How To Fix Cracks In Concrete- And Blend In The Repair!

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all right if you've got a concrete driveway you've probably developed some cracks after a few years uh mine's about five years old and i've got a few cracks down here in the southeastern part of the united states this is pretty common you want to get these repaired because water will get in there and freeze and it'll just break up your concrete over time so uh this being fall i decided it was time to address a couple of cracks this is what you need or at least this is what i used some quikrete [Music] some flexible crack fill got this from home depot no preference i just this is what i saw on the shelf decided i'd give it a shot and just used a grinding tool to open up the crack slightly you want to get it enough enough of an opening so you can drive the sealant into that space so it takes a few minutes to get that ground out and then the next step is to clean it blow it out make sure you get all the dust out of there once you're done with that you're ready to uh get the the sealant and get a caulk gun and start start filling the crack my approach is to try and drive it into the crack so i really push it up against the opening and i'm trying to just push it down in there i'm not worried about the finish of it right now because i'm going to try and trowel it as smooth as i can and then the next the next step after that is to try and put some quikrete over it while it's still wet my uh my theory on this is if you can get that um cement onto that that still wet surface it'll bond to it so there there's what i end up with after i've trialed it it's as flush as i can get it and then what i'm going to end up doing is to take the quikrete and just sprinkle it over the fresh sealant i brush that in just by hand just blend it in and this stuff stays wet doesn't set for several i think put you know several hours but i try and do this within you know 15 minutes of the application once you're done with that uh what i do is uh take some water and spray it over the quikrete just wet it down get it you know you could use a garden sprayer to go a lot quicker but just did what i didn't want to clean up my garden sprayer i've got all kinds of crap in there that i've used and i don't know how that would react with portland and concrete go back and touch up any spots where it's thin kind of blend it in this stuff will set really quick in the direct sunlight so keep it wet i just kind of quick and dirty get it done this is right after i had to spread the water on it still trying to get the water out set this is it after several hours it will blend in better with time as it picks up more and more just you know your color you can see it's actually bonded to the sealant and you can uh [Music] yeah you can you could always do another overcoat but i'm happy with the way it blends in i think it does a great job i've done this before and it doesn't go bad or start showing through it holds up pretty well so anyways that's my technique there's lots of ways to fix cracks well thanks for watching the video if you like go ahead and subscribe thumbs up all that good stuff
Views: 375,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quikrete, crack sealant, concrete, driveway, repair, crack repair, diy
Id: Ec83nK-fY3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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