Cooking all the Food from FNaFVR Help Wanted

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2021 is here finally we can leave rotten old 2020 in the dust go die in a flaming ball pit my dude you will not be missed so yeah this is cause for celebration you bet and food is probably the best way to celebrate something lately i have been trying to take better care of my body so it's been far far too long since i've enjoyed me some truly junky food and that is exactly what we're doing today eating some bottom of the barrel arcade prize junk food the vr experience that is help wanted shoved all the freddy themed snacks you could ever ask for right into our sweaty minimum wage hands and as much as my pant size loves virtual munching let's turn these pixels into something tangible edible even now freddy fazbear's has a lot of snacks to make like this is going to be a banquet but i don't think that's an issue when you have a vacuum puppy to back you up oh my gosh i haven't even properly introduced everyone to the new member of the family shasta named after the beautiful potentially active volcano nestled in the california cascades the fifth highest peak in the state and also the fifth most dangerous volcano in the us with the potential to erupt without warning you should be scared [Music] no but actually i named her after shasta cola a soda brand anyhow let's get to the kitchen because we're wasting precious time there's an insane amount of things to cook today we're gonna be making every single last snack and five nights at freddy's help wanted now this is not including the dlc or the scattered candies found within the prize corner because we simply do not have enough time i'm surprised we even have enough time to do all that we're going to do we're also excluding the standard pizza because i actually already made a final pizza and we also aren't making the birthday cake because it's just too basic i'm pretty sure the dude just picked it up from a grocery store not that i'd have any knowledge of that now to make things more streamlined i went ahead and prepared some recipes for these food items so if you really really want to you can make them at home as well though you may want to wait until the end of the video where they're being tasted before you serve them up to unsuspecting friends oh wait no that's probably the best thing to do with these recipes so let's get this flavor boat saline let's start off with a classic refreshment soda roni innovation in carbonation since 1986 that's right pepperoni flavored soda pop pour me a tall glass of no please no if you were anything like me and oblivious to the world of homemade sodas you're probably wondering how on earth i plan to make this apparently it's not totally uncommon for people to have a carbonator in their homes am i the only one who instantly wants to carbonate weird crap [Applause] okay that's probably enough screwing around let's do what we came here to do juice us some ronies that's not gonna work so it seems like our soda might end up being a bit pulpy the only thing i'm worried about is if these little meat bits will have enough punch for a whole soda it probably needs a complimenting flavor right the pickings are definitely slim when it comes to savory syrup flavors i mean pepperoni and fruit just don't seem like they'd vibe so out of desperation i picked up a bottle of smoked maple syrup maple goes well with meats doesn't it i mean if it's horrible i have a sketchy plan b let's just hope for the best oh my gosh this looks like vomit okay i don't want all this pulp we're gonna get rid of some of it at least the fat layer of the pepperoni floated to the top and i got it out i've always thought i had a strong stomach until i tried sparkling milk now i'm just scared my mouth literally tastes like i'm just thrown up i didn't know you could like cook vomit in your kitchen i didn't know you could do it but you can sodoroni don't make this let's make something safe next bonnie bites to the rescue now this one has to be good because the ingredients are all safe meat soda is not safe but berries and chocolate definitely are now since bonnie himself and the bonnie bites package are blue i'm gonna assume most of these berries are blueberries and we'll throw in some raspberries as well just for fun but keep in mind these snacks are in a bag and they must have some kind of shelf life which means these either have to be freeze dried or dehydrated berries that's where my new best friend kosary comes in this bad boy is a food dehydrator and yes i bought him just for this video i've never used one before but we'll just have to hope for the best these berries are going to be cooking for 24 hours once they're fully sucked of their juices we'll be covering them in a dip of sweet chocolate now all we gotta do is wait thank you bonnie in the meantime let's do something cute and safe the classic freddy fudge bar for this treat we're going to make you guessed it fudge plain old chocolate fudge with the addition of a cute little dark chocolate bow tie i will admit i probably should have used the hand mixer for these because they aren't entirely blended but at the same time it makes them look pretty cool [Music] now that is a freddy fudge bar these things are huge and dense and they weigh a thousand pounds each simple delicious and unhealthy next up are l chips tortilla style tortilla chips basic edition and bold and spicy heck yeah now these sound delicious tortilla chips are classic and luckily easy enough to make you really just have to fry sliced up tortillas for our basic addition we'll give them a bit of cheese powder and salt so they match the orange bag bold and spicy will drop the cheese in favor of donkey kicking ghost pepper salt i have a very low tolerance for spice i mean i hate to quote it again but that's sparkling milk though oh boy but that's not gonna stop me from at least trying this chip now we've checked off spicy off our to-do list but where does the bold come in i'll tell you where powdered yeah you heard me ghost pepper pupa pops [Music] now of course we're gonna start out with an easy one plain old cheese it smells so good it smells like a cheez-it on a tortilla chip covered in grease oh my goodness oh i ordered it on the salt it's pretty good there's just a crap ton of salt bold and spicy now these are all i kind of hope these are too salty as well maybe it'll mask everything oh my god oh whoa that is spicy it's like ah just wanted to show you guys that the pupa chips are as disgusting as they look that's bold and spicy alrighty guys i think it's time to whip up another drink and what better to sip on than an exotic beverage your favorite exotic butters flavor now in sodi pop form the most difficult decision when it comes to recreating this drink is what it should be flavored as my immediate thought would just be plain butter because it's tough to pick an exact flavor to dedicate it as but what exactly is the flavor of butter yes it has a waxy fatty flavor with a sweet undertone but how do we go about recreating that the closest i can think of already exists in the form of cream soda i guess we can just make a homemade cream soda with a dash of almond and actual melted butter maybe a tiny bit of hazelnut and a drop of banana cream and irish cream trust me guys i don't know what i'm doing in the end i made three different syrups to test out plus a bonus that relies on mainly butter exotic beverage number one which is mainly made up of almond with quite a bit of banana let's give it a go it's a little too overpowered with banana i'm afraid exotic beverage number two mostly made up of hazelnut and quite a bit more almond here we go this one is also just too much hazelnut exotic beverage number three equal parts hazelnut and almond this one's surprisingly not bad it might be the best out of all of them and last but not least exotic beverage number four which is mainly made up of butter itself it tastes a lot like butter maybe the only way to experience true exotic beverage is served warm so the butter will be melted and you'll be left with a smooth drink i never thought there'd come a day where i had to try warm soda but i guess that's today [Music] if i get past the fact that it's warm that's not bad so in the end i found the recipe that works it just needs to be served warm have an employee nuke it at the price corner i suppose ooh our berries are done for those of you d juicing at home be sure to take your raspberries out much sooner than your blueberries or else you might just end up thanosing them with your fingers now let's melt down some chocolate and dip that is a thing of beauty oh my goodness these might just end up being my favorite freddy snacks these are absolutely delightful i did overcook my raspberries a bit but overall if you have a dehydrator consider making these let's cook up one of our most exciting treats next a big bag of disappointment are you tired of intrusive flavor and texture in your food do you ever eat a home-cooked meal and feel silent red well boy do we have a snack for you disappointment is neither new nor exciting not a single remarkable flavor will intrude on your food experience wow take a somber unfulfilled breath of relief as you take a bite out of disappointment this snack is not great it's not even good it is boring mild passable who knew the descriptions on these items were so hilarious now in my head when i think of boring and mild i think of plain old bread wheat bread even so it doesn't have that slightly nice sweetness that white has no flavor included perfection now let's tackle the lemon chica bar i'm personally excited for this one as it seems hopeful maybe i won't want to die after taking a bite judging by chica's swollen cheeks i'd say this bar is very sour we're going to start out with a white chocolate base mixed with a little bit of lemon juice and yellow food coloring and our top coat of this bar is going to be pure lemon sugar sour city featuring our good friend pure citric acid yum isn't that just the cutest little [Music] thing whoa that packs a punch that is seriously sour i love it meat bites and meat bites extra large now what are meat bites you ask well that's a good question because the back of the bag just says they're absolutely incredible which in fact was used for a few different food items so this is where we'll have to be real creative keep in mind this is a bagged product it has to be some kind of dried meat like jerky i've never seen spam in a bag so what kind of meat is it exactly well sadly the most obvious answers that come to mind such as bear fox or child meat is not exactly obtainable or legal or ethical or christian so what about rabbit or chicken meat well rabbit meat can be bought as jerky in the form of dog treats and chicken jerky is also a dog only jerky and though i can absolutely see freddy's feeding children dog food i feel like i've found a better option turkey jerky this is easily some of the cheapest jerky out there so it absolutely fits a freddy's franchise owner's type budget and since nobody wants turkey this time of year it also gives us a discount because we're working with meat this time around i decided not to screw with the recipe as to not poison myself and others and the recipe i picked is texas style jerky for no other reason than because it's probably the kind of jerky scotty boy would make as for how they turned out well they're not bad maybe a bit too spicy and overcooked but not bad i was so worried about them being undercooked that i transformed them into fiery pieces of plastic fits the freddy's cost-efficient model quite nicely foxy cove cooler now this is an interesting one the exact definition of a cooler is a mixture of wine fruit juice and soda water yeah this is an adult drink i have a feeling pirate's cove may have a little hangout for the parents although this bottle makes it look like a beer a cooler is more of a hot summer fruity drink and i know you guys probably want me to make the alcoholic drink but a large portion of my subscribers are underage and i'm not about to teach them anything so instead i'm going to share with you guys a drink that i've enjoyed for years and shirley has that sweet artificial fruit flavor we're all craving simply fill up your cup with some rainbow sherbet and pour over any kind of lemon lime soda bam this stuff is dangerously delicious though i still like to think foxy's cooler is for the moms and dads allergy friendly mixed nuts now this is where things start to get weird if they haven't already does not contain nuts this is a whole lot of mixed messages here freddy fazbear is there a such thing as fake nuts oh gosh oh gosh google no no google stop that is not what i asked for i mean i guess technically and this this is just bizarre if you have these on display and someone visits they might try to eat them i'm pretty sure these are more expensive than just having normal old nuts in a bowl anyway back to the mixed nuts situation i'm having a difficult time coming up with what these could be there's always the possibility of this bag being mixed edible seeds like sunflower and pumpkin but that sounds too high class this has got to be something weirder finally i came to a conclusion it just needs to be trail mix trail mix made with flavors catered to our main fazbear crew starting with freddy himself i decided to go with chocolate covered gummy bears and chocolate teddy grahams bonnie gets carrot chips and blue peeps chica gets loads of sprinkles and gummy pizzas and foxy gets pirate booty and chocolate coins oh my goodness this is quite the amalgamation other than the carrots this mix is going to give you a serious sugar hangover just make sure you enjoy the mix piece by piece and not all together ah the treasure that is pirate plunder bar we once again have to be creative here as nothing even hints as to what could be inside so i decided to go with a delicious yogurt base orange cream specifically for the golden color from there i added food coloring to make it brighter and when you look at that i finally got a hand mixer alright guys so i added the food coloring and now this thing doesn't work anymore what is with my luck in these things what am i doing wrong you guys wait oh my gosh what bro wow okay that was about to be a disaster we lucked out this time from there i let the yogurt dry out sounds gross but it's what the recipe told me to do and crap this is literally my second attempt at this and it just won't work for me okay let's just scrap that and make a bar out of cookie i have this super old mix we can add our food coloring to and cut into bars heck this might even taste better i went ahead and finished our plunder bar with a chocolate bottom and a gold bar decorated top i'm not sure how well chocolate and lemon go together but it's really not that bad now for the real moment you've all been waiting for exotic butter yes we are making exotic butter our mimi cube of dairy fat and protein mixed with an unknown element of exotic flavor now like always i run into a bit of a dilemma the word exotic it doesn't do a great job of truly describing its contents however the fact that it's so vague and also plural means we can have fun with this let's pull out the whipping cream and collect our flavors first we're going to start off with an exotic flavor classic vegemite from the great outback along with camel fat from the hump of a camel that will be our middle eastern flavor snails from france specifically canned black sausage from well a lot of places actually spam from the good old us of a and rocky mountain oysters those who know no also known as cowboy caviar you can read the package yourself if you really want to know what this is these in particular originate from the rocky mountains in other words near where i live though if you want to be specific colorado is the most famous for them us idahoans have a lesser evil no i have not tried any of these things but today i'm going to be trying butter infused with them and let me just say opening the packaging alone makes me want to be sick oh my gosh you'd never guess but my nostrils feel the most violated by the vegemite and weirdly the camel fat i can't even describe how nasty that stuff smells making all the butter was incredibly fun and somewhat easy though with the amount of butter i made it was a bit time consuming plus it doesn't help that i didn't have any cheesecloth i had to use mesh didn't work very well i'm going to give them all a taste atop some disappointment because i'm not savage enough to eat butter raw especially snail butter blood sausage here we go you know weirdly i thought it would have that exact flavor just based off of the smell that's disgusting exotic that was bowl testicle by the way i'm really not looking forward to the [Music] snails it's really weird but i can't taste anything i am glad for that vegemite butter is up next and i'm not super worried about this one because people do eat this regularly it's not like super bizarre [Music] there's like a very specific taste that it has but i can't put my finger on it like i really want to describe it it's almost like licking the bottom of a tin can that had food in it but i don't know what the food was hump fat in other words camel now this one smelled the most potent so i'm a little bit scared oh my gosh i don't care what they tell you don't use that for cooking you will probably taste it it does not taste good spam butter now considering that this is just canned ham with butter on bread i have a feeling this will be the least offensive doesn't mean i like it camel butter was the absolute worst and if i had to pick a second i would say blood sausage oh wow finally we have an item that has ingredients chica chug sparkling bullion flavor okay not technically ingredients plural or even singular considering that food companies purposely avoid getting into legal trouble by saying something is flavored like so and so and not actually using any so and so yeah not even the cockroaches and ground coffee thing has me shocked anymore so since i'm the cook let's use some true ingredients let's whip up some chicken soda already cheers to chica chug [Music] oh yeah that's bad i would recommend eating the ice cream over anything else at freddy's yeah wow guys we have made it to the last item and i saved a classic for us to finish on a good old fazbar what's in a fazbar i wish you'd stop asking because that's half the mystery wow a flavor you can taste that's quality eat to discover the flavor please [Music] okay guys i did indeed taste the fazbar it's not pleasant but i'll try my best to recreate it anyhow [Music] [Music] [Music] all finished i'm positive this amalgamation of flavors will reproduce the hellish effect i was subject to i'm not ready for this [Music] hopefully my totally willing taste testers will enjoy these freddy recreations as much as i had meet my blood sister kayla a blast from the past maybe but not compared to my non-blood sister amber yes amber someone who used to go by tenchineco back when our cringy high school selves had necco in our usernames man the early 2010s were a weird time let's begin the freddy fazbear mukbang um is that meat but why don't we just do this one first and you tell us what it is that is a freddy fudge bar [Music] it feels like so bulky that's just fudge that's just straight fudge man it's pretty good yeah very poorly blended jazz bar what do you guys see in that something cheesy what is that smell dude well i've had lizards long enough to know what a worm looks like oh yep there's definitely some worms in here do i have to eat this i just i don't want to eat any of that yellow just ew i have a paper towel why is it so sticky what is that dude ew i don't want this in front of me anymore it's making me disgusted boxycode cooler is delicious and you will not feel sick after drinking it foxy cove approved i guess we'll do one of the butters which one looks the most inviting none of them okay this is red that's gotta be the blood sausage right that's my opinion should we get it over with [Music] does that have a very good taste [Music] what's this butter called or is it just called exotic butter vegemite butter wait it's not bad you're taking second bite it's actually not that bad the top of mine looks terrifying wait wait wait i really would you do do it again i'm not doing that again that was gross did you sniff the soda yeah i did oh my god it's sinking what is in there i don't even wanna okay i'm just gonna bring the trash can over [Music] here oh why does it taste like beef jerky soda roni this is in the game is that pepperoni is that what this chunks [Music] you throw up that's what's in the toilet like that's that's vomit right there jessica you want to take his little sip of soda roni oh she's so interesting she likes it this looks good let's try this one it kind of is really good actually lemon chicken bar has been approved these are the l chips tortilla style tortilla chips oh it's very hard cheeto powder those are the bold and spicy tortilla chips [Music] oh no don't don't lick the powder it's a little late for that are they bold and spicy oh they're bold and they are bold because they have ground pupa cute pupa but what kind of bug is it it's like a um an early stage bug like a maggot and i just linked to the powder ew okay these look good oh oh i don't mind it they're pretty good allergy free mixed nuts there is no actual nuts i'm trying everything and it's all a little bit stale but that is a pirate plunder bar plunder tastes like a lemon bar with chocolate on it sorry we still have four more butters to come um can we do this one yeah is this like pepperoni butter isn't meat is there meat in this yes i mean the first bite i was just confused in the second bite i'm still confused what's in here rocky mountain oysters [Music] it's not awful actually it kind of works is it butter can we get any guesses this one might be easy to guess crab i think the most concerning thing about this is the texture like the soft but chunky that is spam butter well the fact that there's way too much butter on this cracker i'd probably finish this whole thing it's pretty good it's kind of salty a little savory what's its melting consistency does it melt well oh i have no idea can you fry stuff in it is this a mushroom it just food shouldn't be gray no it should not i don't know what that is i do not like it no no it's not good that is escargot i could see that that one is probably the stinkiest [Music] that's not good what what is that uh that is camel fat camel humpback yes it smells like dirty dishes there's chunks aren't just there's ominous floating chunks [Music] are you okay bullion flavored soda it's grossly flavored soda did you marinate it with like a teriyaki or something yeah this one's actually the least offensive i used a real recipe for this so one more drink and we're done yep that is exotic beverage why the floaties birthday cake [Music] well i mean it kind of just tastes like cake so i guess it doesn't taste awful with the consistency run that through a cheesecloth and label it as birthday cake soda and you got a winner yeah wow i will think of that next time in fact next time run everything through a cheesecloth alright guys so what is your favorites freddy fudge bar and uh lemon chica bar and bonnie bites everything chocolate right yes because chocolate is not offensive well i really like this one these are good too the i'm not great with the the sour though i love it like it's yeah it's sour it's good what is your least favorite [Music] one of those i kind of want to eat that spam butter and that's the end of the video guys i hope you enjoyed this absolute insanity i had so much fun putting it together for you guys and i'm already looking forward to the next video don't forget to check out my pokemon go channel i have so much fun over there and i know you guys would enjoy it shasta and i will see you all next time bye you
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 3,428,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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