Bashing Band of Bones | Kenshi | Project Genesis | Ep 05

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sir can't with this big old backpack just looking like a boss check this out man let's zoom in here yeah look it's their camera man that's great dude hey everybody welcome back to kenchi project Genesis where you and your characters get to explore the completely reworked world of Ken Chi and the project Genesis overhaul mod restore rucas honor and you destroy the holy nation once and for all with Ruka of course haha I don't know if you guys remember but if you watch the last episode this is where I filmed this is where I filmed the intro for first sir camo so I was super excited to do that welcome to the team again dude the votes are in I know who we're gonna bring in this episode I'm not gonna tell you yet and I'm gonna try to be a little bit more sneaky about the possible intro last time I I messed up on the blurring of sir camos avatar and yeah de fake called me out on it I didn't actually realize that he was correct until later when I wasn't watch it again and realized I in did indeed huh mess up on that I don't not sure why it's loading I did add another mod that I'm going to introduce you guys to during this this episode but first we need to get everybody I believe sir camo is most likely the slowest in our group I still need to set up a hotkey to like a cycle through everybody you can actually do that I need to do that I'll do that in one of my pauses here so what are we doing today guys one we need to we need to go back to ad mag and check out we have people there already but I will send a sir camo back there so he's not just hanging out with the Bulls so anyway guys thank you so much for the continued support on this to debate it I keep screwing that up thank you guys so much for the support on the series man it has been incredible it's just such a wonderful journey to take with you guys and just really really humbling and awesome so your stories are fantastic I'm excited to bring in the new one this time and I hope I don't get any less excited to bring in all of you guys because so far it's just been a radical journey to take and for those of you don't know what that word means because you're not 50 years old it means cool so you know just kidding everybody knows that word means but nobody says radical they say rad or something you know but dude it's totally radical don't forget to watch the Ninja Turtles by the way sound advice sound life advice yeah by the way if you're new to the channel and you're a fan of awesomesauce feel free to subscribe for your daily dose and by the way guys I really appreciate it like I said before I appreciate the support it's been absolutely fantastic I did import the game so I don't think anything has changed but I'm gonna look for some adventure shops right like this guy I believe is this an adventure shop no it's a travel gear you know I should really take and make those tech hunter travel gear shops the same thing let's take a look at it and see if it's in here yeah here we go guys check this out there's tent kits actually I didn't mean to put that many in here but this is what I was looking for ok so I did mod that I added it to the tents mod and it doesn't by default it doesn't come with tent kits in the stores and so I added I added the these kits to the to the vendors right because I wanted to have them really there's somebody missing a backpack or we do have a back book on everybody we just don't have necessarily the backpacks that I want to have on everybody I think as cool as this quiver is because it doesn't stack it just seems it doesn't seem that great I guess we do we even have the money we need no cuz that's 5000 so we can't really buy that anyway the tent kits oh they're super cheap I need to raise the prices on those yeah that seems way too inexpensive because it needs to be essentially let's let's take a look here I don't know if we can build these yet or not under camping here we go yeah so check this out guys essentially what I want to be able to build is I wanna be able to build a tent kit or a survival tent right and what this is gonna do the efficiency is crazy holy cow Wow look at how fast that heals you dude yeah so I think what I would do I'm gonna give some feedback to this mod author and I might just change these on my own I don't think it makes sense to have the the larger tents be more efficient at healing you know what I'm saying like I don't really what I like about this mod the most is I like the fact that it actually gives me the ability to put three people in one sleeping bag right I don't have to put down five sleeping bags that's what I want this mod for and so I think my feedback for the mod author is gonna be and I don't know if he's watching this I will give them a link to the to the episode and let him know that I'm sort of featuring it but what I would really like to see is I don't need the increase in healing efficiency right if I want those to be faster at healing I can change those myself but what I want is I want a survival tent that's got 10x but it doesn't increase the efficiency so you could leave it at the same as this one right oh that's 400 percent so the survival tent oh that's interesting did I just do something completely wrong I thought it said a hundred percent but it does say four hundred percent so this is the same as a regular sleeping bag what I would be perfectly happy with is one of these guys that actually let me put ten sleeping bags in it but it had the same healing efficiency as the normal the normal sleeping bag right and twenty for that matter to like I don't want to deal with microing sleeping bags that's really annoying I don't feel like it adds any value to the game I think it would be awesome if there was some kind of command that would allow people to pick up those sleeping bags but since that isn't possible as far as I know what would be really great is to have a tent that's just a huge infantry tent right and all it is is like giving you the ability to put cots in there or beds in there right and and it needs to be it needs to be really hard to carry all those with you they need to be heavy right so it would take you'd have to fit it on like a pack animal but that's fine that's cool so anyway that's my feedback I would really like to and it will see it takes 5/10 kits so for now we're gonna buy 5/10 kits they're a little cheap so what I'm gonna do guys to sort of make sure that it's somewhat fair is I'm actually gonna buy five sleeping bags and once we have five sleeping bags then I will use the the 5x tent and until we have five sleeping bags I won't I won't use one okay so I'm gonna go ahead and buy these sleeping bags and we'll carry those around with us and I'm also every time I buy sleeping bag I'm gonna buy one of these kids I'd also like it if these didn't stack because if sleeping bags can't stack in this backpack I don't think that these tent kids should be able to because these tent kits should essentially I think if you've ever been camping actually now that I think about it my sleeping bags my heavy winter bag anyway that's rated for minus 30 Celsius is is definitely bigger than my tent it's bigger than my one-man tent right so I have a well actually it's bigger than my two-man tent as well so I don't know if that would have been true back in the day but I get actually there's skeletons in this what am I talking about back in the day alright looks like we got some dust bandits chasing us here let's just see how many of these guys are coming a lot of them a lot of them I'm gonna see if I can split these guys up Rex we don't wanna fight all those ones that's all that's a lot of dust bandits dude that is a big chunk of dust banditos and I kind of man they're yeah their stats are pretty good maybe we could take that dust box out before it gets here but I don't think so and I think once the rest of them get here we're gonna be in trouble I don't think we're you have to worry about anybody dying but I don't know that we are ready and we're certainly not gonna win that fight obviously we have some pretty strong dudes but not that strong okay so the dust boss gave up we're getting pretty close to vanes pass here I do not want them to give up quite yet so we're gonna we're gonna attack this guy cuz we are gonna fight these guys with the guards yeah here we go here we go come on come with us oh those are archers not cool bros oh actually only three of them came only three you say oh my gosh so unsatisfied okay well let's get in there let's see how this goes boys alright now I don't really want these archers shooting at us per se so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get Zika and to fake over here to kind of gauge them 1 v1 Z's alright to fake looking pretty good Zika doing her her famous shin kick she's dodging pretty good we got Ruka and sir camo tag-teaming back there sir camel with his big old backpack just looking like a boss check this out man let's zoom in here yeah look it's their camera man that's great dude Ruka just coming in with a big overhead swing van sniping from the background hey guys just just coming in no problems she's getting hit there but look it she's got a little bit of damage reduction minus one you saw that right all right she's sitting him in the stomach pretty good got him in the right leg on that one man's a cage is absolutely dominating that guy it looks like Ruka and sir camel just having no issues with this guy tag team in him a little bit the fake looks like he's finished off his opponent over there coming into backup Zika as well as sir camo and Ruka look at him all four of him taking him down no problems let's get everybody all healed up VAM you probably don't need to do that right now just just chill just hang nice fight guys nice fight and since we are pretty broke we are gonna start we are gonna take stuff like this hard protector it's not worth a ton but you know they are worth enough that it probably is worth us just grabbing them we're pretty broke we're not ashamed to admit that it's what hard work is for is getting rid of that broke status you know that's why we do it I mean that's why I do it may not be why we all do it 90 no that's uh yeah sell value 180 it's not great but I mean we're right next to a town right so we might as well grab this stuff sir camos got plenty of run to death other guy get up and run away oh no he's over here he's still laying in the dirt also I did make sure that we didn't have a bounty before we showed up here right seems kind of like an important step in the troubleshooting process or in the prepare to not die when you enter town process okay so we've got our inventories all cleaned up here and we've got roughly 4k now and I think we're gonna pop into the shinobi thieves here and just check this is the shinobi to use right yep we're gonna check it see if they have another backpack or any gear that we want to pick up over here since they for us a very competitive prices on the market alright there's the guy with the backpack we gotta run up to him and see what they got I love what they say here man it's so funny well unless you actually enjoy the inside of a jail cell knock that shift you look off your face I can spot you a mile off of course we've already seen that but I like the response I'm a skeleton this is my normal face oh by MOG half-man half-dog ain't that unfortunate oh boy let's trade all right you down to get down to business buddy um wish they didn't just have these small backpacks ooh what is that black leather armor 90% chest 100% stomach 70% on the arms and it's got twenty one twenty eight and then 65% cut resist efficiency twenty-two harpooned resistance so it's cool it's light armor yeah it is what we got here yeah mm-hmm that's pretty nice I think I want to get a better backpack first before I get anything like that we do need pants on these guys though we really do and shirts as well dark leather shirt there's a black and change shirt boy I sure would like to have something like that black and chainmail look at that it's too expensive we can't afford it right now I think we do just need to get some packs first but I also want to try out some of these new helmets too that I've never seen before like this guy that's pretty cool oh and that's a crossbow helmet too but we can't use hung on VAM unfortunately I haven't unlocked the head slot on skeletons I didn't intend to do that I like to do that my own skelton playthroughs but I'm not I don't think I'll do that in this playthrough since I want to kind of test out the mod as it's designed other than the sleeping bags okay so we did end up getting a couple extra pairs of pants Ruka it looks like it's stuck here her pants are just too big I guess there she goes let's get all these guys to follows her camo again okay let's just take a quick look at what we got for him and we got we got another pair of these jounin pants these are pretty nice they are essentially they are essentially Samurai cloth pants that have any coverage on the stomach with a little bit better stats pretty pretty good trade-off I like it let's see let's zoom into sir camo here as soon as autosave is done ruining the moment and let's take a look here so we've got the this sort of heart protector on him which isn't bad and we've got a heart protector on to fake back there too we did end up picking up some to Derek's looks so funny man oh this is crazy like the fake looks pretty sick and then BAM really ain't it hey dummy ah you know I really like this team so let's hang out more okay I'll shoot from the background while you beat stuff up and then we got some drifters leather pants on to fake so pretty good stuff we did end up grabbing these hair protectors of course so let's get let's get moving we want to find some more of those tent kits don't be able to build a tent since we got five dudes due to ruse actually I guess we don't really need a five-man tent do we we could just make a three man tent we'll be fine cuz we've only got two humans yeah three minute in is actually just fine for now guys but I'm gonna check this town to see if there's any I don't think there's an adventure shop here though right so we'll swing yeah there is not so what will do is will swing through squid and uh yeah on the way see if we can pick up some more supplies we might want to heal on xaga a little bit I'm not too worried about it though she looks alright and just in case you guys were wondering I will not be micromanaging backpacks so even though I've got this gigantic backpack on here that is gonna penalize his stats and make him fight less effectively I am NOT gonna take the time to drop that backpack every time I'm just gonna have one person carry a big backpack like that and everybody else can wear the theives backpacks and I am never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever going to take that backpack off intentionally I'm sure that will drive some people mad because it's you know it's not men maxing but I really I'm not a micro dude you know I just I I like the idea of doing some micro in combat if I am in a difficult situation but you know taking that backpack off like I just don't feel like that's something he would have time to do and I'm not gonna do it where's the guards at did they get healed all right cool so we did we've only got one more sleeping bag here so I'm gonna buy one more of these tent kits to sort of compliment that sleeping bag that we bought and once we find a fifth one I'll get a fifth one all right we made it to the hub here and we're just gonna check the vendor again with the small backpack not what I'm looking for this is nice yeah not bad at all I mean that's still more than I want to be paying out I think right now but I really want to get one of these for Zeca I don't know how the hooded one will look oh there's more Oni jounin Pansear sorry Onan yeah we could probably buy another couple pairs of those because they are certainly they're not a lot better than these but I like 100% coverage right I mean that the hundred percent coverage for me is a huge selling point because that 10% of the time when you don't absorb any damage just is not ours he's any different than those pants nineteen seventeen fifty and thirteen nineteen seventeen fifteen thirteen seems like they're exactly the same that's actually kind of cool it just looks like a skirt on the ladies so we could really get two more pairs of these guys and then trade in a couple more pairs of these we're not gonna do it at this vendor of course whoo man I wish I could afford more of those plate jackets they're pretty awesome I do want to check out this black leather armoire - it's gonna be pretty cool once we can get some of that stuff and we all were always gonna sell to a different vendor right we don't want to sell to that guy because he's always gonna give us 50 percent less money for the stuff that he's gonna buy from us so does that he's not the vote if he votes we've also got camo up to 20 miles an hour now which is great he's starting to run faster and we're gonna want to get him probably up to like at least 22 miles an hour I think before we start heading into the swamp I don't remember how fast the the red Sabres and stuff are and we were definitely not not at the point where we can I think take on a group of those so we're gonna want to get his skill up a little bit his athletics I think they're probably 22 and then head over there nothing vams pretty quick yeah he's already at 26 look at that with athletics 57 I think he's little faster though I think is he's a scout skeleton and I think circuit I love this pathing like they're like oh you maybe we go off that clip no let's turn around oh man yeah I love it kaanchi pathfinding for the win I don't know what the athletic skill is on this dude either there's more than just that to it though there's a base sort of run speed for each race and I don't know what it is on these guys all right we ran into some dust bandits here that are kind of garden this little pass here there's quite a few of them so we definitely don't want to engage all of them at once but I think we might be able to pull a few of them away from the camp if we're a little sneaky just a little sneaky so we're gonna pull everybody kind of back here we're gonna put everybody on hold and then I'm gonna take Luca over here she's kind of our tank and we'll just tell her to attack one of these guys now I have a feeling because they're sort of in the light here that they're they may all just come after us but see look at that uh-huh can she game mechanics for the win now once he gets close enough yeah he's just gonna keep following us so this is a bit of a technique it's a little cheesy in a way but it is a pulling mechanic right and if you've ever played any RPG you know there's generally pulling mechanics that you just use and we can take everybody off hold the reason I'm going to do that is because it's okay if we all get stuck in here rucas gonna get a hit in nice and quick I'm just making sure nobody's coming here now we are but you probably gonna get a bit of friendly fire look at all those sweet new pairs of pants guys heck yeah man looking good guys now we're gonna get plenty of friendly fire but that's okay that's definitely okay we're not we're not too worried about that there we go gets nice it's in then everybody just getting some nice hits in see now the the thing is is that VAM is going to pull somebody most likely with his range no he's not actually it doesn't look like he's gonna oh he's gonna move though because I took him off of hold okay so we'll let everybody heal up here this guy's actually playing dead I tried to steal his stuff but he's just not getting up he's like he like starts to get up and then he doesn't so that's fine we'll just pull another one in with Luca the same way we pulled the last one and then eventually when this guy gets close enough yeah well just let him keep coming to us come on pal you know you want to come play it's alright let's go dude ahead now we're shooting him with a we're shooting him with VAM that's funny I like it and now I will just let Ruka one-on-one this guy while the others deal with that dude once they knock him out we can just have him come over here and join us like that there we go get some hits on this guy oh he's getting some it's on us that's for sure we'll do everything we can to just sort of deal with these dudes Oster cameras still looking really cool with that backpack on man ziget just getting in there to fake trying to swing and Ruka ends up getting the finishing blow I tried to pull a little too close last time and it didn't quite work so we're gonna wait till we get just a little bit closer now I don't know that this would work during the daytime and it does help to have your Archer back there on hold so that the archer keeps trying to shoot and get aggro whoa I didn't mean to loot there that was pretty funny alright let's go ahead and engage and we could just keep everybody on hold nice [ __ ] by Zika to fake I don't know what he was swinging out there but he tried you know Oh guys here comes a big group of these dudes yeah this is gonna be this is gonna be a lot of hurt them hurting us and that's okay that is okay and we may need to run away with VAM at some point Bam's do what he can to stay in the fight but okay Ruka is down she's doing okay she's not in danger dying or anything she could be unconscious for quite a while though but she got a negative 24k Oh points so as long as everybody else goes down and a reasonable reasonably fast amount of time should be okay gonna get lots of toughness here let's take a look at VAM and see i think he can probably run away if he needs to the diff exhibition alou's any limbs or anything that's what I usually worry about when people get low on blood are they gonna lose a limb what we don't want is anybody get up while van is still getting clobbered we want at least one person to be able to get up and rescue people right okay and let's take a look at sir cam oh he's at minus ten rebooting in ninety-eight Seca wow she is down for a bit I'm a little worried about her so I think what I'm gonna do at this point is actually run away with VAM just so I can kind of come back and rescue the team if need be and he can run pretty fast so we're gonna do that alright now these guys are gonna try to loot us here the one thing we're worried about is the food really other than that I don't really care what they try to take so we're just gonna take anybody who has food in their backpack and kind of put the backpacks in their inventory other than that I don't think they're going to take anything I don't believe they might but I don't think they will so who is this dude Luton he might be Luton - fake what are they trying to loot they may have changed all this stuff so I'm not really sure Syke yeah I don't think they're I don't think they're getting anything off of us here guys so let's head back over to BAM see if he's lost aggro here it looks like he has let's go ahead and let him heal up here and then we'll get back over there and heal everybody up oh I had vaneman ranged and old and he was trying to engage these dust bandits over there all right they haven't seen him so he's just gonna go over there and medic we got camo and rugaard he getting up starting to get ready to patch people up oh we got a dust bandit over there running away lost his leg poor dude where is his leg there it is looks like we got a guy getting a mech up he is down already smacked him pretty good I think we're gonna go ahead and relieve him of his possessions Wow sir camo is at minus 26 he doesn't seem to be repairing himself does he not have a repair kit no he does not yeah he does right there interesting I guess they're just working on his stomach they got to get to through his stomach before they get to his chest all right to fix up we're gonna put his back back on that should allow him to medic actually yeah he's getting repaired right now so he's not moving oh and check this out guys I didn't even know this is but the dust boss here has a bounty of 2,400 so we are absolutely gonna take that dude he's only gonna be unconscious for another seven seconds so we got to pick him up all right now that I've got everybody up we don't not everybody has a splint kit so you can't really splint job with somebody who doesn't have a splint kiss what I'm gonna do I'm gonna select the whole group and I'm gonna right-click on Zika because Zika has injuries that need to be splinted I'm gonna go down to splint injuries hold shift and unclick release the mouse button that is and that should give everybody in the whole team the splint wrecking job even if they don't have a splint kit which I actually I think everybody does have a splint kit but even if they don't it will as long as one of the people in the group has a splint kit we can put her backpack back on now and granted in situations like that I certainly could have taken the backpack off right to actually help in the fight I'm just not gonna micro the backpacks and I will micro a little bit to save the food but I'm typically not gonna micro to help with combat stats maybe I should stop doing that with the food I mean if we get knocked out and we get our food taken so be it I should really start not doing I'm gonna stop doing that actually I like I like the idea of there being a penalty it's getting knocked out when you lose a fight and not having food is one of those possibilities all right we head it back to the hub we're gonna sell all this junk that we looted off those dudes and we're also gonna get we're gonna turn that bounty in over in squid I believe would be the best place to do that all right so I was passing by this group of Shake hunters and I don't remember ever noticing this but there's a different color back back here I don't know what kind of backpack that is but it looks pretty cool hopefully we find that at some point in one of the stores we're at the police station finally let's go ahead and turn this bad boy in they I had the body on your shoulders here for your reward I tried to do that in a bassoon voice but I'm not sure how good I did with that there was a comment the other day about how mail checks sound like the bassoon part from Peter and the wolf so you should definitely go check that out and see if you agree let me know in the comments below if you think the mail check definitely sound act is that a mail check it's not even a mail check well alright let's hand over the bounty 22,000 heck yeah man show me that money and check these shops on the street see if they got anything cool a little bit of food I thought there was a leather turtleneck - about its 4,400 we ain't ready to be droppin that kind of gin yet maybe a ration pack I don't know how much food do we have we don't have a lot of food we got four five yeah we're not going through it too bad I think we'll be all right we got a lot of skeletons so we're eating quite a bit less food than I'm used to normally eating I think we'll check the adventure shop our again I don't think it will have reset yet but I'm certainly gonna check it anyway just in case ya know still no sleeping bag that's alright alright let's get outside and let's actually check out this tent that we have supplies for we'll build a three man tent should heal us a little bit faster than a normal Oh looks like they're gonna check our gear whatever sure yeah let's get up here and throw down a tent here discovered a Waystation what oh oh that's right I should know there's a Waystation up there of course the analyst I think the the regular bed in town is eight hundred percent efficiency this is twelve hundred percent so this is a little better than in town it's okay it takes three tent kits what I'm kind of hoping is that when we descent dismantle it or disassemble it I think it's dismantle in this game when we do that I'm hopeful loading hello I'm hoping when we dismantle it it actually takes it gives us all three of those back I don't know if it will I'm really hoping it does ok let's try it out so go ahead and build this 3x medium tent check it out see what it looks like and we'll come back over here see who's got that stuff again yes sir camo ok well we can just give him the engineering job I just I just shift right clicked on that tent I'm gonna give him the engineering job just so like I can always put the stuff back in his inventory and he'll always just Auto make the tent that way we don't need to worry about like micromanaging all that garbage so this should put him back this should put Ruka in the tent yep it did okay and then Zack I should also be able to get in the tent look at that guys how cool is that it doesn't really seem to have a way to tell me who's in the tent let's see if we can like do some tomfoolery and trickery yeah oh hi oh whoa whoa what's going on there that's uh I don't know how they're accomplishing that but that doesn't I'm not sure if that's spooning or forking guys you can let me know in the comments but yeah the mod author did warn don't look in the tent that's just rude so that's all right I'm okay with that we won't look again just that just once guys just once oh you know it's interesting guys it says twelve hundred percent efficiency but it isn't really because it's still a times for bonus I think right so it seems to actually be healing each individual person at a times for rate which is what a normal sleeping bag does I'm totally ok with that it just is a little it's a little interesting all those goats scared the heck out of me guys I don't I'm 3x those goats just came flying by oh dude what is going on over here there's like a frickin huge war hungry bandits fighting bone dogs yeah I'm pretty sure we know who's gonna win that fight and ain't gonna be the hungry bandits let me tell you what those dogs aren't gonna be hungry when this fight is over ok those bone dogs are dangerously close to our camp I think it's time to pack it on up and run out of here yep it's definitely time to get the F and heck out of here so we are gonna have sir camel breakdown this tent and then it's not only to tent kids it's only to tent kits that is a bummer man that is a real bummer yeah that's I don't like that because if you went camping with a tent kit you would never just bring back two-thirds of the tent kit I mean yeah every once in a while you'll like forget a piece and you'll have to replace like a rod or something but ya know um umm that's another piece I'll have to give some feedback on I definitely don't want to have to to do that alright so we discovered some kind of exile camp just south of that weigh station there we're gonna check that out right after we're done in his weigh station we're gonna heal up at the weigh station the tents in combination like I'll have to adjust the the healing rate I don't have to it's vanilla already and that's what we were planning on using vanilla anyway I can tell you that me sitting around and waiting definitely has me like really wanting to not use vanilla I do feel like it eliminates the need for me to sit around doing nothing while I'm trying to make you guys the video and I really like that aspect of it it does eliminate some of the challenge right because if you're they're waiting to heal that's time that enemies could ambush you and when you have liked some of the videos I'll turn whoa oh wait what is that look at this sign that is awesome oh man that's just such a little subtlety that's just really cool I don't even know if that's intentional or if that's a bad if that's a bad texture but I'm guessing that is a neon sign and it it looks pretty good guys I think when you zoom into it a little bit it doesn't quite look like a neon sign but like from right here it looks fantastic I really think it's well done well done I think you could fine tune it a little bit but it looks it looks really cool I'm a fan I'm a huge fan it kind of makes me think of Borderlands actually all right let's take a look and see if there's any good recruits lying around anybody useful paste that's an interesting name I've got a check here what is this a hayver looks like a high prince probably yeah where we got a Scheck we're gonna there squirts Lander over here a bunch of Scheck green Landers Scorch Lander okay cool very cool all right let's get up there and get some rest and again one of the things you can do to optimize this whole process is only use one bed and swap I really don't do that very often very very early game but we've already got enough money that I'm just I'm not gonna do that that's more more micro than I care for it's not hard to do just I don't care to do it so I think when one thought that I have is that I would like to change beds in town to heal you really fast like not those not these ones not these sleep not these sleeping bag beds because that way if we take sleeping bags with us and we go out in the world we don't heal any faster but beds like regular beds I'd like to make those heal at like a hundred ex or something because there's I just don't maybe not a hundred like you guys can certainly give me feedback on that but like sitting here waiting for these characters to heal at 3x is just Canada it's that's that part isn't fun for me guys like making these videos for you that's fun for me butts sitting here for like three minutes while I'm on 3x like that's that's just boring for me like most of this game is fun even though I'm not recording it right because it's probably not super fun to watch but like even like running around that's interactive right I'm doing something I'm navigating I'm watching the pretty scenery but what I'm sitting here I'm just doing nothing like I'm literally sitting here other than right now I'm talking to you but normally I wouldn't be talking to you about this right I'd just be sitting here waiting for this process to finish and then continue to make the video and that to me is not satisfying and you're not getting anything out of it either so let me know what you think about that all right we're all healed up and ready to go let's head back downstairs and get out of this place but before we leave it is crucially important that we talked to this fine gentleman over here a handful of sand in the wound that's the way to fight infection looking to hire a doctor outlander please don't do that that just sounds painful if you're gonna rub sand in my wounds forget it oh as they please don't do that believe believe traveller okay okay all right how much are you charging six thousand cats how about it you're in buddy you're in oh man I'm super stoked right now I'm super stoked I love the beard by the way I don't know if I want to change this character at all I really like the look and given the character's name it's actually gonna be a really funny I think so anyway so [Music] ruzek was born to a scorched Lander in a poor household that already had too many children his mother couldn't take care of him and decided to leave him at a small nearby village he was found by a holy nation widow the widow's disdain for all non Greene Landers was quickly overcome by her conscience she hid ruzek and she kept him fed until he could take care of himself as the boy grew older however keeping him hidden from the authorities became more problematic holy nation officers eventually found him and decided to execute ruzek in front of the town the woman volunteered her life instead of his and so they executed her in exchange ruzek was exiled from the town and after being beaten within inches of his life he managed to get to the hub before starving to death ruzek worked as a laborer to keep himself fed all the while being bullied about his small body the other laborers had called him ruzek the frail after he fully recovered and saved a few cats however ruzek decided he couldn't go on like this and he left the hub he wanted to find a place to live the rest of his life happily although no matter what he tried and how hard he tried he didn't seem able to put aside the grudge against the holy nation it seemed rooted in the very depths of his soul and so ruzek wandered the world of kenchi in search of a way to fill the hole left in his heart by the holding nation he would no longer be ruzek the frail he would harden himself had become ruzek the rock originally the name was ruzek the tough one kind of talked about it and we thought ruzek the rock sounded fun so this is quasars character welcome to the team dude welcome to the team yeah loving your story man I love it and I can't wait to kind of expand on it and do some side character stories with you guys to develop your characters and actually move you in the direction of goals that you want to take to take with your characters like taking down the bug master and ghosts and you know all kinds of stuff like I really want you guys to drive this story and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for your sort of primary secondary and tertiary character story goals yeah I just can't wait to work on those as we pick up more and more people so welcome to the team dude welcome to the team super glad to have you all right we also need to get some food before we leave town here because we definitely don't have enough food at this point we're going through some of that meat and we want to get a backpack for ruzek I don't think we're gonna pick this one up yeah I don't think we'll pick this one up I think we'll wait and get another backpack we've got 25 61 left I'm kind of hoping that we run into a thieves tower at some point again so I guess for right now we'll probably just buy some of this dried meat since that is kind of the most cost-effective solution I am gonna want to get some first aid kits on ruzek oh wait rusik already has three first aid kits that's pretty friggin sweet he came with some so we'll get him a splint kit then and yeah it doesn't look like there's any robotics kits here for sale so we'll just kind of wait on that and I think we will just go over here and buy some more food we might as well just stock up fully on food why not okay so now obviously we're gonna need a different weapon on ruzek right because he is definitely not going to be using a katana right he's gonna be because of the way the character was written he's obviously gonna be wearing heavy armor and he's gonna be using the heaviest weapon we could find him right so the heaviest weapon that our team has at any given point in time pretty much needs to be what ruzek is wielding because that's kinda that's kind of his motif right that's that's the way he rolls and so that's what we're gonna do I'm super stoked to have a score slander on board and I just love how small and kind of dainty he is which is hilarious because I didn't have to change his character at all to fit that story and that's exactly how he was in the story which is super cool so many of these characters have just dropped right in our lap in perfect spots and they've just fit absolutely wonderfully so it's it's just been such a pleasure to run into all this stuff so alright we've got some kind of camp over here this is the Exile camp that was shown up on the map we were checking out I don't know oh these are Bandar bones we had those guys are pretty strong um these guys are they have their stats in the 2000 tour of The Fearless oh yeah she's not messing around look at those stats dude I a wonder boy this camp is really close to town guys do we do we dare do we just pull him back up to the town I don't know man I don't know so tour The Fearless who does she have a bounty with the sheykh Kingdom mm-hmm turn them in for a 10k reward you say huh anybody else here got a bounty I really do wish that there were more bounties I haven't seen many of them and maybe I'm missing them but there are like there's a mod that i really enjoy called more bounties and i do wish that sort of vanilla i just had more right cuz I think bounties are a really cool part of the game and I think you know getting one faction or one reputation when he turned in bounties that are like you know 5k or something is is cool I think it's a really neat way to allow a player to work on their reputation with a given faction and I'd like to see more of that uh how fast were these guys I want to make sure that whoever I'm pulling with oh these guys are slow as hell yeah yeah these guys are really slow and I don't care to be allies with the band of Bones or anything and since they're one about the [ __ ] Kingdom I think we can just try to pull these guys the same way we did the last the last group once Ruka gets close enough he should she I believe hard to tell Oh Luca I wasn't paying attention there guys wow they're so slow cuz they're like so injured honestly guys I think we should just fight like these groups as they come up to us and we're gonna take a lot of damage we can just go back into town we can just take the gear off the ones that we knock out cuz it doesn't look like there's a whole lot of them coming at us is that Tora no it's just a regular band of Bones dude yeah let's get everybody up here and we'll fight him I mean it's gonna be four versus oh uh uh boys uh uh you know could you just walk away from this I mean sure fine we'll take two of them that's fine are you guys all getting in on this action uh we don't need you to be on yeah we don't need any you guys be on hold now just make sure Luca doesn't seem to have taunt on I think we'll go ahead and turn taunt on wonder if I turn that off at one point okay everything looks good we'll give him the medic job thought I already did but I guess I didn't I think I guess I didn't save the game when I did it and we'll go ahead and just have everybody attack this one guy I have a feeling we're gonna get chopped to bits here and that's totally okay guys that is totally okay when we do go down if we do we're gonna we're gonna get back up and try it again oh yeah weird we're getting chopped to pieces here it looks like van is getting in the thick of it I'm not really sure why he's kind of come and joined the fray but he has we've got one of them down here and Ruka just went down so it's kind of 1 for 1 at this point rucas fighting on the ground so and now ruzic the rock has gone down sir camo trying to hold his own he's got that big old backpack on it's probably not helping him much but that's okay the ice is gonna take some good hits here I don't think anybody should die though and I threw cos looks like is she getting back up her leg toast yeah her leg is toast ruku lunch go ahead and heal yourself actually at this point maybe you should help fight Ruka I don't know if that's gonna do any good but I think we're we're kind of getting dusted at this point guys Lukas helping out a little bit but not a whole lot how we doing here let's make sure nobody's gonna die yeah we're getting some good hits in but still having a tough time Ruka just getting chopped down on the floor there I'm sure camo is doing a little bit of work here oh man hopefully a van is doing okay nope BAM is on the ground but we just took down one of their guys too so now it is basically three boots juvie two we're hanging in there guys one of the guys getting back up though this is a problem this is definitely a problem I think what we need to do right now is we need to have everybody focus on one guy let's see who is the closest to going down it's definitely this dude let's focus on this guy Oh camo is down yeah this is this is the end of the fake and probably the team at least temporarily anyway and we are not gonna protect our food because that is what we were talking about right looks like ruzek is getting backup that is not good don't really want him to get back up oh he got knocked unconscious again that's okay Ruka is still going at it on the ground and now she's unconscious looks like ruzek is playing dead which is good they're probably got a medic and then ludus all right the only person we have below the KO point and looks like right now is de fake he's at minus 32 and his ko point is minus 28 looks like pretty much everybody's still playing dead because they're nearby are these guys charging off to fight like gate guards or something I'm not really sure what they're doing well that was good fight guys it didn't quite go in our favor but that's okay that's why we continue to fight like this right to get stronger all right we got everybody sort of up Ruka is still unconscious she's gonna be waking up in short order here and you know things like the backpack are gonna hinder us in these fights guys it's gonna make it tougher but that's okay because when we get hit more we're gonna get more skill ups you get a lot more XP when you get hit than when you block it doesn't even look like they took our food so that's kind of cool looks like there's actually some bone dogs coming in here that are attacking this town so I think we're just gonna take advantage of looting them as they get knocked out by the gate guards and by the turrets planted just sell the stuff that they bring in for us all right well we are not gonna wait for these guys to heal up that's one of the things about these humans they definitely take a little bit longer to get ready for the next fight one of the nice advantages of skeletons and we're gonna go ahead and tell these guys to just chill up here and then we're gonna get over here with sir camo actually I think we'll pull with the fake yeah look at the stats already you know getting close to 30 so we're gonna just do the same thing we're gonna go ahead and aggro one of these dudes and we'll go with a nice and slow attack and hopefully they will agro before I get as nearly as close as we did last time right maybe maybe not doesn't look like it I'm not really sure why they're not a growing come on buddy nope but those guys sure are there's these guys kind of over here on these mats that are that seemed to be a growing let's see if I can get this guy to come after us nope but it does it does get these I don't know why there what are they doing they're just getting up to move around I guess it's fine come on dude well we might just we might just pull with them because he's cut up he's got a bow right so why don't we do that we'll get over here with vamo see what he can do see if we could take this guy off now doesn't look like it we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way guys doesn't look like they're respecting the pole mechanic here are the pull exploit that we were trying to go with earlier can we get this guy to come after us ah we got these ones to come after us looks like no no no don't don't hit him shoot that dude and now they're all coming after us okay that's interesting that's one way to do it okay looks like summary setting see we can get him from up here he's just gonna run away apparently what about if I shoot at you ma come play with us oh we need a longer range bow guys really do yeah we're just never gonna hit him come on Bodie there we go he's gonna band-aid himself that's fine that's interesting I guess he's just gonna keep mandating and we're just gonna keep shooting him farm and that range HP yeah well man the rest of them are coming now - no they were they were they were trying - okay we're good let's go ahead and I'd say let's all engage this one guy actually let's switch targets these guys have different amounts of HP ooh that guy's gonna go down quick yeah we should get in on him for sure maybe we can get him knocked out pretty fast who knows we'll see if van gets knocked out before we even finish this guy officer camo and afaik trying to tag-team this guy looks like we got one guy coming in from behind though just getting Cleves on us freebies we don't want that but I don't know that we have any choice right now we just got to try to get one of these guys knocked down in fact vamo why don't you turn off range just get on over here and help with this guy we need to get everybody on this one dude we got to get one of them knocked out before they get us knocked out oh man sir camo is just getting absolutely rump Rangers come on guys all you got to do is hit the chest like one time oof cameras down camo still crawlin man he's gonna get some toughness for that he's trying buddy he is trying I think we can get out here yeah let's get out here how about rougarou coke and keep healing the fake doing his best how are we doing here man this guy's chest is just a three dude get him well we really need to get that guy he's so close oh there we go we got a chest it finally nice we got to fake now we went to fake in VAM to really focus fire here again same same concept right we just we got a focus fire somebody down doesn't matter who it is as long as it should be the weakest guy right the one that we can take down the fastest and sir camel can push into him too he's crawling he's just trying so hard to get over there sir camo just trying to stay alive alright now we've got the we've got him down so we got two more coming in well we got two more coming in from the base up here oh they're actually not coming in now come on guys come on get this last chick down we got to get her down get everybody healed up loot their gear cuz I'm not looting them until we get this last chick down right there's just no way you're gonna loot in the middle of a fight that's just nobody would ever do that in the real battle it just wouldn't happen and I just import doing it at all there we go now that everybody's down now we can take their stuff I'm cool with that I'd say that's that's the heaviest weapon you're gonna get right now ruzek the rock there we go some heavy armor for ruzek now he's how he's really encumbered you're gonna get strong fast dude alright we got one of these guys waking up it's time for our team to take him down they don't have any more first aid kits so they should should just bleed out here ruzek the rock or actually he's not getting in there looks like just a fake and vanore going in there yeah look at sir camos leg man it got absolutely destroyed they're gonna get plenty of robotic skill that's for sure we got to get some more kits - all right guys we're pretty much done with that fight and you know we kind of are at the point where we really we've got some pretty heavy armor on ruzek and you can see he's very uncomfortably as encumbered when we unload all this stuff off of him but he's still gonna be pretty uncovered and oh actually this is a better weapon than the one he's using isn't it yes it is so we're to go ahead and switch that out so we're gonna sell this stuff and we'll kind of move the the gear that we looted around on all our dudes and and then we're gonna get down there and continue to clear that camp until and we're just gonna work on people's skills right I mean this is gonna be great training it's right next to this freaking it's right next to this weigh station which is just perfect I don't remember it being like that but hey I think I think maybe it wasn't I just didn't know so I'm certainly gonna take advantage of that and we are going to continue to train on these guys and get good enough to essentially not have to rest at all right to get to the point where these six dudes can essentially take out that camp and take out the bounty and then bring that bounty back to the shack and guys we're gonna do that in the next episode so stay tuned and thank you all so much for watching I had a ton of fun with you dudes today and hey you guys if you had as much fun as I did let me know by crushing that like button thank you all so much for the support it means the world to me I really really appreciate it guys and as always I can't wait to see you again for some more gaming shenanigans love y'all
Channel: Vamorix
Views: 1,014
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, survival, rpg, sandbox, open world, project genesis, admag, tents, the hub, dust bandits, dust boss, character stories, exile camp, band of bones
Id: oYdLCd0dvAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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