REPLAY: Red Bull Hardline 2022

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Goldstone absolutely demolished

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/stormstomper 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

So gutted for Bernard, he was up on goldstone and I had him to win it. Goldstone is going to storm the elites though

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/microscoftpaintm8 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Poor Jess breaking her collarbone again!!

Jackson was just on another plane of existence where physics didn’t apply

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Aeysir69 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Watching Gee Atherton make his "comeback"!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/faknoobs 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Poor Joe Smith, they kept cutting to the wrong cameras 😂

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/YWFD 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Rooting for the Keswick Kestrel!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/chuk9 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Jackson may well be the future. But I'll still root for BK. Fucking legend.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/_nosuchuser_ 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

Can't believe that time... For what it's worth, his time did beat qualies time so even with everyone laying down heaters he likely could have won still. So insane.

Still a bit bummed on how some dudes runs ended. It's wet up there...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GundoSkimmer 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies

I like to have a lil bit of fun with the goey footage:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GundoSkimmer 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
here in the hills of the dovey Valley this morning Spectators have paid their respects during a moment's silence following the sad news of Queen Elizabeth II's passing on Thursday now we look ahead to a day of racing as Riders from around the globe gather here in North Wales for Red Bull hard line I'm delighted to say that alongside me in commentary again this year is 39 times a World Cup Downhill winner six times world champion Rachel and rates great to have you in here today and thank you so much action I look forward to this is going to be pretty special I think yeah I can't wait to see it and it's been a somber mood here of course and across the entire United Kingdom but it's great that we're welcoming back the spectators here and you know since the first time since 2019 of course this the eighth edition of Red Bull hard line what is it that makes this so different to all the other downhill races I think just the combination you know here at Hardline you've got super massive jumps and this year is bigger than ever you know those those jumps are ridiculous up there but as well as the jumps you've got a lot of tech and just that combination um you know these Riders are so skilled and that you could argue that they don't really get pushed to their limit at World Cups so here at Hardline you know they're really getting pushed and and they love it they're having a lot of fun and we saw Bernard saying yesterday just how much fun he has at this event and that's why he keeps coming back that's right it's a real Challenge and it's great to see the Riders really working together at hardliner to get through this track to you know to top to bottom it really it's that's again very different isn't it what we see at World Cup races yeah that camaraderie that they have you know it's it's not kind of every man for himself like a World Cup there they're up there together it's kind of like a family feeling you know they're helping each other over the jumps and taking it off together and it's it's that feeling I think that that makes people want to come here to Hardline you know end of a World Cup season they could all just put their feet up but they're here they're sort of putting on a show for everyone and they're absolutely loving it takes a very special breed of rider that's for sure and as if you said great to welcome back the thousands of Spectators track side for the first time since 2019. how much will the Riders feed off that extra energy how much of a difference will the fans make today oh it makes a huge difference you know when you've got uh fans down the track and you know covering that those hard sections that you kind of when you have a moment you think you're going to go down you get a bit of a swap on you can feel the the crowd and the fans like willing you to stay on your bike and you you do try harder you know you dig a bit deeper to not crash and that makes a huge difference I think the Riders really felt it when it was um in covid and they there were no fans here so yeah it was difficult it's awesome to see everyone they're so stoked it's been a really good weekend so far yeah it's amazing and the fans here can get super close up to the Riders you have of course competed in a few finals yourself one as I said 30 United of those World Cup down it was what goes through a Rider's head on the morning of a race you know 40 minute uplift here what's going through the Riders as they go up for this last run of the weekend yeah I mean it's it's it's a nerve-wracking kind of that those moments before you ride is that's the hardest bit really when when these Riders are on track that's what they know that's what they love that's when you feel relaxed it's all the moments before the ride and you know sitting in the pits thinking have I got my lines right am I is my bike set up right and you know all these things because when when you're in a race run you're going faster than you've ever gone so you have to set your bike up for for what's coming you know and the the guys here are so used to racing World Cups and they're so used to warming up on the turbo they've got the mechanics they've got all these Comforts that Racers have here at Hardline they've got none of that they're all it's raw like you said it's raw and real black they're just up there just with their mates and you know that's that's kind of pretty intimidating really yeah and we've brought the start forwards an hour today always unpredictable the weather here though Rachel but right now things look pretty perfect to me it looks ideal now so hopefully we can uh we can get everyone down the hill before before the wind and the rain kicks in and I reckon we're going to see a good show we are absolutely and of course we are certainly in a beautiful part of the world here in the Davi Valley and Red Bull aim to keep it that way that's why they've partnered up with non-profit organization trash free trash free trials and the downhill Legend sat next to me for the second year running here at Hardline let's take a look these valleys and mountains are so beautiful and we've been so lucky to have access to them over our whole careers it's really important to leave these areas as we as we kind of found them it's great the Red Bull have recognized that responsibility and have started working with companies you know like trash free trails to bring that message to look after these spaces where they're hosting events so this weekend a rebel Hardline there's some simple things we put in play from compostable toilets to huge water refill points big Bowsers around in the Riders area we've got the Riders recycling point so any kit that they don't want to use anymore we're going to put it in that unit and it'll go to charity there's 5 000 people come this weekend those five thousand people could leave this place completely spotless so if you see a bit of litter pick it up and help us leave a positive trace on this beautiful place so they bring a bit of litter to trash free trails and it's almost like a raffle ticket so if you see some bring it to the treasury Trails tent you'll be entered into a prize draw to win a custom Red Bull hard line helmet grab your bag and pick up your trash over the event come to our tent and you can grab one for free [Music] anyway what important work there in collaboration with trash free Trails we'll took a look at Sally's quality flying excuse me Saturday's qualifying highlight shortly earlier in the week though we saw some action during practice especially at the brand new sections and this is what happened to one of our favorites Bernard Kerr and this are the new sections and well that jump around 90 feet Bernard actually going a hundred feet or more that's me running out to him oh God first on the scene he was straight back up thankfully yeah I mean your reaction Rachel says it all it was it's one of the biggest crashes I've ever ever seen in my life I mean impressive that he uh that he sort of well walked away from that yeah an impressive the three-time winner took it upon himself to be the first over that Gap yeah I mean it's that's one of the things about Hardline testing the the things and danathan tested the nude stuff and unfortunately knocked himself out last week and then Bernard and G were up there and you know fair play to Bernard he he didn't want G to go first no neither did I that's the camaraderie we were talking about and like you know they've had so many battles over the years here at Hardline but when it comes to testing those features it's you know there it's everyone was affected by seeing Bernard crash like that and and just everyone's so glad he's okay yeah that's right it was a big move thankfully he's up fast you know that's right strong he's a strong man and as we've just seen there this course constantly challenges even the most experienced Hardline Riders because it's an Ever evolving Beast time to check out the course then on all those key sections for 2022. [Music] ferocious first section where riders that are prepared to attack straight out of the gate can already make themselves some time then it's the first wooded section of the course where it's Rocky rooty and dark followed by this tricky Rock drop back on the pedals and out of the 57-foot cannon that's 18 meters in length before heading straight into the step up which this year has a steeper ramp to throw the rider Skyward [Music] then it's the frankly terrifying 45-foot step down that's 14 meters nickname The Cliff Edge it made its debut last year and after landing the rider's face is super tight left hand burn now we come to the biggest change to this year's course at 30 ferns in the waterfalls Edge Riders now face a step on step off leading into back to back giant doubles a 91 foot jump that's 27 meters followed by another 80 footer every year it's this awkward Rock section which catches Riders out as they get distracted by the giant feature next up and that feature is Infamous Road gap which Riders plunge 56 feet from that's 17 meters with 100 commitment after Conquering the top of the Court Riders must find their line through the tree stubs and rock drops we're carrying as much speed as possible is key for the bottom section before sending it on this last strike including the iconic final flyoff before crossing the finish line and hoping to have done enough to become the Red Bull hard line chat and Rach of course excuse me that new section that we saw up there we just it gave me goosebumps watching it it is so big right it is it is Big it's kind of On a par with those those festos jumps and stuff there yeah that we see first time we've ever seen jumps that big in any downhill race there they are the wind socks still looking nice and low at the moment but the step on step off is really difficult actually at the top of that at the top of that picture there's about a 50-foot gap on and off it but the land and the table top in the in the middle is actually smaller than that and we saw some Riders you know tagging it a little bit yesterday and it's hard on the pedals for some of the Riders down at this big first double like we say it's actually 90 feet around 27 meters well let's Head Live to the Riders field where Elliot Jackson is soaking up the finals day atmosphere Elliot how's it looking down there what's up Rob thank you so much you know you mentioned the atmosphere up on the course Rachel talked about the writers being a little bit nervous but the thing that makes Hardline really unique to me is the atmosphere down here everyone's kind of just chilling out in the grass it's so nice everyone has access to the Riders they can come and chill out the weather here in Wales is just Immaculate I love it the first time in Hardline to me that I think that this is one of the most unique races I've ever seen the track is just amazing I think when you go down the track rob you mentioned all of these 90-foot jumps and it's just crazy what the Riders can do the progression from the first couple of years until now is just amazing and the fans are just loving it here in the UK I've never met so many amazing people I think being able to see Bernard Kerr seeing G Atherton seeing you Rachel it's a it's such a treat so I can't wait to watch the Riders come down and uh back to you Rob well thanks very much earlier Immaculate weather that's from a Californian well yesterday we enjoyed the qualifying seed in action which gives us a start list order for today and here is that start list coming in I think I've got it here do you want me to read it okay let's say we're going to talk about qualifying first and it was Bernard Kerr then that came out on top with a 222 Brighton Goldstone second and third but G Atherton your brother I mean to me perhaps the most astonishing ride to see him come back from injury catastrophic yeah to be fair injuries a year ago his first race back Rachel is Red Bull hard line yeah and I mean she's been sort of talking about coming back to Hardline for for a couple of weeks really not long and we we just thought you were absolutely mad you know we've we've really tried to persuade him out of it you know just focus on yourself like get get healthy but that's that's what's so special about this event like this event has kind of motivated him you know through his rehab to to push himself and to get healthy you know he had a lot of injuries but you know he's he's he's just one unique really yeah yeah he is and he's up there and he's his first full run yesterday was just kind of under the radar you know quite relaxed kind of chilled and it was just so impressive and I don't really want to give him too much Kudos because I'm a bit angry with him but you know it was impressive so no it was it was unbelievable but yeah I was up here a few months ago and he was struggling to do a walk with a gap in his femur I mean that was only four months ago yeah you know and and he doesn't talk about it that's the thing with G so he just cracks on and you know stiff up a lip and just get on with it he's an incredible individual Vincent tupin's here I mean a man who brings a bit of free ride to the right style yeah a bit of style look at this a massive pressure flip on that huge step up this year and that's the that's the jump that the Riders are just playing with now and a few years ago they were all super nervous to hit it and now they're just having fun with it that's right and they that shows your progression of of the sport and the event really doesn't it well that's right how fast the Riders progressed to keep up with Hardline is it is frightening actually isn't it and the the bikes you know the the kind of the tools these Riders are using as and that's what unwanted when he dreamed up this this event you know push the Riders push the the machines they're riding and the whole sport kind of grows you are seeing it you know yeah you first day they're all super nervous and now they're all like relaxed on well maybe not relaxed but I might be the wrong word but the progression is there for everyone to see the waterfalls Edge that in year one just caused the absolute card it's not even deemed to be fit for the modern day Red Bull hard line and of course uh it was um Josh lower excuse me yesterday who had a pretty bad crash actually at the top unlucky yeah it was a big just caught his bar we think on the end of a tree there and then this happened he did get up to his feet and we do wish him a speedy recovery but okay it was a nasty one for me but you know that is a hard line and it is consequences here yeah and you often see that it's the bits between the hard bits that are causing the trouble and I think that's when you maybe lose it or not you relax a little bit you've hit that massive feature and the next feature's coming up and you gather yourself and that's when an accident can happen yeah there's not really any way that you can let off no the intentity yeah of this course that's right it's on absolutely on another level I'm really excited that Jackson goldstone's here the the he won the junior overall World Cup this year in Andorra he beat all the elites with his time there I mean he is an incredible Talent a very special ride we're going to see a lot more of him this is his first time though really to be in the elite class and to take on some of the world's best what'd you make of him yeah and the first time at this event at Redwood Hardline and the first time probably riding in Wales you know it's it's hard to get used to the terrain and the chain engine conditions and that just kind of shows is is um you know is kind of what's the word he's fortitude always like grow he's kind of older than his yeah yeah yeah that's right it's maturity yeah it is maturity that's right and yeah he showed us as well he was actually the first Rider never been here before as you said on Friday to do a full run yeah and put a run down here full run it's not like a normal World Cup not like a normal race you've got to hit these features perfectly and to do that in a full race run is so in in so daunting and a lot of riders are leaving it till qualifying and they do yeah maybe not even managing it then you know no that's right the weather's been a bit rough as well this week and I think that shows like the caliber of Rider the the World Cups produce you know they're so perfect like everything is perfect and to be so comfortable on this terrain like so you know Bernard's been here every year well let's talk about that because he hasn't had the easiest route to this final although looking at that qualifying time you wouldn't know it but yeah I mean it was really a catastrophe it was one of the biggest crashes I've ever seen earlier in the week he had here and he's rolling across the line whereas everyone else was you know speed tucking peddling so that's right more in hand that's his qualifier from yesterday that's right sometimes after a big crash or an obstacle that you've got to overcome it it helps to you know it helps you to bring your A game you know you think I've had a crash I feel rubbish I've really got to concentrate I've got and you kind of sometimes you do lay down the fastest time because you've had to overcome so much to get there yeah well that's right he certainly did and those qualifying results give us a rider or to the order for today's Final let's take a look then at that start list and here they are Florida payee man retiring actually from World Cup racing from all Downhill Racing after this event back to The Reunion Island huh this is the last race yeah it's bad isn't it I want a boy to go out Legend watch out for Vincent too but we just saw him back flipping Chris Chris coming 19 years old from Ireland his first Highland excuse me his first hard line Ronan done as well another man doing big things on the World Cup this year Craig Evans is one here in the past he has Earlington a good ride from him yesterday we saw him tricking it out on the way down they will be careful with the tricks because they'll just make the jumps bigger if they keep you know they want to be careful that's right all the way from New Zealand Sam girl goes just before G Atherton Joe Smith a man with a score to settle here Jackson Goldstone Adam Brighton and Bernard kerlo the last three to drop in this afternoon and Charlie Hatton rates see a bit of uh he's hurt himself this morning a little bit well it was yesterday Charlie did uh Charlie did well yesterday and um is this it is this this event yeah this is it we are live here we go with flow pay a the first to drop then this afternoon the big man and he said yesterday you know it's nerve-wracking going first it you're almost the dummy rider for the rest of them they're up there they're watching I think they can even see on the screen what's happening so flow you know been the first Rider down yeah it's almost testing the wind he's testing the conditions yeah and he wouldn't have wanted to be first down again a day but a flat tire actually yesterday in that qualifier fourth time here at Red Bull hard line let's have a look at it then with flopia oh he cleared that nicely it's beautiful watch it come out of that turn and send that step down and this here this rock really slippery right this year this time it's lethal really I mean they make it look so easy but it is really slippery at the moment a bit of rain a bit of sun all week just making it challenging safely off that drop where we saw Josh logo down yesterday now he heads down towards the cannon 55 feet 17 meters across there I do and now into this step up which has a smaller diameter a smaller radius takeoff this year that metal wrap the Riders go higher and that the crowd listen to them they're you know dropping in from the Silence of the woods suddenly hit with that wall of noise pretty uh pretty daunting there'll be a movement out there I can see in the trees in the back and the wind will be the big one this afternoon we need to keep an eye on as we said we've got things rolling a little earlier here you can see it's a bit windy up there but there's wind socks on on every feature you can see them so that's giving the Riders a little bit of knowledge about what's coming up and now coming down towards the biggest jump on the track the new jumper this year 93 across there and this one actually measuring 87. bit nose heavy from Flo Pio and that was the wind you know you could see him see him reset every every Landing the Riders you know it's such a hard landing and then they have to reset in Split Second ready for the next hit these turns here a little rest if you want them if you want to win Hardline though you have to attack everywhere on this course in this section actually can you believe that your brother G is the only Rider who's ever made a mistake in that goes that Rocky section there and gone on to win Hardline it needs to be clean yeah it's a fact well yeah and the tech stuff is what's catching the Riders out you know the big features they're almost all hitting in the same speed you know it's not like there's sort of one speed else you're gonna case it whereas this Tech stuff and you can tell Flo is a World Cup Rider you can tell he's precise he's putting his wheels exactly where where they need to be over 15 years on the World Cup circuit over a hundred World Cup race starts with this man that's impressive struggled a little bit this year with his eyesight actually something to do with his wrestler there's nothing he could do about it but uh I'm gonna say he's got 20 20 Vision again here today if he's able to deal with Red Bull hard line last Jump Then for flow pie nice signing off on an amazing career in sen the time here at Red Bull hard line 237.4 his retirement back in Paradise oh what a legend great to see a 2 37. 15 seconds though behind what we saw from Bernard Kerr yesterday in that qualifier so these times will come down this afternoon yeah and the conditions I mean it's overcast so that will probably help you know with the bright sunlight in those woods it makes it harder to see and no rain overnight because yesterday the night before last it did rain here and it was so hot when the sun come out yesterday afternoon look it looked it feels like that course did dry out during qualifier because the Goldstone went down earlier I mean a little way off on the clock Jackson in qualifying 5.4 seconds but yeah I'm interested to see what he can do today thank you alert yeah it's gonna be a good battle I think they're both saying that there's more time up on the hill for them they absolutely are so flow pay a down safely first Rider down at Red Bull hard line this year what a run to what a run to go out on well yeah fair play to him hear what he's saying yeah and back to the top as much as much for you guys to make sure you know if you're happy David McMillan then in the gate from Australia you can see it's windy fourth time a Red Bull hard line he read his himself on track then flown in actually from Canada where he's been filming he was in Utah just before that one of the most stylish bike riders on the planet David McMillan oh he is the wage throws his bike around and he actually lost his bike in the in the airport so it was a bit of added stress before he even got to the event one back split number one went down on the Burma that first split actually really important historically oh he goes down there looks exactly where Josh Lowe got caught out yesterday must be some exposed roots or and as the track kind of you know the with the weather with it a bit wet the track will cut up and things will come out as Riders go down that you know that the rides aren't expecting and it's always damp in that top but this top wood always plays yeah it's very well shut there typical but yeah if you're not in the top three at split number one no one historically has ever gone on a win Hardline it's almost it feels like but it's such an arduous task as well so you have to go for it out the start gate I think it might give us an insight into the rider's mindset if you're here to get down you're probably not that bothered about the clock you're not going to be anywhere near it split one if you're here to win it and we know those riders that are you'll hit those first turns you've got them you've got to race it every every centimeter look at the crowds Down Below on that new section so many people here at Hardline it's amazing to see everyone back it is and and this you know you can see so much of the course from up there this whole section oh is this a drone shot yeah oh that's amazing beautiful isn't it you really get to see the the features in that that technical section talk us through this next Drake because there's some time to be made here it's difficult right that drop there's a lot of different lines and we've seen over the last few years some Riders Gap in the rocks and that's probably where the time will be made or locked that's right oh well and only just scraping across their heart on the pedals down to the 90 foots up he's made it this second one should be okay now with that momentum nice McMillan safely through that new section wow oh it's stressful isn't it it is the step on step on step off is so difficult yeah well that's where Dan crash testing yeah and and it it on here it looks like that's the kind of warm-up feature you know but they have to be so precise there's not enough time to land and get your speed and take off again so if you've made any error you're just going to hit the back side of the landing and it's not going to be pretty it won't be good no the road Gap now from Macmillan 75 feet 23 meters from takeoff to landing on that massive nothing really okay you can always get you an entry Rachel oh no thanks I'm fine and at this bit you know I said to Jess I said oh this that drops one of the hardest yeah and she said oh it was fine for me really I was like Wow Fair flow and the next turn actually really difficult I went up another look at it last night after qualifying that little right hand yeah it's like a bourbon built there with them right at the bottom yeah and it really stands the Riders up and they need to carry that speed like through this section and that last turn there actually above this last straight the last turn in the trees there has been groomed made it a lot nicer as MacMillan comes down to the line with a 3-16 obviously with that stop at the top there I think that'll just be relieved to get down with they really be happy enough with that Carney right when you've had a crash on a track like this you kind of lose that aggression yeah that's right yes yes it's different it's different did he do it it's difficult to see but yeah just got a bit tangled up on those tree roots in the bottom there it looks like setting your bike up for this track is impossible if this was a World Cup I would be so stressed you know you've got the wet technical stuff slippery Roots slippery rocks and then these massive jumps which you need hard tires wow suspension and this this is an interesting point because I spoke to Bernard and I was and I spoke to a lot of the Riders and some of them are saying yeah we're going up Spring rate some are going up compression clicks Bernard said he's got up too low speed compression clicks on the rear difference well exactly I don't think you'd notice that but he said his tire pressures are exactly the same because he knows he's wow to sell no here same as it valder solo because he knows the bits in between is where you win it yeah but he said he has to put up with the tires rolling a little bit that's soft pressure giving a bit of movement on the faces okay Vincent tuping now better known as Vinnie T from Evian in France this man one of the big French Free Riders a rampage compat competitor heard actually a roommate he might be there this year in October waiting for that invite to drop through the door and they can drop in at any time there's not like given to a World Cup right no beeps no start time looks perfect I love that Gap out of the first turn on that rock slab this one a lot lot slippery although up on the grass there for two pin and he's up by nearly half a second then so the Free Rider up on the clock at the moment free racer the free racer exactly finished top 10 at Red Bull Rampage rather Cerny might be the best equipped for these massive gaps here this week well we'll see what he uh see if he does anything over a second up now he backflip this yesterday and it's gonna be the same today but it's perfect I don't think he loses any time doing it like that really probably not no well I'm not her I thought I won't do it with the wind and stuff and that's what the people want they're all there with their phones out and that's right to see these Riders and sometimes well I don't really know but sometimes I think it's maybe not a flip but it's easier to do something in the air yeah you've got so much time in the air just dead sailoring it makes it worse almost yeah doing a bit of a work or doing something so you're relaxed you know any two chucking it in here as well as he comes onto the step on step up on that well rather sound it's difficult to get the front down it's so short the top of that if you really want to come in on the front wheel not the back tuping making it happen and you can see whether they're some of the Riders are choosing to speed tuck on that Landing to get the speed and some of them are paddling like Matt yeah I'm not sure which is which is best it's probably better to tuck but track conditions looking perfect there right now look at how dry it is breathing as well can you hear and that's what those sperms are kind of the only chance you get to really maybe have a bit of a rest and reset for the the next section but when we get to the last few Riders trying to win this thing they will definitely attack from those Corners oh man big suicide across the road Gap then oh it's a fan favorite already he is yeah and then just when the features look like they're running out you're coming to this incredibly technical straight at the end of the track the intensity never let Sophie up if it's of not a big gap yeah a big hit after you've hit all those other features you know your arms are tired your necks you've got hooker's neck banging your your stem 3.2 back on Flow Paya at the last split then just this last straight now to go for Vinnie T you cracked up the up the bonal log I'm down to this big last jump 70 feet that one 20 meters across there he comes up short on it no bother Mario across the line he goes second three and a half into the red solid run oh I can't believe he flipped the ramp mad yeah you're mad bonkers there is higher than the mountain an absolutely perfect look at that just comes in right where he wants to on the top [Music] that's huge that jump ridiculous everything's ridiculous yeah it's all huge and that is ludicrous we're gonna run out of words that Express Madness quite soon in this broadcast to get on the thesaurus everything you look at is just on another level here incredible and you can see how pleased they are just you know just to get down and yeah the relief sort of through that finish line Free Ride Legend safely down at Red Bull hard line and it's Chris Cummins from Ireland the next man who will drop here and the Riders taking their time looking at the wind socks further down this course no pressure on them to leave the top no start beeps there's a window of when they can go the wind a little bit blustery doesn't look too Fierce just yet right no and it's it's whether it's gusting or yeah that's right I think that's the concern if it's gusting it's almost more unpredictable absolutely yeah but I mean what what a decision really because it it's it's so exposed up there that it feels windy regardless yeah that's absolutely right and you can see the grass and the trees sort of Chris come coming rightly taking his time actually this man told me a couple of days ago he's riding with a broken collarbone his third in three years and he's hoping to get it plated fixed by a surgeon next week when he gets home well he's Irish isn't he they're a different breed yeah they are him and Ronan yeah they're pushing each other on all week you know like we talked about that camaraderie it's they kind of you know they're nervous the first day and you see him just building and having a laugh and that's that makes it easier the the kind of nerves to deal with it so Chris coming ready and himself he's about to drop in here it looks like yeah it's all clear to get when you're ready drop it in then Chris coming on track from Ireland rides that first drop there's a few different lines there as well and he'll be used to this kind of like damp kind of slippery Terrain he will definitely taking the high line across that camper trying to hold it and back by .79 then at split number one you can hear the wheels through the mud you can hear just how wet it is up there oh little slide off this oh the big dab on the outside you never want that gonna get his feet back in and turn down towards one and I think one of the scariest jumps on the track this one yeah I was thought that as he well good I'm glad he decided to put the brakes on or has he got a or an issue with his bike oh and you will see this a little bit yesterday we saw we thought David McMillan had a flat tire after he'd gone off the drop yesterday and I said to him why did you stop and he was like I cased it pretty hard and I just stopped to check my wheel before I attempted the biggest jumps on track yeah right yeah oh we saw it with Bernard you know if if your bike sort of fails then it's going to throw you off and yeah and the the trouble with this course is that there's not really any you know go-arounds there's not really any kind of chicken lines if you will as Chris coming is finding out now so you know he'll be really frustrated and if he's got a punch who keeps squeezing that back tire man it looks maybe that's what's happened I'm lucky it right up there but definitely not impossible with a slate around well to still win no no all right the wind's gone right [Music] yes something going on with that yeah and you don't if you've got any question about you know whether you just don't want to send those jumps and really yeah why yeah why would you no so now the writers we've had down so far David Miller with some issues they shoot the top but uh floor and pay a leading all the way from The Reunion Island just next to Madagascar off Africa you know it's the longest internal flight in the world Paris to The Reunion Island now about 12 hours that's the fastest France I might go and visit him this this winter it's an opening yeah a lot of people here we go so he's kind of restarting I reckon he's going to hit everything and decided to bike it oh man that looks huge from that angle it's 14 meters vertical that 46 feet to the to the top of the land and of course many riders go further yeah good sit around is setting up on that Big Rock there gives him a better line and if they're a lot of this stuff like the further you go the faster you're going and the less time you've got to scrub that speed off yeah before the next feature and you've got to thread the needle down there some narrow gaps so Chris a long way back on the clock let's enjoy the rest of this round nose is on there some big pedals in and a big pole for these some pedals in the middle as well look how long he's in the air and it's important for them to get their gear changes in before they hit those yeah they they don't want to be coming up in first gear spinning out see I saw G yesterday shifting in the air to land in a nice hard gear Robert said to me that you know like I said are you getting on he said yeah another run sort out my shift in position yeah I heard him say that and it's important you know you don't want to you've got such little time to set up for these jumps you don't want to be faffing around with gears and also there's no time if you need that pedal yeah then it's got to count it's got what two three pedal straights to get to get that power down yeah that's right did you did you ever me as a World Cup racer I never remember choosing gear changing spots that was probably the problem and stuff like that yeah I suppose but more blinking spots I would have really you don't want to be blinking at the top of a super gnarly technical section I would yeah really make an effort to Blink in the firms of the easy bits yeah sure it's like Chris coming in on this last straight now carrying plenty of speed on styling now Chris Collins congratulations first time here a hard line he's made it fourth for him then the bike was all good in the end there and he's got a special paint job is he for a for this or for World Champs I'm not sure but it's that new prototype bike they're riding there that new a lot of the Riders actually are on frames they had for the world champion yeah because it was only a couple of weeks ago not sure I'd bring my uh well Championship painted bike lighting the amount of bikes that scratch you see you go through here this week yeah a lot of riders out that was where we saw him slip off that drop so maybe maybe he did catch you know lose a bit of pressure or something couldn't there's rocks and they are they're going further than you know they're making the jump yeah yeah that's right but you know I'd rather go further than well there's definitely up to 100 foot Mark that's for sure ridiculous it is really yeah in a race run that is in a race yeah that's right in the middle of a race run or this man Gayton these will be the next to drop gaytown's been here a lot of years isn't he he's he's racist Hardline a lot he has he had a ninth here in 2019 an eighth year before that and it's good to see like this kind of behind the scenes stuff if you will getting a bit of advice from G-Man I wonder what he said so the course is clear and Gayton I believe he was yesterday on Jackson goldstone's spare bike his bike not making it here which is incredible to tackle yeah can you imagine that off the side of that drop at the top then just making it a bit harder for himself with his borrowed bike yeah exactly unbelievable 24 years old this man a regular Wildcat racer he's up on nearly two seconds he's just had a bit of an issue coming out of that sort of compression out of that turn this is catching him out up here a crucial section as I said historically your top three at split one and that time when you will not win Hardline but if you kind of you put the harder you push almost the worse it is you've got a it's a real fine balance yeah exactly and they're pushing everywhere point one six back on that VJ throwing it out there I've been doing that a couple of years ago actually yeah he did that but that was it that was like a pretty smooth crash yeah not all Johnny James with his uh fish upside down the Scorpion no one will ever forget that and that's why hardline's so good because some Riders they you know they you know that they know they're not here for the win and if there's that if it's going wrong they'll do stuff like that yeah you don't see a backflip in a World Cup no there's no jumps big enough no that's right so heading on down now Gayton Beach oh I just see how hard he's Landing off that and pretty much locked up all the way down this straight into that so stupid actually the running to the to the drop off is safely steep as well yeah and that's why the ramp was changed actually because of course used to go around that drop kind of down a Rock Garden horrible there was a horrible drop in there yeah remember it and every year it's just getting more and more gnarly really yeah big pull off there makes it nicely pedals as hard as he can down this big 100 foot Gap you can see how much they're pulling to make it over making sure of it you've got it jumps into that berm there and Karen way more speed into these Burns now than that they were last year because of those big jumps yeah which will make you know the whole next section harder and this is where Vision had a massive one last year and actually tumbled off the side about that yeah that's right so cleanly through there this time it's bone dry this year looks good in there Road gap for Vijay no problem yeah the male ramp's been replaced with that steeper one because obviously they go higher they can have a shorter Gap the the the slacker ramp they had there last year faster and it was hard for the Riders then yeah step down and that's probably why you see a few of them like you know just tagging that pad on the top because it actually helps you like scrub off that speed dance down in the Dig crew have been swapping the ramps around they store them at w bike park and they've been driving up and down swapping ramps for weeks are they really yeah so out of the last Cannon then it's another few pedals in visual all right is not bothering this year with that faster entrance to this last straight payetes 237 still leading BJ goes third well he did backflip halfway down so we'll let him on there needs to be a separate column for like the tricks yeah they're really yeah yeah the relief here huge oh that's right to go that was a smooth crash you just had a little he came in hot to this outside rut and it almost like yeah caught him a little bit so you see the Riders are going high it might be slower entry but you come out with more speed I think [Music] that drop we see has had a bit of a ladder put on it over the last few years see his front push though when he came onto the rock there which caused him of that dab on the outside is tricky really slick around that in that top wood and look at this oh [Music] fast I was all right yeah big old facts yeah pretty decent I think yeah I've never seen him do that last year the year before yeah he did it a couple years and no one no one really knew that he could throw backflips he just did it kind of he is somehow we're going from World Cup racing right now but outside of that yeah he's close yeah you don't sort of expect it so there's your hot seat at the moment and it's oh it's like the World Cups they're all French oh God no I'll be singing the French national anthem I when I'm just not concentrating and sing singing to the baby next minute I'm singing the French Anthem because I've heard it so much at the World Cups it's like in my head and it's quite good let's be honest it is good yeah anyway back to the top then the Irish National Champion now here he is a man who can Ronan Dunn a crash in qualifying actually sees him going early but this man has had an incredible year watch out then what can Ronan Dunn do here today taking a fourth in Snowshoe at the World Cup race there earlier this year he's absolutely on form this year 19 years old and you can feel like his energy from his riding I feel I think you can't I have one talking about done in practice at the World Cup Up by 2.3 at split number one that's what we're talking about 20 and he's got no gloves on which he doesn't normally riding no gloves does he sets up high there to give up and it was Dusty I saw some dust and this is what the races are bringing 3.4 then Verona split number two no worries nicely over there perfectly over the big step up next to step down perfect up there as well like hard on the brakes as soon as they're Landing so you can get into that burn coming out into the tag and it to us this section looks easy but this is probably as like you were saying earlier where you you could probably win or lose it there's so much fine Precision riding to be done here and that's where the World Cup race this might score a special 6.1 up now for him then especially coming in hot off the back of a full World Cup season oh on to that perfectly hand off as well hard on the pedals and again done cleanly over the two biggest jumps then on the car he looks super comfortable on those and Ronan and Chris hitting the ramp on the first day he went absolutely massive and remember the fastest qualifying time 222 from Bernard Kerr this man might push that with this time today I I saw some more dust yeah you can see the the those Continental Tires hooking up perfectly there the conditions are about perfect here right now a Red Bull hard line across the road Gap it is just that one section in the trees at the top different line right around the top of those rocks and you can see how much Speedy carried out of that he's not like jacking up in the turns he's not stalling and that's what this track needs of a nice flow all the way down and nicely through that difficult right hand and nearly 10 seconds into the green then for Ronan Doug what a run heading back to the farm in Wicklow County after this today he's had such a fantastic year he'll be absolutely buzzing with this 16th of the world championships as well we're going to see a lot more of Roland dunman on this last straight now oh here big Summit connected comes over the line and he does go fastest Dudley's Red Bull hard line 227.2 massive run and his chains to come off around his crank or something that must have been on the last section isn't it something hard it's like a rock and it like jacked his hand almost flew up fell off the bar maybe we're here brilliant [Music] well apologies for the language uh not swearing not high on the list of these Riders after a run down this course yeah the adrenaline pumping through their veins absolutely but what a run that was absolutely perfect done 227 still five seconds almost exactly outside that fastest qualifier though for the first time at hard life yeah you know to put a run down that's fast but you're not over over playing it you're not overcooking it you could have easily just lost his head gone full attack but for for such a young Rider he's you know this year he's really he's really shown someone as Loose as Ronan Dunn is in practice at World Cup so everyone holds their breath when he's at the top of a section he's skilled he's got a mature head on his shoulders he's the full package and he's leading right now here in North Wales in snowdonian National Park there's the Riders left at the top 13 to go and the next man is a Welshman Taylor Vernon from down on the south coast used to be teammates with us on our uh Athen Academy grown up through the ranks from bridge and then yep and what a rider Tyler Vernon is actually winning his first BDS British downhill Series race this year he's such a skilled Rider but so kind of underrated that's right he had it when he rode on our team as a junior in a massive crash broke his back really badly sounds terrible as they go in there a second back for him at the first split and Tay rides a lot of motocross down there in South Wales he'll be feeling pretty comfortable on these big jumps strong as well if that's possible that's right well only half a second back from Roland done then the second split on talk for Tyler Vernon hits the big step up nicely over this perfect perfect London yeah you don't see Riders speed tucking as fast as they can go into into jumps very often had a top 20 in Lord at the first World Cup of the year gets up onto that rock Riders avoiding that yesterday actually so definitely drier than it was yeah it's drying out and often the wind's you know blowing on the track it does help dry out that's not great for the jumps and remember to step down there I mean we don't even talk about it now it used to be the biggest thing but he's pulled some time back to within 0.3 now so he's closing in on Rowan and Doug this is incredible from the Welsh yeah safely over the second one wow you do not want to be tagging these jumps and there's no time to stop if you've changed your mind between those two you're not gonna stop in time no the the intensity ramps up it's straight from one feature straight into a technical section or another one this one of the hardest parts of the track it's perfect around there easing it round oh that was nice he was sensible really took his time to make sure he was online there slowing fast out what you see the g-forces in that form in that corner and now comes one of the nastiest drops on this track this almost a flat Landing off this one they've built it up a little bit this year it's better than it was taking it oh look at that then so just 53 000 soft now for Taylor Vernon that's nothing can he pull that back oh he'll have to stay off the brakes all the way down here now let it run around this big last left hander and where the uh Ronin had a bit of a problem in this this last bit might make this all the time difference so Tyler burn is it gonna be red or is it going to be green big pool for that last jump Vernon Sprints to the line it goes faster leads here in snowdonia what a run that was that was incredible wow wow wow God be alive yeah man yeah you can see the dirt on the back of his trousers the Riders you know you're getting all over your bike you're so kind of you're so in tune with it you're close to it you're using the seat between your knees sometimes you hit your tire on your bum and it it's good you know it tells you where you are yeah sort of where you're balanced on the bike and stuff whoa and this corner the flat turn after those jumps that'd be hard to to make for us Mortals as you said a bit of a hole coming out there yeah some bigots big breaking bumps coming out it's so big the head-on shot of those Riders over those two new big jumps the hype well even the finished jump is bigger yeah it's small compared to those I know yes so Taylor Vernon leads then here at Red Bull hard line 2022 as we go to the top for a man who has won it in the past Craig Evans from Sheffield in the UK his sixth Hardline the winner in 2017 doesn't actually race anymore I said when did you last race he went Hardline last year he's an absolute specialist one time uh one time racer full-time Alexander pokes a lot yeah absolutely nice around there as well big pull from Evans to get down onto that rock there beautiful I love that and Evans gets in a bit of a pickle and goes down the front just pushing Ryder's saying that rock has never been slipperier and that there's like three lines on there like a middle where he was and then High super high on the grass but well we see in every line throwing problems that jacking up in the Rut oh it's so it's just so gutting isn't it you've been here all week probably ridden that every run fine do you think right there's you know in the rider's Minds that they may not pay attention to some of the technical sections because like the focus is to get over all the features right yeah and each Rider as they do puts it on Instagram I've made it I've got all the features next to full run right it's like I've never seen that turn on Instagram made it round that's right you're thinking right I'm in the start again get down to the cannon jump try that but in between there there's a lot of tech slippy and it is we've seen it it's the in-between bits that are causing the trouble that's right oh I feel like there should be a rule if you've had a problem in the first 20 seconds you can have a rerun go back to the top so Greg Evans okay back on his bike and is he gonna you know gather himself and send it oh another little dab there as well it's just so slippy and you know we're here in Wales it's it's such a unique terrain you know you've got the forestry and that Bedrock is lethal do they do the woods ever dry out in Wales no literally never they don't really did I even hit the sub which is [Music] with trees well that bit's dry that's ideal you see we've seen the Hardline course evolve over the years to what it is now you know around two and a half minutes of absolute Madness to me no it's like the perfect length of a downhill race oh yeah and to me yeah three minutes that's right that's too much more than that dude and when it's a short track like this the Riders can push on all the way down when it's super long you know you've got to save some energy yeah no it's all out one of the step on step off first time I've ever seen a feature like that in a mountain bike race Mark into Supercross oh I just we're all just silent watching it every time you're right cool I won't get bored ever of seeing those jump set that's for sure and there's a section in between these Burns and The Landings of the big jumps and it's like a little roller and that was catching a lot of riders out yesterday coming in way faster than they used to yeah this section thankfully a bit easy if you get too far to the right there there's a rock in the bottom that'll pinch you up against that big boulder yeah the dead crew have been working super hard this last sort of few months getting the track we've almost filling it back in you know because the weather and the years have like eroded it a lot what year did did he win 2017. G won the year after Bernard in 2019 and Bernard in 2021. I would probably you know better right but for G two times a world champion I'd say his winner in 2018 must be right up there for him right to win he was so stoked yeah and I remember when Craig won he was so buzzing like it was yeah it's equal to World Cup win really because of the consequences that's right well that was yeah a bit of a shame to go down like that so so high up on the track seven for Craig Evans as he crosses the line let's have a look we're going to see that you see the front push on this rock slab yeah he just tried to stay high didn't he and then he got a bit of a slip and he kind of nearly held it but just hit the sort of yeah the fallen tree on the left there and you can see as the ride you know as there is Dawning on and they've crashed oh damn it yeah that's right for another year so yeah well that's it sort of head drops look at the height there huh ridiculous I wonder if I wonder if they are looking at the wind socks because it's all you know yeah exactly oh it's too windy oh no but apparently all saying that they do yeah a nice phase you know you when it's windy like I can't really do it but you lean into the wind you have to you have to sort of use it yeah you can sort of take off into it play with it yeah that's way above my apparently yeah that's true enough okay Harry Malloy next from Tunbridge Wells in Kent down in the south of the UK rides for the Madison saracen team and actually hasn't raced this year has actually been line spotting on course for the team for his uh partner Veronica Whitman who rides for the same team as well he's chosen this is his only race well he no actually he got back on the bike inval of Sonic the last World Cup race last weekend he was wide there into that drop wider than the other Riders well he's a great race the 24th of those World Cup finals so Malloy a year off not lost any of his speed down to the burn there that might be sensible and he's up yeah so making it happen on the clock as well it's green from the lawyer split number one and you can see the the World Cup races you know over the sort of the guys that race less just a bit more precise with those lines and that is super important when it's when it's wet and hard like that 2.75 back and split two but exactly what you're talking about we saw the the top qualifiers yesterday Malloy over there safely nice actually setting up off the road Gap to the left yeah just having the foresight having to come past being comfortable 31 or two feet but it makes such a big difference makes a massive difference in a return doesn't it sometimes oh you're looking for a dry section you know somewhere that the other Riders aren't riding so it's not cut up or just tiny little little things like that and you can see from the Drone shot just how technical that middle bit is and from the technical into these massive jumps I mean there's no contrast oh only just up onto there perfect though but the contrast between these technical sections and then these massive features did he catch did he case that first one that was perfect wow yeah to switch your mindset from those Tech janky rocks to suddenly okay go go go and that's what I was saying about the gear changing like if you're gonna pedal you've got to have it in a good gear that's right nice and you can see them when they land they land that those heavy Landings and they take a bit of a split second to speed up reset for the next one I think we saw g go around that rock garden yeah with his foot off and real messy but it was actually kind of fast you know it doesn't matter if you take your foot off it's not not unless you don't get tangled up in there yeah these days we think it's the end of the world but for these guys it's it's not a problem really no if they keep it going Malloy a little bit further back five and a half into the red now from Taylor burden at 227 still the leading time from Ronan Dunn flow pay a third Vincent two pin forth and Gaitan Vijay the top five at the moment separated though by a massive 47 seconds with Vijay back flipping and crashing all the way down online a great run in the third price 4.6 back for Harry Malloy oh that was solid if you've saved with that not bad for a part-timer ah yeah there's eight for us yet Rob OTs the wind wasn't too bad actually oh the wind's fine yeah good to hear and we're now gonna go into the top ten qualifiers after this let's look at Harry Malloy though look at his eyes absolutely terrified and stalks yeah that's huge I don't know what else we can say really no the wind socks looking nice and low there though not filled at the moment and this road Gap they made bigger last year didn't they was it they made it bigger for last year yeah they put it up a meter and pulled it back a meter that's right took a few planks off it's actually quite hard to get exact sizes of uh yeah the features around it but I've got it down the road Gap has been 75 feet really and 23 meters from takeoff to land in diagonal yeah it's the height of it isn't it that's the sort of oh yeah okay next man to leave the start will be Tayo erlangson all the way from Cape Town inside they're still having the line debates [Music] and you can hear all the Riders the few Riders now left that's cool it's cool seeing this yeah it's so different to a well-cut race everyone knows what's at stake here everyone knows the magnitude of this course that that's looking a bit blown out that first turn that'll only get worse for for The Last Riders yeah it's only going to dig out now his second ever Red Bull hard line then 1.3 back yeah looking good well so so that's the first split 16 seconds yeah that's right comes up soon but it's so it's so relevant we have such a big time difference in that yeah early on yeah it's incredible isn't it but it's so you know when you look at the top of the truck with that slab yes there's a lot going on up there three back now Burlington yesterday started uh tricking these big jumps out oh gets a bit backseat there and offline as he comes down to this big step down yeah so you can see like if he's overshot it a little bit not caught that pad on top he's not scrubbing as much speed off and that sort of took him all the way down letting it roll through here though carrying good pace big drop here it's awkward that one yeah there was a double here somewhere that was that some Riders were doing trips over like this yeah a little tiny Gap they were going through a few years ago what what was Tayo doing now stop it he did yeah oh my goodness me after this man's feeling comfortable over these big dubs and as you said you know we mentioned the Fest series The Free Ride yeah petition to go around they can't they can't help it oh he does it he does the one in South Africa it helps him like just dead straight jump into these jumps if you're not used to that it whoa three times South African champion this man picks it up over there oh he's down straight just over the bars hop in you can see him hopping he was picking up his back end to kind of make it over the rocks and get around the turns but yeah it is it's incredibly difficult there janky isn't it I don't know if I'd fancy that from Mary he's got a good time now just to look up yeah yeah Prospect coming up and the writers all say that really that road Gap is the easiest thing right say it it's easier it's also got to be the scariest right one of oh I stood on it the other day yeah and I was like no absolutely not unless it was in a world Champs and I'd do it uh like I said 24 back now the great ride actually at the world championships in the show inside the top 25 there oh there was something yeah yeah that is something there it's difficult there's like you're coming down and you almost need to pick up across a little Gap yeah there's a lot of rocks there remember when they were building it a few years ago wow big toboggan to finish then potato [Music] yeah those bits between the jumps they're much more technical than we sort of realized yeah they are that it's really hard that last straight aside from those drops I remember when they first built that I thought there's no way you can make it round this turn and do that bonal log jump yeah it's just like you're gonna be getting too slow hopefully see the wind affecting them a little bit and you can see he landed and didn't have his weight wasn't on the front end and so we didn't have enough time to like get on the brakes scrubbing off that speed oh one hand them over there that will if that will have got the Crowder they'll be lovable so you see him hopping his bike around and then if you do that into a hole his front wheel stops oh yeah down he goes right foot came out down he went but I feel like if you're gonna crash that's a slow easy place to crash [Music] down to Boggan to finish nice thank you down and across the line then and these are the results at the moment as things stand we're into the top 10 Riders nine to go here at Red Bull hard line Taylor Vernon leaded a 227.08 just ahead of Roan and Dunn incredible ride for him as well but great to see Taylor Vernon lead in Malloy goes into third ahead of Flo paella Vincent fifth at the moment but yeah Taylor Vernon well I actually know I know why he's having such a good year he's just he's had a baby and he's not going out on the Lash all the time that was his own words so he's having the best year of his life definitely leading Red Bull hard line nine to go the next man will be this fella all the way from France from Clement faran Tebow lilay pink bike racing team third time at Red Bull hard line he's never finished here in year one really yeah never finished never finished Third Time Lucky then for the life he's got it oh that's looking good that turn yeah great to see the French here enjoying themselves this week hard on the brakes scrubs off the Speed before he gets super high line there on that grass I feel like that grass is definitely going to be more predictable than the rock you know it's not slippy but you've got to slow down and in a race slowing down to get it's it's quite a hard thing to do you know to know you're going to come out with more speed because everything in your head is too fast go fast fast exactly 1.9 about two seconds back then look at the second split for the light short on that only just creeping up fast on at the top nicely down there though still sending it big hit and you can see yeah look how hard they're working to keep the bike under the underneath them and keep it in line keep it pointing down the hill yep so out on the brakes off that drop picking his way through here on the World Cups all year this season and this bit will be you know not affected by the wind but he'll be thinking a few jumps ahead all the way down thinking of the next jump the next jump nicely on the step on step off no problems there for him get some good paddles in can't blame him for that tuck in between them this time it doesn't seem to make much difference whether they're pedaling in between or speed talking no I wonder it doesn't it seems to not make much for the head though yeah yeah right up to the lip I think I might as well it's a confidence to speed tuck off that isn't it let's see how he deals with these rocks here then it's fast yeah really fast like we say a World Cup racer look at that that's ready super quick then right from the middle of France actually said he lives near the pieron family there oh yes does it yeah yeah it's it's drying out a lot as well it is the track is yeah you're right there the rocks really dry now full of that this difficult little right hand of five back though full of life picks up through here a couple of little gaps you got to take care of and carry as much speed now out of this turn onto this last strike and they are peddling up that lip really aren't they up that log I walked up to the top of that as well it's on another scale even that yeah even that's massive massive absolutely massive then the light across the line it's a good time hey once the clock stops for us so so we've lost time another moment we'll bring you his time in it as quickly as we can okay still no time up for Tebow Lane on the timing screen here [Music] don't want to come up any shorter than that right well G did in the first day of practice today yeah to hit you can just the arms the wrists your neck shock everything just taking it well and also I mean we've seen you don't see bikes at World Cups the rate of well breakage bits frames I mean you know it's been a few minutes yeah and Dan when he sort of jumped up this track and this event you know that's what he wanted to do like push push the bikes and the technology you know as hard as the Riders are pushing themselves and that's that's what it needs to be you know bikes they shouldn't be breaking like that well done TiVo pink bike Continental Rider first time over the finish line for t-bola layer out of three starts and he goes in a fourth place a 2 31.7 and very respectable time 227 still leading and you can see how physical it is you know there's not really much pedaling on this track but they're getting to the bottom they're absolutely blowing and that's just because it's you know you're yanking so hard for those jumps around The Landings yeah you know the compressions and that's probably yeah the difference between you know the men and the women like The Landings is that's what takes it out of you yeah the strength that's why I haven't done them just the landings the takeoff's fine The Landings are close to trouble wind stops still looking pretty limp up there a little bit Gusty but nothing to worry about yet the Riders from what we've seen not affected by the wind and here are the the leaders the standings as we go into these last eight Riders here Taylor Vernon leading without 227 done keeping him honest very close but I'm gonna say that it's super impressive from Taylor Vernon dun's been a World Cup podiums this summer he put a good run down there today did he'll be stoked with that flopia in fifth place at the moment retiring after this race Vincent two pin in there as well at the top for those top three four Riders yeah I feel like it's winding up now yeah that's right so who who's next and still to come of course Sam Gail g Atherton Joe Smith Jim Monroe before we go to the last four Charlie Hatton Jackson Goldstone Adam Brighton and Bernard Kirk will be the last man to drop here this afternoon great to see the fans back a hard line for the first time since 2019. and the weather is holding up at the moment let's have a look then a tale of earnings run it an absolutely awesome it was [Music] in view down the valley you can see all the way down to the to the car park I did case it in case that first one a little bit but you haven't got time to stop you haven't got time to get on the break so it's basically full commitment today's written Hardline Taylor's written Hardline I'm going to say not every year but he's written here a lot I think he was a wild card entry for this year but I think like I said about having the baby calming down he's not he's not been out on the on the Lash every weekend and he's having a best year he's having a baby calmed you downright that's a good question we saw you racing in Atlanta yeah sick damn it are you coming back next year to do some more what's the uh what is the future for Rachel I don't know I mean it's so hard to watch the races and not be like tempted back in I mean it's like it's so sick I get so excited and I'll teach you know our guys have done real well this year and it's just like I want to be part of it again but also I'm knackered it must be nice for you the bike's obviously been developed well because we've seen it performing brilliantly I mean we've got three Athen bites coming it up soon in the finals and yeah it's going real well pretty satisfying to see yeah after years of work results are starting to come Sam Gail now from Nelson on the south island of New Zealand flew in just for Red Bull hard line this year he did oh Legend yep good lad a big fan his second hard line just 21 years old this man oh and he wins so he's got some Pace this man oh perfect it's going out hot isn't it yeah and this rock slab catching so many riders out no problem perfect down there and within a second of Vernon oh he's on a good run little dab there but it doesn't matter it doesn't doesn't mean anything really no as long as it gets clipped back in is he on Clips or flats like I don't know most of these Riders yet down towards the cannon then this one 55 feet 17 meters I've got two seconds into the road they're just literally going as fast as they can at that metal ramp nice styled out off it yeah no worries on the big drop either smooth down there and I think doing a bit of style and stomach it helps them relax and it helps you relax and get into your groove and like just feel like you do in practice and when you're riding with you with your mates and stuff that's what you need on this track you need to be relaxed confident and aggressive I I suppose which are all things that are easy done right it's still in touch 2.3 back for Sam Gail then so like you said it is that middle section the tech bit where the time difference is coming out wow big across there perfect absolutely perfect then for Gail and it is it is windier than yesterday in qualifying yes it is that's right impressive that they're all going for it because it was you know it's daunting even when it's not windy absolutely yeah it did right about that down here actually really fast absolute Precision needed over the back look at that drop there but if Gail keeping the flow going yeah flying through there What's it gonna tell us on the next clock then he was 2.3 back at split number three and it'll be hard to keep you focused because in in their minds they've done all the hard stuff really yeah they've done those big features they've done those big jumps and now they're kind of like coming to the easy bit and he's pulled back some time then 2.1 only the last split not over till he hit the Finish Line really no it's not like this section we've seen already catch a few Riders out Adam Brayton a couple of years ago oh yeah because they pushed so hard yeah because that speed from that rock drop and that turn you carry all the way down here to this Finish Line so it's been a great run for Sam Gail gets a few pedal strokes and it crosses the line well the clock not stop third he went into third that's right 228 1.8 back for him only in the end so pulling more time back from that last split yeah nice one good I was wrong that was good what's that for Thursday right on Sam third place is on to the hot seat yeah yeah you heard you heard him say that it's hard to push and not make mistakes it's such a fine line Stakes can be costly here look at it off there that is huge and they make it look so easy it's so impressive these guys they're the best Riders on the planet really you know they're they're turning up here and laying a race run down this kind of track yeah like that is not a mean fee no it's on another level there's a reason that the world's best won't come here you know well I can't deal with the size of yeah Minar came a few years ago didn't need to do you know course preview and he didn't he didn't ride it I mean at the end of a World Cup season it's hard to to push yourself so these guys are don't get too don't go I knew that was coming so G Atherton right two times a world champion of downhill the overall World Cup winner a man who's won Red Bull hard line twice Rampage Red Bull Rampage podiums there's nothing he hasn't done and basically the catalog of injuries that he had a year ago well I never thought to be honest that we would see diathan back in a starter and here he is at Red Bull hard line the toughest I mean he's your brother I can't even put in the words what kind of a character he is quite honestly well I think it just goes to show you what what Hardline means to the Riders you know pushing to come back to this event yeah for G it was super important it was was it and this was like this motivation you know it's such a fun event and to to it kind of makes you step up you know it brings the best out of you because it's so gnarly and I I genuinely can't believe he's he's riding but he is and there is no feeling the Riders say like conquering hard like Crossing that line so buzzing yeah this is such a great combination of big gnarly features and precise Tech and it's good that you know the Riders can drop in whenever they want like that's that's the event is for them yeah that's right you know it's it's it's it's it's done in a way that they are comfortable and the wind looking that's dropped yeah even more and actually the sun's out perhaps the weather a little calmer now then G ready in himself what a competitor to this man is no one else like gfan on this planet I would say off the side of that Gap at the top there good line into there and he said the result isn't important today Rachel but uh knowing your brother I got a feeling he's gonna push on straight down into that rock there and he's just back by 0.15 at the moment then well I think he's not taking it easy it well that's what he says but you know when you you eraser three and three you get in that start gate it's hard to calm yourself down like it's hard to not push but I think if you can do a full run and he can get down oh that's amazing yeah it's all it's incredible remember do that less than a second off then and run beautifully yeah like he didn't qualifying yesterday oh big hit down there big impact on the landing yeah big hit on his arms I feel like the wind just picked up a bit there but you know G played down his injuries he really did yeah and it's just mad like he he's still really healing like his female and his wrist and stuff but you know he wanted to come back here and it means a lot to him and he's helped he's been really him and Dan have been redesigning these jumps and they've worked really hard to to get them right you know yeah to make it a good show for the crowd and they both put their money where their mouth is the first over these jumps down a few weeks ago gee earlier in the week makes those two the wave of relief still next to me yeahtherton yeah and fair play you know hitting the burden for the first one's testing it after Dan knocks himself out you know went down in G like without one of them there for the other that that messes your head up you know yeah it's not and what well that was a different line we saw oh my God he comes no worries for G across there gets up to the left on Landon but wasn't I found the most astonishing thing was the day before yesterday he was like day one it's about getting the Riders on these gaps and then he was like but today I'm having a calm everyone down I'm just going you're calming everyone down Jake yeah yeah like you've never heard that and he does feel a responsibility you know like he feels like he's his event is is up to him to like help people feel comfortable and settle in and yeah it's a lot of weight on his shoulders really and it's been an unbelievable run then for him to make it down to the farm easy after to net has conquered Red Bull hard line again no win for him this year but to me this is his most impressive ride ever at this event happened goes across the line in third place a return to racing don't call it a comeback I've been here for years yeah unreal oh my gosh Steve Well amazing it's absolutely amazing and it he's he's an animal like he genuinely is like the toughest him and Dan gee he's the toughest guy I've ever met well you're the toughest woman I've ever met you and Tracy Hannah are commentated with her just you know when you hear you talk about racing and the injuries that you go through but it's it's like when it's in your blood like gee it makes him tick oh you can see this heavy land he's just got nose heavy there and he had to really work hard but you know it makes you tick like you get up in the morning and yeah and you're like why why is he pushing himself it through his rehab why is he pushing himself to get back from these injuries it's because doing this is what he loves okay well this is what you do let's go down to Elliot who's with your brother do I can see it's a it's an emotion on your face it looks painful it looks like relief you worked so hard to get to this moment what did this run mean to you yeah it's a big moment I mean I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to ride this year at all you know and then to suddenly start thinking maybe get back to a race and then for that race to be Rebel Hardline it was ambitious but I mean I'm so stoked I'm here what a weekend I mean you can hear the crowd cheering for you it's one thing to come back it's another thing to come back at this level and it's another thing entirely to race Red Bull hard line what did it mean for you to have the fans here you have your parents here you have you know your family here tell me about that well that was one of the reasons Hardline was such a focus you know it's an amazing event is so special to me you've got this amazing crowd the track's incredible all the family and friends and I needed something like this you know through the rehab through the physio those difficult times you need something to pull you through to drive you on and there could be no more motivation for me than coming back the Hardline and you had an amazing run you're sitting in on the hot seat tell me about the Run did it go to plan the room was good I mean yesterday was my first full run in I don't remember how long but it was just about getting down and then today I started thinking about oh I could push on a bit here I could push there I know as soon as I pushed you know I can tell I don't have the strength I can tell I don't have that race Fitness that you need to attack a course like this you know so I had to reel it in a bit just get down the hill stay on the bike but I loved every second of it we heard Rachel in the booth after you made it over those big jumps she was like oh my goodness thank you thank the Lord do you have anything to say to her yeah I mean if I'm honest Richie wasn't advising me to race this weekend so she was a little nervous but you know I made it down it's all good I'm safe well thank you so much G congratulations yeah thanks man cheers guys [Applause] the leader this afternoon right I mean new appletons are a very special breed there's your dad what is your mum making though I've got to ask you I mean all three of you she's your career that is absolutely for sure well if you've been enjoying this year's Hardline action make sure you check out the website to grab yourself a piece of official Red Bull hard line Endura merchandise at Red Bull dot Co dot UK forward slash Hardline and next up is a rider who always raises his level for Hardline hoping for a bit more like than he had last year this is Joe Smith I guess having come here so often I kind of know what to expect and I now know how to step up a little bit for that race run it must just be something in me that when it comes down to race runs I just want to give it more last year it was a bit of a weird one the last few runs before the final run I was starting to feel like really good on the bike and I was starting to attack a little bit more and get going and my paddle just clipped this one rock and then game over I was just marginally offline any other part of the track I would have been completely fine to be honest I just got really unlucky this year it's going to be a faster tighter race so those sections between the jumps are going to make more of an impact in your final run and you've got to start aggressively you've got to be on it from the get-go foreign from the get-go we expect this man then to be a puncture in 2019 here rode around these last few jumps on the last strike definitely only lost time finished third and last year he was the second person to drop in the second Rider from last to drop in and he was fastest all the way down until that crash we just saw that was a big crash as well well it's horrible oh yeah he rode around the last jump and was still yeah that was that's right A couple of years ago and then last year that big one I mean it's fair to say that Joe Smith is definitely a man who raises his game for this yeah he's a proper underrated Rider who's so good and he's so good at racing but this says nerves so I think the hard line suits him as an event a bit more relaxed you know he can take his time well it always has done better domestically actually than abroad at the World Cup race is from kazoo to about an hour ago riding for Vitas bikes then Joe Smith on course and how's he going to tackle this rock section at the top straight down to that catch firm oh that was perfect he's up look at that point just two thousandths of a second then yeah that was the fastest like real direct and no faffing around just yeah I don't think I'd be messing about that look like the line to me takes any or most of the risk out of it Down the Walls the cannon 55-63 through the air now extending to korma second into the green nearly oh it's so big that ramp it doesn't it doesn't look it on here and as soon as they land they're hard on the brakes this turn is really important to you know scrub the speed but not too much he's coming into that section he crashed a few years ago yeah he definitely is this is it where we just saw him go down in that VT round about here he's made it through this year no problem then down into what used to be called the Dirty Fern section his family will be watching at the bottom Hearts oh straight across there as well on the on off oh he's past this section yeah there he goes on that second big double no worries for Joe Smith perfect the next split's gonna be interested you can hear the crowd like we're all whistling just how fast the Riders are hitting that flat turn and we're not seeing it but I bet that in a hell of a shape right there yeah on the on the edge of the tires fast down there as well for Smith that was like absolutely perfect absolutely clean through there and off this road Gap he goes what's the next split time gonna tell us hasn't put a wheel wrong from what I've seen of it so far no just been saw Mainline and just you know just not not doing anything fancy no but carrying good speed good Pace down now that's a hit that is off the brakes oh look at it just four thousandths of a second then for Joe Smith neck and neck with Taylor Vernon as he comes onto this last straight but carried speed around this turn like you said all the way to the Finish Line gets the couple of pedal Strokes in there fires it out now much more he can do come on Jay pumps there as well last double for Joe Smith wants it gonna be red or green Smith spreads alive and the clock doesn't stop pause this he goes fast it's by point zero four one incredible for Joe Smith last tight racing we're seeing here it really is we thought it would be only five Riders left now Joe Smith taking it over that 227. how was it yeah get blue and the fastest qualifier 222 yeah they're all chatting about the wind a little bit aren't they like it's it's on the verge really like any any worse and it probably wouldn't be comfortable hitting this stuff this is that flat turn and I'd love to see a camera angle on the outside of it [Music] some guts to hit that last jump without pedaling yeah I know but they turn it I was surprised yesterday to see him do it because normally in the past they've sprinted like bad for it but that last left up in the trees there that have just been made a bit quicker yeah time's peddling like that it actually loses your speed like you you're high up off your bike the wind's hitting you you're not really gaining anything so a speed tuck I remember I used to be tucked once at Fort William at the World Cup the whole last section of jumps was it one of the years when I said doesn't like to Pedal yeah because someone told me it was faster well it wasn't faster wasn't it I still won so it's like yeah that's all right then so wind a little bit Gusty up on the mountain no problems so far for the Riders Joe Smith's just come down to take the lead that 2 27. great race in here this afternoon only five Riders now left at the top gin Monroe will be the next man to drop Charlie Hatton Jackson Goldstone Adam Brighton and then Bernard Kerr looking for that fourth win here at Hardline it's lining up nicely and there is definitely some time left on that track that fastest qualifier still around five seconds quicker yeah Bernard and Jackson both said yesterday like there's some more time up there yeah he did that's burner told me there's three seconds up there Jim Monroe Jim Monroe the next Rider the Dig crew for Hardline I know going from one to the building what he's gonna run I don't know it must be torture for months for this man looks a bit windy at the top now the Jersey blowing away as Jim Monroe drops in there it's definitely windier than than we've seen it but for a lot of the Riders you just want to get out of there you want to get on the track you've got to start riding that's right let's get this done I don't want to wait around and let's see if the wind will stop and he holds it high across that rock over half a second off though but not much in it Jim coming off his first World Cup season where he's done he's done you know the boardwalk catching him out that's right I said to him how much digging you've done this year he said a lot less now that I'm not the team proper yeah he's been doing a World Cup season and it's just such a massive change you know Jim yeah on that ramp I've never seen anyone scrub his heart off a ram like that incredible Jim is more of a sort of stylish like Free Rider than a racer but it loves both you know and and when you're this young you're kind of finding what where your place is what you prefer doing and hardline's like a perfect match of both Styles and it's an amazing story that it came here seven years ago that's right and then he's here and it's less than a second off so a great run from Jim Monroe as well and another Rider that does well without the pressure you know and that's what Hardline is across those two massive doubles makes it again yeah and breaking hard into this right hand and then they jump in and out of that one having a bit of fun there like playing around and he was absolutely stoked with fifth in qualifying yesterday yeah and that's going to fire him up to push on here today what holds it there working that up at Mike nicely through there oh that was smooth yeah definitely the camera angle threw me a bit then it's a different angle and now he's got to attack this last strike then remember last split coming up oh that was good he went high and then like sort of drifted around that turn has he pulled back any time on Joe Smith nearly a second into the red and split number three the last split will tell us more now 1.7 in the red now for Jim Monroe but still a solid run yeah definitely enough to see him well it's tired the top actually still good enough for a top five if he can hang on to it 1.8 seconds only over those top five Riders as well cool we've seen some good shapes on him so Monroe safely down a hard line it's going to be a great time and again this clock not stopping for us solid and Monroe it looks to me like going into sixth place at 1.8 back I'll be pleased with that it'll be really pleased that's the other some of the Dig crew Jim winning his first uh whip-off competition in London Hyde this year he's a he's a hell of a rider yeah he is I just love the story he came here to watch became part of the Dead crew over at Davion areas racing Hardline Borah Dan's Bike this last year most people just want to make it over that rub Jim's throwing it [Music] foreign stop yourself hooking up in those rocks they're like hopping their bike over them just missing them completely Continental tires are loving these conditions [Music] good run it was from gin Monroe in a sixth place and then we go to his teammate another Continental Atherton Rider Charlie hat and Rach who has had I'm going to say his best ever World Cup season would that be right yeah it is it's been uh Charlie's Best World Cup season today and you know he's been he's been riding so well this year and he's come here to Hardline and it's it's so different from a World Cup because you know normally at the top you've got your turbo trainer set up you've got your mechanic you've got your music and here there's no tent there's nothing just you and some boys and that's so different and Charlie hard not hanging about then dropping in straight away formerly from the forest today now lives in Shrewsbury first right hand up and he will be gutted ah after his fourth place qualifying oh he's gonna have a look at it yeah he's okay oh give him a rerun oh that's so um's just blown out yeah that hole you can see it every Rider getting getting worse and worse apologies for the language the more you saw every Rider like kicking that hole a bit deeper yeah you said it earlier that it might of course some problems and now Charlie's front wheel's gone over the front yeah that'll lead every Rider over over it now so really yeah do a bit of work to it burn it down we'll have a look at it because otherwise they're pretty much well now they know about it you could they're gonna have to come outside early a bit or something yeah get inside it we don't we don't want to see the next five Riders crash there oh well they won't now that's for sure but it's a shame we're into the last four Riders and Charlie Harden has just pushed a bit hard in this right hand to the front's gone out the top of the berm and boom yeah he's giving me that dark patch was getting like looser and looser with every Rider oh he'll be absolutely gutted a third year in 2018 a man who was definitely capable of taking it yeah today Charlie Hatton yeah he's had some amazing results this year a seventh in Lanza Haider seventh in valdostolai I mean yeah they're big tracks as well like the the hard the technical the rough and and a lot of these Riders are carrying little injuries you know from practice or from like the World Cup season it's been the end of a long season you've got us something like oh yeah I've you know I've done this I've done that I can't hold on this has happened I don't know the state of Bernard's hand I mean that crashed me so Bernard care if you just joined us was the first over the 90 foot one of the 90-foot doubles he went about a hundred or more feet at a massive crash on Friday night and you know yesterday well Thursday night actually and Friday he didn't ride all day he knew one run then yesterday I was like how are you he said I think I've broke Miss go forward I think I broke my finger hands all swollen up but I think it looks bad but what does a skateboard really do you know I don't know they can be Troublesome if you don't get them put right I broke mine but he's still he's gonna he's riding isn't it yeah he's gonna ride and he's going to try and win it oh it's definitely getting a bit windier yeah well these last few Riders will be Keen to get down now yeah it starts getting worse the wind sock is up a little bit it's not a cross at the moment it's head-on which is definitely better than a crosswind as it comes up the valley yeah window headwind but that's that first Corner that that's kind of like that's the interesting thing about racing as the track you know as the race goes on the track gets worse and like those top right those Last Riders are dealing with the track that is more blown out and been a good racer is about reacting to what you see or what you're riding at the time you know well that's you know that's right you're not expecting that hole but it's there and you've gotta you've got to get around the world I mean especially for the women at the World Cup racing because your practice finishes earlier in the day than the men so you have a bigger gap between yes your last practice and your World Cup race yeah and we you know we're at work we practice in the morning and it's damp and it's kind of wet and then you're racing midday and it's super hot and dry but things like that were you unexpectedly go down oh Charlie would be really good he will after the season he's had yeah and after hitting all these things and like something like that takes you out it's just frustrating but great to see the team doing so well this year Andreas colbiz here early in the week yeah Andreas who's just had five Elite podiums and pretty much in a row like he's had the best years along with Charlie and it's it's interesting because Andreas has he hit everything apart from those two big doubles yeah you know for a World Cup racer like you don't have to do Hardline you do if you want and he decided to I could see him up there torturing himself yes he really wanted to do it and of course we all know he's capable of doing it but actually I nearly said to him he was second at the last one the second at the last World Cup don't you don't need to and you want to come into an off-season strong you want to have a good set like training and you want to getting hurt is so frustrating to kind of and that's why hardline's hard because it's as a workout racer you don't want to risk it no it's so fun and tempting and it's a sick race and everything else so that's right and if you can pull it off there's no feeling quite like he's he Andrea said like he's he's progressed over this week you know he's Hit Bit jumps bigger than he's ever hit before and he's feeling comfortable on them now whereas at the start of the week he was super nervous off that road Gap and he's now feeling more comfortable and that's what the event kind of does to people absolutely okay well Charlie Harden's making his way down but there is a new start of downhill what this Rider can do on a bike is unbelievable and he's just 18 years old this is Jackson Goldstone I'm uh from Squamish BC Canada which is right near Vancouver I started just uh racing BMX on on a little like Strider bike and yeah it's progressed to progress to downhill my riding style is a pretty good mixture of a lot of other peoples I've don't have a lot of weight on me so I could kind of float through the holes a little bit and uh yeah I just try and stay you know really sturdy and stable my first impressions of the course here on Hardline 2022 are uh yeah really sick you know they've buttered everything up real nice over the over the break and um yeah really stoked to to ride the course it's a big jump so you got to be a little nervous and that's uh it's not normal if you're not you know I haven't raced it before and it's a bit of a different format for me so we'll see how it goes obviously I'm going to try my best and you know see how it happens the vibe here at uh at Hardline is definitely a lot different than any other race we have a lot of fun here so it's definitely a really good environment and I'm very very excited to see what this man can do the junior overall World Cup winner a world champion in a junior category last year didn't work out for him this season actually this year crashing at the top but uh one of the one of the riders coming up from the Juniors that there's more noise about than than most you know what I mean like he is a phenomenal Talent he raced all the junior World Cups this year in Andorra his time that won that category was faster than the Men Elite and this is the first time we're seeing him go up head to head against some of the world's best Elite riders today just seeing him on his bike you can tell how comfortable he is that's right riding and in qualifying came down earlier when it was a little wetter so let's see what Jackson Goldstone then from Squamish in Canada can do here this afternoon he's putting that rut back nicely in the turn yeah he's the big Dark Horse here by half a second to split number one then for Goldstone and like he said he's light he's he's quite a small guy he's so young isn't he but he's carrying like great speed and not getting stuck in there oh look at the pace into that left the first time here at Red Bull hard line the first man up on nearly a second and the first Rider to do a full run of this course on Friday night yeah whips hard off there perfect every jump he looks he just styled it up incredible I thought he was crashing he was doing a whip it qualified and you just see how he writes like he's literally grown up yeah on a bike riding for the Santa Cruz Syndicate Steve Pete's here as well this weekend works closely with Jackson 's through there Sean he's gonna have extended again three seconds it's massive run from Jackson Goldstone but remember that Joe Smith leader at the moment is five seconds off that fast is qualifier leading off that first big double massive surely oh the price is hot oh gapped into that burn that was Unreal absolutely beautiful but you can see it's getting looser and looser but look how quick he's blinking these turns attacking I feel like this is his ideal track the big massive jumps he's so comfortable on those big jumps that was that was fast and I feel like sometimes been short like been small you bike smaller and your bike fits in the turns and stuff back yeah yeah like a big guy like you or Steve your bike couldn't be halfway around that by now no that's right A little dab there coming up towards the last split now and look at the place I haven't seen anyone go in there that hard whoa he bounced off the top of that he's five and a half seconds at bed so this is massive from Jackson Goldstone Justice last straight to go and his first time ever at Hardline it's unbelievable learning at all first time of course it looks like it's tailor-made for this man to show us these Sublime skills Goldstone yeah he's gonna go fastest by a massive margin Cold Stone across the line look at the time 220.5 six and a half seconds up and that is the fastest time of the weekend here Goldstone delivers a Red Bull hard line what a run what a run oh he's buzzing oh my God [Music] yes Jackson and the pace off that last drop to Flat was absolutely bounced that was ludicrous the pace he carried can anyone be there this afternoon there's only two Riders now left at the top of the mountain and they're gonna give it all they got but I feel like it might take something special oh my God and you can see how buzzing they are oh dude there was a rock that big in the middle the bench racing started immediately after but look at the start of the dude huh he's so comfortable in the air and that wasn't for show that was actually the scrub off if either land if you're dead straight jump that landed with that speed he would have gone off that drop [Music] well Jackson Goldstone has just lit up Red Bull hard line here [Music] but that double Rock drop was Unreal yeah surely his joints are young they can take it yeah yeah well it's true he's light as well yeah she's 18. the world is his oyster oh my gosh yep oh it's Charlie coming down and that's what we're talking about at this event the Riders operators one unit all happy just to see each other get down this course yeah regardless of the result it doesn't matter to a lot of them there's Steve Pete but Jackson Goldstone leads with that 220.5 what was what was that no Rider since 2015 has ever finished inside the top three at their first Red Bull hard line so that will be history primitive the second year of the event yep so can Jackson goals don't do it can he make some history this man will try and stop him Adam Brayton the Keswick Kestrel oh sound effects from Cumbria north of here I'm not gonna serious serious like they've got there's only two of them up there now so it's quiet they've got that like you know always started the seventh Hardline for this man then said if he wins it he'll never come back attacks that first right hand and no problems for him I didn't didn't try and stay safe around that turn at all fast across there as well goes to that bomb catch bourbon he's up 5.39 then so a good start for Adam Brayden riding with the intent he needs to to win this thing he knows how to ride this track fast he still clipped in he can't get up he couldn't get his foot down livid and he was definitely gonna push yeah you could see it he was attacking straight away and when you you go down you jump up straight away you think I can still do it I can still get on and if he clipped in you can't get out oh the frustration well up and running again and Adam Brighton but he won't win it this year either which does mean you'll have to come back again Adam he can't retire to fish in just yet what a shame yeah and now it's only Bernard Kerr that stands between Jackson Goldstone coming in and winning Hardline at his first attempt it is like that that first wood section is what's called pretty much every Rider out so far like that they've had a mistake yeah it's so Tech in there it's just damp isn't it and Technical and they're probably their minds are probably already on the big features further down last little Landing that Dar nothing crashed on in testing still absolutely sending these jumps flying like a kazak Castro across there but great to see Brian coming back again for more some big hits along the way a hard line for him so some success as well oh he just like threw onto the front onto his his bars and kind of loaded up three times finished in the top five and it's hard to get your mind back into it you know to ride fast after a crash different for you and you can't ride you can't really ride it slow either like no not this one you can't roll down a track like this big and just take it easy so you've kind of this must be a weird mindset to be in but Brian's still pushing on still attacking even though uh and like you've sliced up you know like you spent the last few hours getting yourself psyched to do this yeah I do something with that adrenaline and that energy he nearly took out in 2017 just he literally hit it underneath head on stop dead straight back to his feet though he's he's a unit as well as he trains super hard yeah he does that's the strongest Riders spent a lot of time actually training with Danny Hart yes Adam a one under over the Finish Line I think Danny Hart's here today watching isn't he is he yeah he was gonna ride actually pulled out in the last week I always find it yeah just that fine line between pushing and staying safe first Corner was right it was the second it caught Adam out unfortunately here it is look at the Rock it's green that just tells you how wet and damp it is in there yeah and he just didn't clip out down and down he went and he's trying to get up quick to get on with his run and Salvage it but he couldn't get his foot out but he turned his GoPro off he's had enough but he can be happy a good qualifier a great time in that qualifying run show and he can still run with the best in the world at Hardline here yeah impressive oh look at that yeah definitely well one to go then at Red Bull hard line one Rider laid stays at the top yeah [Music] Adam Brighton crossing the line and there's one Rider then okay now it's time for the Triple Red Bull hard line Champion the history maker the one and only Bernard Kerr it's definitely my best year ever for sure this year in 2022 and I'm still in the World Cup Podium four times and in my whole career I've only stood on it twice before this year like three or four years apart so it's an awesome feeling and coming in a Red Bull hard line yeah it definitely gives me some confidence in 2021 I think I left time on the track right in the start I had a huge crash on the Friday practice and missed the rest of it on that first rock slab into the woods so I know I was a bit nervous tearing a bit slow and then after the final big road Gap I landed a bit deep blew my left foot out and I was trying to clip it in for like the whole next like maybe 10 15 seconds of track so between those two sections hopefully we can tighten them up this year and really pull some time A lot of people are talking about Rebel Heartland this year I've got a lot of pressure on me I've won it three times I've told him that every time I've been here so a lot of it is like confidence you know like I feel pretty confident and comfy on the big jumps and drops so I get to practice the other sections when a lot of riders don't so I think that's where most of my advantage comes at Redwood Hardline so yeah confidence breeds confidence and uh pretty stoked this week and you'll need every bit of that confidence today after crash in after flying 100 feet through the air one of his hands is damaged today but it didn't slow him down in yesterday's qualifier missed all day's practice on Friday can Bernard Kerr deliver a fourth Red Bull hard line win or will it be Jackson goldstones First on track then he will attack from the top this man today see what this first turn does nicely through the Africa coming in off the back of his best ever World Cup season yeah well four times he's been on the podium this year not hard and he was up and he's gone down no way down to the top he had a big crash there last year as well just hooked up in that hole and he's okay thankfully and gonna carry on but he won't be making it win number four oh got it ah he'll be gutted he will be good that section is caught out so many riders today really oh he's he also landed in the mud he's actually soaked and covered oh no hopefully he's not his hands his gloves aren't wet because he's still got to make it down the track well a shame yeah the fastest qualifier you've got to feel for him but you know right these Riders you've got no choice if you're here to win it then you've got to push out he said himself you know he went hard yesterday in qualifying just to see where where he was and whether he could even be in touch and it was he won so he's thinking well I can do it I can do it again but quite something to see the last two the fastest two qualifiers both crash yeah the star of the run I think Bernard's crash in in practice you know I feel like people the others thought it's maybe opened it up for them a bit Yeah because he's burning so good at Hardline and then he's he's had that crash that maybe they're thinking he's not as confident now yeah but everyone's pushing yeah for the win well we're watching Bernard come down to the line going around these big features yeah and he's landed properly in the mud there there's no like and we saw some of the Riders if you're not you're not sure if the crash is damaged your bike you send those big jobs oh that's right what's gonna happen so oh really really good yeah shoulder see the last man down the mountain climbing down like this he's okay and he's had a big week here he can look back on with absolute Pride again just riding just you know line up to race after that crash he's out he's got a big cut on his shoulder he's he's beating off his knees broke his finger and his Red Bull hard line like you can't really get down without without going for it and this year's cement himself not just as a superstar of Red Bull hard line but proven that he is one of the best downhill World Cup races on the planet fifth overall in that series took an amazing second place in Snowshoe Amery Pierre on the last man down coming and being him actually Bernard almost taken that first World Cup win yeah he's had an amazing year and rather end like this than been injured yeah well that's right exactly all good proud he's had a mint yeah and of course see Jackson goldstone's name popping up there we'll wait for burner to cross celebrate really can you until the last one not an event like this no but definitely some history has been made here this afternoon 18 he said yes oh wow yeah turns the big last double I think it doesn't crash now oh back later he's made it down safely but the celebrations have started but Jackson Goldstone who is the first Rider sits here inaugural event to turn up a Red Bull hard line and win in the first attempt the youngest winner ever 18 years old Jackson Goldstone is your 2022 Red Bull hard line Champion what a run absolutely unbelievable I thought he might get it you know yeah he did he came down early and played qualifying yesterday the track was still greasy and he looked like so much more yeah he looks so comfortable all weekend Jackson goldstone's done it there's chaos a bit stiff after he's had his big crash practice what a way for this man to win the season covered in beer [Music] [Laughter] oh what a race that was some rice and Joe Smith captain in second place look at that until 27. third yeah look at that incredible done there in fourth place from Ireland G Atherton returns to racing after a year away from the sport with a fifth place an incredible just heard of Sam go Jim Monroe but look at Jackson Goldstone a 220 the fastest time of the weekend and a seven second Gap to second place [Laughter] it was Unreal wasn't it that Brighton comes down in 12th Place after crashing out of the top oh yeah but occur as well foul Fallen foul of that first wood but another hard line no injuries yeah awesome yeah okay let's go down to today's winner who's with Elliot Jackson Goldstone you just won Red Bull hard line how does it feel oh I feel on top of the world that was insane I can't believe it right now I mean all week you've you ticked off the the features you had the first full run you look so smooth were you able to just add more speed throughout the week yeah definitely was able to add more speed you know with just more time on the track and uh yeah had a really good run there our link everything I wanted to with just one one tiny mistake so yeah so stuck that's not the way not the way I wanted to win you know I've really got it for all the boys who went down and especially Bernardi was on a you know he really wanted that one I think you could tell he was on another level so um yeah I mean you're the first person who is here for the first time to get on the podium what is the key here it feels like experience plays such a big part of it what made the difference for you I mean I don't even know I'm still trying to like remember most of Iran and still trying to process what just happened but yeah I just you know had a really fun weekend and everything went really smooth so I think that definitely helps I mean so we're gonna see you back here next year of course of course well congratulations Jackson what an amazing amazing run I can't wait to see you ride more of this stuff thank you [Applause] congratulations Jackson Goldstone took the overall World Cup win in the Juniors and now at champion of Red Bull hard line let's have a look at this run and you know right first time here to come and get on terms with this track and then nodia get on terms with it to race it and to win it is 12. oh it's just it's so comfortable isn't it and I think that's what that's you can tell that he's gonna you know have a long career in in the World Cup yeah I've been able to do that gets so comfortable on track in in three days that's what World Cup races do that's what that's what they do take them anywhere in the world and they'll do it yeah oh yeah I mean it's interesting that you know he's turned up here and basically he has kind of leveled this track right you know what I mean like the next sort of the next kind of wave of riders coming through you can see the progression yes style like growing up doing these not even phased by the size no that's right it's just it's just yeah took it in his stride yeah pretty cool to see how genuinely pleased he is as well yeah yeah well it's a big title to win 2014 we've been running Red Bull hard line since then and it's hard like he said it's hard to process you've just done your race run you don't really know what's been going on with everyone else it's hard to kind of catch up and process those emotions and you'll be watching it back later probably more stoked than he is now he definitely will be well for the second year running we're rewarding the BF Goodrich Rider of the week award voted for by their peers this special award goes to the rider who contributed the most to morale and gave everything during their week at Red Bull hard line let's find out who the Riders have voted for I need to go and it's Jess blew it incredible athlete great to see her here riding this week Rachel breaking a collarbone actually on that uh step up but yeah this one well Jess has been unreal all week you know she's hit these jumps she's ticked off like over half of them probably yeah she's really stepped it up and when everyone you know was saying like Jesse's gonna ride and people the guys couldn't believe it they literally couldn't believe that she was going to do it and you know she she had a little crash on the on the step up but she didn't case it she just ran over the bars yeah she's she's really really impressed everyone I couldn't believe it when I came over to film with you a couple of two or three months ago yeah Davi and to see her in the chain yeah like you said about Jackson she's like kind of that new wave of riders that are just so comfortable on these big jumps and you know living out there and in sort of growing up around the Queenstown and stuff it's yeah you can see it like they're just so comfortable and they absolutely she's made history really at this event absolutely lives it but a great Red Bull hard line all the Riders down safely today we're just waiting for the podium now Joe Smith had an amazing ride in second place let's have a look then out of this Podium we're gonna go down to it now and here they are top three Riders yeah everyone's throwing our horns in the background Joe Smith Taylor Vernon there Jackson Goldstone but a brilliant third place then for Taylor Vernon that's ah amazing ride for Taylor yeah that's right he'll be stoked because he's done pretty much every hard line I think a nice to see Tim Welshman on the podium in second and third right all the way from bridge end down the South yeah the two ends of Wales that's right are the Canadian in between second place for him today [Applause] he's come close in the past he came close today as well Joe Smith incredible to see that man take a fine second place here well hey Jackson will be able to get champagne on us yeah he's 80. we're in the UK but it is Jackson Goldstone who is your 2022 Red Bull hard line Champion a phenomenal run taking the win by six and a half seconds a massive margin ah good lad I'll be used to that from the World Cup didn't he oh yeah definitely yeah he's bombed it he's got the champagne hole shot that's been the theme this year isn't it like smashing it and it's in the eyes it's acting oh no yeah there's nothing worse than champagne in your eyes Joe's a bit slow though but a corking I'll just take it home and have it tonight for dinner finally but it's probably got no strength left he's not good very true Oh that's oh what a good event yeah more brilliant it's like a brilliant event it all went together to die we were pretty stressed about the weather earlier in the week I certainly was yes the wet this idea now but one of the best hard lines I think we've ever had yeah I think so yeah best course biggest jumps not really any injuries no that's right and again you know on a reiterate just like we've put these bigger features in this year but the sport the Riders yeah kind of keeping up with it no progressing it's such a right what's next well I mean that is the talk like what is next for Hardline that's right yeah and what about your brother G today we must mention him today I mean yeah we haven't talked about his injuries but you know amazing to me that he's ever got back on a bike let alone return time yeah you don't want to like focus on those injuries too much but I mean he had a massive crash and it's just over a year uh today really that he's kind of and he's back here at the race and it's hard in it because you don't want to you don't want to kind of encourage people to come back to see him from injuries but there's no stopping yeah I mean it's just really impressive and I think he's yeah I think he's absolutely mad but it just goes to show kind of how how addictive the sport is you know absolutely yeah these Riders keep he said it himself you know it gives you when people are injured it gives you that passion like to push yourself and to get strong again yeah that's right and as you say you know that's that's why we love it that's what keeps bringing him back and again we've seen some unreal action here at Red Bull hard line one of the best I think this year let's have a look what we've seen so far this week then it's been just insane oh okay I thought we were going to throw to some action then but yeah I mean you know gee the fifth place for him Ronan Dunn 6.7 off in the end another youngster though just 19 years old he's had an amazing year isn't he and like he's another Rider like Jackson where you can feel like the energy coming off and when they're riding you can feel how excited they are and just just watching and practice and stuff it made me want to ride you know and that's like that's cool to to have youngsters around like that that are so comfortable hitting these big stuff yeah future is exciting really yeah I mean there's definitely to me I think we're going to see more and more perhaps it's like it leads doesn't it Red Bull hard line it influences all the other races yeah yeah globe and to see these Riders really getting on terms with it maybe it's time to turn it up everywhere yeah I think so yeah yeah people love it and the crowd loves it it's a good show you know for everyone watching and yeah it's ideal absolutely let's have a look then at those final results one more time Jackson Goldstone taking the win taking the trophy back to take margin as well yeah that's massive yeah absolutely of course you know Brighton yeah both crashing but but Joe Smith amazing for him to finish in second place ahead of Taylor Vernon with third but what an event we have had yeah been incredible hasn't it right yeah and Bernard's won it a few times isn't he so I think you'll be all right to come back next year and oh he's trying to get hungry yeah Jackson goldstone's gonna be here as well well congratula congratulations again to this year's Red Bull hard line Champion well we've been treated to an incredible weekend's racing which has proved hands down why this competition deserves its reputation as the most Progressive downhill race anywhere in the world and Rachel of course it's been such a pleasure to have you alongside me back thank you very much it's been an absolute pleasure your knowledge passion for racing shines through amazing and we just want to thank you at home from the whole Red Bull hard line team here here in Wales thanks very much for joining us and we will see you next year goodbye for now foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 973,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, red bull hardline, hardline, mtb, downhill, 2022, wales, wales downhill, wales mtb, hardline 2022, live, replay, greenland, bernard kerr, loic bruni, brage vestavik, atherton, biking, downhill mtb, DH, jackson goldstone, danny hart, gee atherton hardline, gee atherton, dan atherton, dyfi, RB Hardline, hardline mtb, jackson, winning, mountainbike
Id: qrzUvVxP7js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 35sec (7955 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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