TF Structural Concrete Overlay - Overview

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[Music] what hello everyone in this video I'm going to show you how to overlay a concrete pad from start to finish using our TF structural repair mortar now the first thing I do is pour the mix along the two edges and of course the top edge there and keeping it as close as you can to the edges then I get two trials one will act as a temporary form essentially while I'm spreading out the product beside it just preventing any material from flowing down into those expansion joints you can also see the mixed consistency that was used it's it's enough Part B in the product so the mix isn't too wet that it runs away from you but it's still easily triable and nice to work with we do have a separate video for mixing tips and tricks you can watch as well so as you can see I just use the one trowel kind of angled in towards me to go all the way along the three expansion joints and initially spread out the product and then after I do that I go over it one more time just to make sure I have a fairly uniform consistency and depth to it after you've done those three joints you just go back and forth always maintain pressure on the front of the trowel so that the excess material works its way back towards you if that makes sense now you also don't have to be too concerned with how smooth you leave the first troweling you can see I have quite a few trowel marks there I like to go over to usually one more time at least just to get any excess material brought back to the the far edge there and just to smooth it out a little more but again once you put a broom on it you'll be able to see a lot of those trowel marks get knocked down so there's the initial spread that was a full bag of product that we use there you're free to mix up as much product as you want quarter bag half bag I'm fairly comfortable with the material so we were able to spread a full bag at a time there now you can see when we're doing the brooming I have the broom at a very steep angle on the end of a pole not typically how you see it when they they broom concrete and that just prevents you from pulling pulling the product across the concrete pad now here's another trick you can do if you're wanting to mimic those picture framed edges you can use a two inch margin trowel as well as another longer trial to do that whereas the edging tools don't work too well for that so now once you get your second mix you pour it right into the wet edge of the old mix and again I'll start with the two edges with the double trowel technique and then you go up and you trowel right into the old product keeping heavier pressure on the the front nose of that trial I'm not leaving any Ridge up there and all the excess material is moving its way back towards me so once I have that the new product trialed nicely into the old product then I continue to trial the the mix back towards myself again keeping pressure on the front part of that trial so the excess material works its way way to the back now you also notice there was a large crack there that we traveled right over it the TF structural Weil trial over the cracks but it is a very rigid product it's not designed to fix cracks so if you have a substrate like the one we're traveling over that has a crack in it over time that crack will reflect through so that's that's just something to note it it is a very rigid material so unfortunately cracks do come back so here I do have some excess material that I was able to trial back towards myself so I'm just pulling it right down to the edge and finishing that edge and starting on the bottom edge with that double trial technique and then I'm going to pull the excess product that we have left there over to the other side and same thing I'm going to work that excess material further down this side edge here once that's done you can just smooth out the excess material and again you can see quite a few trowel marks that were left there the broom is a very good tool for you to trial those right out of the the install as you can see the second broom here going over the trial marks knocks that right down and leaves a nice smooth consistent broom finish and as you're seeing we're finishing the product as we go we have a nice cool day that we're installing the structural on today so we have lots of working time with it but you do want to gauge how much material you're gonna be working with at one time based on your temperature the biggest factor for structural cure time is how hot it is if you're traveling on a hot summer day and the Sun definitely you're gonna have less working time that's where you'd want to use our TF ice to help slow that down and there are separate videos talking about how to use those products so there's our final mix we made probably a quarter of a bag just to finish off this pad and that's something you'll get used to over time in gauging how much product to make and I'm switching to a smaller trial just to finish this lower section and again just pressing that new material into the old material that you just placed and again if it's a hotter day and you have a little less working time the sooner you can put a broom into the old mix and the seam with the new mix the better and then you can just keep working with the product so with the excess material we're just going along that bottom edge using that double trowel technique to finish off the install of the pad I'm gonna bring a little excess material over to this edge to finish it off and then using my trowel just smooth out smooth out the extra product that's left and again it doesn't have to be extremely flat or perfect all the ridges you see there that I'm leaving with the trowel will be smooth out and knocked down quite nicely with that brooming technique you can see in the video so that's it for the install we're gonna put the the final brooming on that look at all those trowel ridges there and as you see when the broom goes over that it knocks them down nice and smooth and consistent but you can see how shallow of an angle were we're coming into the pad with that room you're also seeing the pad that I'm standing on we're gonna be skimming next so I am wiping the broom onto that pad just to get any excess material off it before it drips on to the existing pad we are brewing and there's that two inch margin trial technique again just to to put in that picture framing look again that's that's not an essential thing to do but if the customers wanting to have that look put back into it it's it's fairly easy technique to do so there's the final look after we had done the second pad as well and about an hour after we installed that first pad we were walking on it to use the broom on the second one so there's a TF structural broom finished overlay hope you enjoyed it thank you you
Channel: Terrafuse Inc.
Views: 1,957,163
Rating: 4.6621623 out of 5
Keywords: concrete repair, concrete, concrete resurfacing, concrete overlay, repairing concrete, fixing concrete, Tf structural, Terrafuse, skim coat, broom finish, repair mortar, damaged concrete, how to fix concrete
Id: 3l4oiVTm0oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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