Restoring the Ancient Markers | Dutch Sheets

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[Applause] thank you thank you thank you are you glad you're here I'm really glad I'm here and I'm excited about what the Lord's doing I'm not distracted by what the enemy is doing I'm excited about what I know that the Lord is doing you do know he's not finished with America right and I'll tell you why in just a minute it's not because he loves us more than other nations it's because of the role he has chosen that we play in the harvest that's coming as a trumpet of the gospel so anyway I'm I am thrilled to be here appreciate Tim hosting these appreciate you coming I know some of you have driven in from outside the city come from different parts of the state in probably different states anybody here tonight that you don't live in Ohio look at that it's awesome Indiana probably Kentucky Michigan probably have all those states here that's good I know we I know we have people from those states represented so I'm gonna I don't know how long I've got to go tonight I might I may it is I should have asked before came up here but what's your normal I mean do you yeah we can I'm not gonna wear the people out but we can go as long as we want right yes okay so I'm a you know I've got several dreams I want to share with you and and tell you what I think the Lord is saying and first first I want to I want to back up in time I suppose it was almost ten years ago at least eight years ago the Lord gave a dream to one of my spiritual sons for me and in the dream he was in a large long Convention Center and I was like the not worth a meeting like this was taking place but we're booths were set up and merchants were set up and so it was long long building with people scattered here and there and at the far end I was doing what he thought was probably a book signing because he could see me seated there but he couldn't really focus I mean couldn't get a lot of details because he was two or three hundred yards away in this building but what he could see over me was the word war in capital letters and I was sitting at a table under that sign so he walked to me to greet me and the closer he got he could tell that there were smaller words under each letter war w AR and he could see that under the W was wisdom and under the a was and and under the r was revelation so the sign literally said war with wisdom and revelation and then he said as he got closer and looked at me that I was I don't know if I'd smurfed into this or but looked this way the entire time and he could only really tell as he got closer but he said I was in this dream like half of me was old gray hair you know just the look of an older man that was the side of me that was under the word wisdom and the other half of me was young like I am now and that side was under the word revelation and that side had a pen right he spoke to me very strongly right after that I'm not going to share this dream but God gave my daughter a dream about wisdom and revelation and the Lord for months dealt with me about these two dreams and I launched into a study on wisdom and revelation you know Ephesians 1 says Paul prayed for the Ephesians that they would have a spirit of wisdom and revelation yes so I became it became clear to me and by the way there's a there's an Old Testament word we don't have one in English that I know of but in the Old Testament there is a Hebrew word that embodies both concepts not just wisdom that which we've learned walked out that has become not just knowledge but the right application of knowledge and understanding wisdom all right so the word embodies wisdom but it also embodies revelation that's not what you learn that's what is given to you spontaneously by Holy Spirit whether it's a dream whether it's revelation from a scripture whether it's a vision revelation is the now word of the Lord and God starts showing me if we're gonna win a spiritual war we're gonna have to walk in both it's not enough just to have a revelation you can have revelation and just make a mess you can get dreams and visions and you know see things and if you don't know what to do with that you just create confusion and you can make a mess but on the other hand it's you can mess you can you can miss what God is doing and be very very wise a lot of people don't think that way they don't know that just because you're wise in the ways and scriptures the ways of the Lord scriptures etc that doesn't guarantee success because without revelation you won't know how to apply the wisdom that you've gained so we're in a season right now that I feel like it's very important that we walk in both I actually believe that the gifts of apostle and profit picture wisdom and revelation the it's not that fossils wouldn't have any revelation but they would they would lean more toward wisdom the prophets would lean more toward revelation and that doesn't mean they don't have any wisdom it means what they are gifted to bring the most would fall in those categories and in this season we're gonna have to listen to the profits and apply the wisdom of what to do with that from the Apostles so I've been meditating on that once again and I've been saying asking the Lord to give us a fresh outpouring baptism of the spirit of wisdom and revelation now the Lord says of the sons of Issachar in 1st chronicles 12:32 they had understanding of the times and the word understanding there is that Hebrew word that embodies both wisdom and revelation they understood the times were the knowledge of what Israel should do the reason they had understanding of what to do is because they walked in a combination of wisdom and revelation Daniel was said to operate in this being biy in this marriage of wisdom and revelation Solomon walked in a marriage of this so Daniel was able to be used by God to restore nation not be just because he was wise not just because he was a dreamer but because he had an anointing and an impartation and a heart to walk in both wisdom and revelation that's really not my message that's just an introduction and I'm throwing it out there because I I consider this to be a prayer night and I'm assigning you to pray with me that the leaders God has raised up in this hour to help the ecclesia do and accomplish everything he wants them to do that they will walk in a very high level of wisdom and revelation in fact as I say it now I I see in the spirit of window opening I knew the Lord was leading me to start with this not really knowing fully why but I I can see in the spirit a window opening and it is a window of wisdom and revelation I'm just gonna prophesy right now and say to you there is a stronger and joining coming quickly between the Apostle and the prophet prophets need to walk very closely with apostles so that the Apostles can help judge the words and help know what to do with those words Apostles need to walk with the prophets because if they don't or move in a prophetic anointing themselves and really should be both they will get stale and they will think they can build with good ideas because they have lots of them their thinkers their strategists but they need the prophetic voice of the Lord of Revelation to help them know the timing and the to fine-tune what God has given to this so are we asked you to open this window wide we ask you to bring a stronger marriage of the spirit of wisdom and revelation give us Lord what you gave Joshua Daniel Solomon Paul pray the Ephesian Church would have it it's a car give us the ability to hear but also give us the spirit of wisdom and I'm just gonna pause here and say this is not just understanding that comes from knowledge that you have gained over the years because Solomon was given a spirit of wisdom Daniel was Joshua it says it is said of him that he had a spirit of wisdom because Moses laid hands on him this was this was an impartation that brought a gift that somehow opened the my and put understanding from heaven into the mind of a man so Lord we are asking you for this to go to a higher level we're asking you Lord that when we're called into high offices and positions government positions education positions when we're asked to help rebuild nations when we're asked to deal with crises that you will have men and women ready to speak with incredible revelation and incredible wisdom the Lord let this window open wide Holy Spirit we're asking you to pour this out from this window and baptize us afresh and anew may we literally begin to think your thoughts may we process your thoughts in such a way that we can apply heavens understanding into the earth show us what to do in these strategic times when the enemy is fighting with great anger and great and very relentlessly to try and stop what you are doing but that you would have leaders in the kingdom that know what heaven is saying that can echo what heaven is saying and apply what heaven is say we pray Lord that this will be strong enough that it will cause us not to be distracted by all the unbelief and all the garbage and all of the meaningless rhetoric that flies so strongly and Lord with such intensity give us ears to hear you do it it's not just for leaders by the way this is for all of us what I pray for everyone watching I pray for I hope thousands of people tuning into this now or later that in their homes their automobiles they would lift their hands now and drink in this importation from you I pray that pastors and leaders that are struggling to know what to do next how to build how to prepare for what's coming I pray Lord that they will be able to receive this impartation from heaven so that they can hear from you and that the loud noises around us would not distract us amen [Music] all right I feel good about that feel like I got something out and awful me that I needed to do so I'm gonna try to quickly now go through some dreams and give you my interpretation first one I know you've heard before most of you it's the dream that God has used to lead me to the meeting we're doing in October the dream given to me in 2018 I've been singing this dream for a couple years sometimes the best thing to do with the dream is sit on for a while till you get understanding and revelation from the Lord about it so clay Nash sent me this dream he's a dutch I dreamed last night that you and a small group of us were invited to see POTUS president Trump in the Oval Office upon arrival after some small talk president Trump very much in humility began to thank you for your leadership and the appeal to heaven prayer movement he then gave you an appeal to heaven flag that he had signed which I know is not an autograph it's an endorsement from the highest position of authority in America of prayer and the prayer movement he then requested of you this is what we're going to do in October he he requested of you to organize a high-level strategic prayer task force and he told you he would be releasing directly to you significant issues for prayer he also said he had received this instruction from Melania I'm gonna skip part of it which I don't think is relevant for tonight because but then at the end he said can I pray for you I was interesting that in dream President Trump asked if he could pray for us I wonder if that's gonna happen one of these days what if this is literal maybe this is literal here's what he said Lord let this man and these leaders convene a holy convocation that I might finish my eight years well and so that the ancient markers of our founding fathers be restored he then presented to me a pager and he said when you see the number 22 22 which is Isaiah 22 22 is my as the verse God has given me all of us but it's he's assigned that verse to me if we have authority to open doors no one can close of closed doors no one can open so he gave me a pager and he said when you see the number 22 22 always answer your cell phone even though there will be no caller ID obviously dream he's saying cuz it'll be from from me prayer requests I'm gonna read to you just a minute two more dreams that clay has had since then where this pager has buzzed with 22 22 and President Trump has called me with messages because I'm receiving strategy four of those are from those so the reason we're doing this gathering we're gonna pray that he gets to finish his eight years because God is not finished with President Trump no one's saying he's perfect no one's saying we'd like everything that he does or his personality just forget all that we're not voting for personality we're voting for policy voting or praying for life for life life need to shift the courts to in the shedding of innocent blood and see life restored and most would you hear about him in the secular media as a lie anyway but where that's not even what I folk that what I'm focused on right now when I think about this gathering although I know that's important but God hasn't gripped me with this phrase we must pray for him so that God can use him just he's a part of it he's not that he's not the answer it's a part of it so that the ancient markers can be restored I don't think there's anybody in this room tonight that would they would sit here and foolishly say America does not have some things in her past that she's done wrong none of us just naively charged forward and say that America is perfect we've done some despicable things we know that but at the same time there's been tens of thousands of prayers over the last 20 years of repentance over those things and at some point you have to believe that the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from past iniquities and sins you can humble yourself and pray and turn and you have to believe at some point that he hears and heals forgives and heals so God is saying now we have come to a point in this restoration process that the destiny that he has for America can be recovered the ancient markers to me there may be other things you could say but for me the ancient markers would be that God would be referring to would be what he what he established this nation to do and to be and to me this is this is when you get to this point in the discussion it's very simple I'm full of this many times Robert Hahn said in 1607 he landed at Cape Henry and put that cross on the beach he prophesied the destiny of America the gospel this is a quote the gospel will go forth from these shores not only to this land but to all the nations of the earth and it's just interesting me just disses a low sign probably not excuse me probably not a little son that's just I think four or five years ago his his remains were discovered at Jamestown he was a sign that God was saying what he spoke through this man is still speaking from the grave [Music] but see America has become the leading voice of the gospel ever you know Israel gave us the gospel Messiah salvation that was their destiny America's destiny was to be the trumpet of their gospel to release that message is it any wonder that Satan hates America so much and is it any wonder I'm not talking about now you know people what I'm about to say I'm not talking about the fact that people that we need we always need to move forward in the area of justice you know past wrongs need to be made right I'm not the racism that still exists to a degree needs to be dealt with we still need to clean that up but beyond that isn't it interesting that in this season where God has talked about the ancient markers and saying I want to restore the destiny of this nation Satan's trying his best to destroy everything he can about our past even the good best just because they don't like our Christian roots demons principalities and those they influence do not like our Christian roots they do not like our destiny they don't want it to be our destiny they believe just as much in Islam Hinduism atheism all of these other isms just as much as they do Christianity they fight to say this is not a Christian nation and we should not have anything publicly to do with God why do you think they do that because they're inspired by demons who hate the gospel so it's not about America want with that we're praying or crying out that we can have the most or be the strongest or have them have the most money or prosper more than anyone else that is all to facilitate our destiny that is not our destiny let me read you a couple of quotes that I think reference our ancient markers George Washington said and I could read you say a few quotes from him of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political plot prosperity get ready because you not go here separation of church and state here okay just warning here of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity religion and morality are indispensable supports it is impossible get ready it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible George Washington john quincy adams said this the highest glory of the American Revolution now you think he's gonna say that we got our freedom that that somebody said that's not what he's about to say the highest glory of the American Revolution was this it connected in one in the soluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity he was saying the highest glory is that a nation was raised up that was willing to marry with God say we want to be a nation and a government under God partnering with God Mary joined together the principles of civil government and the principles of Christianity Samuel Adams he was character too many books up there Samuel Adams said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence which by the way has four references in it the founding document of this nation has four references to God the founding document of this nation has four distinct references to God it calls him our lawmaker wouldn't you like to have that influence in Congress again so that the idiocy and the selfishness and the power-hungry I just [Music] they are shameless many of them they don't think they could care less about truth he's referenced as our lawmaker our Creator our judge and our protector after signing the declaration history historians say some of these men wept openly this is this is this is a part of what they signed for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence we mutually pledge to each other our lives fortunes and sacred honor some of them began to weep you know what I believe I believe the presence of God was hovering in the room that's why I think they started weeping because I know God raised up this nation this wasn't man's idea this nation was God's idea it's still God's idea and by the end of this year we'll still be free we will still be free we will be closer moving more more into the ancient Parker's and we will become once again a incredible voice of the gospel to the ends of the earth revival is gonna go to the planet we're not he said we're not gonna sneak out here Jesus it's not gonna just you know just how insulted must be be with religious leaders preach and teach that he can't do what he said he can do that really won't be a glorious Church that the gates of hell can't prevail against there we're gonna sneak out of here and he's gonna rap just out here just before it all goes to hell let me just prophesy one more thing to you he will not have returned by the end of this year just just gonna tell you that right now I'm not telling you I know the day or the day I'm just telling you and if I'm wrong we get to heaven you just come up and you just point at me and laugh to say you were wrong but I'm not the least bit worried about that we'll be here at Christmas and we'll still be free and we'll be moving toward the fulfillment of Matthew 16 or Matthew 28 mark 16 and the greatest outpouring of holy spirit the world has ever seen because Jesus cares about these Souls and the nations of the earth that his daddy told him were his and he said that when the kings of the earth take their counsel together against him that heaven starts to laugh a laugh of derision then the father speaks and says I have appointed my son and I've given him the nation's and you better kiss the son or I will crush you with a rod of iron so it's not the purposes of God to get crushed I've said it before I'll say it again you have any part of your theology that allows God to lose you need to change your theology because it's a never his kingdom is an ever-increasing kingdom which will not pass away and the Ancient of Days is about to rule in favor of the Saints and give us what we've been asking for because the blood of Jesus is greater than all of our sin all of our weaknesses all of our abilities all of our iniquities and everything we've done in the past there's been plenty of intercession and repentance over the last 25 years and thence this nation to have cleansed us from every bit of that [Applause] [Music] some of them wept others like Witherspoon bowed their heads in prayer talking about at the signing of the declaration and Samuel Adams rose and said we have this day restore the sovereign to whom alone men ought to be obedient he reigns in heaven and from the rising to the Setting Sun may his kingdom come that was announced at the signing of the Declaration of Independence don't tell me we're a Muslim nation just as much as we're Christian nation or there were a Hindu nation just as much as we are Krishna we love all those people they're welcome here in America nobody nobody say everything we should hurt him that's not the point of any of this the point is what did he he raised up this nation to be and we're on a mission to see those ancient paths foundations markers be restored and they're gonna be restored come to the point when you just have to you just have to finally say we don't care if we offend you truth is truth John Adams said facts are stubborn things you may not like our heritage you may not like these things but but they're true nonetheless God's God's about to show people that he's stronger than they think he is I've said it before saying it he is not nervous he is not intimidated let me just read you one more thing about these markers I could give you many more facts than what I'm about to give you regarding education in America but a hundred six out of the first 108 colleges in America were founded on the Christian faith I hope this goes viral a hundred and six out of a hundred and eight of the first 108 colleges in America were founded on the Christian faith students at Harvard were required to read the scriptures twice daily oh the Bible is not welcome in public education that would be unconstitutional idiots thank you Harvard's founders stated all knowledge without Christ is vain Harvard's motto was for Christ and the church the rules and precepts of Harvard said quote every student shall consider the main end of his study is to know God in Jesus Christ listen to it again the rules and precepts of Harvard stated every student shall consider the main end of his study is to know God in Jesus Christ Princeton's motto was under the protection of God she flourishes jonathan dickinson the first president of princeton said and i quote cursed be all learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ countless other examples could be given under God is more than a religious quote stuck in the pledge of allegiance to set up spy America's Christian zealots it is in fact our history we are coming together in a holy convocation to pray that he finishes his eight years well and the ancient markers of our founding fathers be restore now let me let me read you a couple of dreams what time is it is it past your bedtime know what whether to cut out a couple of these or not I'll cut out one of these because two of them two of them are all about the same point really here's a dream sent to me recently this man had the dream three nights I wrote don't call back for the third time in as many days I dreamed this is a pastor a leader that I'm somewhat connected to and a close men of friend of mines are very connected to in Arkansas for the third time as many days I dreamed the Dutch sheets stood before President Trump standing behind him was the ekklesia see I know that I've said this before most of the time when I'm pictured in a dream I most of the time I know it's what I represent it's the prayer it's the praying church it's the echo seat it's the Apostolic prophetic ekklesia so it's not literally me although sometimes I receive dreams where it is literally me but so I was standing there the echoes see it was there behind me he said we were standing on the lawn of the White House now what he says he I could see it was there he said in the dream there were thousands there were hundreds of probably thousands of people there of the ekklesia the church the governing army of God government of God in the earth we were at the white house on the lawn President Trump was like a deflated balloon figure like a helium balloon that was running out of helium and kind of just deflating well I don't honestly know I don't know how the man has stood three years of 24/7 lies and hatred and curses and witchcraft idiocy he was almost out of helium he was bent over and tired I and the ekklesia began to prophesy we prophesied to him that only the Holy Spirit can revive and fulfill you only Holy Spirit can revive and fill you the ekklesia began to prophesy pray and decree into his administration and re-election campaign in the dream President Trump was filled with the Holy Spirit it became so large they looked like well just giant balloons figures you see in car dealerships he became unstoppable his hands were raised to heaven Thanksgiving to God then we said to him mr. president I listened to the whole statement for you before you react we said mr. president you're the only thing standing between us and the hostile takeover of our nation by the radical left you are giving us time to allow the Holy Spirit to take our nation back into a Great Awakening read it in you are giving us time see the changes we need changes in government but the changes in government are not going to restore America what we have to have is a spiritual transformation good laws alone will do it good leaders can't do it you are giving us time to allow a Holy Spirit to take back to take our nation back into a Great Awakening thank you and the Act will see it applauded and cheered them oh I don't I doubt very seriously if this man knows that he's been put in there to do this I just think he's just me God just need somebody stubborn and you'd name to be right all the time just stubborn and right enough to get us positioned so that God could do what he wants to do we're gonna we're gonna pray and prophesy tonight we're gonna do again in October in this holy convocation that President Donald John Trump has it encounter with God and becomes filled with holy spirit one day maybe he'll just mostly tweet scriptures jesus loves you America god is good all the time maybe he'll treat prophetic words this is what the Prophet told me this week I'm gonna just be create over America America shall be saved [Applause] gauging markers are being restored we're gonna be a great trumpet of the gospel of Jesus Christ I can assure you if he thinks he should he will he won't care what anybody thinks that's his greatest strength and his greatest weakness so let me read you another one cuz we got to pray for this man dreamed the morning of June 24th the president Donald John the beloved Trump had a press conference to ask for intercession regarding a trip he was taking to the headwaters of the Allegheny River I'm not sure yet what Allegheny is all about that River I'm looking into praying into but I know that the headwaters is very significant here it's the burden it's it's the point the beginning the origin the ancient markers so he's don't take a trip up the Allegheny and a small open boat by himself the day he made the trip the praying church was lined on both banks of the river [Music] standing behind the praying Church was the cloud of witnesses adding their agreement Sam Adams was probably there and Quincy and John and Abe George the devil hates it when I say that the left hates it when I say them they were standing behind the praying church so you've got today and you got history the synergy of the ages adding their agreements to the declarations and decrees of the praying church as president truck traveled upstream in an open boat Asian carp would jump up through the river seeking to impact him maybe China I'm not sure certainly not a a reference to Asian people but perhaps leaders evil leaders I love the Chinese people yeah but they would fly up out of the water and try to hit him but the praying Church would decree and intercede and the fish would be slammed back down below the surface of the water and it couldn't hit him once he reached the headwaters he began to decree about America completing its course and finishing well completing our course and finishing well completing our silent and finishing well completing our assignment and finishing well he says the carp were hit with flashes of bright light which he thinks in the dream were angels I believe there is a great possibility of conflict with China but I don't believe we're headed to third world warping so I believe God's going to intervene and I believe they're gonna get slammed with the same revival we're gonna get slammed with it's not time for World War three it's time for harvest wanna read you one more I dream the morning of July 16th that would have been just two three days ago the Dutch received 2222 on his pager there's another one I did not read to you where I received the 2222 alert on my pager to pray for the president but this will not I'll read to you dud fastened and he gets this dream in 2018 clay - and in the dream Trump gives me this pager and now I said two more dreams with the pager in 2222 it this signaled the 2222 on the pager signaled that a phone call would come on his phone from a block - number Dutch his phone rang and it was President Trump he informed it does assistance this could sound self-serving okay I know that but it's not he informed us that the timing of the reset 2020 holy convocation was very significant he said that there will be a tipping point in October that he could not release details about at this time he informed us that the dates eight nine and ten were significant as of course eleven follows that which is number of transition which is what he said as eleven follows and the transition would begin in October as a result of this tipping point and the reset of eight nine ten and eleven would result in twelve God's government being established that the previous government that had been as a pact driven firmly will fail and all that had been humbled the peg would fail POTUS said the failing would would complete the firing of shebna which is Isaiah 22 this reset of heavens government being released would result in the greatest measure of heavens authority ever seen in this nation since the signing of the Declaration of Independence and we'll read it again this reset of heavens government being released would result in the greatest measure of heavens authority ever seen in this nation since the signing of the Declaration of Independence instructed us that this that the legislative authority the holy convocation would move in will result in a leader shift of great proportion he said expect papers to be delivered that would give national authority to release spiritual understanding essential in the restoring of the ancient markers of our fathers he then stated without the ekklesia taking its faithful stand with their weapons the tipping point will not take place in other words if we don't pray it won't happen President Trump then said thank them all for their faithfulness and tell them I'm watching our struggle sometimes knowing at what point some of these dreams are gonna get literal with his involvement I believe we are gonna get to a place where he's gonna boldly contact leaders in the church and say I need prayer for this now if he doesn't already I probably had five dreams given to me in the last year or so that reference the ancient markers or the ancient path of the founders so we're gonna plow through all of the unbelief all the lies all the rewriting of our history we're gonna abandon the bad and we're gonna cling to the good one needs to be torn down can be torn out we're going to abandon the bad we're gonna hope fast to the good the ancient boundaries that he set up that are all about his kingdom purposes in the earth and we're gonna see that every store and we're gonna see a Bible tweeting president I just know it [Applause] [Music] come on up come on up worship team Tim we're gonna pray I used to I used to pull back somewhat from talking too much about government and meetings like this because there's always somebody that chooses you being political and really I don't like politics and and I don't like the political spirit but I love government and I love government because God is government he is the lawgiver of the judge and the king and all government is supposed to flow from him and when it works the way he intends it to work it brings peace wholeness righteousness health prosperity that's the way it's supposed to work when man gets involved and perverts it then it turns into illicit power the perversion of power so I don't like the political spirit I'm not in the politics but I am into government I've gone past the point now caring what anybody thinks when I would think that we shouldn't talk about these things you know together like this nothing could make satan happier and for the church to not be allowed in prayer such as this we're gonna invite his kingdom to come into this mission and his will be done unashamedly boldly we're gonna invite his kingdom to come his will to be done in this nation we're gonna ask for restoration of the ancient market we're gonna ask for continued a continued transformation of the ports till there is a majority of women men in this nation sitting on benches they can't find the word abortion in the word privacy [Music] most Americans don't know that is the one word that the Rosie versus Wade decision was based on the right to privacy and in the word privacy they found the right to legislate abortion [Music] he just pretty much have to be crazy to believe that that's [Music] Rita see the continued transformation of the ports we're gonna see continued to see dishonesty and injustice people with without integrity exposed and I don't care what party they win makes zero difference to me we're gonna see comics all together the session [Music] we're gonna see a third Great Awakening we are going to see [Music] three weakening this nation transform this nation from the inside [Applause] no snow no hope for transformation from the outside has to come from answer we're gonna see that awakening we're gonna see the harvest that we've been contending for that's where exactly what he said he was going to do you can't stay on the exam what you did this is official father we thank you for raising up this nation as a vegan why in the city of the hill thank you for cleansing us and forgiving us of our failures and weaknesses thank you for the revelation the truth the blood of Jesus cleanses all I thank you that you're coming to heal this nation [Music] at a cultural level [Music] a gender level at an age level at a race level you're coming to heal this nation that what you would seek to further divide us which is the work of Satan the one who steals kills destroys and who himself is called the accuser you're the one who divides that we say those spirits will fail the God who wills will prove himself strong over America and he'll heal the wounds of our past he will bring us together to become the greatest harvesting machine the earth has ever seen millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of souls will be brought into the kingdom nations will be transformed poverty will be broken human trafficking will be broken curses over nations would be broken [Music] transformed in a day Jesus will have his reward and everything the father said would happen will happen this awakening who come to this nation and you will restore us to our ancient markers and our founders established that we would be a nation under God for his glory as the Plymouth Compact said for the glory of God the advancement of the Christian faith for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith [Music] we say that every strategy to stop this will fail we bind you we bind ideologies philosophies demons principalities and powers we bind the plans and we say the plans of those that have conspired against Jesus Christ in this nation will fail [Music] we ask for angels to be released by the millions to help us now the greatest army that's ever existed the hosts of heaven with the cloud of witnesses and the angels of heaven and as you make your way up that river to the headwaters we will not fail to lift you up and intercede for you president truth we say you'll get there you prophesied that America will face well and finish the course finish well i bind every stronghold over the capital no wires I say your plans are failed you are destined to fail [Music] you are destined to fail kingdom of God rule of God domain of Jesus tell them to get to Washington DC [Music] will God be done [Music] may the strongholds of darkness begin to crumble in dramatic fashion [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 81,751
Rating: 4.8810859 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, raise the bar, dutch sheets live, dutch sheets oasis, dutch sheets the hub, the hub, restoring the ancient markers, dutch tim sheets
Id: D5LTbu5yxaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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