The Strongest Warrior? | Kenshi | Project Genesis | Ep 06

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so let's get in here and get some food so we are hungry Tennessee person well what the what done oh my god guys hey everybody welcome back to project Genesis kaanchi where you and your characters get to explore the completely reworked world of kenchi in the project genesis overhaul mod restore rucas honor and destroy the holy nation once and for all and thank you guys so much for the continued support on this series you guys have been absolutely amazing I mean the comments are blowing me away guys your collaboration in the comments like just your kindness to each other your how helpful you guys are to each other it's just it's awesome man you know you guys give me a crazy amount of energy it's super cool and if you're new to the channel and you're a fan of awesomesauce feel free to subscribe but your daily dose of my sexy announcer voice oh yeah so anyway guys man I'm super stoked to get back into this mod I've been I just you know I wish I could play this every day almost as much as I love star sector and as much as I love the celebrity celebrity slaves uh you know I have fun playing a lot of games but man you guys the energy you guys bring to this series and the creativity is just mind-boggling it's crazy I love it so here we go guys we're gonna get into some more of this we got um I did a little strength training on ruzic of the rock we will of course call him the rock even though he's not quite there but don't tell him that okay we're gonna keep nice and encouraged we're gonna stay positive and we're gonna build that mental image for him that he is the rock all right because that's how you that's how you become what you want to become in life you visualize it whether you're there or not you gotta believe that you are that thing otherwise you won't ever achieve it so you have to lie to yourself about how amazing you are or anything but you do need to be able to visualize how awesome you are in order to reach that state so anyway guys that's my bit of daily advice so let's go ahead and attack this dude let's get stuck in with his band of bones all right here we go here we go everybody's getting in there I think with five it's actually really six versus ones they could getting a good hit and sir camo coming up we got a couple martial artists it it's so cool man having a couple martial artists Ruka coming in with big swing ruzek just trying to bring that weapon to bear he's not quite as slow as Ruka is oh oh oh you guys are biting off a little bit more than you need to right at this very moment okay how long until this dude gets back up we've got 95 seconds that's not a problem three of them coming in to fight us this is great great skill training let's see do we have any more of these banda bones left down here I think oh yeah we do for sure we definitely have what five left okay is the leader down here I totally just skipped over cuz I was looking at banda bones yeah I didn't see him so maybe I'm looking for like a special weapon but anyway she's probably already on her way up here to attack us let's take a look here yeah tour of The Fearless 10k bounty she is on her way to oh I see their medic in they're not actually coming to fight us they're coming to medic well alright dudes here's the thing here is the thing we got to get in there we got to take these guys down as fast as we can is this this isn't Toro right okay so what we want to do is take oh vams getting attacked that's okay though Bam's gonna have to hold his own as long as he can until we can take down this one dude all VAM come on hold out there buddy out hold out I could have used block I suppose I don't tend to do that who do we got here this is tour The Fearless okay so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have everybody go on Tora and hopefully we can take tour down oh boy look at that hit coming in there good damage from Tora just absolutely she is just super tough compared to us but you know what that's okay we're gonna get some good skill ups boys she can just block the hell out of us all day long yeah she's down alright now we can pull van back if we want to we don't really need to a band will get his ranged attack on once the distance kind of opens up just like that there we go they're all down on the ground we got Tora okay VAM you're getting a little bit overzealous here won't you come back everybody all right how long until Tora gets up only nine seconds we could certainly fight tour again when she gets back up for some more skill training but it looks like she's gonna play dead anyway so why don't we go ahead and have think probably since ruzek is the rock right I mean or at least he aspires to be we're gonna have him do whatever he can to kind of build up that strength right and so I think carrying our bounties is one of the ways that he can actively and deliberately practice being stronger so that's what he's gonna do he's gonna be our designated carry mule now I know camo you might be disappointed by that but you know what we got this huge backpack for you to carry all the loot in so you're gonna get plenty of strength training in fact we can check some of these other dudes I don't think anybody else had a bounty though well we better get over here that didn't work okay well let's get over here then yeah I get stuck in taking him down no problem van no more of that I wish they would fix that I hate that mechanic I really do I think if they're if they're like I guess how would they fix that right anyway we don't need to discuss that right now all right camels already got a pretty full bag but we're gonna fill it up even more why don't we get cam over here you can have the honors of looting all this great great gear and we got one of these dudes trying to run away that ain't gonna fly get Seca in there halt Andrew gov ruzek rather not Ruka this is not Ruka guys just saying all right vams trying to do his thing again okay so at this point we've got everything loaded up and we're headed back to town we just want to sell the gear that we just looted right so we're not toting it around all day long and then we'll we'll take care of this bounty we do want to finish off that camp I think just to kind of get the combat XP so we're gonna do that as well and we'll take turns that like holding Tora yeah this is what it looks like when ruzek runs cross country right I mean check this out he's got his running shorts on and everything this dude doesn't mess around when he's jog and you know got some tour of the fearless but hanging out okay so if we take a look at our sheykh faction it's only at four so far which is because we've turned in two bounties essentially so turn it in this turn in Torah I think should help with that we'll see I don't really know if we get any or if I have if we do how much we get so we'll we'll certainly find out here soon enough oh wow we just discovered something called the great fortress I don't know what that is but we're certainly gonna head down there and check it out that's for sure after we turn in a ruse AK I mean we're not gonna turn into Roos that guys we would never do that right he doesn't even have a bounty we're gonna turn in Torah not ruzek sorry about that Rezac I really you know I didn't mean a man all right there's the police station let's get back there and turn in our fugitive alright here we go ruzek heading over I really want to get some of that faction armor let's see here for your word yep hand over your bounty okay ten thousand cats totally worth it what's their faction at now six so tour of The Fearless is basically just like a normal bounty yeah okay I think you know what I'd really like to see guys is I'd really like to see a target like Tora be worth more like five and then the normal bounties be worth like one so that the normal bounties when you turn them in for 2k it's really not that big of a deal but when you turn in a 10k bounty I mean it should be worth more right then the the 2k bounties I would think and to kind of make that more fair or more evenly distributed I get evenly distributed that's not the right word to use to make it more balanced I guess between the two to make them more proportional you know something was a factor of five on the rep according to the the bounty value or maybe even a tier system where like the lower bounties give you know to that's fine and then once they get up to 10k or above they give four and then once they get up to twenty K above they give you know six or something you know just something that's a little bit more spread out and I mean I guess I don't want to say helpful but kind of allows you to progress in a I wouldn't say an easier way but in something that in a way that makes it a little bit more sense like some of the named NPCs would be worth more you know okay so we made a few changes to gear here let's kind of just take a look at everybody cameras still the same defects still the same Ruka we changed her up just a little bit here got rid of those pants that were not giving 100% coverage and gave her some samurai cloth pants she still got her fancy shoes her Tim's so she's she's doing ok and then let's see what else did we change up here we swapped the helmet on - ruzek we got instead of having that gas mask we've got so he doesn't have any dust storm protection oh that's ok that's fine we're ok we've taken the penalty's during the storms and and then he has got samurai cloth pants now as well standard grade and we did end up swapping out his mercenary leather armor we're gonna ditch this wakizashi we got to get him something that's not arresting buddy we got to get him something that's like a refitted blade or something you know for that slot cuz this is just like even if he's indoors you know we just you know this is pretty trash weapon and then so yeah he's got the Santa grid here he's got the standard spiked helmet and then standard grade cloth pants and then he's got the standard grade leather shirt he needed some stomach protection to go on top of the e stammering a cloth pants because it's you know he's missing quite a bit here 30 percent you know so at least at least there's a guaranteed protection they're using this shirt so I should help a little bit and then with Zaca of course it's really important that we show off not her well there's a couple things we obviously need to show off on Seca and if you take the look from the side it's pretty obvious one of the things we definitely need to show off you know that her backpack is helping support and then also her hair you know she's got really iconic ly red hair and we need to really keep her in in an outfit that shows off her hair and yeah that's gonna be at the expense of a little bit of coverage which I'm usually a huge fan of a hundred percent coverage but in this case I think firs ik we really need to show off that hair so that that is exactly what we did so we got some we got a standard grade we did get a leather shirt on our two to offer some chest protection because we really need to protect your chest obviously you know that's it's one of her best assets and we definitely did protect it so we've got a leather leather shirt which is giving you know full coverage on the stomach and the chest and which is gonna kind of compensate for these assassins rags and the jounin pants even though they're really good they don't they don't actually provide any stomach protection so we need to we need to make sure that the vital areas have some kind of damage protection for what we can give it and then I kind of reordering it puts her camo in the front he's kind of the pack mule and I think at this point he's the slowest and so we're always gonna want to follow him at least for now since we changed up ruzek's pants he's no longer slowed down by those and so I think we're pretty much gonna I'm sort of ordering it by speed I wasn't entirely intentional but that's kind of how it worked out I like to keep my archers slash Scouts kind of in the rear and then sort of you know work our way through tanks and and heavier folks but I did end up putting a camel in the front because I want him to be sort of the person that we you know basically set follow on so and at this point we're gonna head now we are gonna go back and finish off this exiled camp first and then we're gonna head over and check out that great fortress I'm gonna head back over here finish this camp off get some more combat training and then once we're done with that once I got that great fortress to see what's going on there okay and we're getting nice and close to this camp again we'll have to see what's down there I'm kind of hoping there's still enemies down there that are still sleeping and that it didn't wipe the camp I kind of feel like maybe because we turned in the bounty it might have actually just wiped the camp no not really sure what's going nope they're still there that's good that's good so I think what we want to do is just probably get in there and fight him right oh my god they have 30s and the stats though I don't know I don't know about that cuz we definitely have recharged in there we'd get smoked by these guys but certainly what we can do is get down here and kind of set up and maybe some of them will come and fight us like they did before let's go ahead and put everybody on hold here and then we'll get we don't need anybody super fast we just do is sir camo it'll be he'll be fine oh I've already got every following him that's not gonna work all right here we go camel see what you got buddy let's go ahead and attack unprovoked see if you can pull this guy oh we're gonna get we're gonna get a bunch of them oh my god it doesn't look like it looks like we only got a couple of them here so that's almost perfect okay let's go ahead and take everybody off hold we don't need them on hold anymore and really I guess van would be the only one that we would want to put on hold so he doesn't like aggro the whole whole kit and caboodle afterwards so let's take a quick look over here doesn't look like anybody else is coming everybody's getting in there getting some friendly fire behind from van but that's okay we want that skill right we want to get our precision shooting skill up sir camels gonna charge off and get right into it with another dude it looks like okay how long until this guy gets up 72 seconds yeah let's go ahead and get healed up and as long as we're done first dating and nobody else is coming I think I'm very very comfortable with looting these guys taking their stuff obviously we're gonna loot was her camel before we live with anybody else I do not want to deprive him of his pride when it comes to carrying all the gear we want to empower each other right and that's what that's one of the ways we're gonna empowers the camel is by giving him the ability to carry all the stuff we should probably learn this United cities map too while we're at it let's go ahead and take a look at the map and see if there's anything that we discovered black scratch bringt the market village hang heft stoke stone camp Shobha Thai port north brink port South basically everything in the northern desert that was regular oh and then the stuff in vast so we got bass drin and ending which we can certainly go up there and check those out to see if anything has changed because I really have no idea all right they don't seem to be a growing just like they weren't before oh here we go here we go it looks like we got four of them so let's go ahead and get over here well just rally on up we're gonna pull them back just a little bit cuz I think that one last dude is not quite coming in here and we've taken three before but we've never taken four okay so oh these guys are naked haha I don't think we need to worry about it I think we'll be alright guys alright so we got one of them down already taking some shots in the head from unser camo most likely from VAM oh man these guys are just leaving hard but Ruka is too rucas getting her cleave going ruzek getting knocked around a little bit sir camel getting pushed back to the fake is so strong he's just not having any trouble with these guys wanna be one no problem he is an absolute powerhouse he did start with higher stats and everybody else haruka is certainly certainly that Todd seems to be working until she gets staggered anyway here she goes rien gauging no problem Zack I just doing her famous shin kick Oh get a little bit of a punch action in there de fakin her just taking that guy down that girl I guess it's not really a guy oh yeah Zack is still working her magic with that punch there she's coming she's going for the groin to fake helping her out nice job guys nice job how low is this guy getting her girl I keep calling it a guy it's definitely not a guy that's what happens when you're a dude right you call everything a dude oh and they're transitioning to fight enemies that I don't necessarily want them to fight right now so we're gonna head and get healed up and then BAM looks like he is perfectly ready I don't know why I was swiveling the camera around let's get everybody healed we'll get reengaged oh here we go last ones coming over here I think probably to heal everybody are probably to heal his his compatriots his comrades-in-arms let's get stuck in here Oh take it Oh knocking that guy back down on the ground no problem last dude come on guys come on nice van even getting in there as melee no problem what is he shooting at now there's still more dudes over there it looks like there must be see it's like a it's like a double edged sword right if you don't have them on hold they will essentially run off in a gross stuff as soon as they're done fighting right I mean things that are like three miles away if you have them on hold they will shoot at something but they won't actually move towards it so even if it's something that's out of range they wouldn't normally even go and fight they'll still aggro Zeca I didn't even notice that she was on the ground but she is definitely on the ground let's see what the timer is on these dudes uh yep no problem we'll go ahead and loot these guys camel you got in the inventory room not really Ruka why don't you get started on this guy okay great Zika is back on her feet let's get over there see if we can get stuck in with this last dude oh there's two more dudes should be fine one of them looks like they don't have any clothes on so here we go oh that guy's going straight for van that's okay BAM needs melee practice anyway and I think the team is gonna make sure that he doesn't need to get nearly as much mainly practice they're all getting and there's a key in the front as usual just charging in ruzek taking the aggro Ruka coming in from the side sir camo yeah buddy all right let's see what happens here nice Oh we're now hostile towards the bandar bones cuz I definitely care at all where is van going now he's C whoa what is this really how far are you gonna run I mean we should just watch this right because this is one of those things in this game like i love kenchi but there are some things that happen in this game where I'm just like are you kidding me like how did that even happen let's get back over here and watch this sure we're fighting somebody naked yep nice punch Zika man right to the face easy peasy lemon squeezy baby ruzek claims that he needs more strength training so we should probably loot some stuff oh yeah look at that some standard grade samurai like plates that's hot oh we got caught stealing I guess we'll just have to beat this guy up now and Zink it goes down so I'm just kind of going around the camp looking these wooden barrels here just a bunch of barrels it doesn't look like there's that any of the there's none of them I can actually like loot or anything so I I'm not really sure how these guys are surviving because there's nothing here right other than us it would be nice to see some of these let's see is there anything in this fireplace no so there's literally in this entire camp like there were two empty barrels with nothing in it now this may still be a work in progress I actually don't remember if this is where the camp was in vanilla because I thought it was I thought it was somewhere different but if this is indeed something you guys do intend to work on or kind of flush out I would definitely add some you know add some more life to this camp like they're definitely sitting around but you know maybe you know put something meaningful in the barrels like what would the what would this camp what would these people or these sheykh I should say I'm not saying check our people guys okay they are check lives matter too okay seriously I I would strongly suggest maybe asking yourself hey like what would this group of sheykh need to survive like how do they make their ends meet here and add some stuff to the barrels or in some crates or whatever that they would need to survive so that if you did take this camp that well you got something for it other than just their personal loot so that'd be cool be cool to see some some little details like that really add life to two worlds you know okay at this point we're just hobbling our way back up to town we're gonna get rested up sell all our stuff and then we're gonna go check out that what was it called the grey force we're gonna check that out here in just a second okay we're back on our way no problems I did notice that I had six sleeping bags obviously we don't need more than three because we only have three like non robotic characters but the whole if you guys remember from the last step so the whole reason I was carrying these was to represent the fact that I need to have those in order to build those tents right like I want the space to be taken up now something that's really cool about this mod that I actually want to show you guys right now because it's I didn't realize you could do this and it's absolutely amazing I think so kudos to the the mod maker for doing this and I'll certainly still tweak it to kind of meet the needs that I should say not my needs but I'm gonna tweak the mods so that it sort of behaves the way I want it to rather than the way it's designed to but check this out guys like you go in here and you do you make this little okay sir camo let's get you over here buddy so he's gonna engineer this and that's why I have the one I had the one building material on him oh they're pushing him out of the way I was like I was like hey dude you need to finish building that come on buddy all right so he's gonna build this and what's really cool about this is once he makes this thing now we you know all we have to do to speed this up just a little bit so I can show you this little bit faster we're gonna simply right-click on this and then he's gonna get to work to making these tent kits so the idea is is that you are essentially collecting scrap around the area right to build a tent with and this is really clever it's really cool because what this means is that when you build a tent even though it doesn't give you a hundred percent of the the stuff back all you have to do is disassemble this kit right so no matter where you go whether you have sleeping bags awning or not all you have to do is take one building material with you right because when you break this down you're gonna get back a hundred percent of the building materials so all we have to do really and I'm gonna go ahead and speed this up to 3x and zoom out a little bit just so we can see now once this reaches all three of the kits I'll show you what we do and of course you guys know what we do right because you watch the last episode but essentially we're just gonna build all three of these kits and that's why the price is so cheap right they're only worth you know three credits or whatever so you can't just like build these so it takes roughly a half an hour in game time to build one of these so if I didn't carry any of these with me right now that I I've essentially you know made three of them in an hour and a half game time I just basically shift right click to grab all these into my inventory then I'm gonna go build camping survival with tent 3 and then just put down the tent right and that's it there you go super cool system you know and it's not exactly the way I would do it and I'm probably gonna change it to to be the way I want it to be but for right now I mean it's just it's a really clever system and that's the important part guys is you got to remember in life that there's so many things that will not be the way you want them to be but that's okay that doesn't mean you can't appreciate the beauty in the way someone else did something so we get it we get that tent kit back we only got one of them back that's fine but what's really I just think it's a really ingenuitive way to solve a problem and I think that's the the for me that's what's in more important is appreciating the the beauty in the way someone else solves a problem rather than thinking oh god that sucks because it's not exactly the way I would do it cuz that's not what's important you know it's it's just it's important I think sometimes to really stop and appreciate the way people do things especially when it's not the way you'd do it because that's the key to being able to see things out of the box right that's the key to being able to see solutions that are different from your homogenized view of the world and I just I just want to take the time to say thank you to the mod maker and I would encourage you guys to do the same take you time out of your day if you think what I'm showing you is cool take your time take time out of your day because I know you're busy and go say thank you to the mod maker for making such a cool thing you know even if it's not exactly the way that you would make it if you think it adds value to the game let them know oh this is cool there's we can see the great fortress up there man was this in vanilla I don't I don't remember this you guys will have to let me know maybe I'm just you know I'm I'm old and you know my bones are brittle and all that stuff so sometimes I remember wrong but I don't remember this at all actually now that I think about it I think I did see this but this does look different this is kind of neat I like this yeah I think I actually remember coming up here and then there wasn't really anything to do because I checked this faction HQ here and there really wasn't anything going on here there weren't any special characters or anything general storage what is this it's a barracks faction HQ it's probably another barracks no it's a police station and a barracks are there any stores what is this another police station so it doesn't look like there's any stores or anything we might as well head up here and just check out the faction HQ and see if see if they'll talk to us cuz these are just regular check right yeah it's just regular check so let's head up here and just see if there's anybody that'll talk to us make a quick let's turn your racist chick well you gotta be so mean to me just because I'm small see if there's any characters of note that we can talk to I don't see anything so far yeah I think this is the same vanilla experience that I remember having now they may have changed the town a little bit like the design of it and some of the buildings I'm not really sure if you guys know you can certainly chime in and if you're one of the mod devs definitely let me know if there's anything you guys have tweaked it all in here I'm not seeing anything that leads me to believe that there's anybody I should be talking to okay so let's head on our way where do we want to go guys I mean I've added some stuff to the swamp that's gonna make it super duper scary and that's where we were originally planning on going but I think instead of heading to the swamp we want to head north yeah we need to make some money right we've got a living case that we're getting up there but we need to make some more money so let's we're gonna head to mongrel guys I think we're gonna head up here and see if we can find some some risk versus reward situations where we can make some cash if we can make it there alive that is oh we got some racist dudes call me tin man again wants to check our bags okay there we go nothing in her bags what a meanie Jews they're always picking on us cuz we're made out of metal you know like I just doesn't seem very polite I'm just saying guys like base it off of my deeds you know I mean we've got six six rep with these guys right we definitely need to find some more bounties right so that we can get some more rep with the shack we want to get up to 30 like I think is it fifty I can't remember I think 50 is actually a lie so we need to get up to 50 gonna be before we can do that we might have to push into bug bug master territory I think huh so I want you guys to be thinking about what you want your your sort of primary or early game your mid game and your late-game goals to be now here's some examples right so early game I think a reasonable early game goal would be something like taking down tour The Fearless right okay so if that was one of rucas goals let's say that was one of rucas early game goals right so she knew about tour of The Fearless and she thought you know in order to prove myself to the Czech nation I'm gonna go ahead and find tour of The Fearless and I'm gonna bring her to justice so that a stat that will start to see that I am an honorable Scheck okay now a mid game goal what would a mid game goal be for haruka potentially taking down the dust dust king right ooh what is that oh is that that farm yeah it's just that Scheck ranch that's okay so you know like maybe a decent mid game goal would be for her to take down somebody who the Scheck would would see her as even more honorable for taking down like the dust king right that's a bounty that's worth 20k that's a little bit more valuable so that could be something for her to do now maybe there's a ruin somewhere that she's heard about or you know maybe there's a prisoner somewhere that she's heard about to rescue something that characters in their their 40s or so could be you know 30s or 40s could be doing and then thinking about late-game goals bug master would be a very late-game goal or potentially you know who else is a good late game Oh Oh those are beak things over there boys and girls yeah let's cut through this village because we don't want to tangle with those those beak things are these adults yeah adults with 20s and their stats sum up to the 30s and that's really where you want to be before you're one be wanting beat things right you want to make sure you're at least 20 plus and your skills and I'd say really you want it to be safe you want to be more around in your 30s right I think being in your 30s for stats is quite a bit more helpful and then if you can have at least you know one or two characters ideally three characters at forty plus that's when you're safe right like you can run into a group of beat things and you can engage like with a character that's 40 plus and their stats you can engage to beat things at a time if they're in good armor and good gear they don't have to be in specialist or master work or anything they can be in standard grade gear with a refitted blade weapon and be just fine it's always tough moving through beak thing territory at night because it's you know it's can be hard to see these nests right now you can certainly hold down alt and then just like use your camera to do some scouting to see if there's a nest that you're coming up on I'm generally not doing that because I think it ruins this sort of like surprise of it cuz I have had times where I just run smack dab into a nest and I didn't even know it and well that'll that'll wake you up in the morning boy and let me tell you oh look at this guy's a group of cannibals over here and we do see one with some armor on and they only move at 15 doesn't look like they've seen us quite yet we're gonna skirt right around them and they might aggro us as we come into line of sight up here but we are much faster than them so we're just fine boy it's a little surprising to see cannibals this far south huh I was not expecting that at all this is more hive territory so and starving vagrants I would think but yeah there you go oh man guys you know something I didn't even notices we are we are basically out of food yeah I didn't even realize we didn't have any food left I have completely I have come completely ill-prepared for this journey especially considering we have plenty of money to buy food this this should just not be a situation that we get ourselves in luckily we have three handy-dandy skeletons that can carry people if they pass out so but the problem is people are getting they're gonna start getting slower you know and we definitely don't want that especially not when we're getting into the fog yeah that's that's not what we want once we're getting into the fog here so Ruka may have to start leading here very shortly in effect it looks like she already really does need to start leading because she is already getting slower so we're gonna switch the lead out and get route go to lead and you know get to mongrel hopefully before people start getting slow oh wait this is a caravan that'll sell us food I don't think so I think this is just this is one that just sells animals that's too bad yeah it's a nomad animal trader they don't have any food for us it doesn't make any sense to turn around now I don't think yeah she's down to 20 miles an hour already this is getting dicey guys we just hope he gets a mongrel before we get any slaughtered in nineteen I'm gonna take her big old weapon to put it in her inventory because if she gets any slower if she gets any more hungry she's gonna start losing encumbrance she's gonna start losing the ability to carry weight yeah we're gonna have a similar problem potentially on I don't think on Zika those a cos quite fast still yeah she's got quite a ways to go until she slows down but ruzek ruzek and Ruka essentially are gonna start slowing down here and we don't want them going any slower than 19 otherwise the fog are gonna be able to catch us okay we see torches down there we're gonna watch for footprints in the dust too right that's when we know the fogger are coming after us see like those fog over there they didn't aggro they didn't see us but you never know you could come around a corner and there's a group of fog and especially when you have your group on follow you got to be careful because if they get engaged they will they will turn around and fight whether you have them on passive or not passive doesn't do squat passive just means that they won't attack anyone that's not already attacking them and that doesn't help it all when they're unfollow so using passive when you're unfollow is is a completely pointless sort of deal I wouldn't say pointless speaking because it does mean that they won't help their allies that their allies get attacked so they will keep following until they personally get attacked so I shouldn't say it's worthless it does serve a purpose okay there's the walls we could see we see mongrel showing up on our radar here we're close man we're closed you should you make sure we don't get in trouble on the you know in the remaining time yeah see those there's footprints over there you could see those boom fog she's got to look out for those guys seems like the groups are really small here actually maybe we should turn up the I kind of wanna leave it as a vanilla but at some point whoa beep what why is beep out here okay we don't want him to be out here and we don't want him to die so let's let's get back over here one of the things that you guys made very evidence in the comments is that beep in any playthrough unless you're doing a solo playthrough I guess has to be on the team so what we are gonna add we're gonna get beep oh we're down here for sure that's pretty much why we're down here isn't it guys wink wink uh hi beep how how do you know my name uh it was a guess I mean you just said beep for no reason so I thought maybe you were introducing yourself he must be some kind of genius then uh yeah yeah I am can I join you I want to become strong become a swordsman oh dude he's gonna be like best friends with frickin Zach man you don't look very strong you don't even have a weapon you have any skills I have nothing they exiled me from the hive just because you keep saying beep I am defective not good for the hive but beep doesn't give up beep is strong since I left the hive I can feel my mind changing the way I think I feel free having thoughts I never had before I want freedom but everywhere I go things try to kill me or chase me beep tires of running time to stab things that chase me another week nobody how much money do you want money I don't know what that means welcome to the team oh man beep is freaking cool dude yeah I think it's safe to say unless you guys somehow twist my arm into bringing bringing Agnew on board god when these two good together man it's it's trouble its trouble but I think I you know I think it should be be the only the only other character other than Ruka that we bring in right now if you guys twist my arm like obviously you guys you guys are the storytellers so if you guys find a way to weave it in which swish I should say by the way swish was the one who basically said that we need to bring beep in and then I'll you know we had a couple other people chime in and say yeah I tried to argue and be like no you know he's he hasn't he doesn't have a story that anybody's told but you know you guys basically laid down the law and said no you got to bring beep in it just has to happen so here we are bringing beep in and beeps first act as a member of our team is to get some get us some damn food guys get us some damn food so let's get in here and get some food so we are hungry Tennessee purse whoa what the what done oh my god guys oh haha oh who is this dude this dude is huge oh if somebody was telling me about this I forget he was telling me about this but this is just a gigantic dude just an absolutely gigantic III thought what he said Kenneth it was a crumble John over here for some reason I know why I thought that but I did okay let's get some food let's go talk to the bar man we absolutely need some food and we are gonna put that food on trusty sir camo cuz sir camo likes to carry stuff for us he really does he's a huge fan of carrying food for the team he's a team player I mean if you if you just you know look at his comments and you know you could see like the dude is a team player man alright nice now we got some food what is this a bounty hunter for hire jumper jumper alright I don't know that we need a bounty hunter anybody else interesting infinite wing-wang he's of course a boss I think he wants he like wants a hundred thousand cats right see who's this looks like a prince right is it no it's a worker wait now that is a prince that's definitely a prince because I could have just looked at the HP right well anybody else interesting Oh who's this cool dude what is this look at that beard man has like an epic beard oh sorry for the crotch shot there buddy oh and look at the name he's even got a bounty dude he's got a bounty with the holy nation this guy is a guy that we want to talk to you we definitely want to talk tomorrow beep your second act actually it's gotta be Ruger doesn't it's gotta be Ruger wait was that everybody already eat did we already you know oh no we didn't I just had a pause ok so Ruka Ruka definitely once you get upstairs and go see what's going on with this fine-looking gentleman up here [Music] Krab is a green Lander who was formerly a medic for the holy nation all was well until he was assigned as a trauma medic at rebirth by the high Inquisitor SATA there he witnessed the true atrocities the holy nation committed in the name of Akron he saw people and creatures said to have been taken over by narco and the humanity in them personality a free will that had been stripped it was then that he realized that so much he had been told as a child was a lie so he did what many before him had attempted to do escape the holy nation somehow presumably through pure luck he made it out a rebirth and down south without being spotted penniless and hungry he stopped at a weigh station in the south of the border zone knowing that any further travel would certainly result in death it was here he waited for someone who he could use his help to achieve his new goal destroy the holy nation and liberate rebirth now there's a lot more story involved with with crab I can't read it all because it's gigantic ok I cannot thank you enough crab for writing this story in here here's what I want to do ok I want to make an entire episode dedicated to crab story it is very long and I feel like it was written so amazingly that it deserves its own little sort of narrative similar to what pixel rookie does I really like the narratives that pixel rookie does so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna look for artists and if anybody is willing to contribute to this project what I'm looking for is kind of a slideshow right it's you know if you can imagine a bunch of still pictures a bunch of still art like impressionist art frames that sort of paint a picture of each chapter of crabs story I want to do a bunch of those and then as those are flashing up on the screen I want those to be timed with you know the essentially the reading of his story and it's probably a five minute read or so and so it would be just maybe like ten ten drawings or something like that or paintings or you know just I just want to do something like that so I thought that'd be cool anyway if anyone would be interested in that and it's in talented or not like go check out pixel rookie stuff and see what you think because I don't care how high-quality the art is if you are inspired to draw any kind of picture no matter what the your artistic level is please get in touch with me on discord or in the comments preferably discourse we can kind of keep track track of it and we will work on crab flushing out crabs sort of story in an artistic vision I'd love to do that guys I really would I'd love to do that to say thank you for this wonderful wonderful modern story that he wrote the man looks at you curiously yet apprehensively at the same time hi the names crab would you by chance be looking for a medic mmm-hmm I am but first what's your story well as I said before I'm a medic with a really deep voice and I'm sexy as hell I used to work for the holy nation before they sent me on an assignment to rebirth their eyewitness awful things I saw people and creatures I had never seen before in cages creatures like you hey hey listen here pal they were beaten and tortured by the paladin's tired two poles and left for days it was my job to heal and split the their injuries so they could continue working that sounds terrible it was I couldn't take it anymore so I escaped and I brought this voice with me I lied to the guards and said I had to go to blister hill for supplies I decided to run west and ended up here not sure how I managed to get through all the the things out there well you could absolutely could absolutely use you in our squad you're welcome to join wow that's just that's just way too much baggage for me I'm out I think we'll go the first option right well we could absolutely use you in our squad you're welcome to join wonderful my charge is the standard fee six and cats let's see if we can talk him down I mean you're worth it you're totally worth it buddy but I don't have that much money no no he says that's that makes two of us okay all right all right deal six thousand cats thank you I love it man I love it super cool let's say oh you know what I didn't do I didn't take a look at his stats before I actually said yes to the mod and brought him in okay these stats are reasonable guys so we're looking at so for those of you don't know this one of the subs that you see chatting up a storm sometimes Rada Mons discord might discord I should say our discord in a crab voice you know in the comments just blown it up super super awesome community contributor and he made this mod I didn't have to do anything so he's written dialogue and everything he this is the seventh version of the mod I noticed by the way and he's got a Genesis patch for it so if you want to use it vanilla or with Genesis you can't welcome to the team buddy welcome to the team super glad to have you this is absolutely awesome so yeah can't wait to see what you're capable of buddy by the way I should just point out that like one of the things that I thought was really cool is the athletic skill right now it is levelled up a little bit but it's not crazy right so if we look at his run speed he runs at 18 miles an hour which is basically what you would need to get through the fog safely now that's not fast enough to outrun the fog but it is enough that you could potentially micro your way and and his story does talk about how he barely escaped with his life getting here right using some tomfoolery and trickery so it's super cool that I think that he picked basically a high enough athletics that his and I don't know if this was intentional like I'm kind of assuming it was but essentially like picked a high enough Athletics that he would if he was clever able to get here manually steering himself I think it's super cool so welcome to the team again dude super glad to have you oh and he's got a paladin's cross we should've looked as gear so he's got a paladin's cross which is mid-grade salvage I like that I really appreciate that you didn't make it any stronger than that all shoddy grade gear Oh looks like he actually got an upgrade a rare upgrade there's probably a 5% chance or a 25% chance of something you get an upgrade so I think we'll we'll definitely probably switch out your drifters boots so that we can get you the heck out of here but yeah awesome glad glad to have you on board but also seriously guys if anybody anybody is inspired to have a ridiculously gigantic dude as their character write a story involving this guy so that we can come back and get this guy at some point I mean I I have to have this guy in the playthrough seriously and we can't recruit this dude until like somebody writes him into the story right so I mean come on somebody tell me about Kenneth and bring him in if you're so inspired don't do it just cuz I want you to but if somebody would like Kenneth to be their character definitely make that happen that would be awesome all right so we're kind of just searching through these shops here right because we definitely want to get like you know some some first aid kits let's check crab yeah he doesn't have any so we're gonna need to get crabs some first aid kits we're gonna need to get beeps and first-aid kits and so we'll just walk around check these vendors that's one thing I really love about this sort of mod pack right it's such a little subtlety but I absolutely love that there's just all there's all kind look at these even pearl urns and pearl cups like how cool is that that they're throwing things like that there were such a pain in the butt at times to find in vanilla they're just adding little details like that to just make it you know it seems more like a world like these vendors know okay so people are looking for these things like let's let's provide people with this stuff you know splint kids heck yeah man heck yeah dude you know you guys should know probably if you've watched any of my other playthroughs I love to have first-day kid splint kits and robotics kits on everybody in the team when you can of course the robotics it's are expensive but I really really like to be over-prepared rather than underprepared okay I think we have plenty of food for now and we're just looking for shoes right we want to find some of those shoes for Krabbe we want to get him some shoes ease keep those keep them nice and quick and it's so interactive right look I actually have to run around and checking all these vendors to find one that has what I'm looking for I love that there's all these little dudes and it's it's such a I think it's just such a cool cool just sort of atmosphere that it creates right and even if it takes a longer to load the zone that's okay I it's totally worth it it's just really really awesome and look there's even like a little stand right outside this armor shop like yeah you know maybe that'd be loitering if they aren't like related to each other but you know and he might end up dead but it's still just it's a really neat touch I think I'm gonna nother Thieves Tower here we're just gonna check and see if they got a backpack for us I really hope they do manage to be super nice no no they got the small backpacks oh that's too bad I never buy these small backpacks like I suppose we could just to vary it a little bit yeah we could do that we could put a small backpack on two of these guys I wouldn't be opposed to that although boy man beep-beep needs some frickin gear dude holy cow look at those high grade I think I'd rather have these though yeah a black leather armor I've never even seen this guys we should we should check this out melee defense stealth perception bonus decent stats on it too yeah heck yeah man let's check it out let's see what's up with that and then we'll need a helmet for him I guess we're not gonna have a chest piece but that's okay so yeah we'll get him some of these pants we'll get him this leather armor and oh what's up with this Oh square goggles that's cool I didn't even know that what's going on that's that's neat actually before we get rid of that let's take a look at it guys look at that look at that uh how would a neat what a neat I mean I don't think the pants really match the the top but what a neat set of goggles you know like that's that's cool I don't know that we'll use those but it is neat neat that they're there yeah I think I like that neck too that's neat well definitely want to get him some pants that match the shirt but that's just a cool cool treat you know seeing little little stuff like this oh yeah there we go oh that's nice look at that 100% gasps Center percent dust storms stealth effect and perception he doesn't really need the perception but a cool cool helmet I like that yeah that's that's nice oh can we can you not wear that is it restricted is it race restricted I hate that I hate the race restrictions on the helmets man I really do like he can wear that but he can't wear this come on oh well yeah I don't like that I don't like when that when there's race restrictions like that like that one is too I mean I'm sure there's a reason for it right but I just you know when I see stuff like that I'm just like uh what a bummer you know cuz it you know you get all excited about it then it's like I can't wear it what we coulda bought the sandals here for Half Price guys look at that guy's like that doesn't quite fit beeps head right does it oh that's hilarious is the overweight now I think he's overweight isn't any is okay well we'll have to deal with that we're gonna have to make some money here though first all right let's get outside man let's make some money looks like there's one down at the doorway already we can just see if he's got some useful sir Camel will handle that for us cuz he's about oh right I forgot they actually added these fog heavy heads which are similar to the the other items like on the Praetorian and whatnot I think we're gonna skip loot and all that garbage we are pretty broke so we certainly could loot that stuff and I think what I'll do is I'll just move the armor into their inventory so that we can tell that we've already looted it we could we could just put the stuff on beep oh man look at this we got more of him out here we got a couple more yeah we got some it looks like there's prints blood there I'm not mistaken but I don't see a prints there mm-hmm okay well we'll get out here loot up some more of these dudes oh there's one over here just hidin it's another heavy oh that's kind of cool that they they did that with the being able to loop the fog heads we'll get all these weapons - these are worth grab and I think oh and they stack in the heavy backpack oh dude and I've I'm so excited because I got a new backpack now I haven't showed it I'll show it in the next the next episode I made a special backpack for sir camo it's not camouflage unfortunately now that I'm thinking about it I'm like oh maybe I should make a camouflage backpack but that's not how it went down I did make it for another playthrough and I just when I when I was using it I just thought oh my god this back pad you screams sir camo whoo that's actually might be worth looting cuz it's worth 200 I guess see if we can fit that over here somewhere I think we can and these guys are running off after somebody way over there looks like there's another one over here we could certainly try to get in on this fight oh that's a prince yah yah don't you dare loot him I thought that dude was gonna take him prisoner for a second there ah let's see ruzek actually Ruka you can go ahead and loop this guy see we got here we got a prince oh the Prince heads okay so they're worth the 6000 they normally are and we got a weapon worth 700 oh look at high-grade leggings 578 standard helmet 223 maybe we should have just get given some of this gear to beat man holy cow can't wear that item yeah I wouldn't expect I'd be able to okay cool and I didn't see any more than that wow that was easy oh let's see what do we got up here it looks like we got some more fog getting oh look at this what is this got a big old battle with the fog over here what are these fog stats look like not bad not bad we should get over here and start start getting into it help out these guards a little bit yeah we might as well alright let's get over there I think these guards gonna chew him to pieces but might as well get up in it come on Ruka you got this girl yeah yeah ooh cutting him in half yeah where's the rest of our team oh I only had Ruka selected oh cool and even the fog man heads are worth money oh that's that's actually pretty cool maybe maybe a little strong no I like it it's definitely a good way to make money that's for sure good way to get yourself overweight real quick too so that you can't run away so we'll have to be careful with that it's still pretty awesome guys pretty awesome all right we're gonna go ahead and attack target and then try attack all hopefully that'll actually work and our group will get over there get in a fight here plenty of fog men too to take down very nice is that a whole other huge army of fog men what are they doing oh we're just running for him is what we're doing all the guards are going for him though why not let's take let's get in there itself the guards out all these are these are heavies and princes yeah let's see what crabs got going on man come on buddy yeah there you go pal getting in it we're taking a little bit that's Praetorian oh man ruzek is on the ground absolutely just got dusted these four torian's are no joke man look how many HP to have it's nuts oh and here comes some more their princes dude oh my god we don't guys we got a gift we want to get behind these guards I think I mean one want to help them but I mean seriously that's that's a lot of guys let's get in on this Praetorian action oh man this is so many frogmen right now is nuts yeah that big overhead swing zach is trying to creep around on that dude we got a heavy on the ground over here just chilling oh man this is amazing there's so many guys out here too and it's a good thing that the guards are like extending this far because if they weren't we'd be we'd be in trouble here oh yeah where's van going oh my god where is he jeez van seriously I hate range sometimes men like it's it's actually quite a strong skill but it's so broken at times it's just like are you kidding me how did that even happen all right let's take a look at this dude he's unconscious for 72 seconds these guys are amazing check this out Wes Praetorian not only does he have a decent polearm forest which I guess we could just pick up on van but check this out in case you haven't seen this before what the high trees expanded they've got this fog durian row it will kill them when you pull it off so if you want to capture them don't pull it off but what what a really really cool piece Lutz so we're gonna go ahead and clear up all these all these bodies man there's so much loot to be had here look at this huge field of loot man this is massive and we're just gonna loot all these dudes most of them will probably be dead but all these heavies and princes yeah we're definitely gonna loot these guys first so they don't get away make sure we take their weapons and stuff and I think this should kill them right I'm assuming this will kill them yeah that kills them let's see that's great and I'm definitely gonna disarmer them after I've killed them so I know I don't have to click on them check and see if they're dead I love that these stack it's a little maybe a little bit overpowered but I do like it as as a person who's looting I like it it looks like the Prince heads don't stack so I guess that's kind of cool well look at this bone armor yeah there those are pretty valuable now the helmets worth looting I think man the amount of time it takes to loot all these heads is crazy so maybe I don't feel like it's as overpowered as I was thinking in the beginning because it just it takes an extraordinary amount of time to just like clear up all these corpses for three and her cats each that's still a lot of money though for doing nothing other than just walking it oh no oh no no no no no no no that is the Praetorian that is a Praetorian and we have a lot of people that are slow right now oh boy yep we got a Praetorian coming in guys that I didn't even see okay Zeca how fast are you right now okay Zach I need you to go this way right are they they're not even coming after us are they no they okay so there this is what Praetorians do here's here's the deal guys we need to see we want to see if we can aggro these dudes so we're gonna take everybody we're gonna put everybody on hold we're gonna take and move everybody inside so they're right in here inside the gate and then we are gonna use van and we need to move his weapon right we need to give it to somebody who has room like Zika Zika you're gonna take that we're gonna equip vams bow he could still move nice and fast he's got arrows he's good to go okay so here's the deal here's the deal meatball see if we can get this guy to come after us I don't think he's gonna is he oh he's got an old dang it is he gonna do it I don't know if he can I don't know if he's gonna get over there I don't think he's even in Agra this guy let's just double check to make sure these guys are not too fast now they're good we're good oh yeah look at that here we go okay let's see if we can get him to follow us yeah we're just gonna pull these turds right back to the guards man at once come on come this way yeah come with me buddy no problem no problem yeah that's right follow us back to the guards you know you want to Oh kiting okay are the guards attacking yet they should I think they'll start attacking once the rest of these guys get engaged come on guys come on come on why are these guards not doing a damn thing there we go all right now we can take everybody off hold and get stuck in there we go camo punching kicking going crazy Jose COS using their pole arm that's not your that's not the right weapon I meant to put it in the backpack there we go you should be shin kick and girl and grind punching just like that oh poor beep man he's trying his best oh the fake taking a hard hit to the face into the left arm beep goes down beep is already down man all right ma'am you just need to stop going crazy and running off to fight people sir camo getting over here with this big old backpack on come on buddy there you go showing up a little late but that's all right well de faked is on his butt ok we got the team back up on their feet everything's looted we're heading over to the shops to just kind of clear out our inventory we're sitting at about 1200 cats right now I think we're gonna have quite a bit more than that once we finish clearing out all this inventory we got lots of heads to sell holy cow lots of weapons lots of heads I don't think we're be short on cash that this seems a little easy for early game so yeah that's it's neat to experience it I don't know if I'll farm it because it seems oh it seems a little stronger I mean we'll see right well we'll make our judgments based on how much cash we have at the end of this yeah this vendor can't even afford even a just a smidgen of the stuff that we looted so yep the shopkeeper can't afford that that's the second shopkeeper look at this guy's we're sitting at 40k almost this seems quite strong for early game and we still have two of these Praetorian rows left that's 20k at 66 TK for doing nothing no combat really at all cuz those guards are so active and they get out they're so hardcore that we really didn't have to do squat and made a ton of money so that yeah I don't know maybe that's gaming the system or maybe that's what they intended I'm not really sure it seems a little easy but I do like to play with smaller teams so maybe the intent is that you're gonna be building an army really fast with that money I'm not really sure whatever it is one of the nice things about this game is it's a sandbox if you don't want to take advantage of that system you can just avoid it and do something else find yourself a challenging way to make money whatever you like you can play it any way you want okay so at this point we need to potentially spend some of this money and we're probably not gonna hang out here and farm anything unless our intent is to make cyber beep right away but we're not we're not gonna do that right away so a couple things we need to think about guys we need to think about what kind of weapon is beep going to use so is he gonna be martial arts is he gonna be ranged or is he gonna be melee and I'm gonna put up a poll so you guys can vote on that so it should be up in the top right hand corner of the screen little eye anywhere during the video you can click on that and there should be a couple polls up there for you to vote on so let me know what you want next thing we got to do is figure out we're gonna do with this money and we're gonna do that guys in the next episode so stay tuned and thank you all so much for watching I had a ton of Omen to do today and you know what if you guys had as much fun as I did let me know by crushing that thumbs up button it means the world to me as does your support I really appreciate it guys and always I can't wait to see you guys for some more gaming shenanigans in the next episode
Channel: Vamorix
Views: 1,077
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi beep, kenshi gameplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi let's play, kenshi roleplay, kenshi story, kenshi guide, kenshi review, kenshi project genesis, let's play kenshi, kenshi game, kenshi walkthrough, kenshi 2019, kenshi steam, lets play, let's play, kenshi rpg, kenshi playthrough, kenshi gameplay part 1, kenshi pc, kenshi 1.0, kenshi part 1, kenshi let's play 2019, vamorix, vamorix kenshi, kenshi survival, kenshi sandbox
Id: C5WnVjvKfO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 1sec (4021 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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