DIY / Repairing Cracks on Your Walkway or Driveway...

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good afternoon youtubers Manny here from Manny's how-to workshop with a short video on how to fill in settlement cracks on your concrete pad walkway or driveway so here's a crack that I had that was pretty small but I went ahead and made it bigger you want to go at least half inch deep about an inch wide that way your your cement or your mortar mix can set pretty good and all I did I used my my Bower rotary hammer right there well oh there it is right there with a a bit chisel bit like this one this one's only about an inch wide and it doesn't work pretty good you know set it on the hammer function only and it does pretty easy work of it so I have cracks here there and right there also you can see right there going right across so basically all I did was a chisel them in with the rotary hammer made it wider and then clean it out with this Mason brush right here and basically do is clean out the dry stuff first and then get you some water like this dunk the brush in there and wet down the frack and what that's gonna do it's gonna allow the mortar to set slower and this being out in the Sun yeah you don't want the the mortar to dry put to quick because that will net since will cause cracking also and so after you do that grab you some mortar with a little uh Mason trowel like I have like this see that the Sun is trying to dry this out pretty quick so you gotta work pretty fast so just take some like this put it right in the crack okay just fill in the crack keep going all the way down and then it over get that texture so just fill in the same thing [Music] sometimes it's okay if you put a little bit extra looking pretty good so I'm just gonna take the brush real quick dip it in the bucket wet my mortar down so Sun doesn't dry it out all right so if you take your brush wet it down and usually just come back very lightly you're not even trying to scrape anything off okay you just want to just brush it like this okay you can go lengthwise and go across like that and that's perfectly fine but and that's all there is to it just like that you see and there you go here's a finished product right there and when it dries over time yeah it's gonna look whiter than the rest of them but it's gonna blend in and then once in a while once you take a pressure washer and clean it off look good all right you guys there you go how to fix cracks in or settling cracks in your walkway or driveway which my driveway is the one I'm gonna be doing next but since I was doing another project and back of the house I had this leftover mortar here so I said you know what instead of just throwing that away or just lumping it and let it dry off why not use it from the house except to fill in the cracks yeah sound a little out of breath cuz trying to fill them and hold the phone at the same time but alright guys thanks for watching please rate comes subscribe if you haven't done so and I'll catch you guys in the next one all right
Channel: Manny Fontes
Views: 183,374
Rating: 4.7127967 out of 5
Keywords: diy, how to, repairing, repairing cracks, repairing concrete cracks, repairing concrete driveway, concrete crack repair, concrete crack filler, concrete cracks, walkway crack repair, driveway crack repair, driveway crack filler, driveway crack repair concrete, walkway cracking, driveway cracking, cement work, cement repairs do yourself, cement repair driveway, filling cracks with mortar, concrete repair, home improvement
Id: Oa6skdIfNeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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