JAPAN VLOG | got a new apartment + spring is here! 🌸

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys good morning and welcome to my brand new apartment it looks the same but it's actually a completely different room we'll get into that in a minute oh god cat toys everywhere this is another project i've been working on this month that's been keeping me really really busy but first let's say hi tomorrow you excited to be in the vlog again yeah they missed you oh he's sleepy we were playing all morning so he's exhausted today's video is kindly sponsored by glassesusa.com i'm very appreciative of this sponsorship as bringing maro over to japan was extremely pricey so i need all the help i can get i found out that mark my friend mark has the exact same prescription as me and he tried on a pair of my round gold glasses and he loved them so i gave them to him but now i really miss them so i had to get another pair so now me and mark can match when we meet up again but i love them i'll link my frames down below if you want to match with me if you're in the market with some new glasses do check out glassesusa.com you can get a full pair of frames and prescription lenses starting at just 30 and they also have a 100 money back guarantee if for some reason you're not satisfied with your frames yeah so as many of you guys know i started a little stationary business with my friend ushka who lives down in tokyo it's been really fun and we've been looking for a place that we can use as an office up here in northern japan normally i go down to tokyo once a month and chill at ushka's house and stay there for a few days and we do all the packing and shipping and everything but now that maro's here i kind of wanted a place up here so we could kind of take turns and go back and forth and rent is so affordable up here in north japan that honestly for the price of like a week of hotel you can just get an entire apartment so i rented another room in my building to use as an office and for a place for usher to stay when she comes up here so we've got this cool sofa bed here that maro has decided is his it's really cool you can just like pull this part down and it folds out into a sofa bed really easily our little business started as more of a hobby for both of us because we love stationery and we wanted to share it with people around the world that also love japanese stationery but we've kind of decided that we're going to focus a lot on it this year and try to be profitable enough so that we can donate some money to our favorite cat shelters in japan so that's our goal we're going to work our hardest and now that i've got this space that i can dedicate to just organizing our stock and keeping everything in order i think it will make that a lot easier so i'm really excited about it i've been spending a lot of time down here kind of sorting out where to put the furniture etc so maro has been down here with me i've got his cat tower over here i've kind of set up all his food and toys and stuff eventually i will bring him into my regular apartment of course but because i've been spending so much time down here we're kind of just living down here while i'm setting it up he's got this cute little washing machine scratcher i love this i got this from a store called awesome store in shibuya i think it's a brand new store they have some really cool house stuff over here i got him this water fountain but he hates it he like he won't touch it so i don't know what to do to make it more appealing over here i've got an automatic feeder that will feed him twice a day um just a little portion of dry food i don't like feeding him dry food he has a diet of mostly wet food but he really loves this dry food and it's kind of like his comfort food so i wanted to have this for him while he's getting settled in here and eventually i'm hoping to switch him to an all raw diet if you guys have any advice on creating a homemade raw food for your cats tell me what your cats liked any tips would be very much appreciated because i have a feeling it's gonna be really hard to get him to eat it oh my god he's using it it's a miracle yeah i'm gonna be making miso soup later every time i show miso soup in a video you guys asked for my recipe it's very very simple but i will show you how i like to make it we'll be doing that for dinner maro looked sleepy so i set up the bed for him this is what it looks like when it's turned into a bed it's really comfy actually surprisingly comfy i was just about to take you guys outside to film the sakura because the sun is finally out and they just started blooming here in morioka i'm not sure if the main park downtown that i showed you guys in the fall i don't know if their sakura are blooming yet but i thought we could go for a walk and check them out but i noticed that i had a package in the mail let's quickly open it together i ordered some clothes from asos oh this is the one i'm the most excited about the colors were so pretty i think it was nike no puma it looks perfect so it's got one dark purple sleeve and one pink sleeve and i thought it would just be adorable for spring cute that is a definite yes i'm really glad i got that next is a t-shirt that's already covered in cat hair it's got tigers on it why is it so big i was actually worried that this was going to be too small because i ordered it in a small i guess it's men's i don't know that's really big for a small but i'm sure i can make it work tuck it in or something the design's awesome and last another tiger shirt i'm prepping for next year i think next year is you're the tiger finally it's my year oh no it's a crop top i might be able to make it work i'm not a fan of cropped shirts they're just not flattering on me maybe it's baggy enough that if i wear high jeans it won't be too cropped i like the design though i never have much luck ordering online but i kind of don't have a choice because nothing fits me here in shops in japan hopefully those tops aren't too bad but at least i got a cute spring hoodie out of the shipment so i'm happy about that let's go find some sakura i decided to bring you guys across town to one of my favorite spots to see the sakura in marioka we're not gonna know if they're blooming until we get there but that tree was in perfect full bloom so i think we have good chances lots of these trees are in bloom as well so i think the spot that i'm hoping for will be look at those cute little daffodils down there too i don't remember those from last year someone must have planted them okay we've made it to the place i wanted to take you guys and they are blooming i think they're in full bloom they look beautiful from what i can see these weeping sakura are also in bloom but i don't think they're full bloom yet there's still some buds on them so we'll come back to see them when they're fully blooming because they're so beautiful these are probably the most beautiful trees in all of morioka oh this one looks like it's almost ready look at that so this here is my favorite spot it's basically on the outskirts of downtown along the riverbank but the sakura here form a tunnel and it's just so beautiful look at this [Music] three [Music] i'm so glad they're blooming aren't they beautiful you do see lots of people come here to take photos but it's not one of the spots that gets too crowded so it is pretty easy to come here and get some nice photos or video there's the shinkansen going by can you see it i thought i'd also bring you guys to the castle park while we're in the downtown area and the sakura are in full bloom here i don't think i've ever been here in the spring at least when the sakura were in full bloom but this is pretty [Music] impressive [Music] in the description box i'll link the video on my live stream channel where i showed you guys the fall leaves because this park is so gorgeous in the fall as well as you can see all these trees here are bare that's because they're maple trees looks like all the sakura are kind of outside of the castle walls there is one more place that i really want to go so i'm hoping that quinlan will be up for it when we hang out it's a lake and i haven't been there since the first time i lived in morioka which was like 15 years ago but i remember it being a really good sakura spot so hopefully we can hit that up together i just got home and there was a package in the mail for maro from ushka maro what's this come see what's that present for you i think i know what it is you're gonna like this oh come here tomorrow what's your favorite say thank you ushka tomorrow say thank you say thank you all right time to make some miso soup for dinner miso soup is one of the easiest soups to make basically you only need three things miso paste dashi and number three whatever ingredients you want to add to your soup it's completely up to you here so if i can give you guys one tip on cooking miso it's to get all your ingredients cooked and ready to eat before you add in the miso paste so once you add in the miso you don't want your soup to boil because that will ruin the flavor so get your dashi ready cook all your ingredients in the dashi except for the garnishes like say green onions things you're just going to sprinkle on top after put those off to the side but if you've got tofu or any other veggies like carrots or something that needs boiling get that all boiled and ready to eat in the dashi and once that's ready then add in your miso paste you want to turn off the heat before adding in the miso paste because if it boils after you add that in it's going to kind of ruin the flavor that's basically the one rule of miso soup put your miso paste in a big ladle like this and kind of work it into the hot water and dissolve it as you go this will help you evenly dissolve your miso paste throughout the soup without mashing up all the ingredients and that's it that's how easy it is and honestly you can really put anything in your miso soup if you guys try this out tag me in photos on instagram and let me know what you decided to put in your miso soup thanks so much for chilling with me today you guys i hope you enjoyed the video i'm so glad i could show you the sakura my next video will be another sakura adventure stay tuned for that you can find my glasses down below in the description box thank you so much to glassesusa.com for sponsoring this video you are the best and i will see you guys again soon bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sharmeleon
Views: 213,377
Rating: 4.972846 out of 5
Keywords: day in my life japan, sharla japan, sharmander japan, japan vlog, cherry blossoms japan, spring in japan, sakura japan, japan 2021, glassesUSA, glasses USA, glassesUSA.com
Id: B__xN8SASB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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