"The Spirit of Death" | POWER HOUR | Ep.52

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good afternoon to all you gorgeous amazing people in the TV screen here in front of me in facebook land and in YouTube world it is our and we are back it is another kind engraving wet day in Glasgow but despite the Drina s-- i don't know whether other nations have or dream or is that just a Scottish word the dreaminess Scottish the unpleasantness of the day the welcome is warm and the spirit is alive and active so greetings to you all from Gainsborough from Australia from oh did I see Holland Coventry and South Africa mother well hello hello you're all welcome and you'll see the interesting title we tried to talk about spiritual gifts at the end of last week and cause Nitra and we are going to and we're gonna speak about spiritual gifts today but I think we might need to fight and to fight for you about the spirit of death against spirit of death so there's a real war Ferenc woohoo in the atmosphere today we are going to try to teach you on spiritual gifts at some point so drink this people are trying to spell drinkin s dr c rh d rei CH 3 need that totally grey miserable cana day sums it up yeah yes senator Jane hi are you super good act like you know it's funny because and obviously we do a lot of power hours you can tell the ones that we get excited about the most when they contain a lot of warfare and fighting so I'm really excited for you we at glasgow prophetic center will off to fight so yeah I think I'm at a great weekend I got to hang out with some really some of my closest friends just laughing having about fun talking catching up and and also on Friday we all got to see each other and I mean it was the beginning of March the last time we were and so we all got to be together and we got to do some corporate worship the four of us I think just made the same I was laughing Santa made again him before we started to worship we'll do 10 minutes and I thought well not all no to 10 minutes and it was an hour were like less done and and what I loved was as well was with Jessica sneaking in at the back because she was just like its corporate worship I'm gonna get into this although I only saw it for a minute because we were too busy worshipping to notice what else was going on but it was it was just great yes more corporate worship you know we'd actually gone to look at a new piece of land for building a new building on and that and a summons there Jane to come because you just want feet on the ground to feel it and then they come back to my house it's actually in this room where I am now because of course my sewing systems are here and it's like when I said will we do some corporate worship everybody's like yes yes yeah first time in months and months and months so it was good and we didn't even we ate some Greek cheese as well some great cheese from the Netherlands oh very yummy you cannot come to my house without eating cheese it's just a family amazing I wish that I know that happy Phil cheese plots are in there Fred all of the time and I'm not just talking about one or two blocks of cheese a Phil cheese platter with cheese that you've never never heard before so I mean really when you compare how you have the keys Gloria oh hey what my children doesn't like cheese and I'm like huh I'm gonna color you even part of this family which tried oldest hats sorry Peter why is that guy's weird you must you must have a dodgy gene in there somewhere even your dad doesn't your dad like he wants fondue every Christmas or something I actually ate fondue in lockdown because I thought I can't wait for Christmas Stephanie cheese in heaven sending you there is a hundred percent cheese in heaven it's its own food group we have to say yes oh yeah someone's lactose-intolerant Oh beauty perfect enjoy please agree and and our shops opened in Glasgow yesterday some of them non-essential for the first time since March and I thought oh that would be nice well because my two boys have I'd grown all their shoes and don't like their toes are pokin at the end of the shoes and they probably need them just before a long time so they've had like four or three four months with shoes that don't fit so I thought well it was her it was horrific you know of course it was tipping dying with rain so everybody was so long you know and the whole experience of the hand sanitizer nation and the queues and they every time they tried on a pair of shoes the shopkeeper took them away and sprayed them with antibacterial spray you know the whole thing was just a bit of a procedure anyway they now have shoes that fit so right but I tell where did you end up going did you go into Glasgow centre then we went into the city centre and because of Kobe cuz all the shopping centres are shot and it was stressful you wouldn't do it for fun I told you it was really do it if you didn't need to do it so but the boys are absolutely delighted and how expensive our boys trainers in it oh very very very nice they're an art piece and our installation on the end of your legs that's why they're more expensive than cleaning them even some we are I think we have to go back into our cities to support them don't we we have to go back in to spend money otherwise the cities aren't gonna survive economically but I think yes I'm with you I I will only go in if I absolutely have to because it sounds like a bit of a road I mean I was awful but Piazza P I saw some I saw a pension of Peter shares on their curl yes show me a picture of each that's nice he's joining the food homeless boy is I've gotten wedding Tommy jeans t-shirts I know he's waiting make shoes the eyelids where sunlight come on these are other ones but it's my youngest who night is out of children's shoes and as adults issues you know size six which i think is a lot size 8 in America and he is quite I mean he was struck my right eye happy the adult shoes I'm like oh man ok the joys of raising boys anyway should we go on to something deep spiritual stuff yes ok Sam why don't you hit it with it you you had an a vision and trainers are sneakers somebody saying water trip water trainers sneakers sneakers okay so Sam reggae this was something brilliant spiritually thoughtfully on the back of the glorious conversation shoes again and so I was sitting on my bed last night and I'm honest I was intended zone I wasn't worshiping or reading and scratcher am I was just set him I think I was looking at my phone or something like that and immediately God pulled me into this visionary encounter and when that happens I of blue I mean you guys know God really wants to speak now I'm not kind of pressing n I wasn't in that place of Prayer where I was like show me what you want to show at what you're doing God but God just pulled me into this visionary encounter and I was watching under the soil of the nations of the earth this network and that God said was thus better of death and it looked like and these enormous rot something like you would see probably on TV or something from New York you know that the human-sized rights in some regard and they were chewing away at the power lines and the communication lanes underneath the nations of the earth and I was watching as there were certain hubs and almost in each continent where these not a rat's were birthed out of that they were then disseminated into various nations to chew and to release death and God said that they were thus better of death and so immediately as I'm watching this I know that God is showing me these rats because he is about to do something about this better of death and the nation's and immediately just after I mean I only watched them for 5-10 seconds it was as quick as anything because God was saying this isn't the main focus of the vision and I watched as from heaven their angelic hosts were sent out and they were in full hazmat suits and they started to fumigate under the soil of the earth to quell these rats the spreader of death and to destroy their layers to destroy their hubs to destroy their birthday areas and remove them from out from beneath the soil and I know from beneath the ground and they were going in and if any of you have ever had a bug infestation and you've had exterminators come in and release their kind of a fumigation there whatever as unto the atmosphere it was almost like not but so much more forceful and God was through the angelic host starting to force and quell this better of death of the air out from underneath the soil and the Lord said that's one phrase over and over and over again and it's time to put death to death and it's death to death at his team to put death to death and I knew I was watching something that wasn't just em that a personal thing you know God and me doing our God just and you're doing it I knew that God was saying look I am putting death to death and nation's mess is a national global activity that I am now initiating where death that has been under the soil of the nations of the earth as now being held and by result of that your own spirits of death that are around you personally will be killed but the spirits of death that are N and underneath the nations of the earth will also be killed and as these rats were eliminated exterminated fumigated and destroyed the angels started to drop these enormous acorn sized seeds into the ground and the moment they hit the soil they bloomed into vast enormous tall broad trees that would cover the land and wherever the cover and the trees when the shadow of the tree wasn't a dark shadow it was any shadow that the land would light it was bizarre the shadow of the tree was light and colorful and bright as the trees started to shadow the earth with life and wherever the shadow would hit the ground the life with the ground would start to change color and produce vegetation and on these trees the very well known was written John 10:10 the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but I came that they that's you may have life and have it abundantly I came that they may have life and have it abundantly and I didn't quite Google just before we came on life and that word for abundantly literally means super abundant or excessive that God came that Jesus came he died and he rose again so that you may have excessive amounts of life and so as God Kell the national the global network of the spatter of death he is waking up and Nations excessive outrageous life and new and in the lands of the earth immense energy and Jonah add-on as we come against the spirit of death yeah I mean you can you can feel the resistance in the skirt stay with us guys because there's a bite to be some master difference in some aspect in here I believe that the spirit the Lord is saying that we are in a special empowering time where the force of God is a bite to infuse you even as you watch this the glory of God is gonna come through the screen there's gonna be and infusing as we release it to you and it will strengthen you enough to overthrow the stranglehold of every place the spirit of death has got a hold in your life I believe that God is saying we are entering an unprecedented season of victory over death and decay and the relentless unceasing demonic dilute dilution and ups and downs that we have faced and the Spirit of the Lord says you have sat in diluted life rather than abundant life you have sat in surviving rather than thriving you have sat in delay rather than being on time you have sat in frustration rather than in satisfaction you have sat in a place says the Lord where you have lacked consistency and the Spirit of the Lord says underpinning all those things has been the spirit of death curled around your feet like a snake and the Spirit of the Lord is saying that that spirit of death has kept you away from your fullest place and the Spirit of the Lord says to come up here this morning come up here so that you can see what is really going on that much of what opposes you is the spirit of death that right now there is an anointing that's gonna first through your being and to get rid job says the Lord Sam sarah-jane who before I teach a little bit about it you want to add to that come on yes sir Jenna I just say that over and over again be a force be a force and this force that is inners it is latent that God is igniting today will overcome the spirit of death but also propel you and aza the church forward into the fullness of life the fullness of the expression the things that we have been talking about over these weeks the fullness of the light of Christ coming out of those briefs saying be a force of life and be a life force and so there's a sense of actually as Emma teaches and as we unpack and as we start to and if you will dig under the spirit of death if you will where it's been planted in our lives in the nation's as we dig in that we come out being a force and it's like the Joel 2 Army of God being released almost like on a catapult or an elastic a giant elastic band that we get shot out into the world shot out into our lives to release that life force of God yes so let's first sound do you want to add that yeah that's quite clean and about this better of death because it's easy to disqualify yourself thinking I've not been attacked by the spirit of death when you haven't had a death experience but just to shine some light on the spirit of death and I know ever you'll touch on it but the main aim of the spirit of death isn't just to kill you or to kill something but it's to keep you from the experience and of the fullness of life and often the spirit of death is these better the underpins yo-yoing back and forward particularly as it pertains to living on fire for God's the f you feel like I have a couple of weeks where I'm honor then I have a couple of weeks when I slept then I have a couple of weeks when I'm on it then I have a couple of weeks when I slept or you you're you're in life you're hot then you're cold often as a spirit of death that underpins that why because aim of that yoyo is to keep you from experiencing the fullness of life and so if you feel like actually I may not have had a near-death experience but there are things in my life that I am not experiencing the fullness of life and/or I'm an anon I'm you're going back and forward often that as is better of death underpins that I think that's very helpful son because really when you get to heaven and there is no decay that's really important I don't know how God works the seasons because of course autumn and the fall period is is about decay and death and decay or decay as part of the weaponry of death decay is part of the weaponry of death and so what that means is that I'm I can measure death in my life by the places I have decay do I have a decay in my vibrancy for Christ do I have a decay in my relationships is there an undermining of my spiritual well-being is there a decay emotionally and where you can measure decay there will be a stronghold assignment against you of death because it is the weaponry of death all right and so it's very important that you're hearing what Sam is saying there that it's not about oh my goodness I'm I nearly died it is the weaponry of death being decay it is often like a hopeless feeling Tamar absolutely where you are aware that you are not living in the fullness that you should be and and so that is what we're worrying for today so we're very clear on what we're what we're worried against all right so when first Corinthians 15 26 says the last enemy to be destroyed is death that is fascinating did you hear that the last enemy to be destroyed is that's first Corinthians 15 26 now the original Greek is much more forceful than the last enemy to be destroyed is death you need to stay with me and hear this it actually is the last of the enemies will be completely doomed and totally abolished now when it says that the last enemy is death it is alluding to the fact that you and I faced a load of enemies but that the ultimate wrestle that you and I have the ultimate victory you need to come in contact with is the victory over death and in other words you will have had some victories over anger you will have had some victories over sexual perversion yes you will have had some victories over a lying spirit you will have had some victories over financial mismanagement you will have had many victories in your life over many different demons but the Word of God says the thing that you will come to last that you will have to kill is death and it decay you will ultimately have to battle that spirit that pressures upon you all of the time do not just think that this scripture in Corinthians is talking about your physical death at the end of time it's not just about being buried and cremated yes the Bible talks about physical death but this is the battle against spiritual death - that wants to make you inactive and is saying you see you sitting watching this I want you to have no effect on the earth I want you to have no effect on the earth that is what the battle against death is really a bite and these are the days oh these are the days where you and I are going to say I face dinah Leviathan I pushed back Jezebel I killed a witch have spirit I went after Bey Hamas I have wrestled Freemasonry and no on the 30th of June I stand facing the hordes of the demons of death the battalion and the squadron this last enemy who shadow I have walked under for too long I have been bullied by death my life I have been decayed by its parts but I will look it in the face face that I will speak with such abundance I will speak life over myself the that death and decay will back dine I will give the spirit of death such a tongue-lashing in my own life that he will retreat and I will come fully high that's what we're doing today any comments on that before I keep going like keep going your head in it without coming fully alive that actually even to rate that I'm coming fully alive and the work there that is key is not alive but fully because we've got to recognize I have been partially alive and many of you think I so you've had allow about a life and you thought that was good to be yet but I have been partially partially alive but no I am coming fully alive and the fully ward is important there yes are you just gonna have to end it tight that in the comments I am coming fully alive I mean that is the decree that when we speak in the face of death surgery and anything else before I keep going I just think it's a helpful image if you will as one who sees in the spirit why I watch with John 10:10 often and particularly over this time is almost like a seesaw and there's a pivot point in John 10:10 when we start walking into the fullness of life and often there is this you know the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy but we have to walk out of the stealing killing in this drawing into the fullness of life to then fully engage and fully access it and so it's individual choices its step-by-step choices its individual yeses to the fullness of life I choose life today even if you're feeling a little bit under the under the weather or low mood or depression or whatever it is I choose life today I choose to walk into life today and so some of these and for some of you who've been feeling on during the caucus there is this daily twice daily stepping into your tent ends fullness of life yes I have to say you know before I kind of wax lyrical more about the spirit of death I have felt the heaviness of the nation's as was as a part of our job as profits you couldn't feel what what I mean by I felt the heaviness of Nations if any of you have felt deeply wearied battle wearied deeply deeply fatigued you know a real sense of oppression right about you I want to suggest to you that may not just be you and your personal life you know that is more likely to be that you are a blood-bought saint of the Most High Living God and you're actually feeling the oppression of what is happening in the earth sometimes it's not personal sometimes you've got to ask God is what I feel to do with just my own four walls or is what I feel because I'm sensing what's going right there in this spirit realm okay we got to be more intelligent about our question asking because so many times we can start to get you know in and ourselves oh I feel oh I feel and our heads go dine you know oh you know it this is exhausting you know just being just being me and and what's going wrong and am I not doing something right with life and you know this oppression I can't seem to kick it may I suggest to you that instead of asking what's wrong with me you start to say God what are you showing me about what's going on right there god am i picking up something as a prophetic person stewarding revelation about what's going on like there you will get so much more Liberty when you ask more intelligent questions about why you feel the way you feel okay and so I've been feeling this sense of heaviness why because you can feel the fight over nations right now you can see oh my goodness you can feel the spirit of violence in in America you can feel that you know rising up and needing to be killed but that was how will that feel that will just feel like sometimes an oppression you can feel the rebellion of the Scottish people wanting to rise up against the English right now you can feel the English wanting to be bullish and taking over you can feel the the bloodthirstiness in South Africa you know all of those things you can feel the sleepiness in Canada every time I go to Canada you feel in the land Canada is a nation of warriors but they've been told that they they are not so you feel the sleepy demons over at Canada every time you go there all right whoo so you can feel some of that stuff in the atmosphere even though you may not be on those land masses personally I'm not on those land masses but I can feel it I can feel the atmospheres of the nations as a prophet and you can to as revelatory agents of transformation you are a revelatory agent of transformation by the way but you can you can feel them in the atmosphere and the Lord is saying why can you feel that because I want you to start to command the opposite I want you to start to command life I want you to say there will be life here I want you to feel it in your being so that you can be a solution and some of us have got to stop saying oh / me / me that's just me I'm having a hard time I'm having a rough day no you've got to put that to one side and say God has trusted me to feel something beyond myself God has trusted me to feel some sense of because that's what's happening in the nations and he lets me feel it to wake me up that I may not go / me but that I may go what can I do for you God today in the nation's and got a saying you need to start to speak life you need to start to speak the opposite you need to start to speak Canada you've got sleepiness now you're gonna come alive America you've got violence now you're gonna have unity you know Scotland you've got rebellion you're gonna be those who know what it is to be a brother and sister in nations rather than violently independent England oh you'll be you want to be the nation that takes over you're gonna know what it is to find God's partnerships and when you feel the demonic oppression in your nation oh you've got to start to be a voice that is a solution and we are being cold right now in this session to get death so off our selves again so excited I'm spitting beautiful we gotta so get death of ourselves that we understand why God lets us feel as he feels so we share in the feeling of his own heart and his own burdens so that we may speak solutions who Sam's there change on a comment on that but I didn't go to death I'll come back to death and you do feel that the heaviness and over and the the nations and thus but whatever said they're so important about not internalizing what God is actually doing and the atmosphere and the land of your nation that you can very quickly become critical of yourself and you can very quickly box yourself and thinking this is just me and myself when actually you're packing up something that God is doing in Nations and so you've got to start to understand God how can I partake in that how can I be part of the solution how can I be part of the story that you're writing and my nation and that's so important and feel the trust feel the trust that God has given you that as choosing you to be part of the story as he chefs nations and nations are standing right now and the valley of decision and nations are standing right now and the valley of change and we are in a national transformation moment where God is so focused on nations and you know he's always focused on nations but often you know we 11 days and a lot of the time we live in the times where God is you know shifting a person or the people or any people group are one place over here or one place that place over there but you can hear what God is saying we're using nations you are Maine and I am shifting you and we stand in that moment right now where nations are the desire of Jesus and Jesus and nations are desiring Jesus but that nations are enough transformation sir Jane yeah yeah this I think this is really where guys the discerning of spirits and the wisdom of God the gifts of Holy Spirit come into play because you want to know what these spirits are that are affecting your world your families your business what God is giving you to steward and so some of you are mentioning territorial spirits basically what Emma is saying is the spirits that are all the nations that are asked their strongholds we need to know what they are so that we can come out from under them and then start to advance against them and so when when we're beginning to pray these things when we're beginning to talk to you about the spirit of death that is prevalent here and the Emma is talking about the strongmen in the nations you want to be saying to God show me where that is been apparent in my own life show me where that has been overcoming me potentially in in work in life in relationships whatever it is so that you can have your eyes open so I just pray for you right now that your eyes your spiritual eyes your spiritual senses would be open to know and just to go oh hang on a minute this is where that has affected me this is where the Spirit of death has affected me so that you can really engage personally with where this if you will this this national and international stronghold of death has got a hold thank you searching we have got to get our eyes off our selves and to understand that God uses what he's got of us he uses our emotions he uses our physical frame so that we may feel within them some of the things that are happening right there that we may be provoked to be agents of change we must not be so small-minded and so divorced in our thinking that we think well God would never use me you are part of his body you are part of his body and that means what flows through him flows through you and that hai he feels about some things you will feel about some things and we already know in in like the healing in movements that very often we would wear my team and you'll have had this - or if not you'll have it when we train you for miracle clinics you know sometimes you see the pain in your body and you didn't have that pain five minutes before but that pain in your body is provoked by God because actually the person you're about to minister to has that pain and God is getting your attention and you know that they have that pain because you temporarily for 60 seconds also share that pain where we become very aware of our bodies in ministry oh I feel like a stabbing pain in my right elbow it's not because I have a stabbing pain in my right elbow it's because somebody else is totally debilitated by that and God is temporarily getting my attention on it okay I am a team member and she's she's much more elderly now but she would say to me Emma I would wake up with the dominant emotion of the person that I was going to minister to that day and she would say I used to think I was going mad she said I thought I was a schizophrenic for for a long time because I knew that that was not a normal emotion and she said it wasn't until I started to ask God that he was saying I am giving you the emotions of the person you're going to minister today so that you will be determined in their freedom isn't that remarkable isn't that remarkable you know I'm so even the sense of God what are you feeling and what is the land feeling and so when you feel exhausted and you feel overwhelmed God what is happening God what what is happening in my nation why do I feel like that okay who I hope we're learning today so Jane you've had that many times haven't you that kind of sense of you feel it before you go when you action it yeah absolutely I think you know it's it's really what we would call the seer anointing and so it's available for everybody because we know from first Corinthians 31 14 that all may prophesy and so we can all prophesy we can all receive revelation but we receive it in different ways some of you out there will be very used to feeling things and just having a knowing or a nudge or a sense or like Mssr pain for example quite often I will get an AB and head like a pain in my head if there's a spirit of witchcraft that's very common for many actually others to get the headache so if you feel like oh I get a pain in my head sometimes it could be that you've been feeling the spirit of witchcraft other things on your body would tend to in my experience I now know what those spirits are if they come if I feel pressure on my shoulders I know what that is for example so there's a sense of the body becomes a map a road map and certainly in my case God shows me through my body what's happening in nations and they begin to feel it and it's begin this is quite an unusual thing now I feel different things for different nations on my body where God started it with individuals and so for those of you out there I would urge you to acknowledge those feelings to acknowledge what you're feeling physically or even just in the atmosphere emotionally and this is quite an unusual thing that Emma was talking about I know the lady she's talking about who would wake up feeling that those of you who in gage with the Syria 19 will find that very challenging to know what is my emotion and what is somebody else's or something else that's going on and you have to ask the questions we've talked about this before asking questions ask God is that me am I feeling that we all could wake up maybe on the wrong side of the bed in the morning but actually it could be that something's happening in the nation or something's happening in the atmosphere in your community and God is getting your attention so it's always good to ask is that me God or is that something else and he will be very clear to tell you that's something else and then the next question is what do you want me to do about that am i praying am i asking more questions and you go on a journey of learning you discern you train your senses in the Hebrews 5:14 where you're training yourself to discern the spirits and testing those spirits that are out there so that you then know what to do with them but it can sometimes start with just a nudge or a feeling or a knowing I mean that's very very helpful you got to remember people you are part of something that is bigger than you you are part body of Christ and what Sarah Jane said is your body is a road map okay right we're going to M go back into the stir of death okay some days how you feel is not just how life is you've got to rise up face death expose it name it and overthrow it and if death according to Corinthians is the last enemy it's likely that you have tried everything else you know to do before you hit the shift you need and remember when King David he's been in battle he comes back to his camp big lag his wife and his children have been taken and he needs to engage with the right strategy and the very second he hits the right strategy everything gets returned to him in three days may I suggest to you that some of you have not find the right strategy and so you're still stuck in the same place and some of you have not understood that the strategy is I cut the head of death off and suddenly what has been robbed from me will come back and God is raising up a remnant who will know what it is to overcome the spirit of death which of course is very close to em Satan in terms of you know at the hierarchy no I'm teaching you revelation 20 we see death personified as a person this is really important the Bible talks about it being a spirit an entity it's not some kind of abstract saying retsoor revelation 20 is very clear clear that death is a spirit that is prowling and it is active it wants to keep your mind away from thinking about life 2nd Timothy 1 verse 10 Christ Jesus who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel in other words Jesus had a victory over it and you get to reinforce that victory are you hearing it you get to reinforce the victory that Jesus had over death and we we are so biblically dull and so we land in Sam 23 I mean we get so used to the concepts of Sam 23 that I know what it is to live in the shadow of the valley of death I mean how many have quoted that in difficult times we rave about that passage in Scripture you know oh well this is just a time where I'm walking under the valley or the shadow of death and we have forgotten what the New Testament says on the valley of the shadow of death because in Matthew 4 it says to those who live in the shadow of death some 23 a light has dawned and we spend so much time in Psalm 23 you know it'll pass it's a shadow it's a shadow and sometimes life is like that we forget to turn to the New Testament that says to those who lived with death as a shadow to those who lived with decay to those who lived unless an abundant light a light has dawned Wow which is that scripture that opens the door to face the decay in your life and kill it you see when we talk about revival I mean we're all of revival don't we all of revival we all of the concepts of awakening but revival and Awakening are really what what is revival really what is Awakening really it is the removing of death that's what it is if you want a definition of revival it's the removing of death do you see how significantly this revival is not just a temporary warm feeling that you and I associate with the presence of God revival is the stewarding of life that totally mobilizes you it is not a slight breeze of God so you can continue to limp revival without life it's just a festival revival with my life is just entertainment revival is all a byte rare correction and resuscitation revival is God's response to our apostasy to our abandoning of life you got to hear this revival is God's response to our abandoning of life I'm gonna say that again revival is God's response to our abandoning of life and you and I we've only known what it is to measure our output working hard busy in doing Gus's I don't want you to measure your output I don't want you to measure how hard you worked I don't want you to measure how busy your diary was I've stripped that I want you to measure internally how alive you are and how you killed the spirit of death I have spent years training people in deliverance prophecy healing spiritual warfare and it's a joy and I will continue to do it but they are tools they are not a destination healing spiritual warfare deliverance ministry they are all weapons they are not the arrival place do I want you to be robust in prayer yes do I want you to prophesy yes do I want you to do deliverance ministry yes but is that the biblical plumb line of success no it's a signpost which is why Matthew 7 says many will come to me on that day and say Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name do we not drive out demons in your name do we not perform miracles in your name and I will say I never knew you you see you can heal the sick and you can rot dry by the demon and you can raise the dead but the ultimate reason that Jesus came was not so that you could feel good about a sign and a wonder and a miracle that is a destination Jesus came to John 10:10 the thief comes to steal kill and destroy and I have come that you might have life and life to the full he came to bring you alive he came that death would be defeated he came to end the death in you his aim was your life let's deal with death Sam surging after that and then we were gonna just kill it yeah just a few things and someone was asking how do we live under the bride she's the shadow of life those trees that I saw in that vision at the beginning how do we live under that eye and let me see we're gonna deal with this better of death but this is also a Amane set shift as well because how often do you expect extreme excessive abundant life to invade who you are how often do you just set down and say I'm just basking in your life God you see we quote all the time as Emma said I'm in the valley of the shadow of death but how often do you quote of your your light has already done God your light has already come your life has already been poured Oh how often do we shift into that how often do we expect abundant life instead of expecting decay how often do we expect late instead of expecting death that actually we wake up a lot there is going to be a tough day or today it's gonna be you know I'm battling death today rather I'm waking up and God a light has already dawned your life has already been poured out and so I'm gonna kick this better but I've also got to work with my main set so that I shefte end to understanding the reality that life was already made and God as saying though and this but I I'm also killing the spirit of death I am telling it the death that has come to momentum and progress the death of emotions the death of future the death of employment and business and financial well-being I'm killing the death of relationships I'm telling the death of consistency as well and so even as we come into that god cal this better of death in the nation the sweater of death that is Aerobie but help me to chef my main say-so that I left every moment expecting your abundant life to be poor day sir Jane yeah and you've been traveling with us long enough some of you to know how we generally deal with these issues and you know break agreement with and all of those things but I felt a lot to say this morning it's more about remembering who we are and what we have and the Lord is saying to us pick up the keys you have the keys you have the keys that Jesus has of death and Hades which is revelation 1:18 I am The Living one I was dead and now look I'm alive forever and ever and I hold the keys of death and Hades Jesus has the keys we have the keys and he's saying look Church pick up the keys and it's almost as simple as saying enemy I've got the keys I've already overcome death but we forgotten that we have them and we've forgotten the power and the authority that we have in Christ Jesus and it's a case of grabbing them by faith and saying I have overcome Jesus has overcome and I'm picking up the keys and remembering that I hold them to unlock and to move beyond where death has got ahold of me so I think this is a complete mindset mindset shift of it's the victorious mindset that said that Emma was speaking about at the beginning it's the the faith mindset of grabbing hold of that and releasing and walking in it as we were saying before and as we do that we get catapulted into the fullness of life so thank you we're gonna repent for our and our aligning of decay to be so strong a shadow over us and you're gonna have some homework to do you are going to have to say death your smell and your stench may not come close to me your decay I reject in the name of Jesus and that is going to have to be a lifestyle for some of you for awhile because you've been so slimed by decay everywhere you've looked and when when Corinthians says death is the last enemy that that puts it in the context of a war it is an enemy that you are have to continually speak fight against death you may not have my family death and decay you may not have my finances my relationships my spirituality okay death I reject your decay and wait up to a different sort of prayer of why do I feel like I feel and I repetitively go now I'm gonna go after that I'm gonna get you to repent sound can you leave them in repentance so we can kind of release them without death as close as it is and into this lifestyle of dealing with this last enemy so repent for their partnerships with death and decay absolutely so just repeat after me and if one of you guys could repeat as well no problems of synergy and if you can repeat after me just to help em those watching follow so father God in the name of Jesus father God in the name of Jesus I repent for partnering with death and decay I repent for partnering with death and decay and welcoming the shadow in my life and welcoming this shadow in my life I am sorry for not receiving abundant life from you I am sorry for not receiving abundant life from you I'm exacting well having partially alive and for accepting living partially alive I'm not fully alive I'm not fully alive I am sorry God and asked for your forgiveness I am sorry God and I asked for your forgiveness and and Jesus name I break agreement with death under key and in Jesus name I break agreement with death and decay I tell you to leave my life now and I tell you to leave my life now I'm decree every shadow is being removed and decree of a shadow of death is being removed as life starts to fill me as life starts to fill me in Jesus name in Jesus name a man let me just pray in tongues for you she a llama so a annachi ki a Jana every demonic force of death that has around the lives of those listening and watching I release the burning fire of God and I burn you off their lives right now I say you are consumed and destroyed by the glory of God that is taking your place and in the name of Jesus where death thinking is in your head I pull the light of you in the name of Christ who stands higher than all in the name of Jesus I go to that snake of death around your life where you have known decay in your finances decay in your relationships decay in your spirituality and right now in the name of Jesus you are being separated from that vileness it is cut off from you and you are separate from it and in Jesus name Qian Anna Shaolin a CA Anna life life back in life beckon you are coming alive you are coming alive and I prophesy that the Spirit of the Lord says there will be an ability in you to stand tall there will be an ability in you says the Lord to stand strong the Spirit of the Lord says I'm giving you the ability for upright standing and the Spirit of the Lord says I'm giving you ability to advance in to march forward for the Spirit of the Lord says even the decay has been taken out of your future says God and the Spirit of the Lord says am I not the god of open doors do not think in this season says the Lord that decay would shut the door to you for the Spirit of the Lord says there will even be an abundant life that you walk into that goes against the trajectory of the nation's as you continually tell death to get off and the Spirit of the Lord says there will be life in my body there will be coolness and the life that I bring to you will be a sign and a wonder and a testimony of my glory says the Lord hmm some of you'll need to take a big deep breath and just blow I just make sure I know that's weird but trust me through three blow a night for every place the locusts have stolen God your word says that you redeem and restore where locust is stolen particularly I really feel the Lord is strong on that particularly in relation relationships the Lord says there will be even a restoration of relationships where locusts have stolen ears that's really death locust is a symbol of death the Lord says there will be even a restoration that you think is out of and out of reach the Lord says it will be something that will be one that you can grab hold of restoration of relationships I feel very strongly then I am watching my I am watching those with like marriage partners receive marriage partners Wow Wow Wow life in relationships in the mighty Damon Jesus anything else you guys are seeing I just say the Lord say again take up the keys pick up the keys these keys of life that Jesus has got and given to us these keys of life and he says take the keys and unlock where finances have been locked up with that spirit of death unlock the keys unlock the relationships and there's a sense of yes agreeing with the prophetic words and the and the deliverance prayers that were praying today but remembering that you have the keys to unlock that which had been locked up by the Spirit of death and so if you've been feeling that sense of my relationships have been locked up you take the key prophetically if you will in prayer and even if you want to do it with your hand you say I'm unlocking those relationships I'm unlocking the friendships I'm unlocking the finances if the financial flow has been affected by the Spirit of death if-if-if house moves or whatever it might be that you felt the resistance of the Spirit of death you take the key and prophetically you say I am unlocking and we do that even for Nations I felt like the Lord say you know we take that when we say to speak on unlocking from the spirit of death into nations and we release even if you will missile projects how missile prayers into those nests of the spirit of death in the nations and we blow those nests up and we cancel every cursing assignment every time curse every occasion or anniversary of nation curses that are associated with the spirit of death that Sam was seen at the very beginning those nests of the spirit of death and Nations we say they may not be released we contain them and we say they may not be released in the nations and that they will not affect the people of God and they will not affect the nations and we say to you people of God remember you have the keys to unlock life yeah amen well David I think you're gonna have to change the title because we put death and spiritual gifts but that's them two sessions in a row we've not got two spiritual gifts so just always there he's got at the spirit of death it's been retitled tomorrow we will see you again and we will try spiritual gifts tomorrow tempt number three do you love you just follow the Spirit of God don't even you end up somewhere completely different for those of you who apply to come onto our miracle clinics thank you God's weird slightly overwhelmed by applications and I think this week Nicola who you will meet is sending out the requests for references that's this week's job so that once the references come in we can progress you into the training package so we are working on that behind the scenes we love you guys very much and we will see you for spiritual gifts tomorrow bye no it's not too late it's not too late apply apply okay bye [Music]
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 12,081
Rating: 4.8894472 out of 5
Id: rXCTcjetYyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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