Resurfacing Concrete driveway

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Hello folks, Kirk and Jason here,  with Kirk Giordano plastering,  Today I'm going to show you something that a  little bit different generally when over the   last 800 videos we've done every job we've done we  use a specific material designed for that purpose   today I'm going to show you how to a coat driveway  this is my little ramp coming up to the driveway   26 years ago I did this right here and what  I do it because the asphalt was broken up and   it was a big mess and I lose got to bring that  wheelbarrow up here all the time every day when   we're working so I made it a little bit easier  for him to travel well it's 26 years later and   it's pretty beat-up not that I care but I was on  a job and a guy was getting ready to do the same   thing and I said dude I explained to my said you  don't need to do that I wasn't going to cost you   to break that out and then pour concrete hey sis  I got a guy he's going to do it for 4 grand and I   thought mana I could I can fix that for 14 bucks  and he says how I said well I won't explain it   I'll show it to you to video so this is for  that fella poly bond what is poly bond poly   bond is for adhering styrofoam to stucco walls  it's a cement ish as' bonding adhesive again I   did this 26 years ago I've driven this truck over  this a thousand times that mixer been over here a   whole bunch of time and we have forklifts driving  in here all the time not bad what I'm going to do   guys is I took some of this poly bond now I put  some sand in it this is what I did the last time   so I got some sand in this area where it's real  bad and I'm going to fill these big gas because   poly bond generally you're only going about an  eighth to a quarter inch thick but where I'm   going thicker right here because I've got some  holidays that are pretty big I've had the sand   to it now 26 years ago this was three inches  thick in a lot of area so just to prove a   point guys and then J not going to walk across  feet now I'm going to show you a fella who did   he went ahead and did a new driveway like the guy  who I was telling him I don't know if I'd do that   and he says well what lasts longer as a concrete  this is a temporary fix but it's lasted me 26   years I said you decide if you want to do it or  just do it the right way but I'm going to show you   across the street the what right way really didn't  come out so well and when the fella did that I   told him the same thing and he says uh just is the  querque your concrete man oh why should I listen   to you if you don't know concrete I said I do  know concrete, but I'm a stucco contractor anyway.  I want to prove a point here, so, and it's uh  not like I got anything better to do. All right,   let me let this sit for a couple minutes. In fact,  right here, this little hole was pretty ugly. I'm   going to go ahead and fix that too, then we're  going to walk across the street for a minute,   guys, because I want to show you something all  right walked across the street to my neighbor   this is concrete yeah this is my opinion  has failed it's cracked worse than an egg,   but it's concrete, so he paid about four  grand for this I show you one more thing   guys we're going to cross the street once  more, and this is what mine used to look like All this excess tar asphalt it's all over  the place once every house on the block has   this built-up xs/s asphalt. Why I don't know,  but anyway, getting back on what I promised,   it felt like show them we'll go back over  here and look at my boring driveway alright   guy back at my boring driveway what I'm gonna  do now is coat it I'm gonna take J mix this up that should hopefully do it all right  now. All I'm going to do is skim this guy,   and then I'm going to float it easy, nothing to  it. You guys are sitting there still watching   this. You must have a driveway that's pretty  jacked up - this is not very exciting work,   but this is a quick and easy way to fix it. This  is poly bond is very, very strong. As a rule,   again, I use materials that are specifically  engineered for that product. You guys might have   another like concrete guy might have another  fix for this, such as turning it all off and   redoing it, but for a driveway guys, you really  want to spend that kind of money I got a whole   bunch of bees here I guess they didn't like it  when I pressure-wash open they don't sting me All right almost got it pretty simple guys and  again the materials like 14 bucks where you have   it where it's real thick and it's this won't  work where it's real thick unless you add some   sand all right now that that's done that gives  me a base coat now I simply get a sponge float   keep in mind guys this only really took me what  are we at like 10 minutes to do this of course   I got help stasis mix it do you guys try to  plaster and mix at the same time stop it at   Sun it's hard work and try to mix and plaster  at the same time a lot of times I make it look   easy because I have either blue or J mixing for  me if I was to try to mix my own stuff man I'll   be here all day instead of 15 minutes to do this  I'd be here hours trying to keep an eye on the   mix this particular stuff you mix it you got to  slack it then you put it on okay so now I'm just   going to clean it up a little bit right here  flip that flip it so I don't make a big mess,   on that on the clean side and basically guys  this is a driveway I'm not worried about being   cosmetically beautiful truck is going to be  driving over this all kinds of stuff so all   I'm doing is giving it a sweet finish you can  use the broom I can use a a scratcher is almost   anything it all depends on what you're after guys. See here get this part and we take the flow clean   it up now wouldn't you guys rather be doing this  and watching football all right almost to that   stage a couple rocks in this again not a big deal  I didn't really need to do this but I promised a   fella I'd show it to them so I'm stuck doing it  now okay see a lot of water in there feather this   part in one more time I dip this float and that  should do it well those bees just did not like   that pressure washing get off me man all right  probably last piece right here a lot of water   on this guy's get my joint this actually makes it  harden stronger so a little bit of water a little   bit of water that's about it water will make this  a heck of a lot stronger don't ever try to dry   plaster guys doesn't work that way the water helps  it anyway I'll let you folks decide what's best to   tear out a whole driveway when you're going to be  driving over it anyway and even if you do do it   I've seen across the street it's still crack  like an egg 26 years this lasts a long time.  Anyhow, guys, a poly bond if you decide to do this  and one other thing poly bond is not designed for   this so I can do it this is my own house I'm just  showing you guys it because i'm toda another fella   I would my name is Kirk Jason on the camera we're  thank you for watching and as usual see you guys   on the next one once again folks we thank you for  watching. I really enjoy all your comments. If you   guys like this video, please click the like button  down below, and also, if you enjoy what we do,   subscribe to our channel so we can keep making  these videos for you. My name is Kirk and Jay,   we thank you for watching, and from the entire  Giordano family, we'll see on the next one.
Channel: Kirk Giordano plastering Inc.
Views: 962,581
Rating: 4.8853626 out of 5
Keywords: Poly-Bond adhesive, driveway quick fix, fix my driveway fast, repair my driveway fast, polybond adhesive, polybond adhesive top coat, Driveway fixes, Concrete fixes, Polybond a driveway mixed with sand & cement plaster, Refinishing concrete sidewalks, Concrete sidewalk Sinking, Resurfacing Concrete, Resurfacing Concrete driveway
Id: EVxpZeuXXwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2015
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