Reviewing Tons of FNaF Collectables

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knick knacks collectible squishies keychains it never ends with phenom arch but hey I'm cool with that gives me more junk to rage at and destroy I'm just kidding I only burn bootlegs apparently I said that thing guess I had no idea what the future would bring licensed unlicensed sometimes it's hard to tell the difference anymore I mean have you guys seen those Mexican bootlegs one of everything please okay maybe not that one I am definitely reviewing those someday but today we're gonna be looking at pile of doodads I've been collecting for quite some time I wanted to get all characters from each series but that's just not gonna happen looks like buy them online and buying things online this is not my sharpest skill I just got done accidentally buying some Sanchi bootlegs trust me I thought about getting super mad and tearing these to shreds on my channel but then again I really want my 50 bucks back not cool random eBay user man why must people be so scummy I would have just bought the plushies from sanh she's a website but bonnie is out of stock how could they do this to us I know a lot of you guys wanted me to review the San Shi plushies it'll happen someday guys I will make it happen someday as for today though we're gonna be looking at some five nights at Freddy's candy + dispensers some 5 minutes at Freddy's squish Me's and Funko's squeeze keychains these are all items that I found overtime at Walmart's even though all this stuff looks cheap like it should be they actually aren't the candy dispensers are 5 bucks apiece these Funko squishy keychains are about 5 as well and then these squish me things are six dollars each so this mini haul here will definitely add up quickly let's start with the products that actually seem to be reasonably priced the squishy keychains now these seem like something I would have died for when I was younger my favorite toys were always the squishy gooey lizard things that always seem to break open 5 bottom looking back though I'm not sure how this is considered an ethical toy but these key chains are the exact opposite spring-trap definitely deserves this as for the other animatronics I can't tell if they like it hate it or well whatever face this is now these keychains actually came out a long time ago back around when the first or second wave of fanat March started rolling in like I said before I think these are actually somewhat decently priced much more than the other things we're looking at today but still five bucks is five bucks I could have bought five pizzas for the price of these guys really puts things into perspective doesn't it chica probably agrees shoulda got that pizza her bib is blank though there's no let's eat I guess that means we can have a custom message okay it's actually kind of disturbing what their faces look like when you squish them Freddy legit looks like you got ran over by a car and Bonnie we we don't talk about Bonnie and sadly like most squishy things the material these guys are made of definitely picks up dirt and lint drop foxy on the ground and you may not have a red fox anymore the design if these guys are all pretty good though spring-trap has some Ned bear withered Freddy eyes thing going on and Freddy just looks off they also all have upper teeth which is correct on two but not the other three for some reason Funko just really likes giving the Phenom own gang upper teeth and the paint job definitely leaves something to be desired oh and I guess Freddy has a hole in him or something because he sure does take a long time to fill up with air even though they aren't supposed to lose their air so yeah pretty interesting kind of cute gimmicky keychains they're pretty nice though might be worth collecting if they look like something you'd like let's move on to our next series of collectibles the five nights at Freddy's candy + dispensers by Rad's twists now if this sounds familiar finesse candy dispensers you may recognize these also made by rads they aren't really candy dispensers they're just square cubes with a little lid so I'm kind of doubting these are gonna be much better my boyfriend actually bought me one a year ago and surprisingly I still have it in the bottom of my candy drawer so obviously the candy wasn't even worth eating I suspect there'll be some similarities here three and one Wow would it deal dispenser candy and collector booklet ah man I'm so excited for that collector booklet now suddenly I couldn't find them all in fact I only found four different characters so there are eight in total how did I know who is in each package though it's weird because they look like blind bags but actually they let you see which one you get I don't know if I like or hate that it definitely saved me from having to buy doubles though so that's kind of nice let's tear one of these open and find out what they're all about first off we have the puppet this is actually kind of cute it's got its own style but stayed true to the actual character although looking at the inside of this so-called candy dispenser which is literally just a twist on lid I don't think I even want to put candy I'll eat in here you may not be able to see it on camera but there are specks and particles of something in there plastic or dust maybe you think this would be cleaned out apparently not please wash the product thoroughly before use I guess we'll talk about the candy later since all of them have the same candies in them anyway instead let's see what the collector booklet is all about okay yeah it's like we all expect it it's just an advertisement along with advertising their plastic cube versions but the other side is pretty cool one of lady Fitzy's drawings and it's specific to the character be collected hopefully the rest of them match up as well next up we have chica that's hot she kind of looks worried I mean she looks like she was meant to look scary or angry but I don't know am I the only one who thinks she looks concerned and also those teeth this time instead of the inside looking unsanitary the outside is just terribly messy this thing looks like it's worth a dollar not five and don't tell me this Candy's gonna make up for that because we all know it isn't I mean at the very least we got a cool little poster but once again that doesn't really make up for how cheap these things are next up foxy who is also very obviously cheaply made there's even someone's fingerprint indented into the pain of his ear that is so weird and of course we got another poster this one is actually my favorite it's awesome last but not least Freddy I actually think this is the cutest one yet but come on that is totally not a top hat now one thing the package invites us to do with these little heads is to mix and match the tops yay so much fun I mean maybe if they were a bit more unique with the heads this might be fun but seriously it's kind of dumb as for the candy which apparently has four shocking flavors they all seemed almost the same to me there was slight differences but it was really hard to tell I actually thought the green one spooky citrus was banana and almost all the rest of them just tasted like sugary powder the only shocking thing about these candies is that they actually have different flavors and that was the candy plus dispenser five nights at Freddy's 3 and one RADS twists collect the malls yeah there isn't really an actual name here anyway these were kind of cheap kind of lame kind of boring little things that are definitely not worth collecting now for our last set of collectible toys the squish Me's made by just toys let's see what else just toys has made oh it's you it's me your favorite for naff merch at all time and Emmitt Roenick welcome to our land of monstrosity here we have hideous recreations of your favorite characters like spring bonnie and plus trip don't forget about night Marion and we also have these super creative dog tags with pictures of the characters straight out of the game so we didn't have to do any work oh and those thinner miss posters yeah that was us two source filmmaker Bonnie and of course edgy fruity and don't even think for a second that we're stopping there we're growing more and more powerful with each new trending toy soon all your favorite franchises will be taken down by us - you have nowhere to hide soon we'll own all of you well that was weird so just toys probably should be called just junk am i right hopefully these won't be as bad on the back of the packages we can see that there are eight to collect and I was actually able to get all eight you know what these pictures of them back here look freakin amazing Hecky I want these they look so cool the puppet looks like she's in a straitjacket that is such a cool idea sadly though Bonnie and foxy look like recreations of the danglers but they're not bad guess we just have to see for ourselves oh yeah these look nothing like those pictures I mean at least they painted the puppets face but they literally didn't do a thing on her body and they had advertised it as being painted beautifully her face doesn't even look anything like this version this one is so much worse I imagine this is going to be the case as all of them colors and decorations may vary yeah more like the colors and decorations will be nothing like this I guess we should get her out of the package and see how squishy these things really are Wow so I've only actually held one of these things once in the past and I forget how incredibly soft they are they smush into almost nothing now I see why they were a trend for a while they're actually kind of fun to mess with but gosh dang that smell it smells so strong it's like a fruity sweet chemically smell my whole apartment smells like it now I kinda like it but I kind of hate it too you know what she would have been super cool if they'd actually colored it the way they did on the back of the packaging I didn't really expect it but they can stand also I mean look at the puppet she has huge feet the actual designs of these things though I mean look at how overly long golden Freddy's bent arm is they did a pretty good job on this head shape but man does either crummy not being colored properly the seams are also extra terrible on poor golden Freddy here nightmare cupcake doesn't have the seams problem but Wow are the colors terrible half of the cupcake is supposed to be tan he has a decent design though although his expression is just terrified boy bunny on the other hand is just all-around bad he's got that signature giant dangler forehead barely any coloring and just looks like a bootleg I don't know why anyone would spend money on this and weirdly enough there's a pizza box squish me this is the same design that was on the awesome pizza box kit fond memories it's actually kind of a cool idea but then again they didn't design it very well these boxes look way too thin to be pizza boxes a chica has the best coloring so far it seems like she's only missing a few things whereas the others were missing a lot but that still doesn't mean she looks good because she doesn't she looks pretty stupid in my opinion another giant forehead thanks just toys oh boy this is supposed to be foxy wait why is he missing an ear so apparently this is withered foxy I guess it makes sense with this series being pretty focused on phenom two characters you know except for the nightmare cupcake for some reason this is once again terrible terrible colouring terrible seams and a terrible forehead Freddy though doesn't seem as bad weirdly there's like a lot of different designs going on here first we have the dangler versions foxy toy bonnie and toy chica they all have the huge foreheads and almost the same body then we have the somewhat original designs with nightmare cupcake the puppet golden freddy and the pizza boxes and lastly we have the single plush design Freddy it's so weird how there's this inconsistency but I guess it probably could be a lot worse imagine if they were all danglers Freddy's actually pretty cute why didn't they just make the others plushie designs if he was properly colored like he is here he would have looked amazing it's really sad they didn't bother to put in the effort or cost to do that you'd think I'd be more angry and stressed by how crappy these are but actually they seem to be working like stress balls but even better because I get to crush their faces in seriously though today has been a really odd mixed bag pretty neat little keychains crappy little candy holders and another toy trend with Freddy's face on them hopefully next time we can review some quality merch like the new action figures thanks so much for watching guys I hope you all have an awesome Friday bye [Music]
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 3,908,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, squishies, squishme, candy, collectable, toy, review, unboxing, collection, five nights at freddys, funny, keychain, new, andiematronic, tons, japan, squish
Id: 02sqF3suJ9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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