FNaF Pizzeria Sim Funko Plushie Review (Ft. Dawko!!!!)

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/LeEpicJoshDun 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

The two most precious fnaf nerds.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Dragonn2005 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

When I watched this, when they got to the spring bonnie plush, I was legitimately expecting dawko to be in the GlitchTrap head,

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MckinnellFamilyTrio 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dawko: A calm kind man Andie: A complaining hell

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hey, look, it's that crossover they said they would do, but never did until now!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlexToyReviews 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hey I saw the video when came out from andies side

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Toy-Funtime 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rustlemyjimmies13 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
the time was November 2018 over a year ago when these plushies showed up online and found their ways to stores such as Hot Topic Game Stop and eventually Walmart as Walmart's kinda slow but a select set of them also ended up in a box shipped to England to a special guy you all know in love doc oh what's going on guys my name is doc oh I'm a fan of channel basically and Andy asked me today to join her its review the pizza simulator plushies I'm really excited thank you for having me so yeah let's go oh my gosh this is so cool why haven't we done a collab before now above all else I'm just really curious as to how opposite our opinions are gonna be if you guys have seen any of doc OHS unboxing videos you know he's generally happy with the merch much unlike me where I'm oftentimes not too keen on this stuff so it's gonna be quite the breath of fresh air with Doc o around so did get a started doc Oh what would you say your initial thoughts for these plushies are right out the box let's have a look shall we actually cuz I actually haven't had a look at them fully and they're still in their little bag still and but yeah overall I'd say they're quite good I mean I don't think that they're ever gonna top the original plushies and the original plushies were from San Shi Roy back in like 2015 and they're so good and they're big as well I feel like they're more realistic in size in the game if that makes sense overall they look really good I honestly think they look good yeah yeah I can totally see where you're coming from no matter what I don't think Funko can ever top San Shi for my first impressions I'm sort of conflicted just like with the action figures I'm disappointed that the are missing some of the most iconic and important characters from the game pizzeria simulator scrap trap molten Freddy and arguably the main character scrap baby not to mention the lack of many fan favorite characters such as rock star Bonnie security puppet funtime chica and of course bucket bob yeah I think I need a pun Stan at least we can hope maybe somewhat ignorant Lee that Funko will someday go back and fill in those blanks I guess for now we can at least appreciate what we've got let's begin with our main man of pizzeria sim no not you Rockstar Freddy I'm talking about little all healthy and they call healthy yeah so recently funk are released two new plushies one being medium healthy and when I say medium I mean medium this isn't a size Funko has made before for fine ass characters he isn't large and he is an extra-large he's just medium cool but we'll get to him a bit later let's focus on his little brother let's hear from Doc OH first what do you think about our plush helpI let me find him here is let's have a look then shall we let me let's put more review my review my review nests on the helpee review nurse I mean it looks like healthy design wise look wise I do think he looks a little bit different compared to how he boss in pizza simulator I mean it's not gonna be exactly accurate to how easy pizzas him because in pizzas him he's a plastic robot he's guy's bowtie on his bones and his little top hat and these cheeks as well and the caller is helpy they've got the colors rightly I like he'll be a lot I think he's good and I've put his like little book teeth in as well just like me taco you definitely don't have buck teeth but I totally agree otherwise I feel like this is a good plushy the most glaring issue I see is his mouth Funko generally just makes the seam on their snout the mouth which is very commendable I really like this way of doing things however the illusion is lost when you add other seems too mouths that aren't supposed to be anything Funko I'm confused you've made Freddy's in the past why did you change this now design to be worse I mean I like it when they make them all a bit different so they aren't just re colors but you got to know when a recolor is just a better decision overall there is literally six seams on this portion of fabric not including the mouth the typical Freddy has three two of which being barely visible and I know I know I'm a gen Warner of finesse plushies I will admit overall this plushie is cute and accurate enough however I think the design really works on a larger plush medium he'll be here looks fantastic look at the difference in eyes shape eyebrow sharpness the curve of his mouth the list goes on I would recommend any healthy fan to get themselves one of these bad boys next let's take a look at our Mexican beaver friend LG and if you didn't watch the Scott interview guys L chip is cheaper and Scott wanted to put cheaper in the game in the in the law of the game not obviously as cheaper he wanted to do like a little reference to him and we've got L chip and I'm really glad he's got his sombrero it looks really good to be honest the sombreros nice got interesting material but I think it works with him and the only problem is with this material guys is that you can see it's got some creases and like when it's folded it won't go back to its original shape unless I get an iron out and I'm not going to do that oh he's got his little tile as well that's a really nice detail so yet the brushes do have a lot of detail to the characters the eye is a great book teef again plus six notes the tail is even got details on his legs here which i think is great too buffet looks quite similar to now he doesn't guys don't you think his face looks more like hell pspice in the games rather than this one don't you think like if you edit AddThis face as hell P I think it would look more like hell P than this he'll be I don't know just notice that I think you're right doc oh but I think what you're seeing in L chip is mainly his teeth the helpee plush we got has super small teeth and I know technically that's more accurate but in plush form he would debatably look better with larger teeth like L chip speaking of which does he actually look like a beaver this time I have to say yes question mark for the most part beavers just look like Rous is with their weird giant tails I guess this could be a rodent face but also scoot didn't really make him look super rodent D either so this passes however this tail does not Funko could have slashed should have made this tail twice as long and some quilting would have made a world of difference this thing is just plain lazy but I won't get too caught up on his tail the key characteristic for L chip debatably is his giant sombrero and Funko wasn't messing around this thing looks great overall I'm decently happy with this plush but and there's always got to be a but those eyes the way that the color around the eyes was done is something that I really really dislike and have disliked ever since they started these rings of color are supposed to be flush with the rest of their head it should not be puffing out with the eyes no character Scott has given us have we seen it pop out like this just makes them look sickly it's like their eyes are swelling I will say it doesn't always look bad but with chip come on it's bad that's bad the character doesn't even have color around his eyes so it's not only pointless but also makes him look horrible other than this l chip is a nice plushy his colors are spot on and he makes me want to eat Taco Bell you know except for the swollen eyes part let's hear from the more positive youtuber next about Orville the elephant Oh bill is one of the favorite being mediocre melodies and I think he looks good I feel like you snow could be a little bit bigger let Y sport it's fine from the side he actually doesn't look that bad at all I feel like it's a bit too white I don't know and but again maybe the ears need to be a bit bigger as well it would have been nice if they gave him his wand I've been nice and but yeah he doesn't look that bad I do feel like some of the eyes I'm a little bit wonky I think al chips was wonky as well I do think they're good I really do think oval looks great yeah the eyes probably bothered me the most to be honest now surprisingly I feel like this plushy could have been a lot worse I don't really think making an elephant plush would be easy so good job Funko I'm not making him look terrifying as for accuracy I'd say Funko did a good job but going back to what Doc OH mentioned I think Orville may be a bit overstuffed Orville puddy you really gotta lay off those picnics especially the Big Mac kind look at that cute smile though his whole trunk area is just so well done the zone in lines and the little curve up at the end really deserve props his hat and flower are literally perfect if only his face was a little less bulky I'd say this is one of the better plushies I've seen in a while now back to Doc Oh what would you say about our first exclusive plushy mr. hippo yes so where is he there he is mr. hippo isn't exclusive that Andy sent to me I think both of these were exclusive the under sense and which I couldn't buy she sent them me so thanks mr. Evo looks okay I feel like his jaw is but it's too in and long and with the jaw as well being fat I don't know I don't know I don't feel about the head shape of mr. hippo is plush form yet another great point doc Oh mr. hippo space does look weird for some reason he just doesn't look like mr. hippo to me I just don't feel like it's a very good representation of the character mr. hippo is dark purple and even his lighter colour is closer to this plushies darker color and yes mr. hippo isn't exclusive which isn't weird or surprising until you consider what that means generally exclusives are very popular characters or strange one-offs such as golden freddy exotic butters or mangle what makes mr. hippo fill that position yes he's popular but does he compare to lefty or hell pee I wouldn't assume so next up we have our other Walmart exclusive plush happy frog is that is that what that is happy let's hear from our happier frog first happy frog looks really good I don't have any faults for happy frog I mean it looks super accurate as well also a little bit of more detail guys that they've added a second color for a legs she's even got eyelashes as well which is a really nice detail to me guys really nice and obviously the little top it does seem like it would fall off if you pulled it I'm not going to do it might be a bit too delicate for that but yeah happy frog looks cry really really good I think so too happy frog does look good or at least yours does check this out she looks like she's permanently scrunching up her nose if she thinks it smells bad in here she's sure as heck never been to a bog or swamp where frogs generally live but once again why exclusive what makes happy frog exclusive I can't imagine anyone out there desperately wanting to add happy frog to their collection but maybe I just don't see what everyone else does about her on to our last mediocre Melody's character pink patch okay okay Pig patch again it's a weird-shaped head the plushy forms of the animatronic sky so I can understand that they're not gonna be like banged on the shape of pink patches head he punches head is quite sorry pig patch I'm gonna have to do this but fat like that if it was more down and squished like that compared to how long it is like that yeah but yeah again detail is key for these the eyes perfect cheeks look gray and they've even added a little pig tail and a belly button like that's so awesome I love how they've added a little pig tail it would have been nicer if it was actually a pig tail sticking out I fink just like al chips tail it'll be nice to be able it'll pig tail also with all these animatronics guys animatronics the blue she's they feel great I really like the material that they use they don't feel cheap for sure that's one thing I never really mentioned but love about Funko but just like Doc o said once again I have to say I don't really see pig patch with this plushie do I see a pig yes do I see a pig patch yeah so I made a little doodle for you on the right I drew my version and on the left the version we got which looks more like pig patch to you and funnily enough that was Doc OHS exact point honestly I think this is just another one of pig patches cousins like pork patch maybe his name is plush patch or bacon patch mmm now let's get this party started with the Rockstar characters the few that we got I should say starting with Rockstar Fred oh of course does this plushie do him justice taco mmm okay let me have a look a rock star Freddie do I think that gave him justice well it looks like rock star Freddie Roy he's got the star on the chest as well but it feels a bit cheap to me guys it's like a sticker it's good it looks great I'm just worried that it might peel off easily I don't even want to try but yeah already a corners coming off guys so yeah over the knack I think it looks great he's got the purple top hat the purple bowtie the cheeks the freckles the plastic nose he's got the knee pads which all of the rock stars have I'm pretty sure including el chip but like I said the Aussies do look a little bit off and I care that I have made the eyes on all the plushies pop out a little bit you can see he I see so the eyes are popped out a little bit which I like gives it more you know depth to the plushy so I do think they've gave justice to rock star Freddy I think he looks good and apart from the eyes so everything looks good but the eyes dude like I wish the eyes would just you know direct rather than you know yes yes I see we do differ on our opinion about the eyes but we both agree that these kind of eyes tend to be a bit wonky I really just wish they'd go back to the series one style eyes but that aside I feel like this is a pretty awesome plushy maybe one of the better ones in this set and I'm not even really sure why I feel this way maybe it's because as colors overall our spot-on or maybe it's that quirky little smile of his one little detail of interest here is a star this is the first time we've ever seen anything like this he used with the finesse plushies some kind of printed on vinyl and no the puppet did not have this that was some kind of plastic fabric that was sewn on and to this day I think looked terrible however this doesn't look too bad or at least that's what I thought until dokdo mentioned his is already starting to peel off printed on color probably would have been a safer bet overall I give rocks are Freddy is 7 out of 10 next up we have our pirate pal rock star foxy though I don't think someone who plays an accordion would ever be considered a rock star let alone maracas and that brings up another sad point once again we're missing half of the rock star characters please Funko make a second pizza reassembly need a lemonade clown plushie and the rock star Bonnie plush no kidding step up your game Funko yaha rock star foxy pickles the power that's my nickname to him guys pickles the power and although let me try this I mean let me do something he's now gonna come off so that's a really big plus for me guys I also like the fact that they've added and a peg leg to Rockstar foxy I do feel like the eyepatch looks a bit weird and because they've added the eye patch on the Bulge of the eye instead of like covering it completely so that would basically be me wearing an eye patch that would just fit my eyeball not my whole eye do you know what I mean so it does look a little bit weird doesn't it but the ears look great I like how that added the tuft of hair at the top I feel like the colors a little bit off is a bit too lloyd's compared to her Rockstar foxy ease oh yeah it's it's still good and I love the pickles the power that's such a great name for him I'm just gonna go with that from now on since it doesn't seem like he actually has a name and oh my gosh your point about the eye patch I thought you were gonna say it's like wearing an eye patch under your eyelid now that sounds awful it's true though this looks weird but other than that I like him Funko really went all out to give him most of his key characteristics that make him stand out from the hordes of pirate foxes we have already I mean just look at this his scraggly Zrii strands of fur has been updated to match his new look with a luscious for strength must be a top-secret hair-growing method doctors don't want you to know or maybe pizzeria sim is actually the first game in the series before foxy started balding I guess we know why nightmare Fox he's in such bad shape years of being a rock star I'll do it to you jokes aside I feel like Funko did try harder on this series and that's a really good sign for the future keep it up Funko once upon a time I despised funtime Freddy's bonbon and looking back I was definitely too picky I don't think bonbon or this little parrot look that bad I commend Funko for trying to make insanely small plushies on top of our ready small plushies and the stewards adorable oh and one last thing what the heck is this everyone else's is so none and yours is printed can't have to clean of a track record kanya Funko and now the last of our original pizzeria sim wave our spooky bear lefty who appears more concerned than spooky what about yours doc oh okay okay there's lefty guys I don't know how to describe his emotions it's this guy's this my it doesn't look right does it the eyes should be more down here but yeah he's got the little sewn on kneecaps I really don't know why rock star fox he didn't yeah I think lefty looks good it's just the eye and maybe the mouth as well the mouth looks a little bit awkward but yeah they've got the left eye it is left his left eye thank God because you know lefties black lefties fully black and that made lefty cry for some reason maybe - I don't know why don't I boy they've done that actually also my lefties knows he's a little bit off it needs to be more like there and oh and I actually works other than that I think he looks good I think all that the plushies have looked really good so far if Armani stomach I'm actually very impressed I agree but oh my gosh your lefty he's really got punched in the face one too many times huh and like you've mentioned lefty is a gray bear not black bear like he should be and this is something that just bothers me a lot one could argue that if they made him black you wouldn't be able to see his eye and eyebrows but on a plushy like this that isn't true the eyes already pop out and if the eyebrows were like series 1 there'd be no reason did not make him black this plushie is just a rock star Freddie recolor so I don't have much to say but other than his coloration I like the Hettie and that's it for lefty that's it for our pizzeria simply she's doc oh thanks so much for joining us today it's been a blast but before you go who would you say is your favorite of these little plushy robos no it's a tough one I really like all of them if I'm being honest guys you'd have to be between these two are Fink - easily spring Bonnie spring Bonnie I mean I don't have a spring Bonnie what are you talking about there's a spring Bonnie I'm looking at it right now wait a second where did you come from and you where did you come from looks like this is far from over donc oh you didn't check that heavily discounted Black Friday gift to make sure there wasn't something hidden inside did you there might be something new under your Christmas tree then maybe Santa's came early or maybe William often has I don't know maybe Andy just set the mate Otto freaky now let's have a look son what I think it is what are you doing here oh hello candy cadet a hot topic exclusive plush that showed up six months after the initial release of the pizzeria sim series doc oh how do you feel about this little dude I don't know I don't know how I feel about candy cadet I mean the robot arms look like they will literally fall off any second I mean it's actually pretty difficult actually thinking about it be very difficult to actually make robot arms like that in plush form so I can understand where they're coming from also the material is different compared to the other bruises as well but I think they've done that and to make it look shiny like a robot and but it makes it feel a bit cheap all the details are there they've got the coin slots to put the coins in and buttons have some screws and you know so I do have detail on him I'm not a huge fan of candy cadets plushie form but you can see who he is you can clearly see it's candy cadet if they knew it was gonna be difficult to make a candy cadet plushie why couldn't I make a different plushie instead what they knew they could do I'd say it's my least favorite so far but I feel like they've done good with what they with what they've had you know it's pretty difficult to make a candy cadet brush and I feel like they've done well yeah I mean I can't imagine too many fine a fans like this plush much and it's nice of you to understand their dilemma however I will not pull any punches candy cadet here is the epitome of all that I hate let me explain number one poor body design he looks like three colorful lumps sewn together most people would probably assume it was a robot caterpillar number two flat they don't hold up over time and they don't even look good right out the box and finally number three print it on color you all saw that coming the fabric is rough and like Doc oh said cheesy and it's just lazy Funko let me show you how it's done first you start with a silhouette that matches the rest of your series larger head and smaller body then you simplify the details keeping only what's important because I understand that budgets are things and yes arms and antennas are important quints lots are not and lastly use different colored or sometimes even different textured fabrics to complete the design you tell me which of these you prefer does this mean you don't love me yep and now time for spring Bonnie my favorite part of the pizzeria sim set spring bonnie isn't part of the paid to sim series i guess that says a lot doesn't it I mean obviously I'm past the point of burning faces off and that's a start Plus seeing as how spring bonnie was just recently released I once again have hope for the future am I right or am i right believe it or not I don't hate the pizzeria sim set I just really like how spring bonnie turned out what about you doc oh how do you feel about springy I mean you can tell it's spring bonnie which is good i do feel like the mouth is a little bit weird though right like the mouth looks depressed spring bonnie looks very sad the ears are always off which is nice they're not gonna like fluff and fall which is really nice they've added eyelashes guys but weirdly they haven't added it stuck out like and happy frog has they've just like dyed the color on compared to the one infinite VR because this is the this is the interesting one guys they did have a source to copy from like the original for nap one plushies and i don't think it's accurate enough to the finale our plush a boy i still think it looks good but you know spring bonnie and golden freddie is supposed to be like the most important characters feel like you could have been doing a bit better that's actually surprising i'm supposed to be the nitpicky one i guess when it comes to us fans we love these characters so much we just want them to be well represented in merch form it's good to be picky take for example the sonic movie or more topically the MacFarlane sets people complained and in the end that's what made it better Doc OHS right infinite VR we had a cannons bring Bonnie to go off of and he sure as heck didn't have a frown or eyelashes even but that aside I still think this has to be my favorite plush of the set he's not perfect but I'm satisfied and with that we close our book on the five nights at Freddy's pizzeria simulator Funko plushies plus one overall I had a lot of fun seeing how similar dokko and my opinions on these guys were what do you guys think were you in the same boat either way I liked these plushies it's been an absolute pleasure to review the plushies review Andy yes it's been so much fun and thank you guys for watching Andy's video make sure to subscribe to her her videos are really really good with her reviews I love them I watched all of them they are absolutely fantastic that means so much to me doc oh thank you so much please do subscribe to Doc oh if you haven't already you know he's the go-to guy for all things for nav teasers new games Let's Plays fan games which I never get the chance to play his channel has it all so thank you doc Oh for joining us and you too guys thank you so much for supporting us both I hope you all have a merry little Christmas and good night yeah thanks for watching guys you
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 2,092,276
Rating: 4.9265685 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic, simulator, pizzeria simulator, dawko, collab, spring bonnie, pizza sim plush, pizzeria sim plush
Id: 6GOrgLd6Fk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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