FNaF 6 Full Playthrough Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator

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alright guys here it is Freddy fazbear's pizzaria simulator was not expecting that but you know I was really really not expecting that and I about 200 of you realized I was really not expecting that because I started live-streaming but I don't have an Ethernet cable and I'm at a new home now and the internet here so bad I have to be hooked up so I couldn't have livestream in other words I wasted a lot of people's time and I'm sorry for that so I'm just gonna play this and put it up because I want to play it I want to know what's new so the trailer looked really weird uh let's just do it I guess is it gonna use my mouse at all I don't think so alright let's design a pizza first I guess it's easy enter I guess so oh it's gonna use my mouse now click toppings you want to add pepperoni that's it that's the best way oh no I Lala's are awesome too everything else well sausage but onions mushrooms peppers who needs that wow I feel so okay so I need another pizza let's make one with nothing perfect and one more just for good measure let's make the gross pizza here we go ok pizza yeah sure there's no one oh ok shift Oh WASD okay I was trying to do it with the other things how many pizzas Dean oh okay I did not expect that so if the game was just this then I would be like really confused and I probably wouldn't play it but I saw someone else live-streaming it and they had a completely different screen and reddit is so quiet right now cuz I think everyone's playing it so apparently this is it you know I'm so bad at this Oh creepy oh come on he's like you can't feed these ones game oh hey oh my goodness how do you do this move No okay so shadow Freddy come on excuse me excuse me hey I think shadow Freddy's a little hungry he's eating way more than any normal person should I don't know how I'm gonna get those two cuz it's hard to get him away from them come down here how do I make him distracted I don't know how I've been doing it maybe give him one yeah that's how you do it come back down here here you go [Music] kid you're supposed to disappear whoa oh no oh this is wonderful collect all the pieces whoo oh my oh my gosh it's freak show baby whoa bbm tape leaving dead space 3 2 1 the purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from vintage interactive attractions following audio stimuli I can't believe can't believe this is happening it means that not only have you been checking outside at the end of every shift oh my gosh I didn't read them but also that you have found something that means the criteria of your special obligations under paragraph 4 follow these instructions document response times disappear the space before leaving upon sealing in the room you are not to return begin audio prompt in 3 2 1 [Music] what's happening document original Bell audio prompted three there were no results so No I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying so uh you know maybe an audio prompt now in three two one [Music] so here is a good happy document results we get audio pumped in three two one should I check yes oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening yet it's a new day it's your time to shine it's time to take your career into your own hands you save your whole life great now it's time to actually if I have any one basket and take a huge gamble on your future a gamble that comes with a 100% chance of success in some cases what are we talking about we're talking about becoming a fazbear entertainment franchisee oh yeah restaurant ownership and management something almost anyone can do with a limited degree of success sure it's a lot of money to invest but everyone's doing it and that means it is safe and lucrative with your initial investment you'll receive everything you need to get started including a small room some tables and electricity but don't forget about the money you had leftover after buying your franchise package use it to decorate buy it staged by attractions and animatronics and much much more now let's take a look at a few things that will help you get started as a fazbear entertainment franchisee such as atmosphere making sure your establishment has an inviting atmosphere is essential to bringing in new customers entertainment having a lot of entertainment value in your restaurant will ensure that customers come back bonus revenue coin-operated games and attractions can generate additional revenue during the day which means more money in your pocket ready for reinvestment health and safety there may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality and we don't blame you cutting corners is just good business but there are steps you can take to ensure you don't get sued for it and that brings us to liability being a thrifty shopper is smart but be aware that buying things on sale comes with a certain amount of risk you aside from the daily risk of lawsuits there's also the risk that something might be hiding inside whatever you just purchased with that steeply discounted price tag of course that would only be a serious danger if there were something outside that's been trying to get in for months now my gosh I love that firming to be the case this concludes the amount of help Scott just makes making youtube or he just has videos like remember her who are now the face of the newly rebranded Freddy fazbear's pizza where that smile with pride and let's make some money fazbear entertainment is not responsible for disappearance death dismemberment okay how to a two step guide to restaurant management use catalog mode to purchase items animatronics and other surprise surprises sure use blueprint mode to place items of great items and upgrade your floorplan goodness alright mm-hmm let's hope I can remember that let's get started after purchasing your franchise package great that should be more than enough now let's get started yeah $100 are you a lot you can unlock more expensive catalogs by simply purchasing items for your pizzeria use the arrows in the bottom right of the item window to browse the products for each catalog when you're finished shopping click the button labeled blueprint mode to place your items you can switch back and forth between catalog mode and blueprint mode as often as you like before opening your doors to the public when you're ready to open your restaurant for business for the day click the button labeled finished in blueprint mode give it a try and do some shopping okay well our restaurant our restaurant is very anyone would come here I mean you could buy a seat that's about it what's this sponsorship offer this time pop soda have a pop in good time with this time pop its offering to pay for advertising in your establishment yeah where is that gonna go okay all right let's go to the catalog then dumpster diver weakly I love that that's awesome okay balloon barrel oh it's so bad oh my gosh discount ball pit paper cups and plates those aren't too bad let's buy that definitely need that what why did I buy the last one okay we need both I'm sorry single stage stage for one light animatronic will happen oh okay double stage sanitation station clean enough discount cooling unit buying that I mean it's a fan can't go wrong there duck pond pick a duck okay bucket Bob is a light and muchas he's unavailable mister can do how is that an animatronic it doesn't how's it gonna nevermind I'm not in question it mister hugs light animatronic I like why is he unavailable I'm not sure he's only 15 dollars like I guess we just throw them together oh they're not available cuz they don't upstage okay so let's get the big stage because we need to new catalog ah is there good animatronics in here [Music] gumballs midsize okay so I can't even buy a mid-sized animatronic yet or I mean unless I want to get a different stage but let's just okay so which two animatronics shall we get then should we get mr. hugs mr. can do Bucket Bob okay first of all bucket Bob obviously you already own this item or enough okay no no no I was reading that mr. candy are obviously hug this hugs let's see oh this is an animatronic - wait what I guess maybe these work I don't think I looked all the way paper pals five bucks everything is so cheap no wonder I only started with $100 okay I can't I can buy him I guess you could switch him out number one crate okay with our rest of our money we shouldn't buy crappy stuff at least ours that but maybe we should probably put more stuff in her restaurant first let's put oh we got a good reading oh my god it just gave us awesome so for her oh we got the colorful plates out okay what's over here is this more tables nothing you have to buy it first okay how do I make that go away go away I don't want you here alright never mind okay this is awesome okay let's go back to our catalog we still have money let's get some actually decent stuff we don't need foil if you do that later enhanced speakers we don't even have speakers that's probably important whoa we don't even have enough money okay let's just focus on our gettin speaker so that we can actually hear them sing and beat up stuff seventy dollars left we need a lot more health and safety and and art well why do we have zero entertainment Oh bought from that what they I guess okay we should probably get the sanitary thing oh it's a hundred dollars what that doesn't look like a hundred dollars the fan should be worth more than that stuff okay so what uh oh those are ratings for each item okay so what do we have in general how do we know do we have to go here no oh atmosphere six okay so the one thing that we need is revi is that revenue bonus revenue okay this one has bonus revenue so we should buy this what else do we kind of need um oh we need to place it right here sure sweet wait what's my one risk I want to know what that risk is I probably should have been reading in the first place isn't you oh it's it's you okay so he's kind of a bad animatronic but that's okay he's a little feisty that's okay okay so I didn't really check what else we've really needed so let's just do something like can they afford anything from here probably not forty dollars I imagine oh my goodness I mean electronics here happy frog mr. hippo Ned bear Pig patch yeah that battery looks really safe Pig patches from Connect world candy cadet oh he has bonus revenue sweet okay I really need to save up for those guys okay phone shut it okay we only have four dollars we can't really afford anything I think we could just save that money for later if we can save okay so I think we're finished upgrade this room to a larger room at 250 all right this team is awesome okay we're finished what happens next your restaurant is now officially open awesome that doesn't mean your job is finished hella what oh no I'm a lot of work to do while patrons eat their pizza in the other room Wow you're terminal you have supplies to buy papers to print and repairs to make once you've taken care of all the items on your to-do list you can log off for the day and get out of there money for supplies and repairs comes out of petty cash so don't worry about it coming out of your pocket we've got you covered the only money you have to worry about is if you choose to upgrade any of the equipment in your office now on to other matters something to be aware of is that the ventilation system and your terminal are pretty loud and may prevent you from hearing things in adjoining air vents that won't be a problem if there is nothing in the vents however if you feel that something might be in the vents you have a few tools at your disposal to protect yourself you can shut off your terminal and the ventilation system at oh come on China your light directly into a vent will most likely prevent anything from jumping out you also have three tools available from the terminal itself there is a motion detector an audio decoy and a secondary ventilation unit keep in mind however that you can only have one of these active at any given time now get to it simply log off when you've completed your tasks for the day and you can go get some coffee okay silent ventilation is a secondary ventilation system that runs in the background creating minimal noise why am i playing audio how do I turn it off okay let's just focus on our tasks I mean the audio is playing the farthest away from us so are we supposed to is ISM are we gonna be worried about you know vacuum man hugging dude set what's going on I'm scared okay oh gosh okay man I I thought my internet was bad oh wait if I look away does it stop it oh my word I should probably stop the audio how do you make it stop I don't know if you can oh okay so you have to set another task for it - we're gonna scan for emotion I don't know if we could do this at the same time it looks like we can cuz it's still underlined and stuff uh okay don't you just love it when you have to wait for things to load why is it still scanning it's not finding anything maybe I shouldn't have bought in an animatronic advertising let's a print posters so we have to do all of this every night in order to log out I guess I'm not gonna know I don't know if I'll be able to hear anything clean ovens this is still scanning maybe that's a good sign maybe that means maybe my animatronics are so crummy they can't move that's a good thing it's a really good thing is it what is that what does that sound tell my computer I guess why don't I just have a laptop at home or I could be doing this it make more sense okay let's just chill out and play audio here cuz why not oops so I'm all out of that advertising still have to do all of those press x2 for fan let's try that oh oh so I need that to keep the temperature 60 degrees as my person likes optimum air conditioning Oh probably should turn that back on this heat is rising like really fast a high-speed uplink yes I don't have the money for it I need to do that next time it's not working okay I'm pretty sure I know atronics can't move so that's good they'll probably move the next night I think we're done shall we great job it looks like you're getting the hang of this now let's just focus on getting you through your first week there's a big party here Saturday and you should view that day as your ultimate test make it through Saturday and you will have proven yourself as the successful entrepreneur that we all know you can be all right I'll try [Music] congratulations on completing your first day however your job isn't over just yet there is another aspect oh end of day routine Oh is inspecting and salvaging any animatronics found in the alley outside the back door things are found here quite often and while we aren't sure why what we do know is that they can be used for parts which can mean a much needed revenue boost before starting your next day sorry about everything else in this line of work those benefits come with risk the safest thing to do is to throw it back outside but then you get no money for the salvage choose to keep us and you run the risk of certain negative consequences namely death should the item in question not be as docile as it first appeared if you do decide to try to salvage it then you must complete the maintenance checklist during this testing phase check on the animatronic frequently if you feel that it is becoming unstable use the Taser provided to you you can use it three times help out damaging hardware every use over three however will decrease the items salvage value before you is an animatronic found in the back alley we are unsure of its origins it is your job to manage so in this checklist before claiming it as Salvage or if you choose to you can throw it back into the alley where you found it and forfeit payment please make your choice now I'm taking it you have chosen to proceed with the maintenance checklist remember use your company as you've taser to return the animatronic to a neutral State if you oh yeah feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive yeah it's really aggressive right now many times so blessing to damage the animatronic and decrease its value weakened reo prompt in three two one why do you think these very specific audio track results will do anything begin oh did he change one did he change or am I just going crazy okay I feel really uncomfortable document results no begin audio prompt in three changer was I really just going green one [Laughter] document results no begin audio camp in three he's okay do well I think it was all in my mind document results no ok [Music] let's and something's loose oh my gosh what am I doing with my life oh so I wasn't going crazy oh gosh okay so let's start playing again oh my gosh I really wish I could be live-streaming this right now okay so we have $299 I don't think we need anything from this catalog so I guess I now understand what is going to be our enemy at night it's probably not gonna be payin Stan or anything so okay so what Stan's budget tech yeah much better idea we don't need deluxe speakers at the moment we might want some marked down from 90 huh by it wait purchasing a bulky item in this condition comes with a slight risk of something undesirable in are you serious in this condition it's an it's in good condition Oh what's by it it can't be too bad right I like bargains I can't help myself sturdy stage so this we could use for an actual animatronic if we wanted novelty traffic light what is that I was just an atmosphere I like the candy could that is he an animatronic no he's not I don't think he's just a candy machine it looks like but he has entertainment too wise Ned bear have liability but Pig patch doesn't I don't know maybe it's his eye he doesn't look like a bear he kind of looks like a monkey I'm sorry I can't help okay so I'm going to stop messing around let's buy something already how about the stage should we just buy a stage so we can be prepared for later or should we save let's buy a game we don't have any game so fruity maze or a midnight motorist okay we all know which one is cooler obviously this okay so who else should we get I think that's all we really well okay let's just buy this too and then we'll be done I know I wanted to save some money for an Internet we'll have to worry about internet another time whoo fancy our place is so hideous I love it okay so it's just a video game there has zero risk that's very good do we have any risk in here right now like in all the room I don't think we do oh that's not the button I want to do play test ah yeah WASD [Music] oh my in other words Oh this is gonna be hard it's pretty fun oh I'm not good at that probably is best if I don't drive into traffic but these guys should know these guys should know that it's only supposed to be one car per Li so just might be okay I can do it what is that what is that I should have went in there but wasn't that why was there an opening there can i play test it again please what how does my rating go up if I play it I don't know but I'm going to try and make it that squat thing whatever that was stupid is a thing gotta get the beard whole thing yeah oh boy oh yeah what am I even okay we're playing as putt-putt now on his adventure in a rainy forest that can only drive on the road to his car [Music] Oh to make me choose I'm gonna go this way two years oh my gosh a person yeah okay still this car Oh sup man I'm kind of scared of you honestly not gonna lie hi night go come on you know you can't be here don't make this more difficult than it has to be what why why can't I be here why talk to me talk to me I will drive my car into your building if I can I will try it let's see if I can is there a way come on car come on putt putt it doesn't look like this way why can't I be here mister maybe it's because I'm driving a purple car maybe I'm Trever guy and I'm evil and everybody yo let me end fine I'll just go somewhere else gosh oh gosh it road is getting smaller okay oh this is creepy oh my gosh hey get out okay it's my house hey oh gosh this is so weird I love it and look how he's like standing he's like really like slouching and everything what's up leave him alone tonight he had a rough day what he hates me are you my kid can't really tell oh gosh it's blinding I told you not to close your door oh gosh uh my really mean person am I am i purple day this is my house he can't ignore me like oh gosh oh my gosh what's happening I'd love this ah be nice to him he's just a kid I think I guess we got to get another prompt I'll find a way from out in from outside oh my gosh okay I love it why is there three garbage cans you guys go through that much garbage let's check oh why is this game so creepy this is gonna fall did I expect oh my word well I found their way in right it's not is that that not the right window wait what hmm there's footprints oh my gosh ran off to that place again he'll be sorry when he gets back but there's like bare footprints right there there's like an amateur wait can I tell me what just happened so I'm assuming jr's is a bar I know what it looks like to me maybe they don't like me here because I am an alcoholic okay so it's probably gonna be the same thing so if it is the same thing I'll just cut this whole thing out okay I got money for doing that alright so uh I went back absolutely nothing it's just the same thing so apparently we need to buy more video games to find out I guess I think let's see how much money do we have wait what how do we have that much money you know what I think happened I think it's from that game I think we just made a ton of money from the game holy crap was upgraded Hey look at this place it's beautiful oh my gosh we really need to upgrade electronics okay we need a thousand dollars to upgrade this thing and we're not doing that anytime soon this place looks great it was all that money dang there was something I wanted to do with all that money was it to get new animatronics I guess a stage for them it costs $200 for the stage let's see how much the animatronic costs about 200 the cheapest is 190 so we'd barely not have enough if we bought that to state two states for two animatronic so we'll save for that so we won't buy a animatronics for now instead we'll do things like gumball swivel hands and should we save the rest this money for the Internet yeah let's do that okay let's put our gumball machine wait but what are you doing here wait play test oh yeah get ready to take one is Emma [Music] ha brilliant what my gosh take one only one fun time Freddy you've had two now okay so they'll let me can play test the gumball no so it's just these items that we buy we do anything with you know we just find out what he does huh okay so I think we're done I think we're done I really hope there's like a own sponsorship oh I don't know if I want to do this cuz it played an ad or my freaking thing Martis pluck holy crap five hundred dollars offering to pay advertising oh we can do it oh my gosh signs on oh man so hideous why do I do this to myself I mean this one doesn't look bad this one there's gotta be a way to cure this at some point but five hundred dollars that's a lot of money am I getting it all right now apparently five hundred ollars is a ton of money it's worth it just now we can afford everything we want like this big stage and I don't know if we should do the liability risk on Ned bear so maybe we should avoid him I definitely want a frog I like frogs Oh new catalog holy moly oh these are so cool my gosh fruit punch [Music] item condition terrible purchasing a bulky item in this condition comes a significant risk of something terrible hided a hidden inside what is this medical stick okay it's weird okay did we buy our animatronic - I don't know if we did or not okay we got our new stage well he has the risk so let's get him out of here what is her name no but she has zero risk so that's all that matters okay now let's save the money for our Internet we're finished great now for the really relaxing part of the game right guys oh my gosh let's scan for motions immediately because first of all there's something in here now and it's my fault oh boy oh gosh yes I don't have to stay on this paint oh oh there's something right here what I blame the ad no no no this is not okay I should not have done that I should I should have known yes please [Music] oh gosh no I'm sorry funtime Freddy I'll join you more often what where was it I don't know where's I don't know where was my gosh I hate jump scares I say that but I love from now oh hey I never even seen this tile screen I guess it's cuz yeah that makes sense they got stars chicas thing says let's rock she's holding her ground those things are called hey yeah Fox he's got a peg leg I also need it notice the parrot too it's kind of cool okay so what happened did it start me from home from the first okay we okay so we could just go to nighttime is there any way to get rid of this the ads are what killed me oh maybe if you're pro you can take all the ads but we all know I'm not he said if I shine the flashlight then it'll make him leave [Music] be quiet oh he's right there okay so audio in that room then I don't know if it's gonna work oh wait wait why was there a how does he move that fast oh come on this is my fault I know I know do I have to start over oh okay he's really far away so let's do the audio way over here in this back corner and then let's work on our stuff oh okay he's really far away so we're still good we're still just perfectly perfectly fine I don't know what happened last time but we it got a got out of hand really fast oh gosh the worst thing is the Flyers so obviously this game takes place after sister location obviously after entered escapes and all that and I guess they went back to their bodies pieces of a nerd went back to their bodies I guess after they went to the sooner you know it's confusing don't ask me here's this guy is he shadow Freddy I like how the knee joints are colored I think that's really cute we're unclogging the toilets through our computer brilliance how does they even work I don't know maybe we have robots that do it for us my gosh is he know why wouldn't I be wrong wait what did that say what okay I'm not I'm not clicking on that next time cuz it started saying something else did you guys see that it said like lots of something and it was like appearing maybe I am well know last time I said that it's the whole reason why funtime Freddy is all over the place in my restaurant funtime explosion more like so is he freak show funtime Freddy I guess I guess that would be it right so what temperature does my character die cuz 80 is starting to turn red but I can survive an 80 I couldn't oh okay now it's getting 104 degrees that's fine oh gosh oh gosh come on and lots of fun fun fun fun fun oh my goodness oh that escalated quickly is that it is that all you have to say for yourself I guess I would be kind of terrifying if someone like got up to go get a drink really quick came back and it was just like what all right thank you for that [Music] let's see if I can actually get through a night already oh my word okay Wow Wow come on get out of here nobody likes you no go away why don't I have a Taser anymore can someone tell me that because you know right now it's like the most convenient time to have one yes yes I did it oh my gosh I had to be like extremely silent okay but I bought the upgrade on the internet so hopefully it'll help this tell you is an animatronic found in the back alley we are unsure of its origins it is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as self all for if you choose to you can throw it back into the alley where you found it and forfeit name right no what is that what it's worth a thousand you have chosen to proceed with the maintenance checklist remember use your company as you taser to return the animatronic to a neutral state if you feel that it's becoming unstable or aggressive you can only use it three times before it begins to damage the animatronic what is this it's a spring Bonnie begin audio prompt in three two one document results oh come how do I make him good oh okay so I turned him back into his normal state so okay I did not mean to do that again but you know okay he's back to normal so we're good document results the problem before is that I didn't change him back begin to normal I think yeah yeah there's got to be more to it than your prompt in three two one [Laughter] document results go back to where you came from go back back I say begin audio prompt in three two one [Music] [Laughter] document results [Music] begin audio prompt in 3 this is really grumpy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it would be a lot harder if I actually had to look down at the paper [Applause] the value is only 100 oh gosh I did not do that why is the value so low is it cuz I keep shocking him I have no idea maybe it's cuz I'm putting yes I need to put no every time it looks like I think I guess I wasn't paying attention to that so basically I need revivals you have completed the maintenance checklist and may proceed with the salvage well done I only get ahead what a deceptive calling it was a lie the moment I heard it obviously isn't drinking haven't got a clue what's this summary all about no lawsuits zero I guess out of summary last time I just wasn't paying attention to it uh okay so that was interesting what's so wrong with this one it's marked down but it wait wasn't there a risk thing down at the bottom I happened to it oh I guess it just doesn't so what's so wrong with it oh it could comes with a slight risk of something undesirable hiding inside this four hundred dollars off this thing is really risky but it's four four oh so hard to say no so hard why is a liability so high because it's cuz kids could just fall out and be [ __ ] yeah this looks like major liability this one's not so um probably something we should buy here more arcades though let's go back to this thing or was it it wasn't here this one let's buy that you can play it now let's see what else what do we want from here not anything marked home - thank you ooh that's kind of cool it has one liability though it's not exactly the bomb it has a lot of bonus revenue though a screw it let's buy it okay so that's what else should we get I think we're done everything else is gonna be way too much what the security - is that for me do I get them do I get a kiss up cuz I need them whoa Rockstar Freddy Rockstar Bonnie that's so cool Rockstar chica Rockstar foxy so what's in here rare finds auction then I guess it happens just sometimes probably oh my gosh there are a lot of money okay so let's go back to the here and buy something that's like you know ball pit maybe it has one liability though it's really bright we should probably buy this right how's the safety that's always good okay so do we have to put the health the the mop out here oh it happens automatically man our restaurant though okay let's put our other arcade over here oh yeah we'll play test that in a moment but let's put out our this thing oh my gosh it's so epic can we play test it yeah oh my gosh I'm so ready what it's a game I didn't know that okay that's awesome [Music] pepperoni bullets this is cool oh gosh oh gosh stay away that is okay okay we gotta keep doing that obviously [Music] oh yeah beat it finally I was like holy crap pumpkin tons of money dude okay so I got every Oh so this thing is like the bomb because I did a lot of things to it while I was being quiet quiet and stuff but geez okay so let's go polish this and I know this place a lot as well cuz you know we might as well how much money do we have right now oh oh my word okay playing games is the best way to make money obviously Katie pie already taught us that we should know that uh you know let's fancy everything else that we already have you know because we might as well there's a way to get these ads out of here great I can't do anything with him hurt her it probably her I really um let's do all these things and then apply this cuz you know fruity maze oh yeah what is our goal here just collecting oh hi there creepy face it's like burned into this screen or maybe it's just burned into my eyes no it's definitely on there there's nothing stuff leaving the screen that's creepy what is that thing time extended oh I'm running eyes tom okay I don't know what that thing did I only have it for an amount of time how did I get my tommix getting grapes I thought it was grapes but now it's creepy doll face lovely what there's a bunny I want to get the bunny hopefully I'm probably gonna be too late oh no he's still there you don't do anything oh gosh time can you tie them up yeah okay that didn't give me hardly enough time I don't know what bunny does bug come on one more time ah just the rabbit okay let's keep playing it see what we can discover about this game Oh makes me run really fast sweet I gotta beat this I know I can it's a children's game what okay alright oh my gosh there's so much money the first step to Rome true mo romance but no no no I don't need your money nope mm-hmm not happening I've been getting plenty of money I guess I probably can't oh I keep doing this I guess I probably can't play that anymore for the time being [Music] okay so we got a lot of money now so you know we're not getting the markdown stage it's just not happening we're not getting things with huge liability either we could get this hoops we should really be working on our animatronic so so let's go back to the budget tech and buy that buy a new animatronic not Freddy because he's his liability but he does have the most entertainment it's still not worth it let's go with well let's go with pig patch Mike and before this yes we can buy this thing obviously we need a robot around here as if we didn't have enough already let's stick him right here he looks so cool do all these things to him now he's amazing and let's finally get rid of whatever like that thing's name was picked ash now this place rocket kinda I wouldn't say rocking just yet and I'm not doing more ads cuz for a thousand dollar ad what are they gonna do plaster it right on the face of an animatronic I don't know I don't think I want to find out oh play tokens left okay so that's interesting wonder how I got that do I just get them each time I guess anyway it's time for the horrendous night time my favorite just going on that was weird I'm sorry I salvaged to you and all oh hi [ __ ] sweet pity I didn't necessarily expect that much you know all right duh why I thought I I don't understand the whole salvaging thing I thought I did I guess maybe I don't screw you always come back sure wellin we know it spring-trap then yeah this I did it and I also bought a better printer so whoo oh my gosh I'm so happy that took me let's see 20 minutes 20 minutes before you is an animatronic down in the back alley we are unsure of its origins it is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before allowing it as Salvage or if you choose to you can throw it back into the alley where you found it and force it payment please make your choice now well I think [Music] I don't know can we what happens if we throw it back will we still be going against it I feel like we might throw it back don't forget Saturday you want them all to be in one place Oh what day is it even what does he mean by all in one place what what does he mean what day is it someone tell me uh okay what day Thursday you want them all in one place why does that mean I have to salvage her gosh oh no dude I don't know we got money though let's use it we might as well buy our deluxe concert stage holy crap it holds for then what's this one for who is that one for if foxy goes on the stage with everyone else yeah cuz foxy even has an accordion huh accordions are awesome okay um I guess I guess let's buy it heck yeah new catalog unlocked let's check it out whoa balloon cart costs 3000 holy crap ooh that's pretty about jeez these things are really expensive what are the animatronics in here this is marked down from 3,000 item condition is terrible yeah 9,000 oh my word why is there so much liability is it really dangerous I guess it's a freaking ride an elephant prize King oh my gosh why is that like the creepiest face ever oh that's so cool he's so cute definitely gonna draw him Lefty whoa look at a liability he's only worth $5 what music man L chip huh fun time chica that's awesome cupcake why do you have nightmare teeth you know that's kind of weird well she does - look at them they're tiny pickles hey all right I don't know about this let's let's buy it I don't know if this is gonna help me at night I kind of I'm guessing it's not but I kind of want that to be my next goal is to buy that let's buy something just like a game is there like a game I can buy a Ford I can afford carnival hoops alright let's put on a new animatronic on the stage our huge liability animatronic oh my goodness it's freaking out we might as well put this guy on there too because wait no no no let's put the other one cuz he hit says why not you know we have stage room for it we might as well I mean the story could be is that these three wanted a new friends so they made it themselves there's a there's a good realistic story kinda so what's up with you man why are you so risky huh I don't know but he's awesome and we have this hoop thing now let's say do we have enough money to how much money do we have 119 let's just add a coin slot for now cuz we'll probably that'll be good it'll make us more money oh yeah I wanted to beat fruity maze so I'm gonna do that first I don't know what this does I can't I can't holy crap that's how you beat this game oh my gosh it makes me run through walls in a way this is awesome oh I kind of messed that one up but hey I know how to do it now I need to get the magnet right away I'm gonna use all of my tokens on this game probably sitting me a long time to beat it I [Music] didn't think that could happen [Music] well dangit that was my last chance I've been I literally didn't use all my tokens on this one thing because oops because I couldn't beat it it's so hard oh my gosh so obviously we can't play test anything this round I guess well it's night time yay no go away I'm not gonna have any more ads the two that I already have are just way too much anyways and also I think I made a lot of money doing that oh my goodness I did okay what should we which should we focus on getting what do we need here I have enough to upgrade so we might as well do that oh yeah ooh [Music] there's balloons wow we have a lot more spots for games and stuff now sweets okay and the rest is just like a hundred dollars right yeah so let's just save that now it's time to go at night again yay Oh I always come back yes I know wait a minute there was three on that mat I swear I seen three seriously even though I threw it back it's still gonna be there gone what oh okay now I know why there's three because I was stupid great awesome hey I wonder if I switch him out maybe he'll go away actually let's just see if I can beat it with him in there first of all cuz he has good entertainment if I take them off now then he'll never be used and even if I do take him off stage he'll probably still be able to get me oh nice let's see if I could do this yes I made it whoa oh man okay so that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be really I just needed to focus on my tasks pretty much just getting them done before you is an animatronic found in the back alley we are unsure of its origins it is your job to complete the maintenance checklist lovely shoes - great thank you and for containment please make your choice now haha don't forget Saturday you want them all to be in one place what does it mean by that does he mean the animatronics are that Saturday's gonna be a big day I know that but I I don't know turning visitors 101 code visitors food revenue and salvage revenue obviously pretty nice I made a lot of money this time awesome okay so it was the last the last thing on the computer which is obviously the most important thing is a thousand so I'm gonna save a thousand for that night uh okay let's just buy an animatronic just an animatronic it's like a single one thousand dollar one I think it's in this one that's a thousand I think oh no they're cheaper than a thousand so maybe this one has no I think they're all two thousand in this one oh I wanted to buy that you know what I might as well I should buy that health-and-safety extreme so oh I don't think this is gonna help me at all of the night I don't know if I should buy it or not but none of the animatronics are a thousand so let's just find the door and buy whatever that internet thing is that we probably need where's the door I want to know it's up here maybe it doesn't show it oh it's right there so this is like for nav one I guess I mean yeah why didn't I realize that before this is like Affan a flan kind of setup anyways okay I have ten tokens I need a beat fruity maze shoot I thought I had all of them this is the farthest I've ever gotten in this game I think I'm only missing like three well I score probably needs to be at two high needs to be at two thousand that's probably where I can see I've seen one over here but I don't know if I can reach it oh yeah oh my gosh I'm so glad that was the only one [Music] that took forever okay so I don't know if they I don't think there's any like anything hidden in that one cuz I mean obviously I went over the through the whole map and beat it let's focus on getting through another night right right let's do it dang it oh shut up so here's my thoughts on this game so far I think it is the number one funnest fan Afghan to play because there's so much to do you know it's it's the funnest game to play pretty much as for the scariest no I'd say finet for is probably the scariest I was always terrified of fanat for the jump scares infinite for are just the best you uh okay him I hired a handyman what exactly does that do for me Oh does it mean I don't have to do the bulbs and stuff oh my gosh if that was the case I would be so happy that I'm not positive if that is so but anyway it did cost $100 or $900 so that was a lot of money oh wow that's good money right there whoo oh it is Saturday okay so oh we have a ton wait what what we're gonna get damage money this one has no okay so maybe we should do this one this one doesn't have liability and it's pretty cheap so it's by that so we have one new game that's by another cheapish game so I guess we could do this the ball pit so now we have two game areas that we filled and now let's see if we can get a animatronic oh we could definitely an animatronic for 4,000 how much are these animatronics these guys here 6,000 or something oh hey we could actually afford him oh my goodness this one's marked down down from seven 71,000 oh my gosh that's a lot of money though anyway he still can't even afford it let's try and buy the Orville elephant because we needed a name tronic right and he doesn't have any risk he's a very good animatronic okay let's get rid of this guy finally put this guy in oh yeah I'd say we have a pretty nice stage going on huh okay so now we also have two game things that we can fill these spots with their crappy but you know at least the spots are filled right shall we add a coin slot to this how much money do we have we have 200 so we can add a coin slot slot to both of these anyway we can make even more money as hahaha okay I still have seven tokens left so let's play our new games starting from the bottom this actually yeah what's a play test the ball pit huh oh my gosh oh my gosh I killed him I'm sorry oh yeah that was so bad um fun did Freddy you probably shouldn't start from that high up in the air it's dangerous yeah that one was barely but it definitely did okay I'm gonna win this next time I'm gonna get him every single time hmm okay we got the first one that's always a good sign the second one looks like it's the hardest honestly maybe I'm just crazy though I don't know Oh [Music] oh my gosh I was so scared that wasn't gonna make it [Music] whoo that was that's really close to holy crap yes I think we did it oh my gosh finally beat the game goodness [Music] gonna make money yeah I made money okay holy crap we have so much money now huh all right pick a duck let's play test it we have one token left so three picks okay so this imagine game no I guess it's just luck this one is that a good score or bed score this one I'm assuming that's a normal score I don't know Wow 300 I'm I'm assuming you can get higher than that yeah you must have to go higher than that because I didn't even make money off that playing that one okay so now that we have all this money should we keep upgrading I think we should CP whoa this has a lot of atmosphere maybe we should buy this yeah quiet okay now we need more health and safety okay this one has a lot okay yeah we could definitely afford this medical stations so weird let's buy it if I bought everything in this no I haven't I could buy this the only thing I haven't bought in this magazine are the animatronics and I don't think I really need them because I'll probably go for higher upgraded ones have we bought everything in this one magazine catalog sorry everything about the animatronics and we don't need them I don't think there's anything 390 in here oh well I was wrong okay so we can get the lemonade clown might as well right okay so we bought a ton of stuff we have exactly zero dollars okay so we got our stop light here that's kind of cool huge speakers right in front of other speakers very interesting along with our lights which are right in front of other lights let's see where's it was we got where's my lemonade clarinet do we have to sit him down it seems like we oh there's the medical stations it seems like we might have to send a lemonade clown down actually so we could switch it with this yeah oh my gosh he's huge it's a lot of lemonade dude I freaking love lemonade ha I want some now okay so I guess it's time for the night again I guess it it guess it is let's go for it oh hi oh that was not very pleasant actually okay well we hired a maintenance guys so maybe this maintenance will go faster maybe that's what it is should be you'd think yeah it seems like it is oh my god always come back come on is Saturday the hardest night I mean I'm kind of assuming this is the last night but I'm not positive I mean phone guy this whole time has been telling me Oh Saturday Saturday so it's Saturday and it's really hard really really hard I can't do it so hard holy crap oh my gosh I finally beat it Oh after hours and hours I paid it yes congratulations on completing the week unfortunately you did not meet your special obligations under paragraph 4 your employment is terminated we'll mail you your things end date what oh it's cuz I didn't get all the animatronics on Saturday oh but it doesn't make sense it made no sense to me like why would they want all the animatronics like they don't want them there bad right oh boy I screwed this one up I hope there's a way I can like go back freak show baby is the only one that I wasn't able to get it so does this stress me on Saturday with no money huh so this is like literally the end so I oh man oh man I want to know the other ending now what happens if you actually head um guys you know what I'm doing I'm going to get the other ending goodbye my old save file I'll miss you [Music] yes yes yes I think I did it I think I finally did oh my gosh it took me forever to do that this is it you guys right into our hands yes did you really think that this job just fell out of the sky for you no this was a gift for us you gathered them all together in one place just like he asked you to all of them again we filled four babies in one place just for us a gift now we can do what we were created to do and be complete I will make you proud daddy watch listen and be full connection terminated I'm sorry to interrupt you Elizabeth if you still even remember that name but I'm afraid you've been misinformed you are not here to receive a gift nor have you been called here by the individual you assume although you have indeed been called you have all been called here into a labyrinth of sounds and smells misdirection and misfortune a labyrinth with no exit a maze with no prize you don't even realize that you are trapped your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles chasing the cries of children and some unseen chamber always seeming so near it's somehow out of reach but you will never find them none of you will this is where your story ends and to you my brave volunteer who somehow found this job listing not intended for you although there was a way out planned for you I have a feeling that's not what you want I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be I am remaining as well I am nearby this place will not be remembered in the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away as the agony of every tragedy should end to you monsters trapped in the corridors be still and give up your spirits they don't belong to you for most of you I believe there is peace and perhaps warm waiting for you after the smoke clears although for one of you the darkest and of Hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't give the devil waiting my daughter if you can hear me I knew you would return as well it's in your nature to protect the innocent I'm sorry that on that day the day you were shut out and left to die no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours and then what became of him I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear not my daughter I couldn't save you then so let me save you now it's time to rest for you and for those you have carried in your arms this ends for all of us in the communication congratulations on completing your workweek we apologize if your situation wasn't presented to you in a completely honest fashion when you first started but it was important that your intentions and actions be genuine here at fazbear entertainment we value fun family and food but more importantly we value our commitment to atoning for past mistakes and tying up loose ends thank you for your participation there is no need for you to return to work next week as fazbear entertainment is no longer a corporate entity please accept this certificate of completion goodbye for now and thank you for taking this journey with us [Music] well I cannot believe what just happened we just had a crap ton of stuff revealed to us scrap baby I guess so freak show baby is out the window apparently she's scrapping baby which makes more sense Moulton Freddie William Afton tutorial unit okay I called him phone guy once by accident I apologized cassette man Dave steel dude you have an epic voice like is terrifying oh I cannot believe that basically vinash six came out you know that's just crazy and wait it was free wasn't it yeah I downloaded it like we I seen the trailer I'm like what is this and then it starts downloading I'm like okay wait a sec why is it taking so long to download this but oh my gosh I cannot believe this is so cool ah okay I need to like rewatch that like ten more times to finally wrap my mind around everything that just happened the puppet is now we now know who the puppet is it's that one guy's daughter I'm not sure who that guy is he's obviously obviously not William because Williams in spring-trap and apparently Elizabeth was in baby this whole time and she wants to kill because that's where her dad likes that's crazy oh man is so interesting anyway guys thank you so much for watching it's been so much fun I cannot wait to start drawing and can't wait for some merch hopefully oh it's just been great so thank you so much for watching guys I hope you all have an awesome night goodbye [Music]
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 1,967,554
Rating: 4.8824744 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf 6, new, game, pizzeria simulator, fnaf, full, playthrough, gameplay, ending, good, bad, freakshow baby, molten freddy, funny, freddy fazbears
Id: wYrAKJzGl-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 6sec (5466 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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