FNaF Funko Series 6 Mystery Mini Review

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hey guys it's me I'm back do you remember me I was a youtuber once for those of you who want to know what's been going on with me I will be saving that for the end of this video as to not disrupt all my casual viewers so stay tuned now let's talk about those amazing teasers from Scott yeah we got teasers again guys the dark ages have passed Scott Cawthon has awakened and he's bringing us a nightmare literally a nightmare man yeah the game I said I'd be too afraid to play but apparently I have too honestly it's kind of my job anyway so I better just take responsibility I've only used VR once and played this creepy horror game where you're in a bedroom and things keep happening whoo you know typical for our stuff and unluckily for me the bedroom the game was in was set up almost exactly like the one I was in the character was even sitting on a bed and I was sitting on the bed which of course made it all the more realistic I ended up screaming at the top of my lungs something that I legit just couldn't control late on a weeknight so of course I got in trouble this was back when I lived with the parents fun times know so if you're picking up what I'm putting down what I'm saying is I can't really handle er not to mention Scott saying that he tested a section screamed and threw the VR headset across the room this is Scott we're talking about you guys he's the one who made all the five nights at Freddy's games in case you haven't realized you know those games that also terrify me and they're not even VR how does he expect us to play this game when he can't am I the only one questioning this but enough about me are you guys planning on getting a VR set just to play or are you planning on watching mark and moon with a bold pop corn yeah I wish I could do the latter anyway as surprising as this sounds this video isn't about the new teasers I just love talking about the current going ons with finesse obviously that doesn't happen that often let's just get to the meat of this video specifically pork today we are reviewing the long-awaited pizzeria simulator mystery minis as you could tell I went a little crazier than usual and bought an entire box plus three boxes and plus six that you don't get to see later and that wasn't exactly planned from the beginning you'll see why and check out this little doodad my boyfriend was actually able to find a box topper I swear all the stores just throw them out now despite what I said in the recent action figure video about this packaging the more I see it the more it feels too cluttered to me the red and white stripes are fine both with the inclusion of the balloons and confetti and characters it's a little much especially from a distance the boxes are kind of a muddled mess my gosh and using the same colored red for the writing and logo man this is like a designer's first gig even the topper is more boring than usual remember when this was the norm guys and now we have this no wonder Hot Topic just throws them away I'm tempted to do the same but we all know it's what's on the inside that counts right so let's hope Funko didn't let us down one in six one in six and one in six you've got to be kidding me that doesn't seem too bad right well if you can remember our first series had zero what one in sixes each box had a new character in all of its slots however with our new set three of the boxes are basically trashed because you'll already have them but for those dedicated fans out there you guys have heard the story many many times is this is not a new concept for Funko but it still bothers me so I'm gonna complain about it every time unless you're a mystery mini buff and know which box to pick each time you're basically never gonna find any rare minis and we'll definitely pick up some doubles sorry buck oh I feel like we really need to do something nasty to all the doubles I have laying around because I have a lot so let's get to opening hopefully those spares I bought weren't just dumped by a mystery mini Pro or else that was kind of a waste we'll save that excitement or disappointment for last for now let's just get to the main box I picked this box up at Hot Topic and weirdly Hot Topic does not have any exclusives this time the exclusives will be coming from Gamestop and Target and I don't think anyone's found any target boxes thus far even though they've been out for a while man I never know what's going on at targets mind I mean what is up with those hero world figures they were on sale new and why did we never get the large set I mean I can understand changing your mind about selling a product with shelf space being so tight but wait Who am I kidding they made enough space for those freaking poopies and yet the quality figures get the been nice we'll worry about Target another day though let's just find out who's in box number one food just kidding I would never eat our piggy friend pork patch I mean Pig patch am I the only one who still doesn't get my Pig patches named Pig patch pork patch was a combination of pork the meat and patch which he was made up of patches Pig patch on the other hand has zero patches so why didn't Scott name him I don't know pick a tronic piggy pork come on okay maybe not that one or any of those but still Pig patch is a strange name what isn't strange however is his design as he was a character already sort of made before his appearance in fanatics literally the only animal we guessed correctly as for this mystery mini I like him I feel like he's basically what we all expected and wanted in other words achieve a fired version of the uncomfortable animatronic although I'm not a big fan of Pig patch in general as he's kind of creepy from being so ugly I always liked the design choice of having two different colored eyes I mean people animals that have that trait are just so awesome and unique and anime their anime next up did we get lucky oh my gosh we did get lucky it's little healthy and he wants a big hug okay maybe more like a small hug I just love when the minis are given extra short bodies it's just extra adorable despite me gushing about this little guy he's not flawless not even close the hot purple pink color that he has in game is not present here this help he is a very lavender color as does the pop apparently Funko didn't like Scotts bright color choices so they just changed it and what the heck in heck is this why does Funko put a ribbon on every freakin Freddy hat who doesn't have one I don't get it I know it's not a big deal and overall it looks fine but it's not supposed to be there oh boy and if you think that's bad just wait and no I'm not talking about this obnoxious paint mistake it's his teeth now personally I'm not a huge fan of the buck teeth so I do like this better and the designer probably did too but that's not the designers choice this is Scott's character you're selling Funko not your OC that you get to change whenever you'd like I know you like ribbons and pastel colors and straight teeth but do you really have to put your aesthetic under someone else's character we were here for Scotty boy not you get over yourself he's still kind of cute though and it's probably about time we started running into those 1 in 6 characters so yeah rock star Freddy what's not to love about please deposit 5 coins I spoke too soon as for a mystery many of him Oh looks like you tried doing your own eye shadow today it's easy to forget how bad these paint jobs can be sometimes at the very least we will be getting another one of these figures so maybe the other one is better overall I love the design though he's got such a cute smile and I was always a big fan of the little star accents and the rock star characters I just think they're great but for our little lead singer here I wish Funko had used metallic or glossy paint for his purple accents as they just look flat and boring without them overall a good figure but of course probably could be better what the heck so that was weird I swear I got a new one untouched box and weirdly it looks like someone painting this help II thought he had freckles and then realized he didn't daftar doing one side could that really be the case so uh probably won't be keeping that one is it just me or does it seem like the quality on the minis has gone down somehow like I can't put my finger on it but the glue on the freakin boxes is like flex tape or something because I just cannot open these without tearing them to pieces and here's our other Rockstar Freddy it's nice to have one in better condition but that doesn't really change the fact that he's a double not exactly fun Funko how many times have I used that joke probably a lot and here's another one in six foxy mom man with his adorable accordion and yellow pants Funko straight-up made him naked with the action figure because he kind of does seem to be naked but now they give him yellow pants even if Rockstar foxy did have pants I don't think it would be yellow they're always brown maybe foxy is just fashion-forward and wanted to match his eyes now many of you myself included are a bit confused at this point where's Rockstar Foxy's partner his parrot now I understand that it would have been hard to place him on a shoulder there's absolutely no room there but I think that his wrist or head even would have been fine much better than him not being there at all right now Foxy's cute smile just appears sad alongside the issue of our missing partner foxy here is just not as Rockstar foxy as he should be yes he has the accordion and a peg leg but he's a rusty color nowhere near bright red and his face isn't even painted to be like Rockstar Foxy's there was literally no attempt his toes and kneecaps aren't painted he should only have one tuft of fur here and lastly his eyepatch should be very round and going the other way I don't know if I've seen any other mystery money with so little passion and effort this is a figure of finesse one foxy holding an accordion so like I said I really am beginning to think Funko was losing it with her beloved minis and I really don't want that to be the case oh my gushers you've got to be kidding me what am I looking at who are you what are you doing here I don't think you belong here this is the third Rockstar Freddie so far according to the box there should only be two of him in each set and let me assure you with that I did not tamper with this box there is no reason that I should have gotten three well this confirms it I'm gonna do something devastating to these doubles next up is action figure neglected Rockstar Bonnie hi um what's up buddy what's that gesture for is that him waving I mean I guess so is it just me or does he have kind of a creepy face he has literal snake eyes I'm not saying he isn't cute because he totally is but overall he looks pretty creepy lifeless eyes frozen smile and that's strange hello weird I love it even though rocks are Bonnie is the number one the least scary bonnie in all the games he's given this many [Music] okay I take it back now sadly funko got some colors wrong her usual all the red accents besides his bow should be magenta not red and his toes should be painted he's also missing his guitar which is kind of a big deal but at the same time I kind of like it being gone so we can have a good look at his adorable tummy stars the toy Bonnie mr. him and he didn't have his either but when I reviewed it I don't think I even noticed hopefully we get something good this time what okay this is more than just a bit weird now for rockstar Freddy's in a box that's supposed to have two there's no other way to put it I got gypped this is Funko's payback for me complaining about them for so long isn't it I love you too Funko and here's our second drug star foxy that really surprised to see him ooh this one's heavy finally a new character alchun and once again el chip does not look like a beaver not at all the action figure looked like a bear and now this just looks like a gosh-dang monkey is it really that hard to make a beauty I mean just give it giant teeth done I don't think this character translates into a mini very well or at least Funko didn't do a good job I do like the details though his hat and mandolin look great and his tail is oh my gosh it's adorable surprisingly no offensive P mistakes and no incorrect colors Wow Funko the one time and it had to be yell monkey here no offense to El monkey he's pretty cute there's only one last box in the set and I swear if it's a rock star Freddy and it's not thank the Lord Orville the elephant now I wasn't the biggest fan of his action figure but just look at this guy is this not the most innocent sweet adorable little mini okay don't turn him like that much better this has to be one of my favorites so far besides rock star Bonnie of course and yeah there are a few issues relatively minor ones at least his toes are just the normal feet now that it all like Orville's actually are and Funko didn't even bother painting his flower bow I mean yeah you won't see it on the packaging but it's still there and very obvious now we were supposed to get two or bills not just one we were also supposed to get funtime chica and a one in 36 character that could have been either Rockstar chica happy frog or lefty that is so disappointing those of course were instead rockstar Freddy's and an extra help e this should not have happened either the employees at Hot Topic mix two boxes of trash together and displayed it like new for some innocent bystander to get smacked in the face or okay yeah that'd probably happen to me gosh dang me and my luck take that so now we're gonna see if I didn't fail again with these spare boxes I got and like I said before there are three sets of doubles so it's very likely these are the doubles someone threw out let's hope not ah man another double but he's not a one-in-six or even a one in 12 he's a one in 24 talk about weird luck as I had a 50% chance of getting mr. hippo instead definitely a character I need to get Nick's box come on funtime cheat guy and of course it's a 1 in 6 what did I expect but it's weirdly when we were missing guess I got 2 warbles anyway and finally out of the three spares we got a goodie lefty at least some good came out of all this lefty is one of the coolest characters to come out a pizzeria simulator in my opinion a totally different colored Freddy with strange circumstances and turned out to be a puppet trap so how about this mini does it live up I'd say absolutely this guy is just too cute and look at that this guy is actually left-handed you did it Funko kinda yeah there's still one thing that bothers me and it's not exactly subtle they made him medium great you've got to be kidding me I don't mean to toot my own horn but uh I think I did a better job here why did they decide to make his coloration so light he's supposed to be a black bear black not great despite that I love everything else about this figure his cute face his glittery top hat and Mike and his little red kneecaps isn't it strange her there's hardly any mystery minis that are perfect I mean I'm not complaining about the designs or the reuse of bases I'm just talking about accuracy compared to the actual characters it doesn't make sense why Funko can't get colors right colors of all things well luckily for us fans today breaks that cycle with candy cadet one of the first single minis I got because I knew I wouldn't have a chance of finding him now before I get started I just wanted to thank the two guys that helped me find all these because I'm not really good at ratios or tracking them down so without them these videos would be a lot shorter you know who you are and thank you so like I previously mentioned I didn't have a chance at finding candy cadet not only because I'm unlucky but also because he was a Gamestop exclusive and I had found my box at Hot Topic seriously why are the GameStop exclusives literally the best port Target Funko doesn't love you although fruit punch clown you've got to be kidding me where's my lemonade clown he's obviously the superior clown that's like comparing the Joker and Ronald McDonald get out of here apparently Funko really doesn't love you target because they gave you a fruit punch cloud fed and even about this end I cut your thought like I previously mentioned I'll be covering all the previous minis that I missed in the future I've been trying to collect them all so I can definitively go over every single one but for now let's get back to candy cadet this guy is straight-up funky like I mentioned before his colors are spot-on yep they got nothing wrong this is easily one of the harder minis to get this time around being exclusive and one in 36 but I like those odds much more than nightmare mango sitting at a whopping one in 72 thank goodness don't go didn't pull that crap on us again even though I do understand some people preferring the more extreme rarities it's just not my thing even though the concept is cool oftentimes the minis aren't even in stores for too long don't get restocked and if you didn't get lucky you'll never have it but that's just my opinion candy cadet is a fantastic addition to finish line up he's the classic robot with flashing colors and a childish design how could you not like him and not to mention he casually tells young children extremely dark horrifying stories fun now I will tell you a story a story about a kind man who would visit five oftens and bring them toys and gladness the man lived alone and lived in fear that someone might break into the house of one of the five children so he adopted all five and brought them together in one place in his own home he promised them to never leave them and they promised to always come home and never stay out too late he left one day to buy food his heart being filled with gladness but returns to find that the burglar had chosen his home and killed all five of the children the man could only afford one coffin so he stitched the five bodies together to make one and buried the child that night there was a knock at the door [Applause] [Music] next up is another storyteller but not a very good one mr. hippo yay isn't he just adorable as a mystery mini who else is utterly surprised by the fact that mr. hippo has doughnut ears yeah I never realized that weird I actually love the design choice definitely makes them more interesting as for how well Funko translated this character into a mini I'd say they did a good job - one thing these lighter colors should not be that light at all this is very common for Funko though for some reason they always want a higher contrast and Scott makes once again Funko changing things to fit their own preferences aren't we lucky now it's time for chika another rock star character that wasn't given an action figure rock star chica has always had an interesting design I'm a big fan of the color scheme but not exactly everything else I feel like many of the characters from fanatics suffer from chronic ugliness in rock star chica is definitely one of them I'm not sure why this is the case as this isn't really something that's all that common in Scotts designs but man if that ate one ugly chicken luckily for us the mystery mini is actually cute seeing as how the base is just reused with the addition of adorable little maracas the only things missing are her toes being yellow and lipstick beat stick but those two things are very minor rock star chica is surprisingly a 1 in 36 so one of the harder minis to find this time around didn't see that coming overall a solid mini but there is something pretty big to mention about all of these minis I wonder if any of you have noticed so far these guys are made of a slightly different material than most of our previous sets yeah weird that's why I was saying things we're feeling a bit off this whole time now I'm not really a plastics expert so I can't tell you for sure if it's a different material or if there was a different process with making them but as you can see here our new minis are shinier they don't have that soft matte texture that they usually do the only other minis that seem to have this outside of this these are the open faceplate characters Stanley Knight Marion and entered masks Little Joe the magician and surprisingly William Afton if we look at this pattern it looks like the more shiny plastic based characters use this fittingly but then again this makes no sense the closed faceplate characters aren't made like this nor are the toy animatronics who are very much plastic and shiny not to mention William Afton that is bizarre so if I had to have a theory I'd say they started out using it to make them appear shinier and then eventually decided to use this plastic or method permanently for whatever reason whether it was cheaper or somehow they preferred to look it's hard to say I do feel like the likely reason here though is that it's cheaper because you can't tell me this looks better that's really disappointing thanks Funko we can tell you appreciate us onto a lighter note are you ready for molten spaghetti that'll take over your body if consumed me too Moulton Freddie literally a blob with a mask don't worry Fredo I think we all feel that way sometimes whether you're a fan of this newly designed entered or not I'm sure we can all agree that this mini is wicked absolutely wicked not to mention he legit murdered someone recently yeah he's got blood on his fingertips although I can't see it as being rust or an attempt at coloring his fingers too it's pretty hard to say but before he gives us many a perfect score let's do some comparing since when was his eye yellow you ask well it wasn't in pizzeria simulator but for some reason it was in custom night yeah weird don't ask me but the real issue here is his orange coloration it kind of seems like Funko went off the many fan made models to end up with these accents because in reality it's more of a light orange e pink and our spaghetti bear did have a bowtie but it was much different than this one overall though this mini blue my custom out of the water and I'm so glad it did truly amazed with how great this thing looks as a child what was your favorite animal for me it was frogs in fact I had dreams about catching frogs that's how much I loved them I'd go to my local pond every chance I had just to see if there were any around at that time of year so naturally one could assume I love Scotts frog character happy frog but I don't mainly because of this yeah her voice is the most irritating sound I've ever heard not to mention how horribly ugly she is so for tarnishing frogs across the globe happy frog is easily one of my most hated characters but I won't get my opinions in the way of this review I do think the Mini is decently cute probably as cute as happy frog could be I mean you can't tell me these nostrils make for a cute face but at least happy frog isn't boring she's at least got a cute little antennae and yellow tipped fingers which Funko thankfully followed through one so in the end a nice mini if you even like happy frog [Music] from trash to gold our last mini for today is scrap baby probably the coolest design character in Finn at 6 so what about the mini well you need this mini I need this mini Bunco I am so proud of you this is probably my most favorite mystery mini of all time she is so detailed so adorable so well done and just so evil when Funko goes all out they can make some of the coolest merch out there now surprise surprise candy cadet is rarer than her and I love that I feel like all finet fans should have a decent chance of finding this gem maker a 1 and 6 and I wouldn't even be that mad now I'm not gonna say this many is flawless obviously this right here is a flaw but there's also a few design issues the most obvious being the blue grey coloration on her face this whole panel right here should be blew her nose cheeks and lips should also be magenta not red there's a difference people and of course there's a lot more withering on her body than Funko added but that point I am totally fine with them ignoring as the figure is far too small for that many details and the design they created is very visually pleasing so if I could would I ask Funko for a redesign absolutely not I find this money to be fantastic as is the few coloration issues could definitely be fixed but I'm not mad I will proudly display this little girl and if he's up that was our last mini you'd be right and wrong in the middle of filming this episode I went out and got the last available character for this set or rather my boyfriend did he's really sweet funtime chica wow what an awesome looking character it was so exciting when we finally got a look at this mi a girl from sister location everyone wanted to know where chica was and was this chica I'd say it looks very likely to be and I'm glad Funko decided to make her compared to her in game this mini is very well done of course some complex details left out for the sake of it being many but I'll let you be the judge on how important those are weirdly there's a light pink color around her eyes which is just not the case it's supposed to be orange and the cupcakes base should be tan not dark brown besides that I'm just glad she's holding your cupcake how cute is that overall a big fan of this mini and that was our long-awaited pizzeria simulator mystery minis quite the mouthful who was your favorite character I'd have to say mine was scrap baby but you all seen that coming so what do you guys think about Funko skipping scrap track that's pretty weird I mean he's the only main character from fanatics they skipped any theories as to why maybe they thought they couldn't make him look much different than spring-trap that doesn't seem likely since they couldn't be any more different honestly I wish they had made him for the sake of completion but at the same time I don't mind too much I wasn't a huge fan of him myself as for our doubles well now that they're all together it's time for them to get what they deserve please deposit connection terminated sorry to interrupt you rock star Freddy but I'm afraid you've been misinformed you are not worth a single fast kind you're only a one-in-six although don't feel too bad well I'll enjoy watching you melt away this ends for all of you and communication anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the video and know that more are on the way I won't be leaving again anytime soon as for why I left in the first place it was because of my in the works cosplay which is still a surprise and I won't be revealing the character after working on it non-stop I came to realize that it wasn't to the quality I would be happy with it's not that I was working too quickly or that I wasn't putting my heart into it the real issue was materials I was making a character who isn't made of soft materials the same methods I've employed in the past and it all around wasn't a good idea you've seen this with toy Bonnie he's obviously a plastic slash hard painted material not bad so instead of finishing something I wouldn't be happy with I scrapped it and I'm going to start over this time working on it in my spare time I'm already a busy person as you guys can probably imagine but I love side projects and being creative in general so I will make this a priority I feel really bad about the time I wasted and it all resulting in nothing but I see it as a valuable lesson extra experience in general and overall just a nice time off from the norm I definitely learned in life that it's okay to start over because in the end it could be so much better than you ever imagined you want to know a little secret even though I've said spring-trap was my first cosplay that's not entirely true it was my first public or I guess personally approved cosplay but spring-trap had a prototype head that I almost kept just because of the time and effort I put in after I finished it however I realized there was better ways to make it and that I could easily make something better so I moved on and made something I'm proud of even to this day so I bet you want to see that prototype don't you be prepared it's like a night and day BAM now that is painful but if I had been stubborn and not remade the head this would have been my first cosplay not the one so many of you love now I'm not saying the cosplay I've been working on would have been this bad absolutely not nothing could ever be this bad but I am saying I know I can do better and I'm willing to let go so hopefully in a few months we'll see if that paid off I'm sorry about this last half being very rambling and maybe not that interesting but I wanted to share this with you all as I had you waiting on nothing thank you guys so much for your love and support I will never appreciate you less have an awesome weekend and don't forget to have some fun bye [Music]
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 5,456,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic, fnaf6, fnafvr, mystery mini, funko, toy, review, merch, fnaf toy, fnaf merch, fnaf figure, mini, figure, pizzeria sim, pizzeria simulator, fnaf pizzeria sim, freddys, pizza sim, unboxing, collection, suprise box, suprise mini fnaf
Id: zfR05WEG4U0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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