Word Beginner Tutorial

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welcome to the wonderful world of Word 2016 my name is Dan McAllister and I'll be your host today perhaps one of the first things that we ought to do is go grab some practice files to work with although we won't be using them right away we will be using them fairly quickly here is my extracted version of the word sample files and I hope that you have that as well now that I have my sample files available out on the desktop I think the next thing I should do is start Microsoft Word now when I installed Microsoft Office 2016 it put little shortcuts down here on the area called the taskbar so I have one for Excel and OneNote and outlook and PowerPoint and I did actually have one for word right here but let's imagine that you're not that lucky that you don't have word blue W for word just sitting down there here's how you could get that to happen so I'm gonna go click on my start orb and the search box appears just automatically with a cursor flashing in it where I'm gonna start typing word and as I type more letters it becomes more focused on what I'm looking for so having typed over letter W that might even be enough to make word appear here if it's not I keep typing the word word and the more I type the more focused it becomes and in my case you can see that I have word 2016 2010 2007 I actually have word 2013 in there you can't see it I even have back here - word 2003 you are not going to have that happening on your computer most likely so what I want to do is take word 2016 and pin it to the taskbar Andy you Macintosh users it's like putting a program on the dock so here's how I'm going to do that having typed in word and have 2016 appear up here I'm going to right click on it so a little pop-up menu about it and in the pop-up menu I can choose left click pin to taskbar and so that way I have it down here on the taskbar all the time and the next time I need to start Microsoft Word I just go click on it instead of having to go back down here and search for word and find the one that I want and click on so now that I have it down on the taskbar I point at it I click on it one time it launches once I start this the first thing I see are a whole bunch of templates down here now the first time I saw templates in a Microsoft Project was several years ago in Microsoft Publisher the next time I saw them it was in the Microsoft for Mac version of office where he would start up one of the Mac office programs and you would see the templates now since 2010 as soon as you start Microsoft Word you see these templates and they can be a really cool thing for example I've got templates for let's see calendars I've got templates for greeting cards and invitations personalized letterhead three panel brochures so I could look like a design genius even though I'm just starting with Microsoft Word I could start with one of these templates let me just click on that one for a moment and it shows me a little preview of it and if I then click create then it pulls that one up and then here's what it looks like and it's pre-formatted it's got some cool texture and sideways here it's got some pictures in here now you can click on a picture and insert your own I'm not gonna do that right now but you can see this is a this is a three-panel brochure here now I'm not quite ready to for you to do that but I just want you to see that you could look like a design genius by starting with one of those templates I'm going to close that one instead and and I'm not gonna save it and since it's the last document that I have open that actually closes word so now that I have it down on my taskbar I just point at it again I click on it once at this time I just want to start a blank document so I'm gonna click on blank document and here it comes why don't you do that much put our video on pause go start word if you don't have word down on your taskbar do that thing I did I could have done the start button I searched for word when I found it I right clicked on it and on the pop-up menu I told it to pin it to the taskbar so please do that and then once word has started click on the template for blank document and your screen will look like mine so put the video on pause right now and catch up with me there start word with a blank document please all right let's rock so the first thing on our agenda to talk about is kind of a layout of things here called the interface that's kind of an odd word interface an interface is where two systems come together in this case it's called the user interface where a Microsoft Word is interacting with you the user so I'm going to work my way from top to bottom here in some of the automatic things that are set up in the interface for example this area right up here at the very top is referred to as the quick access toolbar now Microsoft makes a database program called access but this thing called the quick access toolbar has nothing to do with that so the quick access toolbar is a place where I can put buttons that I use a lot so I have the Save button I have the undo I have the redo and then I got a fourth little button over here as I hover over it it says customize that quick access toolbar I'm going to click on that right now and I see a list of things that I could quickly add to that quick access toolbar some of them are check marked namely the Save button the undo and the redo button that's the three that are up there right now I would like to introduce this thing touch Mouse mode now Microsoft knows that one of the waves of the future is miniaturization so a lot of people won't be working on a big desktop computer maybe they won't even be working on just a regular old laptop computer maybe they're working on with those nice new small tablet computers like the Microsoft Surface computer well if that's the case it might be nice to have buttons that are a little bit bigger than this I don't know about you but I have kind of fat fingers so if I'm working on some little small screen it might be tough for me to use the touch mode and touch on these little buttons and get the one I want so I'm going to add a choice here called touch slash Mouse mode and it's kind of hard to see it first here but it looks like a little finger pointing at a button and in fact let me zoom in on this using some third-party software that I have installed so here's the button that I just created that I just added up there it looks like a little finger pointing at a button and if I want to turn it on if I want to switch it over to touch mode instead of mouse mode I click on that button and you'll see two choices here the mouse mode versus the touch mode I'd like you to watch what happens to the buttons up here when I click on the touch mode by being bada-boom notice they get bigger here and that'll make it easier on one of those little tablet computers when I'm trying to use my fingers to touch on the screen and make things happen the buttons get bigger and that's gonna make it easier for that yes the trade-off is that it eats into my working space a little bit but particularly on a small screen that's a nice trade-off in fact a lot of my friends just work with the rear buttons all the time just makes it easier to work on things for them and they don't mind the trade-off of using the smaller space so I'm going to go up and turn that off I'm gonna go click on the touch mode and switch it back to Mouse mode all right so I'd like you to do what you just saw me do what was that I went up and clicked on the pull down arrow here about customizing the quick access toolbar I turned on touch and Mouse mode and then I went and actually clicked on the button and changed it over to touch mode for a moment and then I switched it back to Mouse mode so you go play with that for just a moment turning on and off the touch mode versus the mouse mode everybody have a de let's continue with our exploration of the interface so far we've seen the quick access toolbar up here at the top notice the quick access toolbar also has the title bar and I haven't saved this document yet so it's got this generic name document one right below the quick access toolbar we have what are called the command tabs file home insert design every time I click a command tab I get a new ribbon so when I click on the insert command tab I get the insert ribbon when I click on the Layout tab I get the layout ribbon now as I go across the command tabs every single one of them produces a new ribbon but there are times when I've seen people lose the buttons down here in the ribbon and let me show you how that can happen unfortunately fairly easily if I'm working in the mailings tab I see the mailings ribbon if I click on the Layout tab at the layout ribbon if I happen to double click on the references tab no problem just produces the new references ribbon but here's a very common mistake if I point at the tab that's already active and I happen to double click on that maybe I'm just getting twitchy fingered holy cow where'd all my buttons go now in order to get that back the first thing I'm going to think of is oh I should probably go click on that again and sure enough when I do that the ribbon reappears but then as soon as I make a choice on the ribbon and click away it disappears again so some people like working in that kind of view because it gives them maybe an extra inch of working space up here towards the top but it does kind of defeat Microsoft's purpose of taking the things that they think you'll use most often and putting them right in front of your face under the Home tab so let's talk about how we can manipulate these command tabs and the buttons that appear below them all of that work can be done up here in the upper right hand corner now those of you who have been around the Windows operating system for a while you're used to the close button you're used to the maximized slash restore down button you're used to the minimize button but unless you've already been using Microsoft Office 2013 this one right here is a new kid on the block ribbon display options now when I click on that I can see three different choices one of them's blue right now and that's the one that's active show the tabs I see another one down here about show the tabs and commands when I click on that ah there comes all my buttons back again and as soon as I use one of them they won't disappear on me let's go look at that choice one more time I'm going up here what says ribbon display options here's one that will mess people up every once in a while Auto hide the ribbon so this gives me a full-screen document to work on and then every once in a while I need to make a choice in the ribbon so how do I get it back well I've got my close button here I have a button that says ribbon display options and when I click on that oh here's my old friend I'm gonna go back there and show the tabs and the commands ha and life is good so again that's something that can happen by mistake if you happen to double-click on the tab that's already active or you can do it on purpose by clicking on this button to look at all the different choices about how the ribbon could appear do you want to see the tabs you want to see the ribbon at all do you want to see the tabs and the commands so again I'm gonna suggest that you put our video on pause here for a moment and go up in there and play with that button first of all work across the tabs that are in here and then go up there and play with that button to see I can hide the tabs show the tabs hide the commands show that commands hide the ribbon itself so take just a moment put our video on pause and go play with that spot right there everybody all right welcome back from your play with the information about the tabs and the ribbon next thing I'd like to talk about are these command tabs a little bit more so far I've mentioned every time I click on a command tab I get a new ribbon just some of the other terminology here inside the ribbon you will see the buttons grouped into what are called groups of buttons so for example under my Home tab I have the clipboard group I have the font group I have the paragraph group and then by hovering over each of the buttons I can get them to tell me their names and sometimes I'll even see a keyboard shortcut for example when I hover over the B it says oh that B stands for bold and it says there's a keyboard shortcut ctrl + B now I can either turn on the bold before I type or after I type will be doing all of that pretty soon so every time I click a command tab I get a new ribbon the ribbon is broken down into groups of buttons here's the paragraph group here's the Styles group found under the Home tab which produced the home ribbon and then every once in a while in one of these groups they will give you one of these guys a little down pointing right arrow when I hover over it it gives you a way to further customize things that I'm seen on-screen its official name is a dialog box launcher sometimes at our company we call it the black hole in time because when I click on it very often I am taken to a window that I might recognize if I have been around word for a long time maybe back to the 2003 version of Microsoft Word this used to be the way to modify my fonts so again pretty much every time you click on one of those dialog launchers you will be going into an old-school window whether you realize it or not maybe you weren't using word back in the day where this looks familiar to you but just be aware that it's another way to do many of the same things that you have in the group of buttons up here for example I see this is the paragraph group and I've got stuff about adding bullets or adding numbers to my lines indenting an out denting setting line spacing options and if I click on the dialogue launcher here oh look I've got left aligned right a lot I've got line spacing options in here it's just another way to do several of the same jobs that are already available in the groups of buttons right up here and sometimes there's extra choices in this dialog window that there isn't a button for up in the main part of the ribbon so that's how you can get to the dialog launchers and just the terminology the command tabs produce ribbons ribbons are broken down into groups of buttons many times the buttons have pulled down arrows with further choices and every once in a while they'll give you one of these dialog launchers that's a down pointing right arrow continuing with our exploration of the interface I would like to mention that one of these tabs is not like the others one of these tabs is not the same one of the come on everybody well maybe we're not all Sesame Street fans um the tab that I'm talking about right now is the file tab so right now every one of these tabs produces a new ribbon but if I go over here and click the file tab welcome to this totally different view here called the backstage view so you'll see they've got a nice list here of recently used files the first time you open your Microsoft Word you probably won't have any files over here I also have my personal onedrive that's online storage I have other web locations I have this PC when I click on this PC then I will see recently used folders as well as recently used documents and if the thing that I want isn't in any of these folders is in any of these documents I can simply browse for the file that I want to open and then I can navigate through my hard drive I can navigate through shared drives in my corporate network and so forth so this is how you can open a file that exists already for the moment I'm going to click cancel now Microsoft says this backstage view is where you do things to your files rather than in them and many of those things I see listed over at the left hand side for example I can open a file if I click on new oh look there's those templates we were seeing when we started this program if I click on the info button on the left hand side I can see some information about protecting the document inspecting it some properties some of these are automatically set up some of them are things that I can fill in over here at the left side I can open a file I can save a file I can take a file that's already got a name and save it as a different name I can click on print here and I'll actually see a print preview of my document wow that's pretty exciting so far I don't have anything in it yet and you'll see a whole bunch of settings that I can choose on the left hand side for doing my printout I'm not quite ready to do that yet you'll see that I can share this document with others there's another big trend of the future collaboration with other people on a document maybe you have to run it by the legal department maybe have a couple of people in your department who are experts in various parts of what this document is about so you could save it to the cloud somehow either through onedrive or if your company uses SharePoint then you would be able to share this with people and you could control who could do what in it and then you could have multiple people working on it at the same time also in my backstage view I see a choices about exporting to other file types maybe I want to change it to an older version of Microsoft Word because I'm dealing with somebody we know one of my customers who still only has the 2003 version of Microsoft Word quite frankly that doesn't happen very often anymore cuz it's 10 year old software but every once in a while here's a place I can close my document there are some other options in here that will talk about how you can decide where things are gonna get saved and how they're gonna look and so forth now to step out of the backstage view I have to do is go up here and click on the back button and now you're back into the normal view where we've got the command tabs and the quick access to over now as I look down towards the bottom of the screen I have this bar down at the bottom this is called the status bar and I can see what page I'm working on I can see how many words are in there again not too exciting just yet you might be able to see a section number down here at the bottom of my screen there's another important part of my word interface this is called the status bar on the left hand side I can see what page I'm working on I can see how many words are in my document gee that's not too exciting so far over on the right-hand side I see several different views that are available and at the far right I see ways to zoom in and zoom out on this document now I've got a minus sign on this end every time I click on that it zooms me out so I can see more of the document once I have text on there it will be harder to read the text as i zoom in and zoom out over here on the right hand side I click on the plus sign I can zoom in you can even see percentages over here as to how much I am zoomed in and you might notice this slider goes back and forth as I click the plus and minus signs I can actually grab that slider and drag it left and right now we can pass out the Dramamine to anybody who's got any motion sickness going on there but you know I got to tell you if I have a mouse with a scroll wheel on it I hardly ever go down here to zoom in and out on my document right now I'm sitting at a computer that has a scroll wheel on its mouse and as I roll that scroll wheel it lets me scroll up and down the document here's the bottom of the page and I'm going the other direction here's the top of the page but if I hold the control key while I'm rolling the scroll wheel it quickly zooms me in and out and this is not just a word thing this happens all across the office suite and in a lot of different programs maybe even several of the programs on the Adobe side and by using ctrl in the scroll wheel I don't have to get down to some little eighth of an inch thing down here in the bottom right corner to be able to zoom in and out and pretty soon we're going to start entering text and then we'll need to start talking about formatting various things now we're going to be discussing things that will format the entire document or just a paragraph or just a word or words and sentences and paragraphs that I have pre-selected but let's start out with kind of a big thing here let's talk about something that will affect the entire document and this is going to be available under the Layout tab so I'm going to click the Layout tab producing the layout ribbon and one of the things that I get to choose in there is the orientation of my paper now right now I'm going to use the ctrl and scroll wheel method for zooming out so maybe I can see the entire page here and then under my Layout tab I'm going to click on the orientation of the page and I get two choices right now I'm in portrait orientation I have another and called the landscape orientation that turns the paper sideways now this depends on what kind of a document I'm trying to create for example maybe a certificate of completion I'd like to have it sideways with really big letters on it but maybe for a business letter I'd like to have the orientation in portrait orientation so that I can do my typing and it will look more like a business letter one of the other things I can change in here is the actual paper size itself and of course that means that I have to have a printer that will print on these various sources legal size executive size so let me zoom out a little bit more here so that we'll be able to really see the differences when I change the paper size to legal for example you can see it got quite a bit taller all the sudden and if I turn that one to landscape orientation now notice that there is a trade off when I go to landscape orientation I gain width but I lose height so I'm you know pay attention to that that will be part of the thing that you'll want to set up probably before you start typing you can change it afterwards but it's better to plan ahead as to what you want this thing to look like so I'm going to go back to the eight-and-a-half by 11 letter paper size and I'm going to go back to the portrait orientation why don't you just take a moment put our video on pause and play with that for a minute that was under the Layout tab and we were changing the paper size and the orientation so put our video on pause and then come on back and we'll continue with this discussion all right welcome back it's time to get in and get our hands dirty so I'm going to be zooming in so that when I type stuff I'll actually be able to read it and maybe there's going to be a memo to people in a particular department so I'm going to start typing that em e em oh I'm holding the shift key to get all capital letters and then once I've done typing that I hit the enter key and it will jump down to the next line and then maybe this is going to be Who I am sending it to I'm gonna say it's to the people in the training department I'm gonna hit the enter key it jumps down and starts another new line I'm gonna put in who it's from every time I hit the enter key it jumps down and starts a new line you'll see that there's some nice line spacing makes things a little bit easier to read not all clumped up now every once in a while I'll forget to put something in now you may have noticed every time I hit the enter key the cursor that's the name of that flashing thing there jumps down and starts a new line but there are times when I want to take stuff that I've already typed and kick it farther down the page and this is going to be one of those cases so to do that I'm going to click right up here to put my flashing cursor in front of the word to and when I hit the enter key it takes it everything following that cursor and kicks it down and then I can hit the up arrow and I could put in today's date by the way any of you who love keyboard shortcuts Microsoft Word has a nice keyboard shortcut for putting in today's date it is Alt + Shift + D for date so right now I'm holding the Alt + the shift and while I'm holding them I'm tapping D for date and lo and behold there is today's date filled right in there so I think this would be a good place for you to put the video on pause and do what you just saw me do remember I type the word memo I hit the enter key I put in the two line I hit the enter key I put it in the from line I hit the enter key and then to move the word to I click to put my cursor just in front of it I hit the enter key to kick it down and then to fill in the date does anybody remember what the keyboard shortcut was for the date right now I hope some of you are shouting why Dan its alt + Shift + D right it's your turn to try that so put the video on pause catch up with me everybody welcome back I hoping you're having some fun learning how to set up your text so next thing I'm going to do is click right after my name and I'm going to get to cursor to kick down the page now if I try to hit the down arrow key it will only go as far as where I've hit enter so far and then if I needed to go even farther down than I need to hit enter more times I'm going to leave a little bit of extra space by hitting the enter key one more time and now I'm going to start my memo but I think I'd like to be able to read it a little bit better so I'm going to zoom in maybe I'm going down here and click my plus sign a couple of times maybe I would use control and the scroll wheel right now I'd like to type something that's not just gonna be a little short line I'd like to type something that's going to be a paragraph or two and that will let us talk about these margins and how they are the places where your words will wrap now this is not like rapper's delight' or something like that boom - boom boom to do is just WR AP the words rapping inside the margins here we go so this is a memo to my Training Department and it's going to talk about how we teach about Word when we first started up so when teaching about Word 2016 we want to do this thing we're going to do that thing so I'm just going to keep typing and you're gonna see the word rapping happen when teaching about Word 2016 start with the interface talk about the quick access toolbar the ribbon the bottom status bar and how to turn on the rulers now you notice how it just automatically were draft right there I did not hit the enter key to start a new line so that's an example of word wrapping let me zoom in on that a little bit more so you have a better chance of reading it maybe even a better chance of reading the whole thing so I'd like you to catch up with me do what I have done type this paragraph so you can see it word wrapping in there and then we'll come back and work together on some more so far we've been talking about entering text but sometimes you realize you've made mistakes or you've forgotten something or you should have used a different word somewhere so now we're going to start talking about editing text that exists already so for example maybe I would like to get rid of the word Dan and replace it with something longer so one of the ways I can do this is to click to put a cursor right after the N in Dan and maybe hit the backspace key to take those letters out one at a time and then in their place I will type in Daniel and add my middle name James and you'll see as I do that the words that are there already they just move over and make room for that so that flashing thing is called the cursor or another name for it is the insertion point and you've just actually seen why they might call it the insertion point now that's one way to do that erasing one thing and then typing another thing in its place but we have a little saying around here we say you need not erase to replace so maybe for example I want to replace the word word with something more general talk about not specifically word 2016 but the whole office suite when teaching about office 2016 so here I'm going to talk about you need not erase to replace I'm just gonna select the word word by dragging across it and then in its place I'm going to type the word office and you'll see how it just automatically puts that word right in there and any word wrapping that's going on at the end of the line it's just gonna automatically take over and wrap down to the next line now maybe I'm realizing that not everybody's gonna know what the QA toolbar is so maybe I need to spell that out quick access toolbar so I'm going to click to put my flashing insertion point right there and I'm gonna start typing the rest of the word quick leave a little space hit the right arrow key to move past the a and add the word access by the way that has nothing to do with the database program called Microsoft Access it's just the official name for this area right up here called the quick access toolbar all right so you can see how it automatically rear apps the words as we do that so why don't you just take a moment and go in and try some of the things you just saw me doing I erased a word and then type to another word in its place and then I went and selected a word and typed another word in its place without deleting it first so put our video on pause go do that just a little bit maybe you're typing something different than what I'm typing that's fine that's okay you can work on the kind of memo that you would be writing in that way you're practicing stuff that would be more familiar so put our video on pause take just a moment play a little bit with the editing erase something and type something else in its place and then try one where you select a word and type another word in its place without erasing first so put our video on pause and try that welcome back let's continue typing so I'm going to click right here after the word rulers or whatever is your last word hit the enter key a couple of times and then let's put in a closing about sincerely in Turkey and then fill in your name please pause the video and do that and then we'll be ready to save this document all right good work let's go talk about saving this thing now now as I look up in my quick access toolbar and have this little object supposed to look like an old floppy disk or I can go to my file tab and go to the backstage view and save in there I'm gonna click the back button when I hover over that floppy disk it says okay it's used to save and it might be a little bit hard to see but it does say ctrl + S is the keyboard shortcut for that in fact let me use some third-party software to zoom in on that even more oh it won't keep the little tooltip as i zoom in so again it's probably a little bit hard to see because it gets miniaturized on your screen but the save command keyboard shortcut is ctrl + s so I'm going to go click on that little Save button and you notice the window that pops up says save as now until you've saved a file in the first place obviously there's no difference between save at versus save as the save as specifically comes in if you decide that you want to save that document under a different name so maybe you've got a document that looks one way and then you've made some changes to it and you don't want to lose the original by clicking save to destroy the original and put the new one in its place you might be able to choose save as and that way give it a slightly different name or put it in a different folder and then you'd have a before version and an after version but when you're saving it for the first time there's no difference between save versus save as now I get to choose where I want to put it and you might notice that by default it's ready to put it on the cloud so this is another one of those things that Microsoft realizes is the wave of the future collaboration and storing things in a place where not only can I get to it on all my different devices maybe my Windows Phone maybe my tablet computer maybe my desktop computer that's one of the things that putting a document on the cloud is good for also for collaboration give somebody else permission to work on that document on the cloud with you and that way you can be both working on it at the same time that's a little bit down the road as far as our lesson is concerned in my case I would like to just save it on my computer here so I'm going to click on this PC right now I have to just automatic choices that My Documents folder or the desktop now in most cases you would store things in the My Documents folder that's what that's for but in my case I'd like to make a little folder for my finished files out on my desktop so I'm gonna click on desktop and then I will make a little folder for finished files I've got one forward sample files we haven't looked in there yet but we will pretty soon I would like to make a new folder luckily there is a button right here that will let me create a new folder so that's where I'm headed right now to make a new folder out on my desktop it makes a new folder named new folder but its name is all highlighted which means I can type right over top of it and I'll call it finished Word documents now you can feel free to drop yours in the My Documents folder but I would still recommend make a new subfolder make a new folder and name it finish Word documents I happen to be putting mine out on the desktop you can see here and then by default it takes whatever is in the very first line and makes that the name of the file now you can override that you can drag over the name here and name it something else but in my case memo yeah it seems like a decent name for us so I'm gonna make sure I put it in my finished Word documents folder by double clicking on the finished Word documents folder so now you can see that I'm actually standing in that folder that's on my desktop that's under my name that lives in the house of the jack belt and I'm going to finish saving that by clicking the Save button right down here so I haven't really changed anything in the document but as I look up in the blue title bar now it says the name of my document now you may or may not see the four-letter filename extension up here memo do see X that's not actually a word thing that's a Windows thing so if I have time to do it maybe we'll talk about how could you get the four-letter extension to show up but right now it's not important so take a moment and save your file again the way I did that I clicked on file and save or I clicked on the little floppy disk icon and then I made a folder to put it in so I went to file right now if I choose save it won't ask me what to name it because it's already got a name if I were to click on save as maybe I can see more information so I changed it from onedrive to this PC I went to the desktop I made a new folder that I named finish Word documents I had to type that name and hit the enter key to actually stand in that folder and then I kept the same name you can change it if you like I just let it be named memo when I hit the enter key it saved it right into that folder now if I click Save again right now it just replaces the old one with the new one all right so your turn you're finishing off your letter and you are saving it and you are creating a folder to drop it into so catch up with me there everybody so far we've talked about entering text editing text saving our document now I'd like to show you something in the background not the backstage view but something that's happening that you just can't see some of you may be old enough to remember the old Wizard of Oz with Judy Garland where they walk in and they catch the guy who's actually the wizard and he says ignore the man behind the curtain I'm going to show you behind the curtain right now I'm going to go to the Home tab and I would like to introduce this object right here kinda looks like a backwards P I've heard different names for paragraph symbol hard return I recently read its official name it's called a pilcrow pil cro w and if you would like to impress your geeky friends later this week tell them that you were studying a Microsoft Word class and you learned about the pilcrow but don't tell them what it is pil cir o w you just tell them you learned about it and they'll be all curious and they'll go look it up and they'll be really disappointed when they find out what it is but you will have kept him busy for 5 minutes looking up the pillow crow let me show you what it actually does so as i hover over it it says show or hide and then it's got the pilgrim symbol so I'm gonna actually click on that and oh there's a whole bunch of stuff has suddenly appeared a whole bunch of Little Pill crows now if you think about where that pilcrow symbol is and what we did right at that spot you'll realize that that poco symbol signifies every place where we hit the enter key also called a hard return so we typed in memo we hit the enter key it jumped down and created the next line we put in today's date we hit the enter key so every place that there's one of those pill crawls there's an Enter key notice here there's a pilcrow ending this paragraph and then another pilcrow leaving a little blank gap between the two paragraphs here also notice where it did the word wrapping there is no pilcrow there it just automatically wrapped at the margin and if it can't fit a whole word in there it doesn't hyphenate it by default it carries the whole word to the next line here so if you don't see a pilcrow it means that you got word wrapping not enter keys at any time I needed to finish off a line that wasn't long enough to word wrap I needed a pilcrow right there I needed an Enter key there now one of the reasons I'm telling you about the pilcrow is because the next document that we're going to open yes I said open a document that exists already we're gonna go look at pill crows in there and see that they explain a couple of things so make sure you have saved the latest version this document so far and then let's go open a document from things that we downloaded earlier so you can leave this document open and I'd like you to just watch first I'm gonna go up and click on the file tab to go to that backstage view in here I'm going to tell it I don't want a new document I want to open a document that exists already so I'm going to click the open command here I'm back at that same window this looks very much like my save window only now you can see I am opening a document not saving it and the document I want to open is on this PC it's not on the cloud I'm going to click on this PC now again that gives me certain folders that I've been to recently including the My Documents folder but we haven't actually start anything in the My Documents folder so instead I would like to be able to get out to the desktop I might be able to find that by scrolling down in this list of places that I've worked recently but I can actually make that job a little bit easier if I just go down here and click on the Browse button so when I click on browse it assumes I want to work on my PC and the first place mine is looking is the finished Word documents because that's the last place I was working but that's not where I stored my downloaded files I put them in a folder out on my desktop so I'm gonna grab this scroll box right here and scroll up so that I can go to my desktop and then inside there I'm going to go find my word sample files now I don't know how many of you work in a corporate location where you often have a shared folder where you interact with files that are used by everybody maybe that's an H Drive or an N Drive or an S Drive and sometimes you have to go to that Drive and then you have to go into a folder and then you have to go into a little sub folder I'm going to show you a way they can make life easier for those kind of things it's not gonna make life a lot easier for us because I'm only saving myself one step but I want you to notice this area over here called the favorites area anything that I put over there I can get to with a single click for example maybe I would like to be able to get to my word sample files for any time I need to open one of these downloaded files so I'd like you to watch my screen I'm going to grab the word sample files and I'm dragging it to the left and at first I get this little red Ghostbusters slash there but if I'm just brave the Ghostbusters slash will disappear and then I can make sure to drop it between folders over here I want to be careful not to drop it on a folder otherwise I'm not actually making any kind of quick shortcut I just put it from one folder to another so I'm looking for this little horizontal line I let go and now I have a quick way to get to my word sample files that'll be handy for opening files and then I've also got my folder here about finished Word documents and that'll be handy when I'm saving files so I'm going to drag that one over to my favorites area as well so I'm going to have my word sample files there I'm going to have my finished Word documents there and then I'm going to go click on word sample files so why don't you put the video on pause and do what you just saw me do let me remind you of how I got to that whole thing here and then it's going to be your turn to try so I'm working on this document but I want to open a different one so I'm gonna go to the file tab I'm here in the backstage view I'm gonna click on open a document I'm gonna navigate by browsing on my own computer I'm gonna head to at first I had to go to my desktop to be able to see the folder called word sample files and then I grabbed that folder and dragged it over here and dropped it in my favorites area and then I grabbed the finish Word document folder and dragged over here and dropped it in my favorites area so go join me when you come back we'll all be sitting right here ready to open that the next document so put the video on pause and do those things make a couple of folders over there in your favorites area and then we'll pick up right here all right good work everybody and just be aware anytime that you miss a step you can always rewind the video a little bit if you need to alright so now that I've got a couple of things over here in my favorites area I'm going to go over here to my word sample files and then on the right hand side on this alphabetized list I'm going to scroll down to find one named practice large document and once I find that I'm going to point at it I could click on it once and then click open or if you've got a good steady hand you can point at practice large document and just double click on it tap tap and it should pop open looking like this now you notice it looks a little bit funny here that's because we opened a document that we downloaded from the web and it's not considered a trusted location and right now I can scroll left and right this is great for those tablet computers where I'm holding it in my hand and then I can use my thumb on the side of the computer to scroll from page to page this way but I won't be able to edit it in order to do that you can see up here in the yellow bar protected view be careful are you really sure you trust this and if I want to be able to change anything in it I have to click on enable editing and now it looks a little bit more like a regular document and because I've got the pilcrow stern down I can actually see a bunch of those there so this would be a good time to go open that file let's see you created the shortcut over on the side of your screen there and so now in Word you go to file you go to open going to browse you dragged the folders over here so that you can get to them quickly and you can go to the folder name word sample files single click gets you there on the right-hand side scroll down and find practice large document and then double click on it and then we'll be ready to go to the next chapter of our lesson so catch up with me remember you'll have to click on a yellow bar that says enable editing by the way when you get there if you just see a blank document and you don't see the pill CROs you can turn the pilcrow symbol on right here that was under the Home tab all right so go up on that document and we'll see you in the next chapter so here we are looking at our document having clicked on enable editing and if you haven't turned on the pill CROs do that now and so now if I start using my scroll wheel to scroll down I can see I basically got a blank page then I have a title and then another title and then paragraphs by the way when I mentioned the word paragraph what I'm talking about is everything between Bill crows so here's a pill crow and here's a pill crow everything between there is a paragraph according to Microsoft Word now sometimes paragraphs are very short here's a pill crow and here's a pill crow this is a four word paragraph this is a I don't know thirty word paragraph and so forth as far as Word is concerned a paragraph is everything between the pill crows not just you switching gears and talking about a different subject that's going to be really important when we start talking about formatting because when we talk about formatting a paragraph we are talking about formatting everything between the pill across all right having said that and beaten that horse to death let us scroll to the top of the document where you see all these pill crows and what I want to do is remove them I want to remove those pill crows and this page break now one of the ways to do that would be to hit the Delete key over and over again here I'm tapping the Delete key that got rid of one of my pill crows Here I am tapping the Delete key again that got rid of one of other pilgrims but we've also seen that you can drag to select text and tap the Delete or backspace key just once and erase all those things at once so that's what I'm gonna do right now I'm gonna drag to select the pill cross I'm dragging it straight down and straight down to include the page break and then tap the Delete key and all the rest of it moves right up there your turn to try that so put the video on pause you're going to select all those pill crows and the page break there on the first page tap the Delete key to get rid of them and then your document should look like this so join me you remove those pill crows please so now that we've got our document looking like this why don't we hide the pill crows sometimes they kind of get in the way so I'm going to go up and turn off the pill crows now it just kind of looks like a regular document and I'm noticing that these letters look different than these letters that's because they have a different font and a different size and any time you're trying to figure out so what's the name of this font and what size is it you can click in the middle of such a section and then go look up here under your Home tab specifically in the group called font in this case I can see that the name of this font is Arial and that it's size right over here measured in 70 seconds of an inch called points 14 70 seconds of an inch 14.12 font when I click down here and food for your mind same thing Arial font 14-point size but I can see that things are different down here in this paragraph when I click down there gee what font is being used down there and what size is it look at my screen answer the question before I tell you right the font is named times new something kind of hard to tell exactly what that is and the size is twelve so you notice these letters are not as tall of those because those ones up here are 14 size and the ones down here in this big paragraph our 12 size so I want you to put our video on pause for just a second try that little trick click in the midst of a bunch of letters look to see what font and what size it is and then click down in the paragraph down here and notice that it is a different font and a different size so put our video on pause and catch up with me in that discussion now this document you could see its name up in the title bar practice large document I also see the words compatibility mode maybe more information than you need to know right now but anytime you see the words compatibility mode it means that that document was created in an older version of Microsoft Word either the 2003 version or even earlier anytime you see that thing up there in the title bar that says compatibility mode that's what it means now you'll never ever have a problem using the new program to look at a file created in the older version of the program the problem would happen is if you made this document in the new version of the program and then emailed it as an attachment to somebody who was still using Word 2003 they wouldn't be able to open that document so you never have a problem using the newer program on an older file type that's the good news here we're gonna be using this document through several of our lessons so what I'd like to do right now is make a copy of this document by using the save as command and in this case not only am I going to change the name of the file but I'm going to change the folder that it's in right now it's in the downloaded folder I would like to make a copy of it in our finished files folder so here we go I'm going to go up to my file tab and this time I really need to choose save as if I click on save or if I click on the little floppy disk icon all I will be doing is saving it under the same name in the same place there is no little quick button up here for save as there is a keyboard shortcut for it if you care it's the f12 function key I'm not gonna use that right now but I'll just keep tossing in these keyboard shortcuts again f12 is save as so instead I'm gonna click on the file tab here I am in the backstage view I'm gonna click on save as I'm gonna browse now notice that by default it's ready to put it back where I opened it from the word sample files I actually want to put it in my finished files folder luckily I have a nice little shortcut for that or we're in my favorites area so I'm looking for my finished word Documents folder I click on it and then down here I'm gonna change its name from practice large document to working large document that is I'm dragging across the word practice and replacing it with the word working hey I'm not actually in the document I am naming the document but that same method for selecting one thing and typing in its place hey that works here as well again don't worry if you don't see the dot do see X on the end of that it's too early to talk about that don't worry about it if you don't see it alright so I'm changing its name to a working large document I'm changing where I'm going to put it I brought it in from word sample files I'm now saving it in finished Word documents and I finished that off either by hitting the enter key or clicking the Save button and you may notice on my screen right now let me magnify that I'm getting a little notice that says your document will be upgraded to the newest file format which means I won't be working in compatibility mode anymore now if what I want to do is edit this document and then send it back by email attachment to somebody who is still using 2003 version of this then you can see I would need to make a change here instead of choosing ok I would have to do this now watch my screen for just a moment I'm not going to have you do this but here's what I would have to do I'd have to click on cancel and then right down here where it says it's going to save it as a Word document this is a list box here's a list arrow here if I click in that list box one of my choices is to save it as a word 97-2003 document and again you might not see the filename extensions on the end of your documents but a 2003 file would end and do see or as a normal now Word document would be do see X by the way if you don't see any year number attached to that you're supposed to just understand that means the squeaky shiny new version of that okay so I'm backing out of there I am going to save it as a Word document which is the default choice and I'm saving that over here into my finished Word documents and I'm changing its name from practice large document to working large doctoral so I'd like you to do the same you should get this little message that says you're now going to have this in the 2007 2010 2013 2016 file format it uses the same format for all of those I click on OK or hit the enter key so here's my new name up in the title bar working large document notice it no longer says compatibility mode so you're our turn to do that you're going to use the save as command you can use f12 if you want the keyboard shortcut you have opened it from the downloading folder you're going to save it into the finished Word documents folder and you're changing its name from practice large document to working large document all right catch up with me there everybody now that we've got a document that's a little bit larger than we've been working with let's talk about navigating around in this document now the name of it says working large document but as they look in the lower left-hand corner here it's really a three-page document so it's not like the thing is really huge here let's talk about navigating slowly up and down I can use my mouse to move over here into the scroll bar and I can click on the down pointing arrow so notice if I click to put my flashing insertion point over here at this space and then I move to the bottom of the scroll bar and click in the little arrow I'm moving my view down but I'm not moving the cursor down if on the other hand I go to the keyboard and I start tapping the down arrow key at first I am moving the cursor but when the cursor gets to the bottom of the screen and I keep hitting the down arrow key now I'm actually scrolling down and the difference between that and using the arrows on the scroll bar is using the arrows on my keyboard moves the cursor as it Scrolls using the arrows on the scroll bar doesn't move the cursor it only moves my viewpoint I can move a little bit faster if I hold the control key and start tapping up and down arrow keys now at first it's a little bit tough to figure out how does it decide where it should stop well I can solve that riddle if I turn on the pill Krause so here I am at the beginning of the paragraph with my cursor ctrl down arrow key move to the next pill Crowe next pill Crowe ctrl down arrow key control down arrow key next paragraph next pill Crowe beginning of the next paragraph next pill Crowe so that's going a paragraph at a time when I'm holding the ctrl key and tapping the down arrow key what if I want to move a whole screens worth at a time well if I move my mouse over here I notice this scroll box that I can grab and drag in the scroll bar but if I want to go a whole screen at a time I can put my mouse under the scroll box in the scroll bar and click and it will jump down one screen at a time now I don't need to move the mouse right below the scroll box I can move it way down here and then every time I click it goes one screen at a time until it catches up to me I can also do that with a couple of keys on my keyboard there's a key on my keyboard mark to page up and every time I tap that page up key it is just like clicking above the scroll box in the scroll bar I move one screen at a time notice the page up and page down key don't necessarily move me to the bottom of the next printed page they move me to the bottom of the next screens worth as far as whether I get to the bottom of the printed page that's dependent on how far I am zoomed in and zoomed out so the keys that say page up and page down names are a little bit misleading they really should be called screen up and screamed down so why don't you just take just a moment and try out some of those methods that I've been using grabbing the scroll box clicking above or below the scroll box using the down arrow key to move the cursor using the down arrow on the scroll bar to move your viewpoint without moving the cursor control and up arrow control and down arrow to move one paragraph at a time and then the page up and page down keys to move one screen at a time so please put your video on pause and try each of those things that we've been talking about then when we come back I'm gonna start talking about moving within a paragraph right and rolling the scroll wheel to move my mouse up into one of the bigger paragraphs up here and I'm just gonna click to put my cursor right in the middle of a line you can see my cursor remember it's also called the flashing insertion point so there's my cursor sitting right there now if I use arrow keys to move up and down left and right we've all done that but I'd like to start talking about a key other than arrow keys that lets me move around in the line for example I see a key marked home when I tapped the HOME key can everybody see what that did with my cursor it's all the sudden right over here at the beginning of a line there's my cursor it's not flashing when i zoom in with my third-party flashing software there so that was the home key moves me to the beginning of a line moving this way with the arrow key tapping the home key there I am at the beginning of the line there's another key usually real near my home key marked end and if I tap the end key notice my cursor is now over here at the right end of the line so home moves me to the left and moves me to the right now what if I want to move all the way to the beginning of the document well I can add the ctrl key so I'm holding the ctrl key and tapping the HOME key there I am right in the upper left hand corner of the first line let's see so there was fall man and that was control home how do you suppose I could get to the very end of the document hopefully somebody saying mmm well maybe that would be ctrl and the end key I'm gonna do that right now holding the ctrl while I'm holding ctrl I'm tapping the end key bang there I am right at the last page I am now at the bottom of page 3 of 3 so I'd like you to try that you're gonna click in the middle of a line you're gonna test the HOME key which goes to the beginning of the line you're gonna test the end key that goes to the end of the line you're gonna try ctrl home that goes to the beginning of the document you're gonna try control end that goes to the end of the document try that out for a couple of seconds put our video on pause when we come back we're gonna start talking about selecting objects now one of the ways to select objects gee why don't I go to the beginning of my document here mmm what keyboard combination did I just do to get there hopefully you're saying why dan you fool can't you remember anything for two seconds that must have been control and hold and you would be right I'm going to turn off the pill Krause here and this time I want to select text now pretty much everybody knows that you can grab your mouse and drag sideways across text you can drag up and down across text using that method you don't always have to drag to the right and down you can drag up you can drag up and to the left notice you can move up or down but not both from the place that I started I can move up or down but not both couple other ways that I can select text if I want to select a whole line I can move my mouse out into this margin now most of the time when I see an arrow it points up and left but notice out here in the margin it points up and right and that has a significance when I click with the up pointing right arrow it selects that whole line doesn't stop at the end of the sentence it goes to the end of the line if I move down and then I hold the mouse button down as I'm dragging I can select several lines at once either up or down but not both so this time I'm not starting in the middle of the line this time I'm starting out in the margins to drag up or down to select entire lines multiple lines and if I wanted to select an entire paragraph I can move out here just make sure I make the beginning of the paragraph and drag straight down and if I keep dragging down off the bottom it begins scrolling up to me so these are ways to select large blocks of text by the way there's a way to do that through the keyboard as well while I'm mentioning it here remember how I could use down arrow keys to move my mouse one line at a time or ctrl down arrow key to move one paragraph at a time well what I'd like you to notice now is if I add the shift key to that I won't just be moving my cursor I'll be selecting so right now I'm holding the shift key and while I'm holding the shift key I'm tapping the down arrow key oh look it says though I had clicked out in the margin and if I keep the shift key down and keep tapping the down arrow key my cursor you can't see it flashing but it is actually moving down in that paragraph and because I have the shift key down it is selecting as it goes what do you suppose would happen if I held ctrl and shift and tap the down arrow key well that's what I'm about to do now ctrl + Shift I'm tapping the down arrow key now it's going a paragraph at a time because of the ctrl key and it's selecting as it goes because of the shift key and again I can go up or down from the area that I had started but not both I can go one direction or the other okay so it's time for you to try this it's just like the navigating was only we're adding the shift key you can either drag up and down within a paragraph you can click to get a whole line you can click and drag to take more than one line you can use the down arrow key to move your cursor you can use the down arrow key while you're holding the shift key to select while you're moving the cursor and if you want to ctrl + Shift + down arrow you can select entire paragraphs at a time so now is the time for you to try that everybody last we were talking about navigating this time we're talking about selecting and the selecting is going to be really important when we start formatting things changing the font changing the color changing the size of the letters you must select - a fact so practice you are selecting and you're navigating for just a couple of minutes and then we'll come back and we'll start talking about selecting to effect now we come to the first portion of our lesson where it's really important to be able to select because we're going to start talking about formatting things in our document and you must select to effect that is you have to tell it what to work on and then tell it what to do to that text in my case I'd like to move to the top of the document so I'm going to use control and home now let's say that I would like to take this title up here and make it left aligned instead of centered I'd like to move it to the left edge of the paper like this title is so first I need to select up I could drag across it to select it but we had a way where you could select an entire line and to do that we had to move out here into the margin so we had the up pointing right arrow that way with a single click I can select that entire line and notice what popped up on screen this is called the mini formatting toolbar Microsoft knows that if you select text that you've already typed it's usually because you want to change the formatting somehow so this little mini toolbar has the things in it that people use most often when formatting text that already exists notice the B is already turned on here as I hover over that it says that's bold letters extra heavy dark by the way you'll notice as I moved away from that quick formatting toolbar it disappeared and it's not easy to get back luckily all I have to do is go up to my home ribbon and I can get to those things that were in my quick formatting toolbar so for example I said maybe I'd like to move the letters to the left or to the right here's some little buttons that will do that here's a line left notice this one is already selected that's why these words are centered on the page maybe I want to move them to the right side of the page if I click on that button there they are over at the right-hand side here I am moving them to the left hand side Here I am Riis entering them how did it know what words to move because I had pre-selected them you must select to affect let's say that I would like to change the size of those letters I've still got them selected I'm gonna go up here to the size box and I'm gonna boost them from 14 to maybe 20 by the way I haven't clicked on 20 yet but notice I can see what 20 would look like this is one of my favorite features of the of Microsoft Office suite it's called live preview I get to see what the thing would look like before I actually click to commit to it this is a big thing because in the old day your new old days we used to select text and we would say you know I think that's gonna look great as a 28 point font and then I click on 28 and I go oh that's not as good as I was hoping it would look because I couldn't see it ahead of time I'm thinking I like purple letters and so I'm going to choose purple letters and then they look awful I'm not really doing that yet but again these are gonna be things that I can see in my live preview if I don't like what I see I move away from it if I do like what I see I go ahead and click on it so I'm gonna make those letters 28-point size and then I'm going to go up right up here under my home ribbon in the font group I've got a way to set the letter color now if I just click on that red a right there I will get red letters but maybe I want some other color than red that's what this little sneaky list arrow is about right here when I click on this I see several colors they are divided into what are called theme colors and standard colors we'll be talking about themes in a few minutes but again and giving that lovely lie preview and when I see something I like I click on it and then to see what it really looks like I click away from it so it's not selected anymore so why don't you take just a second and do that select that top title move it to the left move it to the right stand up sit down fight fight fight change the size change the color and then come on back and we'll do some Omar formatting together alright let's say that I want to affect multiple lines this time I've got these little titles at the beginning of several of my paragraphs and maybe I would like to do something to say three of those at once maybe I'd like to turn them into fire engine red or dark blue maybe those are my company colors light green and dark blue so I'm gonna sort of brand this document using the company colors so first I'm going to select this line and then I'd also like to select this line at the same time but when I click out in the margin okay I've got that second one selected but I've lost the first one now some of my more experienced word users might know about the ctrl-click trick and that's what I'm about to do so first thing I'm gonna do is click out here in the margin there's the first one that I wanted to select now I'm going to scroll down with my scroll wheel and I'm going to move out into the margin next to what is books and beyond and I'm gonna hold the ctrl key as I click oh look that lets me choose two things at once and I can keep doing that and we'll just scroll down some more I'm going to hold the ctrl key and click here and now I've got three things selected at once and whatever I do next will affect all three of those lines for example maybe I go up here and use that same green color that I was using on the title and if you look closely the thing that used to have a red bar under the a now has that light green bar under the a and if I just click on that oh look I've got that green down here alright it's your turn to try that so you're gonna select several of those titles remember you're gonna click out in the margin I'm gonna hold the ctrl key and click to get a second one ctrl click to get a third one and then set the ladder color right up here either through the pull down arrow or or by reusing a color that you might have used for the title have at it catch up to me all right good work let's move down to the end of our document remember our old keyboard shortcut by now control and the pilsudski key no there's no pilsudski key I'm talking about control and end let's check to see who's listening here so I'm using ctrl + n to get down to the end of the document and let's say that what I would like to do down here is change the font of this last paragraph so I'm gonna select the whole paragraph yes I could drag from end to end or I could move out in the margin and drag downward or drag upwards select that whole paragraph it's a couple other keyboard ways to do that but I don't want to overwhelm you with things and what I'd like to do here is change the font right now it's Times New Roman but maybe I'd like to look like an old school I mean an old school typewriter the usual find on an old school typewriter is called courier cou RI ER word has a font called courier new and I'd like to choose that so I'm moving up either to my quick formatting mini toolbar or I can move up to my home ribbon and I'm going to click on the pull down arrow in this list of fonts and man what a list we have as I roll up and down in that list I can actually see it happening in the background I've got that live preview thing going on back there now sometimes partially covered up by that list itself so I'm trying to find a font called courier new I'm going to start scrolling down through the FBI's list I'm down to CEO I'm down to see oh you there it is courier new I'm hovering over it yeah that looks like an old-school typewriter I'm clicking on it so I can change the font I can change the color got all kinds of formatting features here make the font a little bigger a little smaller there's a button here that I can make everything uppercase or lowercase we've got some fancy schmancy word art it's called with all kinds of reflections and glowing features and so forth pretty much everything up here in the font group is kind of fun to play with we have to select the text first so what I just did was I selected that last paragraph and I changed its font courier new I'd like you to select that last paragraph and I'd like you to just play with it a little bit try ball try talaq try underlined we got strike through we've got superscript subscript got all kinds of cool text effects I'd like you to just play and make sure you're working on that very last paragraph so we'll give you a couple of months to do that and then we're going to come back and I want to talk about kind of a cool feature that's available only in Word and PowerPoint and we'll take advantage of it here in word so pause the screen select that last paragraph get in there and play a little bit when you're done unpause the screen and we'll start talking about a special feature that's only available in Word and PowerPoint so get in there in play for a minute put the video on pause play around a bit and then come on back all right so here comes this new thing let's stop for a moment and save our latest document come on up and click on that little floppy disk up in the upper right corner or maybe you like the keyboard shortcut that it's showing me ctrl s so go ahead and click on that now we're not using save as so it just assumes that we want to keep the same file name and replace the old version with the new version and now let's close this file now one of the ways to do that is to go up here to the upper right corner and click the close button let's go ahead and do it that way so click that close button to close this document now when I do that I can see that my memo document is still open behind there and maybe I want to turn the pill CROs off alright here's what I'd like everybody to do first of all you're gonna watch me do this and then you're gonna join me so it's a special thing that happens when we reopen a word document so I'm going to go to my file menu I'm going to tell it to open a file I'm going to slide down here and browse for my document where someone I was working on most recently working large document I'm going to double click to reopen that look what's happening down here in the bottom right corner welcome back pick up where he left off how are we doing so far two minutes ago mmm so if I click on that it takes me right to that place that I was working earlier the last place I was working when I closed this document boy is that handy maybe this is a twenty page document I was fixing something on page twelve and I kind of like to pick up where I left off I can just click on that little button that appeared in the bottom right corner to take me right to the last place I'd been working before I save that file how cool is that so it's your turn to make that happen for you you've recently closed the working large document go back up to the file menu choose open slide down and click on browse it should take you to the last folder you were working in as long as you haven't turned your computer off between then and now and you should get that little thing up here in the bottom right corner when you go to open that document and you can click on that logo placeholder and it will take you right to this place where you were working last so catch up with me we were working at the last part of that document reopen it and let it take you to pick up where you left off early on in our lessons I mentioned that we were going to talk about different kinds of formatting formatting that affects the entire document formatting that affects just a paragraph formatting that affects only certain words that I've pre-selected and we've seen a couple of those we saw formatting the entire document involved maybe setting the orientation are we going to go portrait or landscape what size paper are we going to use we can set those things up and those are good to do before I actually start your typing it can be done afterwards but suddenly your document like re wraps itself all of these paragraphs and so forth so these are things that are good to do fairly early on as far as setting up the entire document and then recently we saw that we could affect this paragraph by changing its font for example but maybe there are other things I want to do to draw attention to a paragraph maybe I'd like to indent the sides temporarily increasing the whitespace and narrowing the paragraph that is narrowing where it word wraps as I'm typing maybe I want to change the line spacing how much space there is between the lines in a paragraph I grew up as a child of those names and back then we had a mechanical typewriter we didn't even have an electric typewriter where I grew up so you would put the paper in the roller on your typewriter and you would roll this it was called the carriage you would roll the carriage forward and bring the paper up to where you were gonna tight so you would type and when you finished a line it wouldn't wrap you would have to grab this little handle on the typewriter and drag it sideways and that would roll the platon up so that you could get to the next line and it would take that carriage and move it over to the beginning of the next line by the way any of you who have done any programming you'll see this term carriage return and line feed that's old school term for that stuff I used to have to do on a typewriter but I digress I'm also thinking of maybe an elementary school junior high we would be assigned to read a book and then we had to write a book report and very often the teacher would say I want that to be two pages double-spaced so when we talk about double spacing we're talking about the vertical distance between lines and a pair and that's what I'd like to talk about now now when you're formatting a paragraph many times you don't actually have to select the entire paragraph to format it depending on what sort of things you're doing if for example I wanted to change the font as we did I really did have to select all the characters in the paragraph to change the font but for things like indentation and line spacing you just have to click to put your cursor again also called the insertion point in the middle of such a paragraph so I'm going to do that with this paragraph right here that starts with books and Beyond has always been a place to go for your reading pleasure so I'm going to click anywhere in that big paragraph now remember what a paragraph is according to word I go up there and turn on the pill Crow's under the Home tab so here's the end of one paragraph here's a blank paragraph here's this paragraph no pill CROs at the end here it just word wrapped here's the end of the paragraph so I'm talking about everything between here and here is this paragraph and I've just clicked in the middle of it I'm gonna turn the pill CROs off right now and so what I want to do now is set the line spacing to be what's called double-spaced I notice under my Home tab there's this whole paragraph group up here and the names don't really show up till you hover over them but if I look at this one right here I can see that it's name is line and paragraph spacing and then they try to tell me how this works so if I click on that right now I get a little pulldown list and I can see that it's single spaced but I could make it one-and-a-half spaced or the dreaded double spaced even the even more dreaded triple spaced usually that's kind of overboard but if my teacher said I needed to do something double spaced then this would be a nice way to do it and I love that live preview so I'm gonna back out of there and I haven't actually made that choice and I'm just gonna click away let me talking about another way that I could get in and look at the line spacing you may remember our discussions of these little guys little down-pointing right girls called the dialogue launcher if I click the dialogue launcher I am taken to a relatively old-school dialogue window where I can set the line spacing right here notice many same choices and some other ones that weren't on that list I can also talk about indenting left and right we're going to be doing that in just a moment so this is a nice window to control a lot of things about a paragraph for the moment I'm going to cancel I want to switch gears for a second I want to talk about indenting my paragraph again that's temporarily increasing the white margin space well here's a little button that will do that I'm hovering over it it says increase indent notice I'm not getting a live preview of that and when I click on oh look what it did it indented the left side of that paragraph roughly a half an inch now what if I want to indent the right-hand side of it turns out there's no button for that I see a little button with an arrow pointing the other direction it says decrease indent and when I click on it decreases the indent on the left side of the paragraph so what if I want to indent both sides okay a couple of things we need to talk about there now I've also mentioned earlier left align centered right aligned as a fourth one up here called justified and I'm gonna click on that and notice how it nicely lines up both the right and left sides of my paragraph and this way when I indent it will be a little bit easier to see that I'm actually indenting that thing but there's no quick button form so I'm gonna go to my dialogue launcher for paragraphs where I could indent the left and the right side now I can spin it up here tenth of an inch at a time you'll see a little preview down here and I can do the right side only this time instead of spinning it up I'm just gonna drag across the zero I'm gonna type in point five it assumes I mean inches and then once I click on OK there it is indented from both sides about a half an inch and it's easy to tell that it's indented because I've got that right side lined up nicely when I justified it so why don't you take just a moment and do that click anywhere in this paragraph books and Beyond has always been placed blah blah blah and you can play with the justified alignment and you can play with the indenting left and right so the justified alignment can be done here the left side indenting can be done up here but if you want to control all of that stuff maybe go to the dialogue launcher where you could notice the alignment here and left align red line centered justified you could have done that here and then I was able to indent a half an inch on each side and you can see that I've got all the lines facing right here so take a moment and go to this dialogue window so far I'm going to cancel remember to get there you're gonna go to the Home tab here in the paragraph group I'm gonna click on the dialog launcher so let's increase left and right indent a half an inch we'll make sure that it's justified so that both left and right are lined up nicely and while you're at it while you're in there why don't you do the double spacing in there as well that could be around here double spacing all right your turn to catch up with me for that sometimes when I'm working on a document I realize that the order of things that I've typed might be improved this is gonna let us talk about something called cut and paste and another closely related feature called drag-and-drop so let's go I'm scrolling upwards I'm gonna find this paragraph whose label says easy-listening and I'm realizing I would like to change the order of these last two sentences so one of ways to do this is through what's called cut and paste so I'm going to select the text that I want to cut this was my step one of my four step process step two I'm gonna make the cut one of the ways to do that right up here in the clipboard group I'm gonna hover over these scissors as I do that it tells me there's a keyboard shortcut for it ctrl + X or if you're big right click or like I am you can right click in the selected text and make a cut there well since I have this on screen right now I'm just gonna go through with that cut that sentence and you'll see that it's gone but it's not totally gone it's being starred right now in an area of ram memory called the clipboard hence the name of this group of buttons here the clipboard group and now what I want to do is paste it but before I paste it I have to move the flashing insertion point to the place where I want to paste it if I paste it right now it's going to go right back in where I took it out so my step 3 of my cut and paste is to place my flashing insertion point down here in this case and then the last step is to paste I'm going to go up here and hover over the paste button it tells me there's a keyboard shortcut for that control V you know the V in paste well yeah I've heard of silent letters like the L and walk the V in paste must not only be silent apparently it's an invisible letter the invisible V in paste but I digress so I'm just gonna go click on that paste button and that thing that I copied is pasted right in there why don't you go try that put our video on pause go select that sentence about you can find musical selections blah blah blah cut it put the insertion point after tape of your choice and then paste it just like you saw me do maybe you'd like to right click maybe you'd like to use the keyboard shortcut but do a cut and a paste and then come on back next I'd like to talk about another way to quickly cut and paste this is a method called drag and drop and sometimes people discover drag and drop totally by mistake so next I'd like to talk about the term drag and drop this is a quick way to cut and paste many times people will discover drag and drop totally by mistake let's imagine for example that I would like to select this line about you will find our inventory is complete blah blah blah but I'm dragging to start selecting it and I let go a little too early and then I figure I'll just go start that over again I'll grab right over here and I'll start dragging it to the right and all sudden hey wait a minute those words have moved around and this doesn't make sense anymore you will find that is complete and how much you'll span your purchase on our inventory you'll find that is complete actually you will find that was originally right over here next to our inventory I just accidentally discovered drag and drop the good news is I can now point at that selected object and drag it back here can you see a little tick mark following me around I'm gonna drop it right here before our inventory I have just dragged and dropped put that back in place only that was by accident let's see how I might now do that on purpose I want to swap the order of these last two sentences so one of the ways to do that I'm going to select that whole sentence and then instead of going through the cut and paste I'm simply going to point in the middle of it drag down I see the little tick mark following me drop it right at the end of the paragraph and let go and I have cut and pasted through drag and drop alright again this is your turn so put our video on pause rewind it if you need to don't bother doing the mistaken one do the right ones select that whole sentence let go point in the middle of it drag it down and you will have swapped the order quicker then copy and paste so I'd like you to try that select that text and then drag it down and that's the quickest way to cut and paste catch up with me now that's all well and good if I'm moving things around inside of a document but what if I want to copy something from one document to another well let's talk about that for a moment this is going to be copy and paste rather than cut and paste so again the steps are going to be for square I have to select the thing to make a copy of then I have to make the copy then I have to place my insertion point where I want to paste and then I do the pasting okay so this time it won't disappear I'm not cutting and pasting I'm copying and pasting but first I want to have a new document now we've seen that if we go up to the file menu and choose new we've got all these templates here what if I just want to make a brand new document well there is a keyboard shortcut for this it's control and the letter n as in new and that's a pretty universal keyboard shortcut for pretty much every program you're going to see control and not end we know that control end takes me to the end of my document control n that makes a brand new document and that's what I'm going to do right now control n so there's a brand-new document and if I want to switch back and forth between the documents that I have open I can do that down on my taskbar which you can't see right now or in word I can go up to my View tab and I've got a choice here about switch windows and when I click on the switch windows button here is my memo document is still open here's my working large document is still open and then here's the generic name document 3 because I haven't saved it yet but this will give me a place to paste what I wanted copied so I'm gonna switch windows back to my working large document I'm gonna go select maybe all of this right here the label and that paragraph and then I'm gonna make a copy not a cut I don't want to disappear it out of this window I just want to copy it so here's the button for copying as I hover it tells me the keyboard shortcut for that is ctrl C no invisible letters there I'm just gonna click on copy if I was doing this in Excel I would see a flashing marquee around the thing I copied in word you don't really get any clue that you've copied it you just have to trust that you've copied it and I'm going to switch over to that other window the new document I've just created that was my view tab switch windows going to my newly created document 3 and now on a paste in there mmm let's say I don't see the paste command because I'm looking at the View tab right now the paste command is over here under the Home tab or control V or any of those things that we've seen right clicking down here to paste so I'm just going to paste that bad boy and there it is right there so this wasn't a cut and paste this was a copy and paste so why don't you try that what was my keyboard shortcut for make a brand-new document hopefully leaping to the tip of your tone was control and the letter M and then to switch back and forth between the documents we went to the View tab and switch windows we went to working large document we selected the thing that we wanted to copy then we went to our View tab and switched windows back to the new document and we pasted it so your turn catch up with me there rewind the video if you need to but I think you got the steps in your head try it out catch up with me copying and pasting between documents what I'd like to do next is put together a list of the different types of music that are offered and in this case the order of them doesn't matter we're going to talk about making two kinds of lists a bulleted list with little dots or a numbered list with who would have guessed numbers you use a numbered list when the order of the objects is important but in this case this list of different types of music the order is not particularly important so I want to do bullets instead but maybe I'm not quite sure how to start bullets in the old days I would have gone to the help window there would be a little menu command up here that says help now they've replaced it with this choice telling me what you want to do so I'm going to click in there and then I'm going to start typing because what I want to do is add bullets so I start typing the word bullets and the more I type the more focus it becomes and then in fact here is the way to turn on bullets I click on it and it's actually gonna do it it's not telling me oh you should go to the blahblah menu and do this it's actually letting me do it right here so I'm gonna click on this bullets command hey there comes a bullet and then I want to say all right one kind of music is gonna be rock but there are different kinds of rocks so when I hit the enter key it assumes that I want to continue that bulleted list maybe I want to make what's called a sub bullet that is subcategories of rock well one of the ways to do that is to hit the tab key that's what I'm about to do right now and notice how it indents and it changes the look of the bullet so I can talk about different kinds of rock I can talk about rock and roll I can talk about headbanger Rock when I hit the enter key it assumes that I want another bullet at that level but in this case on a switch from rock to gospel which means I want to make another bullet like this one well a couple of ways to do that to make a sub bullet I hit the tab key and it indents but if I want to go the other direction if I want to out down I hold the shift key and hit the tab key and I'm going to do that again and now I've got that first type of bullet so I can mention gospel I'm gonna hit the enter key it assumes I want another one at that level so if I want to indent that and talk about other kinds of gospel I can do that or I can say now I want to talk about jazz which happens to be my personal favorite I'm gonna hit the enter key and I'll put subcategories of jazz I'm using the tab key to indent so I'm gonna have let's see old-school swing jazz we're gonna have from the 50s something called Bebop then there is something called the post bop era and then there's more modern jazz and then there's the soft jazz and so forth and if I need to indent even more I can use tab tab tab you can see there are several levels of bullets and sub bullets so what if I done with my list how do I tell it I don't want to use buttons anymore well here's one of the ways I can hit the enter key and it assumes I want a bullet just like the previous level and if I hit Enter key one more time I am no longer bulleting so I would like you to try that I would like you to try what I just did start out by using the tell me what you want to do button up here um it's always up there and you're going to type in bullets and as you do that it'll find the bullets button you can click on it then and it'll make a bullet for you and then you can create this list remember to indent to make a sub bullet use the tab key to outdent to make an a you know previous level bullet you use Shift + tab alright catch up with me all right I'm hitting the inner key a couple of times to stop my bulleted list and maybe one more enter to leave a little gap now I want to talk about a closer they're in a thing called numbered lists if we go to our home tab we will discover there is a button right here for bullets and right next door there's a button for numbering also I should mention that next to each of those is a sneaky little list arrow or I could choose other kinds of bullets or I can choose what kind of numbering I want do I want a number with a period do I want a number with a parenthesis do I want Roman numerals I'm gonna try this way this time for my numbers I'm going to click the little pull down arrow and I'm going to choose the ones with the parentheses here notice I'm getting a live preview down there as I'm doing it I'm clicking so here's my first step now I'm a part-time musician so maybe I want to talk about the steps to recording a piece so let's see starting right from the beginning I have to get out my horn I need to put it together now you might have just seen something happen there I didn't capitalize the first letter but as I begin typing and hit the spacebar it assumed that I wanted a capital letter as the beginning of a new sentence so put the horn together step 3 take out the music now baby I want some sub numbers here so I'm going to hit the enter key and then I'm going to use the tab key to get a sub number in this case it pulls up a lowercase letter so when I take out the music I have to decide whether it will be bebop or swing got too many E's in my be there also you might notice the red squiggle here that's my spell checker running I'm gonna right-click on that word and it offers me other words that I might have meant and I can click on yeah this is the one I wanted lovely spell checker there now when I hit the enter key it assumes that I want another one at that level but if I want to make this one a number four instead what do you suppose I'm gonna do I'm gonna do exactly what I did with the bullets I'm going to shift tab holding the shift key hitting tab I am now making a number four so I've taken out the music and I want to set the music on the music stand I want to turn on the microphone and then I'm gonna swing baby yeah actually no musicians who kind of talk that way yeah maybe let's swing don't worry about the club owner sweat not baby yeah I've actually I know people who talk that way and then when I tell it that I want to stop numbering I could do that by hitting the enter key enough times to stop the memory all right your turn so you're gonna go turn on the numbering we did it up here this time little pull down arrow sneaky list arrow next to the numbering button you can choose one of the different ones here if you want to go with Roman numerals or something like that feel free to do that and then put together some steps they can either be the steps like I'm doing or they could be steps to something that you do very often so make a numbered list everybody our last subject of discussion for this module is going to involve something called themes so a theme is something that's available all across the office suite it's a combination of fonts and colors and special lighting and shadow effects that you will only see you when you make diagrams but the fonts and the colors you'll see during the regular typing the whole idea of a theme is getting a consistent look across all of your documents in the office suite so for example I could have the same fonts and colors in my three panel brochures that I create in word same fonts and colors that I use in my powerpoint presentations same fonts and colors that I use in my charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel for example so this is one of the things that works all the way across the office suite I'd also like to introduce some of these styles up here under the Home tab there's something called the Styles gallery so we'll be talking a little bit more about text styles in a future subject but right now is a place where I can introduce them because they kind of tie in to the themes so first thing I'm going to do is go up here and click on the heading 1 style in the style gallery and then down here I'm going to click to place my cursor and then I want to talk about the bebop era and so I'm gonna make that a heading 1 style notice as I hover over it I can see the live preview I'm going to click on that and when I look up here in the corner I can see that the theme called heading1 consists of Calibri light font in 16-point size now when I hit the enter key it is no longer heading 1 and it's switched to something called the normal style and the normal style seems to be Times New Roman 12-point font right and now I'm going to type a little something about the bebop era but I'm not gonna make you watch me type it I'll put the video on pause I'll type the thing in and then I'll bring it back so there's the stuff that I've typed in and I would like you to do the same so we had a heading 1 for the bebop era we hit the enter key it switched to normal font and then maybe let me magnify this on screen a little bit to make it easier to read I'm using some third-party zooming software there all right so enter that text hit the enter key one more time and then we're going to come back and see how the themes will affect how this looks all right everybody welcome back so I'm going to zoom out with my third-party software here I'm gonna leave this down near the bottom of the screen and you'll see why in just a moment so here's what I would recommend everybody right now click to put your cursor in that heading 1 style right there the bebop era this will make it easier to see changes when we start changing our theme so click to put your cursor right there in the bebop era and we're moving on so I'm going up to the design tab here in word and my themes button is way over here at the left and when I click on it I see a list of these themes they seem to have slightly different fonts they seem to have different color swatches in there but I might not really see much of anything changing right now because the main thing that's changing is that heading one style and I can't see it it's covered up by my list of themes that's kind of irritating but there is something I can do about that I can go down here to the bottom right corner notice I get a two headed arrow and when I grab that I can readjust this list of themes now one bad thing is next time I go to get the list of themes it will forget that I had resized it like that so this is just a one time little band-aid here but it does let me expose the thing that I want to view while I'm doing my live preview here I am now hovering over these different themes I can see the colors of those letters changing in that heading one style I can see the font itself changing in the heading one style so I would like you to try what you just saw me do so you're clicking to put your cursor in the bebop era title that's very important here click on the pull down arrow of the themes grab the bottom right corner of the themes gallery stretch it over here and then hover over the different themes to see the live preview of how those fonts and colors would change your turn now once again if I go up and click on the list of themes I see they've got kind of interesting names here and it is not sure if I can zoom in on them using my third-party software yes I can so I've got names like facet and integral and ion and you can see that the fonts are different and the color swatches are different facet integral and ion so one of the interesting things about a theme is that it's available all across the office suite so I'm going to take a moment and open up Excel so we can see this same themes with names like facet and integral and ion will be available on the excel side so I'm sliding down to my taskbar you can't really see me doing that I'm starting up Excel welcome to our discussion mr. Excel I'm going to start a blank workbook here and then in Excel the themes are listed under the page layout command tab and as I click on the pull down arrow for the themes oh look at the names that I have available here FAFSA and integral and eye on and so forth so the themes is one of the few things that goes all across the office suite and again the idea is you give that nice branded look to your Word documents make them look similar to your PowerPoint presentations make them look similar to your Excel documents and I'm going to close Excel right now so you've had a chance to just get a little bit of exposure to the idea of a theme here and again the theme is combinations of fonts and colors and we didn't see any of the special lighting and shadow effects cause illness only show up for diagrams and charts so thanks everybody thanks for hanging out and checking out module one of our Microsoft Word 2016 lessons this is Dan McAllister signing off of our first part module one hopefully you'll come back and do module two welcome or as the case may be for some of you welcome back to the wonderful world of Word 2016 as you can see here my name is Dan McAllister and I'm yours enter today and we're about to start module two now we realize that not everybody takes these modules in order maybe you looked at the subjects in module one and told yourself oh I know how to do all of those I'm just gonna go jump into module two you'll need some practice files and I'm not going to start every single module with here's how you get to the practice files so if you didn't take module one you might want to go back and look at just the beginning of it to see how to get the practice files that were going to use in our lessons so when they arrive they will arrive in a zipped folder I recommend you put the zipped folder out on the desktop and then extract the documents out of the zipped folder and you'll wind up with a expanded folder that looks like this let me step out of here and go to my desktop for just a moment so you will wind up with a folder out here that says word sample files and when you double-click to look in it here are the sample files that we'll be using and then as part of module one again let me step out of here as part of module one we also made this folder named finished Word documents and if you're not quite sure how to make a folder on your desktop here's how you can do it I'm a big right clicker so I'm gonna right click on the desktop and I see a choice called new and a little submenu I'm gonna make a new folder name new folder and then you could begin typing whatever you want to name that in this case finished Word documents so I'm going to delete that off my screen yes I really wanted to so I think it is set up that much create that folder to drop your finished documents in download and expand the word sample files folder and we're gonna jump right in so put the video on pause and go do that much and then come on back and we're going to start Word all right everybody welcome back you can't see my taskbar down at the bottom of my screen but I do have a Bru W down there and I'm gonna click on that right now just start Word 2016 and why don't you take a moment and do that as well so as you start this program you're gonna see these templates that appear right away there are ways to turn them off we haven't had a chance to talk about that yet but I don't really want to start with a blank document or a template this time I'd like to go down here and click on open other documents so why don't you do that as well just pause the video for a second go down there and click on open other documents when you do that it should come up looking kind of like this only you won't have the same things on the right-hand side so do that for a moment click on open other documents okay assuming that you've done that let's then click down here on browse the Browse button so now I'm in here looking at all the different folders that are on my hard drive and like good Microsoft and Adobe programs it's looking in the Documents folder first but I just told you a moment ago to put things on your desktop so I'm gonna scroll up here and go to the desktop and then over at the right-hand side you should be able to see the word sample files like I have I'm gonna double click to open that and then on this basically alphabetized list I'm gonna scroll down and find a document named practice large document let me make the window a little bit taller so I don't have to scroll quite so long and I'm scrolling down and I'm looking for a practice large document once I find it I'm double clicking on it to open it as you open yours you may get a warning at the top of your screen that says you need to enable editing and if you see that or I go ahead and click on that there was just something going on on the right side of my screen that won't be happening to you and so take a moment and catch up with me again maybe put the video on pause and go open practice large document and when you come back it's gonna look like this all right at first glance it looks like Dan McAllister had me open a blank document but it turns out if you'll scroll down I'm rolling my scroll wheel right now there is stuff on page 2 and page 3 in page 4 so our first subject of module 2 is to talk about something called page breaks and in this particular document there is at least one page break in there already in fact there are a couple and there's at least one place where we need a page break when I say page break what I'm talking about is a way to force Microsoft Word to start a new fresh page with the whatever information is sitting at your flashing cursor also called insertion point so there is actually a page break here on the first page and I'd like to show it to you so this document looks like it is a blank document but there's actually stuff going on in the background and I'm going to reveal that by going up and click on this little object right up here it's name is the pilcrow and when I click on it I can see some information going on in the background for example several Hill crows those represent places where someone has hit the enter key when they set this up and I've got a little thing down below there called a page break and that's actually the subject of discussion for this first part of module 2 removing page breaks adding page breaks and so forth so I'm gonna leave the pilcrow stern down and I'm going to scroll down a bit you don't necessarily need to do this with me just yet you can just watch for a moment so I'm scrolling down a bit and I see that towards the bottom of page 2 there is a nice new section that appears called top 10 favorites and then they've got some books down here and there's a table that starts on one page and continues on the next page and then has a big blank section because of the page break that's right here so we need to talk about inserting page breaks and removing page breaks and what the heck is a page break and why would I bother using them so I'm gonna turn off the pill crows at the moment and you might as well scroll up and down in your document for a moment with the pill crows turned on and you would be able to see that there is a page break up there on page 1 and there's a page break down here at the bottom of page 3 and we're gonna remove some of those and we're going to add one of those so take just a second and do that and then turn off the pill crows and we should be ready to go so I'll give you just a second to do that put the video on pause and catch up with me right so I'm going to scroll down a bit more now to this place where I've got this thing about top 10 favorites so I would like to move that down to the next page and what I'll see a lot of people do is they'll click maybe just above it and start hitting the enter key to move that thing down turns out this is not a great idea and we'll see why so just watch my screen for a moment I'm gonna hit the enter key and moving it down enter enter enter enter enter until it goes to page 2 or in this case page 3 physically from so you know so far that seems to have cured a problem but it can actually make a problem because what if I need to go up here and add some things um if I add more lines than what that'll do is kick this thing down even further or if I remove some lines it will move that thing upward and I will have kind of wasted my time hitting the inner key a bunch of times to try to line that up so really I'm gonna take that back actually yeah I should probably show you what's wrong with them so I'm gonna go back up here to the top I'm gonna expose the pill Crow's and I want to take out these enter keys and that page break right there so I'm selecting the enter keys the pill Crow's I tap the delete key they're gone and now I'm going to tap the delete key again to get rid of this page break and now everything moves up to the top of that page and as I scroll down there's my enter enter enter enter and it kind of looks okay down here but if I decide oh I need to add some things like gosh anything I'll just put in my name and when I hit the enter key it then kicks this thing down a little bit more and the more things I add up at the top the more this thing pushes down so that was not the best way to do that by hitting a bunch of enter keys let's talk about a better way so first thing I would do is undo a bunch of those things we haven't really talked about undo in module 1 let me mention it here there is an undo button right up here and as a hover over that tells me there's a keyboard shortcut for it control-z so a lot of people have used the undo button that makes me fearless I can just try stuff but as I talk to people most of them have never discovered this sneaky little list arrow just to the right of the undo button I'm gonna click on that and what I'm seeing now is a list of what I did last and what I did just before that and just before that and just before that and in this case what I would like to do is undo all of those now I could either use ctrl Z ctrl Z ctrl Z or click the undo undo undo undo or I can just roll down here notice these are in reverse order so as I go down to the lowest one on the list this will be the earliest one that I did by the way there's no way to undo that seventh one without undoing the six things that they did since then but this is a really nice way to take back all the stuff I've done so far as I click on that thing or right there and now I've got all those pilk rows up to the beginning of page one and here's my table that starts on a funny-looking page and doesn't continue nicely on the rest of the page so we're now going to do this next thing together actually you'll still watch me do it and then I'll turn you loose to do so I'm going to go in right now and select those pilk rows and I'm gonna tap either the Delete or backspace key and then with my cursor flashing right here at the left end of the page break I'm tapping the Delete key again and now I got my books and Beyond title is right at the top of page 1 and I'd like you to do that so put the video on pause turn on the pill Crow's go select the pill cross on page 1 and delete them and then with the cursor at the beginning of the line that says page break tap the Delete key one more time and it should come up looking like this so I'll give you just a second put the video on pause go do that and then come on back and we'll do some stuff together alright let's turn off the pill Crow's there's a little trade-off there it clutters up your screen when you've got them on screen like that and it's time to scroll down here and let's start dealing with this top 10 favorites that I would like to move down to the next page what I'm about to do now is I'm going to click above that but I'm not going to hit enter enter I'm gonna insert what's called a page break now you saw a moment ago what it looks like when you have the pill Krause turned on it looks like a little line going across there with the words page break so I'm going to insert that right now to insert a page break you can for example go up here and click on the insert command tab and then right over here at the left hand side you can see a pulldown list called pages and when I click on that one of my choices is insert a page or break right there so I'm about to click on that again I went to the insert tab I click the pull down arrow under the pages command and now I'm clicking to insert a page break and it's gonna happen right here where my cursor is you can't see it once I go to the menu so inserting a page break and there that took my top 10 favorites down to the next page so it's your turn to do that by the way if I go back up here and turn on the pill Crow's that was under the Home tab and the pill grows you can see my page break appeared right there so that's your turn you've got the ebooks and Beyond is up at the top of page one because you remove the page break that was before it now scroll on down there and click just above the line that says top 10 favorites and insert tab insert pages page break and yours will look just as cool as mine does so put the video on pause and insert that page break alright let us scroll down a little bit more there's an awful lot of white space here below this table and that's because just below the table there is a page break and in fact if I hover over the place where it is and they give me this little marker here kind of hard to tell what's going on there how could I show myself that there's actually a page break there yes I could turn on the pill krause so your job your mission should you choose to accept it is to get rid of the page break that's there in order to see where it is turn on the pill Crouse click to put your flashing insertion point also called the cursor right at the beginning of the line that says page break and remove it by tapping the Delete key I'll catch up with you in a moment alright time for me to catch up with you I'm gonna go to that Home tab I'm turning on the pill crows oh yeah there's a page break right there I'm gonna click to put my cursor right at the beginning of that page break and then I'm tapping the Delete key page break is gone the stuff that was starting out a new page has now moved up and it's taking over all that whitespace that have been there although now I've got a table down here kind of sitting there by itself I've got the description of it up here I've got the table down there and then it continues so some people don't mind the look of that but other people it kind of bugs them that they add a description of this table and then the table appears so you've got one more thing you need to do let's put in a page break right there right above music inventory database please so you do it and then I'll do it putting the video on pause go do that and then I'll catch up with you alright time for me to catch up I'm inserting I'm inserting something under the pages I'm inserting a page break there we go so now we've got the description of the table on the same page as the table and everything finishes before the end of page 3 right very good everybody I'm hoping your screen looks like mine let's turn off the pillock rose and I'd like to use the save as command to make a copy of this document only changing its name so that maybe later on during one of the later modules we can come back and reopen the document name practice large document and it will be exactly as it was when we first saw it so please don't click the Save button that would destroy the original practice large document renews the save as command instead one of the ways to get to the save as command is go to the file tab welcome to the backstage view and then click Save As if you happen to be with us in module 1 I don't think I had you use it but I did mention a keyboard shortcut for save as is the f12 function key which I'm about to tap right now this is me tapping the f12 key and oh look I'm in the save as window and so I want to put it in that folder named finish documents that's out on my desktop now I can go over here and click on desktop and then over here on the right-hand side finished Word documents but in module 1 I made a little shortcut to the finished Word documents by grabbing that folder named finished Word documents and dragged it over here into the favorites area now you notice it doesn't necessarily alphabetize it in there but there it is and the advantage of that is in this case it's just one click quicker but the reason that I wanted to introduce that in these lessons is that pretty much everybody I talk to in the business world they're working on their network and they have some shared Drive it's the H Drive it's the S Drive or whatever letter it's assigned to and they spend a certain amount of their time going into that shared drive into some folder into some sub folder inside the folder that's on the shared drive that lives in the house of the jack built um you could save a whole bunch of that navigating by making a little shortcut to that folder um you just have to do what I did get to a place where you can see the folder on the H Drive inside the other folder and simply drag it over here to the left now be careful not to drop it on a folder over there otherwise you're just basically recreating the problem putting a folder in a folder so I have to be careful to drop it between the folders and get one of these horizontal lines I'm not gonna drop it there right now because I already did that I already have one but I would suggest that you do that and then the next time you need to save something into that folder you don't have to stop at the desktop you can go right to that little shortcut in your favorites in the meantime let's go to the finished word Documents folder and I would like to rename this instead of practice large document I'd like to name it module to large document so I'm dragging across the word practice I'm retyping right over top of that module to large document I'm gonna hit the enter key or click Save and so this thing says hey this is going to update to the newest file format the reason it's saying that is the original document was created in Word 2003 which actually stores its documents in a different programming language than we use since 2007 version so the version that was used in 2007 is the same file language that's used now into the 10 in 2013 and glory be 2016 so it's just telling me that I'm gonna be upgraded to the newest file format guru free upgrade and I'm gonna hit the enter key or click OK and I should be able to see the new name of their module 2 large document you may or may not see the four-letter file name extension up there don't worry if you don't but you shouldn't see the words compatibility mode up there when you're done so go do what I did do not click the Save button instead go to file and save as or what was my keyboard shortcut for save s those of you who just chimed in f12 extra 10 points for you I don't know where you're gonna trade in those points for any prizes but file them away somehow alright so that's your job use save as name at madjoe to large document and put it in our finished Word documents folder our next subject of discussion concerns the white space around the edges of the pages now if I look up at the ruler at the top here I can see roughly an inch and a quarter on the left side another inch and a quarter on the right side it's a little bit tough to tell what's happening at the top and the bottom of the page when I click in the page I should also be able to see a ruler at the side so by the grace face on the ruler it looks like I've got an inch of margin at the top and an inch of margin at the bottom of the page so an inch and a quarter left and right inch top and bottom maybe I would like to change that maybe for example I have one of those cool printers that will print on both sides of the paper and I would like to leave a little bit of extra space to put in staples or three-ring binder holes or something like that on the inside of each page and then as I print on the backside of the page I still want the three-ring binder holders on the inside of the page and what that means is it's on the left side of the front of the page and the right side of the back of the page and I shouldn't still be excited all these years later about having a printer that prints both sides of the page but I love mine I do a lot of printing and not having print one side of the page all the time or put in half the pages and then flip them over and print the other half but I used to have to do man I'm a happy camper now with a two-sided printer so let's talk about setting up the white space the margins for a two-sided printer here for a moment so to get to the margins I'm going to go up to the layout command tab to produce the layout ribbon and then over here at the left hand side is a button about margins so this is talking about the white space at the side and top and bottom of a page now why do they do that why do they bother putting white space around the edges well it turns out that if you have really long lines that go very near the edges of the page it's easier for your eyes to get lost reading across those longer lines and hardly anybody has a printer that will print right to the edge of the page anyway so you're gonna have some white space in there somehow you might as well learn to control what that does so I'm gonna go up here and click the pull down arrow for the margins and you will see that there are several presets so we've got the half-inch at the top bottom and left and right we have something called moderate we have something called wide mirrored we're going to talk about in a minute you'll notice one of them has kind of a blue box down here it is the 2003 default and you may remember the when we saw that thing about updating the file format I had mentioned that this did come from a 2003 file so that's why it has an inch at the top in the bottom and inch and a quarter and left and right but if I want to change those than I just need to move a little bit farther down here so there's a scrollable list up here and then down way at the bottom there's one that says custom margins I'm going to click on that and that opens up this dialog window you can see its title says page setup and among other things it's got information about the margins top bottom left and right and etc so why don't you join me in that window for just a moment that is put the video on pause and to be able to see that layout window for the margins you're gonna go up here and click on the layout command tab which produces the layout ribbon and then over here at the left side click the pull down arrow for the margins and then click on custom margins and your screen should look like mine so put the video on pause for just a moment and catch up with me into the page setup window to talk about margins so you can see there aren't just four boxes here top bottom left and right there's also something called gutter and gutter position very often the gutter is used to temporarily increase margins for maybe three-ring binders or you can just increase the left margin for those things as long as you're just going to be printing on one side of the page but if I'm going to be printing on both sides of the page it's gonna take a little trick it won't be called the left side and you'll see that here in a moment so I'm noticing down here towards the bottom of this window there's a little list box that says apply to whole document right now that's what I want to do apply to the whole document with whatever I set up and I've also got a thing here says multiple pages and as I click on that pull down arrow I can say well I'm gonna print two pages on each sheet and then fold it like a booklet in fact there's a slightly different thing called book fold and then I would like to introduce this idea of mirrored margins now right now it says you got a left margin and a right margin watch what happens if I say mirror margins here I see a little sample of two pages where I'm going to be printing on both sides of the page and now you notice it doesn't say left and right it says inside and outside so if for example I set these up to be an inch on the top and the bottom and the inside and the outside then this is a little sample of what it's going to look like the white space on the inside and outside edges are the same now what about my three-ring binder well I could add a gutter here and put the gutter notice it says left it doesn't really say inside or the way I'll usually do it is I'll just increase the inside margin a little bit so I'm going to change my inside margin from one inch I'm going to click and I'm going to make it maybe 1.25 inches on the inside and then if I click on some other box it's kind of subtle but notice now the inside margin in the sample box is ever so slightly wider than the outside margin in the sample box here so the front page would be on this side this would be a page run and then a page two and three four and five so my even numbered pages would be on the left my odd number pages would be on the right my cover page would be one of the right right-side pages so that's the idea of mirrored margins and so maybe I want to make the top margin a little bigger or a little smaller this is a box where you can do that bottom margin as well all I've done is increase the inside margin and changed it to mirrored margins I did them in the other direction there actually I did the mirror margins first so instead of saying left and right it now says inside and outside and change that inside margin to an inch and a quarter and when you click on OK you will see as you scroll up and down here here's my odd-numbered page and then my even-numbered page if I can zoom out a little bit here you can see they are not starting at the same indentation that's because my odd number pages have the inch and a quarter my even-numbered pages have the inch margin so you can actually see that in action right now so I'd like you to put the video on pause and go catch up with me again I went to the margins pull down arrow went to custom margins change them from normal to mirrored margins and increase the inside margin to an inch and a quarter please all righty everyone let's take just a moment and save that back in we've been working on I don't need to change its name again I want to keep it name module two large document and a quick way to do that is to just go up and click on this little icon right here by the way years ago in a class this was quite a few years ago now I had a lady asked me in the middle of the class hey Dan what's that little TV set up in the corner and I had no idea what she was talking about I went and looked over her shoulder and she was plenty at this thing this little floppy disc icon here I'm not sure how many of you are willing to admit that you saw floppy disks somewhere in your computer studies some of you may even have seen the wobbly floppy floppy disks along the way I have to count myself in that class and I'm feeling really old and depressed so I'm moving on let's go up and click on that little TV set that's actually what we just called that the rest of the semester would say everybody click the little TV set make sure you've saved the latest and greatest version of your document everybody knew what I was talking about then so I'm gonna go click the little TV set it doesn't ask me what to name it or where to put it it just updates it all right our next subject of discussion I would like to use a separate practice file here so let us go to file and open or those of you who like keyboard shortcuts keyboard shortcut for opening a file is ctrl + the letter O so I'm actually gonna do that right now I'm gonna hold ctrl and tap the letter O not the number 0 the letter O and Here I am now opening a file so if you'd like to try that ctrl + o to get yourself where I am put the video on pause and do that for just a second all right now we're going to slide down and click on the Browse button so mine remembers that the last place I'd been working was the finished Word documents folder what I need is the word work files folder so I'm going to scroll up just a little bit over here on the left side go to my word sample files folder and then I'm going to scroll down and find it accurate named section brakes for module two I'm going to give that a quick double click it opens up on your screen you may see a thing about needing to enable editing if you do see that go ahead and click on enable editing and then your screen should pop up looking like this I'm going to zoom in a little bit by holding the ctrl key and rolling my scroll wheel on my mouse alright so put the video on pause take just a second and catch up to me open the file named at section breaks please and then come on back so maybe I would like to take part of my document and make it look like two columns wide now if I just slow down a little bit and click somewhere in the document and go start looking for columns I'll find something about columns under the Layout tab here so I'm going to go click on that Layout tab and then you should notice that there is a button over here about columns and when I click on the pull down arrow under columns I get to choose how many columns now by default the columns are going to be equally spaced with just a little bit of white space between them a little margin gutter they call it I can offset them so that I have a skinnier column on the left or a skinnier column on the right or three columns if I want down here two more columns I could actually choose how many columns I want but when I started this discussion I said I wanted two columns I'm about to make a little mistake here I'm gonna go click on two columns right there's my little mistake all of a sudden it looks like a newspaper I got what's sometimes referred to as newspaper style columns and if that's what I wanted okay that's great well if things can get a little bit strange there because I've got to read all the way to the bottom of that first column and then move my eyeballs up and read all the way to the bottom that second column and then I'm going to the next page that's fine if that's what I'm trying to do but in my case that's not what I was trying to do I only wanted to make part of the document appear as two columns ah thank goodness for undo so I'm gonna go up here and click on the undo button or I could use control Z and then I'm back to one column that's better so you don't actually have to go do that you saw what was bad about it as you can imagine maybe what I should have done first is select the text that I wanted to put into two columns so I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to do that I see a thing here says to change the overall look of your document and then the next paragraph is about when you create pictures charts or diagrams so I'm going to put those as two columns side by side instead of two paragraphs above and below each other which is what's going on right now so first thing I'm going to do is select what text I want to put into two columns and then I'm gonna go up and click on my columns button and I'm gonna make two columns and notice it only affects that much of my text so I would like you to do what you just saw me do scroll down to the part that says let me undo that scroll down to the part that says to change the overall look of your document looks like that's about the one two third fourth big paragraph and select that paragraph and the one next to it and then you're going up here to your Layout tab click on the pull down arrow and make it two columns and notice that only affects that much of your text so pause the video go do that I'd like to show you behind the curtain here go turn on the pill CROs you're gonna watch me do it first go into the home tab turning on the pill CROs oh look there's a section break right there and a section break right there now section break is different than a page break think of your document as a big building and by putting in section breaks you put in some interior walls so that's what we just did and that happened here in the background because of the way that word is set up when you select text and put it into columns it puts a section break above and a section break below I've just don't--i just admire bet so you could see my status bar down here right now as part of my status bar it tells me what section I'm in what page I'm working on how many total pages I have how many words are in here sometimes when you first look down here in the status bar you might not see the section number and that's something that can be turned on and off by right-clicking in this area called the status bar so I'm pointing in the status bar I'm clicking my right mouse button and I got a pop-up list of things that I would be able to see down in my status bar if I check mark them so if you don't see one for the section down here then checkmark the one called section and then you could tap the Escape key to step out of that list and you should be able to see what section you're in so take just a moment and do that put the video on pause go down and right click on the status bar and turn on the section indicator it's called all right good work so now we can see what section we're in when I click above that section break it says I'm in section 1 when I click in the 2 paragraphs it says I'm in section 2 and when I click below those two paragraphs after that section break it says I am now in section 3 so you should be able to check that out take just a second and do that checkout section 1 section 2 section 3 you just saw how to do it and that's what crazy about what's happening right down at the bottom of my first column it's a little bit tough to tell where that column ends and the next one begins I can tell easily because I see the pill crows well what I'd like to do is take that next paragraph I'm going to click just to put my flashing insertion point there hit the enter key to leave just a little bit of a line a little bit of space in there so I'd recommend that you do that click just at the beginning of the following paragraph tap the Enter key kick that thing down puts in another pilcrow and then I'm hiding the pillock rows right now so as I begin to scroll down things are looking fairly nice here I do have a paragraph that starts on one page and finishes on another but the longer document I'm working on why the more often that happens I'm not going to worry too much about that so so far the section breaks that we put in we're just for a small piece of text not a whole page but sometimes I do want to insert not only a page break but a section break to lead to something that we're eventually going to talk about when we get to mentioning headers and footers not headings headings are of our font styles headers is something else and we're gonna be talking about that pretty darn soon here so I would like to get to the top of my document there is a nice keyboard shortcut to do that maybe you know it already or maybe you saw us use it in module 1 think about what it is wait for yeah its ctrl + home if you're not familiar with this if I click in the middle of a line and I just have the HOME key on the right side of my keyboard it moves my cursor to the beginning of that line but if I want to get to the whole beginning of the entire document I can hold ctrl and tap the home key which is what I'm about to do right now and what I would like you to do is hold ctrl and tap the home key now you can see a label up here that says chapter 1 while we're here why don't we do a little bit of work with those margins so I'm heading up to the Layout tab I'm clicking on the margins pull down arrow I'm going to go down here to custom margins so we'll leave the top in the bottom at one inch let's change it from normal pages to mirrored margins we're going to say top and bottom is one inch inside doesn't say lefty mark says inside we're going to make that an inch and a quarter a little extra room there for our binders three-ring binders spiral binders and on the outside let's make it three quarters of an inch that is 0.75 of an inch on the outside and then notice down at the bottom here it says this would apply to only this section now we've actually got more than one section here because the columns that we did so let's say apply to the entire document and then choosing okay and I can see the extra space at the left side of one page and then at the right side of the next page and so forth so take just a moment and do that if you would that was margins custom margins start out with mirrored margins entered a quarter on the inside 3/4 an inch on the outside and don't apply it just to this section make sure you apply it to the entire document now I'm using control in the scroll wheel to zoom out until I can see more than one page here back let me zoom to what we might call to up and notice that right now it looks like the inside margin is the skinny one and the outsides are the wider one but let me just talk about how this thing is actually going to print so let me go to a PowerPoint slide here where I have a little picture of the word icon now this is supposed to simulate a document so here's the front page so this would be page 1 here and then as we flip this thing open this would be my page - and then this one is going to be my page 3 so what we were seeing on screen a moment ago when we had it zoomed out isn't quite what's going to be happening and maybe a way to see that let's go back to my word document here would be to zoom out just a little bit more so that I could see three up so here's going to be the opening page and then here is the inside pages and so this way you can see that right in here we're going to have the wider margins when we put in our binder on the inside of those pages two and three so I'm going to zoom in again I'm just using control in the scroll wheel to do that so if I show the pill crows let me just remind you that when we set up these columns it automatically put in what's called a continuous section break at the beginning of the two columns and another section break continuous at the bottom of that so those appeared just automatically and this is bugging me a little bit I'm gonna click down here and tap the Enter key to move that down just a little bit you can do that if you want it's not terribly important what I'd like to do now is break this document down into its multiple chapters by turning each chapter into a section so here we have a section that's less than one page what we're about to create are some sections that are more than one page I'm going to turn off the pillock rows just because they're not terribly important for this part so I'm gonna scroll down and I'm gonna find where it says chapter two there it is chapter two pictures I'm going to click to put my cursor right there and then I would like to insert a special kind of section break this is going to start a new section and it's gonna start a new page we've seen how to insert a page break one other ways to do that was here under insert and pages and page break or as I hover it says control and return control in the Enter key that would create a new page but it wouldn't create a new section so for this we're gonna switch instead to the Layout tab and then you'll see a choice in here about breaks and when I click on that you'll notice the breaks are broken down into two parts here page breaks versus section breaks and there's actually one of them that's both this guy right here next page says insert a section break and start a new section on the next page so that's what I'm going to do right here next page break boom there it is starting a next page and if I turn on the pill Crow's again Home tab pill Krause I can see it's not just a page break it is a section break called next page so that's your job right now put our video on pause scroll down and find that spot where it says chapter 2 click to put your insertion point right there go to the Layout tab insert a break that is a next page break that'll start a new section and a new page put our video on pause go join me all right next thing I'd like to do is find where it says chapter three now I can scroll down an eyeball but there is actually a fine command that's available here so I'm going to go up to the Home tab way over here I've got a choice to find something when I click on that it opens up my left-side navigation pane and then I can tell it what I'm looking for I would like to look for the specific words chapter 3 and it finds for a chapter three is and now that I found it I can close the little searching window click there I'm going to insert one more of those let's see where was that what tab was it under yeah it was under layout we're going for breaks and next page break okay so your job is to do that now you're gonna do the find Quinn find chapter three insert one of those next page breaks then you're gonna go find chapter four do the same thing chapter five do the same thing when we come back I will have that done already and so will you because you did it as you put it on pause here so put it on pause go find three four and five and make them new next page breaks and the next thing we're going to talk about is doing stuff up here in the top margin called adding page headers so that would be the subject of our next lesson in our last session we set up the margins mirrored margins and we inserted some next page breaks so we have several different sections right now as I look down at the bottom of my screen I can say that I am now in section number seven so what I want to talk about next is this header area right up here anything you put in the header area will appear on all of the pages at first although we can adjust that so that I could have a different header in the different sections and that's what we're going for for the next 15 minutes or so so here we go so in order to insert a header we would go to the insert tab right up here that's where I'm headed and click on the insert tab and one of my choices here is to insert a header and when I click on the little pull down arrow here comes a list of headers that are pre created and built into every copy of word and I see one here called banded and when I click on that here is something called the banded header and as I scroll up and down you'll see that that's happening on every single page and if I look closely it's got a little place where I could click and type in the document title and that way that would appear on every single page of every single section but maybe I would like to have different things in each of those sections maybe at the top of all the pages of chapter 1 I want it to say chapter 1 at the top of every page that's in chapter 2 I wanted to say chapter 2 so that's what we're going to do one of the ways I can get rid of this one would be to go up here to the header tools by the way notice I am now in a whole ribbon of stuff I can do in the header and I'm gonna click on header and you'll notice way down at the bottom there's a choice about remove header on the other hand if I know what I want to put there instead of what's here I don't actually have to remove it before I choose the other thing that I want to have happen there so watch my screen here's the other thing I want to have happen there so I'm going to go up here to a header again and they noticed a choice that says blank now it turns out that's different than remove headers I'm going to click on blank and you'll see what that does is give me a little placeholder where I can type stuff and again right now that's happening on every single page and whatever I type there would happen on every 10 page so I'm gonna scroll way up to the top here I could use control home of course and I'm gonna click where it says type here now right now you can see it says chapter 1 the insert tab and as I scroll down to the next page that one doesn't say anything about chapter 1 if I put chapter 1 up here in the header then it will say that so far on every single page and then we'll talk about how could I change it between the different sections so that's where I'm headed right now I'm going to double click down here in the text to step temporarily out of the header section I'm gonna go select that chapter 1 the insert tab blah blah blah I'm gonna cut yet so what other ways to do that I can right-click on it and I'm going to cut yet and then I'm going to go click where it says type here in fact I have to double click and that's where I'm going to paste what I just copied in here and there it is now I've got a couple of extra inner keys down here I'm gonna just hit the Delete key to get rid of one of them leave a little bit of space but now as I scroll down you'll notice every single page says chapter 1 even the pages that are actually chapter 2 stuff here's chapter 2 pictures down here but it says chapter 1 up there in the header we're gonna take care of that right now but before we do that I would like you you can skip the part where we inserted the one called banded and just go up there and click in the header and click on header and make it a blank one that'll give you the typing section and then you're gonna do what I did we double clicked in the document to step out of the header we selected the words chapter 1 the insert tab we cut them we double clicked on the little placeholder up here and we pasted them so join me with that part and then we're going to talk about how can I make the sections have different headers and footers from each other so join me in that part thus far now comes the park where we have different headers for each section so I'm gonna scroll down I'm gonna go find that area where it says chapter 2 yes I could do a find command for that so here's my chapter 2 part notice right now up here it says chapter 1 this is the thing we want to take care of right now and there is one specific very important step in here and I'll stress it when we get there so I'm gonna select chapter 2 pictures I'm going to cut it right now I'm using ctrl X 1 I'm gonna go up and click in the header part I probably have to double click to get into the header part and before I do any pasting there is something really important to talk about notice right over here on this side it says that this header is the same as the previous header I don't want that to be true I want this header to be different from the previous header and in order to change that I'm gonna go right up here where it says link to previous and we're gonna click to turn that off this is a really important part here another thing to think about do this from top of the document to the bottom of the document makes it way easier if you try to work from the bottom to the top things get really wonky on you alright so I'm gonna click on link to previous to tell it I don't want it linked to previous notice a little marker that says same as previous is different and now I'm going to drag across the chapter 1 stuff and I'm gonna paste in the chapter 2 stuff and if I've done that right if I've been very careful not to link to previous I should be able to scroll up here and see chapter 1 in the section above there and chapter 2 in the section below there and right now it says chapter 2 on every page till the end we'll do something about that in a moment so I need you to catch up with me again just to reiterate what I did I scroll down I selected the words chapter 2 pictures I cut them I went up into the header section I double clicked on the placeholder but before I typed anything I made sure to go over here and notice that it said same as previous and the way that we got around that was we went up here to the top and we on selected link to previous then we pasted it in the chapter 2 and then you should be able to scroll up and see chapter 1 above and chapter 2 below and things will be really cool at that point so put that video on pause catch up to me now this would be a really good time to go up and save your document we'll click that little TV set all right I'm gonna guide you through one more of those and then you're gonna have to do it a couple more times after that so just to reiterate while we're doing it I would like to use the find command you go to my home tab and click on find by the way as I hover over find I don't know that you'll be able to read if i zoom in you won't be able to see it ctrl + f is a keyboard shortcut for find so I'm going to do that right now ctrl F opens up my navigation pane and this time I want to have it find chapter 3 and in fact it's in there from a similar search that I did before and Here I am now at the part about chapter 3 themes so that's the thing that I'm eventually going to copy and paste up here where it currently says chapter 2 all the way to the end of the document alright so see if you can remember the steps we need to cut but before we paste we have to make sure we are not linking to previous so maybe you can do that right now maybe you can remember how to do the steps but I'd recommend watch me one more time so I'm selecting the text I'm cutting it through ctrl X for example gonna go up and double click in the header on the area that I want to paste but before I paste I notice it says same as previous that's my enemy right now I need to not link to previous select this text and then paste I'm using ctrl V and so now if I scroll down I should see chapter threes all the way to the end and as we move up I ought to be able to see chapter twos up here and chapter ones way up here a chapter once ok so that is your job right now you're gonna do that for chapter 3 and then I'm not gonna come back and show you how to do it again you have to go find chapter 4 and do that chapter 5 and do that remember remember remember the most important part of that is not to link to previous so you're gonna go do that for chapters 3 4 & 5 now for my next trick ladies and gentlemen I would like to pull a rabbit out of my sleeve no that's not what I'm gonna do what I want to talk about now is footers so for our headers I wanted a different thing at the top of each of my different chapters for my footer what I want it to show is in the middle of the footer I want to see the date and at the right side of the footer I would like to see the page numbers and I want that to happen just all the way through the document I'm not going to have to worry about same as previous although I could there are times when people would like to have each chapter start over with page one but in my case I am not worried about that so we're gonna work in the footer section and we're gonna see how we could create a footer that we could use over and over again in more than one document so I can start in any footer down here doesn't matter what page I'm on doesn't matter what section I'm on as long as I'm going to use same as previous maybe just to sort of make sense here I'm gonna go to the top of the document I don't have to but I'm going to so I'm double clicking out of the footer I'm going to use my control home keyboard shortcut to get up to the top of that thing or it nicely says chapter one I'm digging on that now I would like to insert a footer and when I say insert a footer I'm giving a big clue it's under the insert tab the same way header was so I'm clicking on insert I'm going to go over here to insert a footer and in this case I would like to have three placeholders down here so instead of blank I'm gonna go with blank three columns and it drops that down in my footer three separate placeholders now I either have to type something in there or remove them otherwise I will actually see the words type here and that would be an awful thing so for the first little placeholder I'm going to click and tap the Delete key and then I'm gonna go to the second little placeholder and click and now I've got a whole ribbon up here of stuff I can do in my header and footer like insert the date and time so I'm gonna click on that right now inserting the date and time it says how would you like the date and time to look I'm gonna go with the little short date here and notice a checkbox that says update automatically so that means every time I open this document will show that day's date down there at the bottom and that can be handy if I occasionally come and update this file and when I print it out it'll have the date of the printout and that way maybe I can look at two different printouts and figure out which one was the most recent which one had the latest changes in it on the other hand if I would like it to show the date at which I last edited it and not have it update automatically every time I open up that I would uncheck that but in my case I would like it to update automatically so that every time they open the document it shows that day's date in it so I will leave that checkmark and I'll choose okay so there is today's date and then the other thing I said I want to put it in there it was the page number so I'm going to click where it says type here over at the right hand side and I've got a thing up here about page numbers now when I click on that I've got all kinds of choices top of the page vitamin page page margins blah blah blah I have through my experience discovered the best way to do that is select the place where you want the page number to be and then go with this bad boy right here current position that way I'm not gonna get any surprises about having it appear someplace that I wasn't quite sure up so hovering over a current position I see a little pulldown list of page numbers where I could have it just the page number or the word page and the page number if I scroll down just a little bit there is one of them down here by the way there's only one of them year that shows page X of Y so that'll show me what page I'm on and the total number of pages and that's the one I like I'm going to click on that and drop it right in there so it says I'm looking at page 1 of a total of 15 pages and if I scroll down it says that on every single page by the way just a little keyboard shortcut if I'm in the header or footer section and I tap the down arrow key it goes to the next header or footer section down arrow again goes the next header or footer section and so this way I can see it's gonna have today's date and the page number on every single page and it's just fine with me if it's same as previous so now it's your turn let me just remind you what we did first we didn't have a header or footer while we had a header but we didn't have a footer so in this case we went to insert we wanted to insert a footer this time we chose the blank three columns then we deleted the leftmost placeholder we put today's date in the center placeholder and we put the page X of Y in the right side placeholder your turn to go to that come join me in our previous lesson we just saw how to insert a footer and I promised that we would have a way to save that for future use it's time to talk about how to do that so when I'm in a footer one of the ways to get there just double click in the footer area now I'm in the header & footer design ribbon when I click on the pull down arrow for footer you'll notice there is a choice down here about save selection to the footer gallery also notice that it's grayed out any theories as to why save selection to footer gallery would be grayed out what does it usually mean when something's grayed out on a menu it means it's unavailable but it also usually means that if I did something else first then that would become available save selection to the footer gallery I have not made a selection that's why it's grayed out so I'm gonna go make a selection I'm gonna double click in the footer section and maybe I'll move out here into the left margin so I get my up pointing right arrow a single click selects that whole line now that I have a selection I can go to the footer pull down arrow and I can say oh look save selection to footer gallery opens up this lovely dialogue window so it says for the name it's just going to put in the things that I've typed in there and that's going to look kind of weird as the name of a footer so I'm going to replace that name with let's see what's in it date and page number that would be the name of my personal footer that I've created and it's got a category here called general and you wouldn't know it now because you just have never seen it my experience tells me if I leave that as the category called general then my saved to a footer is going to be down at the bottom of the list of footers that are available so I have discovered through a little bit of practice that if I switch that from general to something called built in yes I understand it wasn't really just built in but we're gonna make that choice built in and then I got one more secret if I choose built in it'll put it in a group of choices near the top of the list of footers and then I got one more secret here if I go up and click at the beginning of the name and start it with a space bar alphabetically spaces come before s and B's and C's so because of the built in it'll be in a group at the top of the list and because of the space bar well it'll be almost at the very top of the list the only two that will be above we're the ones called blank and blank three columns so again reiterating here I selected the text I went to footer I chose save selection to footer gallery opened up this dialog window we're naming it space bar date and page number gonna put the category as built in and then I'm clicking on OK so what did that achieve well the next time I need to insert a footer I go up here to footer and there's mine date and page number the only two above it are the blank and the blank three columns everything else that used to be down there is still below there but mine is near the top so it's your turn to do that you select it turn it into a footer do the naming thing where you start it with a space and put it in the built in category your turn to do that hope you're having some geeky fun along the way bye now the next subject on our agenda is to put a nice cover page on this report and there are some really nice pre-created cover pages that are available now you don't have to be sitting on page one to see this happen but I usually like to so I'm gonna double click out of the footer section so that I'm talking in the in the main text area now and I'm going to use my old friend by now control home to go to the top of that document so here's what my first page looks like right now and what I would like to do now is insert one of the pre-created cover pages and again insert the cover page that means is found under the insert ribbon here so I'm going to go up and click on the insert tab and then on the insert ribbon there's a choice over here about pages and when I click on the little pull down arrow for that I can see cover page blank page and my old friend page break so this time I've gone with cover page and then here are several that are available right out of the box now you may remember there was a header called banded now there's actually a cover page called banded if I scroll down just a little bit I kind of like this one that says filigree used to work in a jewelry store a filigree ring has little cutouts in it in the band itself so you can see through the ring to your finger and they'll have all kinds of decorations and stuff on like that on a filigree ring so I'm gonna choose the filigree cover page and there it is it drops it right in there now it always puts that at the beginning of the document no matter what page I was sitting on when I did it and you can't have more than one cover page well actually you can if you go through a bunch of finagling copying and pasting but there's no real use for having more than one cover page now you notice on the cover page it's got a place for the document title and a place for a document subtitle and if you don't either erase or type something in those places then when you print the thing out it'll say those words document title document subtitle so I can see up in the title bar the name of the document is section brakes mod 2 blah blah blah that doesn't mean that's what the document title has to say maybe this document is about how to use Microsoft Word for veis mashup methods now I'm noticing up at the top of the screen the name of the file is section breaks but maybe what the document is about is using word 2016 so I'm going to click in the document title and I'm going to type that in as the title for this document using word 2016 now you can see in this case it's set up to use all capital letters you can change that if you want but looks kind of cool and then for the document subtitle if I've got one I could put it in there like my byline have my name in there or if I don't want to put anything there I just have to delete key and get rid of it and when I click away we'll see so if I do a print preview right now you'll see it'll actually have that document subtitle thing there so what I'm going to do is try to totally delete it tapping the Delete key and then maybe even click on the subtitle little name there and delete that one more time and then when I click away I'm left with just a little paragraph mark and that's not going to print and again as I go to file and print so I can see a print preview I can see the words that I put in there and I don't see any subtitle so getting rid of that subtitle was a little bit difficult I kind of had to delete it twice all right so that's your job now you're going to insert a cover page and if you want to try a different one than filigree definitely feel free to do that just make sure that every one of the placeholders either is deleted or has something in it so go insert a cover page everybody if you haven't done it recently this would be a good time to go and save all of your open documents and then let us start a brand new document now I mentioned this next thing in module 1 but maybe not everybody has actually checked out module 1 so we just mentioned it here I want to start a new document one of the ways to do that is to go up to my file tab and in here in the backstage view I can say I would like to make a new document and then it offers me a whole bunch of really cool ways to make new documents for certificates and calendars and just all kinds of stuff that's in there it's taken it a second to catch up to me and in there I can say Oh what I really wanted was a blank document but if I know that I want a blank document then I can actually do that a faster way through a keyboard shortcut the keyboard shortcut being ctrl and the letter n as in new not control in the end key that would take me to the end of my document so I want control in the letter n for a new document then you just take a second and catch up with me and I'm probably zoomed in a little bit more than I want to be so ctrl n to make a new document go do that on your screen right now alright now I'm going to do some typing and as I'm typing I'm going to be making mistakes and some of these it will catch automatically and some of them I'll have to do a little bit of extra work to get it to catch the mistakes but the reason it will catch some of them automatically is because of what I'm about to show you now you don't have to do this on your screen you're just going to watch so I'm up you're going to file and then in the backstage view I'm going to click on options right down here in the corner and when I choose something on the left-hand side it changes things on the right and I want to talk about proofreading also called proofing so on the left side I'm gonna click on proofing I'm gonna scroll down just a little bit and I want to talk about these things right in here so automatically word 2016 is set up to check your spelling as you're typing mark grammar errors as you're typing find frequently confused words and mark them somehow and check the grammar and the spelling at the same time so that's why some of the things you're gonna see are gonna happen right here I'm clicking on OK so you've just peach peeked behind the curtain don't ignore the man behind the curtain sometimes you need to peek behind the curtain okay so you're going to see me typing some stuff and then I'll leave it on screen and you can repeat what I did here first one there's going to be kind of a simple one like my car are green and right now it doesn't seem to have caught the word ah but as soon as I hit the enter key sometimes that's enough to get it to trigger catching the thing that was wrong right we'll talk about what to do that in just a moment I'm going to keep typing now let's let this company about but I'm gonna misspell about a BU ot about its biz and so now I'm not sure to watch a special thing that's going to happen right here I'm going to slightly miss type business bu SI n e es when it really should be e SS and when I hit the period did you see it fix it I typed EES fit typed e SS again we will talk about why that happens in just a moment alright I'm gonna hit the enter key by the way that was called auto correct oh now find something about the it's that it doesn't like so while you're typing it will catch some things other things it waits until you hit the enter key or a spacebar to catch problems and some words it just fixes right away and you might even not notice it that it fixed my first job was at McDonald's so when you worked at McDonald's they would show you these training films on how to do things and one of my favorites was the training film about building Big Macs because it had some just classical subjects in it so one of the things that they would say in this video I'll never forget it you're working on a Big Mac and so you've got a toaster that has the three section bun for the Big Mac so it's got the bottom it's got the middle and then it's got the muck crown yes that's what they call that so one of the steps in the video for making a Big Mac was put the muck crowns on the Merc buns that was my favorite phrase in the whole training video put them at crowns on the big buns and then you send them to the front because that's the last stop so put them at crowns on the buns when I hit the enter key it seems to catch something about the McGee buttons so I'm gonna leave this on screen I would like you to go to your window and type things the way I did and remember when you type in business try to type an e ES and as soon as you like type of period and hit the enter key it might not even wait that long it might just fix it while you're typing it so again I'm going to leave this on screen you're going to catch up with me put the video on pause and do that stuff all right welcome back by the way I'm from the Detroit area originally and right across the Detroit River is Windsor Ontario so we would do a lot of business and talk to people from Canada and so this would be kind of the way that it would sound let's let this company go a butte their business but they would not spell it this way more information than you need to know about me so let's see what we can do about these things that it has found I'm going to go up here and point at the are green and I'm going to right-click on it and in the pop-up stuff that appears I've got the little mini formatting toolbar and then down here at the bottom I've got stuff down here about spelling and grammar and so it's suggesting that I should use the word is and if I click on it it will replace it but maybe I'd like to figure out a little bit more information about what's wrong with that word I'm going to slide down here and click on grammar that opens up a little window pane over at the left side that says alright here's the word that's wrong here's what we're suggesting and if I click on change it'll just fix it or if I want to read more about it I've got a little arrow down here that I click on and scroll down a little bit and it's telling me what's wrong with it the subject and the verb should agree in numbers they should be singular or they should be both singular or they should be both plural and then it offers me some suggestions that are not about my specific word here but like here's what we're talking about here's some examples alright so in this case I do want to replace it with is I can just click on change right here and it does that and it hides that a little mini panel that popped up so you try that you can right-click on it and in the little pop-up that appears you can just click on is or if you want to read more about it click on grammar and then read about it and then click on replace all right let's move on to the next room so for each of these you're putting the video on pause so that you can try not alright let's talk about the next run I'm gonna do the same thing I'm going to right-click on let's and this time they don't seem to offer me the little extra thing about grammar but they do tell me oh it should be like this with an apostrophe by the way if it's not really misspelled then I'll have this thing about ignore it or we'll see some other choices in a minute so I'm gonna click on let's with an apostrophe and there it fixes that one and then I'm gonna right-click on a boot and it offers me choices that are like that one and we'll talk about so where did it get these choices from well I got it from something called the spell checker dictionary which is just being mentioned down here so I'm gonna click on the better spelling of a boot by the way early on building computers they thought they would be able to teach computers how to spell relatively easily they would give it a bunch of rules and they'd let it get some experience and that way it would learn and eventually they got to that any of you who watched jeopardy where they had the the big blue computer playing against humans so eventually they kind of worked that out but imagine initially trying to teach a computer how to spell like I want to give it some rules here's one that you've probably heard along the way if you have a word with an E and an AI right next to each other which one would come first okay computer I'm going to give you this rule i before e there we go but some of you in your head right now you're saying yes except after C all right so now I got to go in and give it the rule about okay I before E there's an exception here computer except after C and when I talk to my father about this years ago he said well the way we learned that rule went like this I before E except after C except when sounding like a as in neighbor and he IgH BR or way WI e GH so now I'm in there saying hey computer I before E oh there's an exception to the rule except after C oh there's the exception to the exception of the rule and and they you know eventually kind of gave up on that for a while and what they've done in the office suite is give it a spell checker dictionary now this is not a dictionary with definitions they do have one of those it's called the thesaurus but the dictionary is just a list of about a hundred thousand correctly spelled words so that's where it got the better spelling of about was from that spell checker dictionary alright next thing that I'm seeing here is it's with an apostrophe I'm right-clicking on that it says this room should be done without an apostrophe the only time you should use an apostrophe is if it's short for it is and in this case that's not that let's let this company go about it is business know so I need it's without the apostrophe alright put the video on pause and you try that alright now we come to the crowns and lemic buns so I'm right-clicking on McCrone z' it's having a little trouble figuring out what this should be microns macrons crowns McNown z-- man I don't even know what that word is but it's in the spell checker dictionary so if this is a word that I use a lot because I work at McDonald's and I write documents about my crowns that I do have a choice to actually add it to the dictionary and I'm gonna do that right now by the way it would be a really good idea if you had it spelled correctly in the first place when you add it to the dictionary otherwise you gotta figure out so how do I get it out of the dictionary and then fix it well while I'm just mentioning it let's let's talk let's see so I'm going to go up to the View tab and I'm slide down here to options and I'm going over here to the proofing tools we were looking at this a moment ago with the check spelling and all that and right here it says hey we've got some custom dictionaries and so I'm going to click on custom dictionaries and it shows me a couple of them and one of them if i zoom in on it it's named my roman custom dictionary and it says that's the default place where it would store these kind of words so with that one selected I have a choice over here at the left-hand or excuse me at the right-hand side that says I would like to edit that word list so I give that a click and then here is my special word list and if I'd misspelled it here I can delete it notice there's not a like fix it here so if I'm realizing oh I misspelled that one in the first place and I want to remove it from that spell checker dictionary I can select it here and then delete it and I'm gonna do that and okay a couple of times in fact ok thrice there we go so now it's misspelled again and and I don't have any better a better phrase for that so we could do the same thing with mcbunny by the way the red squiggles are not going to print so if this is just a one-time thing and you don't want to add it to the dictionary leave the red squiggles there that's fine all right so so try that out right click on the word my crowns and add it to the dictionary and then to remove it from the dictionary you go to file and options proofing custom dictionary top default dictionary edit the word list click on the word and delete it so that's your job for the next couple of minutes here put the video on pause and go do all of that stuff all right now I've mentioned that there are some things that it won't necessarily find on the first pass through but there's another way to get it to kind of start over again I'm gonna go up here to the review tab I'm going to click on that and then I've got a choice in here about the spelling and grammar' and I'm gonna click on that and right now it starts wherever my cursor was and checks forward from there here are words that are in the spell checker dictionary that it found and I'm gonna say no I don't really want to do any of those I'm just gonna say ignore all for the moment and then it finds this one that's wrong I'm gonna say yep ignore that one as well and now it says alright that spelling and grammar check is complete sometimes it will find things that it didn't find previously so I'm just saying I'm after you have fixed the things that it found automatically run that spelling and grammar checker again and then one more thing that's really important there are still things that it won't find you still have to eyeball your document and go through it and see if there are things that it didn't find that you would like changed so you still need to go through and check things by eyeball but it's kind of nice to feel like somebody's watching your back in this case word itself now I had mentioned that there are a couple other things we were going to talk about so let's look a little bit more about the proofing tools for example let's say I would like to find a different word for the word company so I'm gonna go just click in the word company to put my cursor there I don't really need to select the whole thing as it turns out for this and under my review tab where I was doing spelling and grammar a moment ago that pulled things in from the spell checker dictionary and I said that dictionary doesn't really have definitions or synonyms the thesaurus does that so I'm going to click on the thesaurus it opens up a little control panel over here where it is now showing me synonyms for the word business corporation firm concern and then as I scroll down some more it says oh there's another definition for the word company and it's companionship and so sometimes they'll have the noun and a version of it they'll have verb versions of it they'll have multiple you know sort of versions of a word and words that you could substitute for that so let's say that I would like to change this to corporation I am tempted to just click on corporation because that's what I did when I was running my spell checker or my grammar checker but watch what happens when I click on corporation didn't do anything over here what it's doing instead now is looking up synonyms for the word corporation oh and it says one of those is company yeah okay there's a big circle so if I want to go back and look at company again I can either click on company or there is a little arrow here where I can go back to a previous one that I was doing click on the little left arrow now I'm looking at company so how do I get corporation in there in its place the secret in this case if I click a little pull down arrow I see a couple of choices called insert or copy alternatively if I right-click on corporation I will see those traces out insert or copy copy means take this word corporation and put it on the clipboard waiting to be pasted someplace if I want it to replace the word company right here then I would use insert instead of copy and that's what I'm about to do insert there we go now we got the word corporation instead of company right your turn to try that so you're gonna go click anywhere in the word company you can go up and click on the thesaurus that opened up this window find a word over here that you would like to replace it with I would recommend don't use the word business because that would say let's let this business go about its business I don't know I guess that could be kind of cute but I'm gonna be careful about those kind of things too okay so you're gonna go do that put the video on pause and get it to replace company with corporation please welcome back I would like to introduce the new kid on the block here smart look up it says learn more about texts that you select by seeing definitions images and other results from various online sources so this is a brand new one here let's say we don't just have a car we have a Mercedes I should be so lucky and then I'd like to look up the word Mercedes using the smart lookup one way to do that is to right-click in it there's a charts about smart lookup the other one has to just go right here they're both going to do the same thing they're going to open up a new panel over at the right side smart lookup so it's got two tabs up here that were undefined so yeah we don't really have a another word for Mercedes but Explorer tells me about mercedes-benz it's got a Wikipedia article about it got some pictures from Bing images and smaller websites that I could click on to actually go to the Mercedes Bend website and learn more about the different Mercedes that are available the green ones and the other ones as well so I'll give that a try give yourself a Mercedes I wish we could actually make that happen through this class but make believe you have our Mercedes and then click in it and do the smart lookup and see this new thing appear over here go at the video on pause talk to you in a minute all right welcome back so I'm gonna hide both of these little task panes at the right side I'm gonna hide the insides will hide the thesaurus now I want to talk about a thing that we saw happen here where I miss type the word business and it didn't flag it it just fixed it that's something called autocorrect and we're going to see that there is a list of commonly misspelled words and they're better spellings and it can be used in a couple of different ways that we're gonna see so I'm gonna click right at the end of that last sentence oh I'm gonna hit the enter key and I'd like you to watch it do a couple of these I went to and I wanted type the word the except I missed type a te h you see me typing teh when I hit the spacebar it says oh you probably meant ta G and if I'm just typing along I misspelled it like that I won't even see it fix it it just does it so I went to the store and I'm gonna misspell it adn and I bought a Mercedes must have been a heck of a store there so that was a couple of examples of something called autocorrect now maybe you have words that you realize from your experience that you commonly misspelled and you'd like to add them to that dictionary there's also a couple other things we might use this for so first of all let's go see what this what this autocorrect list looks like so I'm gonna go up here to a file and I'll give you time to do this in a minute you know how it goes you watch me first and then you try out so going up to file and options and I'm going back to that proofing section where we were talking about the custom dictionaries the things that automatically is looking for and then in the upper right corner here's the bad-boy I'm looking for right now autocorrect options I click on that here comes a list so up here at the top we have things that it's looking for all the time like two initial capitals here's an example of it or if I type a sentence and I haven't capitalize the first letter it'll do that for me automatically we've all had this happen where you've accidentally hit the caps lock key and it's typing everything reversal it can try to look for those things and automatically fix it while you're doing it also as I move down a little bit here it's got a list on the left side it's the misspellings and on the right side it's what to change it to for the moment I mean to scroll down in there and then I'll zoom in a little bit so about the should be replaced with about space the and again these are Auto correcting features you type it this way it automatically types it this way so you could go up right in here and type some word that you know you commonly misspelled and then type the better one in here you might have to go and like look it up in the dictionary first to see what the better spelling is but this way you could create no things on this list of your own you would type in the bad one type in the good one click on add it would now be in this list now I kind of scroll past a couple of things that were in there that I should go back and talk about for a moment so if I want to make a copyright symbol I can type parentheses around a lowercase C and as soon as I hit the spacebar and we replace it with a copyright symbol we've got the old-school Smiley's in here so you could type one of the old-school Smiley's and it'll fix it up with a new-school smiley but there are other things that I've seen people use this for let's say that I work for doctor Norville knockin Locker and I'm supposed to sign his name at the end of every document that I send out to his customers and so I'm always in there and how do i spell knock and lock here so I'm gonna set a thing up so maybe I'll just type dr. K lucky maybe even just dr k by the way these need to be letters that you would not normally just type in the course of typing a normal document at least not these three letters and then a space so i'm going to type in dr k as an abbreviation for dr knockin Locker and then on the right hand side i'm gonna spell his name in there dr Kanaka all right got one more step to do here I'm going to click on add now let's see this in action I'm gonna okay my way out of here you can see it on the list down here so clicking okay okay twice and now I'm gonna put in his name dr k i hit the spacebar dr knockin Locker now you could set up a thing so that when you typed a couple letters it could type your name i can see that it's got a little problem with knock and Locker here what could i do about that so that it wouldn't flag his name assuming I've spelled it right here remember how we could add it to the dictionary I could right click on it and I could add it to the dictionary again make sure you've spelled it right the first time otherwise you gotta go remove it from the dictionary alright so I would like you to try that again the way we got there was file options proofing autocorrect options so you type something on the left you type the better thing on the right add it to this list and then go check it out so closing all of those little windows so I tell you a little story about the autocorrect feature so you don't have to do this with me I'm gonna go up to file I'm going to choose options I'm gonna go to the proofing I'm gonna go to the autocorrect options so one of my fellow teachers this guy named Alex and he has a good friend who's also a teacher here named Jim so Alex was sent to a company to teach one day and he knew that Jim would be there the next day so he set out to sabotage Jim he set it up so that the next time somebody typed ji M it would type big fat hairy idiot and he knew Jim would know how to fix it but he also knew Jim would be in a hurry in the morning like typing stuff up on the screen hi I'm Jim and you know this is what we're gonna teach you and so it said it went off just like clockwork hi I'm big fat hairy at it and everybody there was this like big gasp in the room he had to look up to see why they were gasping and he knew who had done it he said Alex so they were both telling us the story later on I'm not suggesting you do that to any of your coworkers silly little note there a little bit of a brain break I don't need this document for anything more so if you just finish the the previous section here feel free to close this document so what are the ways to do that I can go to file and close it ask me do I want to save it and I will say no thank you so let's go open another file here to play with for our next subject so we can go to file and open or you can use ctrl o going through file and open I get to this window I'm gonna go browse and I'm gonna go take advantage of the fact that I made a little shortcut over here so I'm gonna go over here and click on my word sample files I'm going to scroll down a little bit I'm looking for one named finding text finding text for mod two so I'm going to double click on that one comes finding text when you notice up here at the top it says this is open and protected view unless you need to edit it if you're just going to read it then just read it if you need to edit it then you'll have to click on enable editing you may have seen this happen earlier in your experience here so I'm gonna click on that and here I am now in the document named finding text so pause the video go open that document finding text please so I would like to use the find command up here I'm gonna go click on that by the way as I'm hovering over it might be tough to read but it says a keyboard shortcut is ctrl F so either ctrl F or click on the word find opens up the left-side navigation pane last time I was here was in another module I was looking for the words chapter 3 in a document notice in this document it doesn't find any chapter 3 but maybe I would like to look up the word gallery find where the word gallery appears so I'm gonna type that in right here ga-oh as I'm typing it starts looking the more I type the more specific it gets about what it's looking for and it automatically highlights all the occurrences and if there's a bunch of them and it shows you a little shortcuts to them over here so I'm scrolling up and down on hovering over this one it says that ones on page one scrolling away the heck down here hovering over that line so that one's on page four apparently the word gallery is in here just a whole bunch of times now maybe I want to replace that word just once with some other word but we've seen we could do that through the thesaurus for example or maybe I want to replace all occurrences of that word with something else a classic use for this would be we've got a bunch of documents for a company where the company name is mentioned in the document and then the company gets sold and now the company has a new name and they need to go back and rework a bunch of my documents to go find the old name and replace it all with the new name so we do have a couple of different ways to replace things I'm going to up here and click on the little pull down arrow next to the word gallery and I've got some choices in here about for example do I want to find graphics in my documents do I want to find footnotes in my documents well not what I want to do right now what I want to do is replace their word gallery with something else so I'm gonna click on replace and now it opens up the Find and Replace window by the way I could have done that by clicking on replace up here to start with so now it says gallery and then down here I'm going to tell what word to replace it with and then I can either replace it once and then find the next one beside about replacing that or I can replace all of them also as I look down here under the more I've got some other choices down here about do I worry about upper case lower case do I want it to only find places where a gallery is the whole word or do I want it to find other words that are like it like galleries that would be all word forms if I don't look for whole words only then it will find words inside to each other this makes me think of a old joke that Stephen Colbert was telling on his show one night he was reading an article that said a famous political figure had been but button aided and he said this was an example of find and replace gone wild the person it said had been but button aided and so I'm thinking so what would that be about a spellchecker maybe he was assassinated when they'd run a spellchecker looking for one of those words and putting in the other one and suddenly he was but button aided and Stephens answer to that was that probably happened with a but alt rifle anyway moving on so I get real specific about how I want it to find certain words and do I care about the upper case lower case and that kind of stuff and maybe I want to replace their word gallery with the showplace now that's not really appropriate for the word gallery here because they're talking about these kind of galleries up there the Styles galleries and so forth that's what the official name of those but I'm going to say in my case yeah I want to replace the word gallery with the word showplace so I'm gonna click on replace somewhere in the background here it replaced the word gallery with the show place and now it has found the next one then I'm gonna say okay he replace that one and now that one's social place and now it's finding the next one and if I just don't like that word at all or it's that one case where the new company has bought out the old company and I need to replace them all then I've got a button for that replace all and it said it found 71 replacements word gallery is obviously mentioned a lot in this document I'm gonna choose okay and then I would like you to try that thing you have just seen me do I'm going to close this window so again the way I started that was I went to the fine command that opened up the navigation place over here navigation pane I said look for the word gallery and it's having some trouble finding the red gallery well I can see galleries down here so you know I might need to go in there and say hey find all versions of the word but right now all of the words gallery have been replaced with that other word but that's how we got started at it once it found places with the word gallery we clicked on this little pull down arrow said I want to replace we told it to replace gallery with showplace you can click on replace it'll do them one at a time you might need to grab the title bar to move it out of the way and then maybe try replace all and don't tell you how many it found so your turn to use the find and replace feature of microsoft word please as we've been working along we've got several documents open right now if you've been playing along with me why don't we take a moment and close all the documents we have open as we close them at Alaska so if we want to save them that'll be up to you but we probably have saved them recently so it probably won't ask so I'm gonna go up here and click on my close button them up in the upper corner this one says do I want to save the changes to finding text I'm gonna say yeah go ahead and save that with the replacements all right so jewel to large document I'm going to close that one the same way you can also go to file and choose close by the way keyboard shortcut for close a document I believe is still controlled w so again file and closing this one mine says do I want to save it section breaks for mod - sure I'll say that finishes closing it now eventually along the way probably as you get to closing the very last document you're probably going to see this you have modified styles or building blocks such as cover pages or headers in our case it's a footer and if I want that footer to truly be available from now on in other documents I need to say yeah save that modified building block that I made for a footer so I'm gonna click on that you are probably gonna see that along the way here if you were playing along with me when we made that footer all right let us go restart microsoft word then in turn off for me those templates right away and I'd like to try one of these I'd like to try the personal letterhead now yours might not be just right up here in the top row you may have to scroll down and look for a little bit I wish the list was alphabetized but I'm afraid I can't say that so you're gonna scroll down try to find one called personal letterhead it should kind of look like this and when you find it go ahead and click on it it'll show you a little preview on it and then you're gonna click create and it may take it a moment but it should pop it up fairly quickly so it's taken who I'm signed in as thrown that up here got little placeholders for street addresses and so forth now right now is I try to click on the placeholders for the street address and so forth seems to be a little tough here I'm trying to click on it I'm getting nothing if you will double click on it you'll discover oh that's actually up in the header and that's why you couldn't get to it at first but now you can you can modify whatever you want there so put the video on pause and do what you saw me do open up that template called the personal letterhead it'll show you a preview you'll click create you should be where I am and then you can double click up here for the street address and you'll be in that placeholder so go catch up with me everybody so you could go up here and modify the street address your telephone number or your email those sort of things so that way that would be in this document the next time you open it one of the things that's cool about a template file I'm sure that we've all done this I need to make it a document this year that's very much like a document that I created last year so I'm really tempted to open up last year's document and type in the new information the new location of the party that we're inviting them to the new price of whatever thing I'm trying to sell them and then if I make this mistake if I go up and click on the Save button what have I just done to last year's document I've destroyed it I've replaced it Microsoft would say you have updated last year's document I have a little different name for that I would say you have stomped and folded and mutilated last year's document and replace it with this year's tablet one of the cool things about a template is you can modify it add new things to it and then when you click the Save button it will not destroy the template it will create a brand new document every single time and then we'll come back and talk about well what if there are certain things that I want in there every single time maybe I'll make a template for myself so we're gonna look at those two levels of using templates right so if you want to take a minute and fill in your street address and telephone and that kind of thing take a minute and do that now I'm not going to do that right now but feel free to do that if you like put the video on pause and then come on back so let's imagine that I have done that and now I want to use this template for a particular thing so I'm going to double click down in the regular text gets me out of the header so as I could click to select a date hmm select a date I click on it I get a little pull down arrow here with something called a date picker so it has today's date in there I could click on today and put that in there maybe I want to send the letter next week so I could put you know next week's date in there so if I just click on today I click away there it is as today's date in there says dear recipient right so I'm writing this letter to a particular person I'm going to zoom in on it a bit so dear Dizzy Gillespie and then it's got a bunch of text down here that I probably don't run in there but it's just a little placeholders for how the thing would look and so now I'm going to fill in the information that I need mr. glass for you to know so I am dragging across the things that I'm going to change and maybe this is going to be sort of a standard form rejection letter so we have reviewed reviewed your application to our trade show our tej show when I right-click on that and use my spell checker dictionary trade show we find that the products you have offered are not appropriate for our tradeshow please reapply with different products if you wish now notice I see the red squiggle there if I stop my typing and go fix it every time I see a red squiggle it really slows me down so good habit to get into is just keep typing you ignore the little red squiggles go back and fix them at the end so please reapply with different products if you wish down here we got warm regards and my name in it alright now I'm gonna go back and right click on any mistakes grammar and spelling mistakes and so forth them fix them up and now this document is ready to go so I can actually just click Save I don't have to worry about save as because I'm starting with a template so I'm gonna go up to file I'm going to choose save I'm gonna browse for a place to put this I don't want to put it on my corporate onedrive just yet so I'm going to click on browse and you'll notice right now it's ready to make a Word document and it's not going to write over top of the old one my template so I'm gonna save this Word document maybe I'll put it in my Finnish Documents folder that I created for my lessons so I'm going to drop it right in the air and I'm going to call it Gillespie rejection letter so I'd like you to try that you've filled in your name your street address and so far put it in today's date write a little letter to somebody maybe make it a rejection letter and then click the Save button put it in our finished Documents folder and name it something appropriate for what textview filled in there when I left off at the end of the previous lesson we had just used a template to create a document and the one of the big points of why we would use a template is you can modify the document and choose the Save button and you're not destroying the original the original is still shall we say virginal so I'm going to close this Wan document right now and then I'm going to start word again so the next time I want to use that particular template it should be a little bit higher on your list now you can go click on personal letterhead template going to create it a little faster way you can double click on it so it's creating it right now you can see it's back to the original select a start date dear such-and-such and blah blah blah so all that stuff that I typed in there did not affect the original template but what if I send out a lot of rejection letters just like that one we don't like what you offered us but feel free to reapply with other products and maybe that's just gonna be kind of a generic letter that I send out to a lot of people and I don't want to have to retype all that stuff all the time so what I'm gonna do is make a template for myself that has that stuff that's not going to change every time my street address city state zip I still want to have the part about select a date they still want to have the part about select a recipient but I will rebuild that stuff that I had just said about you know you don't qualify with what you're offering us so far but please reapply with other products so I'm gonna change this up and I'm actually gonna save it as a template at this time so put the video on pause I would like you to reopen that template it should be just as it was when you first found it so this time go in there enter your street address city state zip the stuff that's not going to change every time and then come on back you'll discover I have done a similar thing by the time you get back alright welcome back I've made up a street address here one two three um Street I'm thinking a Freddy Krueger I guess really dating myself there so every time I use this I want to be able to select the date I want to be able to fill in a recipient name caught a little grammar thing here I wanted it to say we have reviewed your application so I filled in basically the same stuff that I sent to mr. Gillespie earlier yes it should be nice and put a period at the end of that sentence so why don't you take him home and basically duplicate what you see here I'm gonna leave this on screen you're gonna pause the video you're gonna go change these things please and then come on back we're almost done so these are words that will not change every time we send this out maybe I want to have this as a template called rejection letter that means we need to save it specifically as a template and not as a document so this will be a save as command you're gonna watch and then you'll do it so I'm clicking on file I'm going to save as or I can use my keyboard shortcut f12 I'm gonna browse for and put this thing now just offhand it's ready to put it in the My Documents folder and it's ready to make a Word document and whatever were the first words in the document it wants that to be the filename alright so I'm going to change that I'm going to name it rejection letter template I don't have to we'll put the word template on there anybody just call it rejection letter I'll know that it's going to be a template and then right down here where it says save it as a Word document I'm going to click and I'm going to tell us specifically save it as a word template save as a word template now suddenly a special thing has gone on in the upper part of my save window notice it's not ready to put it into My Documents folder anymore it's ready to put it in a folder named custom office templates that's a default choice for where your personal templates go and I'm gonna let it go there and I'm going to let it be called rejection letter and I'm going to save it so now you can see the new name up here rejection letter and again you might not be able to see the four letter extension on the end of your file names up here but instead of ending in do CX this one ends in do TX as in template alright so your turn you've you've changed words down in here to be the ones that you're always sending out with this rejection letter and then again we went to file and save as at first we said browse it was ready to put it in the Documents folder but as soon as we said I want to save it as a template instead then it's putting it in this magic custom office templates folder and we've named it rejection letter so catch up with me there finish that off put the video on pause and go that far please all right so now we're going to see how do we actually use this template so I'm gonna close this document happens to be the last one that I have open so now I have to go restart word so I've still got the personal letterhead over here but that's the generic one I'm looking for my rejection letter the list is not alphabetized but you could spend a long time trying to look for that in this list you will not find it because this is the featured list if I want to look at a list of things that I have created I have to go to my personal templates so I'm going to click on personal templates hey there's my rejection letter I'm going to call it up by clicking on it so it's got the rejection stuff in it I have to fill in the date I have to fill in the recipient and then I'll send it out so do that much you can either close word or go to file and new I would recommend that you close the document that's specific for mr. Gillespie and then go to file and new or if that was the last document had opened when you closed it at closed words or restart word and then when you see those templates let me just remind you of that last step there when you're looking at the templates you have to go to the personal templates and then find yours and give it a click and it will launch that new template with all of the rejection stuff in there so pause the video catch up with me so now I need to send this out to a different person so I saved it as a template now I've opened it from my personal templates it's got the information that I filled in that doesn't change from document to document like the rejection stuff all I have to do is fill in the date and the recipient so here's my date here's my recipient and go to mr. Gless wheeze friend Charlie Parker it's the same rejection letter so I'm ready to save that file save decide where to put it maybe in my case I'll put it in my finished Documents folder over here and this will be the Charlie Parker rejection letter right I'm not saving it as a template I'm using the template I created to create a new document from the template I created from my personal template alright I'm finished shaving that thing and there we go let's leave this document on screen for our next lesson so I'm ending this lesson and then go on to the next ones we're going to talk about how could I then take this document and maybe email it to mr. Parker so that's what we'll be talking about next in the previous session we created this document from a template that we had created and then what I want to do next is send a copy of this document to mr. Parker at his email address by involving Outlook so here in Word I'm going to click on file I'm going to choose to share this document now notice the default is to save it to the cloud and then allow other people to edit it that's really the wave of the future that kind of collaboration but in this case is just a one-off this is just an email going out to tell him he's been rejected from the tradeshow so I'm clicking on email I send this document as an attachment I can convert it to a PDF and send it as an attachment got several other choices down here but I just want to send this document as an attachment to an email using Outlook so I click on send attachment now it's getting me to sign into my Outlook program here okay to sign in Outlook should be appearing momentarily here it is now I have to address it to mr. Parker see Parker at Columbia Records I don't know if any of you are recognizing these names Dizzy Gillespie Charlie Parker they are legends of the jazz bebop era I'm a big fan of jazz in fact oddly enough my college degree is in jazz music studies I've just always studied computers along the way as well my minor is in Computer Studies but trombone players usually don't have blue cross and things like that so it's been good to have some other talents but that's how I'm familiar with the names Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker and those kind of things so I am I gotta tell you I'm making up an email address because Charlie Parker isn't even alive anymore so I'm going to send this out to them and you know drop a little drop a little note to them saying please reapply if desired then we've also got the rejection letter going out here so when I click on send it ought to send that email to him here I've got you know a couple little things that are hampering it the fact that this email address doesn't actually exist but in your business in real life when you click done send it would actually send that thing out so let's assume that that would happen if you would like to try that send out something to Charlie Parker you'll probably run into the same kind of things that I'm running into that he doesn't exist if you would like to try to send it to I don't know maybe yourself then you should have better luck at that so if you want to try that feel free to just send it to yourself here just so you can see it actually happen so that's the end of our section about taking a document that you've created attaching it to an email and sending it out so I'm going to close these windows once you have sent that out you can go ahead and close out look if it happens to open for you and you'll wind up back in your document thanks everybody so that's the idea of sending out by email in our previous session we were talking about sending this document out by email let's do as we have done with several of our other sessions let's close all the Word documents that we have open and we're going to switch gears and we're going to talk about sending something by snail mail post office mail so I'm gonna close this document and then I'm gonna go open one here I'm gonna switch from my finished rode documents to my word sample files documents and I would like to reopen one that we were using earlier in this session it's name was section brakes and it's got several pages to it that's why I'd like to reopen that one so it's going down through the through the alphabetized list here and finding section breaks that we've used in module two so here's my cover page and then here's my other pages where we'd set up the headings at the top of the pages and so forth I'm looking down here in the bottom left corner it says this is a 16 page document so I'm going to print this thing out and then eventually we're going to talk about putting it in a snail mail I'm printing out envelopes and that kind of thing so first of all let's talk about printing the document itself getting it on paper and then we'll decide what to do with the paper in the next session so to print this thing and go up to the file menu and as you can imagine I'm going to click on print I really like the fact that they give me a print preview right away any of you who have been around word for a long time there was an older version of word where you had to make a separate choice about seeing a print preview here as soon as you go to print you see the preview right away so there's a couple of things going on in the lower left section over here what is it I want to print do I want to print all the pages well that's what it is by default but let's imagine that maybe in the middle of this thing there's a page that has a coupon for some freebie and that offer isn't available anymore and I want to skip that page so one of the ways that I could choose to not print all the pages is in this box right below where I can list consecutive pages by putting in a number and a hyphen and then the number after it and then anything that I want to like leave out I can leave a comma and then choose some other pages and right now that seems kind of egg but let me tell you what I'm talking about here so I could say in the cm looking at this thing it says it's 16 pages I can actually kind of move from page to page to see what things are going to look like so if for some reason I didn't want to print page 7 let's just imagine that that's the case I could say for the pages on a print I'm going to print pages 1 through 6 comma 8 through 16 or I could say 1 through 6 comma 8 through 12 comma 14 through 16 something like that so let me just zoom in on that I've said give me pages 1 through 6 skip page 7 give me pages 8 through 16 right below that I get to choose if I have a printer that'll print on both sides of the paper I should have a choice about that now I can also do that up here under the printer properties this is probably actually a better place to do that so the properties that are available when you click on printer properties of course will depend on which printer you've got the brand the model and so forth I happen to be set up on a printer here that can print both sides of the paper so I could say well what quality do I do want to use for my printouts I'm gonna choose draft and then under layout here I get to choose in this printer that will chip print on both sides of the paper do I want to just print on one side of the paper or if I'm gonna print on both sides of the paper do I want to flip it on the short side which would be on the bottom or do want to flip it on the long side which just you know use much more often here so again the choices that you have in the printer properties are totally dependent on the model and make of the printer that you have and then down below that we were talking about this do I want to print all the pages do I want to print certain pages and then this word collated you probably run into this word before let's say I'm gonna print like eight copies of this thing and I need to and I need to distribute it to the people in my department so I'm gonna print several copies of this multiple page document the default setting is that that document will be automatically collated that is as it says down here on a print page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 whatever page as you said and then when it gets to the end of that then ever perĂ³n page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 I can't think of any reason why I would ever want to turn that off so that it will end up printing page one page one page one paper entree lunch eight times that'll give me a page to picture picture and then I've got to be a human collator I don't think so I can't think of a time when I have ever used the uncoated choice notice here I can choose the orientation of my page either portrait or landscape that actually should have been long ago done as I was putting the other the document itself I should have made the choice about portrait versus landscape orientation way back when it would also have been a good idea to choose the paper size early on we saw how to do those things if you took earlier or earlier sessions here here I can set up the mirrored margins again those are all things that should have been done long ago so usually when I get here to the printing stage about the only thing I choose is what pages do I own a print what printer do I want to use any properties of that printer I want to take advantage of and then how many copies am I going to print that's usually pretty much everything that I choose about when I decide to print this thing and then of course the last step would be to click on print and a way it would go it would print out my doctor so there's not make very many choices they have to go through when you're printing the thing out but do notice you have choices about which pages and and some things like that that we've just talked about so now that we've discussed that why don't we close this document well you can choose to print yours if you want it's not required and I'm not gonna print mine right now so I'm just going to step back out of here and I'm going to close this document in our previous lesson we talked about printing out a document and now maybe I need to take that document and send it by snail mail and that means I'm going to need an envelope for it but rather than hand addressing an envelope why don't I actually get word to print the envelope for me so that's where we're headed next I'm gonna start up Microsoft Word I would like you to do the same thing here we go all right now right now it's ready to do a blank document and that's an OK way to start so I'm gonna click on blank document but now I'm going to switch gears and I actually want to print out an envelope now as I look at the different command tabs that are available up here at the top wondering where I might find stuff about an envelope what seems like the most likely place well I see something about may L here mailings that's actually the place I need to go so that's where I'm clicking on right now mailings and then over here at the side I see some traces about printing out envelopes or labels now in a later lesson we're going to start talking about printing out labels for a whole bunch of people at once or printing out individually addressed envelopes for a whole bunch of people at once in order to do that we would need to do something called mail merge over here where it says envelopes and labels these are about one at a time or maybe a page of the same label over and over again why would I ever print a whole page of the same label well maybe it's for somebody that I do a lot of business with or maybe it's my return address label so we'll talk about envelopes first and we'll talk about labels second and again this is not individual labels for a whole bunch of people it's the same label over and over again when we get there but envelopes first please so here we go I'm clicking on unload it's going to open up a separate little window here so once this appears you'll see the dialog window has information about envelopes or labels so we're gonna start with envelopes here's a little preview of my envelope I could have a return address section here the sending out address here so that would be called the delivery address that's why there's a box for that and this would be called the return address and there's a box for that so let's fill some of that stuff in maybe the delivery address so I need to send this to mr. JJ Johnson who is a jazz trombone player at least was an JJ johnson maybe he lives at 10 Main Street in Detroit Michigan 409 and then the return address so the delivery address is going to appear there on the envelope here's my return address it will appear there and so I am Dan McAllister from one to three M Street in Bakersfield California 9 4 3 3 3 now there are some other options down here if I click on options then I have some choices about the size of the envelope itself do I want to change the font for the delivery address do I want to change the font for the for the return address if I want to then I go and choose that and I make all those kind of choices and then once I'm ready I'm gonna click on okay and then I'm gonna put that envelope in my Primmer now I don't know how many of you have ever had to do that try to get an envelope in your printer and put it in there the right way very often on the tray in the printer they'll have a little picture of an envelope telling you which way you should put it in you want to put it in there with the flap up or the flap down or what way does it need to be oriented and if for some reason your printer doesn't have that what I've done in the past is grabbed a sheet of paper and ripped it into thirds so that I had a piece of paper that's about the size of an envelope and I drew an X on one side of it and I sent that piece of paper through to figure out which side of the envelope it prints on but you're usually not gonna have to worry about that usually on the printer itself it's got some little thing that indicates which way you're gonna put the envelope in there and then when you're ready to send it on then all you have to do then is click on print and so I'm not gonna send mine you can practice with yours if you like so you've filled in the sending address you've filled in the return address and then click print and make sure your envelope is in there so that's how to print envelopes fairly easily and then when you're finished feel free to close this dialog window and then we'll switch gears when we come back the next session is going to be about printing labels and in this case it won't be labels with different people's names on it it's going to be a bunch of labels with the same information on it so for the moment we are done with the printing of envelopes in our last session we were talking about printing an envelope in this session I had promised that we were going to talk about printing labels and again let me just mention this this is not a list of labels with several different people's names on each label this is going to be one page of the same label over and over again maybe I do business with one company and I send them a lot of snail mail so I just want their delivery label I'll print it out or maybe I'm going to print a page of return address labels that I can just slip on envelopes instead of printing the envelopes themselves I'll get an envelope out and I'll put a label on it many people find that easier to print the labels and stick them on then printing the actual envelopes themselves so this time instead of envelopes again if you look I'm under the mailings tab here this time stead of envelopes I'm going to go to labels and this dialogue window should look familiar its envelopes on one side and labels on the other all right so this time I have only one spot here for the address whether that's my return address or the sending address doesn't really matter it's just going to be one address here and then do I want to print a full page of the same label or do I want to print just one label now many times the labels come several labels to a sheet in fact most often they do that very often well it depends on the size of the label as to how many labels will actually be on the piece of paper here so first of all let's fill in the information about the address and then we'll start talking about alright then what labels do I want to use so we're going to start out with full-page of same label and we're gonna make maybe a return address label here so maybe fill in your company information or your personal information that you would put on a return address label now maybe I would put it all on one line like that or maybe I'm going to separate it into multiple lines like I'm going to have the street and then I'm going to have the city in the state and maybe have the zip code right there on the same line next you'll need to set up the options for the label what size is it how many labels go up and down on the piece of paper that they come glued to how many sideways how many up and down what's the size of the label and so forth so to do that we're going to click here on the options button so up here at the top boy they've got an old-school thing here continuous feed printers those are the ones that had the fan fold paper air with the little little holes on the sides of the paper man it's been a long time since I saw one of those and then the other choice the default choice is page printers we're gonna slip in a page with envelopes glued to it so I'm gonna go with that and then we have label vendors down here now early on Microsoft really only supported a few of them and maybe you guys know which one is the one that's been around kind of forever I'll call it the McDonald's of labels I'm gonna click on the pulldown list here and so I want to choose what brand I'm gonna use and if I scroll down just a little bit I'm gonna see this company right here Avery so Avery has been around forever they are mcgann I called them the McDonald's of labels here and recently I was in an office Max and I was walking through their labels section and OfficeMax has their own brand of labels and I found it kind of funny that on the front of the office max labels it said emulates Avery a 5 a 4 something like that and I had to laugh at that it's like if I'm selling beer and I say my beer tastes just like Budweiser buy my beer so I got a little kick out of that but I'm gonna go with a a Bree size and US letter is just the size of the paper that it comes on so I'm gonna go with Avery US letter and then once I choose that then down here at the bottom I've got all kinds of different Avery product numbers here and probably the two most popular labels from Avery our numbers 21 60 and 50 160 so I'm going to scroll down through here I'm going to find 2160 mmm scrolling a bunch here getting down to the twos spelling out to get like the four digit twos and I'm looking for 2160 there it is mini sheet labels half sheet so when I click on that it says all right um little mini labels they're an inch I they're about two and two thirds inches wide they come on a piece of paper that's four and a half four and a quarter by five inches well okay that's great if my printer will handle those easily let me scroll down and look for 5160 now in fact it's right here I type a five it will jump past all the ones in the twos down to the fives which is kind of handy and now I'm going to go look for 5160 easy PL address labels so these actually come on an eight-and-a-half by eleven sheet they're the same size as the other ones one inch by two and two-thirds they don't come on a half a sheet of paper they come on a full sheet so 5160 2160 the setup is the same for each of them it's just what size piece of paper they come on so I'm going with the 5160 what I hope I will never have to do is set up a brand new label or I'm gonna define how wide the thing is and how tall it is and how many across the page and all that kind of stuff man I hope I never ever ever have to do that so I'm gonna go with one of the pre sizes here for my Avery labels I'm gonna click on okay and so I'm pretty much ready to go here if I'd like to see what that page is gonna look like I can slide down here to this button and say hey give me a new document to show me what these labels will actually look like and I'm going to click on that right now and here's what the labels will look like and then the last thing I need to do is put my page of labels on the printer and again I might need to test it out to figure out whether it's going to print on the front side or the back side so what I have done some times in the past is just put in a regular piece of paper without any labels on it make an X on one side of that piece of paper send it through and figure out well did it print on the x side or the other side and that'll help me decide which way I need to put the labels in before like wasting a whole page full of labels somehow all right so it's your turn to kind of finish that off you were probably doing it with me but if not let me remind you how we got started that was mailings and labels and we filled in the address of it we chose which label we wanted to use by going to the options choosing I went with the Avery us letter size paper this was simply number 50 160 you remember while you're going through this list if you just click on something and type a 5 it will get it down past the ones and twos and threes to the fives and then you have to only scroll a little bit to get the easy PL address labels 5160 so we filled in that information we said ok that's the one I want and then you could just send it to the printer but I prefer to put it on a new document so I can see what it's going to look like and then send that document to the printer so it's your turn to do all of that so set up your labels maybe you don't happen to have a bunch of labels right there in the house but if you want to slip a piece of paper in your printer and see what the labels will look like when you print them out have at it and that actually concludes our module 2 so I hope we've had a good time I hope you have seen useful things hope you will come back for module 3 and check out some more of Word 2016 for the moment this is Dan McAllister signing off have a great rest of your day if your done otherwise I'll see you for module 3 thanks for watching don't forget 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Keywords: microsoft cisco training tips word excel office powerpoint outlook, free Word 2016 tutorial, Word 2016 Beginner tutorial, Word 2016, microsoft Word 2016, learn Word 2016, Word 2016 tips and tricks, learn Word, Word tutorial, Word training, tips and tricks Word 2016, Word 2016 how to, free Word 2016 training, Word 2016 free tutorial, Word 2016 tutorial free, free, how to use Word 2016, e learning microsoft 2016, e learning Word 2016 video, Tutorial
Id: yV4i29Xo0iM
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Length: 235min 7sec (14107 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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