BUILDING and PROGRAMMING my own FNAF Arcade Game!!!

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welcome welcome 80s fans of all ages you've found yourself on a channel dedicated to this fictional teddy bear and his many Wacky Adventures and reskins my name is Andy and I'll be our completely sane host on my biggest Venture yet the kind that involves disappearing and working in secret for over two years now that's how you run a YouTube channel am I right yes I really have been gone a long time but as you guys already know I always come back and this time I've brought a game with me back in the 80s a time that I was not actually alive arcades were in their Prime and man were they cool dark carpeted rooms lit only by the glowing Marquees and attention-grabbing title screens your opportunity for adventure was Limitless fly through endless Renditions of outer space serve beer at any age shoot guns and don't forget to not do drugs look forward to emptying those Pockets with maybe a few free plays out of your mom's purse if you're convincing enough although arcades don't nearly have the amount of attention as they used to get at least not without tickets don't you love underage gambling old style arcade machines themselves still carry with them some kind of alluring Nostalgia with their iconic and aesthetic shape and build maybe that's why I stopped dead in my tracks through the consignment store that's for sure but along with that it compelled me to rescue this Dreadful and uncared for hunk of junk how cool would it be to transform this d-tier game into a one-of-a-kind Freddy's themed arcade machine I was sold it didn't even matter what video I was already cooking up I dropped everything at the side of this but let me tell you I did not expect this project to take a whopping two years to complete no no no no no no not expecting that the price didn't even matter I was so hyped up I'd probably sink to spending a thousand dollars on it luckily the store owner only wanted 650 which in my mind for a game called Tau Tito was akin to a balloon being inflated to the size of a car The Frugal so I got him down to 580. luckily my brother has a pickup which is where he comes into the picture however getting him involved definitely threw in a wrench and many more tools into the situation Trevor is a vintage game and Tech Enthusiast so of course the first thing he did was ask me why on God's green earth was I buying a Tau title of all things and uh this is the worst game you've never heard of to say that the artwork for talentaido is uh uninspired is putting it lightly this is very very boring Robotron 2084 wizard of War Tempest those are the kind of games he'd recommend to take up living space with you not a crappy fighting game that hopped aboard the Street Fighter 2 bandwagon well the truth is I'm tearing it apart he wasn't exactly pleased at the thought of me fanfifying it nonetheless we brought it back to his garage to open it up and have a gander I also didn't want it to electrocute me out of Vengeance so I was trying to avoid working with its insides but like the theme of this project things took their first turn seems as though Tau Tito was hiding a secret identity Double Dragon sounds pretty freaking cool also a fighting game but instead of d-tier we're talking a classic highly influential for the beat em up genre of its time suddenly this cabinet was actually cool turns out after a while games lose interest tell me about it so for the massive and expensive arcade cabinets one of the best ways to avoid this was to be converted to a new and enticing game or at least in theory yeah I don't know who in their right mind decided to convert Double Dragon to this I guess in a way if it wasn't converted to this junk we never would have found this arcade machine at an antique store for 500 bucks at this point Trevor seemed just as interested in the machine as I was and proposed a deal if he can keep this one he'll build me one from scratch I was shocked it's not like he's a woodworker by trade or even a hobbyist builder of any kind but at the same time he's usually pretty careful with his words if he says he can do something it probably means he can so I mean yeah let's build a freaking arcade machine and with that it was time to head to the lumber store and also time for me to start thinking about what I want the theme of this machine to be at first I was thinking FNAF 6 midnight motorist fruity maze I could definitely build a cabinet completely around one of these real in Freddy's games but if I were to do one of those the arcades Arc couldn't really have FNAF characters and therefore it possibly wouldn't even look like FNAF to the unknowledgeable fan maybe it's just too obscure there's lots of mini games in FNAF two three four even a single one in Sister location maybe I could aim for one of those yeah but then again the mini games found in FNAF 2 and 3 resemble Atari 2600 games more than anything I mean just look at this our FNAF 4 mini games and single sister location mini game both just look like your typical retro game but neither of them really screamed to me about being Standalone arcades or stand alone at all and of course there are other options take for instance the fact that according to the Help Wanted narrator all FNAF games before it were just games and didn't depict any actual events so I could just make a blanket FNAF arcade cabinet that has no specific game attached wouldn't be so bad there's also the option of picking my favorite game of the series to theme the machine around such as Pizzeria simulator or FNAF 3. and if you thought the option stop there boy are you wrong I could even make a cabinet based off locations that never even saw the light of day like fredbears circus babies or even chica's Party World all of these are super cool options so narrowing it down is going to take some time for now we'll let it simmer on the back burner I have a feeling I'll start leaning towards a specific idea here soon so let's get back to building [Music] now that we have all the side wood cut out for our basic shape we're going to drill in a slot for our future t-molding that's the soft plastic strip that lines the edges of the machine Trevor did this with a router a tool that neither of us have any experience with there definitely were a few issues starting out like the fact that the wood started burning and also the entire router liked to move upwards slightly so that's fun then the inner supports were thrown in in other words lots of math angles and just praying it was correct these wood pieces allow us to hide the nails and just make it look oh so crisp and clean [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign noticed it by now this cabinet is just our best Recreation of the one I'd bought so if you were expecting a wonderfully creative new cabinet design you went to the wrong place I mean we literally traced the thing as for our cabinet's innards we threw together a PC with some average used parts including a motherboard from one of Trevor's old PC cases I'm lucky he has so many parts just laying around asking to be used to allow our PC monitor to turn on from the outside the power switch had to be externalized and instead of having two buttons to turn on the arcade like a regular computer Trevor instead took the initiative to connect all the power to one switch this beautiful clicky flipper that luckily doesn't have the potential to electrocute you because it wasn't installed by me Trevor even installed a delay so everything turned on at around the same time that's pretty interesting I wouldn't have even thought about that the cabinet was also given some beefy car speakers alongside a little amp to blast the ears of the player a cute strip of LEDs to light up the Marquee and of course the controls it's actually pretty neat but you can just buy these online and I am beyond happy with the quality of them I feel like I could just slam down on them and punch the controller all I wanted and somehow it would live perfect for that inner child that just wants to win and seeing the controls on the cabinet just brought it to life and of course I was tempted by some light up purple ones so yeah as you can tell there is absolutely a reason I'd never planned on making a full-blown arcade cabinet by myself for one I can't math I'm cheating how are you cheating why isn't a calculator to do my fractions for me so I can't do fractions and on top of that I can't even begin to understand wiring grounding soldering sometimes I don't even know how to work windows so for the most part I was an extra pair of hands and moral support for the building process but for the next steps I was excited to be taking the reins there's a lot of decorating that needs to go into this I want some art on the control panel the bevel the Marquee and of course the side art the main show but I didn't even stop there no I made my decision on the game and it's to make a game my original plan was really just to play a FNAF minigame on the arcade screen in video format making it unplayable and just for looks none of the FNAF games actually have controller support unless we somehow got the console versions onto our PC and if that was even possible we'd still have to find a way to tell the PC that these arcade buttons were part of a controller compatible with the game so in other words way too much work that may or may not even be possible then an idea came to me what if I made some kind of pixel art animation to look like a catered game since I obviously have no idea how to program a real game but still it would just be a video more original than the former plan but still not what I really want and finally I just swallowed the pill I bought me a copy of Game Maker Studios too Trevor told me I was crazy that's gonna be way too much work especially for one video and yes he has a point he definitely has a point but he's also correct about my craziness and for some reason the idea of doing a very difficult task lights A Fire Within Me Now do I have any knowledge or experience in the realm of making games do I know even a single line of code or how to write it no but I do have a working brain with some amount of intelligence well I don't know about that but for this argument let's just assume I do we live in the era of the internet which within the cracks of endless memes some semblance of knowledge can be found and found some I did let me give a huge shout out to the YouTuber who made this possible Sean Spalding this guy is an amazing teacher for game maker and if you have even the slightest interest in learning how to make your own game fan game or not you need to give some of his videos a go he actually spells out how exactly the code should be written and what it actually means in English without a teacher it would have taken me forever and a half to eventually figure out even the basics let alone knowing how to apply what I've learned from those lines to Future lines I took a really deep dive into his content and just like I was back in school again I made notes lots of them in fact for a whole two weeks all I did was watch his videos and take notes it was almost almost like I was building up the courage to face the real game making process but before I just jump into game design I need to figure out what the heck I'm even designing you may think that just starting with the title would be a stupid idea but since I was already kind of leaning on a name it shockingly became a helping hand my brother and I agreed that something like Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria or anything like that would be too lengthy for a striking arcade game name so after throwing around some springy names like spring trap and spring locks I found myself settling on Trevor's idea the bunch something we as FNAF fans have yet to see asterisk unless it's later confirmed to be here or here these are all bites too I mean honestly who knows at this point but the name basically laid out the gameplay for me and with that I was making some concept Doodles so cute and so fun I came up with this mechanical look for the control board and it excited me as soon as I thought of it this could just like give the player of the arcade a feeling of controlling something seemingly more complex than just a video game this made me conclude that the player should be playing as an animatronic the one who wants to have a Chomp check this out we can now move the character left right down oh as for what the actual gameplay would look like I took several things into account I knew I wanted it to be basic you're basic yeah I also knew I wanted it to be pixelated something akin to the typical mid-80s cabinet game oh I've got the panty shot immediately and I definitely wanted it to have at least the slightest bit of entertainment value although I knew that could be tricky it's one thing to make a game Run another to have it fun to play hopefully in the end I don't find it enjoyable just because I was the one who made it with all this in mind I concluded with making a maze Chase Style game this style of game can be more high score oriented with lots of death which is exactly what I'm going for considering that the goal of these 80s cabinets was to suck up every last quarter they could oh you died again it's okay just give me another quarter and you can have it another go oh you died again too bad I want more money to make the game really stand out and be unique there's a few key features I wanted it to have first off I love how uncanny rotoscoping animation makes me feel and to have that incorporated in a few ways such as a winning screen would really add to the whole thing though rotoscoped animation in retro games wasn't very common it wasn't unheard of I also want to build multiple levels that way the game doesn't get super boring super fast I am somewhat of an artist so making extra Sprites and backgrounds wouldn't be too difficult besides if it's amazing Chase Style game one maze is not gonna cut it and lastly an ending now I know I know there aren't many arcade machines out there with endings and it's obvious why the point of an arcade game was usually to get a high score therefore the range of a high score would be extremely limited if you could get to an ending but I have a feeling I can work around this dilemma like a looping last level looping that is until you die this would make the score theoretically infinite I feel like I've made a lot of progress and I feel like the bones of this game is almost done almost ready for pixel art which I haven't even started um obviously the title looks very blank but like I said this is the bones just making sure everything works as you can see you know we can move in the right direction we can shoot things actually hit score actually keeps track of things however the problem I'm running into is good old purple guy over here he's you know struggling he's oh yeah see see what I mean you guys have no idea how happy I am right now oh my gosh math math solves everything when it comes to coding for the longest time I just could not get the animation to play correctly now watch this and be amazed he's actually going up when he goes up and left whoa [Music] [Music] as I reached this six month Mark I started to realize that this game wasn't just another one of my wacky projects no this was an absolute challenge unlike anything I've ever faced [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign well I have come to the conclusion that walk Cycles are literally the worst thing I hate them so much why does it look so stupid I've been working on this all day this is probably going into the final game and I found that the process of coding a game to me is quite the emotional roller coaster there was times I felt extremely nervous and intimidated by what I needed to know and do and what I needed to translate from regular English into hoopla the computer could understand but there was also times where I felt pure confidence as I typed to the seemingly nonsensible scribe into the computer and it did as told but there was also mountains of mistakes sometimes they could be really frustrating and sometimes they were frightening as if there was no way to solve them one mistake in particular was extremely devastating as I hadn't yet realized it's important to keep functioning copies of older builds as backup I was using one save a single copy saving every hour or so and then I found myself in a massive hole the game wasn't working anymore somehow I woven non-functioning code and when I say woven I mean it man I could not untangle it try as I might and I was forced to start all the way over oh luckily this was a lesson I learned early on I only lost about a month or two of work it really wasn't that big of a deal at least I learned some things along the way but I can't say I was this positive when it had happened no there's no way there's no way and of course I was bound to make more mistakes I already have a glitch let's see on the first room if you walk in a door and then out the door it traps you forever in that room but that that's the only clip I know of currently so it's not a big deal I'll fix that eventually other times I'd see a glitch and immediately laugh knowing exactly what I did wrong this is the joy of coding you make a really stupid mistake and then it takes a little while to find out what exactly you did wrong game code can often be stress inducing but sometimes has a humor foreign [Music] nothing however beats the feeling of relief you get when finding and fixing that bug you'd been searching for for days it's like Learning To Breathe Again just like many other challenges in life it was highly important for me to stay positive fighting through the knots and wrinkles even if they refused to budge and for days I couldn't bear to look at my keyboard or pile of notes pixel art called my name if I had a Sprite soda for every Sprite this entire room would probably be no no no my entire house would be floor to ceiling full of sprite cans I have a lot of Sprites working on art is incredibly relaxing and oh so rewarding it really only takes 20 or 30 minutes to complete a Sprite and then placing it into your game is like the dessert of the dessert just the other day my game was a bunch of moving squares and now it's this making the background tile set however did have quite the learning curve and looking at them now they are sloppy as heck I am so glad nobody has to navigate them or even look at them except myself game maker studio is a great program that has a lot of built-in features thus making the process much easier and manageable oh my gosh very manageable it's like working with the most organized file cabinet ever if you want to edit an object open the object and you'll find all the code you need right in there open a Sprite and edit anything you need for that one Sprite or do really cool stuff with Scripts that I kinda stopped using and never really figured out I heard that they're really cool fair warning though my entire game is some janky construction so glad there is no code inspection required so in general coding the main game had been a slow but also mostly smooth process anything and everything I wanted to add to the game or make the game do I was able to figure out even if it took many many wrong ways to find the right guys I've been working on this game for over a year now it's the end of March I thought I'd be done by now but I'm not I'm still working the thing that drives me crazy about making a game is that every time I sit down to work I end up making more work for me I sit down not really having a plan for what I'm going to do for the day all I know is that I'm going to make progress so that I end up making a new enemy or a new Sprite or more decorations that I probably didn't need and then tomorrow I'm gonna have to write the code for whatever it is that I just made I I was trying to wrap the project up but instead I keep making it bigger and bigger and bigger and it's driving me insane and I don't want to work on this project anymore I want to make a costume I want to review some toys get me out of here it's a love hate relationship but right now I'm in the depths of hatred it may seem silly to you and it even seems silly to me that some little game the size and scope of mine could take so so much time and so so much strain but weirdly game creation is nothing like what I thought it would be it was not something I could work on just at my desk there was always a looming problem needing fixed that would take brain power or future levels I hadn't planned out at all making the rest of the game seem to be on unstable ground honestly it always felt unstable thinking through things was wonderful at the gym or during mindless exercise of any kind I even Credit One amazing hike in prayer for restoring my motivation halfway through I seriously needed that however it did feel taxing that my mind felt as if it was always working always problem solving the gear is always turning luckily that feeling began to fade through the course of the project as things became a little less difficult to figure out one thing I definitely had to keep reminding myself of was that I never set out on this adventure to become a serious game developer or an appraised first-time game maker I mean no that's not what I wanted to do so feeling worried that I wasn't going to achieve those things was just nonsense in my mind being a bully but of course I have a tendency to be a perfectionist and so my expectations like to be unrealistic and also why I'm not sure I'll ever hire an editor why do I do this myself guys it is the middle of May in 2022 and I'm back for another update today I'm not doing anything particularly special but I am going back and like redesigning some early levels because uh oh boy those early levels looked rough I mean look at this one compared to this one now that I've redesigned it oh my gosh it looks so much better you'd think once you design a level once you're satisfied with it and you can move on and never have to deal with it again but that is not true because I have gotten better at level design I have made more Sprites to fill in all the emptiness the weird emptiness that was existing so here's me running through my current version of level five it is very wide and there's just so much going on it kind of hurts my brain a little bit I try not to I try not to hurt people's brains it's also very bloody like over the top bloody kind of like uh cringe-worthy amounts of blood I got over excited I guess the first time designing this let's start with our very first room the very very roomy back office and also in my first few levels I kind of abused this tile set of wall and floor combo specifically so maybe let's try a different flooring or a different wall or something mix it up a little bit we have options [Music] thank you [Music] took about 25 minutes to redesign this room and I think it looks a hundred times better I mean just look at this thing as naturally as my squash grew through the summer the game grew more and more ambitious no longer called the bite but now mechanism and then suddenly July decided to bust down my door and make me face the fact that I've been working now for 17 months [Music] the September estimate turned into December turned into February turned into April and by that point I wondered if it was even possible to guess when it'd be done the idea that I'd left all my subscribers in the dark without a peep was probably one of the biggest weights on my back it's like my YouTube career is on the bedding table right now it feels like so much of my life was passing as I worked on this game I mean heck I feel like a completely different person compared to when I started it was like being cut off from 90 of my friends seriously your comments man I miss them so much the idea of coming back really helped fuel this project when I'd found myself in the depths [Music] hello everybody it is August and I have cut off all of my hair all right so it should be dropping energy every single time I kill one of these if it's working oh it created a lot look at my score oh it's endlessly creating them that's a problem totally unrelated but look at my janky freaking monitor setup you got this super fancy like monitor stand um it looks so sexy but then wait what's that what's that do I really did I did I really yep yep that's what I did because I'm too tall for this standing desk I don't like sitting there on my computer looking down at it so you know I had to do what I had to do making a game project just forces you to slow down coding this takes forever drawing that takes forever designing this also takes forever so if you've got plenty of time it's actually somewhat peaceful like how old ladies crossword or knit your daily work doesn't really seem to make much of a difference to the overall progress but at the same time you feel satisfied with what you made no wonder it takes years to build a game even a fan game in this world there are certain kinds of projects you can make that almost feel like a forever flowing waterspout I can put more and more into this game I could even put decades into it if I felt inclined to one of my favorite games in existence has to be Skyrim and oh my gosh when I play that game it feels as if years of content was planted inside just waiting to be uncovered sometimes it can feel like an endless game how did Bethesda decide when it was time to wrap up how many side quests did it take for them to feel satisfied and how many Side Stories were actually left on The Cutting Room Floor video games are just interactive Stories the best of which in my opinion are the ones where you feel like you're actually in control so so excessive building my game I caved to the idea of multiple endings I knew that would make my job so much harder but it's like a Cornerstone piece to a good game so as Trevor likes to put it the feature creep began to creep there was wins many wins functioning code but also losses burnout had taken the reins of the main villain reaching the ends of my Creative Energy was becoming a daily dilemma ah don't you love it although I truly wanted to treat myself like a robot and work all day every day and just finish it I had already learned that doing so leads to the spin out and subsequent burnout but you know you get sick of projects if you've been working on them for too long which is why I'm here I am so sick and tired of this project I'm working on I'm about to throw it at the window be like I'm done but even if I did avoid the fiery pit there was this henchman self-doubt waiting to get in a few punches is it really worth it for me to sit here and lay all these trigger objects all these boundaries draw all these decorations it felt like my passion for this project was slowly evaporating I wanted to run away change my life I wanted to cry and I did I did cry I cried many a Time but hey what's life without a few tears it definitely helped to remind myself of my intentions even write them down and stick them to the wall beside me I had to remind myself that at the end of the day this is a personal Challenge and you can't grow as a person if you never face difficulties even if they're self-induced and luckily I had amazing support from my family and friends they were also challenged with this project of mine because of how much of my drama they had to get through the entire summer of 2022 was dreamy otherwise my garden thrived and watching it Thrive made me glow with good feelings when my squash plants decided to take over the whole yard I just let them when I wasn't using my off time to Garden I was at my grandparents cabin in the woods and despite the lack of Internet I still brought my computer with me to work the chilly mornings with cabin coffee just hit different when I sat down to code the isolation made work refreshingly new and exciting once again I got into running and accidentally ran myself into a bear encounter I was running with my headphones in and I heard like this rustling beside me so I looked at first I'm like oh it's a deer bear it's like seven feet away from it obviously I was fine but man did it scare me I didn't expect after all this time of working on a game about a robot bear I'd face a real one gave me a new respect for Freddie the teddy it is now the middle of September and my goal of getting this game out October 1st has been crushed but enough about that let's talk about game updates and progress updates I have made actually a lot of progress this month I'm pretty proud of it because this game is supposed to be like an arcade game you know you should be able to like get new high scores save the high scores look at the high scores all that stuff and when I started doing research into how to do it I was intimidated I'm not sure it's worth all the work because I think it's gonna take me a lot longer than it's worth but I gotta look at the whole picture here it's not the end of the world if I don't have a high scoreboard what's more important is that I finish this game sometime in my lifespan I just miss being a regular YouTuber okay I haven't even opened a video editing software for like two years and I'm starting to get withdrawals and as the summer faded I could finally feel it I was standing on the brink of the final stretch the beginning of the end was finally in sight well guys it is now late September and I am making an eighth ending to this game there was supposed to be seven but now there is eight and I don't give a crap I don't care about timelines anymore I just want to do what I want to do so therefore that is what I'm going to do timelines stress me the heck out man the worst thing about this project so far has been me trying to put caps on where it's supposed to end because I actually really really enjoy making this game like this project has been so much fun to me I feel like I have the most freedom of all time I mean I'm creating a miniature like Universe inside of a game I don't even know how to describe it but it's so so fun and so cool but seriously though I miss you guys I miss you guys like crazy I miss making videos and like uploading in a timely manner and seeing you guys comment because I feel like I lost a lot of my friends through this project my friends being you guys I mean I talk to you you talk to me how is that not a friendship we both like each other you guys are awesome and you guys give me the inspiration to even be doing all this stuff so my inspiration is like this life bar that's like slowly slowly ah sucks you know [Music] hello everybody it is now early October and it's time to make some animation right from the very beginning of wanting to make this game I knew I needed jump scares because I mean this is Five Nights at Freddy's you need jump scares they're kind of required however I was worried about my technical skills of animating jump scares myself because I just don't really have very much animation skills I mean I've practiced a few times in my life but I wanted something a very high quality so when I came across the idea of a rotoscope I was sold rotoscope is a really cool type of Animation where you film something and then you take it on the computer and you basically trace it so for the first time in my life I'm gonna attempt to do it the first animation I'm going to be making is purple guy so I got this full size ax which is really heavy and I hope I don't break my camera but let's try don't try this at home oh that was kind of fun all right I've got some really horrible hair at this point but I do have to wear this guy so it's not gonna matter next up we are doing the Night Guard death animation there we go I think I think it's working [Laughter] [Music] not bad I think we may have got it [Music] man next time I make a cosplay I need to make it actually comfortable I have no idea how this is gonna go [Music] Someday I'm gonna go back and fix these guys they very much deserve a spa day well guys I just finished doing the art for the seventh ending ah thank goodness however it is November 10th I feel like I am really close to finishing this game now like really close the endings are all drawn I only have to finish this jump scare of Freddy and then I think all the animations are done there's really not a whole lot left for me to do it's now late November Thanksgiving is over and this game is so close to being done it is so close to being done there's like very few things that need to be finished mainly it's just art I'm gonna run through the game I'm going to get the most common or second most common ending that people will probably get see how difficult it is see if it needs to be more difficult see how long it takes to beat because I actually just made it so the player character walks a lot slower now I'm gonna act a little bit silly I'm gonna go into rooms that I know hold no purpose because I'm the one who built it obviously it's going to be really easy for me to Beat It although I say that but there's a very good chance I will die because there's a few places that I commonly die so yeah oh crap I'm actually running out of time am I gonna die on the second level I knew I was gonna die at some point during this run through because I was gonna mess around but I didn't think it was going to be right no that was a close one 12 seconds later I died all right guys we finally have results uh I have beat one of the more simple endings to get I say that but um as you can see by my lovely death count it wasn't actually that easy as for how long it took me to get this ending it was 46 minutes and 12 seconds that's really cool that's really exciting for me because you know this whole time I was convincing myself that my game is so tiny and this is way way bigger than I ever set out for it to be so I really gotta stop being so hard on myself fully functioning 8. complete endings oh it felt like a warm blanket of Peace what can I even say this game was life-changing as hard as it is I wouldn't trade it for 50 toy reviews I wouldn't trade it for 5 million more subscribers it shaped a key season of my life where I defined myself as a fighter someone unwilling to give up and then there's karate too man I love karate I probably cut these pumpkins out a little bit too long it is January 5th we are closing in on the end of this project holy crap I got sounds and music to implement but also one last thing and that one last thing is the title screen animation here's kind of a little rough sketch I have of it so far it's okay if you don't understand what that's supposed to be it's just like a background and the lights are going to like flicker but also hopefully won't take me a million years thank you foreign you guys I am so excited to talk to you right now so it's actually my birthday January 24th I turned 27 getting old I know you know what I did today I fixed the last glitch I fixed the last glitch in my game in other words the game is done everything is working it's all done [Music] it's the best birthday gift I could ever ask for although even though I say done I say 99.5 done because I actually have to implement the sounds and the music today which I think if I'm lucky it might only take one day [Music] all right thank you [Music] all right you guys today is the day today is the freaking day I'm gonna measure this sucker and we're gonna go buy some art 10 minutes ago I just finished the last piece of art for the arcade cabinet so basically all of it's done now praise the Lord I got the two side Arts I got the um Marquee the bevel which goes around the screen and the control panel art those are all the pieces that are going to be actually artified the uh the front right here there's not gonna be anything on it because that would be taking the extra measure and I don't think it's really necessary a lot of arcade cabinets don't have anything there anyways the only thing now is that it's gonna be pricey I have a feeling all right guys that took about an hour or so I had to adjust all of the sizes precisely as precise as I possibly can the control panel is the most nerve-wracking because I decided to make exact places for all the buttons and stuff on the control panel so I'm hoping it lines up at least okay I ended up going with not sponsored at all I'm gonna be very harsh on them because it cost me a whopping 400 dollars I mean I don't blame them I am buying two six foot long vinyl decals plus two posters and a backlit Marquee plastic thing so I guess it's understandable it's gonna be a little expensive the arcade cabinet is going to be done oh my gosh I just realized I totally forgot to buy the glass the art has arrived check it out has a look does it look good for the amount of money that was paid for this I would expect there to not be like printer lines all the way down however looking at it from afar it looks beautiful looks like we also have the Marquee right here here's how it looks this looks pretty good I know we haven't put any of the art on but I'm too excited to leave anything in a box I have to see it all now so let's open [Music] it [Music] I'm a little bit shocked this um they said this was cardstock but this is actually really thick a lot a lot thicker than I expected which is a bonus [Music] um [Music] yeah it I scratched it I swear I ordered a squeegee man this is the poor man's squeegee cutting board and towel [Music] thank you [Music] you wanna know something funny that empty and full where's my sketches I forgot to add actual text so they look a little not as good [Music] ah [Music] so I don't know if you guys are gonna hate me or love me for this most likely hate me but this game is really hard getting a majority of the endings is really really hard I have to be perfectly honest in order for me to test run these endings and make sure that they work and they're actually possible to do I've been cheating my way through because I personally cannot beat the hardest endings it's doable though it's doable that's all that matters right okay when Scott cawthon made ultimate custom night I'm pretty sure he said that he'd never beat it he wasn't even was he even sure that it could be beatable I don't know [Music] you're the one who did it you killed the security guard oh I thought he would kill me oh gosh [Music] oh God oh my gosh leave the room real fast oh never mind go in go back go past him just go past the sentence he's got a good job oh my gosh it's not fair is the next one after that easier in case you'll see [Laughter] does that count as a shot if you shot then yeah but it was after the level was over I heard the show I think you shot [Music] oh you make a cause of that every time I shoot right after I finish the level just make it harder for myself [Music] here come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Laughter] come on oh it gives me some stress man gold ready go make some money on that bunny [Music] you glitched it you got double how does that work oh you doubled it again that's a glitch that I never figured out how to fix so [Music] you completed an ending like three hours it's fine [Music] this game is hard this is an arcade game after all you guys know how badly arcade machines want your money they want you to lose they want you to try again slightly over two years in the making our full arcade cabinet and dedicated game is done oh man feels so good to say that and oops I guess I made the game kinda hard and if you want the good ending then it's gonna be insanely hard my favorite especially when I'm not obligated to play it for you all nope instead you can play it for yourself check the pinned comment or the description for a link to a free download and please enjoy keep in mind I'm a Noob at game design so it doesn't work for mobile and there's no controller support except for my controller and also you're very likely to run into fun little glitches I didn't catch feel free to roast me there's one item in particular that you really really want to find but it's also super hidden so um yeah sorry but no hints but seriously though what can I even say you guys the same thing that I said earlier maybe that this project was a roller coaster that it changed my life but at the same time it was a basket of fun I feel like I'm chained to this project mostly [Music] Scott has inspired a lot of us to make games it's kind of wild to think about he's just got insane creativity and his storytelling his method of Storytelling is so fascinating that's caught us all up in this Whirlwind of the FNAF community then just the fact that Scott's an indie game developer and he made something like FNAF 2 in such an insanely short period of time and we're like what I want to try I remember when FNAF fan game started to become more and more of a thing they were starting to build like a rolling snowball down a hill and I saw it from a distance and I'm like I'm never gonna join them [Music] I really can't get over how beautiful this music is it's just so good it goes so well with this game huge shout out to neku who made all the amazing music for this game beautiful music man I I love the tunes I love how themy they are uh just a wonderful job I mean the amount of tracks that was created for my game is huge and I just kept asking for more and I hadn't realized how much was already made so wow and also they didn't want to get paid they just wanted to do it for free because they're that awesome and I really need to shout out this guy Sean Spalding my gosh if I did not have him in the beginning I would have never started because when I was looking into game creation software at first I'm like RPG Maker because all of my favorite little games were made with that I opened it up and I'm like um I thought this was gonna be a lot easier than this there were so many things about that program where I'm like I don't know so then I found Sean Spalding I mean this guy knows how to talk to beginners how do I fix this problem and I'm like well how would he fix this problem you know and it slowly Grew From there so if you want to start making your own game on Game Maker Studio watch some of his videos it will give you an idea of what it's like you know where to find the links and about links let's not forget the guy who got this project rolling to begin with my brother Trevor he also has a Channel all about arcades and even a video dedicated to this specific one we made yeah and he uploaded it quite some time ago too so secret material so if you want to learn more about the hardware and the technical side of things that video is perfect for you and last but not least I want to thank everyone who has or is going to give my game a go I built it for you guys I really hope you can get some enjoyment out of it and please please drop a comment and tell me how deliciously cheesy purple guy's jump scare is I love ya but to wrap up this Monumental video I'm gonna throw out even more thanks I'm feeling generous today I want to give you guys a thanks all my family all my friends all my subscribers thank you guys so so much [Music] and now the question is what's next my mind is like there's a next no there's never been a next it's always been this I have a vague idea of what's next and that is my YouTube channel I love my YouTube channel so much I love it so so much and I don't care what I'm doing on here I mean it might have a tinge of Five Nights at Freddy's I might make some videos that have even no tinge of Five Nights at Freddy's I don't know all I know is that I love this Channel and I love making videos for it and I love doing projects and I love doing strange things and in fun things and fascinating things and what's next is this channel as vague as that is [Music] reminder to Future me don't do it again don't do it
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 1,815,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic, arcade, fangame, how to, withered freddy, first game, game creation, game maker studio, fnaf game, 80's, arcade cabinet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 41sec (3761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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