Opening 2 Giant FNaF Mystery Boxes

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I accidentally misspelled it. However andiematronic is back.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/idk-just-here 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

And she is trying to upload every month in 2021!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/REDP12soundwave 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everyone are you ready for freddy forehead freddy in particular i'm not sure if i am but uh i have been holding onto these boxes for almost a year now so it's probably about time if you didn't read the title let me explain today we're opening two giant five nights at freddy's mystery boxes full of random merch now before you just assume i'm a terrible clickbaiter and i made these myself let me tell you these were very real and were purchased in the salt lake phanex convention from a sketchy dude running a booth i did not make these i didn't have anyone else make these these are real mystery boxes i paid 70 bucks for now luckily for me i can't say that my hands are clean of the ip copyright abuse that takes place at conventions as this box was actually not made by sketchy dude it was in fact made by just toys our fantastic dangler friends as you could probably tell this honestly surprised me as i don't imagine many mystery box salesmen are selling legitimately i've definitely seen a fair share of mystery brown paper bags with big name ips written on them being sold at conventions and though i'm not sure where that sits legally i at least know that i'm likely buying official merch just in a more expensive random bundle so in other words if i wasn't making videos there's no way i'd ever get one of these now according to the booth runner these boxes should have merged totaling more than what i paid for at a retail price i'm assuming and it's going to be interesting to add it all up in the end and see if he was just being a salesman or if there was a tiny bit of truth though i'm for sure on the salesman side of the fence another thing i can't help but consider is if this box contains merch from a bunch of different companies like we'd all assume and hope or if this is just going to be just twice the nap merch oh boy i really hope that just toys only sold these boxes empty and not full of danglers and stickers this might just be a nightmare okay no more lollygagging i want to know what's inside of box number one and it's a dangler oh gosh we're in for a long one boys and girls you've asked many many times for me to review the cursed foreheads and apparently unbeknownst to me that day was today for those of you confused by my utter hatred of these keychains let me explain honestly the danglers themselves aren't that bad their timing of birth however is what i assumed cursed them obviously their designs weren't widely accepted ok ok they were widely disliked that aside though merge up today is much much worse but the danglers were part of the first few products that came out for our beloved franchise and since they were basically the worst of the merch at the time they gained quite the reputation even still the danglers might be considered good compared to some of the monstrosities we see today so as weird as it seems timing is what went wrong here and this of course yeah definitely that okay so there's some problems but back to our mystery surprise it seems like we've stumbled upon a gamestop exclusive huh you know sometimes exclusive merch like this goes up in price maybe we got a gem all right well as fun as that was i'm gonna have to cut it short like my intel says this is just one of those things that barely exists online and as such the people trying to sell it hike it up to extreme prices they'll probably never go for most likely this buddy would sell for around 10 to 15 bucks even still this is actually a pretty neat find maybe these boxes will be worth more than i paid for just because they aged like a fine wine without destroying the packaging let's take this guy out and have a look at our first angler oh wow this thing feels like a hunk of quality it's incredibly metallic so much so that you can probably see me reflecting off of it this is actually really cool and if the mold was a bit better i'd probably love this my biggest issue is also golden freddy's biggest issue the forehead his hands are also really huge but i actually don't mind that as it forces some kind of perspective and helps balance the giant head but would i actually use this on my backpack probably not i'd likely go with a regular golden freddy since from a distance it's difficult to tell what he even is this is definitely more of a collector's item but a cool one at that time for item number two oh joy the squishmies are back if you can recall my tons of fnaf collectibles video these little buggers are a fan of plastered version of the once trendy squishy toys they're basically just some kind of foam you can squish and it'll return to its original shape takes about as many brain cells to enjoy as a fidget spinner and to add to the gimmicks this one glows in the dark who would have saw that coming though to be perfectly honest this is literally the best glow i've ever seen so props i guess he's still hideous though and the glow up didn't bode well with the toy's main purpose to be pleasing to the touch as alongside this new color his texture is now similar to fine sandpaper or metal covered in a layer of dirt ugh nasty now this is only item number two but this already is starting to look like a just toys mystery box not a good sign help us out item number three but wait that's odd i feel like i remember the puppet not having stripes weird in my older review she actually didn't makes me wonder if they added them later or if they dropped them later now since we've already reviewed this squishme in the past i'm not going to rehash it all i will say though that the stripes are a step in the right direction despite it still not looking like the photos also i don't really know why i feel the need to draw on these i just do item number four let's see something not made by just toys do you see it are you happy is this a good review here you go anyhow looks like we've got ourselves another glow-in-the-dark squishy this time being the nightmare cupcake hurrah moving on at the very least don't be a squishy this time yes finally something new oh wait this isn't new this is our second dangler oh man at the very least it is part of their first series and not some glow-in-the-dark junk this little dude is a random hanger with 10 that you could possibly get all but one of them having equal possibility of finding now to be perfectly honest i did sort of hope i could review the hangers someday and we're probably going to see more than one today so maybe what we should do is save these for last gather a small pile of them to review right at the end so we'll take a look at this surprise a bit later let's get back to our big box of disappointment oh hey another dangler decently excited for that since it's not a squish me then we got another squish me another cheap product i've already reviewed golden freddy i'm afraid you were the last straw you've sentenced all of your friends for a bonfire later tonight and my family and i are gonna cook campfire food over your charred remains look forward to it back to the box what's left in store for us oh weird a mystery dog tag necklace sounds interesting let's see what character we got oh classic bonnie that's actually a very nice picture sadly the back is pretty awful so hopefully it doesn't flip over easily when worn we've also been given a little checklist that i accidentally ripped turns out there's quite a lot to collect here with the two chases being the puppet and wait who would want that wearing this has sort of a punky vibe it's decently cute obviously not with this top but i'll probably wear this maybe nice job just toys i can't believe i actually said that our next poll happens to be quite interesting a five nights at freddy's mini flashlight made by think geek yes yes yes yes yes looks like we might actually be able to pull interesting stuff after all press the button on the mini flashlight to project a nightmare image of your favorite fanaf character collect all four well i would if i could but these batteries are beyond dead and i definitely don't have whatever the heck these are time to spend 25 bucks on batteries for an eight dollar toy all right guys i'm back let's see what happens batteries inside this product may explode well i guess since you warned me i can't sue but wow i have to say this is actually a really cool little doodad i'm not really sure what i'd use it for but it's freaking neat i will say though that it's a bit odd that some of the office can be seen behind her i'm not sure if they were just being too lazy to properly crop it or if they just wanted it like that by now we should be getting near the bottom of the box so what do we have left another dog tag you know that's not awful and it looks like we ended up with withered chica a cool character but not exactly a character that makes for a great necklace i have a feeling we're gonna see a lot more of these today next up oh crap i knew this was gonna happen the five nights at freddy's trading cards now i'm not saying i'm not excited for these because i sort of am it's just that i bought a ton of the trading card packets for a future video nope there is no way in heck we're gonna be able to do all the trading cards today there's just way too many we'll do this single packet as a sneak peek i guess but if we find any more today they're getting put into the card video further down the line as promised let's rip this open and find out what we can get i swear this video is about mystery boxes filled with mystery packets first off we have the back room from fnaf1 and that's it there's no info or anything it's just a screenshot basically then we have the help wanted ad from fanaf too then toichika posing with her besties withered chica eating your face off fredby taking his first selfie toy bonnie suffering from murder withdrawals and lastly a holographic mangle holy crap if these cards were any more creative they'd be up there with mona lisa what have i done with my life another dangler to be open later and another dog tag who would have guessed seriously though why did i punish myself with two of these mystery boxes at this rate i'll be able to guess exactly what's inside the second one down to a few items oh toy chica she's so cute in her weird creepy way this might be my favorite so far but it's hard to really say i've never been a fan of the dog tag look to be honest but these aren't so bad now to speed up the process a little bit i decided what the heck let's just see what's left and yeah i saw that coming we've got two more dog tags two more trading card packets that we're not going to open and another flashlight please don't be chica please don't be chica please don't i want you to keel over and die as for our last two dog tags we snagged toy bonnie and another wizard chica alright guys apparently i am now a dog tag collector didn't know that would happen but it did alrighty box number two yay oh my gosh a plushie no what this is actually sanchi what what now i knew this box weighed a bit more which is why i saved it for last but who knew i would find something of actual value now these fantastic plushies were never cheap to begin with which is why i never got the full set i went with funko's cheaper versions i did get two sanshi plushies however and greatly regret not buying more because their prices nowadays are insane the cheapest freddy i could find is on amazon for 70 bucks most of ebay is fake and the few that look real often times use stolen photos it's not easy getting your hands on real sanshi plushies nowadays so i seriously cannot believe my eyes holding this dude i keep questioning my judgment on this being real but i'm pretty dang sure for example none of the items thus far have been fakes or bootlegs also he doesn't look like a fake usually it's easy to tell the tag did worry me a bit as it doesn't match my sanshi direct ones but keep in mind this was distributed by fat mojo for hot topic stores and such so things will be different please if you have a confirmed real sanshi plush let me know in the comments if this tag matches yours but otherwise i have a good feeling about this dude and wow he just paid for this entire box let's see what we get next another dangler of course another glow cupcake squish me my entire room smells like these things now another dangler another packet of cards and another flashlight if this is chica this video ends right now oh thank gosh it's foxy but that's super odd it came totally opened and with dead batteries again like chica this guy looks great and overall it's an awesome concept you can definitely see more of the office here and even what seems to be where the image was cropped out almost like they used too large of an eraser and didn't bother fixing it still don't really understand that but hey maybe it's more complicated than i'd suspect oh well i guess now we know why this box was heavier another hanger trading card tin this deeply hurts me i'm not supposed to be opening these yet but i guess this test run will determine if i ever make the card video to be quite honest i think these tins are neat it's probably the best way to buy cards if you were to buy them at all just because you get some extras and a neat little tin to keep them in now there's 120 different cards in total and through the single packet and this 10 we've collected 34 so technically i do need to do the card video to collect them all if i care to that is i still can't wrap my head around the fact that there's been half cards to begin with [Music] next item another dog chain of course let's just set that aside and do them all at once another pack of cards another flashlight and this is just garbage buy another dog tag packet of cards another packet of cards and ooh well actually let's save that for later let's check out our very last dog tags to start yo we got the rare boy this actually looks pretty cool but despite being rare there's basically no market for it so it's not really worth anything and we got ourselves a freddy nice i seriously didn't expect to get eight necklaces out of these mystery boxes but i guess i should have figured now let's hope we can get a unique flashlight these things are actually pretty cool yes we got bonnie now i actually only need freddy and we'll have the full set once again dead batteries and because i didn't want to spend a ton of money on these overpriced fossils i've just been reusing them so i apologize for lacking that one neat shot of showing them all together i also want to mention how freaking horrible the battery covers are they're impossible to get off without pliers and even then it is beyond a chore these lights are extremely low quality bonnie here is quite the wreck he looks great and all but even with new batteries and i mean seriously new batteries this light in particular is struggling to work also it may look like bonnie's got some withering but i'm pretty sure this light is just damaged wow guys look at that we only have the hangers left to open and that's it because surprise surprise the last item in our box is actually a hanger oh wait is this it's exactly the same dang it and here i thought this was going to be another exclusive but it's just a duplicate so without further ado let's get to the danglers we managed to pick up 5 and there are 10 to collect so we aren't going to be seeing all of them today sadly but maybe in the future if i review the second series i can get the ones we missed today what do we have in bag number one the puppet and like i expected she looks pretty weird there's just something off about her that i can't really explain she's not awful though and i must say the danglers keychains were always pretty neat looking someone put some time and love into that thing they do open in the most unexpected way though you have to move the top piece forward and up which always makes me afraid i'm gonna break it bag number two i see a fox it's mangle wow we're getting some interesting characters i have to say if it weren't for the hideous head this design would be really good maybe i'm being too harsh i don't know i just can't get over that profile she just looks so weird overall it's not terrible maybe it's just okay bag number three oh shiny wow we got a very sparkly looking golden freddy now surprisingly this dude is actually the chase dangler he's only found in every 24 packs what is with the luck today seriously i am shooketh now this is gonna sound weird coming from me but i like this nothing on him besides the forehead looks weird it all looks rather nice and the paint is particularly well done look at the details of his missing ear and i don't even know how they didn't mess up painting those tiny teeth great work just toys and for bag number four we got a double the puppet once again too bad it wasn't a double of golden freddy time for our very last hanger can we get some gold oh looking pretty gold so far oh oh my now this dangler in particular exemplifies the reason why they're so hated that is the most disastrous forehead i have ever seen poor chica what did you inject into that skull of yours to fulfill your twisted beauty standards instagram is fake i have a double chin and if you hadn't gotten those injections maybe you'd still be with us today alright little chicken you will be missed and that was the mystery boxes boxes of march nobody expected to be licensed but everyone expected to be junk like i said i did pay 70 dollars for each box and here's an estimate as to how much everything inside each one was worth [Music] yeah freddy really pulled some weight but i can't even believe this i mean box number two is almost double the price i bought it at and keep in mind that if i used retail prices instead of resale both boxes would have been over 70. i'm honestly a bit shocked but anyway guys do enjoy the holidays and i'll have me some likely toxic campfire classics [Music] bye they look like flaming dog turds
Channel: Andiematronic
Views: 1,910,363
Rating: 4.9070511 out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, fivenightsatfreddys, andiematronic
Id: m7q8e4tRgyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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