"Resisting and Overcoming Satan" | Power Hour | Ep.76

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] hello gorgeous people in facebook and youtube land you are looking particularly ravishing today and warm greetings uh and welcome to par r on tuesday the 25th of august and i've got my dad with me hi dad hi john uh and the glory this is dan although sam you have changed you've moved i'm in the same room i've just moved down the way on the other side of the fireplace but you've moved your artwork with you you've still got africa in the back why have you moved your artwork with you so my mum has this weird thing for bizarre stuff to put on the wall she likes jar she likes string she likes stuff that looks homemade so this was behind me oh right and i don't really know what it was for do you know what christmas do you know what's even funnier at christmas mum put sweets and these right i don't know why but she loves this right she really loves it but i said mom i can't have this behind me because i hate it i really i really do not like it at all so i have a yes i mean i like mint and jars and wicker circles but maybe that's not the best example we've all collectively think dad you do have your what we call in our house the weed picture of weeds flowers you've had that for well a lot longer than i've been alive if you've had that ugly weed picture in a house it is it is an original and it is the most valuable painting i have and mom and i bought it um on our first holiday in the cocktail in england the four of us uh there i have three brothers and sisters the four of us know it's your most valuable pink guard so i will probably have a little um you know uh fight over it a loving spirit because we do like each other but none of us actually like it it's an accomplished artist who who painted wild flowers for um encyclopedias and other books on on those sort of wild flowers and things like that yeah well that was the person that i go to i don't know what to do with this plant in my garden can you come so we had that conversation outside last night but after you left out because dad comes around for his dinner you live 10 minutes walk from our house but after you you know you i think you did some streaming for it and then and we call it hoovering the grass but i think other people call it mowing the lawn yes it's just a farming thing oh wait david was hoovering the grass in the dark last night so i don't know what why quite but anyway um but david i don't know david whether we can see your face david has bought uh the most wizzy camera uh for visibility but it's on his computer which we never see him david are we going to see a picture of your amazing camera which is clearly in the wrong place yes the side of dave i do have a master plan to get that camera on your computer but knowing how you do like change with technology i have to choose my battles do you know what makes me giggle because over your shoulder is my 2020 wall planner which is completely and totally obsolete i know why did we why did i mean it's full of things that have never happened anyway seriously you have never seen anything more crazy than an emma stark wall planner filled with colors and lines and words and everything it would take about two hours to read so seriously it is an impressive art that she has nailed she runs everything from that master wall planner it's true honestly it's crazy it's true and i have to say david and samuel continue can you not use google calendars but i like pen and paper and a wall and multi-colored pens is that yeah some of you saying i want my money back in your 2020 wall planner what a waste of time that was so i need an impartation of technical uh google calendar brilliance and somebody needs i love sticky notes tina i love sticky notes tech is not my favorite thing anyway yes i mean the amount of meetings you've come into with a table full of sticky notes that you just had thoughts you know it's like what sticky note comes first where's number one where's number three where's number three it's a whole heart i know it's and i think we tried to look cool but maybe we're quite old i'm quite old-fashioned did it but if you're old-fashioned i don't know what i am with my files around my study floor of books and magazines and papers that i'm reading you're piles of books and we bring you bookshelves and still there's piles of books because what is somebody who collects books a bibliophile is that what is that the right word um a person who collects books i don't know so dad at one point your library was comfortably 7 000. it was yes and i think you gave away about 3 000 to um bible colleges in africa didn't you i did i did yes and uh i whittled it down over the years anyway you whittled the time by 3 000. that's that here's the description of john this is great someone who loves to read admire and collects books is called a bibliophile you got it for you the love of books is bibliophilia bibliophilia i like that do you think there's ministry for bibliophilia whenever whenever we've whittled it down to 4 000 books and then we put up bookshelves for them and then those bookshelves are filled by the new books before we can even get the old book oh dear that you always see dad with a book in his hand in all my life i've never not seen you with a book in your hand yes and yeah i do read a fair bit yes right the god is also bibliophile yes yes okay so i think we're going the this morning this afternoon is we've titled this resisting and overcoming satan so i'm going to talk to you a little bit about demons and we're going to talk a little bit about warfare and really where that's come from guys is when we were dealing with witchcraft is it two weeks ago now and there was a lot of questions about backlash and how you deal with that kind of concept and victory and resisting so we're just going to chat that through today and i think as well i don't know about you but in my conversations privately with my my staff uh this week um i spent hours on the phone yesterday there is this sense of just a real real uh inner sadness in his in us all about the loss particularly of things like corporate worship that i think we can't just keep going yes it's fine isn't the shaking amazing we have to have those moments where we say man you know there is a real loss over our corporate worship and our corporate interactions in flesh the ability to hug each other and the ability to be consistently in each other's personal face and you can just feel the grief over that and and and yet it seems that that may be the while the way for a while and so i just want to um release to you the ability to keep going and i release a persistent spirit within you that irrespective of what is happening in the world right now some of you just need to grab hold of the anointing of a persistent spirit and because it's not an easy thing and i think there is this sense uh that we have to come back to concepts of resistance so that that sense of isolation that many of us feel or just that sense of loss the loss of the familiar the loss of the the comfort of being in each other's space the the loss of the ebb and flow of work environments where you know you know you nod and you smile and of course my children have just been pulled by nicolas sturgeon not the first minister in scotland that they now have to wear face masks in school you know now my children last night were being very naughty because they were they had face masks on and they were seeing how loudly they could hum with the face mask on so the teacher wouldn't know where the humming was coming from so you know that you know the per teachers are infrared because all sorts of muttering comments you know behind the face masks but even that you know to not even be able to see their friends faces uh in the school environment to keep everybody healthy and well it's just tough isn't it so we just we bless you in the name of jesus we bless you we bless you where you feel wounded by the journey we bless you where you feel diminished by 2020. we bless you where there's a sadness on the inside and we speak life over you and we speak persistence over you and we speak the god of all comfort to be present right with you in the name of jesus we speak over you that you'll you feel you're alone you are not alone in jesus mighty name and and take this as a virtual hug that you're that you're seeing and that there i think a corporate understanding that we have that it's just not easy on occasions so so uh bless you okay resisting and overcoming satan and it i didn't want to pray on the back of that prayer well-being of hearts before i jump yeah i just heard i just heard the spread of the lord say something quite funny and he said sons and daughters i want you to remember that i am not a god who has a petal picking kind of love where i love you one day then i love you not the other day where i'm present one day and then i'm present not the other day where you're secure in me one day but then the next day you're not secure in me i don't have a petal picking kind of love for you and god says how i want you to know me even this week and it's a prayer i believe you need to pray it's a partner with this as a regular thing as the god not just of extravagant love or of great love but of consistent love of contestant love and the spirit of the lord says it's time to take it day a day at a time and he's almost saying stop taking it a week at a time or a year at a time take it a day at a time and every day the lord says wake up to me who consistently loves you that it's not love one day and then not love the next but it's love love love so in jesus name i bless you to encounter the consistency the daily constant consistency of the love of god in the name of jesus amen okay let's talk about resisting and overcoming satan and go into our favorite warfare mode yes warfare mode and there are different categories of demon just as there are different categories of angel and the different categories of angel that we're not doing an angel teach right now are fairly evident with a detailed reading of the biblical text so for example in isaiah 63 you get angels of the presence of god and those are amazing in the new testament you get healing angels whole categories of those uh gabriel's squadron are the communication angels the archangel and his band are always bringing messages the archangel michael and his band of angels are always in warfare mode and they always turn up for a good fight but you see destruction and destroyer angels in sodom and gomorrah who come and destroy places so you can start to get a categorization actually fairly easily of many many groups and sorts or battalions or squadrons of angels okay and some people write very very well on those uh type of areas what we know of the enemy is that he is a mimicker or an echo or a copier of what is in the kingdom of god and so we know that he is mimicked and put his demons into uh almost opposite categories and now we understand that because in colossians we see the levels of the government or the the levels of the authority that there are in god's kingdom and then when we come to ephesians the great spiritual warfare chapters we see that there are levels or categories of darkness principalities is one powers is another thrones is another and spiritual wickedness and of course the word of god says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but it lists the four levels or the four hierarchies of the government of satan which is a counterfeit of colossians which lists the four levels of the government of god all right so we're just gathering you into the same uh understanding this morning so there are different demons with different functionality and the first lot that we're going to look at or talk about um are the what i would call the little foxes that we are alluded to in james 4 verse seven and david if you can put that on the screen uh and i i have a category called resistance i have a country called effectual doors and i have a third category called backlash and backlash is really where most of your questions have come but we'll build to it so james talks about resisting the devil and he will flee you but he puts it in a context of submit yourself to god resist the devil and he will flee you that's james 4 verse 7 and so what the word of god is talking about is a day-to-day process where you have got to resist satan how do i know it's a day-to-day process because it's written in the context of submit yourself to god which is a daily part of your walk so i submit myself to god and i resist the devil and submission and resistance go hand in hand in your daily walk with god it is not that the enemy says well i'm going to have a little bit of a holiday and i'm on vacation and you're just going to be quite okay you know on your own that is never what satan says he never says you stick to your corner i'll stick to my corner we'll have a little bit of a pause and it you know we'll resume uh our warfare down the line that is not the attitude of satan because of course he's spoken about being a as a prowling devouring lion and so it is submit and it is resist and those i would call the foxes that every day want to come against you now sam and dad why don't you talk into that first concept that first category of overcoming satan that day-to-day submit resist yeah sure yeah i can go first sure i think um so good that the daily the daily resistance the daily battle that word being key that resistance is something that you have to dress yourself in you have to stand in as a daily part of your life just like i would hope scripture you direct you you're partaking scripture or worship actually i'm getting up to resistance but let me just say this about resistance and really kind of come around some lies that i think we often believe about it a mindset of resistance is not a mindset of a losing struggle and i think we relate the biblical word here resistance to our word resistance when it's like i push and i push and i resist until all the strength is drained out of me i fall over and the enemy wins or whatever i am resisting wins and some of you all have thought that almost subconsciously about that verse but that is not what this verse is saying this verse is saying look you overcome the enemy the expert the expectation the end of the verse is you overcome the enemy he flees so the pathway to that is written in this verse and the pathway as you come under god you declare that he is supreme you acknowledge that he is supreme you submit to him you put him above all things and then you start to proactively resist and in our language as i said to resist means to try and prevent action and there's that word try it's to try and prevent action but the greek word here for resist means to stand against to oppose to withstand to set yourself against to stand up to override and to overwhelm and so this really is a warfare text where god is saying right come on church stand up override start to overwhelm the enemy where you feel like the enemy is overwhelming and overriding you know you turn the story around and you start to override and overwhelm the enemy but it's interesting because the way that this particular verse is written implies that the one who is doing the resisting you and i is greater than the one who is being resisted the enemy let me just say that again it implies that the one who is doing the resisting which is us is greater than the one who is being resisted and so talking about resisting the devil and he will flee we're not just talking about trying to maintain any ground at all trying to maintain a sense of i've got this little piece of land over here and i'm going to do my best to keep it as mine but this word for resistance means to proactively push the enemy and overwhelm the enemy out of your life and to reclaim enemy territory and so sometimes when resistance comes sometimes that when oppression comes when attack comes you've got to start to acknowledge inside and out loud me the one who's resisting is greater than the one who is being resisted he who is in me is greater than he who is in the world that concept that you are not resisting in an ever losing struggle you're actually resisting because you're part of the overwhelming overcoming victorious plan of god and if there's one mindset if there's one truth that you need to build in you to work with this if i could put two truths together if i could put two verses together for today james 4 7 submit yourselves to god resist the devil and he will flee i would then give you the words of jesus the gates of hell shall not prevail the gates of hell shall not prevail and the gates of hell cannot prevail and you've got to have that concept that the gates of hell are not going to prevail that that is in you as an unstealable truth and so you enter into your your daily resistance your daily battles your daily uh overcoming of the enemy knowing that you're gonna win knowing that you're gonna overcome the enemy knowing that you who's doing the resisting is greater than the one who's being resisted john or amy no so good and can i just reinforce what you just said although david for some reason that the dog who never stands under my desk let's just get real we're doing this in the home environment my dog is standing under my desk nosing at me i don't know whether david you want to see what's wrong with her um anyway she must sense a demon or two she's always on high alert anyway you have all par and all authority and i think you need to lay hands on your own head or even type it in the comments i need to victoriously resist i need to victoriously resist come on i can victoriously resist i can come on own it i can victoriously resist because of the level of power that is invested uh into you and part of what i notice when we do deliverance ministry is that when you when you use that word submit to christ and resist the devil that actually sometimes the point of submission is just the decree jesus christ is lord now when i say jesus christ is lord that yes is a decree of his of his kingship but it is also a decree of my submission and so in deliverance when we say jesus christ is lord i have seen demons run out the room as fast as they can because there has been a declaration of submission and when there is a declaration of submission the enemy knows he's going to have to walk away from that individual because that verse it is very clear in my submission i have the capacity for resistance so sometimes you're just gonna have to walk around your house jesus christ is lord jesus christ or you know get mobile with it jesus christ is lord in my bedroom jesus christ is lowered in my bathroom because that degree that decree will start to shift devils because that is the part that is the moment of power being trusted you're being trusted with it in a decree of your yielded submission okay resisting satan uh becomes part of the daily lifestyle of the follower of jesus i would like to add to the james reference of the verse in one peter 5 9 where it's what danger says and it says resist satan standing firm in the faith so here is both james and peter and they're bringing their letters to conclusion and they are giving a number of exhortations about living the christian life and both of them say resist satan is part of your daily lifestyle as a christian so you have a conscious awareness of the need for you to be in resistance mode as each new day comes what temptations you may face what fears whatever question i just want to ask and answer just in a few moments here is how do i resist what can i do to help myself have a resistance of thinking so it becomes almost um a self-conscious an unconscious thing but i've so put other things into my life and they play into my life on a daily basis that i find i'm resisting him when he comes at this level of spiritual warfare if i come back to the need to read this the bible every day if you possibly can to read the bible every day and for for two very important reasons here one i think i've mentioned before is that scriptures give you joy come on and what sustains you in your christian life whatever your outward circumstances may be is joy you see life for you and for me becomes unbearable if we don't have joy having a glory that makes life bearable and so as a christian i'm going to face many challenges i'm going to face many trials and many afflictions and in them all god sustains our joy through the scriptures you remember uh what says in the first chapter of thessalonians um chapter one porter said you receive the word the word of god in much affliction and difficulty and much trial is joy of the holy spirit yeah now i find in my own personal experiences that when i think my quota of joy uh in god has gone down what do i do do i go and turn the television on and say i need to go to watch a good film on the television no what will bring my quota a boy back and talk up i know it's reading the word of god that tops up my joy because the word of god brings joy into my life now secondly the scriptures also free us from satan and from this level of opposition that satan comes at us you know in john 8 verse so clearly you will know the truth and the truth what will happen to the truth the truth will set you free you know that and then in first john 2 john says there i write to you young men and young women because you are strong and the word of god abides in you and what's the next line and you have overcome the evil one is abiding in you you overcome the evil one and that is our hope of living victoriously and defeating and overcoming satan in that way so that's make sure you're reading the bible every day so that your quota of joy is full your joy in god is is full and also that the word of god is abiding in you because you will overcome satan now and just one other thing here and that is when you come to pray pray you're praying to the father and you're praying through the son and you're praying in the spirit but fourthly you are praying also against satan you and i don't pray for satan of course we don't pray for him at all but we pray against him and what do i pray that i pray against in the powers of evil well i think one of the ways is that you can see what is the agenda that satan has in corinthians uh speaks about knowing the the design or the agenda of the enemy of the of the evil one we know that satan works according to an agenda if i'm to pray against satan i think what is satan's agenda well he doesn't want me as a christian as emma started off this morning to endure does he he doesn't want me to persevere so what do i do i pray against that and i pray that there may be a spirit and endurance on amongst the people of god i know that satan sometimes is the cause of illness oh i pray against that i pray for gifts of healing so that i can undo and counteract what he is trying to do and so i pray against satan and his desires and his strategy and that's a a way that i can resist him and not so much in prayer against satan one other partial word and it's this that i think that satan as a roaring lion hunts and of course a roaring lion is often somebody who's hunting and he hunts amongst the hurting very good i think if you're going through a period at this moment where you feel hurt or you feel wounded or you feel that your life is a bit miserable and what you're facing at the moment is very difficult and problematic and you don't know how you're going to come through it then when you are hurting then often satan comes along at that point and he wants to say to you you know god doesn't care about what you're going through or he will come and say god isn't able to do anything about what yours you know so why are you bothering about praying and in that distress and misery and adversity saying well jump on the back and say oh this won't rain this will be the some people of the rest of your life you're never going to get through this cloud it's never going to lift when you come and you pray satan you realize that he i am particularly vulnerable at certain times of my life and in certain experiences of my life and my ability to resist needs to be strengthened as i walk through that maybe particular valley because i know i'm vulnerable even at that point so i go into the word of god because i know joy will sustain me as i walk through through the valley of deep darkness i know that the truth when it abides in me will make me an overcomer i mean that that's i mean just so good so you're gonna have to listen to that again and take notes because the top tips the richness you know of a senior senior clerk we call him the senior clergy in our house but that set that sense of um uh the fact that because i want to pull out some things you said resisting the devil is a daily process and we have a hunting a hunting satan uh a hunting satan is i mean like it's almost like a terrifying word satan hunts he hunts for the lonely he hunts for the dejected he hunts for those in pain and so what i don't want us to do is go oh no satan is on the trial nor do i want us to become oh my goodness there's a demon there's a demon there's a demon but i think what we're saying today is that we start to have daily understandings of this and it becomes part of our daily devotional our daily interaction in the spirit realm and it becomes so normalized that we don't get weird and strange about restricting and resisting yeah is the wild thing so for me it seems things like this is lord that that is your entry level jesus is lord because that means that everything else that's not you know that's pretending to be lord in your life has got to buy the knee in that infant i think there is the the next prayer of whatever satan has planned for this family today i bind it and i limit it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus whatever satan is raising against me i'm going to stand and raise a higher standard and say that is not permissible and so when you pray those kind of things how long did that take me 30 seconds you know in the name of jesus you are resisted i i stand in the head of protection and i say i will not engage with the enemy i will not make partnership with him today and you make those decrees oh i am not making partnership with you satan i am not making partnership i am not coming into agreement with you today and so those kind of catch all prayers uh or where we pray against satan don't have to be like oh i list the demon's name and i've got a demon encyclopedia no no no no no please don't go strange like that i find demon encyclopede pd is desperately unhelpful um because you tend to get too fixated but i am not making covenant with you today i am not agreeing with you i am not following you jesus is lord and that kind of i pray against is enough to build into your lifestyle to have a better chance at victory and significant uh continual resistance so good sam anything on that before i talk about number two affect your doors yeah i think for some of you that are watching and particularly when this uh when what we're discussing today is so new it seems like what we're asking for you is to be someone different than who you are but let me just re uh kind of emphasize something that i think you said either you said it live john or you said it before and the cha that we had beforehand but resistance as a believer as a new believer as part of your dna that god has put within you the ability to resist and so resistance is not something or someone that you are not nor is it something foreign to you it might just be something that you're unfamiliar with that you need to learn but it is who you are victorious warfare when you are saved when your old man is dead and you're resurrected to new life in jesus is intrinsic to who you are and so sometimes it might feel bizarre but you just need to go god remind me of the warrior that's inside remind me who resists remind me of the vector that i am and start to let yourself be reminded of the capacity to fight and win and you just even need to write that just now the god remind me of the warrior inside god remind me of the warrior inside and that that becomes something that you are just reminded of i'll tell you something now we you know us here at glasgow prophetic sense you know when we talk about warfare we get excited why because we are so convinced of the warrior inside we don't have to work ourselves up to a battle or to a fight why because our waters and we know it and that's where god wants to bring you so that prayer now but daily remind me of the warrior inside and that means whenever you feel like this is a moment for resistance you don't feel under equipped because you know you're born for that for that moment and you have what you need yeah i mean i love your comments here and you know somebody's saying i am the resistance i'm like yeah yes but somebody's asking me a question in the comments do i ever talk to satan no he's beneath me i never feel the need to uh you know we are more superior supernatural beings i never have an interaction a conversation i do bind and command and limit but no conversation and chatting back and forth is not is not necessary and and usually i find it in the deliverance appointments that we have done over the years any time i have er ever engaged in it in any sort of conversation with a demon you usually get lies back anyway so it's not really i mean why would you want to uh it's mostly what i'm saying is you are limited and you are leaving today and in the name of jesus you know i command you out that is about the level of interaction because they are to be uh boxed limited curtailed and bind by every movement of my life and so therefore i have to get a very healthy disdain for anything they may bring into my life and a very robust sense of you're going to do what i'd say in the name of jesus you know because jesus always wins so you you have to have that understanding of the power that is inherent in you because of jesus now the next area that is the area of thing day-to-day resistance the next area comes around every so often in a life it is not your day-to-day submit and resist but there are moments where a different category of demon is allowed to oppress you and paul outlines where this category of demon is permitted and it is in first corinthians 16 verse nine and it says let me turn it to it david if you have that and and you'll know this one first corinthians 16 verse nine uh a great door for effectual work has opened to me and there are many or who oppose most translations say an effectual door has opened and added as much opposition and so what you get there is you get moments where a doorway of promotion a doorway of fruitfulness a doorway of effective living more effective than you are currently in presents itself this this moment of transitioning not just into the new but a moment of transitioning into a higher level of operation and paul says there is a specific sort of oppression at the doorway into effective seasons okay so now they look a very certain way to me because i see in the spirit the interesting thing for me is they always how god allows me to see it they always look tied to the door so their their range of movement is very is very small so if you stand in fear about the new you will stand in the doorway you know where if where your effectual doorway where demons are allowed to oppress you and there has to be a moment because i'm teaching you how you navigate that where you keep saying i will keep moving i will not fear my future i will not fear the fruit that god has for me and in my own personal devotions let me turn to where i wrote it down um because i was aware that i was standing at an effectual door myself uh as things were opening up and you can feel the oppression and i'm saying god i don't have what it takes i as a per my personal prayer god i don't have what it takes and many of you can pray that through and and jesus was saying to me but if you stop and let the i don't have what it takes keep you there you stay in the place of oppression at the doorway to your future and then i'm saying to god i don't know what it looks like and god is saying to me no but i do but i do and just don't know what it looks like you may not stay there because you'll stay where the demons are at the effectual door of crossover all right and so jesus said to me this week very clearly and sarah jane and i had quite a long private chat back and forth to bite it just as friends on the phone this week we are in the moment where we are no longer experts in yesterday's season and at an effectual door i start to feel like a fragile amateur i start to feel like i have no idea i start to feel like i don't have what it takes i start to feel like i don't have the skills why because at my effective door i move into a zone where i start as an amateur again and someone says it is not an amateur but you must keep moving because you do not want this day in the place where the demons are doorposts do not stand in the doorway and somebody's saying yes we are novices we are novices or amateurs in and these happen every so often in a life and for me you see in the spirit you own a place promotion you own a place promotion you own a place and so that is what that scripture and sometimes you've got to oh beeping sometimes you're going to be able to to understand uh what the demons look like so at the effectual door you don't go well god doesn't want me to go this way god show me whether this is an effectual door resistance or show me whether i'm being presumptuous ask those questions is this resistance because i'm at an effectual door or is there something else i need to know sam do you want to comment on that yeah i mean so good i think i was just getting blessed by what you were saying there as well emma at an ex at an effectual door as well you become more aware of the enemy and of attack than you normally even would and it's similar you know when david david and goliath that is an effectual door moment for david and it's interesting that goliath's name i always think is super interesting it means expose or uncover that the enemy is exposed uncovered and goliath is right up in david's face and there is this effectual door moment that actually an amateur move will overcome and that god doesn't expect david to come with swords and spears and bone arrows and take david take out goliath he expects an amateur move and it's one stone you know he gathers some but he gets one stone and he uses one stone and it takes the enemy out and what i would say to you at that effectual door place is embrace being an amateur and learn to be okay with that because they are when you go okay god actually i don't have a clue what to do i feel so under you know trained here or i feel like this is a whole brave new world god i embrace being an amateur teach me how to fight teach me how to move teach me how to advance and the interesting thing about that is that one moment becomes the gateway for david into a real big season of promotion for him and that really is a prophetic word for where we are right now so as you come to your effectual door be aware that you're at it be aware that you're an amateur and the prayers have to shift to god teach me how to fight in this new season teach me how to be the overcoming overcomer where i am right now dad do you want to add anything onto that effectual door concept um yeah just one brief comment i what came into my mind as you were talking there it's from luke 22 where um jesus says to simon peter there satan has demanded to have you to sift you like we uh but i have prayed for you that your faith will not fail i remember that as just before the crucifixion and uh and that's just before in a sense before pentecost and the whole of what god was going to do through jesus on the cross and peter was going to spearhead the movement of the church uh you know particularly amongst the jews um from that moment on and so he was going to have a mighty step up there and satan you know must have had some clue or something there that he wanted to get in and that peter was a strategic person in god's plans and he wanted to take the uh simon peter out if he possibly could and so he says satan has desire to have you you know he wants to trick you up you know he wants to devour you in the language of of gains but of course satan cannot devour us because we are in dwell by the spirit of god and he didn't quite realize that jesus had to say look this is happening spiritually at this very moment satan wants to take you out but i have prayed for you and the thing there do you think jesus praying for you is effective do you think the father doesn't answer those prayers wow you've got your answer you know the answer thank you so that's obviously his faith in faith i mean it's so good and i think there is that sense that when you find yourself at an effectual door and you've asked the question of god is this an effectual door you're going to be much more biblically sapping is this an effectual door i've read about it am i at it you then need to say god give me momentum but i need to keep moving through it because i know two paces beyond if i keep going there are no more of this that oppression ends because they're tied to the crossing over moment okay according uh to corinthians so you keep you keep moving you get your friends to stand around you and you get them to put your hand on their hands on your back and actually physically do it physically shove you through the door walk a prophetic act or st if you don't have anybody with you open the door of your house and say god as a sign in the spirit i am coming through this opposition into new fullness get on your feet and get moving you know and that and act out in the natural what you are doing in the spirit and you will move through that now those are the two areas we've got nine minutes to do backlash one was the daily resistance resist the devil and he will flee you two was the the principle of the effectual door and three is this this peculiar concept we have in the church that we call backlash i get more questions about this than nearly anything else i know i know sam's rolling his eyes let me let me let me explain um because i don't believe there is such a thing as backlash all right so let me talk to you we have this weird concept if i do something remarkable for the kingdom of god if in my day-to-day life i am fruitful or i am in warfare mode and i take something from satan or there is great advancement i must expect backlash i must expect it in the neck all right i must expect harm or problems uh uh to me to come to me and we use that word resistance like uh satan can come and get me rather than resistance i resist him and he's got to die okay so we we we ha we stand in that lie here is the deal who has got all power and all authority you do so if you have all power and all authority that means somebody else has got none none none he's got none you've got it all all right so where does satan get his authority from you if you give it to him because you've got it all so if you believe in backlash you give away your authority to satan to produce it and the second i started or the second i started to stop believing in backlash that was a jumbled sentence when i stopped believing in backlash it stopped happening because i didn't give my authority away to satan oh satan we've we've have we've led ten souls to faith at this psychic fair we've had a great victory oh satan i must give you some kind of space to get me because i've got two ten souls new in the kingdom of god no if you believe it you empower it so stop believing it all right and i promise you it will change things i do not believe in the concept of a right of satan to come and do anything in my life not give him that accolade not there are moments rare moments of legitimate satanic mauling and i write about these in my book what are the moments of legitimate satanic mauling they are rare they are in moments where you have behaved with presumption because when you behave with presumption you take yourself out of the perfect will of god and the stories you might hear of intercessors getting mold or slimed are always but always but always when they have warfared and god did not tell them to okay we've got to be really clear on this just because you see something doesn't mean you're the one to action it just as you understand there's freemasonry in your nation doesn't mean you're the one to thrown it just because you understand jezebel is active doesn't mean you're the one who's going to put a noose around her neck and just because you have ability to see and discern nations or regions does not give you the mandate from god to go and get it and so this area doesn't really it doesn't really unfortunately affect the passive if you're passive this you'll not find this happening but if you're proactive and you want the betterment of your region or your nation you must behave with faith not presumption so when you're so for example when we moved into our house the one you can see because we rent this and uh it's a whole story of how we came to renting and sold our heist to come into ministry you know so god we rent this house you know god is this heist move a presumption or a faith move god if it's faith you're going to back my rent if it's presumption i'm not going to be able to pay my rent okay you start there in those day-to-day things and it builds up two big things where god do have a mandate and position a god-given grace to take our freemasonry for example all right so so backlash is is not a thing unless you make it a thing and the enemy only has legitimate mauling rights if you're presumptuous now can i talk about john paul jackson's needless casualties with war book honestly please please please may i say this with grace john paul jackson was a remarkable man i mean remarkable some of his prophecies are just off the charts and he was dealing with a church um that had a jezebel experience is my understanding becca greenwood will keep you right on this and uh the god gave him a strategy for that church which was effective he put that strategy into a book that was a strategy for a single church and made it a strategy for everybody that we must not do spiritual warfare and he unfortunately and unwittingly halted a generation of spiritual warriors and there was a sense of fear that i can't do warfare i mean i think we do gayle said we miss him i miss him some of his stuff on visions and dreams was just i mean spot on john thomas who took over his ministry was interviewed by one of my mentors becca greenwood and they uh retracted and repented of what was written in that book and you can find that clip on youtube and there was an understanding that that book should not have been written when people are saying yes i uh yeah yeah somebody saying i didn't like the book and you have to say well done then well done for owning it and correcting it you know and thank the lord for john thomas and becca greenwood and thank the lord for john paul jackson's life and we say this with with great honor and respect and so what i want to do in in answering the questions i get is you should be a spiritual warrior it should be day to day the enemy is there for you to take out the problem is not do you have authority you always have authority the problem is not is satan strong he's a weakling the problem will always be did you have a mandate or did you behave with presumption all right can we be really really clear on that um did i cover that or dad do you want to comment on that we've only got like a minute left yeah i think as you're saying there backlash as it were or so-called only you know attack only ever comes really outside of mandate and when we're talking about mandate let me just tell this story really quickly because it lands in a key question that you ask god when it comes to mandate during the civil war as the story goes whether it's fully true or not but it illustrates the point abraham lincoln was asked by a soldier in the army who was super anxious and super scared about the battle about the war is god really on our side that was the question and abraham lincoln replied sir my concern is not whether god is on our side my greatest concern is to be on god's side for god is always right and when you are doing anything but particularly when you are in warfare god are you in this battle and am i on your side that is the key question when it comes to mandate that you get yourself on god's side because when you get yourself on god's side which is the always right side there's victory and there's safety and so that would always be my question at any point god am i on your side and help me get on to your side in this particular battle whatever that may be well well that was certainly very rich today our our time has gone and uh people are saying how do you know you've got a mandate chat to god it's something i pray quite often you know god is hiring this staff member presumption or faith you know is is going for this building presumption of faith you know it is a fairly it's a fairly common uh refrain in my own life because you want to uh not be seduced by your own desires uh presumption tends to happen when you're suggested by your own desires and actually you want to know exactly what is the perfect will of god so the whole way through today i have heard uh the ladders being carried up from our basement and uh the ladder is being put up because as soon as we started broadcasting today my smoke alarm must have run out of batteries and has the whole time so i have heard i don't know whether it's my daughter or my husband up and down ladders i'm gonna go and find out so if you heard that beeping i think that's what was bothering the dog oh the joys of working from home anyway you guys are amazing and uh great to spend time with you and i can't even remember who's on tomorrow i'm back on tomorrow with sam and sarah james three of us we will see you then bye do [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 9,429
Rating: 4.9689922 out of 5
Id: IpT3-TFi39g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 28sec (3808 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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