Kenshi But I play as Bounty Hunters (Kenshi Bounty Hunters Challenge)

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey boys what's poppin you've requested it here it is and new kaanchi series welcome to the first episode of kimchi bounty hunters to explain what this series is about it's a simple roleplay we've got a small team of relatively well trained people the challenge is to make a certain amount of money I'm thinking like 500k - a million so the five characters can split it five way the rules are you cannot make money in any way other than bounty hunting and selling lieu off people we hunt for bounties so without further ado let me introduce the characters first we got the team leader hammer hammer is an experienced bounty hunter he's been in the trade for a long long time he recently got tired of doing odd jobs and noticed that there are a lot of bounties now with all the political instability of the world of kimchi so he thought and why not gather a team and capitalize on that his goal is to make enough money to open up a weapon shop since it's been a long a lifelong dream of his to become a well renowned blacksmith and that's why he took up bounty hunting again second we've got kitaro kitaro is a notorious swordsman who just aimlessly wanders the land hammer ran into him in the hub and proposed the idea of bounty hunting to him since Kotaro dreams of opening a dojo where he can teach his sword techniques and have his own school and everything you know the the whole samurai archetype and hearing how profitable this trade could be and how he could bring a few bad people to justice while he does it he was on board right away third we've got Griff a well-respected mercenary and yes that's a [ __ ] shotgun on his back a Griff is an expert marksman and has worked with hammer in the past tired of mercenary life where he constantly risks his life for very low reward he jumped on the offer right away when hammer contacted him his dream is just to gather enough money to retire and shell for the rest of his life so yeah I relate with this guy a lot the shotgun is a family heirloom it's the last remaining shotgun in the world of kimchi as far as No and he received it from his father it's pre overpowered but the thing is the thing is he only has eight shots left so he gotta make them count moving on - Shino received not much is known about - since he's a shinobi thief other than the the fact that he somehow [ __ ] up and now he owes the thieves a large amount of money hammer hired him in the past for some kidnapping action since he's an accomplished assassin so when he was making the team and heard about bashes death he knew he wouldn't refuse the opportunity and last we've got Kyle Kyle Kyle is actually pretty rich well his dad is at least his father is a very wealthy United cities merchant who just got tired of Kyle's [ __ ] and wanted him to grow up and become a man hammer has done jobs for the merchants in the past and I was him a couple of favors so he could not say no when the guy asked hammer to take his son and a few adventures toughen him up a bit and you know show him the world so we're out here in the desert area hammer heard that you know there are a lot of bounties around this area here you know these places right here there are some really high-profile criminals and stuff and it's a good place to start especially since we're so long funds we probably couldn't even afford food we just got here actually a few minutes ago we're actually not that we'll equipped Kyle cracks me up he's like wearing shorts kyle has you know his daddy bought him a sword and everything he just brought his usual outfit Kyle is just here like his dad probably tricked him thought he told him like yo you're going to summer camp or some [ __ ] he showed up and hammers like okay boy you're with me now Grif of course has his family shotgun there we need to get him a crossbow very soon he's got some rusty weapon there Kotaro has a katana just some rags there yeah it's not that it's not that cool who else that shouldn't even [ __ ] bring a weapon - didn't even bring a [ __ ] weapon that's how rock-bottom he is right so yeah we need to go do a couple of jobs get some gear so yeah we're out here in this bar so we're gonna you know we're gonna get in look at the wanted posters see what's up oh man I'm so excited about this roleplay already the boys so let's see here wanted posters sand ninja Oni all right let me keep that I'll come back to that we've got Jaeger the mad never heard of this guy before you know what here's what you're gonna do let's grab a couple of bounties and we'll do them you know over the course of the next few episodes or whatever so we've got sand ninja Oney you know we'll start with that let's keep this one down here I'll tell you where that is because I know I've heard of this one before I mean hammer has heard of this before cannibal population you know that's a bit too much for us I think for now go real low I think that's a bit too much razor I think that's in black desert city so let's take that tin fist nah nah details of the mutants are still largely unknown target is considered highly dangerous well you know what it's just we have these couple of ones let's go take send ninja Oni first send ninja Oni in a cactus then around here I'm pretty sure around here they have a couple he has she actually I think it is pretty sure it's a girl she has a couple of followers so I think you know what we're gonna go at night we're gonna go at night and - hopefully will demonstrate his stealth abilities at least like take her goons down and we'll see if he can take her down or not who discovered cactus then let's see here all right so it's over there there's like a camp here I don't wanna run into anyone right now let's see where does all the bad thing is a bit let's take another please I don't wanna fight anyone right now okay let's see here let's see a pretty sure that's her yeah that's her right there that's the same sand ninja Oney look at that mask dude I'm pretty sure I've seen her weapon before had it on a couple of my my characters on personal runs of kaanchi that weapon is one of the deadliest things I've ever seen in Kanchi it can literally one-shot some people so this is kinda dangerous right now doing this it's kind of dangerous and she has a lot of I think if the if the gang there are people just getting up on her they can take her down like not let her fight back at all but and she has goons that's the the hardest thing about her so what we're gonna do we're gonna send in - alright are you gonna send in - and he's going to try to at least like he's going to at least take down her her bodyguards is anyone gonna come out come on not oh there we go right go go go go all right a ninja blade that'll work for now no bounty on that person let's take all their weapons so that I'll stick the ammunition stuff yeah she can't fight with that we'll pick her up maybe take her back here oh no no no no no no - - he didn't see anything all right he didn't see anything - put her down here oh can she space program nice okay that actually put her exactly where I wanted somewhere really far away what the [ __ ] she's I grow to us now what she won't break even if I break line of fight she just keeps turning even if she has no view on us look she doesn't see us right Hey look look did you see that [ __ ] breath you know okay [ __ ] it - let's see if we can like lure her to where the boys are my boys hold over here - initiate Minami and she has this really devastating blow where she like slides and then just cuts you so its attack unprovoked okay okay she's that girl no see you see that yeah let's run run run run run come on - come on come on come on come on she's pretty fast all right here goes [ __ ] nothing Oh some nice damage all right let's let's keep going keep going boys keep going do not let her even take a single shot because if she did if she does you're dead [ __ ] all right 61 it's not too bad that is not bad at all you could have been decapitated Katara I'm telling you man here's okay look at her weapon and you're gonna see why I was so afraid of this look at that 2.42 cutting damage right there guitar you're gonna have that weapon my dude [ __ ] your katana I'll salute I'll keep that messages for like masacre maybe I think Kyle is the kind of person who'd want to try that mask on Lacey Lacey probably stupid as [ __ ] III think he's the kind of person who's gonna want to - we're on the way back and just like keep [ __ ] with her as their they have her you know capture that was not too bad that was not maybe we should move away from the the den and then start healing you know here's the thing actually I'm pretty sure more people inside have have bounties so if we can get them we can score a bit more money yes do that actually let's do that we've got the most dangerous one you know in our custody already so why not all right - Lloyd the rest of the men my team see that person has four thousand four thousand cats bounty right there let's do the big old boom boom someone come Griff maybe yeah come pick him up oh there we go here they are all right now stop sneaking fight it out nice all right go taro you can fight him Aidid all right look how devastating this weapon is oh that was a one shot right there and they're already dying here comes another one get him that was a one shot that was [ __ ] one shot I am so glad I came for this bounty first how many more are there oh [ __ ] you walk in and they start aiming at you like that [ __ ] up get out get out alright here they come alright boys now is your time to shine [ __ ] yo okay you switch to his smaller weapon cuz he's indoors now let me go watch Kyle fight with his mad - is not linked I'll get any hit all right nice who's still fighting inside of the gotaro the boys tell me this is the most bad oh there we go another another bounty right there all right Kyle you wanna become a big strong man right okay come pick this guy up let's heal them just enough to so that they're not bleeding anymore that's it stop stop wasting the meds on some [ __ ] thief no offense - we're gonna okay you guys can leave so you can talk about us nothing better for bounty hunters gonna cut like some reputation I just noticed we already made six thousand from the money that was on the people we just Lou him we're unethical bounty hunters when we hunt someone when we get a bounty we look we search their pockets first wish for heart before pinning them oh yeah small announcement I think this is pretty important I now have a streaming schedule I'm doing Monday oh [ __ ] those look like poor people you know the thing with poor people they're gonna attack us if we pass in front of them you're gonna call me I'll see what's mean to say but this is the world of country man look as soon as I hear well test it if they don't if they don't attack us I will personally do like a public apology for being like a bigot or whatever so watch this of course if I didn't know any better I'd say these guys look like escaped slaves oh these are more slave hunters hey guys serious the desert [ __ ] sucks he still felt okay beer my boys beat him up anyway announcement I'm starting to stream seriously now I'm gonna start tomorrow the schedule is Monday Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 p.m. GMT which is like 7:30 my time actually if you're watching this video as soon as it's uploaded um I will be stumped I'm gonna be streaming right now so check it out on Twitch what I'm gonna be doing some of you who have watched my previous streams they're gonna a lot of this deed what we're gonna do Dark Souls 3 every death is 10 push-ups on camera on camera and I'm gonna do the whole game from start to finish over a few streams of course I'm not gonna do a thousand push-ups in one stream so yeah come watch dude come watch Monday Wednesday Friday 6:30 p.m. GMT come watch my date and yeah if you're watching this video as it's uploaded I'm streaming right now so come watch me on Twitch link in the pinned comment and in the description all right let's go turn in the bounties what's going on over here man well the Fox coming huh huh alright alright let's turn in the bounties and I'm gonna wrap up this episode because it's let me tell you how much it's 2 a.m. but you know I couldn't delay this video any longer so I just wanted to record for you last one take him no bonus and that's 38,000 in one bounty pretty much like well it's 32,000 we've cuz we've got like 6,000 from from there Lou that's pretty [ __ ] good my dear all right here we go got my boy a bowl got him some bolts there we go like oh that looks sick as hell yep looking good looking good we'll stop by what was that city over here black desert city I think we're the next target is that yeah we'll go there we'll get the bounty but before we do that we'll look for some gear for the other boys but that's gonna wait until next episode is I'm sleepy as hell and I wanna hear your feedback on this episode before we continue on I want to hear your ideas how you find the like how you find that the characters tell me your favorite character comments your favorite character down below tell me about the roleplay just give me your input I read all comments of course and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the I think I'm gonna make like an episode per week from now on they're probably gonna come out on Monday like this one and yeah don't forget to check out the stream that's going on right now on Twitch definitely not Simo alright and I'll see you boys in the next episode happy to be back in Kanchi love you all see ya
Channel: Simo
Views: 97,697
Rating: 4.9546504 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi challenge, kenshi roleplay, kenshi bandits, kenshi simo, kenshi simo bandits, kenshi bandit plathrough, simo, kenshi bounty hunting, bounty hunter, kenshi episode 1, kenshi lets play, kenshi gameplay, kenshi bounty hunters, kenshi funny, kenshi narrative, kenshi review, kenshi guide, kenshi montage, funny, Kenshi Bounty Hunters Challenge, Kenshi but I play as Bounty Hunters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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