Raising Concrete Driveway Slabs with Secure Set

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[Music] today we're out of the field again for another great episode with secureset we are in a northern suburb of the greater oklahoma city area this is leslie she is the homeowner and we've been in discussion for a while about an issue that they have here in front of the garage and also you know in the downslope of their driveway so what it appears that has happened is obviously is that we have a base layer which is the garage floor and we're going to call this area right here this is our primary piece and so this is what we're going to concentrate on leslie is going to be doing most of the work and so um tell us a little bit about how long this has been here what what do you think is actually going on and why um it's actually been dropped for about 15 years i think and i we believe the reason is we've got a downspout that just flows water here and it's probably eroded do you have any idea if there's an actual void underneath it or not i do not okay so one of the things that you have to do first is visually it's pretty easy to determine what has happened but from an audible standpoint it's best to get down and actually hammer sound so let's see let's let's do this floor first we'll get a nice ring here all right now let's move along here and see what happens oh right there yeah do that one again right there yeah actually i can feel it under my feet i can feel it so based on the different sound that we get from hammering not only the the garage floor but this area right here is this obviously sounds hollow and so what we have is we have a dropping away of this portion of the concrete but actually i think there are voids uh measurable voids under this but you don't know that until you actually drill and then you can measure so number one we've established that this sounds hollow uh we've established that this is going to be our primary this is going to be our primary piece and that means that we're going to work to bring everything up to this level so what we're going to do we're going to drill four holes this is nine feet long we're going to drill four holes along here those will be our injection ports and that's our first order of business all right well done you know the initial phases of the repair have started excellent sounding drilling next thing we need to do and this is nothing but a you know a lengthened coat hanger with a little uh bend on the end but very effective to determine first things first number one for example here go down catch the edge of the concrete and it's important to find out what the depth of your concrete is so you have a five inch stick you have they have five inch thick slab so we're going to just uh we're going to move along i'm gonna do the first one two inch two and almost a half ah wow almost it's uh three and a half inch eight and a half inches tall so that's a three and a half inch deep hole there and two inches so two three and a half two and two what i like to do is get a a good reference for that two three point five 2.5 and two so from a perspective of how this is going to flow we'll start injecting here and we'll move down the line like this you may notice the weights here okay most slabs sink on one side so you have to sort of envision that this is like the swinging of a door that is still even with the garage floor so this is going to be your hinge point this is the movable part of the door or basically this would represent the door sash right here so what we're going to do is we want to swing the slab upward to meet the primary piece we don't want to lift the whole thing uniformly so that we're even here and now we're up two and a half or two inches on the back side so i like to put weights some form of weight along what i consider to be the hinge point anything is good anything that's heavy heck if we had the space you could even park your car right there and use the weight of the tire to hold that in barbells weights from a workout room anything like that will work uh but i think that's important basically to help keep that pha or that portion of the swinging door in place actually we're ready to go with the injection so that's that's the next phase of it all right unless we're ready to go all right okay so go ahead and come around this side and i've already taken the top off so we can carry it around but go ahead and do that open it up pull out the pull out these first now you can see that the hoses go through these these slots like that okay and before we close the lid off go ahead and pressurize the lines so turn these on okay once you get to the maximum just crack them back just a little and there we go all right we're ready to get down to the fun part so um leslie i've prepped a bunch of these nozzles for this presentation but i want to show you how to do it okay so first of all here let me hold this take a pair of scissors and with that just snip off the tip of that mixer like that perfect so now we have this right but what we want is we want to put uh some of this electrician's tape around the end that will act as sort of like a little soft seal through the holes that we've drilled so just take this electrician's tape and put about oh i don't know three wraps around it and up from there up to the fins yeah yeah maybe one more fantastic so that's how you prep the nozzle very easy just snip and then tape puts it on straight on and rotate all right excellent okay so now most important thing you want to make sure that the flow is uniform coming through the tubes so do a test shot into the corner and you have to pull that safety off and let her go very good okay now reset the safety excellent all right move this out of the way now leslie go ahead and position yourself there now what we're going to do because sometimes the movement of the concrete is slow enough that you don't necessarily you know get a good visual this will help us get a good visual on the movement of the of the concrete all right so you don't have there's not much pressure that you have to put on the nozzle going in but go ahead let her go here we go so remember in our previous test one minute of dispensing is the equivalent of one cubic foot of uh dispensed foam you get a little bit more pressure on it to try to seal that up a little bit there you go let me do this okay now go ahead so into this one into that one all right so just hang on to that just a little bit it'll harden up pretty darn quick okay now i think you can probably pull it out safely there we go okay go to the next one yep let's move this out of the way for now well we have a really clear channel underneath that's really good i keep waiting to see if it will come up that way got a big boy here oh my goodness all right so let's stop here well it has run a long way that's interesting okay so what we do now we just have to let this harden the first thing we want to do though is we want to take care of our gun so i want you to pull the that i'll take this off and dig it around and clean that out okay and then then you take a little bit of this and you put it over there and spread it deep into there all right that'll seal that up to keep air from contaminating the front of the tool we've completed one of the initial phases of the lift and that's we have uh filled this cavity this lengthy cavity kind of an interesting phenomenon here we were filling this third hole and we had a product coming out what is that hole number three more down so that's at least six seven feet away so we know we have great flow so what we've done here is we have allowed the high density foam to solidify beneath the concrete that's going to be our base now we're going to go back we're going to remove these nozzles and we are going to re-drill through the foam and get the get the hole underneath the solidified foam so basically we're going to use that as the platform to lift the concrete there you go let's go all the way down go ahead since even if we didn't let's go ahead and drill this one i mean no foam came up [Music] all right you see it yeah [Music] all right okay so now we go back here and now this is this is the the eye opener right here so and and and most importantly we want to make sure that if we start to move this we start to move this concrete we wanted to see it to be evident there we go okay you know what let's fill these two first and if it's going to go that way all right and we already know that the they're yep it's ready okay oh there we go okay let's get a nice seal on that that means we got pressure immediately that's good that means it went down and now it's going underneath that solidifies pretty quickly it's pretty nice okay listen you do that one now when that when you know if you get that just sort of move it or not trigger it very very slowly at first perfect excellent good job just to make sure that if it starts to come up there we want to stop because we want that to solidify basically seal that knot but it's let's watch that one as well okay let's stop and just hold on a little bit because it'll come shooting out excellent so bad all right let's move over here oh it is perfect excellent look at that fantastic that's fantastic we're going to start moving concrete here in a minute that's coming out here fantastic okay yeah yeah hang on to that oh that's fantastic good all right let's move down here back to this one give it a little test shot quick quick quick there we go all right perfect seal it off rock it back towards you a little bit there you go well as it turns out the cavity under here was a little bit more than we had anticipated but that's okay because now we know we have a great a base of foam underneath this slab that's a lot of foam you know we've been spraying this for quite a while and so when you get down to the end obviously you can determine how much is left by how much it doesn't weigh anymore but also you can hear it you can hear the gurgling coming through and so uh that would be an indication that we're getting very close to the end all right let's let's stop on that one and hold it what i think we're going to do is we're going let's drill a new hole right about here run that all the way down oh you got flow good okay you can hear it gurgling well you know a lot of people ask us how long we have to wait between injections and really the answer is just wait long enough for it to solidify that way when you re-inject you're going back down through the foam and underneath and you're acting each injection is acting like another layer basically to to begin to lift the uh the concrete so here's what's happening you know the the product is flowing underneath the ones that we've the the layer we've already injected now the compressibility of the foam is greater than that of the soil so there comes a time when the soil is being pushed down to the point where it won't compress anymore and so because of the expansive ac reaction now that the only thing that can happen is that the concrete's going to have to start to lift well i would say that the voids were a little bigger than we had anticipated but that's okay because now we know there's no water that's going to get in there from that that's for sure yeah okay let's stop this let's let it depressurize we're going to move down to we're going to move down to here again and i'm just going to real quickly drill that and while you're letting that harden up let's get a clearing shot on that nozzle here quick before it hardens up you shoot in here in the box okay we don't have much pressure left in that so probably gonna have to get a new one pretty soon all right well we have dispensed almost 10 cubic feet of foam so that was a a very large void i would imagine that some of the foam is pushing underneath this primary slab this will solidify this but what we have to do is make sure that we get this to start to move if we finish this today and i finish up the phone but i didn't order enough can i come back in a week or so and keep working on it yeah yeah actually and it would be very very much to your advantage because the foam will have hardened significantly so what i would do is i would re-drill these holes but i i hear uh i hear some air coming out along this crack that's good it is amazing how far it's going okay you turn the valves on all the way guys this is this is changing well you know we're about an hour 20 minutes into the project and what we've accomplished so far is obviously we've drilled this eight foot and nine foot section uh what we found interestingly enough is that there is a continuity of the cavity that runs from here all the way down to the other crack and as we were filling this we noticed obviously that there was foam coming out of the pre-drilled holes and eventually this slab here rose to dead even so this phase of the project is finished this one is giving us a little more trouble and so what happened is that as we even though we we put weights on this portion right here this slab instead of swinging up it basically raised up slightly like this so we have about oh about another quarter inch of rays on this side that we didn't want so we're going to increase the weight here and that will help stabilize this and then we're going to come back and we're we're going to start to reinject these uh drilled holes to bring it one other thing that we've done is that these expansion joints were set with some very heavy tar-like sealer and we have removed that basically to give the interface between the slabs less friction so we we want that to be a a little more um smoother and so hopefully what we're going to do is we're going to stabilize this end and then we're going to rotate this slab up by eliminating some of this uh friction between the two uh between the interface so uh that's what that's the next phase of what we're going to accomplish so the situation that we had as you saw before was that the slab was lifting kind of uniformly instead of swinging up so we've moved the car in and we focus the weight of the car over the crack with the use of the of the ramps so this will keep that edge down and so now we're just going to go back to these frontal pre-drilled holes and we'll start the the process of lifting the interface between the two slabs so we've pulled the car up we've put some plastic over to protect it from any unintended spray and i'm just going to re-drill these holes to give us access again all right there you go [Music] yes [Music] gosh this has been such an interesting project the phenomenal thing is is that our estimation of how big this void was was slightly underestimated we have put almost 20 cubic feet of foam under this area of the concrete and we've got some good indication of lift here once the foam started to come out of the seam it hardened and then as it lifted we've got about one and an eighth inch of lift when we measured it previously it was about one and a half to one and seven eighths inch deep so we've had some initial push and then we've had that last one in eighth we want to bring it up about another quarter inch or so and so we've got one more hole we're going to drill right there and we've got some product left in the canister so we're going to try to push bring up that corner right there there you go one little shot let me move that cord out of the way get ready well you know it's going underneath the foam oh yeah hey we're at an inch and a quarter all right we'll stop okay okay just let that harden there you go what a day leslie you were fantastic um so we set out to correct these imperfections in the concrete one of the improvisions that we had to do obviously is that we had to have more weight shifted to the hinge portion of the concrete we had to lift this section about one and seven eighths yeah about one and seven eighths inch we've effectively done that so we have these various holes that we've drilled we fill them we let us set we reel we re-drill them so that we can put the foam underneath and and have that as a lifting uh plate leslie you did the drilling you did the injection um um i found the process very straightforward very easy to do i'd never done anything like this before i'm not even with the drill you know the concrete i thought the product was very easy to use no mixing a little bit of a mess but that was more my learning curve than the product learning curve and couldn't be happier with how it came out well interestingly enough we did discover that the cavity underneath the concrete was significantly larger than we thought it was uh we've used two full canisters of product that's 20 cubic feet so it went somewhere but what's nice to know is that all of those voids are filled they're not going to be subject to water flowing underneath the concrete anymore we've got a great stabilization of these slabs along the front of the garage a great job and really a awesome awesome job by leslie so we want to thank you all for tuning in again this has been another great day and another great day for secure set you
Channel: Secure Set
Views: 820,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Secure Set, GRA Services Secure Set, GRA Services, Secure Set Spray Foam, Spray foam repair, how-to, hole underneath concrete, void under sidewalk, cavity under pavement, void under garage floor, hollow underneath garage floor, hollow under driveway, hollow under concrete pad, void under warehouse floor, hollow under floor, diy, slab jacking, diy slab jacking, concrete lifting, slab lifting, concrete raising, do it yourself, foam jacking, uneven pavement, uneven concrete
Id: uToGUcJLsYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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