Leogang Elite Men's Downhill Semi-Final | LIVE DHI Racing

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but knowing that I wasn't gonna go into a corner and blow the corner or mess up a section look at that Jordan Williams is 2.3 seconds up in his first Elite level is he heading for the hot seat in his first Elite level World Cup Jordan Williams crosses the line goes into the hot seat Troy throws then claps Dakota Norton cannot believe it I was hoping to get on the podium I sort of knew it would be on the podium and then the other Riders on the hot seat were saying how good my Roma was and the people on the side were saying that was amazing and then Rider by Rider um it stayed there and then towards the last few Riders I had some hope until lower is it show time like Rooney heart rate 145 beats per minute in the booth the specialized gravity racer he'll know that it's his own teammate Jordan Williams he's gonna have to beat and then Locus 0.79 fruity is on one right from the top and I thought I'll get me um but he didn't and then yeah it was insane 150th beats per minute from Lloyd Rooney off the drop which are the specialized Germany races takes the win Jordan Williams wins the opening UCA mountain bike downhill World Cup of the year uh this weekend I'm not expecting myself to go and win I'm not expecting myself to do anything crazy again um I'm just I've won a World Cup now so I want to just have fun and take the same approaches last week just have as much fun as I can and hope for the best here we go then getting ready to go racing with the elite man semi-finals on way on a radio from Finland with gas underway I had a Baptist Pier on Sam Hill is in the mix on the number 88 nuke proof do not miss a second lackers for Grace Virginia specialized in there Joe breeding from the UK on the intense Factory racing machine Antoine Vidal 17th last I might walk and he do Dante silver for Canyon collector Factory team our Rider a lot of people are talking about this weekend just behind kid Edwards in quality for track Factory racing Greg Minar hoping for so much more from him today and then it's Rooney Golston Jordan Williams in the mix as well Lucas short the pirella care heart Dylan Levesque ravelli Johan Carson Walker and palazzari I said it was a bit of a mixed bag after that weather affected quality session but big names left right and Center Cedric yeah but we're going to see Sam Hill then this is really of course like a weather I mean that's racing that's what it is but it's so good to see him up there you know a legend and it's going you want to prove something you know he doesn't indeed he doesn't need some help I can back on your screens very very shortly the flat pedal Thunder from Down Under we'll rejoin because we're getting ready to go racing with the elite men's semi-final here in Lia gang Austria the sun's out a little bit of win at the Finish Line a little bit ahead when you can see the Red Bull wind sock there Justin uh it's kind of sideways really like coming from the left side last time we had that win come from the the left side the rain shot but today I think we're clear I think it's looking good for a good day of racing so if you are just joining us we had a lot of Weller yesterday that really affected the junior race and the qualifying but we head to the top now for our first Rider of this Elite men's semi-finals ranio from Finland on that pulley bike oh doing great here like that's what you want to do you want to try to double all this you know like compressions if you're somebody who has a few days of their life to lose to Good YouTube videos and you need to go and check out pulley and there are proofs to making bikes absolutely revolutionary and really challenging what is the perceived industry Norms this Finnish brand constantly attacking the top part yeah it's gonna be all out nice so this is a semi-final format which means 60 Riders will get whittled down to 30 plus however many of those protected Riders are outside of that so in fairy the maximum we could have is 39 through to the finals today we're missing one of course Armory pieron exactly and uh let's see where annual mix of this Motorway section I saw him through this woop section during practice fully committed on the pulley while he was committed on the first part already yeah that's good to see you know taking the chance really low over the front end to the corner into the bay ride you can get so much speed off those wall rides but it really it's one of the best places that jumps into the woods back end of the bike says whatever the Finish is for new but he manages to get a gallon up so yeah standing by those wall rides nice one there like doubling down one of the best places to watch downhill mountain bike race and the energy that goes into that wooden wall right big Phil like you you have Goosebumps when you hear all those people just at you and it's so steep there so steep through this new wood section we saw really the second half of this track in the elite women's semi-final was where so much of the time was generated Nina Hoffman in particular lighting it up through here yeah a lot of time a lot of time on the last wood section you need to you need to have that energy though to be able to do it yeah here we will scrub off some speed before this tricky flat left just dabs there slightly radio oh that left corner start to be dangerous because they look like it's still a little bit tacking inside but at the end the end of the corner starts to be already Dusty yeah so that's a free 15.029 3 15. so just for comparison and Davide palazzares first place quality run from the Weller affected yesterday was three minutes 11.7 so we will see times tumble here in Lia gang another fast from the family yeah yeah definitely yeah like we said last week you need to rush to the dinner because everyone is so fast you need to get to the dinner quickly and appear on Heisel because he perhaps East this is is 3.3 seconds now to the good no Armory hopefully we will hear for him later in the broadcast he is apparently back in Lee again after that neck back injury sustained in Lanza Hyde at the first round but his brother's on track now for am a lot of time made on split four little manual over the line goes into the hot seat four seconds quicker than the fin great wood section yeah really really good so hard to basically don't lose time at the top and be able to have steal that big energy himself Adam Brayton from the Lake District in the UK [Music] let me get on the big double or the table top at the top you don't get the nickname gaster flat by hanging about here comes the kazak Castro I didn't agree on split four some brilliant race runs from Britain here over the years limit on grabs there on the left corner you felt you see that back wheel just paddling in the mid in midair for Britain down to the line yes Adam Breton 310.369 he still suffering slightly with a an injury to uh the right hand side of his body but shouldn't impair him getting into the hot seat busquets excuse me [Music] as well when we get confident it's going to be dangerous so that's what he's doing right there on spit three one second let's be three less a little bit of time on four yeah the 20 year old lighting them up green here in the semi-finals on the hunt for a place in our Elite finals coming to you later on this afternoon this little flat turn oh they're getting faster and faster in those Corners you could just see the front wheel understeering there losing grip pushing him wide but this gets gets it gowered up but that corner I think at the top of that drop in Cedric that is maybe where we're seeing some of the speed come from in this last section because you can just lose a few kilometers an hour there alone exactly just in a few Corners there and it's so steep there you can lose quite a bit of time but they're already in a little like the limit on that corner you cannot go faster on that corner you lose the grip Harry Malloy then Continental nuke Pro nuke proof Factory racing whatever the equivalent of a player manager is in Dino mountain biking it's Harry spend so much of his time just managing the team managing the Riders and still getting time to throw a leg over the new proof and race the big bikes with the best in the world impressive to have so many hats on yeah that's much oh he has got quite a hard collection I'll give you that [Music] 2.9 on spit four 53 kilometers an hour yeah Continental nuke proof one of the really good news stories here in the pits from recent years a family team set up however lawyers joining is really helping Chris Cummins and Co push this team to bigger and better things and we have got one of the most electrifying riders in downhill on his way very shortly for you ruining Don Harry's teammate Malloy crosses the line into four three seconds back Harry Malloy then the Finish Line it's getting uh more and more crowded nice to see everyone is so happy to be here see racing on the sunny day this is what you want fair and square racing Luke Mumford Dan from the UK number 123. hello UK Rider you can see how choppy that first section you see those rocks like it basically took off the Rock from the edge of the off camber so a huge crash for aerys and the junior women's race yesterday where it's so easy on that top section that off-camber section you get pushed to the bottom offer then all of a sudden you have to go tight tight left and she just got bucked and sent the other side of the room because it's not you know it's a big off-cumber but a lot of compression in that off-camber then you have to work the bike like it's you cannot just be the passenger and just pray no it's got a little bit of everything this Leo gang track it really really does there's pretty much here he is in Ronin town from Ireland and he's turning the screens green oh he lands oh now one as I say one of the most exciting young mountain bike talents in downhill at the minute run and done on a run here and that's the motorway for you you see it's not straight and the Lola momentum you have to carry the national champion off Ireland as you can see from that sleeve just lands slightly short there on the 32 nuke proof so fast into that war ride why is that you're big Straight Into the Woods ah that was really good so fast got the message one day from Chris Cummins oh he's gay when he was at school actually to see if he wanted to go racing last year and he went yeah go on I'll give it a go and he's never looked back from there or no yeah 55.9 kilometers that's how fast is going down this wood section 55 kilometers an hour Ronin done 1.9 seconds to the good in the semi-final here he isn't protected so he will need a good run here run and done 2.8 now I mean that's that's a big gap that's a big gap from a man who loves big gaps Ronan Don on the move the Irish National Champion looking good at bikes so active just strike to tell the bike go faster go faster download he'll take off here keeps it low over that to get more pedal Strokes in Ronan Dunn crosses the line and into the hot seat by nearly 3.6 seconds three or six it's fast nods ahead he knows that was a good clean one and that will give him a good chance at going through to the finals I think Cedric so good to see that when a rider crosses the line nodding the head knowing that yeah yeah Ricky penny for New Zealand knife from Ms mondracker as they're coming thick and fast in this Elite man semi-final oh nose heavy off that one yes you know it's so hard you know when you pass the finish and you know you give everything you had and it and you couldn't do much more you know it's you're happy the result is what it is but you know at least you keep everything you had I think it's one of one of the most interesting juxtapositions off Downhill Racing is you're racing against the best riders in the world but in reality you're racing against yourself you've got to put your best run down in order to beat them and I know that's something that we talked about last week that Fabian Burrell always said was that he only ever raised himself and he won racism drove home angry because he didn't think the Run was perfect and you raise the time too you know like competition is you have to you have to beat the clock okay so to hurt me down three tense outside the fastest time currently set by Ireland's drone and done [Music] [Music] it's it's nice to see Smiles at the finish line definitely are better than yesterday definitely a better day than yesterday and great for the mechanics today because you know they have to work on the bike right away they don't have to because you know when you come at the finish line and your bike is like full of mud you know you're going for a full rebuild all hands to the pumps Emerson wearing the national champ sleeve off the UK back on track night from Madison saracen Williamson has been suffering slightly with a sinus infection the big man from Inverness 3.8 back 3.8 back for Williamson let's just be prepared of seeing some tight racing today it's going to be hard to get into the finals it feels like one of those days now it does feeling one of those days where that's the thing about as I said in the the women's race Bruni called it earlier in the weekend he said Lancer height oh yeah Christopher fell again oh that could have been horrible I've seen people run over their ankles doing that actually yeah seconds on split four I was on clipped momentarily and lost loads and loads of time that was a whip going wrong a whip gone wrong for villaging down the line now five seconds back off run until nothing that might be the South Africans day done but yeah as I was saying Bruno himself can't lose time anywhere nope Legion maybe the opportunity to make it back but yeah and being able to do two runs like oh he went down died in that right hand corner there's like four stairs on the way into that I was looking at that corner look how deep is the right in the beginning and it's really skinny and you have just the wood now sticking out then it be careful there it's not good it's gone yeah it's broken yeah yeah yeah oh here we go that's what I was telling you oh that'll do it if you look at that big time tube in the bottom of that Scott yeah just gone wow maybe from tries to jump on the bike and then yep maybe the tube just hit that big log I don't think they're gonna take that one back under warranty you know that is done yep racing machine yeah they are fast fast bikes but you can just hit them at the wrong angles every now and again exactly especially on the on the big log I think yeah I think the bike hit the log well Greg Menards the same it was detonated a bike and the last run before his race run they've rebuilt another bike Forum within 40 minutes and he qualified it three tens back off iron Gwen and that's what makes him the goat yeah exactly can you imagine mentally no I can't because you remember that noise that noise you know like of the carbon going into that big and as you said the Marine kabiru who was a badly injured here last time out being able to shut that out yes so so difficult and so pretty strong mentally in but here we go everyone is the flat panel Thunder from Down Under Sam Hill is back on the title back and he is back on your screens in 2023 for new Chris Ram Factory racing one of the greatest most pivotal riders in the sports history the master of line choice at all time and so much creativity when you see I already have like different line this is Sam here on track never ever enjoy as to his position as one of the sports all-time greats free Enduro World Series crimes back to back after having won pretty much everything in downhill and really drag the sport into a new direction of Lane choice and famously from everybody else was going slow in fast out Sam was going fast in Faster out and just you know his attitude as well was just like what mountain biking knitted it at the time showing up and only only do four runs in practice when everyone was trying to do like nine or ten it was just impressive and it was hard for the other races yeah three times a downhill world champion two times a downhill World Cup champion two Junior downhill World Championships and those three Enduro World Series titles as I mentioned palmares do not get much more impressive but with Hill it was never it was never so much about the championships as just about how he rode a downhill bike 5.4 back but just great to see him back on our screens and still running the same shoes the 37 year old yet flat pedal so he won't clip onto the bike the way that's so well basically everyone else does know it's so hard to control the bike too especially there in this section you need to use your Hill like a lot more than when you clipped in and um yeah the pedaling you know it's just harder and keep the bike under your feet as well it's harder especially on those breaking bumps you have you feel like basically flying in front of your pedal not a problem for Sam Hill 37 year old Australian then coming down the line he is not protected so this might be the last we see of Hill today but it was great to see him back on a dino bike Sam Hill crossed the line nine seconds back off runen Don's time some hell one off the all-time great off the sport back on a downhill bike back at a UCI Mountain Bike World Cup we're back in all our hearts yes this is out you know this show you as well our mountain bike it went so quick in the last years like you see it's when Sam Hill is like nine second backwards the talent you have with everything you have I mean still a Sam Hill on the bike but just this new generation it's just incredible well after this broadcast get yourself on YouTube go and look for Sam Hill's 2008 valder Soleil run one of the all-time great race runs ever put down and I remember that last Corner involved this old it was coming so fast it's like it's been launched off one of those like stainless catapults that they have on air force it was everyone at the finish that couldn't believe the eyes of what they were seeing of like you know the greatest of the aggressive greatest of mountain bike the replays actually don't do it justice because you need to see the few runs before it to see the speed differential just absolutely unbelievable Sam Hill back with us here in Lee again great to see it we're gonna head now back to the top where we have got Elliot Val Scott downhill Factory team good team they've put together the Scot team this year with my rain and it's a lot of fast rider there yeah as well we've got um a lot of those fast French Riders looking for teams and Scots seem to be doing a really good job at Gathering them all together the right side floron paye on track throughout practice one of the one of the greats really the yes unmistakably the unmistakable figure of the really tall reunion Islander who rode for this team for so long helping this team now on the side of the tracking hey good eye on track and uh really you know what to explain things as well in a quiet way and um what was good with flow but yeah it's like when you start to have the bike who was the proper dimension for him yeah like a double or triple XL he was so he got better as his career yeah Shimano did a fantastic little video actually about him that's online as well catching up with him and his time at in racing and as you say that hunt for the bigger bike and as soon as he got that never looked back but by all night nearly nine seconds back up split four not going his way today no it's hard it's fast at the front already and uh we're going to see a lot of those today truck went faster it's getting faster and faster but I'm a little bit concerned about that corner when we see the lock there where um it's disappearance yeah yeah it's disappearing it's just the logs now the dirt is gone so we have just a reminder then 60 men in this semi-final 30 plus whoever is protected now outside of that 30 will go through to the final later on this afternoon 16 10 plus just watching Sam Hill being moved in The Finnish area he's he's gonna do well to get out of here actually everybody wants a selfie with Sam here is Remy Meyer Smith the one of the biggest natural talents in Downhill Racing at the minute riding for Jam Factory off-road it's a Revival from the bike from the early days do you know what's missing the Red Fort yes exactly yeah remember those days I couldn't put my finger on it until somebody pointed it out to me it's the red fork that bike's missing and the Retro colors for giant but having a good tin too Remy Meyer Smith on board here for giant Factory he's in he's in contention yes he's in contact and he's attacking that wood section be careful that corner you see that you see that yeah so tight and only logs then you have to release the brakes like that log is so slippery Meyer Smith then his older brother Luke with a broken collarbone oh he's he's giving some there hey and it's working so far also has to deal with the pressure of having the constant stream of positivity from Josh Carson and his pit every morning there's a lot of Carlson around here and Leah gang at the minute but 54.8 kilometers an hour for the speed trap for Remy Meyer Smith from Australia Carlson we talked about him the other night in the hotel actually Remini said just the natural Talent levels are just through the roof as it comes down to the line myersmith in deferred that might be enough yeah I was a solid run I have to say really good run really good run really coming of age now as well you just see him with every race getting that a little bit more experienced yeah and more confidence it's good for you one minute Preston Williams on track now from the UK [Music] so hard to don't launch that once too far a lot of people have problems there the 20 year old see how fast this Motorway sections it's getting faster as it dries out Cedric exactly you know now it dry after the rain is even more packed then it's a lot more speed and those jumps are getting smaller and smaller now 5.2 off on split four one of the key parts of downhill of course is managing a track as it evolves and as it changes with the Weller and you know not an easy skill in itself it's all in your head too you know you have to go with the flaws sometimes and just let it go and when it's like that fast you know yeah you want to go you're like yeah maybe it's too fast it's too fast but you know that's this is you have to be committed and today it's going to be a lot faster because it's packed after the rain Sebastian I'm surprised this off-camber just got one line this year used to be two or three line there now it's one line and everyone is hitting the same it's thought to be a little bit broken there a lot more compression do you have the braking of course more you break you create those breaking bumps oh those two corners here like they're entering so fast this man has spent a lot of time with one of the heroes off Columbia mountain bike in chiguero himself Chicago extremo he's watching at home cheering his rider on as he heads down the line now where will the Colombians Stack Up Just 4.8 seconds back Sebastian Hogan Villa for Colombia definitely does Colombian Chilean so good in urban racing it's good to see them there as well in the dirt urban town hill so so big mountain biking's so so big in Colombia actually it's there four or five years ago for Enduro and just the reaction we received and the uh the passion yeah as well it's like big Community variety of writers Joe Braden then from somewhere you can get much more polar different from Colombia from the forest Attain in the UK or intense Factory racing teammates off Aaron Gwen and Dakota Norton breeding very very fast a massive young Talent heartbreaking here oh Lance a little bit too much in the left I think the right line when you land there is inside it's no roots there we're really hard to aim it especially when you jump from really bright into basically a dark room yeah there you go there's that corner Cedric mentioned with the oh what a good size it used like the trail almost well sadly we're missing Rhys Wilson from action today but that was a Rhys wilson-esque maneuver just pulling the bike up setting himself up really really wide nearly 55 kilometers North through the speed trap for breed and I looking good he used that tree like a water ride tell you what Cedric though that run off Rune and done is holding up really well there's no scrutiny here that's that's a solid run it's going to be I mean it's hard to beat look 3.1 split four and it was looking good at the top no there's a thing about the semi-finals if you're unprotected you do not have the luxury of just uh rolling down and getting a sight or you need to put these runs down and get give yourself the best chance of making the Big Show whilst collecting some points Joe Braden crosses the line 3.3 seconds back managed to stem the loss of time but I never made any back healer yeah enough for four so far yeah rules ahead around not sure if he's overly happy with that Antoine Vidal Lim one of the biggest talents to come out of France a country full of big talents at the minute when it comes to mountain biking and this young man it's good on every bike you give him everything Andrew wrote downhill bike you could send him out on a unicycle and he'd get you a good result that's one Vidal for coming Saturdays or the team managed by Cedric and Cecile Ravenel themselves absolutely rapid so he was 13th last time out in Lanzar had a great result for him vital an absolutely meteoric Talent now watch him in these Woods it's time go to business 56 kilometers an hour near enough for Vidal let's see what he can do in the woods oh nice one doubling down with second Rider we see doing that absolutely superb on an Enduro bike with some collected multiple under 21 race wins and championships 1.2 seconds back a split free back in trying to get away from just brings it back in line nicely get back twice in the row here yeah 1.6 back now for Vidal getting a little bit more time quite a lot of time you can still do at the bottom of the this wood section we'll see 14 for the worlds in Leisure last season he's playing with the limit here he really is yeah that's that's very much Antoine Fidel's preferred uh hobby as he comes down to this final jump will we see Vidal through to the finals again here in Lee again crosses the line oh he made a lot of time at the bottom slots in the fourth place so 0.9 back off done that could be all right that could hold up I mean it was 1.6 and on the last section of the wood section he did an incredible job did some good work down there as we see Theo erlingson from South Africa who was throwing some backflips last time I in lanzer heida what can he do big Rider big Talent see a lot of more more and more South Africans yeah none of them as fast as Greg monardo no it's only one go there's only one goat in South Africa and it's on the bike seven seconds back now Earlington hey come on no yeah I mean big dude the motorway section I just saw him through there and it's deceptive looking because it looks like they're chilling all the way through it but you stand beside it you're in practice and take the air out of your lungs to speak it's just the noise of the bike you're not hitting those roots it's it's impressive Dino bike's so quiet now as well compared to what they used to be whenever you were hanging off the back of them yes they don't have a chin slap anymore no they have a little cushion now to avoid that noise you just hear the tires on the ground yeah and there aren't many better noises on that noise either as Earlington down the line that might be all she wrote for him as you see Max hortonster and knifer Cube Factory racing the German such a great Rider and Timmy for his daddy heart it can be only good for you learning for the best yeah learning from Danny hardenstern he's been around the sport for quite a few years he's been on Cube for a long time a lot of prototype stuff going on with that bike including some um yeah Matt some prototype tires for a cube Factory racing this season as well as some little CNC bits and Bobs on the bike top downhill rear spikes being used to develop the stuff that you and I can go out and pedal at the weekends every race great to see second so far format Addison for the YT mob wow why what a whip young Irishman in a hurry unbelievable bikes he can whip both sides no problem usually yeah only one side you're good but he can do both 1.4 back I wonder if that last one just didn't come around in time for a mayor as progress into this wood section slightly o'callaghan I'm so impressed about the speed like around 54-55 into this wood section it's really impressive absolutely huge isn't it that definitely went on some harder compression on those suspension today so we are already quicker than the fastest qualifying time now just hearing from the bottom Riri Cunningham is telling us the course conditions apparently are absolutely perfect we've seen a couple of the Red Bull wind socks just hanging loose so not a breath of wind up there yeah it's backed for during the rain yesterday it's getting faster and faster then put your seat belt on it's going to be a big day so we make for Ms mondraker on track 9 Marcus stukel's team one of the most experienced team bosses in the pits [Music] see what the young kiwi can do well he was quick at split one but it's moved away from him slightly now yeah 1.4 split four you know when you had that sleeve but it means like you're the best of your country ninja good ninja pretty good New Zealand yeah you couldn't throw a stone right now without hitting a fast mountain bike rider yes let's see what meat can do then as he heads down to the Lane six six so that frontless race really tightening up the first five on the same second in the semi-finals here for the man back to the top Jack PSC Jack Piercy from the UK via France common style another meteoric young Talent spent a lot of time riding with Antoine vidala two of them very very close skill set every big every bit as big as the dolls 2.5 backflow kind of similar riding stuff between it Vida and Jack Piercy yeah Percy the two of them have a lot of fun together and just front wheel back wheel it doesn't matter to these boys they just go hard all the time Percy down the line can he pull some time back in the last split to try and get into the finals here Ronan Don's 306 is standing up Jack Piercy slots in an eighth so not a bad run 2.6 back I mean if you think about it 2.6 as well it's not good nothing it's nothing takes me longer to get out of a chair these days Simon Simon Chapel excuse me then for cube Factory racing a very very fast young Rider promising Rider from France Chevrolet it's a fast name isn't it yeah so we are hearing reports from the course that the the wind is picking up but it's behind the Riders on the motorway which is why we're seeing some of them go longer but that will only make it faster as well yeah but that's what you want you prefer to have the the win in the back or but definitely not in the front and definitely not sideways especially of the size of those jumps yeah well this is a mountain sport dealing with these conditions is part of it Simon Chapelle and down to the line 2.6 behind run and done everyone is on the 2.6 so far yes it's really tight rodent duns put a run down here yes fell Atwell and for propane positive just amazing skills yeah one of one of the most skillful writers out there start his own team doing it with a lot of young Greek Riders that's where he lives out there now these days and looked good last week too yeah Phil's looking fast this season yeah capable but he's 3.3 back three back yeah for Atwell another Rider who has been on the scene for some time now and wow that breaking area was so so good and waiting inside the strangest shots you will see off Phil are never both wheels are on the ground as he heads down the lane no Phil Atwell from the UK crosses the line three and a half back eleven enough for 11. enough for eleven so that's the top 10 covered by three and a half seconds we are in the men's semi-final and so we are going to be taking 30 Riders plus any protected Riders outside of that look at this slow motion wow that is the kind of commitment levels it takes to get through that first root section Rune and Don who else love it love it like when they land you see the pressure you know on the tire oh it's so much details there look at the [Music] not even blinking yeah the the bike going exactly where the eyes are looking every little object already well processed and under control before the next bit oh and it's keeping low jump everything but not too high this is produced uh a fantastic video with uh Tommy Caldwell from the UK called dangerous things done safely this is how it is looking at the minute in ruining done for Continental nuclear Factory racing leads the way just ahead of Max Horton's turn Phil at will in 11th Oliver's War 13 Greg Williams in the UK National Champion down to 14 just ahead of Adam Breton Carney Malloy 24th George Branigan up in 21st [Music] going to be a tight battles to be able to go into the final dare I say it a very mature run from roon and Don yes no no exactly what he needed put yourself out the front of the conversation do you think you have more in the back for the final who knows of Ronan it's a very big bag I know that Valentine Chattanooga then leaves the start hop for France us setting up up high like his underwear is quite High Saturday yeah bike set up a really dark art here in Leah gang because whoa pulls up over that little triple on the way out so this is where we are getting reports so there's a Tailwind though so just as that big jump you can see and just getting pushed further down the back of that jump slightly really hard to keep it low here you want to make that backside of the jump just to get you know some extra speed but definitely look at the line then like the main line is so packed it's like concrete it's absolutely build it fast up there we started this weekend talking about how track here and Leah going may just be running the fastest of any mountain bike downhill World Cup track it's back on 3.3 on the split two that was that's before um the motorway yeah and then five after the motorway and then we we got that massive two massive deluges of rain yesterday during the junior race and qualifying it's given us this really shuffled Park here in the semi-final so some Riders from lower down the order having really good conditions yesterday and being right up in amongst the biggest names in the business it just makes it all the more exciting for us and you at home really hard too then it's like on and off on and off and I think today you need to be like consistent in this wood section and increasing your speeds conditions looking perfect in the woods prime prime we saw them actually being really challenging early in the weekend because they were so dry that they were actually crumbly and Dusty whereas up there at the minute looks perfect yeah it's definitely a lot more grip than the beginning of the week and uh it's going to drag quick and that main line is going to be like I say it's like uh yeah concrete almost yeah plenty of speed left up there here in ligang salzburger land the shot May comes down the line 5.6 back on Don now I would love to know what kind of pressure the guys are running compared to yesterday and 12 for suspension set up I know the guy's been working really hard you know yeah Roger Vieira leaves and start hot now the Brazilian spend a lot of time in the UK well funny enough you should ask that Cedric I did do a bit of Pokemon earlier on the team from Fox telling me that the the golden is a bit firmer for the most part so the speed is lower you're hitting things at an awkward angle instead of skipping over it yes and a lot of the lines have opened up so not just as much of a Precision game as we saw yesterday and I think they have to drink a lot of ice speed stuff as well and that's why you see all those bikes with Telemetry on board this is going to help you to set up the bike or at least have the bike balanced the way you want and get focused on your own and study after when the bike is set up you know study the track we're into our top 30 now from quality so a lot of these Riders did get down the track in better conditions and when the rains came yesterday and Cedric and I had to die for cover as a commentary but we filled up the water around us but it was a kind of a little swimming pool yep and here is David capella Rogue racing after school team almost went off track though keeping her on the island there but his teammate palazzara was the fastest qualifier from yesterday he couldn't get physically underneath that stem anymore have he tried trying to generate as much speed down here as possible even not you know like being able to do like the the tech you know like speed you still have to look where you're going you just have your eyes over your handlebar yeah be done 5.5 back into split four it best basically lost time in every section but it's it's it's hard today this is where the uh the semi-final format is really really interesting Cedric because we've got some riders in here who wouldn't be this high up the order normally who do you know what they might just fancy a crack at this one that they might fancy a chance to make their names in front of the fastest teams in the world yes and that's the opportunity with this new format and hard like you know when listen Britney look Bruni is saying like how hard it is to do two perfect run yeah so hard Fernando Juan Munoz from Colombia another Rider who spends a lot of time with iguero one of the absolute Legends of Colombian dynhill sometimes in Wood section had so much for these uh South American Riders such a big trip to come all the way over to Europe to go racing at the highest level here in the UCI Mountain Bike World Series and seeing them right up and amongst it [Music] that corner that last Corner before the last speed section uh exiting that that would that just uh those two corners in the wood it's getting really dry and Dusty already 5.5 seconds back for the Colombian then some blank and salt there and the bike riders bike rider from New Zealand so stylish you have gloves on yeah it must be a regulation maybe different than there's usually reasons he's famous for racing gloveless blank and sop just to get some dust over the hands at the top and cracks on but different federations have different rules all around the world so maybe it is part of the required safety equipment seven seconds back but 54 kilometers an hour not hanging around blankenstop and the senior to move from Blankenship is peddling in here yeah just a great Rider to watch oh yeah just he's a kind of Rider you look at him riding you want to grab your bike and try to do the same he rides a bike the way you think you ride a bike but you don't in your head well you maybe do I know anyway there we go blank and stop down the line then 7.6 seconds back on Rune and Don's time so and he's already 30. upcoming Riders and Dante Silva kid Edwards Suarez Alonso Greg men are himself plenty to cheer on here is Dante Silva from the USA for Canyon collector Factory team oh you see that rock flying on the left really crumbling now that top section it could be pivotal because everything else looks like it's packing down now Canyon Collective I've got a lot of face and fearfulness youngster excuse me doing good on those jumps thing really low but is it paying off 1.3 back so not impossible for Silva from here on down no it's I think this corner Cedric I think and this one come in these two this one the exit of it if you go offline a little bit it's just Dusty and powder those two you lose just one or two kilometers an hour in them you're not making it back and it snowballs down the line for Dante Silva 1.9 back on Don's time eight so far for Dante Silva from the United States yes here we go then kid Edwards from others field in the UK spends his time in North Wales track Factory racing property Rider yeah it's dabble down on the bike is just incredible one of the most likable riders in the pit and one of the most skillful has spent the last two weeks basically Edwards has been off so we could see some Style on the way down here now maybe it's just like the hunter or like a condor signature move concuss himself and Lanza height last year look at that it's lightning as well yeah and no problem for him absolutely no problem just natural bike handling Kate Edwards won the very very best in the world we do here yeah kids alive basically crossed the line of mid-air he made a Martin look at the market well he's left his mark on this track and there is that crash yeah front end cried no more but he was hitting that turn at some piece Kate Edwards crosses the line one of the very best I've spent the last two weeks Wheeling about on an electric shopping bike dismantling it from the saddle okay can this man Kim keep the pilot together today there he goes Suarez Alonso then the Spaniard riding for Uno racing we just needed to make it happen yeah he's going to the bottom he's been on the cost for so long now such raw natural speed Suarez Alonso had a really promising first half of the recently again start the year it's done it's nine something went wrong something has gone wrong for the 26 year old up there wood section yeah I ended up 27th last time right Alonso down the line be disappointed with that one just trying to see if I can see dirt on them oh we might see it here jumps into the woods all right we go off truck yeah it went off there we go on the bridge the same as an apparent to Greg minor yesterday but he just the tree we see on camera that's why Greg Mina went yeah bike just let him go on him there but here there we go here's aforementioned goat Then Greg Minar for the Santa Cruz thing to get on track now 42 years young four World Champs titles Free World Cup overall titles oh it looks good drag me now looks there we go there's seven hundreds to the good against rude and done here Greg Minar in the elite man semi-finals making his way down to the line walking Greg stop the clock out oh just getting slightly on that final jump first for Greg takes to the hot seat by at 10 for the second then Minar not protected for this rear suit that looks like it might be enough to get him into the final but Charlie Harden from the UK is on track now it's unbelievable every time he is in danger the goat is shining it's unbelievable yeah disappointing first Ryan but not one but two puncturers in the semi-final and the finals for men are so looking for points to put himself back into that protector category take the pressure off a bit one second off on speed four happens a second back 55 kilometers an hour for Hatton that was a good definitely a good run big smiles from Greg Menards bottom I think he enjoyed that one yeah especially when you're not protected you know yeah well if there's anybody who can handle pressure it's that man Charlie Hatton down the line also not protected what can he do three turns back for a hat and so a good run from him into fourth on the offered machine great team great buy the Rachel's really brought some energy back house Dakota Norton we'll say Andreas called their teammate coming up later on as well but this man's teammate Aaron Gwyn missing in action the national champ of the United States of America Dakota Norton for intense Factory racing on track now and we know he's dangerous we all know that and he showed many times he probably as well give so much pressure to Aaron green to exit at the end of the season and pick his best too he's got one of the best heads of hair and downhill as well it should be sponsored by shampoo superb man on the man but oh oh and you can see just slid there and it looks yeah he lost time yeah a little bit and he was pretty much in contact did really great bottom part of the wood section edging towards the 57 kilometer in our Mark Knight Dakota Norton comes down the line yeah it's four two tens back so it's only good enough for four he used his hands back and it's only good enough for four that it's a big fight to enter to the final and that's how it's supposed to be now coming freaking fast the fake names like we're in a pocket off them Laurie Greenland for the Santa Cruz Syndicate teammates seminar on that new look Santa Cruz V10 one of the most successful race packages in the history of the support the Santa Cruz tend to get one of the most successful teams in the history of the sport that was good there Greenland is right in touch but ruining done hangs on yes but that way it did a really interesting time there like the line sorry we'll see if it's I lost a little bit of time it was looking good in those two corners we saw really aggressive not breaking too much Laurie Greenland the 25 year old from Bristol in the UK heads down the line now Greenland is a protected Rider so let's see what he stops the clock at he's faster yeah faster yeah I did the amazing into the wood section there the center gecko one two in the semi-finals I have to say Greenland find a team for himself like he's made a home there yeah this man though one after talented French guy one of the most talented French guys and that is a big big statement former French national champion on the motorway section and to me this is looking fast and I love the way he is using his upper body his legs his arms everything and it is faster he's a protected Rider on he's nine tenths of a second to the good launch nice and tidy through there just this tricky left under then the right-handers bet you out on the start finish trip that was perfectly done from collage over the big Finish Line jumped in cool orange down to the line what is he gonna stop the clock up fastest in the semi-final in Lia gang 1.1 seconds break like you said so in that corner he made it so good in one corner oh maybe two he made up some big time how difficult is it to back that author and just uh just cruise through it but here is Jordan Williams then hold on to your hearts it's time for Eric Jordan yes can you repeat he want to have fun it is having fun we'll see if today he's had a whole week to process that debut Elite win the young man from the southwest of England it's moving away from the 92 seconds back but he is protected he is he is so he will see Williams in the final so a sighting run here from Jordan Williams trying to work out what the conditions are doing what does it equal out the line is going to make any indent until that two second Gap but he is currently back Jordan Williams down the line 2.7 seconds okay this is seven work to be done but maybe a clever run Cedric didn't need to throw it all the wall he's protected yeah true but I mean if you're sinking overall yeah do you think there's some points there there were points on the table available there Loris bergier then what could have been in Lanza High the last time he just landed on the Rook gaps slightly wide and it cost them to win right off the edge of that ramp I always say if firstier can have everything together from in his head and into his run he's a dangerous man in the hill version really I really mixed set of results here but he's 1.32 back as he comes into these last couple of awkward turns I don't know if you see that but he's pushing with his feet like they're doing in skiing really like pushing and this is working yeah bergier protected as well after that second place last time it comes down the line secondly just unbelievable France one two currently in the elite men's semi-final so much skills from versier foreign [Music] nine seven nine the splits don't lie Bruni I just think Cedric he'll want to make a point here yes Williams got all the headlines last week I think Bruni would like to re-establish himself as the man everyone's talking about he's uh he wanted to say today I am the number one in my team I am the boss the world champion then heads down the line and Elite men's semi-final what is he gonna stop the clock with he's a second quicker than coolange has anybody got an answer for Lloyd Bruni here and Leah gang looks down the back of the bike he's too hard to change the chain look at the chain looks like it's yeah attention somewhere yeah look like uh maybe the cassette um the hubs but whatever I will go and investigate this man then we saw him earlier on the broadcast riding our GoPro course preview Jackson ghoulston pretty much in touch in this way he's shining here in the wood section wait Steep and Technical ghost in the last of this little group of protected Riders now oh what a style whoa you see that yeah just just to open that corner oh turn one corner into two corners to spread the break in and has it worked for goals tonight is he gonna go fastest Golson in the semi-finals What's it gonna be one two three oh crosses the line Goldstone second second place so Rooney's time on a bike that looks like in a cried enough so tight of a racing fastest okay and great run for I mean godstone yeah Lucas show then for the canyon Collective Factory team as the big names continue to come thick and fast here in the semi-finals oh the line not sending here that's getting faster and faster we are attempting to turn a field of 60 off the fastest man in the world into 30 plus whatever protected Riders alright slide out for the finals later on this afternoon Lucas short very much in touch as well yes he is good he's shining it is finding a team for himself too he's feeling comfortable you have he's happy one of the most relaxed dudes in the best Lucas show always smiling always happy chill though it doesn't come into it what can he do today great talent as well Luca Luca Shaw cross the line then half a second back on Bruni that's good from sure yeah it's a third so far only half a second back are we talking about details there skill minuscule details and here is a man with the weight of a team on his shoulders coming style muck off by writing addiction not having the start to the season they would have hoped Tebow diprella would love to give them a win today it's not too bad pretty much in Dutch and he's able oh lost a little bit more but they're missing Miriam Nicole and that pet as well Hugo Marini anti budaprella fly on the flag yeah I need to get to that rhythm again get confident again 1.3 on speed four he lost some time on the wood section the 21 year old one World Cup when do his name Leger 2021 after he nearly bit his own tongue off in a crash and he was still racing he's still racing made of some tough tough stuff but 1.3 seconds behind Bruno in the elite men's semi-final enough for six so far 1.3 off yeah not protected so that's a good marker for him yes BK then Bernard Carr leaves the start on that prototype pivot bike yes look at the dirt it's getting really really tacky now 55 kilometer two second 2.5 on split three two eight on split two one the busiest man in a mountain bike and then the Wheeler Dealer himself a lot of time he's lost time 4.4 seconds back now Kerr not protected either so he could do it getting the wriggle on here tight yeah another guy we have a lot of hats on like team manager everything that guy can do everything they told us last time 15 16 people working in that pivot Factory racing team at the minute so he said the actual bike race in bits of bit he gets to relax and enjoy himself phone occurs are going to be enough today 4.6 back for Bernard that puts him on the tour 20th one twists so burn occurs fit for this final really hanging in what those Riders who made their way into the Big Show yesterday we'll get well there's a man getting the shot look the Slumber yeah we're not going to see anything from this shot I don't think that's quite far up but you can see this the chain slapping that you see how much you see it they have rubber on the bottom of the swing arm just for the chain to don't slap and make big noise look at pruning oh look at the back wheel looking for the grit like Bruni absolutely just pitch perfect you imagine the forces traveling through that bike and that upper body just stays planted the eyes stay focused on the next thing classic style from Bruce yeah two or three meters ahead looking where he's going oh landing on the uh the bottom of that stump classic Bruno jumping these little details everywhere on track that we saw him last time out in lanzer Hider he landed a triple just slightly lit and he thinks it cost him the win so he got bucked a little bit then couldn't exit the speed that this corner was not what he wanted he's happy and when you see that smile dangerous oh he's happy you know yeah a happy bruni's a dangerous Bruni yes yes and when you get that confidence in here we go then Bruni leads away from Jackson ghoulston from Lucas Shaw from Benoit coulon to Laura's version in this Elite men's semi-final it's already so fast Jordan Williams the 16th yes Bernard car in 20th Chapel a Piercy Braden at will biscuits swar Williamson and Britain all making a claim to get through to the final here are the final 10 then Danny Hart gets us underway with Levesque Brosnan Cole biles ravelli Carson Queen Walker and palazzari one of the biggest days coming up for that Italian so much pressure for sure when you not used you know to to go last well Welcome to our coverage of the elite men's semi-final here from a sunny Lea again some people enjoying a spritz and absolutely why not when you've got the world's best Elite men's downhill Talons about to drop in at the top so Ward from the bottom is Jordan Williams saying it's difficult to gauge just High fast to go uh give you the light perfect for cloudy conditions yes no dapple light so Leah gang after a disaster on the weather front yesterday it's putting on a show for us today and this man knows all about putting on a show Danny Hart two-time UCI world champion look how precise he is his with his line yeah on those prototypes the cube team excuse me running this weekend Danny Hart 1.6 back though but we know if anyone can make time in the trees it is Danny Hart look incredible you know when you can aim those you know those lines and do it and it look like it's easy almost when you see daddy out daddy hard doing it the red car rocket owns his own bike park 1.6 some split two though and hamsterly in the UK 1.6 back but as soon as we see trees come in the equation we know that Daddy Hart has got time to play with yeah you can open his bag of tricks and get some uh tenths of a second here or there and quickly be back in contention not boosting across to that wall right yet we haven't seen that today just yet look at the Bike Works sideways easy sets himself perfectly over that bridge [Music] that's normally where Daniel art is dangerous those wood section timing Precision oh base 2.6 back that rot really forming yeah in that right-hander now by the end of the you know this race is going to be just a log it's just a log will be at the bottom yeah this truck and Lee are going running absolutely superbly but Danny Hart moving backwards losing more and more Diamond 3.4 is not usual for the art heart not protected after a disappointed Lancer hide and so you see that the marks in the back of his choices there from where he's been kicked by that back wheel oh like pretty wide here white line yeah sprinting everything he can is Danny Hart what is the clock gonna say for the 31 year old 4.4 back for Danny he died like top 20. in the 20th position so again his fit May yet hang on what the Riders further down this order are gonna do here is Dylan Levesque then be careful on this guy I'm really liking that new Scott downhill Factory kit the blue black and white yeah it looks good in colors and uh oh so strong slight Tailwind there yes the winds look at the Speedy accelerated in that corner with yeah 1.5 back on split two so the elite man semi-final plenty of intrigue after Weller affected running yesterday we are looking to turn 60 Riders into 30 plus protected so much speed into this one ride bike is moving oh nice one elen really far there so strong oh nice one there front line yeah that worked doesn't it yes and it was good you can see I dappled light there into your favorite Corner yes did good though upper line here like next to the tree to open up that next Corner down the last four France then it was 1.2 he's two now on split four [Music] [Applause] really hard to control the bike here it's steep 26 years of age best result last season was at top 10 and monster and down if you get a top 10 a month in Dan oh you pretty much guess yeah I pulled him anywhere else in the world isn't it so the best the last awkward Corners now you know those kind of track like monster you know if you're good there you have skills so the vast going over the line 2.3 seconds back off the Pierce inside the top ten yep happy with that yeah no no it's good and he's happy you can see his head he's not shaking and it's annoying good run I told you this last week it's all about the white shoes yeah yeah they told me maybe I choose great again and you say white socks too no no yeah just the shoes sorry Troy Brosnan then one of the best to ever do when the most consistent mountain bike racers of all time on the most consistent competitive cyclists of all time actually Troy brosn from Australia on track for the canyon Collective Now at every track in the world is in the mix yep unbelievable so a protected Rider going along there I just wonder if that wind is picking up that Tailwind on the motorway section [Music] why look good to me yep he's in the green lost some time on split three bites nothing the 29 year old we saw him racing Enduro and Tasmania back at the start of the Year said he loved it and said effortless effortless when he's riding two Junior World Championships to his title five times an Aussie National Champion more wins at Fred bone than you've probably got mugs in your kitchen cupboard Troy brosn he said that he was going to hang around downhill until he had an overall title and a elite world champions title so he he sort of laughed and said you might be seeing a lot more of me yes and we won't oh my God way inside and it is in Dutch yeah oh way inside in that line brosnin always capable of a better race day Magic or unbelievable effortless when we see him riding everything looks easy but he still has time for style as well yeah he still has time to just slip the back end out now and again and I think he's born it was a style yeah definitely Troy Brosnan then heads down towards the line what can he do 158 beats per minute that's good to see 150 hits yeah three tenths of a second back Brosnan in the second place behind Bruni likes it he's happy likes that one here we go then the European Continental Champion Andreas called Andy as he likes to be known we chat to him earlier in the week and he was he was actually really happy with that display and lanzer Heidel last time he just he said it wasn't for that crash in the finals he knew that the speed was there he knew the form was there yeah he doesn't have to push things yeah you know he got the benefit out of it and he knew his speed was there of course it's racing it part a crash a part of the game but you know you have to speed and it's good for his head 26 year old for Continental African sometime we interviewed him in the the spa in the hotel actually and all the staff had to come out to get their photo with him because he's such a big deal here in Austria of course he is from schladming originally a very different bag of chips and schladman compared to this place but sending it into the woods still cold cracks on 1.2 back he is protected strong men too you can see he's a big man he's a big old unit yes much like ourselves Cedric yeah of course fine physical shape oh good line here on the outside cold can just carry speed yeah but he's 1.7 back is a lot more round two into the corners compared to Brosnan Brosnan boy was way in one of them was inch perfect through that wood section wasn't he so maybe there is time up there a little bit like gloric as well they find some lines you know so you both Troy and Luke they are such thinkers as well they will be studying what other people have done they will have people watching this letting them know there might be time here there might be time there but teamwork tick work from the team here we go cold down over the line in 1.6 back unlike Bruni called it Place absolutely nothing in it at the front of this race and it is about to get interesting because Finn Isles is on track for specialized gravity the last of the three specialized gravity Riders who took three spots on that top five last time out in Switzerland he's dangerous confident even more you get the feeling as well that Finn would like to fire back aflat win from Jordan wouldn't he yeah true true but it's it's good for Finn he's doing his homework he's doing with Kevin is mechanic what you know that they don't try to look what other people are doing they have their own game on that prototype specialized machine with the 3D printed logs that allow him to just play with the geometry on it a bit easier it's paying off yeah Isles is on one here oh look at moose is that 55 kilometers an hour everything is happening under his feet look the bike working pushing the bike into the ground generating speed really low in the front you see send the bar really low that's the way you like it such a strong Rider aisles can hold himself up with that low bar set up there didn't seem to slow him down too much though one second yeah it's shaking Miss because he's going fast Isles is protected the best in the world here they're right the creams right into the top oh looking good in that corner One World Cup win to his name at his home run the monster down last time he'd like to add to that as he comes down the line It's Finn Isles gonna go fastest in the semi-final here beautiful whip over the line brings it back in Cross of the line Finn Isles no it goes fastest in the semi-final almost a second on Lloyd Bruni wow you see early in the cranks like after the corner around that tree he was on the crank so early I think we should just dedicate a live camera to Lloyd bruni's facial expressions I'd love to see his face after that one oh but in the future we probably be able to Laura's River Valley then for Italy for the canyon Collective for early team one lose Riders who got that magic window in amongst the monsoons of yesterday's qualifying session we've seen him race just about every model of bike Canyon make he's done some good work on the e-bike for the Ian Duro races the nose are all around great Rider yeah just a complete package of value be interesting to see what he can do today 2.3 seconds back at the second split then so 55.6 kilometers an hour through the speed trap look how much speed they're entering into that long right corner so if you are joining us now towards the sharp end of this one we did have a looter in yesterday that meant that the last four or five riders for the maybe the exception Mark Walker were really they got the best of the track conditions and that's all to play for is ravelli jumps to the right hand side of the track they're on the big stage why not why not have a crack and see if you can mix up with the world's best in Elite men's finals heading your way just later on this afternoon five on split four [Music] only a gang today but raveli right and superbly you'd have to say barely a foot wrong so far the front end Black Canyon just sliding wide there in the rock you know he's trying it's raining hard and that's what you have to do today keep everything you have ravelli then for Italy down the line where is he gonna stack up five seconds back into 23rd so so might work yeah it might work I've got some for Flaws Scott Daniel Factory team terrific mustache tournament uh little graphic as well yes gosh I'm what can he do today another Rider got the best of the conditions yesterday it has just got a good bit brighter here at the Finish area so I wonder if the dappled light in those lower Woods will return something a lot of the race was talking about struggling with just hard to spot your lines whenever there's shafts of bright light coming into the otherwise dark woods and they fall here you know so much pressure from you know those guys starting back you know like the last you know the last The Last Riders you can just see there's a triple quadruple I think it's double double I think you can make the whole thing Garson just getting it nicely but he's five nine seconds back five seconds back heading down into this wood section roared on by the crowd they know this is a big day for him as well attacking try to Dollar I think you've got to set up so wide for that right hander now he didn't go too high here he didn't open the line because he took another line here [Music] that's a tree just behind the other three kept the feet on the pedals though kept it moving but that yeah just as I say that yeah you know it's it's hard as well when you make a mistake like this it's so hard to come back into your A-game and you start to make more mistakes and that's where we see the super computers of the brunies and the problems can just process all that information so quickly and come up with answers that's awesome 10 seconds now back expensive billing 10 seconds yeah as he comes down to the Finish Line jump now it wasn't going his way but those woods finished it off lovely big whip overnight and sure look if it was easy everyone would be doing it 57 14s 14 seconds back shakes the head not happy [Music] another french guy Young then leaves the star hot a lot of friends guys this Motorway you think you tried to recover but you have to be so good in timing then it's a lot of pressure as well you know you want to aim The Perfect Landing and yeah you know you want to breathe you want to save energy but it's so hard 2.2 seconds back so much I think for the moment you have to say currently the fastest Ian and downhill mountain biking doing some fast ones over the years 3.8 on split 3 52k an hour so he's not completely out of touch here no grenade oh yeah that's just you can actually see on camera how hard it is to judge the tournament yeah like big breaking bombs [Music] eyes definitely trying it's a twenty twenty two five now the 2022 Elite French overall title holder won the junior overall in 2019 so he does have some pedigree here Guinea yes four in this tricky Little Rock yeah really off the back of the bike as well over the back axle yeah different style reminiscent of Brandon Fair cloth yeah heads down to the line then a tidy run from Guyana is it gonna be enough 32. oh just outside yeah just but you know what nothing to be ashamed off there a great run it he gave it all and that's what matters today so this is the 2020 overall title winner Matt Walker Madison saracen Factory team one of the best of the current crop of UK Riders at the minute Walker likes going fast in just about any vehicle possible yeah looking good at a Topper part but we'll see what the splits say he'll be up and amongst that I I'm sure Walker is a drone just battles to keep up with him we rejoin them further down through one of these many tunnels and Leah gang on that prototype saracen it's actually custom made to be able to get a Telemetry plumbed into it there's little lugs everywhere all over it again great to see Downhill Racing at the sharp end being used to the fine the bikes that you and I will all be out riding at the weekend will perhaps not as fast as this as Walker and it's on only one line there oh yeah one line you have to go through that big breaking bomb do you know what though I think Brosnan was on Brosnan and Niles were the best we saw through this wood section really yeah it was good it was good it was it going to be more time here oh who is using what is left of knobs on the tire yep doesn't pay for his tires Walker as he heads down now idler wood section and the least tricky combination of turns that will bring him on to the Finish straight then back on the pedals yeah cracking hard as many watts as anyone Mark Walker over the big Finish Line jump just getting blown slightly there crosses the line 2.7 seconds back in the temp safely does it for Matt Walker into the Big Show yes important to make it to the final today oh it's going to be so quick that was good from Walker actually that's exactly what he needed to do and here we are then the fastest qualifier from yesterday palazzari for rogue racing after school team oh that's I was telling you oh that is that is in one demonstration High heartbreaking this sport can be so quick just watch look oh I learned a little bit oh too hot into that right corner yeah spun around it's just a little path too it's not it's not wide there it's just enough for the tire and a little bit more but well proof that you have to be careful on that bit yeah it's so sad because you know he attacked the track like you know he attacked and he attacked just that little bit hard and a little bit too early Davide palazzari oh this is one he's gonna wake up and Rue for a long time there comes 27 year old the 2020 Italian national champ throws a foot off why not the peak of the helmet just hanging on the side uh made with a magnet Fastener so they can come away quickly so it doesn't spin the rider's neck around an event of a crash like that jumps onto the walk does his best to absolutely disintegrate himself on that Joy on that wall ride but gets away with it may as well have fun night palazzari the fastest qualifier at a UCI World Cup he gets to go to the bar and say that every Saturday night from here on out here are the results saying often Elite man semi-final finials takes it by nearly a second from Lloyd Bruni Troy Brosnan just behind him the vast done 14th at the end of the day for Ronan Don Dakota Norton Charlie Hatton or Ricky penny so we make 22nd oh Shino Callahan larger Valley Dante Silva Danny Hart Bernard current 27th makes it through parade in the last of the top 30. Jack Piercy just ahead of him Greg Williamson 35th all action in the semi-finals here today plenty of elite level finals racing coming up next though here from Leah gang Salzburg around the Epic Bike Park to look at the commentary Booth window palazzari crosses the line well you give it everything and everything was just a little too much let's see some of the shots from this one then what has this man got in his pocket fin Isles [Music] foreign [Music] have their names immortalized he would fancy having his up there as well you see again plenty of chain slop completely prototype specialized racing machine [Music] Floyd Bruni crossed the line saying that he couldn't pedal anymore so maybe more in the bag for Bruni but fin Isles squashing that jump with more style and just about anyone else could muster so coming up next one o'clock then the women's Elite final [Applause] well Leah gang run in faster than it was yesterday and if this dry weather keeps up we may well see it at its best come Elite racing and that is what it is all about here second round of the UCI mountain bike downhill World Cup from Leo gang salzburger land don't miss a second this one promises to be an absolute belter of a race the semi-finals were good you wait for the finals [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
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Views: 70,794
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Keywords: downhill semi-final, downhill semi final, round 2, dh racing, uci mtb, uci dhi, uci world series, dh world cup, downhill world cup, watch downhill mtb racing, mens mtb racing, gmbn, global mountain bike network, sports, cycling, mountain biking, mtb, vtt, gmbn racing, mountain bike racing, pro mountain biking, bike racing, racing, live mtb racing, live stream, highlights, uci racing, downhill, dhi, dh, downhill racing, world cup downhill, mtb world cup, ꤒ, ។, ꤕ, ꤎ, 𑢻‎, leogang
Id: wgXnF-6bCWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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