Leaving Morioka for Good? đŸ˜ĸ Week in my Life in Japan

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hey guys welcome back to my channel today i want to bring you along for a week in my life here in japan this was supposed to be a relatively relaxing week nothing too exciting was planned but out of the blue something pretty big happened so stay tuned and watch the whole video to find out what that is but i hope you guys enjoy so i met nitori today it's kind of like the japanese ikea it's currently to you rainy season in japan and that means that it's gonna start to get really hot really quickly so i'm gonna pick up a new comforter for my bed that's like a summer one here's some of their summer collection it says here that you can touch the fabrics and see that they're nice and cool for the summer oh that is really nice it's still quite thick which worries me but like the touch of it is really cool these are pet beds oh maro would love that he loves leaning on something that's cute that they realize that pets like doing that oh cute why would you write that on a pillow this is more of like a linen fabric it's still supposed to be cool for the summer but it's not as good as that kind of silky one wow they've got so many different bedding options this is just one of the rows there's like four of them okay these are the summer ones it's a little ugly but the material is nice this is kind of like a towel um that's popular in japan it feels like it would be really warm but i guess it's meant to like soak up your sweat the summer is so hot here you guys if you haven't experienced it it's hard to explain but it's you get really sweaty and hot in the night oh that one's nice and it's gray all right that's an option but they've only got single it's really common to have a single size bed in japan i have a queen which can be really tough to find bedding for these are all singles there's a double that would still be too small though queen okay so apparently they don't make the over top blanket like the comforter part in queen they only make the underneath pad blanket in queen that makes zero sense the lady said i could get two separate single blankets but that would look horrible so i guess i'm just gonna look on amazon and see if i can find something most japanese people have a lot smaller beds like a double bed is usually the largest bed that you can fit into an apartment in japan i mean my queen size bed is a bit of a squeeze it does take up the entire room as you might have noticed but yeah i'll check on amazon and hopefully they'll have the cooling summer sheets in a big size somewhere but let's look around each other a little bit more i really love this shop they got some really nice stuff i found some nice bath towels which i've been looking for i have lots of different bath towels at the moment they don't match and it really bothers me so i'm going to get a bunch of these they're kind of cheap eight bucks each look what i found i've been looking for one of these for ages a really slim spice rock you guys all told me that these are a thing that exists and i haven't been able to find one this one's only six ten like six dollars and i think that'll fit perfectly in my kitchen all right well i didn't get what i came here for at all but i did get some hangers which i needed and what else did i get bath towels and a cute spice rack which i didn't eat so so i guess that trip was a success and i'll be doing some shopping on amazon later tomorrow hi you miss me yeah tomorrow what are you doing what are you doing you excited excited about the spice rock are you stuck in the bag you okay oh god don't eat that let's go out of the bag out of the bag come on get out come on get out what are you doing i'm gonna stay there is that fun is that fun [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'm looking for a remote control car for mauro he has this remote control mouse but it's so crappy so i wanted to get a car for him they have the fuji about a tofu car do you want it so big i think that would just scare him it needs to be smaller or else i would totally get that there is a wood bug also very big darn again i think you would really like that but cats aren't really attracted to things that are like large like that it would have to be tiny tiny remote control cars gotta be one uh there's a crawfish and a capitol mushi very giant and probably terrifying to a cat oh no i've made it into the miniature section things i don't need but i want them because they're freaking cute oh ham taro how adorable is that [Applause] look at this it's like a gel bed it's they call it a gel pool i don't think you're supposed to fill it with water but i think you can put it in the fridge to cool it down i swung by starbucks to try out their new pink lemonade tea drink it's like it's half tea and a half frozen pink lemonade and i got another one of those color changing cups because they're so awesome and they really encourage me to drink a lot of water and part of proceeds uh go towards lgbt plus education here in japan possibly i have to look into that but yeah all around good cause good cup so that's cool look at the sky so pretty i'm just about to film a cooking video for a tokyo creative collab that i'm doing i've got my ring light set up in my kitchen i haven't tried out a new recipe in ages so i'm a little worried about my cooking skills but i love cooking so it should be fun wish me luck i think the video will be out on the toker creative channel maybe in august ish it's hard to say it usually takes them a while to edit it but i'll link them down below so go sub to the channel and wait for it and pray for my cooking hey guys welcome to my kitchen we're going to try out a brand new recipe using shiso oh god [Music] um [Music] hey guys i'm currently with ushka you guys haven't seen her in a while so this is my good friend ushka and my business partner for neko neko post so we've gotten together today to calculate the sales of our cat rescue charity postcards and so far we've made just over seven hundred dollars u.s which is amazing thank you so much to everybody who has purchased some of our postcards so far we really really appreciate it and we're so happy to be able to make some donations to our favorite cat rescues here in japan that are doing amazing work i will link them down below so you guys can check them out but we're really hoping to get up to a thousand dollars u.s that would be amazing to be able to throw a big chunk of money at them because they deserve it so if you guys are looking to help support our cause i will link our postcards down below they're for sale in our neko neko post shop they are a collaboration with local tokyo artist erica ward she is so freaking talented so the postcards are absolutely beautiful so i hope you guys love them as much as we do so ushka recently went to a cat art convention or it was just a cat convention she brought me back some goodies i'm so excited to see what they are i know it's gonna be good oh the ika oh he's gonna love that it's a squid it's got like stringy tentacles on the bottom yeah that's so cute i love the design pixel started getting into it straight away oh my god there's so much stuff i know it's all really good stuff it's so hard it's that your jaw tastes like that plastic masking tape like packing tape oh yeah that's so cute how cute is it you can just write stuff oh that's really cute you could do like a little label so cute the feet oh was this the like free gift or something no it was like a lucky lucky dick so we don't know what's in here no oh after everything at that store was really cute oh what are these oh the socks these are socks that make your feet look like cat paws yeah they've got veins they do don't they oh my god that's so fun did you try yours on wait that's hilarious maro's gonna be like what the heck that's so cute they were doing lucky bags that's really fun whoa there's lots of stuff no kimochi it is stickers thank you stickers in a matchbox so cute a little bookmark oh that's awesome i need bookmarks too that's great oh here's their instagram if you want to go check it out how fun is that i love 3d stickers wow look at those gift tags this was such a good deal this little lucky bag was only like 500 yen i think so cute and another giant sticker i'll put that on my laptop what could be in here it's packaged so nicely okay that's the prettiest twist i've ever seen i'm not throwing that away oh there's lots of stuff again cute are these stickers again i hope they are i think it's a box of random flake stickers these are really good for us it says thank you for your purchase mata i hope we like see each other again soon or i hope um you know we have business again in the future that's so cute we could put those on our packages adorable oh my god cat ass [Music] hi we were supposed to come for afternoon tea but apparently this is the wrong restaurant i'm sorry but yeah they do have nice stuff that's like a veggie karage dome and look at this like raw cheesecake that looks so pretty and they have really healthy juices which is always nice look at how pretty that is this is really cool i might just get this because it's because it's so pretty yeah almond caramel soy [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] isn't she such a god oh wow this smoothie is so nice so me mekong got hers and emma got hers and i got a pumpkin oh it smells so nice those stuff here are ridiculous they're so funny this smells like chinese food this smells amazing this is soy meat um buffalo chicken [Music] really good i'm just like delivery chinese we're from canada oh my god this smells so good [Laughter] that is way bigger than i was expecting honestly like you're in jail and we're visiting you [Music] wow is it good yeah do you feel like ice cream i would love to try something yummy it's creamy [Music] okay [Music] so we're going to the awesome store now which is pretty awesome it does live up to the name it sounds really tacky but they honestly have the best cat products this is where i got maro's little washing machine and bathtub scratchers he loves them he spends most of his day in them so i might get another one as backup while i'm here in tokyo they're so cute i wonder if they have any new ones so i have the washing machine and the bathtub oh they don't have the bathtub here but mara really loves the washing machine so i recommend that one the tv is also cute i like the tv and the tuna can i don't need it but i want it i love see-through socks this is really cute i got one for tomorrow but it's gigantic i think it was made for like a large dog this is the perfect size okay so you guys might remember my friend alex that has the real estate company down in tokyo we've done a few videos together he saw my video where i mentioned getting a second apartment for my business so he messaged me and said you should have told me you were looking for an office i could have helped you find a bigger apartment and i said what i didn't realize you had connections outside of tokyo like it didn't even cross my mind to ask him so today we're looking at a new apartment i was planning on making the apartment i currently have in morioka like my last place in japan i thought i would stay here until i was ready to leave japan but hey if alex can save me some money and get me a really nice new place why not so this place we're looking at first is located in a city much bigger than marioka it has enough room for my office and my living space all in one besides that the natural lighting is so beautiful and it has window seats so mario could sit at the windows and look outside and i just think it would be really nice for him and he'd really like it and i really like it so why not i was not expecting to go apartment shopping this week but here we are i'm just gonna go with it put in an application and see where it goes i'm not gonna get my hopes up because getting an apartment in japan as a foreigner can be very difficult but wish me luck i'll let you guys know how it goes fingers crossed you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 341,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in my life japan, japan vlogs, sharla japan, sharmander japan, life in japan, week in my life japan, japanese apartment tour, japanese apartment
Id: b-n1jS-dPyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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