Bandit Showdown | Kenshi | Project Genesis | Ep 03

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yeah look at his stats holy crap man I want to know how we joined the crimson robes maybe hey everybody welcome back to Ken Chi project Genesis where we explore the completely reworked world of Ken Chi and the project Genesis overhaul mod restoring rucas honor and destroying the holy nation once and for all and thank you guys so much for your continued support in this series you guys have been absolutely amazing and I really mean that and I just I'm completely humbled by how many comments you guys have left for me and also for each other more importantly write about your stories giving each other feedback it's really incredible and I just my hat is off to you guys seriously and you'll see based on who won not really won but basically who gets to come into the series next I think you guys can probably all figure it out now it actually was a lot closer than I thought but you're gonna find out later who that is pretty awesome though guys really cool stories absolutely amazing if you're new to the channel and you're a fan of awesomesauce feel free to subscribe via dados baby because we love awesome sauce and we love awesome stories here guys congratulations again to everybody on their stories I can't wait to bring every single one of you in it's so fun it really is so cool it's very time consuming but it's amazing to read it so to fake uh we took off his pants because they make him run slower I know I know to fake I'm sorry you got no pants on right now buddy but eventually we'll get you some pants okay alright so here's here's pantsless to fake he's got his katana and for now he's gonna kind of be leading the group in terms of positioning because he is nice and slow compared to the others now he still runs at 18 miles an hour which is fast enough to get through this area without any problems so we're gonna head out of here and the kitty cats gonna come say hi hi kitty cat how are you so hopefully she doesn't bump bump the mic I don't think she's quite figured out that she can't bump the mic yet but we're gonna get out of here and we're gonna head to some some more civilized areas where we might be able to find some more recruits along the way I don't really know where we're gonna find the recruit that we're picking up today because I haven't done any sort of like recon ahead of time or anything like that but at some point we will find a recruit that will work for this character and when we do we'll do our character intro and so I'm hoping you guys will absolutely enjoy the ones at a2 I'm always open for feedback and I just I really wanted to kind of just say thank you again so much to everybody who has been contributing to the stories now I know for some of you like you know you probably want to write as much and really like just encouraging other people to you know to work on their stories and kind of asking them questions to sort of draw some of that information out of them anything you can do to light up the comments and really bring these stories to life is super appreciated and it's been helping a ton so far so again thank you guys I love you you guys are all amazing and I just I can't wait to see every single one of you come into this come into this team because we will get everybody in here eventually now if we get enough stories at some point we may not be able to but I think as long as we keep it under like 20 to 30 red I think I think we're probably gonna go at least 30 episodes I would imagine now of course the later you come into the series the more of a handicap you're gonna have but that's okay we'll do what we can to get everybody in so let's see we need to get back up over here and we'll just make our way kind of back over towards an area that we can work with now there is another update to the hotfix I don't know if there was in the last episode I don't think so I think when we did the the premiere we were still on the first version of the hotfix and Greg and company you know switch hosts and everybody they all kind of I don't know why I keep clicking and I think it's because I'm just trying to manually drive while I'm talking because I keep clicking ego the map and then I go back to click manually so anyway I'm pretty sure that we're on this the second hotfix for the project genesis mod but it's listed as being Wow this is an interesting piece of terrain they're like I remember and the rain stopped suddenly so anyway let me click manually one thing that we didn't check was Harold's field now I believe Harold's field is actually it'll still c'est version one by the way the mod so the hotfix anyway so if you go in here and you hit go to options then go to mods if you're running similar mods to what I am emergency effects still shows up added version one would be nice if that said version two or version 1.1 I guess you can't really change the minor version it doesn't seem to show up maybe it does maybe would say one point one I'm not really sure how the versioning works anyhoo zone they were kind enough to let me know that there's an update and I went ahead and started using that so anyway let's let's get back to civilization guys Oh heralds field right heralds field here we are in Harold's field now I don't really know it doesn't look like there's anything in particular here I think what this is and I think it's these things on the floor right here right there's these objects that aren't invisible I believe that's what these are for these are like spawn points for the assault right so this is where armies spawn when certain events happen I believe and I don't think there's any more of them but it looks like there's definitely six of them or so maybe seven over here and I think these kind of like oh there's even more it just seems like they kind of clip sometimes so you can't see them but these are all like sort of spawn points that have very specific tags to them effectively that let the devs that are working on this project spawn in armies when when certain world state events have happened and then they have AI orders on on the npcs that will tell them to go attack stuff so probably heralds field is gonna like attack the holy military base I'm not really sure but we'll be able to explore that here soon enough so we're gonna head back to iron Haven real quick just check the bar and see if we can find any recruits there oh my god guys talk about a freaking easter egg I had no idea we didn't even come in here so this is the police station right this is this is the police station or I guess maybe it's the sheriff's office if we think about it alright we're in iron Haven and in a side of the police station there is an awesome-looking southern however it looks like that's the Chief of Police and his name is chief Harper could this possibly be an easter egg or an Omaha jh2 a wonderful show that most likely most of you have watched if you haven't definitely check it out check it out stranger things on Netflix absolutely awesome can't wait for the new season I'm super pumped alright guys we did end up heading to the adventure shop it's sort of like a combination of adventure shop what is it called it's called the travel and repairs there's a bunch of backpacks here and even though these backpacks sort of have like well that's an expensive backpack but it is what it is guys I want to try out these new backpacks now some of these absolutely just tank skills that we're gonna want to keep but - five - combat skills isn't that bad now it's kind of bad early game but whatever like that's I I want to see what these models look like and give people a chance to kind of wear different different gear so I'm gonna give one of these to DES fake and we'll move backpacks around as we go and we'll try out all the different models so we'll look at the knapsack at some point in fact maybe we'll look at the knapsack first because it's actually probably got less penalties right and so as we get higher and level we'll think about trying out the the adventures rag sack so I think for right now we'll just try out this adventurers knapsack or it's just called a knapsack I guess and we'll put that on to fake by the way please let me know if I'm pronouncing your name in a different way than what you would prefer that's just kind of how I would see it I'm also gonna get him a splint kit and I'm gonna get him a first-aid kit who else doesn't have so he's got first two she Ruka she's got first aid and we've also got first aid and a splint here we do there as well so that's good so right now we've got everybody with some sort of backpack the backpack on VAM is kind of limited but that's okay we'll keep that for now and then yeah the fake has got what he needs and Ruka does as well so and we're not really using much food but one thing we want to do here guys is we actually want to start picking up some of these maps now I didn't do this I don't even think I picked up a single map maybe in my last playthrough in celebrity slaves because I know where most of this stuff on the map is right but there's so much new stuff in this but I'm gonna pick all this stuff up like look at this glorious holy map I don't know what that is but it's got all kinds of towns like I I believe like duster mill like stuff that I don't I don't even know is a thing missed hold Nomar anything else Pugin der Rohe Doudna Reuven ill i mean there's some new ones on there that I didn't even know exist and I don't think they did shark and swamp villages and probably don't need that but I think there's no reason to not pick these up I think because as we as we see more of them like this one I kind of know where all those are so I don't think I don't think I'll pick those up yeah I think I'll just pick up basically like the ones that yeah I don't think I'll worry about that lab ruins good though we can pick up those ones because the well how much was that actually wait what just happened did I just buy that and disappeared it looks like it disappeared guys yeah I think maybe I just bought that and it disappeared huh interesting so that ought to be something for the devs to check out I'm not really sure what was up with that and maybe I'll have to take a look at a log form or something all right well let's go ahead and actually learn these so what I'll show you kind of how this works for players that don't understand how this works when you and you need to keep the map open after you do it right because if i zoom out we should see you see over here there's like a green outline and then if we zoom in to that it'll show me that there's a ruin over here so now there's a new location on the map that's unlocked now if you get close to it it'll unlock down the map anyway so you don't I don't like in my last playthrough because I knew where most of the stuff was I didn't even grab those because I don't really need to because I know where they are but in this one let's let's grab this right let's check this out 18 locations dudes so let's take a look at the map here yeah look at all this there's holy nation stuff over here there's a holy military base like right next to obedience there's holy mines right here which this this might actually be similar to the old position of I think dead I have overrun Cochran's wall I don't I don't think that was a thing stack of course we know I know about that holy military base I think that's the same duster Miller's just maybe changing the name it looks like these these are just changing names on the already existing I think that's a new holy mine I don't think that was the holy mine that was there anything else I don't know if that was there before and I'm not a hundred percent sure on Alden I do like that they gave names to these right individual names ah currents fist was there of course before I should probably pause it while we're looking at stuff like this because I had it on to speed that's kind of unnecessary yeah so it definitely looks like there's a couple new locations that's pretty cool so let's uh let's take a look at this backpack here that we haven't looked at yet that's pretty cool it's like just kind of a little knapsack that's neat I like that so let's go ahead and head on our way where should we go next let's go ahead and head over this way station see if there's any recruits in the bar there may be somebody with an interesting story wants to chat with us who knows so we've got everybody in formation here and I think I already showed you guys at one point that if you go sorryy if you hit F to go to faction then go to AI we've already got a set in military formation so they should kind of form up behind Ruka because i basically hit tilde shift clicked on Ruka so she gets d selected right clicked and then went to follow don't hold down shift when you do this otherwise it will assign a job to both VAM rocks and to fake we don't want that we just want to temporarily follow right so that if they get into fight they don't continue to try to follow alright guys we made it to the weigh station here we got Ruka in the lead and let's just take a look and see if we can find anybody that looks promising does it got a scorched Lander oh that's not even a recruitable scorched Lander what is this a defense yeah okay this is Zep looks like a male I think man it's so hard to tell whether that's a scorched land or a green land or a dark skin you know usually I try to like look at the eyes and kind of see but I think I can't tell guys I think that's uh yeah I don't think it's a scorched land I think it's just uh I think it's just a green land of a dark-skinned yeah what else do we got here we got a shack we got a hive er we got another scorched land er look at her that looks pretty cool she looks pretty sweet actually nice nice blend blend I can tell you you are not looking bland I don't know if we actually went and checked out this outpost yet or not let's head up there and see if there's anything there that's worth collecting or selling or anything check this out I I wasn't sure but I thought this might have been the place that we were on our way to now this is pretty awesome because we have a bunch of weapons that we can potentially grab and take back to town and sell now on top of that we also have some stuff that we can potentially equip people with to use like this topper yeah that's a pretty sweet weapon compared to what we have because I think if we take a look at like what what does do fake have I guess not actually the fake has a refitted blade katana so that's actually pretty decent but we can certainly start grabbing this stuff I think we'll start picking it up on Ruka here so we're gonna try to grab the white stuff first right because that's gonna be higher-quality and everyone else so I actually also follow her so we're gonna grab these ninja blades I'm not gonna worry about grabbing stuff like iron plates I'm just gonna grab weapons effectively why are we not grabbing that okay there we go what about now yeah it looks like they were just outside so these are old refitted blades so old refitted blades is kind of a tear underneath are not the tear but the sort of like grade of weapon that's underneath refitted blades so and I think that's we've already got a refitted blade plank get her for her fitted blade there and I think we'll keep that ninja blade has sort of the backup and then to fake has a refitted blade katana so that's good and let's take a look at the topper 0.72 and point oh five with a 1x on blood and what do we have here yeah not as good as bleeding doesn't have the attack bonus but I think that's pretty good it also doesn't have the plus 10% vs. humans and the thing is is that it's five five kilograms right so it's a little bit heavier and it's not a it's not a big change really at all and I'll try to demonstrate it at some point if we actually get to the point where I can so he's still not encumbered so that's good that's actually what we want Ruka is kind of starting to get encumbered so we'll go ahead and fill up inventory here with whatever we can and then start hauling that back to town to sell okay so we pretty much cleaned up those ruins there is one horse chopper in there that we just couldn't get to I couldn't figure out a way to get to it so that's fine I I think that probably has nothing to do with the mod I'm pretty sure that's just a vanilla thing it's just randomly placed in that building and because it's sort of like crumbled it just kind of randomly placed it in a spot that isn't accessible so that's fine no worries there we got plenty of loot let's let's go ahead and take a look here we have we got just tons and tons of these weapons here Ruka is pretty heavily overloaded so if we need to sort of ditch some weight on her to run away we'll go ahead and do that but I think we'll probably just engage and not worry about it I did move some of the stuff over to de fake because it turns out this knapsack actually stacks I don't know how how big the stacks actually go I wish there was some way to tell like if you mouse over the backpack I wish so here's what I think would be really cool now I don't think this is necessarily something from this mod from from Genesis right but the mod the mod authors the original modelers that made these will be really really cool is if they put the stacking size in the description where it says the medium sized backpack with a good weight distribution so you can handle more weight it will hinder you a bit in combat though what I really need in there because the game doesn't give you this in the UI I need the stack size right that would be really cool to actually have the stack size of every backpack in the game in the description of the backpack itself now that that's kind of a bummer because then if you updated one place you have to update updated in two places right you have to update stat and you have to update the description which is a bummer and yeah the DRI principle would apply here and that is don't repeat yourself so if you if you have to if you put something somewhere you don't want to put it in a second place but in this case I think it would be nice to have from mod authors so all right we made it to the hub here we just want to do some selling so let's go ahead and get rid of all this junk loot that we're just never ever gonna use and luckily maybe I could hang on to okay old refitted blade no we're not gonna hang on to any of those they're all they're all junk the hackers sure is nice because it's got you know to work your strengths in your and your decks because it's got cutting damage and blunt damage which is very nice and it's got good armor pen but I think we're gonna stick with this for now and it is a bummer to have that penalty but I think at some point we will probably switch to an equivalent hacker so like if we had one that was essentially a there's these long cleavers though they just they aren't as well they aren't as big so they don't look as cool I don't think so that's usually why I don't use them I'm gonna keep the ninja blade in the offhand here for weapon two in case she gets sort of disabled and she can only use one arm we're indoors and we definitely don't need any of this stuff either and we're gonna be a martial arts I think I might switch that up on BAM because there's so many people in the series that are requesting martial arts that I might just end up going katanas as an off hand with with VAM so or something right like a you know like a blunt weapon or something I'm not really sure maybe a longsword something like that but I think for now I'll probably just you know maybe go with this refitted blade katana on Van because we're gonna get so many people that are martial arts that I think I don't want to I don't want to take away from the amount of sort of martial arts that that we're focusing on I don't know if that makes sense I want to basically focus on your guys as doing martial arts and all just kind of pick up pick a weapon let's see I think we're good you know we don't need this we can sell this guy and we can keep that topper and then kind of use this as our indoor weapon - 15% armor pen it's not as bad as the armor pen here it doesn't have any penalties outdoors so it's got its more balanced in terms of attack and defense so it doesn't have a defense negative and it also doesn't have a bonus too often so we'll just we'll keep this it's a little bit heavier so it'll it'll work a strengths of tiny tiny bit because as you can see it's got a point zero five blunt there it's not gonna work strength really at all though guys so it doesn't really apply that much as our Dex levels though we will be able to wield this thing pretty friggin quick so and then we can still we can sell this statue and these iron plates I did pick them up because they stacked so I think that's everything right yeah that's everything so we're good now let's do some exploration around town Oh actually let's have everybody follow Ruka and then Ruka can do some exploration around town now wonder are all these people out here that we can talk to who's this like I think these people might just be shop owners it's hard to tell like I wish there was something in their name oh you know what guys what I didn't think of is you can just look at their job it's just this patrolling town though it doesn't say like that they're a shopkeeper or something like that who's this another holy nation outlaw patrolling town are they just another another vendor yeah it looks like they're just another vendor so that's okay no big deal there I do wish there was a way to tell though like if they were somebody that was like just someone in town or if they were a shopkeep I think probably if it says patrolling town they're most likely a shopkeeper I don't know if that's indeed though that looks this person looks cool let's just let's just check and see if they're a shopkeeper my guess is yes yeah they are okay cool Oh a standard grade leather shirt we don't really want to buy that stuff yet though we wanna we want to hang on to our money just in case we end up running into a recruit here in town somewhere here's a bar let's get in here in checks check out the bar cuz remember last time we were here we checked the bar during the day or during at night sorry these are also people just patrolling town well that person's got a bounty well that's interesting hey traveller you got a moment what's up I used to be a hot farmer for the holy nation but recently was branded a heretic a heretic and lost everything I owned let's see didn't think you were gonna I didn't think you were gonna sell me a sob story buy out of what I'm gonna say that come on what did you do for feeding a starving man that doesn't seem so bad he was a Scheck in the eyes of a paladin he isn't even a man okay now that makes more sense so this should say okay now that makes more sense probably than no I don't know who's who's doing the quality control in the dialogue here but that's why you do code reviews so somebody somebody checks your code you know just giving you guys a hard time just giving you guys a hard time this is awesome I'm loving it disgusting you finish it I would have done the same I'm glad to hear another person feel that the same way of course Ruka is a Scheck so it makes sense she would feed a [ __ ] right maybe there could be some different dialog in response to what a Scheck is saying I don't know oh sure oh well shekar's our people same as everyone else okay anything to piss off the holy nation amen to that so why not join me if you if you if you have nothing I would love to you but iosef by say Oh someone a lot of money what if I pay off your the debt you owe what if I pay off the debt for you guys I swear I can read sometimes really I could ask you to pay I couldn't ask you to pay off six thousand cats that's actually that's pretty good haha that all here take it alright let's pay the six thousand cats why not that's okay so now I need to do a little bit of tweaking guys so I'm gonna do some tweaking and then bring you back when the characters ready to be looked at [Music] all right guys welcome to the team's sake super excited to bring you on board this was oblivion Atok whose character great story lots of interaction I think that was really you know there were lots of people who had really really amazing stories and he had a couple parts to his but primarily I think what was really cool was the interaction between two fake and other people that were contributing to his stories and giving him story ideas and then he was responding and pulling more ideas out of them as rich's just a really cool interaction and I love collaboration and so he ended up getting it was really actually quite close there was a really close second place and then basically on Episode two he also went in there and was talking a lot with people and so it was just like he just pulled ahead at that point cuz he was really interactive in the comments in both videos and it just was awesome so a super super great to have you on the team and essentially like so let me I tried now he had sent me a screenshot of his character from his other game and so I tried to get it as close as possible if it's not accurate enough you're more than welcome to send me a template that I can import right if you guys actually export your character using the export button and save it so if I was to hit export right here it exports it to this right data character bodies export ziget is a Chabad to that is saved under your kenchi folder right your steam kaanchi folder so if you look in that data directory right when you export this it'll show you the directory that it's in if you grab that file and give it to me in our discord I can actually import your character exactly the way you want the character to look and I am perfectly happy to do that I'm I actually would encourage it if you want to do that so we've got Ze'ev ready to go here and I'll go ahead and take the clothes off here just so you can see the hair it's as bright red as I could get it it looks almost exactly like the picture I don't think I got the face quite right but I did get I did get most of the features I think pretty darn close to how the the screenshot looks so I'm super excited have you on board and you know what else guys we need to look at Zakas backstory now this is quite long so I will attempt to read it in short order I may be doing a couple couple takes if I get it wrong so bear with me you'll probably only hear the tick I get right so Zakas father was a member of the holy nation militia who landed in jail after stealing cats for his family sake and her mother fled to the hub as a cos which is kind of cool because we ended up finding her in the hub - I didn't do that on purpose it just sort of happened as a cos mothers to come to a deadly illness and Zaka was left to fend for herself she swore on her mother's grave that she would save her father from imprisonment or die trying she started with honest work as a copper miner while under constant attack by bandits fed up with mining she used what little catch she had along with her wits to gather companions for her new quest roughly six months later Zeca had founded the city of Arcadia in Stokes garden this became the new home for her copper Legion Zeca was now a warlord of an entire empire funded by hashish trade with tech hunters and the United City's elite eventually zaker heard rumors that her father had been sent to a to a new holy nation prison in a distant land across the sea she left her Empire and her friends behind which included Ruka at the time to find her father little did she know that the rumors were simply a ruse concocted by the holy nation to lure the warlord away from her palace and to weaken her defenses Zeca was ambushed while away and barely escaped only to find herself alone adrift at sea and with only a shred of her life left in her eventually she landed her small craft on the shores of Kent she greatly enfeebled she learned of her empires fall during her absence she knew she would have to find Ruka at any cost and together they would crush the holding nation once and for all so again welcome to the team doodle super glad to have you here whoa oh that was interesting all right absolutely cool so I think it's pretty important that we find you a helmet that show off your hair let's see what your speed is 18 miles an hour do you have a weapon you do you've got a staff now I think Zika said that she was gonna be martial arts so we're gonna go ahead and sell that absolutely so let's get everybody following Zika because xaga at this point is actually the slowest person on our team so let's find one of these nice and convenient street vendors does this one also one yeah that's kind of cool it's hard to tell which ones are which but it's nice that there there is one right here so that's actually really cool and these leather shirts are certainly better than what she's got but I don't think we're gonna I don't think we're gonna grab that as of yet we're gonna check some of the other vendors first of course we only have 782 credits so we probably won't be buying anything at all anytime soon I think the first thing we should do is go ahead and head over here to these shinobi thieves and see if there's any gear that we can afford it's highly unlikely so we'll probably just have to go find some bandits and stuff to to kind of loot as they get taken out and we need to start doing some combat right we need to start getting in some fights so that we can get some XP on everybody here let's see where's the vendor I'm always looking for the backpack there we go all right let's see I'll show you let's trade oh I wish we had 2500 cats guys and I know mark Torino dachi whoo those are so expensive though look at that guard less katana though that's mid grade salvage nevermind absolute trash what what is this black leather armor on you know the coverage ain't super amazing on the arms what is this what jounin pants oh dude some of this gear guys seriously I'm getting all you know that in oh look at this this is the kind of helmet she actually had or or otaku actually had on his character his original character so oh wait no he had the the just the the what I don't remember what it's called it's the one that's not the armored hood it's basically the armored face plates maybe so we're gonna have to keep looking around for armor I don't think we want any of this stuff we're gonna want something like this yeah man there's so much cool new armor so your look might be a little different than what it was in your in your own playthrough so we will continue to search for stuff to wear oh now those we might as well pick those up right why not those are cheap as hell yeah let's pick those up we can see what they look like that's a little expensive though so yeah it seems like we can really only afford to probably pick that up and these are too expensive as well so assassins rags those are pretty cheap but I think that's a little bit heavy and the martial arts gets a penalty so I don't think we're gonna do that well pick up the joning pants just to see what they look like why the heck not let's do it guys let's put those on and we'll sell these guys back at another vendor how much is this 1,700 yeah they're too much that's fine okay cool let's head over to a vendor to sell those before we do that let's because you guys don't need to see me sell whoa whoa that's bootylicious baby let's get out here and check these out that ghetto booty was sticking out that's for sure that's kind of cool that's actually a really neat look what's it marked as a skirt no it's just jounin pants that's interesting what is it does it look different on females I wonder kind of I don't know if that's even possible if there's a different model you can set for males and females I'd imagine there must be because of different Anatomy shapes but I'm not sure ok so we're gonna go ahead and sell that and make our way to I guess to another town I mean we need to I think what I really want to do is I want to start heading over to ad mag which is a round over here and hopefully avoid is some skin spiders along the way and see if we can start working on potentially getting some faction oh man that looks so cool check that out I really want some armor like that is amazing looking yeah super cool looking we should actually I don't know if we can talk to these guys cuz we were here before right guys but it didn't seem like we could actually talk to anybody in their faction I really wonder if we can talk to anybody I think maybe we already checked that doesn't seem like it yeah none of their guys will let us talk to him this is private it says it's public I say we head in there and check it out let's see what's going on over there maybe there's an NPC on the bottom floor that we can talk to or maybe they'll just kill us who knows see let's see what's going on in here cuz it said public yeah it doesn't look like there's yeah there's nobody in here we can talk to you okay well uh Deb's maybe if you're watching this guys you can kind of chime in and let me know if that's sort of a faction it's in progress or if we'll later on in our journeys when we're looking as long as we keep our eyes open a we'll run into somebody from their faction that we can actually interact with that would be really cool a lot of this stuff is still in progress guys so some of the dialogue and whatnot won't be ready to go yet but we'll get word from the devs on what's ready and what's not I just wanted to point out a very interesting bug since I'm here it looks like there's an NPC that's actually kind of just stuck right here and they're kind of like in the side of this building but and this might be something that they can't really prevent because it might have just passed into that but it's kind of interesting that you know when you pause it you can interact with them and then eventually get up to him and buy stuff but when when you're not in that menu there just because they're stuck right there they're just bouncing back and forth between you know being down below and up above that's kind of funny yeah we this is what I'm looking for guys I wanted to buy some of these wooden sandals to get for Zika all right guys we're just a bow we're we're kind of heading over here to veins past left the hub got about halfway there and we ran into a big big group of dust bandits now or sorry not dust bandits hungry bandits or starving bandits I think yeah starving bandits is the the faction name now here's the thing we're gonna lose this fight I don't care at all not even a little bit because we need to get into fights we need to get our defense up these guys have pretty crappy skills some of our guys you know like VAM has has pretty bad skills you know to fake he's actually got better skills than they do in Zika you know martial arts this is eight so who knows we might be able to take it dodged as zero oh I should show you two I actually did put the assassins rag soda fake is actually completely naked in terms of armor so he's gonna take a bit of damage but we're not gonna I don't think it's gonna be a problem we're gonna have somebody wake up and be able to first aid everybody and so we're gonna go ahead and take this fight it is a little bit risky in a way but that's fine it really is not a big deal at all and it looks like we actually we're just gonna it seems like we're gonna pull one of them here so we might actually just try to fight one of these guys at a time looks like he's still coming for us which is great okay this is perfect guys because now what we can do is just get in here and fight this dude oof chest it thanks van appreciate it buddy yeah that is definitely gonna happen so let's get in here a little bit and watch the fight sake is coming in first punching right in the face woo all kinds it's coming in Ruka to fake everybody's getting hits in so it looks like Van Rick's is actually trying to pull here again and that's fine but van why don't you come over here Oh actually why don't you go ahead and pull let's see who needs he still needs some medical attention so let's go ahead and actually just tell him to pull go ahead van go ahead and pull buddy and one thing I think you can really try to do see he's gonna try to run away oh no he's not he's close enough now so we're fine so I think what we'll do at this point is everybody's gonna be sort of trying to fix him up now van Marik's is gonna continue to get hits here man zigga just getting in there trying to get some kicks in to fake getting a good hit seka coming in with a chest hit oh Ruka following up gets parried but to fake and sake I both get hits there comes Ruka with the oh nice man it looking so good guys looking so good look at this already taking down one at a time no problem no problem we're trying to loot this guy we got caught stealing so of course he got up and he's gonna fight us but that is okay I think our group is just gonna absolutely hammer him Oh gets a good hit in on this we're returning fire no problem Zig and knocking him out all right here we go we're trying to pull another one oh we got a few of them actually we got a lot of them that's perfect that's great okay so we're probably gonna lose this fight but that's okay we are gonna take as many licks as we can before we go down get some good hits in there lots of blocks though now comes the time where we're pretty much gonna get overwhelmed and absolutely just get hammered but we're gonna work on our defense right and even VAM over here is gonna get absolutely hammered and that's okay everybody's gonna get kod I'm sure at some point Ruka is definitely gonna be taking a lot of it's because she's got taunt on so Oh got one going down there oh look at that cleave by the fake man absolutely hammering these guys boy VAM is just getting slaughtered over there is a guy in the back just getting crushed she's doing her best to hang in there to fake just getting in there with that top of doing great great damage no problems I mean people we're gonna go down at some point guys I don't think there's any way we're gonna survive this - faked you an okay taken to look at Ruka just challenging seven of them big wide swing oh and Ruka goes down shake us down on the ground to de fake is doing his best to hold on here Pham is just getting absolutely clobbered at this point - fake as well - fake hang in there guys hang in there rucas getting back up gonna rejoin the fight hopefully in time I don't know Ken VAM hang on - faked stay up buddy wait until Ruka wait what's going on with Luca here oh she got she got ko'd again because she tried to come over and join in somebody a groped her that's usually what happens Lucas up on her feet now no problems dick is trying to get up as well Luke it down again down again well they're gainin toughness at least of a Marik's man poor guy he's just getting absolutely hammered now what I could do guys Oh Luke is on her feet Lucas oh and she's down again okay okay let's take a look here we got to be real careful here guys Oh - fake Oh everybody's slow Luca is getting up already she's at minus 13 we do not want her to go down again I'm gonna turn tante off and put hold passive and sneak on now it may be too late it may be too late for Ruka and we may have just burned ourselves here guys I should have had at least one person stay back so that when they got knocked out it wouldn't be an issue because if we we do not want to go below our KO points so if VAM goes down or de fête goes down at this point because we have a couple people that are so low we're gonna have them just chill right now you need to be very aware of that because these these bandits are generally hitting us for about 25 to 26 right and so we don't want to go down below - 23 under fake and any of his vitals so he's doing okay he's probably gonna lose a leg here in just any minute probably not permanently but we don't if we get one more hit in the chest on VAM he's probably gonna go down and if he does go down we're gonna tell him to stay down and zakah as well I don't think it matters at this point was a co actually it looks like it does so we're gonna go ahead and basically turn on sneak we don't need jobs it's fine yeah we don't need jobs on and I turned off top because I don't want Taunton messing with whether or not they get back up right okay so as soon as van van goes down and also I think let's see who has the food it is de fake so as soon as de fête gets knocked on his butt which i think we're gonna do it preemptively cuz as soon as they get knocked out they're gonna have their stuff taken their food anyway I don't think they actually take weapons but they will certainly take the food I believe I don't think they'll take anything else maybe they change that in the mod though guys I don't actually know so we'll see now Ruka is up Zaca it looks like is getting up to VAM Oh VAM is down dude you cannot go down again you got to go hold you got to go passive and you got to go sneak dude you guys you can't be getting up anymore dudes yeah you can't be getting up any more we got to stay down guys they will usually get up if if there's one person left so I'm hoping that he gets knocked out nice and quick let's go ahead and check everybody just make sure that everybody was on hold passive and sneak because we really don't want them to get back up again because they are in trouble at this point yeah vans trying to get back up again he did get knocked back out so that's good we want them to get aggro to knock back out before de fake cuz to fake is since he's so strong is actually managing to stay up now okay he know he's down he's down he's playing dead that's good so let's go hold passive and sneak that's what we want now they are gonna try to loot it looks like hopefully they don't actually end up getting anything let's watch Zika they shouldn't take anything I don't believe because we we protected the food by putting the food that's in the backpack in the inventory but we'll find out if that's the case okay so at this point they should start healing themselves and if they don't we'll wait until they get far enough away and then we'll get up and start healing ourselves now rucas in a recovery coma and that's what we we don't want our whole team to be in a recovery coma right it's okay if one or two members are in the recovery coma but we want to have at least one person who can get up and heal everybody alright at this point people are starting to kind of get up I've turned off hold on everybody and sneak and now we're gonna basically why is the fake not doing anything oh because I don't have his backpack equipped and that's where his stuff is to heal people so now we're gonna start healing everybody and getting them getting them all taken care of because we don't want anybody to die look at that stomach man recovery coma for sure gonna be gonna be asleep for a while Zika but look at the toughness right say cuz toughness is 22 it was at zero when we started that fight look at that nineteen toughness fifteen toughness twenty-two toughness on VAM now is a COS might not have been zero I don't know but it generally goes up pretty darn fast when you by Cup during combat and the more enemies that are near you when you get up the faster it goes up so and then what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to select everybody and then I'm going to right-click on someone now I can't do it I was gonna try to basically splint with the entire group right once once VAM is kind of like finished healing himself we should be able to splint somebody and it doesn't look like it actually that's fine so once these guys are all healed up we'll pick everybody up and get him back to town and get him healed all right we've got VAM ryx and de fake carrying Ruka and zika right now I like I like that Ruka and Zeca that sounds cool so anyway we're taking these these guys back to town what's going on here it looks like Pham might have gotten stuck on something yeah absolutely got stuck on terrain that's fine that's one of the things that you run into at the followkim and it doesn't happen that often but it does so anyway we're heading back over here they are absolutely hammered they're super slow because they're carrying heavy people and gear and their legs are actually destroyed so we're gonna have to get them back over there the interesting thing is I don't think we have enough money to heal them at the robotics bed so that's gonna be a bit of a challenge early game so before we have money so we're gonna have to figure out a way to get around that but for now we're just gonna head back to iron Haven and get everybody healed up as fast as we can and then head on our way all right we made it to iron Haven we're just gonna get everybody up here and get them put in bed get them all healed up and then I'm gonna have to try to find a way to make some money really right because if we don't have any money we can't exactly get the skeletons repaired so I think we're gonna have to kind of run around and find people who are what is this oh it's a it's actually just a guard that's interesting hanging out in in the Shinobi Thieves Guild so that's kind of funny so anyway well we'll get these guys all healed up and then we're gonna have to essentially maybe try and see if we can get some will go sell some of this stuff so we're not encumbered anymore but we're gonna have to try to use to fake and VAM to go find some willing victims to pull to the guards or something to get some money so we can repair these dudes because otherwise we just can't we're gonna have to wait for this damage to repair itself now we'll regenerate itself over time but it takes a while so we don't really I don't think we can really rely on that all right so we're in the police station and there's a bunch of bandits up here including the hungry bandit leader we're good these guys don't need the stuff they have on them right I mean a lot of this stuff is worth almost nothing but you know stuff like the weapons and whatnot they don't they don't need dance and it turns out nobody gets mad at you for stealing this stuff off the bandits so we'll go ahead and do that okay so we've made a little bit of cash but it's just it's just ain't enough right like we sold that stuff and you know the one weapon I think there were like three total weapons in there and like a couple pieces of crap armor it just isn't lucrative enough right we need to find a way to make some real money you know what we didn't check we didn't check and see if those guys that we knocked out had any bounties on him or anything so so I think we'll probably end up doing some scouting you know what we didn't look at guys there was something up there was a strange camp up here I can't remember if we actually took a look at it last time I don't think we did let's head up there and take a look at it that's what we're gonna do right now now we don't have our full team but those guys you know they're they need they need their beauty sleep so they're gonna be there for a bit guys so right now we're gonna continue our adventure with just de fakin vim or X and see what we can find up there now we may have to come back for reinforcements but we're fast enough right now now that we've kind of healed our injuries that we can run at 21 and 24 so we'll be alright for now if we need to run we'll run so this is kind of cool guys it looks like there's just sort of like a little shrine to ocker and up here aqua and okra and I don't know how to pronounce it but it seems like awkward maybe I'm not really sure well it depends on where you're from oh well let's see what can we do here there's brazier there's also a sitting box and I can't bed oh that's kind of neat you can actually just use this bed for free that's pretty sweet I would be surprised if anything happens if we sit here or sleep here but who knows maybe there's an event that'll trigger let's see if see if the gods come down and bring us some luck or something you never know guys you never know that's cool maybe somebody can let me know if there's some significance to this shrine other than just a neat little place to rest your bones reap Oh what is going on what what is this what is this a crimson rogue elite did we trigger that hers this dude just coming to say was it I don't really know oh boy I hope this guy doesn't aggro us be a bummer it looks like he's just turning around I kind of sped up time to see if he'd come up here and talk to us but he's definitely not talking to us and I think it's probably a good thing that we're not aggro down these dudes yeah look at his stats holy crap man I want to know how we joined the Crimson rogues maybe alright well not much we can do there I think we're gonna keep heading our way down to ad mag and see we can find anything interesting along the way okay guys we've got everybody all healed up Ruka and Zack are at full now our skeletons still of course have some damage there but we can't really do anything about that at this point and they do heal over time so maybe we'll get lucky and they'll heal by the time we get over to ad mag now what I'm gonna do here is I'm actually going to just show off a little bit of a bug and hopefully the devs are watching this if you guys see this and I don't know if there's something that you guys added like this terrain up here like this this really cool-looking cliff system I'm not really sure but here let me just show you what happened when I did it the last time so we're gonna unpause this and then Ruka essentially is just gonna run right through this terrain yeah so there whatever whatever's going on here with this navmesh it definitely is you know these these added pieces and I'm guessing it's because you can't really modify the navmesh I'm not really sure so you'll have to let me know what's up with that or if that's something you can fix or if that's I don't know if that terrain feature was actually in vanilla I'm guessing that terrain feature was added it looks like it was kind of added on top but yeah I'd be curious to see what you guys think about that here's something else I don't remember seeing before and sort of the vanilla as far as the sheykh goes now these these are patrols of sheykh that look like they're moving around and it looks like they're just kind of Czech warriors which is what we would expect a pretty significantly strong group of them they're not really wearing any chest armor though I wouldn't have expected that I would have expected to see these guys wearing a similar armor to what this hundred Guardian is wearing maybe this is intentional but I all the [ __ ] guards I've ever seen in towns have always got you know a top on so maybe these tops were omitted on this group by accident I'm not really sure but this is what I'd expect them to be wearing as a top as this sort of mercenary the mercenary plate like this right and you guys will have to let me know if that's if I'm correct with that or not but anyway it looks like they're led by a hundred Guardian which is significantly stronger I don't remember seeing any of that in vanillin that's really cool so maybe the missing top is is on purpose but hey I think it'd be cooler if instead of missing their top they were maybe wearing some leather mercenary leathers but I do think that the the 50 stats guys should probably be wearing this mercenary plate but maybe the quality on the hundred Guardian would be would be higher which you guys may have already done I don't know so we're gonna continue our way down to add back I just wanted to point that out it's kind of cool seeing these new little tweaks here and there check this out guys now I know we saw this in a town at one point ooh what is this there's actually a dude we can talk to here so this is a Scheck it's a Scheck Hunter group let's go over here with Luca and see we can talk to these dudes it doesn't look like any of them are missing their horns though so they might not look like Ruka we'll have to see hi there wander any luck hunting I heard of garu no honour in it maybe we can negotiate a price on the kill what oh this is cool guys oh wow look at the the meat is expensive though I mean it's not super expensive I think it's fifty fifty three is what we normally pay for it I believe maybe it is 61 I wonder if they adjusted the prices I kind of feel like it used to be 53 yeah maybe they did that because that way the value between the the dried meat and the the raw meat is potentially different that's interesting I'm not really sure guys you have to let me know what's up with that so I think we'll keep heading on our way we don't really need any extra food but it's kind of cool to just see that like there are these sheykh hunters that have some animal skins and whatnot that you can purchase that's pretty neat alright guys now I ended up seeing on the map a ranch that I don't believe I ever saw in Vanilla's we're just gonna take a quick look here once the game is done loading well just see what's going on looks I've got a bunch of bulls over here what a bunch of bull guys geez probably an animal vendor I'd imagine looks like it's a rancher store oh it says private I wonder if that's just because it's nighttime and we can't really buy here it looks like they're Scheck a shek Ranch butcher that's cool this is really cool yeah super cool guys check this out okay so we're I think we're gonna come back here during the day what is this this is a rancher Shack it's public so why don't we try getting in here and see if they'll let us go here at night maybe there's a vendor in there or something not really sure what we got going on here but let's check it out oh this is definitely a really cool door yeah that's awesome that's actually really cool check that others like a barbed wire fence and this little gate and you just walk this is awesome man wait that's really cool detail I like it and then so we just kinda are gettin over here we'll get inside this building and see what's up see if there's anything going on uh my real question is do we have a vendor here somewhere that we can talk to what is this guy Scheck Rancher boss yeah let's get over there and see what's goin on let's see hello traveler any news from ad mag I'm heading there now well if you see a call tell him he still owes me a boot a boot don't ask ok nice heard they are strong and free from disease the young thrive the elders carry their scars of combat with pride they shall make for many a feast scars of combat we should never serve meat to a fellow Scheck which has not tasted victory in combat I think there might be a tents on had that you need to change there you fight the Bulls again against each other they need no no prompt from us shet cattle are by very by their very nature creatures of honor they will suffer no slight from their progeny nor their neighbors I am grateful to tend to these proud beasts well they look delicious Thanks that's cool so let's what we'll do here is hit F and then go look at dialog I think it was a call akh al where is that dude to do alright there we go well if you see AK hall so when we're in AD mag let's look for someone named a call and see if we can find him all right let's get going all right guys we got some berserkers that we ran into they tried to aggro us and let's see if we can get him to react row us there we go let's get running away now okuu we'd like to pull these to the guards a tad mag I think the guards a tad mag should protect us I hope I don't actually know that for a fact but I believe they should Oh actually you know what we should take a look at how hard are these guys oh yeah look at their stats guys holy crap those guys would eat our lunch more than once in a row who are these dudes all there's a Czech Patrol ah can we we piss these guys off come on guys come on come on you know you want to attack us you know you want to and you know what we're gonna do actually we are going to move everyone over here and then we're gonna use VAM because VAM is faster than the rest of these dudes so VAM I want you to get over here and not only that but VAM has a crossbow yeah look at these guys they're coming alright let's get over here and once they start to D aggro we're gonna start ticking them off again see if we can't get their attention oh why is VAM like yeah you know what I should do is move as close as I can for ranged combat that's a great idea dude alright let's get over here and see if we can pull them over here I don't know that they're gonna help us with these dudes come on boy Oh okay now we don't want these guys assisting at all so let's get them up in there cuz if we get hit it's gonna hurt and we don't really want that oh whoa he wouldn't move for a second third that was interesting Oh go dude that was so close guys so close all right so it looks like the guards are actually coming down here now at this point yeah here we go now they're getting engaged okay so now we can take everybody off a hold and I think we can get stuck in because there's only two of them right so we might as well help and yeah if we take some damage we might we might take a bit of damage but that's I think that's okay did those guys go off hold yeah they're coming they're on their way out here all right that dude is down BAM once you get over there and loot that dude take the armor off of him her probably I think it was yeah we might as well sell all this stuff right I mean there's no reason for us not to we can go ahead and grab that whole look at the cell value even on a junk fragment ax dude heck yeah sweet sweet Lutie lutes alright let's see and it's here's the next one here so I might as well get up in there how vans got the fragment ax in his hand now that's hilarious why don't we trade that fragment axe off so that van can actually resume using the correct weapon here and you can go ahead and go back to ranged my man all right now ma'am are you actually gonna pull more dudes I think he's gonna try to run over here what is he what is this oh this is the traitors guild Caravan we're fine with that but what we would really like is yeah here goes van he's a grown these guys all right van get over here buddy let's get these berserkers a grid on the guards hey oh boy and then there's another one up here that we didn't loot quite yet so why don't we get over here with Ruka and get this guy looted up just so we've got all this juicy juicy loot and he doesn't have a first aid kit anymore I mean this stuff isn't worth a ton but it's certainly worth more than what we've got right what is the stats on this - yeah I think it's possible that this might be better then I mean it's the same I don't think it's better I think it's pretty much the same and it doesn't have the protection from dust storms I'm very curious though what it looks like yeah see we can see the red hair that's what I was going for I was hoping that we could see seika's hair I think well I think we'll stick with what yeah whatever we'll leave it as is it doesn't matter it makes no difference at all okay so let's get over here and get fighting with these dudes let's join in the fight why not because we've got yeah we've got plenty of guards here we might as well might as well attack all of these dudes get stuck in now they may be dead by the time we even joined the fight and that's okay oh yeah look at bruise a kid getting in there with a hit already a couple hits Ruka coming in with a swing totally missing yep we're getting hit but that's okay that's why we're here we're here to build our skills man we're here to build our skills yeah this is great this is absolutely wonderful because these guys have really high skills and so we're gonna get really big jumps and skill every time we actually get a hit like Zaka right here getting hits man just their skills probably just going crazy I'd imagine let's take a look at Zika must have started with pretty good skills wow they must have started around 20 on every skill I guess let's take a look it would be martial arts yeah look at that twenty percent with one hit guys absolutely bonkers that's funny oh no they're picking them up they've already grabbed him but the nice thing is is as they're grabbing him that the weapons are going on the ground what is VAM trying to fight now oh is there still one more dude left what's fam trying to do here hmm all right well I'm gonna go ahead and loop these guys up with with VAM hopefully before they grab all the weapons and stuff oh sorry with Luca I guess I said fam I meant Luca this is actually pretty cool we just finished looting all the weapons and everything and I just happened to notice this this Czech warrior right that's one of the guys walking around I don't know if this is a custom dialogue or not but it was caught my eye and I don't remember ever seeing it so the shack will crush every flat skin nest in the world the greedy fat cowards repulse me I don't know why I read that in a male voice considering it's a female mostly she clearly is a rock climber if you know what I'm saying okay so we're finally safe and sound here in AD mag getting our beautiful little cutscene interrupted by this rude guru pushing us around but it's okay it's okay Wow let me know if I got those dimensions correct cuz in the picture you sent me they definitely looked pretty pretty shal if you know what I'm saying so I tried to get it as red as I could welcome to the team again so good to have you I'm super glad that you guys are both in looking forward to the next episode when we get another person in and also guys we need to so we need to take a closer look at ad mag it's a little bit different we need to check all these prisoners up here to see if they have any loot for us to grab right cuz you know we need some monies and we did sell everything so we'll see if we can get another backpack maybe there's a place we'd get a backpack here in town but we're gonna check out ad mag and see how it's changed see if we can find a car I think was his name and see if there's any NPCs of note here any anybody we can talk to it cetera we'll check the bar for recruits anything like that and hopefully one of the recruits here will match who basically is been has been the most active in the comments so if you don't know if you haven't submitted a character yet go ahead and submit a character there would be details in the description on kind of what you need and if you want an idea of what to do look at the first episodes comments anyone who's new don't forget to go back to that first and second episode potentially mostly the first one I'd say it's a lot easier for me if you just go to the first one to do your character submissions but you can do them on this video if you want so I'm tallying up how active people have been in the comments and counting up all the likes and the hearts that they get from me and other members on all the comments they make regarding stories and the more likes you get the basically the higher your score is so the more you're interacting with other people and the more people are liking your comments about their storylines or your suggestions for editing their storylines the higher your score is gonna be and essentially whoever essentially who's ever most the most active in the comments is effectively gonna get brought into the story sooner right so anyway guys next episode we are gonna explore ad mag and we're going to continue to look for more recruits and continue to grow our army we need to start getting into more combat and I think 5 or 6 people is gonna be plenty so we're gonna start engaging more bandits and we're gonna try to get to the point where we can take reasonably large groups of dust ban or sorry hungry bandits and then move on to dust starving bandits I should say not hungry bandits and then move on to dust bandits as we can and we're gonna keep exploring this mod and find great great stuff so anyway guys it's been so much fun and oops Wow I was actually going crazy on that zoom there anyway we're gonna do all that stuff in the next episode guys so stay tuned and thank you all so much for watching I had a ton of fun with you today it was an absolute blast and if you guys had as much fun as I did don't forget to let me know by crushing that thumbs up button baby it means the world to me as does your support I just can't tell you how much it means to me and as always I can't wait to see you for some more gaming shenanigans in the next episode love ya
Channel: Vamorix
Views: 1,341
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, survival, rpg, sandbox, open world, project genesis, ironhaven, black desert city, the hub, the crimson rogues, admag, starving bandits, herald's field
Id: CM6kQzGzk6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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