"Learning in the Wilderness" | Power Hour | Ep.82

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[Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] good afternoon welcome to par our facebook land and youtube land it is tuesday well into autumn the 8th of september and i have swam with me who has you've done an absolute uh you've pulled a shift as we would say days and days and days of intensive uni and sarah jane back with us in a new point so sam height is it being back to theological studies i mean as intense as the word i'm still in the middle of it so uh you know for the fun of it my theology college we've got i've had five days from eight in the morning to late late at night of lectures but they've now flipped my days where i now need to start at four and i go through till 11 tonight for the next three days until thursday's my last day and then i'll have sat through how many i don't even know hours of lectures learning everything from bart to calvin to the beginning of the methodist movement and everything or anthropological thought in between you'll need a good lie down at the end of it he's studying theology so you're doing a i can't even remember what you're doing at some kind of degree yeah degree theology they're online at kind of a half a part-time so that's the double double the time you do it kind of double the time because it's part time so that's what i'm doing at the moment so that was a fun a fun week where one of my courses is theological anthropology how wonderful a word is that so we've been studying the human and what it means to be a human and can't remember what that is yet well i think sergey and you'd like to go and have a lie down it sounds so jam-packed new information we'll leave it to you sam i can't wait to hear all of the wisdom that's going to come out of you from this um after you've had your lie down i don't know who'd linked the light down more my legs were killing me literally i was sore yesterday after the move and unpopping boxes i was lying in my bed thinking i don't know if he'll be able to stand at my new yo-yo desk tomorrow but here i am i'm standing it's your first time standing so does it feel like home sj it does thank you thanks all for you who are all praying and got us here in prayer and in the spirit and cheering us on and we got here on friday and uh offloaded some of the stuff friday and then the rest of it yesterday and so yeah it's good it feels spacious it feels ah peaceful in the spirit and in the natural it's beautiful countryside and we are very happy to be here we've still got loads of boxes but we'll get through them eventually and what about you emma you you you said goodbye to precious jessica how did that go oh it is absolutely heartbreaking totally heartbreaking i know i know it's not easy but you know what we went ahead our for the first time since march we had eyebrows waxed yeah who are our girls maybe some boys as well who have monobrows who like an eyebrow works too i don't i don't know whether we have monobrows watching who get waxed but anyway it was like yay for the eyebrow woman being open so uh yes it was great and jessica's standing there she says to me mommy i really think you need an eyebrow setting gel and i said sir jessica there is never once in my life that i have thought oh my goodness my eyebrows are wafting out of control the thing i am lacking is a setting gel never once have i typed in google to see the weather forecast and thought i can't go out today though the wind my eyebrows will be blowing like a grass skirt you know in front of everybody never have i thought do i need eyebrows setting gel in my lovely anyway so she made me buy her one and me one that uh this is because she's leaving homes i'm like fine can i tell you eyebrows setting gels in the business where has it been i didn't realize how wafting my eyebrows were wow i don't know what i'm more amazed at the fact that you are wearing it or the fact that jessica said mom you need to get it after all the years of your transformation uh i actually was going to comment on your eyebrows earlier i thought your eyebrows look different but i couldn't figure out what it was thank you for eliminating the chill search on my way it's very windy here dear goodness the things you learned from your teenage daughters so but jessica's almost albino so uh you know she has to get hers all drawn on i think it's hilarious anyway your eyebrows waxed or no i threaded i've got quite good eyebrows naturally although i do have like this really long white hair that grows here looks like a wire and it's so annoying but it's the most satisfying thing in the world pulling it out but again to grow david is whispering in my ear don't you think it's time for something spiritual like nasal hair waxing as well but that might be a little bit ouch that sounds awful that gives me the he i'm glad i don't need to do that like that turquoise barbers and they put wax on the end of a thing and then pull it out got that done once never again that would make your eyes water well i'm like i don't have any nose here so i don't need that done well sam you're in your 20s wait till you're in your 40s and suddenly starts to grow no hairy nose no hairy ears in the name of jesus no long eyebrows that's like my my father-in-law you swear glasses and his eyebrows would get so long that they would grow up against the glass david i think it's time that we trimmed your eyebrows really why because it was white my grandfather who's long dead now my dad's dad he used to brush his i mean his were so bad it took a whole brush it wasn't even a coke why didn't you do that oh dear oh it's man's world fortunately these things all await us in our in our age don't they hair from anyway let's let's like a little advert coming on david you need to do it a little like now it's time for something spiritual for that to come on whenever he thinks that we're getting a little bit too carried away yeah really um let's go okay we have the uh the glorious happy title not of wilderness wilderness the moments that make us the moments that define us and i feel like man it was hard to go into lockdown wasn't it i mean we're all like you know going into long time i think it was harder to sustain lockdown and i think it's been even harder to come out of octane and i feel like we are in this mass wilderness i know if i want to define wilderness slightly stealing from my dad the definition would be being somewhere you don't want to be wilderness definition is being somewhere you don't want to be and i think most of us at some point this year have gone who i am somewhere i don't want to be though i have not known uh that i needed to title it you know wilderness now wilderness is a massive part of the biblical story huge quantities of scripture over 300 different references or words that are translated wilderness and it's that time where it's desolate uh it's a detestable place to be it's seemingly impassable it's that dry kind of arid place without water it's wild it's untamed it's the wastelands of discontent of misunderstanding of frustration where you just want the wretched thing to go away and end and how many of us have said during this whole covert thing oh when will this be over oh when will it start to shift and what i feel is that we are getting and increasingly into the place where we're feeling and very uh tender i think we're feeling very um weary i think we're feeling quite exhausted uh i think we are not quite sure what to do next because it doesn't seem certainly within the british isles you know uh any end in sight i think we have to be honest about that and i think this whole loss of corporate worship is incredibly debilitating and uh you don't always win the battle to worship by yourself i mean you just don't as much as we you can put worship music on anybody who tells you that they're having a happy praise and glory time every day probably is a little bit deceived so you know it's an intensely lonely time so we find ourselves in this wilderness this place where we don't want to be esteem as we have problems with our connection in our new house and but i think we have to say that the gift of wilderness is it's the time of deepest searching yeah come on it is the time of unprecedented encounters with god and where we are where we are all somewhere where we don't want to be very few of us aren't somewhere we want to be we are all somewhere we don't want to be that's wilderness there are unprecedented in concord with god and so if you have not had an encounter with god i want to release to you right now the open heaven above you where you are in your house that you would come into unprecedented encounters with god that you would have intense experiences that you would start to feel the hand of god in the wilderness doing what he does best which is bringing you into renewal and i heard the spirit of the lord say that we had to release renewal to you that god is saying i am renewing you wilderness renews it refreshes by the intensity of the encounter that you have with god and so right now not only do i listen to you in unprecedented encounters i list to you a renewal in your inner man right now i renewal in your inner man right now sound you want to add to that well good and i think we need to really change the narrative around the wilderness seasons and there was just a little phrase that you said there emma that i think we need to write out and it is i receive wilderness as a gift i receive wilderness as a gift and though it may not be something that i like or it may be unpleasant i know that in the middle of wilderness there are moments that define me i think that's actually part of what we call today wilderness moments that define us there are moments encounters happenings that define us that give shape to who we are and we must be able to say even in the middle of the the anxiousness that surrounds wilderness i receive it as a gift god help me learn from it what i need to learn and it's interesting you know the bible and not the bible sort of the dictionary of different books all together the dictionary defines wilderness just to be clear the dictionary defines wilderness as an empty pathless place and that sounds pretty morbid doesn't it but actually the bible paints a very different picture of the wilderness and some of the most formative experiences and encounters and moments that you read in the book happened in a wilderness place moses you know his encounter with the burning bush it happened in a wilderness place jesus when he went in and he was tempted he went and and the and filled with the spirit but came out and the power of the spirit and the wilderness place the voice that came forth to prepare the nation for the coming of jesus and john the baptist came forth out of the wilderness place and so we've got to start to approach this season and say okay god what do you want me to learn but god let this wilderness define me because you've given it to me as a gift emma yes i think wilderness features at critical moments in the biblical story doesn't it elijah you know fed by the ravens hagar and ishmael moses at the burning bush the children of israel jesus in his temptation john the baptist hosea prophesying about it and i don't think we can underestimate just how natural it is a place to find yourself in as a christian it is normal in the biblical text and therefore it is normal in your christian experience and sometimes that that you know clashes against our charismatic sense you know well i need to live in this high place all of the time and god says no it is in the wilderness that you become subject to a storm of transformation and it is only in the wilderness that i can get the results from your life that i need and you are becoming i'm talking to you right now you are becoming a new creation as a result of the testing in the wilderness that you are going through you are becoming a new shape because of the battles that you have endured and you have won and the spirit of the lord is saying my wilderness to you in this season is like a blacksmith's hammer says the lord and the lord will say you are being forged and you are being formed in this time if i had to do it even to my son before i could promote him i have to do it to you before i can promote you and jesus went into the wilderness led by the spirit but the word of god says he came out in the power of the spirit and the spirit of the lord says this wilderness this somewhere where you don't want to be is enabling you to get deeper plugging in to the par source of the spirit himself and so the lord says though you feel all the things that you feel see from my perspective the forging and the forming that i am doing that i may use you in the power of my spirit through this sergeant while we have you on do you want to share before you in case there's any more i have no idea really what you said there but i'm sure it was amazing i did catch the last bit i have no idea what happened i had a great signal um but yeah there's a number of things that i feel the lord is saying to us at this time um in the wilderness in the places we don't want to be and i think we can do the jesus the supernatural provision and the supernatural provision that leads to supernatural promotion uh like we see with jesus who went in in the uh led by the spirit and came out in the power of the spirit or like we see elijah in first kings 17 and 18 who is in his wilderness in places he doesn't want to be he gets member sent to the brook at cherith and this is like the place of cutting off this is the place of being uh forgotten about this is called the winter brook and you imagine being sent to the place that is called the winter brook and you would be feeling pretty down and and feeling like god had forgotten you but god provided the ravens to feed him and he gave him the brook to drink from in a season of drought but then he sends him it on doesn't he send him on to a place called zero path to the widow and xeropath means furnace and it means foundry and so you can imagine elijah and maybe like me feeling like woohoo we got to the place that god you wanted us to get to we've moved we've arrived and it's like it's a foundry you're going to be burnt alive you know it's somewhere where you're going to be more forged in more form than you ever have been even at that winter brook that you've just left and so it's from one uh trial into another for elijah but god provides all the way through as we know that scripture really well he provides for the widow he provides for elijah and there is rain and there is the face-off eventually between the prophets of god and the prophets of baal and so we see that supernatural provision in wilderness leads to supernatural promotion now as prophets prophets always release words like that don't make emma and sam is like woo hoo i'm getting promotion i'm getting more i'm getting something that is more than i've got already but it's not such a wahoo because you have to go through the winter brook to get there and you have to go through the furnace and the fire to get there and so there is this sense of remembering that god provides but also remembering that it requires us to fully rely on god in this time of wilderness and so there's other things emma that god was speaking about obfuscation of truth i don't know if you want me to go there or leave that yes okay so the the other thing that was very strong now will remember when emma was talking about jesus in the wilderness and when jesus was in the wilderness satan comes and he brings some form of truth something that looks familiar something that sounds like what god would say but slightly twisted and god said very clearly this morning as we're coming to look at wilderness watch for the truth bending and watch for obfuscation objection means slightly hidden obfuscation means that it's root darkness and so this obfuscation this slight bending of truth that makes something feel like it's something god would say but actually at its root is darkness and it's from the enemy and so god said to me these mirrors of truth the the enemies that are around us and today is god actually need to be exposed and released and and broken because god wants to raise up in us in the three of us yes but also in all of you out there truth brought this so that we would be able to tell it tells you what the weather's gonna do it tells you the atmospheric pressure but a truth barometer says she's gone again i think what she's saying is really important for those of you who are part of the global miracle clinic you will have heard me when i was teaching about you know what what can [Music] from first demonstrate four verse one to three and i really felt a weight of god on it and first timothy four verse one to three says people will some will fall away because they believe things taught by demons and there are teaching demons who are speaking into lives right now teaching training demons of course that's a whole category of the demonic according to 1st timothy 4 who will try to diminish or dilute or change the truth and i think we have it in a basic way whenever we we think you know i'm not good at this or uh it will always be this way or i'm not intelligent enough or you know i'm ugly or i'm a failure those kind of thoughts are demons who are teaching you their own doctrine and demonic doctrine is you are no good demonic doctrine is you are worthless and so because you are a new creation we know that those thoughts originate out there by demons who are teaching and it is time to rise up in this wilderness this place that we find ourselves in that we do not want to be in where we have to start to battle and say i will not be taught by a demon come on i will not be taught by a demon i will cleave to the truth and i will in this r start to pray god renew truth in my innermost parts just like david prays in the psalms uh you desire truth in the innermost parts renew truth in my innermost parts that i may not be taught by a demon is it incredible we don't i don't i think we kind of don't don't don't uh read read the book properly but actually we are in this wilderness and there's mirages uh and uh deceptions in this time of refining and sarah jane you had something on mirrors yeah i really thought that was important because as we stood as these truth barometers i saw the resonance of truth coming out of our spirits coming out of who we are and smashing these demonic obvious skating truth mirrors that are reflecting apart truth with the the darkness obviously in the end making it completely untrue this demonic teaching as you've said emma this demonic um narrative that is out there and so it was almost as we become these um yeah strong resonant truth barometers so obviously for that we need to know the word of god we need to know god so well that we know his voice so we do we know his truth so we know actually the word of god says this not that as jesus did in the wilderness but this this mirror this mirror issue i saw it very clearly um when god was showing me the lies that we've believed there is a human mirror if you will that reflects on us that says actually i can do things my way which would be the spirit of the age which would be the spirit of even humanism that says that man can do it man can fix it man can uh move forward man can resolve his own issues and his own problems there's that mirror and then on the other side there is this demonic mirror that says it's hopeless give up don't bother just sit down don't go forward just you know have another day or have another drink or have another whatever it is that takes you away from god and brings you hopelessness and despair and god said this he said three words that were smashing those mirrors over us today i am close i am close with my truth i am close with my presence i am close uh closer than your skin as close as skin and i am standing before you but this demonic mirror that is trying to obfuscate truth and obviously who god is and bring um a disorientation to us because i'm getting a bit disorientated as i'm whizzing around the screen right now there is this sense of god saying i am close to smash these mirrors that tell us lies and want us to give up and want us even to go the demonic way and i feel part of that as god showed me this morning is standing for truth but the other part is recognizing that god is close and emma those three words i am close were thundering you know around us i am close we know the truth in scripture but it's the present truth of god right now for us all who are in the wilderness in places we don't want to be i am close do you want to just pray for us to smash demonic mirrors because i think i think you know in moments of you know truth-telling and honesty my goodness me we have not all won the battle every day in lockdown uh before during and after and the sense of navigating your own your own thought processes or navigating the thought process of satan that he's trying to send you when you are outside of the rhythms of communion with others when you're outside of the rhythms of daily worship uh or or even once a week worship on a sunday when you're outside of all of those things it is incredibly difficult to keep your fire burning because actually you you never do well as an isolated coal you're meant to be in a fire of other coals i mean that's how you keep your heat going and christianity although you come to to faith one at a time and you receive jesus in a personal way as a personal savior from that moment onwards of your personal salvation you walk it out in the company of a family where you are a body and you move from an individual moment of salvation to being a joint or a sinew in the body and so you all watching this as christians are somewhere in the body of christ now i don't know whether you're the big toe or the elbow or the forehead or a tooth you know but actually you are part of the body of christ and you have a unique function within that body of christ you have a function that nobody else can possibly have and so when we find ourselves alone not only um do we find it easier to waste away but those who we used to touch find it easier to waste away and vice versa somebody's saying that the synergy of unity yes because we are made to be collective coals and so i think that's why par r is helpful in these moments because actually it's a touch point of corporateness it's a touch point for an r you know of belonging together and i felt like the lord is saying uh that we have to battle a nomadic spirit we have to kill a nomadic spirit but satan is trying to say you know you'll never belong again or you've got a little bit disjointed or you've got a little bit disconnected i'll just land a spirit on you a demonic spirit on you where you'll never quite fit in again and so not only are we going to kill a nomadic spirit but we're also going to kill demonic mirrors that around us like a case of confusion so that we can't even hold our own head in the right space during this kind of season so can we just start to get you know prayers together like rocks and start to smash and no magic spirits and mirrors that are confusing the body of christ and let's make this wilderness time this somewhere that we don't want to be a place of results not a plate of of of destruction sergeant go for it man so right now for all of you watching i just want you to if you will in the spirit we say we come together and there is a linking of arms together that we stand together as we pray these prayers that those individual and demonic mirrors and even human mirrors that would reflect lies over us and stop us from moving forward now break and for those of you that are seeing in the spirit i want you to focus on those mirrors and watch as they break and that you see the lord himself standing uh behind those demonic mirrors so in the name of jesus we break every demonic mirror that has been set up against the people of god this wilderness time that by god we've been led in the wilderness by god we will come out in his power and we say those mirrors now must smash in jesus name and i just see the lord roaring over those mirrors and breaking them now some of them feel very very thick very heavy and so what i want you to do is just remember any way that we have knowingly or unknowingly partnered with those lies of reflection that have come against us those obfuscation truths that we talked about so father in the name of jesus repeat after me you know how this goes father in the name of jesus i repent for any way known and unknown where i have partnered with the truth of the demonic teaching the truth of the demonic reflection the truth of the demonic sound and picture that the demons have put around me and my life and my family who and we just agree now we renounced and we break agreement with those demonic truths and it's almost like what i'm seeing in the spirit is like a glass house a glass house of mirrors that that the demonic are built around the church corporately so together i want us to put our hands out like this to the side and we're just agreeing we break and smash those corporate mirrors that have come over the church in jesus name of demonic teaching thank you god we say they are broken and they fall to the ground we decree that breaking through and we thank you god that you are close and that we can now see you that we can now hear you some of you have it feels like really blocked up ears right now if you feel that if you feel your ears blocked up put your fingers in your ears we just burn with holy fire where that truth is embedded itself and we burn it out of your ears and out of your thinking in jesus name amen sam good stuff to share go for it yeah i mean so powerful what you guys are sharing there um as well i think um when i would quite kind of like to go is this phrase or these words that i've been hearing god say and just ever since i i was praying and listening this morning and i heard him say this wilderness is the way to either intimacy or to idolatry is the way to either intimacy or to idolatry now let me set context around the wilderness that we're talking about i believe that we are not just in a personal or even just a church wilderness i believe that god god has gathered the nations of the earth into a global wilderness and god is saying this is not just a personal activity this is a corporate activity so when god is speaking this word wilderness is the way to either enter or to idolatry that is to people individually but also to nations where god is sick who are you going to choose who are you going to choose are you going to choose intimacy and covenant with me or are you going to choose idolatry over here you see it's really easy to consider yourself intimate when you are in wealth and by that i don't just mean you know um money but actually when you're in a season that you like remember wilderness you're in a place that you don't like when you are in a season that you like it's easy for yourself to call yourself intimate with god but it really really matters when you're in wilderness and that's where it's put to test and you read two narratives in the bible if you search wilderness bible verses there are two narratives idolatry or intimacy that just go through all of that concept and god is really speaking out of exodus 30 purges now i heard the spirit of the lord say this i am coming down the side of mount sinai and i'm coming to deal with idolatry i'm down the side of mount sinai and i'm coming to deal with idolatry and that's exodus 32. we've got to remember there the israelites they build a golden calf which is an idol to the false gods that they claim led them out of egypt but more than that it is a homage it is a statue a monument to what they once had it was an idol of the familiar of the old of what god killed and rescued them from and they built this calf this monument from what god said is dead as gone as old and that became an idol for them and god is saying this idolatry that i'm speaking to you personally and also to the church it's not just the false gods that we would be able to you know ref off our tongue it's not just the false gods of islam or whatever it may be but the false god of the familiar that god has killed that is what the israelites erected at the foot of mount sinai when moses was being intimate they were building an idol that reflected the familiar and god is saying i'm coming down the side of mount sinai right now and i'm coming to deal with idolatry i'm coming to deal with the monuments of the familiar the monuments of the old that i have killed and i have brought you into this wilderness time so that i can bring these idols low and god really saying there's a simple prayer ask me to search your heart ask me to search your heart and we've got to be honest and just say you know our gut reaction would be because of what we think of idolatry well that's not me that's got nothing to do with me but the subtlety of when we build structures around us that reflect reflect the old that god has said it's time to depart those thought processes often lead to idolatry where we then worship a structure and a formula rather than worshiping god and the opposite of that really i love to to great scriptures about the wilderness so that's the the idolatry that god is dealing with he's saying you choose intimacy that is what i want you to choose hosea 2 14 therefore behold i will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak to her tenderly and you see that the invitation into the wilderness is an invitation into a depth of intimacy and god says through this verse i've got to bring you out of where you are enter a wilderness time so that you can get the level of intimacy that i want for you and jeremiah 2 verse 2 reinforces that i remember the devotion of your youth how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the wilderness that actually the wilderness became a place of great dependency on god and great intimacy with god and so right now in this wilderness season this place that he has the nations of the earth he's saying again wilderness is the way to either intimacy or to idolatry what are you going to choose and obviously he's pushing you into the intimacy place but he's saying do not erect idols of the familiar idols of the form the of what was former do not erect structures around you that i have brought law the spirit of god says but even watch as i bring idols across the face of the earth law because i'm coming down the side of mount sinai we know that moses comes down there with a new level of intimacy that he wants not just to be his reality but the nation of israel's reality and so as the idols are dealt with so the lord is saying i'm releasing a new level of intimacy you know i love that you're saying that because the lord has said something very similar to me and i was in that hosea too as well oh i take her to the wilderness to allure her to speak tenderly to her and that whole purpose of the wilderness is so that gods can say to you let's begin you and i a new love story and god is saying to you i will take you to somewhere you don't want to be so that i can begin with you a new love story i will take the whole world into a time that they don't want to be in i will take the whole world into a place that shakes them so i can begin a new love story that they can find christ the crutch and as i wrote the crutch of christ dying i thought oh i don't know whether we like the thought christ the crutch and he that said to me i love to take you into a new place of utter dependency on me where you come out of the wilderness leaning on your beloved and where you have not felt the love of god or where you have felt a disconnect and where the heavens seem stopped up and dried the spirit of the lord says see that i did not take you into a corporate desert without water just for my own amusement i did not take you into an international pandemic just so that you could be a little bit stretched i brought you there that this love story that you and i are on a journey with would be resurrected that you as the nations and as individuals would know and feel and taste and see a freshness of my love that you are about to walk into a love explosion with jesus christ that you're about to feel him afresh to know him afresh to see how loved you are afresh that you are being wooed and alert in the wilderness where jesus had to strip and strip and strip and strip all the familiar from you and now he says i'm writing a new love story with you and i new chapters of our devotion for one another that's where you're going and then we couldn't talk about wilderness without isaiah 43 many times behold i'm doing a new thing it springs up and you don't perceive it but isn't it fascinating that god says that the new thing is in the wilderness the new thing is in the tough place the new thing is in the shaken place the new thing is in the uncomfortable place the new thing is in the place that you don't want to be the new thing is in the place that you'd rather be anywhere else in the world but that is where the new thing begins and god says to us that newness begins in the hard places that newness begins in wilderness territory and isn't it the case that when we read into the new testament and we talk about you know being a new creation that i only get to be a new creation in the stewarding of my own death where there is a death and a hardship and a loss that is where the new begins that god who is a god of all things new in revelation where from his throne he bellows all things are made new the god of all things knew of new hearts that are not stony and shut down of new heavens and new earth the god who even in genesis says it's evening and morning a new day did you see that before god doesn't say this morning an evening a new day get the order of genesis he the days with god don't start in the morning the days with god start in the evening read the book it was evening and morning a new day did do you see that biblical order it was evening and morning a new day the god who starts the days in the dark brings forth light and mourning and god is saying to you right now as you watch this and you tune in from all across the face of the world he's saying this you may be somewhere you don't want to be you may struggle in the moment but where you are in the bleakness of wilderness is exactly the place i need you to be for a new thing to start in the right place your brokenness is okay with him and watch the new thing begin now let me i was sitting on my oh you can't see that i must take a photograph and show you around the rest of the room because you already see this this bit of it but i'm sitting on my couch and i've was reflecting on my dreams the last three or four nights and everything in my dreams has been going at speed like warp speed uh like topsy topsy-turvy like like a fair ground rhyme ride and just dream after dream after dream of machines at speed and the lord said this i am doing all things at once the lord says all things are happening at once and everything is shifting and as i sat to reflect on that i heard this whoosh and this rush in the spirit and i open my eyes into the spirit realm and angels like flames of fire and like tornadoes of wind we're moving at a speed i have never seen an angel or movement in the in the spirit realm and that something is happening in the spirit i'm prophesying something is happening in the spirit realm that is so fast that it is almost spinning us and i said to god what are you doing why this movement why are the angels moving at speed why is the wind blowing at speed and jesus came and he stood still in front of me and he says i'm going to stand in front of my church that's you he's going to stand in front of you i'm going to hold their hands and i'm going to release the angels to build a construction of safety rhymed about them and the lord said this i will make a way and i will build my church and then over me this is weird god started to build what can only be described as an igloo it felt it felt like an igloo uh you know that we would find in in snowy regions of the world and the lord said this i am going to build these protective places round abide you that you will fit two or three in and the lord says i am beginning a micro church movement in your homes where you will be in these cocoons of my building and you will find me in the midst of it and jesus lit a fire inside each igloo and jesus said you will find my burning anointing in the safety of a micro church and jesus says do not expect your rhythm of church to be the same for my blessing is on a micro church movement a small gathering of twos or threes and jesus did something really weird he started to sew and he started to sew animal skins like he would have done for adam and eve in the garden and you know how how jesus i mean he doesn't do bad sewing you know it's beautiful crafted stitches he's stitching together animal skins and he'd put them on me and i'm like god this is not spun cotton this is not you know the linen that's nicely weaved that i'm used to this is not velvet or polyester i feel uncomfortable and god said i'm even dressing you in anointings that make you feel uncomfortable but know that my clothing of you is a fresh protection and a fresh anointing that you are going to need in the here and now now let me say something very very very controversial to you very controversial we seem to like that when we look at the commands in the old testament remember the sabbath day to keep it holy is the only command that is not carried over and reinforced in the new testament all the other commands are reinforced but remember the sabbath day to keep it holy is never reinforced in the new covenant now that's controversial enough of a thought lots of questions as to why but i think why is that in the old testament there was this everybody stopped for a day it was the same day everybody kept the same day holy it happened to be called the sabbath but in the new testament yes we take holy days to rest and yes we rest properly but you don't get the reinforcement of it being on the same day on the sabbath day in fact in the new testament you get a slightly different sense where it says do not give up the habit of meeting so in the old testament it's about the gathering around a sabbath in the new testament it's about the not giving up the habit of meeting which was done predominantly in the home environment you've got to see the emphasis and the ark of the story of scripture i'm not saying you don't have a sabbath don't misunderstand i am saying do you see the emphasis of christ in the new covenant say that it must be predominantly around a house church environment a micro church environment now we don't lose the big meetings because there's something glorious about many voices in worship but the lord is saying here that he is creating in the homes an igloo of protective togetherness against the storms that are coming in the months ahead and you must begin micro churches in your home you must begin micro churches in your home of prayer and of worship of the twos or threes gathered that is where the anointing of god is right now because in there there is the ability to come alive to be accountable to not go out to be sharpened in a known way rather than sitting in a pew as alone as you feel right now because actually you may not even talk to the person beside you in a big big auditorium and the lord is saying see the igloos be built in your front rooms that i am building my church in your living room says god sam sir jane do you want to comment on that yeah that's a massive amen amen from from me i think um i remember god speaking about these micro churches like mini hubs or mini wheels some time ago and i remember how that we had that conversation some some years ago and i saw in the spirit like mini wheels like ezekiel's wheels um in ezekiel 1 and so this sense of actually this first stage of this new creation of the church or this new unveiling of the church in her new form at this time in this era of being these mini or micro churches as you say becoming something of a mass movement together moving together making the sound together like the wheels within wheels of ezekiel 1 and releasing the sound of god and relieving the presence of god as we come together in our homes and so for some of you you'll be going woohoo that's wonderful i love that thought and for others you'll feel like oh it you feel like you tried it and it and and it didn't work in kind of home church sit home church situations but that sense of actually there's a wind of god on this it's the timing of god for us to gather people and those of like heart and like spirit in our homes to see that move of god across the nations and how easily now it is to connect internationally as even we're doing now and so i think it's that my house is open for you god my house my house is open for you to come and dwell here you know my house is open my family is open for you to connect us with the right people to be the micro church in our home that's the kind of prayers that we need to be praying that's the kind of responses that we need to be having in our hearts right now for me what surprised me in the vision as i'm as i'm saying that is it's the igloo why an igloo god you could have built any structure but but it was have got to withstand storms in a way that summer houses don't always have to but the igloo by nature is built in hostile uh territory hostile climates that god is saying that what i'm called calling you to build or what i'm building ryan to bite you it's so protective against the storm of the autumn and the winter that we're moving into well yeah i mean i think so powerful there's just kind of one prayer that i've had that that just ties in with all of this in this wilderness season where god is building god is saying i want you to pray give me a different spirit god gave me a different spirit and that's what it said about caleb he was in the wilderness with the israelites but he didn't respond to the wilderness in the way that the masses responded to it he responded to the wilderness in the way that god wanted him to respond to it and this call to build these micro churches these home hubs that your home becomes a house of prayer a house of gathering a house of encounter a house of presence is saying god i want to respond to this wilderness time as you are responding to it not as my reaction would be or as the world would respond to it that you would have the ability to optimize the wilderness for the purposes of god and this is the invitation that god is extending to you and he says pray god give me a different spirit that i will have the ability to approach this wilderness as you want me to approach it yeah amen well our time has gone we could take problems today on and off and on and off some of us but we bless you thank you for being with us and remember that that wilderness definition being somewhere you don't want to be that that wilderness that we are in is exactly the place where you're new will begin where a love story will be redefined between you and god and in the storms of wilderness there is a movement that will begin in your house of microchurch safe spaces and we bless you in this season see you tomorrow bye [Music] do [Music] do
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 9,972
Rating: 4.9723501 out of 5
Id: 6H8ajq7rndY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 30sec (3810 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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