Friendship, Intimacy & Sexuality - Emma Stark (Sundays - LIVE!) (Full Video)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they already took themselves eight okay you know we an awesome date yesterday and to be working with the Christians in government organization they were meeting in the Ministry of Justice and the just the thrill Sir Andrew Parker well-known and the director general of mi5 was teaching and ministering with me and he is one of the most godly men I have ever met and you just think hallelujah Jesus that it's not about the Joseph's in the Daniels one day coming into senior office they're already there and they're already stewarding the nation in righteousness here's a man who hears about the most awful terrorist plots against our nation of falls to his knees in prayer because he knows that ultimately God is in control and so we just say hallelujah Jesus for people like that you know that's a real thrill and even the Christians that were prophesying over over who are standing for the London Mayor yesterday and even the Christians that have been jonathan Aitken you know as an ex MP just keeping stewarding righteousness in parliament and so many christians and the leaders that was my third visit with the christians in government group over time and they've always said to me the leaders you know maybe be a little bit conservative because of course you're dealing with a myriad of different denominations there and you want to be respectful that not everybody is a card-carrying Pentecostal but I have to say my seminars on hearing the voice of God and spiritual warfare they want to know how to steward whole departments for the glory of God I mean these people want to know what it is to kick the demons out of the Westminster at once Minister bubble and so we just say hallelujah Jesus for intelligent how do we get Freemasonry out of the Ministry of Justice that's what I was asked yesterday you know what am I gonna do in this place and you just think come on cards you know it's just an absolute joy to to be with those people as you know this is our third last Sunday it's a really monumental time for us as an organization you can feel the kind of shifting sands under our feet and there's a little bit of unsettledness in the air and that's completely appropriate as we start to move into a new era and I'm doing this son they've got a visiting speaker next Sunday and then I'll do the last Sunday in the building and we will be just catching all the good things that have happened to go into this slightly homeless period into this next extreme adventure where are we with buildings well actually things have radically improved we're not quite a sign on the dotted line yet but we have had some really very constructive positive green lights good noises and we are much further along with one particular building than any building we have ever got in fact they they actually have approved us subject to the planning department so actually it's no longer that we are looking for a building it's no longer that we're looking for a favorable landlord we are actually looking for the planning subject to planning to actually change the building use so that that can actually be a green light so where it is it is definite and significant progress so the the prayers are slightly different now they are for an planning and for the negotiation of the right contract I have to say David and I had some hairy scary moments this week in conversation together where suddenly we went from we don't were building we do it for building we don't have a building to oh hang on a minute no he needs half a million Pines for building so and all that that and all the internal refurb type stuff realizing that we are about to enter a window of time where we're going to have to make a whole set of fast paced decisions on things we know absolutely nothing about for our future and suddenly it looks like we may have a prophetic hub that's going to steward the nation's and hearing the voice of God and actually that the capacity is we kind of thought oh maybe we'll have to find somewhere 350 300 350 400 seats we're not looking at 500 seats with the potential of 6 to 700 seats in this building so I mean this is a let's just keep that that juggernaut of prey are going and as we push so I don't think we will be homeless for too long but these these things are not immediate or fast certainly you'll not be anywhere before September as a minimum I would have thought just by the nature of lawyers and contracts and Building Regulations go but we are we are at least going in a good a good direction so keep us in prayer and David Nigel often asked for prayer but you're gonna have to pray for us because we're gonna have to stand in faith over an awful lot of stuff in these next few weeks this is really the cutting edge of pioneering right here actually at this point in our ministry lives here comes you know the next era of time and the emerging prophets who are coming Monday week I've got a whole week of prep to get ready for them and that has really blown our minds and we and we ran the first year not knowing that we would do it again but actually they were so determined to keep journeying with us that we now have a new intake coming in April and what we've got next week is the year two's journeying with us for an additional year which we hadn't initially planned and from that year to group we have 2026 what we're calling prophetic nest leaders and those are 26 leaders who we are commissioning next Sunday night in the building and they are going to set up prophetic hubs across the nation we have gone from being a prophetic Center to stewarding 26 prophetic centers more or less overnight and they are mostly UK but we have Denmark Alaska Switzerland Canada America one virtually and so suddenly we have a remit for these prophetic hubs across the face the planner it feels and we have been working with you under what nurse we do all day we've been working really hard designing protocol documents syllable syllabuses membership type joining programs the global prophetic alliance and where they're all going to come into that so suddenly it's been a bit like oh my word what has just exploded in the midst of us in the last few months as we've set these prophetic nests up so really as we write syllabuses it's really setting a tone for what prophets and prophesy needs to sign like know in an international way like never before so it is it's really a fast and furious rollercoaster ride and I'm on sid roth this month later on doing some interviews and work with you actually did a podcast for him that last Thursday and so really and just that sense of the the fascination with our culture here in Scotland because we talk about the weaponization of spiritual gifts and the weaponization of prophecy which apparently I thought everybody did that but apparently we're the only ones that do so that is a really we're just in exciting exciting days how they look at Jesus right let's preach come Holy Spirit come with the weight of all that you are come bring the glory of God come and overwhelm your bride that we may not just be toot elated by some words father God but that we may be changed from one degree of glory come with transformation come with fire come father God with intentionality Lord as you always do to shift us and our cry of our hearts is yes yes and yes to whatever you have got on your agenda father God so about two or three weeks ago when I was prophesying I heard myself say this and you will have heard it too and I quote there is a grace pouring from heaven for the church to become the dominant place of friendship again in the earth to remember that God is loosing a grace for friendship and our prayer should be turn our hearts towards each other let us fall in love with people again so that kind of has been marinating in my spirit and I think what this word is saying is that the church is not just going to model being friendly or being warm-hearted or being some kind of general civil or polite place but is going to be the epicenter for revealing intimacy of knowing one another and being known and I want to unpack these thoughts more this morning and we're going to look at friendship we're going to look at marriage we're going to look at sex and homosexuality I appreciate in half an hour that's probably a surface skin of all of those concepts but I want to leave some provocative thoughts in you as we wrestle with the word the lord of the church being a revealing place of intimacy and friendship so how good at intimacy do you think you are hi good at friendship do you think you are how much do you deliberately practice the art of friendship is your hunger for intimacy switched on or off is your hunger for friendship switched on or off and I really felt that the Lord gave me this phrase if you don't understand friendship and intimacy it is hard to get close to God if you don't understand friendship and intimacy it is hard to get close to God to really fly high spiritually entwined with the Trinity you must learn what it is to be intimate with deep established friendships on the earth we are here in church not just to love God but to love each other it's loving God loving others loving ourselves that is the package of faith and in his deeply challenging prayer Jesus praised in in John 17 let me read it to you I pray also for those who believe in me through their message that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me I have given them the glory that you have given me that they may be one as we are one I in them and you in me as a deep is a desperately challenging Scripture isn't it that sense of the fusion and entwined nosov how we're supposed to be and I think what that needs to awaken is a desire for each other and I choose the word desire very deliberately desire for each other must come alive our prayer is not just oh Jesus be my overwhelming desire when I come to reorder my in size but also maybe that may the people of God be desired by me chalghi is it may we desire each other may we hunger and crave company and time with each other it's not just Oh may I take a little bit of a liking to you but is there a thirsting and a yearning within me for a John 17 truths that I be fused merged and deeply joined and full of desire for connection or do I resent the two hours that I spent a week in the house of God spending my entire two hours looking at my watch and in light of this the prayer must be purify my desires don't remove my desires I think that's mainly what we prayed because we get really screwed and our hands about desire but don't shut my desires dine like my desire is sinful but purify and refine my desire so that I do desire you God and I have the capacity for desiring God but that my desire is so purified that I have the capacity for the desire friendship the desire of intimacy with others purify my desires God and so when 1 Peter 2 verse 9 says you're a chosen people a royal priesthood a holy nation God's special possessions that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into his wonderful light that word for people you are a chosen people is the word genus and you get the word gene from that word but that is in the Bible means a genetically quantifiable race we as believers are a genetically quantifiable race we are the descendants of others in that race we are birthed into the nation of God in other words we are of the same kind now nation is from the root word ethnos ethnic and that means custom and culture a nation a people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture and so genetically by some miracle God and ethnically we have been changed into one people group we are a whole ethnic group we are a nation of believers so dr. Martin Luther King whether he's black or white it doesn't matter and Abraham the father of the faith watchman Nee as an Asian guy William J Seymour or Billy Graham they are all according to scripture our ethnic group they are all our nation they are all our tribe they are all our family and we are their descendants in their lineage you know William J Seymour the father of the Azusa Street revival as a one-eyed black man is in our lineage we are his descendants we are part of that ethnic group and what he has we have with God the Father of a soul it should stop us doing that - celebrity chasing thing for Mantle's when we're already in the lineage we are Christians before we are British we are Christians before we are Italian we are Christians hallelujah before we are American come on we belong to each other and you know that scripture does not define nations by borders it defines nations by people groups we are a nation belonging to each other and belonging to God so I want to jump into concepts of friendship right now and the Bible and sit that thought for a moment the Bible commands same-sex friendships not same-sex relationships we are coming to that but the Bible commands same-sex friendships at a level of intimacy the few Christians ever reach and Jesus preaches a gospel of radical intimacy with him but also with each other and being one body and one flesh is not just a biblical concept held for marriage you are one flesh with everybody in your ethnic ethnos gene genus nation group no other tribe or nation is described as being of one flesh it's that level of intimacy and I read you it is obscure it's talking about communion but it's first Corinthians 10 16 to 17 is not the cup of Thanksgiving for which we give thanks the partition participation in the blood of Christ and it's not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ because there is one loaf we who are many here's the key phrase are one body for we all share one loaf you are not designed to work alone any more than lungs can work without a heart and in the Bible and you hear me on this friendship is not the consolation prize for those who don't get married like marriage and Parenthood friendship is simply another way God displays an aspect of his love for us and scripture is very explicit about friendships 5 times in the New Testament we are told to greet each other with a holy kiss a lot to be said about that Paul calls his friend when is amiss my very heart Matthew speaks of us being knit together in love and perhaps the most striking is how Paul talks about his affection for his friends being likened to that of a nursing mother taking care of her children he thinks of his relationships not just like maternally but nursing mother maternally it's that sort of intimacy and the early church are seen in mutual vulnerability and dependence they share resources they live communally they bear each other's burdens and they love each other deeply including expressions of physical love so what would you say the greatest kind of love is in Scripture parental love marriage love would you go for those probably then you'd be biblically wrong Jesus never married yet he invested deeply in friendship and from him we learned that the greatest love of all because the greater okay Whitney lovable right the greatest love of all is friendship love and that is right out of John 15:13 greater love has no one than this then someone lay down his life for his friends friendship love being the greatest love in Scripture and so friendship is supposed to be deep it's supposed to be vulnerable it's supposed to be intimate it's supposed to be joyous and friendship is not just supposed to touch your heart it's supposed to have a physical aspect a purified holy physical element of touch it has been totally squandered in fear of wrong touching and friendship affection has been robbed culturally in an over sexualized world we are in danger of losing hugging and holding and putting an arm around the shoulder and when we start to lose those things we are in danger of not attending physically to our emotional needs can we be real we need safe friends with whom we can be utterly honest and sexual contact might be gratifying physically but it is not necessarily truly in intimate and sometimes a friend's non-sexual hand on your shoulder is exactly what can uniquely access your heart and so we must not see as sexual and romantic love as the high point on the scale and friendship at the rock bottom end of the scale now this verse I must have read it before but it kind of slapped me in the face this week first Corinthians 7 verse 38 it's that great chapter and paula's is unpacking marriage and singleness and he says right at the end verse 38 so then he who marries the Virgin does right but he who does not marry her does better and shockingly Paul is commanding marriage but value singleness more shocking isn't it and the church culture has over emphasized marriage it is over emphasized parenting and the biblical reality is that the people of God together are family and friends at the very deepest level of intimacy and the point I'm making though it is obvious is that friendship needs to come back into our direct line of sight our core relational needs have got to be met and don't get this we are prone to eat junk food when we're hungry we are prone to unpurified desires when we are starved of friendship did you hear that your your you're not one who wants let me just read it again you are prone to unpurified desires when you are starved of friend ship because it's the greatest nourishing form of love your unpurified desire single people is not because you're not married your unpurified desire is because you've not got intimate friendships let's not put a wrong value on what marriage doesn't does not do you need the healthy nourishment of a good friend you will wither without pursuing friendship and we thrive on a range of relationships and sometimes the wrong and the wrong longings that we feel and struggle are actually a sign of a need for fulfilling friendships David and Jonathan I mean just see the story that you want to go to on this so deeply moved by that friendship and by the memory of Jonathan even after his death it holds David in this place where David goes to rescue Jonathan significantly handicaps son called mephibosheth and mephibosheth would never because of his physical imperfections be alive in the courts of the king but Mephibosheth is brought into this place of honor why because david remembers his friendship with jonathan and pours mercy on his son's disability and what we're learning in that story of Mephibosheth is that friendship actually holds our families for generations my friendship with you is not just for my own well-being in a moment but my friendship with you actually is for my family because friendship pulls everybody around me into a greater protected place dietrich bonhoeffer writes that the christian always needs another Christian who speaks God's Word to him he goes on the Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the words of his brother in other words at the moments of my personal weakness it is the words of a friend that strengthened me and the older we get in life the more clearly we should see that nearly every Christian is a struggling Christian dependent on help for those who know their needs and vulnerabilities lungs don't work without hearts or legs without feet we are simply not designed for solo flight and a prayer needs to rush from within our hearts God bring me back to friendship which is really like praying God's bring me back to proper self care where I let others help me steward my heart God establish in me friendships that nourish and go deeper than anything I have known before now we can't talk about same-sex friendships with it-- what about same-sex relationships can we know probably we can't so let's go there and let's be very clear I have to say a lot of these thoughts and homosexuality deeply informed by rubra and Rebecca McLaughlin who I think writes on the subject better than anybody else I have read but clearly Jesus forbids same-sex relationships yes nod and smile yes ever of course following Jesus means same-sex relationships are not allowed you might want somebody in an all-consuming way but we must resist homosexual intimacy as the people of God you can say hallelujah okay how do we deal with those who declare their love for one another and that love is same-sex based we think wrongly that love must be God therefore if you say you love somebody in its homosexual well it must have had its origin in heaven but the key phrase we must remember is God is love not love is God absolutely vital God is love not love is God first Corinthians 13 how could you go anywhere else love is patient love is kind it does not envy it does not boast it is not pride it does not dishonor others it is not self-seeking it is not easily angered it keeps no record of wrongs love does not desire does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth it always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres love never fails now did you hear what I read in verse 6 love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth or another translation says love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices in the truth and so let me see of something that David and I went rind and rind this week in conversation because we wanted to be absolutely theologically watertight on this the true god-fearing love where God is love is rooted and grows in biblical righteousness and the bold thing I want to say is if it's not righteous biblical love cost every single Christian is called to sexual restraint and saying yes to Jesus does mean saying no to sexual freedom but it does not mean missing it-- let me tell you a Rebecca McLaughlin story she's wonderfully clear that same-sex relationships are biblically not allied she says this I never actually practiced lesbianism but I wrestled with same-sex attraction her friend she writes also struggled with lesbianism but she had a history of many sexual conquests and they're deeply personal discussions are fascinating she writes about how both these women one who practice lesbianism one who didn't but both struggles are now both married to men men they love they have children both of them and then they depend on she says I have carried the burdens of legitimate needs and complex desires but I have committed to jesus above sex with women and have gradually grown in obedience and the ability to resist temptation I have grown in dependence on Jesus love trusting that his no to sexual relationships with women meant a better yes to a deeper relationship with him she writes we both chose to marry men why because of our commitment to Christ over our emotional and sexual preferences for my friend she says the challenge is one of not wandering back to well trodden roads for me it is not leaning against hitherto on opened gates a decade into marriage neither of us expects these lures to evaporate we believe that God could change our instincts but we have no promise that he will and you need to listen to this very carefully because blue-blooded heterosexuality is not the goal of the Christian life Jesus is and what screams lightly through everything she writes is the centrality of Jesus when he is the highest focus of my attention when he is allowed to captivate all that we are all other desires seem less appealing when he is central actually with training and resistance that desire will fade because of the magnificence of Jesus and I don't want to be over simplistic and I don't want to be overly idealistic in a complex world but Paul is clear that no one is holy according to the law but we are all sinners and the reality is that the Bible is offensive from beginning to end for all of us because it will not let your prejudices it will not let your idolatries it will not let your personal preferences and your unholy standards whatever they are go unchallenged and not one of us can sit here when it comes to sexual sin and go well I'm not guilty when measured against the standard of Christ no one can listen to Jesus and not be shocked and offended by his stance no one cannot even be broken inside by his stands on all sexual sin from lust to adultery from homosexuality to pornography and sex before marriage and I believe that actually we have got to stop being and morally superior Christians we must not let the clear boundaries that the Bible produces on sex become a license for an unloving superior judgmental attitude there is no them and us between heterosexuals and homosexuals we are all guilty of sexual sin and so we're back to that prayer at the start purify my desires purify my desires purify those who are struggling with sexual desire and we release an ability over the church to pursue Jesus above everything else because he's the centrality of our faiths I'm sure David is left because the internet on live stream is probably blowing up yep-yep he shoots from the backroom marriage hmm we talk about friendships and homosexuality and heterosexuality we have to drop into concepts and and chats about marriage as well God created Parenthood to show how he loves his children he created marriage and sex to give us a glimpse of what it means to be united in Christ an erage is a one body experience man and women in it as one David and I do an increasing a mind of marriage preparation sessions and a lot of marriage counseling and everyone in marriage is compelled by that introductory flourishing in a relationship who the Goosebumps you know the butterflies that inner anticipation of the date night the rush of the giddy emotions and all those are utterly brilliant but they are indications of love in an immature state it doesn't have depth at the start it has shallow feelings and nervousness and what underpins that giddiness is will I be light and the nervous tension arrived will I be enough and newness has a set of emotions attached and it's the unknown adventure emotions of will this work it-- and some people like the chase more than they like the catch because they have lost an ability to grow up asked emotions of immaturity that only know the entrance level unsustainable frivolity of newness good marriage rightly loses this immature love for something far better mature love which I don't think we talked about enough I don't think we celebrate mature love mature love is to be deeply known and accepted to be fully understood and seen seen for every foible every blemish every strength every weakness and totally cherished at the same time and mature love is not an emotional hype it is an emotional choice our choosing to love in the undulations of life choosing to say and do the things that promote love and choosing total silence for the things that undermine love and how many times have I had to say this to married couples there are some things you never ever ever say in marriage never and you hold yourself to that choice you never use the word divorce you never talk or use the threat of separation you just don't create the future by saying those things that lied you never say you are always these broad sweeping statements that you could never take back in essence marriage is marrying mirroring Jesus when he says I choose you mirroring Jesus with undeserved grace mirroring Jesus in surrender of yourself and let me tell you mature love and marriage is less about finding a lifelong partner who will put up with you but good marriage is ultimately of finding yourself a champion one who will champion you a champion mindset in your partner who will see you as a star even when you are not it says I will know you and I will champion you I will know you at your worst and I will celebrate you I will know you it's the model of Jesus who champions us to pour like mercy like he does it pulls us up to another level and marriage should model an intimacy that points to Jesus because a champion will stand up for you a champion will say I will fight for you I will fight with you against a common enemy but I will never fight against you because you are not my problem and you are not my enemy and so it's all those kind of mindsets that need to fuse together for mature love not to be shaken and go stale hope you're learning something marriage is a temporary state Matthew 22 verse 30 the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage they will be like angels in heaven on many levels but marriage is only designed on the earth to temporarily point you to a greater reality at the resurrection no one who has chosen Jesus over sexual fulfillment will have missed it-- no one who was not married will have missed it-- no one in a bad marriage will have missed it-- because marriage ultimately to Jesus will make all human relationships seemed like a toy car next to a Ferrari or a kiss on an envelope next to a lover's embrace all relationships all friendships on earth should in their working point to the greatest relationship of all that with Jesus Christ they are gateways on the earth to learning the art of intimacy and love they are gateways to a much more fulfilling relationship we're nearly there so our stumbling blocks or the big stumbling block to intimacy and friendship I would put down in one word shame a shame unsettles our hearts when we face each other it's the major hindrance to friendships to marriage to intimacy the shame of being find it-- the shame of our sin shame of body shapes shame of history shame of personal failure shame of not being enough and shame pushes us into comparison I would say that shame is the father of comparison and if you have a real struggle with jealousy and comparison it is most likely that you have a route of shame somewhere and shame means that painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrongdoing or foolish behavior it's a mix of regret and self-hate and self dishonor so what's the difference between shame and guilt shame is all about a focus on yourself whereas guilt is a focus on behavior so shame says I am bad and guilt says I did something bad shame is unworthiness and it often makes us feel like we want to disappear or it underpins anger as a coping strategy shame to even be intimate with Jesus shame pushes Jesus away Jesus is not some sort of umbilical cord that connects to me in one location that I turn on a tap and he gashes a life into me so that I feel connected but that the rest of my being is somehow obscured or hidden from him Jesus is a full body contact deal is every part exposed it's his light over all of us and dealing with shame means that all I am can be shared him and can be shared with others the role of any church leader it's very often that people turn up at my door and they tell me the most major moment of pain or sin in their life and when you help them heal they cannot stand the weakness of their pain still being known by you as their leader it is not unusual for us to help people and they deal with all of life's issues but they leave their shame and dealt with and with shame in place what we sadly tend to find is then they turn on the leader or they leave the church because shame often lingers post the solving of a crisis and it is the excruciating emotions that it generates of being known that make them want to run away from those who knew the worst thing about them and actually shame lingers on after other healings have taken place and we have to let ourselves be loved in the middle of our pain and let the shame come off and we have to actually say to our deeper healers don't heal people and leave shame in place and we are wrapping up to conclude all our relationships are supposed to shape us and model us to friendship with God God has a few friends and what is desiring Jesus feel like Jesus is infinitely more beautiful and more compelling and more capable of love than anyone we know desiring Jesus is waking up and knowing that he is the reality of my life source he is the source of my wellness is waking up and knowing that in him all things are find and walking one foot in front of the other towards him with every step vanishing my shame and desiring Jesus begins with knowing that he has everything I need and letting my whole being know that so that I orientate to him above all and sometimes it's like a rush of emotions but other times like marriage it's a deliberate choice and all the intimacy you might strive for on the earth is nothing compared to walking in intimacy towards Jesus I do not come alive trying to discover who I am I do not come alive navel-gazing trying to assess what my healing needs might be I do not come alive in the depths of psychology peeling back the onion layers of my life I do not come alive in psychotherapy or kind sing I do not come alive in endless distractions I do not come alive in sexual gratification I do not come fully alive in parenting I do not come fully alive and the highest echelon of education or the greatest employment offers that Pinkham can be given to me I come alive in the depths of his heart where he calls me beloved where he calls me child where he calls me friend he's my all-sufficient woman and all the relationships that I navigate support my ability to find him and nobody's like please stand yeehaw his prey Oh God would you purify my desires you pray it yourself God purify my desires purify my desires purify my desires come on purify my desires Oh God that it would not just be about some kind of sexual sin in my head or in practice but purify my desires that I might desire the friends that I need purify my desires that I may awaken my whole being to the sense of my need of friendship and partnership and connection and belonging Oh God your fire desires that we may be a righteous people that we may be a biblically normal people God here is my shame give it to him my self-worth issues my fear of discovery here is God I give it to you I don't want it I let you come and stand in front of me in the room and I let you brush shame off my life I let it be separate let the Angels and Jesus just minister to you right now then come into the room and let them wipe it off your shoulders off your back off your heads let's shame go let it be pulled from you let the shame that holds you back from intimacy right now in this moment be removed shame of failure shame of failing in the past shame of failing again in the future fear and shame of being totally known of letting your guard down and loving again of letting your guard down and trusting again let it all go let it all go in the glory of God that all the history of mistrust go and that your shame and humiliation come off that right now you will be being a purified vessel so that you walk towards Jesus towards people with ease that actually relationships will become instinctive and natural that intimacy may become something that you can move into with great freedom with ight a sense of oh my goodness this is gonna go the way it went before I release and bless you to be those who walk towards not those who hide away from and in the name of Jesus I speak over marriages Oh God have mercy on our flights of fancy have mercy on our selfishness as husband and wife have mercy for the God that we did not know the difference between immature and mature love father mercy that we just wanted the freshness of immaturity but we didn't know that maturity was far better that we didn't know that there were champions of our souls that we didn't know that we could be a champion for somebody else that we didn't know that we can be known and it'd be so much more rewarding and so in the name of Jesus to every husband and wife that's listening online or stands in front of me right now I list the mindset of a marriage champion to you right now you would know what it is to know and to love and to champion somebody else that is not just about lifelong partnership it's about modeling Jesus as a champion of another human being I list the mindset of champion back to you and I lose good intimacy in two marriages where marriage is dysfunctional in if this functioning in its intimacy I loose marriage intimacy that is high-functioning in place in Jesus name I pull off / intimacy I pull off even really stressful and bad sex lives right now God's the creator of that is a sign of intimacy with Jesus and where sex lives are struggling we just burn in the fire of God every assignment to ruin your physical intimacy and in the name of Jesus I love a recent ization of husbands and wives skins back to one another in the name of Jesus oh we're covering some grind this morning and Jesus you said greater love has no man than this then he lays down his life for his friends so father we receive the anointing for friendship that your church would be the place of friendship in the earth again take me by the hand where we have no clue how to do this in Jesus name Amen why don't you give somebody or at least three people hugs I would have thought [Music] [Music] if you want to be used by God as a spokesperson if you have felt that there is a prophets call on your life if you believe that was in you you have something verbally to bring from God to this earth to transform it I need you to stay on and hear what I've got to say for many years we have trained people in the gift of prophecy you can actually find many skills supernatural skills who do like standing job across the earth in raising people in strengthening encouraging an exhortation and just bringing a nice signing prophetic word but I'm talking to the offices of prophets I'm talking to the heavyweights right now I'm talking to those who have a call to be raised up in leadership I'm talking to those who are supposed to be part of the government structure of God on the earth and last year Glasgow prophetic Center and I started to run something called emerging prophets training I have to say we hit the wind of God the slipstream of God in a way that I have not felt for probably a decade since I first started to run prophetic skills there was something of the power of God to grab hold of people and to pull them up into another level of prophecy and revelation and so some of the feedback that we had was that it was the best training people had ever had and it was certainly the most unified and the most M impart we have ever walked in a year with a group of people and so we are opening that again for you to join to join a year's program of emerging prophets now an awful lot of that is online you do get monthly workshops and activations and QA and action with myself and some of the other specialized team here wherever you are in the world but on top of that and here's what really is remarkable you get to come to Glasgow twice once in the spring and once in the autumn and we have three-day intensive so in the year you'll be with us here for six days three in the spring three in the autumn those times were really about belonging finding your tribe the most remarkable teaching and instruction and the sense of activation and I know the people who did it last year say it has changed their lives like no other school they have ever been a part of I'm kind of almost tingling with anticipation that we get to do it again and if you've thought amaya voice am I not a voice fill in the application form the application form is detailed stick with it why is it detailed because I need to know that what I read it and I pray over that I've actually got prophets in the room you may feel like you know nothing about prophecy you may feel like you're a real beginner that's what the program is for it's for us to lay hands on you teach you and train you into being something quite remarkable a number of the people who have gone through it are Nayan the British Isles kind solar prophets a number of the others are leading prophetic nests in their regional area running councils of prophets for regions in the UK and across the world and they are starting that first year of intake to be the voice in their region the voice in their church because now they have a proven track record and a proper training program to go through and how this really started for me is when amos says is a terrifying scripture and you'll be able to quote it to me but when a boss three says surely the sovereign Lord does no good thing before first revealing it to his servants the prophets people like you and I want to go God maybe you should cut that verse it-- because actually the pressure and the shocking nature of it it's startling that God says no look I love you so much I so want partnership that I will limit myself and I will not do good things until I've said it to a prophet so if there is no prophet in the land then God puts himself remarkably in a place of self limitation and I would ask you right now what are the words that are holding your nation what are the words from profits that are stewarding your nation and if there isn't one and if there's not enough and you've not read the British Isles kinds of prophets latest release you need to come so that you can release a word over your nation so that you can steward and hold your nation last year we had loads of nations represented it wasn't just a British Isles thing so I want to welcome you to this a really strategic and vitally important training for prophets in the earth emerging prophets come and gather with me in fact destiny image you just asked me to write a book on this syllabus alone because there's no other thing quite like it as far as I'm aware anywhere so our arms are open or welcome is warm even if you feel like oh do I have what it takes fill in the form we'll discuss that with with Jesus and we will look forward to welcoming another intake of voices that will change a nation [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 7,751
Rating: 4.8360658 out of 5
Keywords: prophecy, prophetic
Id: lWqbEA59gTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 18sec (4038 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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