How to resurface your concrete with Rapid Set NewCrete Resurfacer

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what is happening guys today I'm gonna show you how to take this old and tie your concrete surface and and make it look like fresh brand-new concrete with a resurfacing product called nucleotide rapidset this project is gonna be super fast and super easy so let's make something cool let's do something cool [Music] now while I'm gathering my tools I just wanted to take this time to let you guys know that this video is proudly sponsored by rapid at symmetric that's right rapid set some men noticed our little channel they saw what we did with the first video they called me up and they basically said what do you need rapid that was gracious enough to send us Michigan's service representative Jordan Jordan thanks for coming out saving hey Mike real big fan of your channel thanks for including me Jordan's gonna be joining us for technical support as well as across the material to get the job done new Cree is a polymer modified resurfacer that's designed to make old tired worn small concrete look like fresh brand new concrete maybe we can talk to her tune into doing the whole job for us right hey Jordan do you think that we did take the rabbits that truck out for a spin no by the way links down below for all the products and tools that we're using today just like anything else prep is key we want the surface to be clean free of loose debris free of any paint and free of any oils or greases so we'll start by stripping any paint that's present with a product design or stripping paint from concrete then we want to clean the surface really well with a concrete cleaner degreaser and any excuse to get a power washer out we want to make sure that we patch any cracks or voids with cement off before we begin placing the products we also want to mask off the expansion joints temporarily as a prevent product from getting in there you want to stay true to the expansion you're also gonna want to mask off anything that you don't want new creep by the way this squeegee in this mason brush are gonna be your two best friends with this project these guys are key let's begin mixing our new creep by adding two and a half quarts of water to our bucket add the whole bag of new Crete to the water you're looking for a pancake batter consistency here simply place the mixture on damp concrete I like to place it in a way that it's perpendicular to the direction that I'm going to be pulling the product [Music] it is not you're only looking for about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch thickness here [Music] keep working the material over the substrate until you get a nice thin consistent layer before I get too far out of my reach I want to drag a mason broom across the material while it's still wet this will get rid of any inconsistencies and any marks you may have made with your squeegee if your project requires it mix up more material in a timely manner to keep a wet edge and just repeat the process [Music] [Music] dragging the broom across the material will not only get rid of inconsistencies it will also provide you with a nice anti-skid surface you could also make a nice decorative pattern at this point all right now a great hot tip when working with large projects is to break the job up this project we're gonna break it up into slabs now that we're done with this slab you can go ahead and regroup we can take a break or we can clean up our tools or get a little crusty or I could take the rapid truck out for a little spin no I found it very helpful to have an extra hand having somebody to mix the material and have it ready to go just before I needed it was very helpful also having somebody pull the broom behind me while I spread the material was very helpful and before we knew it we were done [Music] so that's it guys after a couple hours we're able to drive on this stuff and it didn't require any kind of bonding primer just think about what else you could get done so remember guys like subscribe I promise you won't regret it and I'll see you guys in the next video he's gonna be so mad when he finds out how far I pulled the seat up [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 2,136,284
Rating: 4.8256197 out of 5
Keywords: concrete resurfacer, coating, concrete, concrete slab, resurfacer, quickrete recap, quikrete resurfacer, how to, diy, slab, spalled concrete, concrete patch, Revitalize, fresh concrete, new concrete, old concrete, diy concrete, concrete resurfacing, concrete counter top, Rapid Set, fast setting, newcrete, newcrete resurfacer, concrete countertop, coffee table, concrete countertops, epoxy floor, stamped concrete, quikrete concrete resurfacer
Id: ybtEKpoCWEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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