is obviously just a Minecraft theme to fan Afghani which gives it the excuse to come up with zero of its own mechanics and the blocky design but overall what makes this game better than let's say five nights at pizzeria is that it has sound design it tries to be scary and maybe the younger players it is I think its biggest flaw and fear factor is the way the characters attack you they sort of just wandering to your room and stand beside you screaming nothing about that is scary there are some of the cameras in game you can come across excessive amounts of blood puddles and a few dead bodies to help unnerve you but that's just a horror trope and surely not scary subtlety is key guys the game designers did try their hand at some humor but well I'll let you decide if this is funny yeah and the toilet sound effect I like to play multiple times throughout your nights nice but overall this game is fine you get what was claimed and nothing more now I actually want to play one of the games I was looking forward to the most with this video five tries at love yeah there's a dating sim with fine-ass characters judging by the fact that this game was made I assume someone out there somewhere in this wide world is attracted to Finn after 's attracted but let's not get too caught up on the reason this game exists let's play this game and pray to God I don't have to censor anything looking at you five nights and anime [Music] well hello this game was actually not that bad it's probably the most playable game thus far as you could probably tell it doesn't take itself too seriously which is good considering that it's a dating sim with robot animals even though I say it's playable I still wouldn't call it fun or super fun but it's decent I think it actually would be fun if the dialogue and interactions were more diverse instead of a more linear story book type chain of events you actually have to go find the character you're interested in talking to and bother them over and over until they like you literally which means you don't actually get to say anything to them you just click talk over and over again with one exception but we'll get to that throughout your five nights you have only a certain amount of power and talking to each character costs a bit each night the goal is to have one character like you by the end of the game which is actually a piece of cupcake considering the only obstacle you have is balloon man if you run into him you have to buy a gift or else you die in a surprisingly hilarious way [Music] so in order to not lose you need to sweep the floors before each night to have at least enough Popey dollars to afford its cheapest gift if you buy the item gift box from him you'll get one of three things a band aid pizza or flower each of which has a corresponding character who loves that item Freddy likes the pizza obviously spring-trap likes the flower and foxy likes band-aids for whatever reason so for my first playthrough I chose the character I got an item for first this helped boost the love percentage right away the first night I spent entirely on sweeping and earned me enough money for the rest of the game while playing through the game I came to realize a few things for one you could just leave gift boys room instead of answering him so he was no longer really an obstacle and second finding the character you want can be so tricky it can wipe out half your power as changing rooms takes a small amount near the upper-left percentages the character you choose will start asking you multiple-choice questions about themselves and if you answer wrong a chunk of the love is taken out and vice-versa so it's at least mildly important to listen to them talk at least a little once you've got your character swooning over you at a hundred percent love you're finally rewarded with the end scene I'm just kidding Freddie just kisses the screen over and over in a goofy manner which is perfect for this type of game like I said I enjoyed the fact that this game doesn't take itself seriously making it decently fun each character has a different ending and personality albeit oftentimes one note and after picking the game apart I present to you the Hall of Fame of hilarious remarks by fanat characters if you were a booger I'd pick you first baby he I love playgrounds and little children did you fart cuz you blew me away I want to live your socks so I can be with you every step of the way so if you do check this game out don't play beyond the first set of characters and the reason why is because they are very boring the dialogue was way less interesting less goofy more edgy and just boring it's not worth your time however this game made me smile it made me look forward to what crazier goofy things the characters would say or do next obviously it's pretty basic and AD plastered but I personally found it fun jeez I never thought I'd spent so much time playing just one of the apps in this video let's take a break and look at something we all know we'll be quick foxy go game yeah you can go now now for those of you who've been keeping an eye on my screen you may notice that some of the games disappeared without us trying them this is because those games wouldn't even open or run and some of you with a keen eye may have spotted this Jim merge ball Freddie or like the App Store prefers to call it merge Freddie's balls I don't think this game will be advertiser friendly oh come on fine we'll merge some balls [Music] this game is odd but also kind of addicting it took me ages to figure out what my goal was and I'm still not even really sure I kept losing the game saying that I suck but then one time it congratulated me so that's telling I assumed you want to make the little heads giant so you make them merge but at some point they get too big and break and apparently that's what you're supposed to do break the largest heads and then you get some extra mini heads to keep playing this is for sure a weird game to involve in ask Eric ters and there's more than likely an actual game this game is replicating but being a mobile game noob like myself I wouldn't know I think it's time for another spooky game five nights at Freddy's is horror after all how about Fanaa foo froggy too [Music] okay so that was interesting at first the game seemed promising despite the antagonist seemingly being a plush frog with a missing eye but the office we played in really caught my eye everything was well-designed the atmosphere was flawless even creepy at times the power seemed to shut down randomly and would need rebooting and the camera systems were really nicely done being realistic and easy to control however when nothing more than power outages happened the first night I was confused as to what I was supposed to be doing then suddenly the night ended and I was brought to this screen [Music] okay UTF and then like I mentioned before it got weirder at this point I wandered around and finally figured out where to go to find myself at the start of night to the plushies were actually out in other words poorly photoshopped into the images the cameras were they moved very quickly through the ventilation and I scrambled to protect myself from holding the door shut to reach grooming the vent back on all the while legitimately getting nervous the sounds in game are creepy and the speed at which these characters move is frightening and finally the time came to die darn this game was getting pretty frickin creepy and that requires a lot from the game designer so color me impressed you know except for that awful jump scare I can't help but be reminded of markiplier zafon a fuse achill from this based off the fact that the enemies here are just goofy looking plushies their design definitely takes any possible fear out of the picture so if you think you have a weaker hide than me and want to be scared for free this isn't a bad option I imagine the further you get the more the story will make sense but to be honest I'm just not interested enough maybe I'll watch a let's play sometime next zombie Freddy a game with awful controls where you shoot zombie fan asked Erik ters I think I found a loophole in my first 20 seconds of playing [Music] let's give 8 horror nights at school ago [Music] are you kidding me it's another rehash of Keeley's how many of these are there I found another one earlier that I removed because it was even more similar to the last and this one has only changed the location and character models sounds mechanics etc all the same except the jump-scare sound this one is different man we are blowing through these now these are the trashiest of the trashes kind of like this one emoji survival this game is exactly what you and I expected it's a phenom off with emojis as your enemies and that's it oh you wanted me to go on well that's all there is to it the game otherwise is bland lifeless empty and boring the mechanics work just fine though I'd have a hard time believing you if you told me you lost on night one or two there's quite a few overpowered tools at your disposal against these yellow cringe balls but in order to balance the game the desires opted into that oh they break sometimes for some reason explanation in fact on night 3 alone every single tool breaks except the lore option to make them mildly go away which despite my best efforts didn't work at all so I stopped trying at least it was mildly amusing to trap those steaming piles of poo for about three seconds speaking of poo brace your ears for a glimpse at this sound design [Applause] [Music] definitely not a game I will ever come back to now you may have noticed that game was advertising another app I had already downloaded and I had no idea these were made by the same people which now makes me have a suspicion that they're going to be copy-paste games like cubies yep exactly the same except that this game is much less scary pac-man enemies cute emojis you [Music] jokes aside this game is as lifeless as the last and is very obviously a quick hunk of junk for some spare change however if you're interested in playing a phenom off this isn't as bad as some of the previous options now let's try out another weird one how about verb' Freddy if the name didn't clue you into what's in store maybe the description will you like Freddy type of games this is an amazing game for you now obviously this isn't the same game as before but it's just as random and has no business involving for naff characters Oh get out of here let's try a game that might be a bit more promising at least according to this guy now this is a very clear custom Knight clone and it isn't trying to be sneaky about it before you're allowed to customise your knight you have to beat Knight 1 which is just well let me explain each Knight is 7 minutes long which just feels like 7 years especially on night 1 where all you have to do is reset the vents if it gets dark and open your camera if bubbly shows up that's it 7 minutes heck I just played this level while scrolling through Instagram it's that hands-off hopefully it'll be more interesting with all the characters [Music] this game is actually not that bad it could be worse however the controls and difficulty made it nearly unplayable animatronics corrupted is very glitchy with its controls how you're supposed to quickly check the doors and get to the camera without dying is beyond me even when they're only turned up to level 3 yeah I couldn't beat them on level 3 out of 20 although I admit I didn't try for long for reasons we'll get to now the overall design is just who are they thinking things are stretched too long and campy red the music is literally just music from custom night the sound effects are all mooched off Scott the character models are all grabbed from someone online the office is barren and the wall texture is sized so laughably incorrect it's almost offensive nothing about this game is appealing just shell out a few bucks for a real fun Afghan or peck get yourself the free phone app a our game here you'll just waste your time being annoyed that you can't beat night 2 in this dumpster fire [Music] what about this oddly named one here sky hover Freddy alright alright I'm ready for another scary one how about five nights haunted house whoa whoa whoa first of all stop right there that looks way too real there's no way they use an actual missing-persons article right oh my gosh this is real this is a real missing girl she was only 14 years old when she was kidnapped and stabbed to death this is absolutely disgusting you don't just throw in articles of real tragedies into your crappy rip off the naff game not to mention two of them the next article is also a real person who really went missing was later found dead and was the mother of two very young children all of this for your moronic stupid died in a fire nonsense that doesn't even make sense why would they be missing-persons if they passed away in a fire oh and then they say that these two lovely ladies are now ghosts haunting this game I'm sorry but I'm not even giving this game a second more of our time game creator if you're out there clean up your act and grow some respect geez I really didn't think I'd be kidding legitimately upset today considering the goofy silly harmlessness of mobile games but let's try to move on and make the rest of this video a much lighter tone let's pick the goofiest of these last four to start off this is a hard decision because all of these look goofy I guess we'll just go with flippy Freddy and as expected it's another game that involves finesse characters for absolutely no reason with the exact same pixel II characters as the other games we played tonight just plain weird someone somewhere is blasting out these games for a quick cash grab even the game itself is weird and Phil's half-baked you can only move two ways either diagonally jump or forward one and back one this is already weird but I guess they had to introduce some kind of challenge into getting past basic obstacles and make you feel rushed your health quickly goes down you know to get you to the mat sooner this game is very dull I wasn't even inclined to attempt to win level one if there even are any other levels past this let's get to this hopeless wreck next paani Freddy memory game oh man what if I gotten myself into honestly I had added this game in as a joke to poke fun at the dumb fan a phony trend but unrestrained this would surely hurl me into a mini rant that could double this video length I am still gonna complain of course what exactly do murderous animatronic mascot characters have in common with girly themed mini horses from a child's TV show I imagine the only reason this exists is because a tiny portion of the MLP and fanat fandoms share some people but boy does it create some true entertainment for us for Nath fans and by entertainment I mean physical pain from the cringe don't you guys just love chest stabbing pain I mean just look at the Hall of Fame of these beautiful masterpieces such as look my o'seas part of the finale you like our well I and it's mind boggling red and orange blob please kill me and squad and Bane the Mustang along with a few other questionable images and it didn't even bother to get them all so who knows what we didn't get to see overall this game was exactly what it said it was flippin awful images to match them up riveting host thank goodness guys were almost done but I first started this adventure I didn't actually plan on trying all these games it just kind of happened and now all we have left is Freddy crafts praise the Lord Almighty except for the fact that we don't know what we're about to get into I really hope it won't be as bad as the last one [Music] you've gotta be kidding all right [Music] but wait I'm back I gotta make the outro of course and man oh man do I have a lot to back into these last few minutes first off you guys Rock thank you so so much for the 500,000 subscribers that number is just mind-boggling and I was more than satisfied at 300k despite both of those numbers being incomprehensible secondly I have a second channel yes and the crazy part is it's been running since February I just haven't had the chance to announce it if you're craving more content from me go check it out it's a vlog --is-- style channel all about Pokemon go and the many adventures it takes me on please go have a look and tell me what you think good bye for now everyone I'll miss you wall time to go work on the next one have yourselves an awesome night bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you hi guys you want to play more games me too you just have to wait till October that's what they have the best games you want to play Simon ah Polly
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 9,692,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic
Id: PGpMmdqrveg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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