Reuniting with my Cat After TWO YEARS 😭 I think he missed me 👀

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hey guys apologies for the very long space between videos and thank you so much for being patient with me while i was working on things behind the scenes as i said it was very important and honestly even if i wanted to make videos i was so busy and focused on what i was doing that i really just didn't have the time to so thank you so much for your patience but this is what i've been up to you want to say hi to everyone no no yeah they missed you say hi um yeah maro's here after a very very very long journey so as most of you guys know i have two cats maro who you just saw and luna and both of them i raised together with my partner at the time i'm no longer together with him so we have been trying to figure out what to do with the cats and what would be best for them i guess luckily the cats kind of helped us with that decision because last year maro and luna started fighting really badly and luna actually got a little injured on her face and it was very clear to us that they should be separated so i decided that i would bring maro to japan and luna is staying with her dad so for the past i guess to almost two years now i have been preparing maro to travel to japan and it's been such a process you guys this right here is a guide on importing dogs and cats into japan from non-designated regions what non-designated means is that the countries have had cases of rabies and because japan is technically known as a rabies-free country if you're going to be importing a cat from a country that has rabies they make it very very difficult to do so so this is like a very thick guide a step-by-step guide on all the things you need to do to bring your cat into japan and i started this process like two years ago and actually maro was all prepared to come to japan in april of 2020 but we all know what went down at that time and my trip to go get maro and bring him back to japan was cancelled just three days before it was supposed to happen so as you can imagine i was extremely upset i had been preparing for that day for so long i was so excited to finally uh go and get him and then it all had to be canceled and i was kind of just like waiting in limbo not knowing when i would be able to go get him the hardest part of this entire situation was that even as of currently south korea has banned canadians like myself from entering the country they're having some political issues at the moment and they don't want canadians in their country so there was no way for me to go and get marrow even after everything had been prepared so i'd kind of just been sitting around waiting for them to sort their [ __ ] out so that i would be allowed back in the country but it hasn't happened yet luckily uh they're cool with americans and americans are allowed in to freely travel and do whatever they like and luckily for me my best friend mark happens to be american and also happened to be willing to go through this whole process for me and bring maro back from korea with the help of maro's dad i couldn't be any more thankful to the both of them they have both been so amazing so a huge thank you to mark and maro's dad for making all of this possible but anyways we vlogged lots of it so here's the video i hope you enjoy [Music] it is 11 am we're waiting outside of the pcr clinic mark's gonna go in and get his test if it's negative then the journey will start today if it's positive then we're [ __ ] so cross all your fingers for us i'm so stressed right now because it all comes down to really this first test because we can't go any further if for some reason it comes up positive also like as long as we pass this wall yeah we'll be fine like well i'll be able to go to korea and it'll just be like that oh i hope so how did the test go well i'm wearing my glasses why because i was crying they made him do the one where they stick it all the way up your nose i asked like oh which one should i take if i have this one yeah like would it pass for korea yeah and they were like well like some days like it's okay some days it's not oh my days yeah changes the the safest way to go would be with the swap test and i was like fine let's just do it i thought it would be like if it was like one time i'd be i'd be okay but it was like in the left nose and they were like okay one more time and then with the same swab they go in with them i had no idea it's so deep like i didn't know my nose went that deep oh it feels so bad so this is the first of like how many tests that you're gonna need to take one tomorrow and then one when i get to korea and then uh one again after i be quarantined and then one again before i go to japan japan starting japan and then maybe again when you arrive in japan oh yeah probably so we're heading uh over to my friend's house we're gonna be staying there while we're here in tokyo waiting for the results of mark's test and then his flight is in two days get a [ __ ] go if it's negative come into your room for the night what do i what am i gonna see you have a roommate for the neighbors i thought i was an actual person [Music] uh oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so now we're on our way to a different branch of the clinic to pick up the certificate that has to be brought to the airport in order to board the plane and they're very particular about how it's printed out what's on it they're very very particular so i really hope that they print it out correctly we're getting there slowly but surely we've passed one of the steps towards the goal it's just gonna be a really stressful few weeks you guys um we honestly don't know if this is gonna be successful until the day that mark and maro arrive back in japan negative [Music] good morning good morning it is six o'clock yeah we reserved tickets for the narita express from tokyo station to uh naita airport and they only had two trains running per day which is crazy like there's usually one i don't know every hour or something so we're gonna go inside and hope there's some coffee around we're really really tired we made it on the narita express it's a really nice train it's really quiet just like the bullet train yeah and there's one other person on it with us it feels very strange having it all to ourselves it started popping up the flight schedule up here and so many of them were saying cancer so i look up the flights from tokyo to seoul and look at this cancelled not cancelled cancelled this one's ours thank god we've made it to narita airport we're actually the only people in here i haven't seen one other person this is wild it's about 8 30 no nine nine am now we're at the currency exchange place and fingers crossed that they have some korean one because we went to two other currency exchanges and they only had like 200 bucks each we need a lot more because the quarantine hotel that mark's gonna stay in is two grand yeah you have to pay that upfront in cash in korean one yeah so yeah we're gonna try the one at the airport and hopefully they have a bigger stock so they had lots of one yay but the lady the lady was actually really kind and she tried to convince us not to buy it there she said it'll be a better rate once he gets to korea yeah um i could see like her co-workers glaring at her in the background because surely like it's profitable for them yeah we were trying to spend so much money too and so they were like what she's doing how long are you still good korean for like three weeks she's including the hotel yep don't ask yeah it's ridiculous i know anyway so we were able to get half of the money exchanged there and she said that mark should do the rest in korea so not the very least i have enough money to pay for my hotels yeah we're walking around trying to find a starbucks now to chill in because we have so much time to kill caffeine but it's so strong well it is espresso what did you get no awful god yeah that's my first time getting it i got a chai tea latte and we're just gonna chill here for like three hours and i think we can check in from about noon his flight's at three it's very rainy very rainy yesterday we were walking around and it was really nice it was really nice like i was wearing sunglasses and everything and yeah didn't even need a jacket just our luck great start to the trip all these red ones are cancellations it's almost time for mark to check in so we came back to the check-in desk area it's completely deserted still nothing's open i don't even know which one we're supposed to go to yet but none of them are open it's uh noon right now and his flight's at 2 55 they told us to get here two and a half hours prior [Music] so i need to fill out the agreement basically to say that i'm going to be okay with uh the two-week isolation in korea right now you're okay right yeah you're not gonna back out now mark made it through the first first step of departure time to go through security how do you feel i'm nervous to be honest yeah everything's kind of confusing plus you've never been to korea right yeah i've never been i've never been like outside the airport i've been to seoul airport but okay and yeah uh in china yeah same one so but i've never been outside it's a really nice airport so at least that'll be fun are you gonna go in now yeah i'm gonna go go all right well i hope i'll see you april third if i if i you know if my plane crashes take care put it oh my god [Music] yay he made it through security [Music] good luck you can do it [Music] it's currently 9 pm finally just gotten into my hotel room and finally got settled down let's give you guys a tour two beds and a tv and then this is my there's my bath that's it guys very simple so this is the care package that they gave me when i first arrived here um i'm not really sure what's inside a big thing of cup ramen that's cool biscuit uh i don't know what you are i want to say copies like thing 3.4 original i don't know what that is uh cereal oh cereal milk saltines [Music] and that's it guys that is it [Music] breakfast came it's egg and coleslaw salad if you look at it though coleslaw on the top jam in the center and then like egg salad in the bottom it's not as disgusting as i thought it would be it was actually kind of good it just keeps randomly turning on it's freaking me out guys what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] my life i'm so scared guys help me i'm not sure what this is like it looks like i don't know like some pastry or something pretty good yeah dinner came and for the first time ever it is warm good morning guys it is currently 6 25. i am currently waiting on my phone call to let me go downstairs for the final checkup process at that point i will be meeting uh charlotte's friend in korea taylor i am just really happy to get out here and i'm very excited to just uh have the prospect of eating like real hot like not room temperature food so so i am in seoul finally and i finally met up with taylor we were just at the airport we finally just like got out we made the appointments to do my kovit test and we ate like a really bad breakfast flashback mark is eating korean bread i'm seriously dreading this but it's like a bacon and what in it bacon eggs and a flashback i warned you it was really bad like it was bread but it was really sweet i didn't like it at all yeah i think we're gonna try and figure out like some bus routes first and then maybe like just unless kill some time so the cherry blossoms are in bloom right now thank god um because i was gonna miss them oh my god that's a lake yeah wow we are at a chinese restaurant and i got this noodle thing that's supposed to be like one chili pepper spicy but it's like five to the pepper spicy i finally made it to the airbnb and i am exhausted we did so much walking today i did end up getting um some fried chicken because that's all i would see when i'm watching youtube just like wasting time whatever in the in isolation so a huge box of fried chicken oh my god i might be going to this place every day [Music] [Applause] okay so um i finally got back from my first day out in here in seoul i walked around the vicinity like the close vicinity and checked out what kind of options i had for food and what places looked like they spoke english or places i could just point the picture point at the picture and say i want this i got these noodles which look like they're not spicy so i'm hoping that they aren't um it's hard for me to well i can't communicate at all so i'm always just saying like english like you speak english or you know just not talking at all so i i think i took my my uh my japanese skills for granted it just helped me out so much obviously um when i was living in japan and coming here and not being able to speak any korean and not being able to read a word like a a letter of it it's really it's really it's not more stressful but rather tiring or i don't know i don't know how i feel about this but yeah it's um it's a new experience i still have five more days six more days here so yeah it'll be over sooner than later i think so yeah so the last few days of the adventure were quite hectic maro needed to get a final health check so his dad took him for that and everything was okay they got the final papers that needed to be submitted to japan in order to bring him into the country booked a taxi for mark to get to the airport um booked his final test yeah so there were lots of little final details that needed to be completed and it was a bit of a hectic rush but once all that was finished that brings us to airport day i've made it to the airport i'm currently waiting for mark and maro to arrive it looks like they got through security and maro's quarantine check and everything smoothly in korea they should be arriving here in narita in about 30 minutes this has been such a long process and i it just feels surreal that it's finally coming to an end i've just been sitting here anxiously watching this flight tracker they're in chiba prefecture at the moment and it looks like there's 24 minutes to go just getting the announcement that mark's plane has landed and he sent me a message and said they landed safely so now mark has to go through immigration and then morrow's final health check and he has to do one more pcr test one more covid test and then he'll be out here ushka's here she's come for moral support is baby boy hi hi scared i'm scared [Music] what's going on [Music] me [Music] [Music] which one do you want [Music] hungry are you hungry [Music] chicken time you're gonna eat it [Music] there you go please eat it [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 267,066
Rating: 4.9724483 out of 5
Keywords: day in my life japan, japan vlogs, sharla japan, sharmander japan, life in japan, sharla cat, sharla maro
Id: uuUs5xtTXMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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