"Where Do I Have Authority? Part One" | POWER HOUR | Ep.123

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[Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music] good afternoon for our family you gorgeous people who tune in faithfully and regularly we are glad you are here facebook youtube wherever else you watch i don't know that there are any other options uh but however you imbibe this you are welcome remember to type in the comments so we can see we love seeing where you're all from and we love seeing the familiar names pop up as we get to know you over this journey of months and uh to the new people as well if you've never watched us before you are particularly extremely welcome and i have the gorgeous boys with me this morning who are sam and look how are you gorgeous boys i mean feeling very very blushy now after you enter justice that was lovely wasn't it glorious yes no we can't do that i'm really i'm really good just happy to be here happy for another tuesday another episode of power hour how about you look yeah absolutely it's nice it's it's great it makes a really big change for me i'm frantically packing boxes at the moment so this is such a welcome break it's you great about demons mostly today we're talking about demons and angels so to go from packing your house to move to talking about contrast yes what a contrast yes it's amazing yeah yes as you move heist to glasgow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yes if you hear the dulcet tones of a trombone from the next room uh because we're all homeschooling and still in uh the horror that is locked on uh my 12 year old has a live trombone lesson uh via zoom which is a which is fascinating so you might hear that the the notes go um yes i don't know how many notes you know eight notes you might know eight notes so it's a work improve it's a work in progress princess are they great if we could cheat it whenever a really good point is made on everywhere but anyway sam you've not been well you got a dodgy um take away food um i was sick not last night the night before and then had a bit of a funny day yesterday feeling about rotten but woke up this morning feeling more like myself which is good but i was saying to em i mean i will admit when men do get unwell we are quite extreme like i i have come to just relax the fact that men do ha do get man flu and my mom used to always make fun of me because i would have like a blocked nose and she'd be saying sam why are you limping you've got a blog i'm i just need to play the part of being on well just gotta be extreme so yes yesterday was one of those days of moping around a little bit and feeling a bit sorry for myself well j yes again actually my eldest it's awful when they're sick your children are sick and you can't be with them she's not she's got tonsillitis over in edinburgh locked down in her student you know university uh halls of residence and i'm saying can you walk to get rybina and lem sip can you make it that far you know and there's nothing you can do to help but i did promise her that she asked me not to but you know i did say to her it would happen anyway that i was going to brag on her liberally profusely and publicly and she's just like for her heads or her hands because she just got her results from her first term at university and she is top of her year in every module she sat down i'm doing that you have to just give me a grace space to be a proud mama bear right now absolutely horrible first term at university and she's top of her top for class that's my little bit of mommy uh do you know look you had you know what i thought about when i was praying for your family and the house move i know this is not in a public place but how do you move your rabbit that is a really good question do you know what that is something i haven't really thought about i'm gonna have to put it in the back of the car and make a special trip just for the just for the bunny rabbit i think just for the rabbit just for the rabbit i know it's true hopefully some parents in law or something we'll look after it for a week or two and then we can uh you know give it its own moving house day yes yeah do bunny rabbits move high successfully does anybody know are there special procedures yeah absolutely no that would be great to know many wraps it really uh almost it could almost be house trained really it's so friendly and lovely so i wonder if it might actually sit on someone's knee for the majority of the journey up that could be quite interesting couldn't it how long a drive is that with the bug on your lap can you imagine in three hours with a bunny rabbit in the back seat that'd be awesome we used to have a cat uh called elvis i the reasons why we call them elvis are too long to go into here but david tonight when we would drive the car elvis would lie across the at the front just above the steering wheel across the dashboard and uh would soak up the sun as we were driving down motorways these speeds you know when we were younger i'll rather it's called mr blue sky because i'm going to give my my uh my nephew a shout out so my nephew has an alexa in his room um as do you know a lot of the other kids in the house and so every single morning at top volume he plays mr blue sky to wake everyone up he's the biggest influencer party person you can imagine he's just young you know but he absolutely is just you know he is the guy you need you know just uh just to wake you up or to to bring the party tunes and so he does it every morning and so he named our bunny rabbit and it's mr blue sky sorry what is mr blue sky i've noticed it's that it's that oh it's that elo tune do you know elo from the 70s no no it's no i can't sing it that's the thing it's it's like bohemian rhapsody it's like a seven or eight minute tune but it's just it's amazing it's really good you know that after this nobody google mr blue sky now no don't but we'll all be listening to it at the end anyway uh people are telling you in the comments that uh rabbits binds back very well from a house move all is well is that weird what you wake up praying for why it's funny what god puts in your spirit i need to pay pray for luke finch and deb finch's bunny rabbit and somebody else is saying it's true that is true it's her top priority it's first thing in her thoughts what's gonna happen to my bunny rabbit how's that gonna happen it's number one on the priority list well you find yourself praying for your congregation but anyway somebody else is saying they moved rabbits two rabbits five hens a dog and it was all okay so uh there we go and yes bounce back is the word for the rabbit and somebody else i love it saying where the lettuce is is home it'll be all right somebody said they had over 200 rabbits as well rabbits i can't believe i can't believe that our watchers have so many uh rabbit facts this is incredible we've got some really passionate owners they're all praying for your rabbit now yes david we hear you time for some other important life decisions here about how you put a diaper or a nappy on a rabbit and somebody else is saying oh it's actually beverly is saying take out for a couple of short drives to get it ready there you go not allowed out in lockdown high on earth do you explain that to the police i was taking my bunny rabbit for a drive in the car sir honestly direction to move house okay so we're going to talk demons and we're going to talk angels but we're going to talk demons mainly and uh just uh jumping into the biblical deep waters of demonology this morning so lots of notes to be taken and lots of fascinating facts for us to jump into as we look at what is uh the biblical basis for freedom ministry and deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare and this is really because last week we accidentally hit and talking about where is my remit where do i have authority what is my metronome we were using the word metron what is my metron of where i can and cannot use authority to kick the demon's butts uh kind of that boundary that god has set that i can keep this area clean but if i stray over there i'll get fried because i don't actually have authority in that place over there so we kind of strayed into that and we want to unpack the the questions where do i have authority but i actually want to talk to you a lot about what is actually in the spirit realm i think we're very dull about what is in the spirit realm and there's a lot of things you can pick together through a scripture that paints actually quite a robust picture of what is and is not in the spirit realm uh so but sam you and look you're going to start us off because you have some prophecies and then and looked us to in and around this area and then i may teach a little bit i would expect that this concept of demonology and uh will take us this part our and the second one this week on thursday because there's so much juicy amazingness to be uh you know chewed on in this area sam kick us off this really is our happy place as warrior prophets i think talking about spiritual warfare and authority and deliverance and everything that that encompasses so why are we talking about this well really because we are in this period of time where the lord is saying i am raising up a deliverance army in the earth i am reading up a deliverance army in the earth and the lord is saying that he has a deliverance army who have been waiting in the wings and the lord says even over the last year i have been preparing my deliverance army in the shadows of obscurity to now raise them up into the valley of war and the victory so there has been a preparation that many of you have been in over the last period of time where you have been in the shadows of obscurity and the largest seeing in that place where you have been hidden and you have been hiding the lord says i have been sharpening you and training you but now it is time for you to rise into the valley of war as a member of my deliverance army and i've been watching in the spirit particularly today as god has been dispersing across the earth a whole new set of mantles for deliverance that are coming to the people of god today and this week god is staying right now mantle's mandates metrons they are changing they are shifting and i am giving new mandates to those that i have been shifting and sharpening and training even in 2020 so i want to say this to you you are part of this deliverance army god has been sharpening you as part of its deliverance army that has been trained in obscurity to now rise up with war but the really interesting thing that was and that i noticed about these mantles that god was sending down into the earth for deliverance they were all in categories all with different colors and and each category had a color and i knew immediately that god was saying that that these mantles aren't just about generalized deliverance but there is specialized deliverance that groups of people are going to be experts in and i saw three colors of mantels coming to the earth and the lord said this to me about these mantles and i'll go through them one by one the first was an orange mantle it was bright orange and the lord says this there is a whole set of mandates for freedom in the mental health field dropping into many of my people and the lord says i am raising up davids who will know how to go before insane people who will know how to go before the confused the depressed the anxious and call them into their right mind in a moment and the lord says this mantle is dropping for a specialism and freedom deliverance and healing in the area of mental health and the lord says even some of you that are watching if you are even medically trained and you work in the mental health field there is a specific grace for you to receive this mantle from god today and even as you walk into wards even as you walk into uh consultation rooms you are gonna walk and carrying the weight of this mantle for deliverance and freedom so that wholeness can come to mind and emotions and mental states and the lord says this that even for those who carry this particular call there will be a miracle of fractured minds being made whole and complete even just by you standing in the presence of those who feel fractured and disassociated and disconnected inside so we just bless actually those of you that are called to walk and to steward freedom in that particular area and lose that bright orange mantle to land on you for specialism for freedom in the mental health field emma jonah because i just wanted to share it story do you remember sam uh maybe a couple of years ago now perhaps longer we were doing um some deliverance training and this mantle dropped into the room this anointing or this atmosphere spiritual capability you need to hear this and it was for a restoration of the mentally ill i have never seen anything like it and we were actually just doing a five-day school we were actually just doing a healing and prophecy school and uh what happened was it was a specific mantle for multiple personality disorders or dissociation identity disorder for specific kind of fractures in this the deep deep uh emotional places of people and i thought that you know for years because i worked in mental health i worked as a specialist in mental health for a decade in the pharmaceutical side of things i love the mental health conversations i was so conditioned that you know that had to be through uh pharmacology that it had to be through lots of counseling uh that it had you could only fix those things in a certain long-term processed way well we watch god drop a mass anointing in and every single person in that room who had a dissociated identity disorder who had a multiple personality can i tell you that's an awful lot of people with disassociated d.i.d dissociated ideas you know what i'm saying they were spontaneously healed and personality parts all came together do you remember that some i we haven't we didn't even think it was possible and so people who had had voices in their heads for years drove away completely integrated and whole now i have only ever seen that once come in on mass into a room but i think you are on it sam that there is the ability for this mass healing of mental health issues and extreme dissociation identity disorder or multiple personality disorders or some of the other issues that surround the mental health arena bipolar and stuff so i mean just remarkable so when you are seeing that i think we've probably forgotten about that sam we've not talked about that for a long time but you're seeing that anointing for the casting out of demons and the spontaneous healing of the mentally ill we just have to go praise jesus yeah totally and this is part of us as the people of god able to prophetically respond to what the world is going to go through in the future and really these three mantles came out of me asking at god this morning what do we as the church need to be equipped with in deliverance if we are going to be a solution to the world post pandemic because we know that actually and we've talked about the world going into future crisis i do think one of the major crisis is that the world is going to go into after this that god is saying to the church you've got to understand as a mental health crisis that out of lockdown out of isolation we are going to see an increase in that area but god is saying no church get equipped and get ready so that you can counteract that crisis and bring a solution when it rises in the earth so this is pr preparation even for what's going to happen in the months and the years to come in response to this year of pandemic and lockdown that we have walked through and the other two mantles are also going to enable the church to respond as a solution to what the world will go through as well the second was a green mantle and the lord says i am giving a mantle a mandate for deliverers to rise up and break the back of financial bondage i have some financial bondage weighing heavily across the face of the earth you know you don't really need to be a prophet to know that the world is going to face some financial difficulties coming out but actually you've got to be a prophet or prophetic to know the solution that will break hold of that and let me tell you yes there is a need for some holy spirit inspired economical solutions but the spirit of god says what is needed as a sword of deliverance a hammer of deliverance to break the back of the demons of financial bondage and i particularly saw the really really is probably one of the most ugly demons i have ever seen of debt try to rear his ugly head and the lord says that i am mantling deliverers to stand with the hammer and the sword and to crush that demon of death and the lord says even as a sign the spirit of god is saying that generational debt demons are gonna break even for those of you who hold this mantle or will hold this mantle as a deliverer into the area of financial bondage and so in jesus name if that is you i'll loose it to you in jesus name that mantle for deliverance in the area of financial bondage but actually we need supernatural solutions for seemingly unsolvable financial problems and that is what the church is for to solve what is unsolvable and can i just say that we actually have seen that this is not something that is you know uh unknown in the body of christ we have done enough mass deliverance days here to have testimony after testimony of people whose finances got completely overhauled because the demon of debt got broken and some people needed to walk out a process of restoration from debt but can i tell you i have seen it many times where it was an instantaneous overturning i remember grabbing hold of somebody's wallet their purse with all their bank cards in it they had crippling debt and i remember the lord just saying get that between your hands and we just anointed it with oil and we just and i just felt like there was an authority in that moment to break the assignment of debt against this family do you know the next day they were given a gift of multiple tens of thousands of points and all debts got cancelled in an instant because there was an authority moment to shift a demon of debt off people's lives so i i do think that yes we can pray that and contend for that day by day but what sam is saying here is there are specific authorities coming where we're going to see mass healing in the mental health arena we're going to see mass freedom in the uh the debt and bond into captivity financially arena and that you and i have got to get our heads in here to know that it's not just me and my small corner but i may be one who is given such a mantle for the well-being and the restoration and the freedom of tens and tens if not hundreds of people do not think oh god i just need a slightly miracle for my bills do not ask too small do not fixated with your own bank account in the black or the red or your own son or daughter who may or may not have a mental health issue i want you to start to contend right now for these mass mentals of mass transformation and of mass assassination of the demonic realm wow come on come on wow we're slightly off where i thought we would be but i will come back look you want to jump in there before sam gives us his third man yeah well can i just add something to that so i saw when you were talking about that mantle in relation to um just mental health um because i've been thinking about the last few days and you know when things just pop up and you see it just brings your attention to god what are you highlighting enough seen so many things in relation to mental health but one was this is that um generally the foundation for mental health and certainly psychology in in all of the practice of psychology is just a humanistic you know kind of foundation and when you were saying that i saw the lord come as he did to peter you know when the lord rebukes peter and tells peter get behind me satan because you're thinking in the ways of man and you're not singing um the the vision of god that's in the spirit of god and i saw the lord actually come and turn the whole system on its head and in this scene and i think in a measure to the financial system as well but where both systems have been based and founded on a humanistic foundation the lord in this season is going to is going to tip both of those on their head and particularly mental health and adjust anyone who's watching at the moment if any of those have been working particularly in the mental health area um you know you've been working within the system that you have to work in but there's significant serious significant changes coming to that system um in the course of the next couple of years and god is going to turn it on his head because um i i know i know undercover anyway i know that there are some incredible men and women doing pioneering work within the framework of the current system but the law is going to turn it on his head because i really feel like there is well i know the lord's been talking to me about a season of revealing of the sons and daughters of god and one of the ways in which they will be revealed is just systems and structures being turned up the other way and i just keep hearing him saying last of first you know strong weak just he's going to flip everything over and so where all of these people operating in these spheres have been undercover there's going to be a flip that happens and suddenly they're seen and so there's a revealing coming of the sons and daughters of god in all of these areas but i also feel and that's romans eight and but he's also i i feel like there's a season of matthew 16 where um i know underground maybe even for 10 years 20 years people have been growing and forming and hearing god and understanding who they are but as soon as it flips and they're revealed and there's a dynamic of revelation that happens um and in matthew 16 it's again where peter recognizes who he is who jesus is and as soon as he does that and steps into that that place and that role that is uniquely his the lord says that's it i give you the keys of the kingdom and the keys of the kingdom are being given to a whole group of people who have been undercover for a long time but it is the season of revealing and it's the season where suddenly the kingdom is just manifest in a totally different way but again how you say about authority there's a there's it it's been turned being turned on its head at the moment and i know we see that in a natural sense but spiritually there is a turning of things and a flipping of things on their head in relation to authority and it's not that it's a suddenly thing it may look like a suddenly thing but these people have been grown and cultivated by the lord for years and years and years just happens to be that this is the this is the moment where that turns come on oh wow wow wow great great stuff and can i just say this is this is quite scriptural if we're talking about corporate freedom mantos um both in acts 16 and in acts 19 we see paul operating in this uh mass anointing so in acts 19 he's in ephesus and he is so able to deliver from the territorial demons in that place that on mass the people run to burn their witchcraft books there is a sense of a city-wide breakthrough in the days of paul so he's contended for this mass capability for mass deliverance and freedom and actually in acts 19 in ephesus it says they burn 50 000 drachmas worth of books and witchcraft items and altars and statues now that is 50 000 days wages that's it is not just one or two people it is a mass revelation and a mass deliverance a mass freedom that comes to a city and it is that kind of anointing i think we are talking about today is also seen in acts 16 it's paul again in acts 16 and this time instead of ephesus he's in philippi and what happens in philippi is that he delivers the fortune tellers uh daughter or she's a fortune teller the slave who's the fortune teller and it changes the economy of the region because they can no longer make money through fortune telling because that act of deliverance changes the economy of the region these are massive moments in scripture that we are dull about that there is such a capability can i just layer this concept of mass anointings a little bit because actually we see that jesus healed on occasions everybody that's quite repetitive that jesus walks into an area and it is not the stirring of the waters where the first one in is the only one who gets healed like at the pull of siloam but it is this mass healing anointing where everybody gets free of their sickness or the acts 16 19 concept where it's a mass anointing for deliverance or this mass anointing in revelation 19 where you read about the concept of the spirit of prophecy which is an a mass atmosphere of revelation and you and i have been so dull to this where we you know oh god one at a time one at a time one at a time little by little but little by little you know just small small steps of faith can i tell you this is the day to leap and to contend for the mass anointings that you've seen through scripture why why why not and and then we'll come back to you uh look because you've more to add i think because by the time i've just got a new study bible and it's an absolute like massive so i almost need muscles to lift it up but i'm opening it to revelation 11. there is a day coming where two prophets in revelation 11 have such authority that they are able to steward the skies the air space the land space and the water space in other words their authority is over the entire planet and the bible is clear that there is a group of prophets or two prophets in this case some say it represents the church but nonetheless there is a day coming where the authority is so monumental that air and land and sea respond to the words that come out now my question is in raising the profits as i do is what kind of community in the earth must come into existence where this kind of authority can spend forth what you and i need to build right now so that in revelation 11 when god calls for the two witnesses or the two brothers to start to command the atmosphere of the entire planet earth scots sky and see that there is a company of people ready who know that and so no longer must you think me and my small corner you in your you must grab hold of a day that is coming that you must start to walk towards into through that saying god give me the capabilities and the mass mantles for significant uh water and spacious transformation look do you want to come in on the back of that i know sam we've not even got you subscribed yeah wow wow uh i i just if i feel like it is not it is no longer the time just for deep thinking i was struck with it you know i i heard the lord say it deep thinkers are going to be moved into deep action um and for such a long time we have had these incredible contemplators but i want to say that that this season is for action for these guys because those thoughts in this season are going to translate into a dynamic of the kingdom that we haven't seen um and uh again i would say to you guys that this this is key you are key as well you deep thinkers are key your thought and revelation must come out in this season because there is action that is required kingdom action on a mass scale um that is is required and is being called upon in this season so yeah so um in preparation for today i just um i just saw i saw in the spirit and uh the lord took me to actually into a war room and i saw the enemy um just strategizing the war room and the name of the war room um was the department for covert operations um and i saw uh the enemy at the table um it was like a 1940s you know war room and uh and he had three demons with him and they were strategizing over this table um uh what they were going to do in this season and the three demons were infiltration subordination and annihilation wow and as he was talking he was saying to them um our strategy is no longer confrontation but it's agreement we have to get them to agree with us um and uh and actually when we've been talking about mental health it's really interesting because you know this is definitely a strategy of thought in relation strategy of the enemy maybe in relation to the breakthrough that is going to come uh in mass you know mental health deliverance because um i saw a people group who were who were called by god in this season to really rise up stand up and to be revealed and the strategy of the of the enemy was to make them doubt that um and then alongside annihilation he had a a team that was self-destruction suicide surrender abnegation and immolation immolation is self-sacrifice it's premature self-sacrifice wow and abnegation obviously is when you demote yourself out of false humility so you choose to step out of a place of authority that you've been given and to a lower rank because a false humanist humility and i saw that their strategy was to bring a actually to bring up to bring a false religious fire to people's personal life so they would step back on in a religious spirit stepped back when they were supposed to step up oh come on and they were going to step down instead of stepping up step back instead of stepping forward out of false humility out of a religious spirit that um that they was familiar to them but it was not in this season and so i i need to say this is the state season for stepping up and stepping forward and breaking out and that's why you know when i say deep thinkers are going to move into deep action it's because the natural thing for deep thinkers is to keep thinking but in this season you need to move into deep action because of the size of what the size of your thinking is gonna is gonna break open in the same sphere and realm as far as action is concerned so we you must step up and step out into action you know in the 40s and 50s um you know there was such a fear of of nuclear annihilation that actually they called that age the age of anxiety did you know that no i didn't and i heard that the lord that that the lord wanted well the enemy's strategy was to bring an age of anxiety but the lord's strategy is for us to step out of that anxiety into the fullness obviously of the kingdom in this season wow that's incredible can i just clarify you said those demons were saying how can we get what the people of god to agree with us yes how can we get the people of god to agree with us so they were so they ended up presenting something that was familiar but so they presented a holy life a holy lifestyle that seemed familiar but it was false it was a false lifestyle because the lord was calling us to step out not to go back in and live in a hermit way he was calling us now that's a that is a challenge to me because i am a thinker i'm a contemplator the natural place for me is in that thinking place i know personally the lord is calling me to step out in this season because it is a season that he's spoken and prophesied to me about for years but it is now the time to step out and if i agree with remaining where i am i will agree with the strategy of the enemy well and it's really a sense of a day of mobilization isn't it it's that sense of you know you you you you've been gathered uh this is what i hear the spirit of the lord say just as we're doing this you have preferred being gathered to being mobilized third thing he is changing your priorities that yes it will always be good together but it is better to be mobilized and the ultimate of the christian life is not how well can we gather but how much can we be mobilized yeah wow changing his strategy because of that even just in the last year because we've stepped out of gathering on a personal level we have we have really really stepped into the place of of mandate what am i called to do who am i what is my mandate and because we've been asking those questions we're now at a place where we can start stepping into it but the enemies had to change his strategy because he's been able to just work on confrontation because we were out there in the public domain you know you know in the congregational sense so he his strategy ended up being confrontational but it's different he's got you know he's changed it now very very helpful very very good stuff we are going to talk about demons and angels even if i have to do it thursday and into next week but this is so important that we just forget the flavor of the season um so uh sam do you want to jump into your um your third mantle under freshers we've seen mass mantles for mental health deliverance mass mantles for well the mass handles for mental health and deliverance mass mantles for uh financial bondage and then the third data but just really quietly sorry i could hear the lord say something in there i was trying to decipher i heard the lord say that the previous lie of the enemy that the church believed that the enemy is going to try and bring back around when gatherings are allowed is that the only mandate for a believer is for sunday morning gatherings that is the only mandate for them and i watched as the enemy because obviously many of us haven't gathered for a year for for a year actually almost for a year now i watched the enemy take that lie of immobilization that the mandate that the people of god was reserved only for sunday mornings and he has been storing it and the lord says the enemy wants to redeploy that particular lie around the people of god but even today i am breaking it so it cannot come back and the lord says i am bringing you you watchers those of you that are watching and the church into a moment of rate of realization that your mandate is beyond sunday gatherings your mandate is beyond church gatherings your mandate is bigger than that says the spirit of god and so the lord says this is a realization an eyes open moment says god do not wait even for the re for for the re-gathering for you to think that you've got a moment of significance because you have it now and so we just agree that that lie is finished and it's not going to come back around it's very good it's it's almost like for the last 20 years in the church we've heard this concept you are a threat you are a threat you are a threat you have authority you are a threat to the enemy and god is now booming over us now go be one yeah yeah no is what you're saying it's moving from the head knowledge i should be now some people are saying you know i'm scared to take on the demons i'm gonna we are going do not go anywhere we are going to deal with that over probably not the end of this session but we are going to come to that these are going to be three sessions i think on this warfare concept okay sam we're gonna get you before the end of the hour your third mountain till your season this was actually the strongest one that pushed me into a place of prayer this morning i saw a and this was a a bright piercing red mantle in particular i saw a mantle drop on the church and on the people of god for those who will champion and contend for freedom for teenagers and children particularly from the trauma of the last season that the enemy wants to set around them and i heard the lord say specifically about this for those of you who um who who contend over this the lord says this mantle is a particularly vocal mantle and the lord says it stands on how you speak about teenagers and children and i heard the lord say watch your words and the lord says watch what they achieve even either by tearing down or by planting and it is a season the spirit of god says for teenagers and for children to plant with your words and to sow with your words and to bring freedom with your words and the lord said the enemy wants you to partner with him by feeding the curse that he's set around children and teenagers by speaking l of them and the lord says be slow to criticize particularly teenagers as they navigate the season and be quick to prophesy promise over them because the lord says your words will hold them and your words will free them and the lord says your words will raise them up and by your words i will deal with the seeds of trauma and i will plant seeds of expectation and hope particularly in teenagers so the lord says be slow to criticize as you partner particularly with this mass freedom mantle and be quick to prophesy promise over them i mean that and actually exam what i love about that is the practicality of god who's who is really saying to us look you're going to be dealing with a traumatized generation i mean i look at my own three children and the grief and the loss that they've gone through even though actually they seem to be quite vibrant today but i know that there are going to be moments ahead where their little hearts that don't have adult processing you know are going to struggle with how do i navigate even in four years or five years time what i went through during the pandemic when i was locked basically you know locked up for months on end and do you see the practicalities people who are watching this you speak something in and god is saying he will anoint that word to displace an enemy ideal or an enemy strategy or an enemy planting that all you have got to do is say something like you are a roaring success and it will um it will dismantle it will rip up that thought that they will never break out it is i believe in you and you will get through this it is the simple words of planting about their future and their value or god will heal your heart and i lose healing to you and that kind of language that god is saying i will put deliverance on your words that it will not just be a neural linguistic programming it will not just be playing a language game it will not just be washing them with a nice thought from your tongue it will be an anointing of deliverance that is harnessed by your words that goes on your tongue that when you plant it into a child a demon must run and flee because the mantle is a deliverance mantle a language for children oh somebody needs to put a hallelujah right there in the comments what a remarkable thing that you're not just saying god help me be nice you're not just saying oh god help me speak positively you're saying god i receive the mantle for mass deliverance of teenagers and young children that what i say will so whip the demonic that they will run from their lives and i will plant in a word of truth that will become a mighty oak tree of stability in the midst of them come on because we are talking about mass mantles here you can feel that almost like they're i don't it's not the change in authority on our words just the c just the just so conscious of the in this season that that that edge and the sharpness and the the god is putting on our words you know it's like it's it that they will accomplish that they will accomplish that they will accomplish it's like he's almost inviting us to test him in whether he will do it as it comes out of our mouth wow um he's he's he he's yeah yeah wow yes and i believe on on the back of this that actually what we have been through it has been absolutely in 2020 a year of preparation a year of rehearsal in fact you and i have walked through a dress rehearsal year that is so uh was a gift of god to us though it was unpleasant but it was a gift of god to raise our warrior ability to raise our faith levels so that you could then fight the real deal stuff and be prepared for the days ahead even the beginning of the end days and so you got to not kind of go oh 2020 high horrendous although it was you got to go look it was a dress rehearsal i get the medal i am promoted by god my faith has grown that we have been prepared for the annihilation of the enemy and harvest because we've got to say in 2019 and before there was an unreadiness in us to be what we were supposed to be and god has taken us through some things and he has made us more ready and i feel like the church was lifted by the mighty hand of god and was placed in a classroom and that god said this is an extreme classroom of learning where you are learning who i am and how capable you are in me now at the graduation service that god is calling the graduation service now is christ is still going to continue yes is shaking so going to continue yes but you are going right now in this moment through a graduation ceremony where god is saying look that i have readied you look that your faith levels are raised and now instead of a mortar board or a scroll or a diploma that you would normally get at a graduation ceremony the lord says now i look that i put in your hand a different level of mass of weapon that is for mass destruction and what the world was fussing about weapons of mass destruction even in the iraq war and falling on their faces because they couldn't even find them the lord says now the wmd's the weapons of mass destruction are being put into a hand of a ready to church who has been matured says the lord and the spirit of the lord says i tested the church and i find her wanting but the spirit of the lord says know this that there has been a maturation a maturing in your heart and a moral revolution where you have loved truth like never before because it was all you had in the midst of you and the spirit of the lord says oh graduated church oh mature church see that your remit is global see that your remit is territorial look up from the house for the spirit of the lord says i am shaking the earth and i am shaking the heavens and as i shake the earth there is crisis but as i shake the heavens says the lord there is glory and the spirit of the lord says i have put it in my word that i would not shake one without shaking the other and the spirit of the lord says as i align catastrophe and chaos in a shaken earth the lord says so i release glory from a shaken heaven says the earth to the lord and the spirit of the lord says open your hands that you may receive the anointing of glory from a shaken heaven says the lord whoa jesus come on it's promotion day boy it's promotion day is do you remember that childhood and i we used to sing it in church uh almost like a nursery rhyme little bible chorus uh and jesus shine with a pure clear light shining like a candle i can't remember the words but it ends with uh in this world of darkness so let us shine you and you your small corner and me in mine do you remember that awful you and you your small corner and me in mine and i feel like what i'm seeing in the spirit is a lie that we sung for generations of me and my small corner and you and yours you know that sense of you know this small little remit i am seeing angels rip up that lie now i know it came as a song but it became a truth it became a standard it became a banner over us me and my small little remit you and your small little remit and the angels and the lord are just ripping up the line and saying it's not the small remit it is about this mass territorial global capability for the church to demolish every scheme of satan yeah that is a golden oldie of a song some of you are saying they've never heard it before it is terrible words right sam and and look i'm not going to change tack off this because we are really on something here but do you want to add to that do you must feel some prophecies stir in your being or even prayers on the back of that yeah and i just hear the spirit of god say it is time to take off you a lie of false waiting and false preparation and the lord says the enemy wants to elongate the waiting time when i am calling you to action and the lord says it's time and i actually feel like some of you need to if you're sat down need to even stand up and that sense of i'm standing up and an action in a ready stance where i'm not in the waiting i'm not in the preparation zone you know some of you will feel like well i've still got so much to learn well yes you'll learn on the job god will sharpen you as you act and the lord is saying yes as someone was writing i could hear the lord say over and over over his deliverance warrior army no more delay now no more delays and so where even the enemy has tried to prophesy a season of waiting as a capping over this deliverance army we annihilate that lie right now and the lord says stand up even now stand up and get yourselves ready how many times does god say that to a prophet and the bible before they hear a remarkable word you know stand up get yourself ready that's what god is saying to you right now stand up get yourself ready because this is a day of action and of movement says the spirit of god not of waiting says the lord come on look wow yeah i i was i i just heard the lord say um move into action or i will have to i will have to throw you in the lion's den and throw you in the lines then and prove that i will do or i'll throw you in the fiery furnace and prove that i will do it he said stand up like daniel because i've called you like daniel in this generation and you man i i like i felt the fire it was like if you do not stand up to action i will throw you in the situation that will cause you to move to action so right now lord i stand up in action and instead of waiting i stand up in action um those miracles were miracles that caused those individuals to then step into a realm of authority that was unprecedented and he is moving us in realms of authority but i'm hearing him saying stand up in action man yes sam this is not the time for waiting but it's to move into action well i mean what an amazing we just hit the glory of god today didn't we between the three of us and uh this really is a like and a share one and uh what we're gonna do is um sarah jane is on with uh myself and sam on thursday and all the things i said we would get to that we didn't get to uh we will deal with on thursday it will be a demonology one uh what does god have in the heavens what does satan have in his heavens uh because you need to be uh aware of what is out there but we have set man we have set the scene and the spirit of god has set the scene through us today for this bigger picture so we will build on this thursday will be one you won't want to miss just because you will learn massively about what scripture says about what is in the spirit realm and some i know you have words on mandates and remits to keep us safe so uh you'll you will need to mark that one uh to be kept safe two other things we promised a pre-christmas those of you who've been chatting with us and and staying with us uh on board something called fast talk and you're gonna see fast talk we released the first one yesterday and we are releasing that at this stage three times a week monday wednesday and friday and that's when we're not broadcasting par r and you will get 10 minutes you'll just have to watch social media because it took us longer to upload it yesterday than we thought but you will uh see 10 minutes uh fast talk of one of us giving you a shot in the arm of revelation for that day uh some of you just saying you listened to uh some of it and so i took yesterday as the first one uh under 600 seconds of revelation that's on instagram youtube and facebook we've made it instagram broadcastable so make sure that you don't miss and if you are you liked what we did today you will like yesterday's fast talk go and find it because it is about a spirit of defiance or rebellion against the training of grooming demons in under 10 minutes incredible you can say in under 10 minutes okay so you're going to see a lot of those fast talks come through so that you are not uh waiting you know for just the two days a week of par r that you can get something in between from us fast talk uh the other thing is the joy that is at sarah jane and we just love her she is starting on friday mornings with a couple of the other intercessors in our team charis and katrina karis broadcast on warrior women and they are starting at half past eight every single friday morning half past eight a.m in the morning till nine a 30 minute um program where they are going to be interceding for the nations if you love intercession if you love the liberation of nations and setting nations free and you want to see that modeled world prayer watch is every friday morning moving forward half eight you'll need to kind of figure that out in comparison to your own time zones uh but uh it doesn't clash with the british isles council of profits because some of us do both so uh you could you can spend increasing numbers of ours with us on social media but uh half i say on friday mornings world prayer watch for the intercessors or those who know they need to grow their intercessory muscle their david scholar on the screens anyway brilliant thank you for spending time with us lots more to come and we will see you for more of this content thursday bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 16,613
Rating: 4.9273672 out of 5
Id: F0lvelurIN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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